Between Fake Smiles.

Chapter 1.

“Are sending me to Boarding School because I like boys and I cannot make you grandchildren?” Josh Franceschi whined from the back seat of the car, his parents in the front seats tried hard not to laugh.

“Oh course not, We have Elissa for that” His mum chirped, Josh looked over to his older sister sat beside him who looked utterly horrified of what their Mum just said. It looked more like a family outing, not a we-have-to-send-our-son-to-boarding-school-in-America-and-we're-doing-it-as-a-family trip.

They pulled up to the airport, and Josh thought about refusing to get out of the car before deciding it was three of them, against one of him, and he wasn't the strongest sixteen year old ever.
He followed them into the airport, dragging his feet – trying not to walk so fast. “Cheer up Josh. Your not the only British kid there” His dad said, he didn't reply, he just carried on sulking. “His names Daniel Fli-”

“He already sounds like a dick” Josh snapped, his mum span round and gave him a glare that told him to mind his language, but he ignored it.

“He's just going to have too many boys to choose from” Elissa teased from behind him.

“Fuck off Lis” He muttered.

“Josh James Alphonse Franceschi – Mind your language” His mum shouted, not even looking this time, so he took the opportunity and flipped her off. He liked his parents, he really did, he usually did, but they were sending him to America, for no reason. At all.

Once they hugged, and left him at Check In, he wondered if he could do a runner, but that seemed pretty impossible, so he went along with the order of the things, and forced himself to get on the plane, no turning back – unless the plane crashed, or came apart in a Final Destination way, and he died – obviously.

The ride was boring, and the food was terrible. He wanted to swear at every attendant that asked 'are you okay' did he look it? No.

He ran off the plane, and grabbed his suitcase, there was even less chance of him doing a runner in America, he'd probably get arrested, or run over in a matter of minutes.

He looked along the line of people holding signs, and found one that read 'Franceschi' he walked up to the old man who was holding it, and was accompanied by a boy around Josh's age.

“Hey” Josh muttered under his breath. They both stared at him.

“Your Josh Franceschi?” The old guy said, Josh nodded and the older guy looked at the younger guy, they both shrugged, before the younger guy turned to Josh and smiled, looking him up and down.

“You'll fit right in, Dan Flint by the way” He said, this was the British boy his parents were talking about Josh thought, Josh returned a kinda fake smile before following them out to the taxi that was waiting for them outside the airport.

“Okay, so. In our dorm. There's you and me, along with Derek – who's like, really weird, but really clever at the same time. Good for homework. Then there's John and Pat who are like, inseparable – they're best friends, John is really good looking, and Pat looks like a girl from'll see what I mean” Dan explained as they drove along, the comment 'John is really good looking' made Josh automatically take a second look at Dan.

“Then in the dorm next to us, there's Ryan, who's kinda like Derek – but quieter, he talks to Brendon a lot who's probably the most dramatic out of all of us, then Jordan, Mike and Rob – they're cool, they all knew each other before the school, and most of the time they talk about this girl called Taylor, or Tay, or Tay Jay – I don't know” Dan was getting out of breath at this point, and Josh was just watching him closely.

Dan just went on for the rest of the journey, which thankfully, wasn't long.
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Oh, Hi.