Daddy's Home

Chapter Eleven

My mom smiled warmly at the two of us. She stood in the kitchen and she was about to start dinner.
“Why were you guys out there if it was raining? You guys are silly.” She smiled as she cut the tops off some carrots.
“So, mom…” I started, held in my tears and continued. “Was he better than dad?” I slowly got out my mouth
“What?” Her eyes were wide open and her mouth hung low.
“Was he better than dad? You know? Condom and all?” I didn’t want to say it so flatly but, I had to. I was so angry and so sad. I needed her to know how I felt.
“Sarah…” She put down the knife and started towards me. I stepped back instantly.
“Sarah, I just, I can’t do this anymore. Your dad being gone…”
“Then divorce him first. He deserves that respect.” Wet trails were falling down my cheeks.
“It’s not that simple Sarah.”
“But, it really is. You could’ve just told him. But, no. You had to go and cheat on him. He would never do that to you and this is how you repay him. Cheating.”
“Welll, what do you want me to do?”
“Tell him. I’ve lost all respect for you mom. Go ahead and ruin the family more than it already has been. Do you want to be the one to call Josie and tell her, or would you like to do the honours?”
“Fine, Ill do it.” I grabbed Adam’s hand
And climbed up the stairs and I could hear my mom start to cry. I didn’t know what to do. Was there anything I could do? I got into my bedroom and slammed the door after Adam came in. I slumped on the locked door and started to sob. My mind wandered to my dad, walking around with a gun, cocked and loaded. I thought of him getting shot at but, the thing that would actually kill him would be finding about my mom’s infidelity. Then I heard my front door slam and my mom’s car start and pull out of the driveway.
“What have I done?” I whispered to myself. Adam then was sitting next to me on the hardwood and his arm was around me and I cried.
I tip toed down the stairs to look out the front window to see if my mom had come back. There was no sign of her so I went to my kitchen and grabbed some raspberries and a box of cereal and 2 bowls and milk. I carried it up to my room and I almost stumbled on the last stair. I looked at the clock and I only then noticed the lateness. It was close to midnight and my mom still wasn’t back. She was probably with her friend…
“Sarah, are you okay?” Adam asked me after taking his first bite.
“No. But, I’ll live. I think.” I sighed.
“Tomorrow I promised my mom I’d visit her. I don’t want to leave you alone though…”
“Don’t worry about it. I’ll be okay.”
“Do you want to come with me?” He looked quite solemn thinking about seeing his mom. She was dying and he had only seen her four times since he’d been here.
“Of course.” I smiled. I leaned into him slightly and he wrapped his arm around me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sry for the wait. :'( I made a character page. Yeah. Comment, my lovlies!