Status: Coming Soon!

The Coroner's Mishap

Maybe Everything Will Be Okay

Shiloh had open the door and looked down the hall of the basement. She saw the lights were flickering and blood was smeared all up and down the walls and the floor. 

She had a backpack of medication, her tools and some food that she left in her personal fridge and on top of it on her pack. 

She looked down to her chest and saw baby hunter was sleepy peacefully. 

She then begin to walk quietly down the hall and saw an emergency ax was right beside her. The glass was already broken so Shiloh didn't have to worry about setting off the alarm. 

Once she had it she rushed over to the stairs and began walking up them slowly. 

Once she reached the first floor, she heard something moving. She turned to find the back door to where her hummer was and ran as fast as she could without waking or harming Baby Hunter.    

When she finally got to the door, a deceased was there, sitting by the door. Shiloh didn't hesitate by bring the ax down on it's skull. Matters of the brain came and soaked her white doctors coat and a little bit of Baby Hunters sleeping arrangement. 

Shiloh pushed the body out of her way and open the door quietly just in case there was a lot more things out there. 

And there was. 

Shiloh quickly thought of a plan to get those many things away from her destination. She went over to the body and ripped open it's chest and took the still healthy heart and chucked it as far as she could out the door for the deceased to fight over. 

Shiloh's plan had worked, but she didn't stop running to her hummer with ax still in hand. A few of the deceased spotted her and came at her. 

Shiloh, still running, had her ax through their heads in no time. 

When she finally got to her hummer, she unlocked it, jumped in to only lock it back. She shoved her backpack into the drivers seat and made sure her sasho for baby Hunter was on better, the baby stirred but not waking up. 

She saw that the many deceased was surrounded her car. She put the keys in the ignition. And backed the hell out of there. She decided it would be best to leave the big city and try to find people in the country to survive. 

Accepting that plan she drove off never looking back.


Shiloh left the city and was now in a line of cars with people outside chatting edifying for the okay to leave. 

Shiloh was still pretty shaken up about this whole deal do she waited in her car not knowing she could trust these people. 

Hunter finally woke up crying from hungary. 

"Shhh... Baby Hunter... Shhh... I'll find you some food soon.. I promise.." Shiloh cooed the little baby. 

But no matter what Shiloh did the baby wouldn't stop crying. 

So Shiloh broke down crying with the baby. 

She thought it was stupid but she hated to see the little guy so upset. 

Shiloh then heard a knocking sound on her drivers' side door. 

She saw a man in a button up cut of shirt in holy jeans, the 50 year old man in the cap smiled a tooth grin at her and beckoned her to come outside. 

She opened the door and sniffed to the man. 

"What's a lil' lady like ya crying for?" the man asked in a rough but kind voice. 

"I-I it's baby Hunter... He's hungry and I can't give him any food cause I-I I don't have any for him to have."

"What do you mean? Can you like use your ummm chest to ummm feed him?" the man said awkwardly. 

Shiloh laughed quietly at the mans' awkwardness. 

"He's not my baby... He's mother... Lillian died... She was dead set on me taking care of him." Shiloh whispered. 

"Miss, are you all alone on this new world?" 

Shiloh nodded her head. 

"Come over to my truck. There's things I want you to have." the man replied while walking over to a rust brown pick up truck. 

"Oh! By the way, my name is Keith, Keith Young!" smiled the man as he pulled down he's tail gate. 

"Mine is Shiloh, Shiloh MacCabe." replied Shiloh as she tried calming down Hunter. 

"I have a lot of things in her for a baby. You can have them, I have no need for them anymore," Keith looked down at he's shoes.

"I'm sorry... I-I I ----

Keith raised his hand to her and just smiled. "Its alright miss. I'm just glad it can be useful to someone else. And sorry but these things are for a baby girl." Keith looked at her a smiled sheepishly. 

"Thank you so much Keith, I can take what I can get. Shiloh smiled brightly at him. 

He then proceed to hand her a diaper bag filled with food for the baby, some clothes,couple of pacifiers and of courses diapers. He also gave her another box filled with a ton of formulas. He then gave her a baby carrier to put in the hummer for he's seat. 

"Thank you so much Keith! You truly are a kind man." Shiloh hugged Keith without squishing baby Hunter. 

"Your welcome miss, why do you fix something for the baby so I can get some stuff for you to take. 

Shiloh was flabbergasted.  You don't always find a man like Keith to take care of you. 

"What would I do without you?" Shiloh cried of joy. 

Keith laughed and walked over to gather things for Shiloh while she fixed a bottle for baby Hunter. 

While she feed Hunter. Keith put a small tent, three or four blankets, a box of can goods and some clothes for guys that she'll have to wear. 

Keith walked over to her and asked to hold Hunter while she changed into some shorts, and a baggy sweatshirt in the back of her car. 

"Thank you so much, Keith." Shiloh whispered while taking the now sleeping Hunter back. 

She laid him in the carrier and covered him up in a pretty pink blanket. 

"Anything for a pretty lady, although there is one more thing I need to give you."

He walked over to his car and grabbed a shot gun and three case full of bullets and showed it to her. 

"Have you ever used a gun?" 

Shiloh knew how to use a gun to the T, her adoptive dad taught her how to hunt with a gun, bow and knife, her father was a true southern. 

"Yes sir," Shiloh nodded. "My dad taught me and had me growing up on guns."

"Your father was a smart man." 

Shiloh smiled at him while he placed the loaded gun in the back seat of her car and put the extra bullets beside it. 

"I hope you survive this nasty new world, Shiloh." Keith looked at her seriously. "I wish I could have you tag a long... But where I'm going... A lady like you should stay away from."

Shiloh nodded. "I can't thank you enough Keith."

He only smiled at her. "You should get some rest, it's going to be a long day tomorrow. 

Shiloh nodded while having a hold on Hunters' carrier and walked to her Hummer, she placed Hunter in the ground so she could shove the seats in the back to where she could lay down. She hopped in and locked all the doors with her keys. Sh placed the sleeping baby beside her and made a pilot for get to sleep on.

She closed her eyes and waited for the dreams to take over.  
♠ ♠ ♠
Well.. Some of you maybe wondering why the group hasn't shown up yet... We'll that's because I want you guys to see what breaks Shiloh and what makes her who she is before I introduce her to the group. Some people want Daryl to be the love interest, with that being said, Daryl is going to be Shiloh's black knight. :)

- Comment Please. :)