Daddy's Home

Chapter Twelve

That following afternoon, I walked hand in hand with my Sarah and I slowly approached the hospital. I squeezed a little tighter to her hand as we got closer and closer. The door swung open and I silently sighed. I never did like hospitals….
I thought about when I was little. I remembered my mom and I driving to my very first football practice and she always told me that I was going to do fine at whatever I tried. She also told me that day that my grandmother had died from cancer the previous evening. Then after a tear or two fell from my eyes she simply said: “There’s no need to worry about any of us getting it. The percentage of us getting it quite low Adam.”
“What floor, Adam?” Sarah asked pulling me from my trance.
“Umm, 7.” I watched her press the button and I preceded with my thoughts. When I was little my mom also always hated hospitals. She never went to the doctors. Ever. When she had a giant spider bite on her neck. She waited until it went away on its own. No matter how inflamed it became. She also wouldn’t let me go to the doctor because that entailed her to go to the office. My dad had to take me. But he couldn’t when he was gone.
“Adam, let’s go.” Sarah grabbed my hand and we slowly made our way to my mom’s hospital room. I wanted to cry so badly but, I help it in well.
“Adam.” I heard my mom’s voice and I noticed a lack of Sarah’s hand and I saw her standing beside the door and she beckoned me into the room. She slid down the wall and sat down and I walked in. “Adam honey.” My mom smiled and hugged me as soon as she could. I kissed her cheek and sat down next to her.
“How are you mom?” I was shaking. I don’t know why I was so nervous and incredibly awkward today.
“As good as I’ve felt in days. I’ve missed you.” She smiled slightly and continued “What have you been up to? “
“Not much. I met someone. Yeah, I brought her here today. Well, actually I guess you’re going to meet Sarah.”
“Sarah? As in Sarah, Sarah? The one you’re living with?” She asked with wide eyes.
“Umm, yeah.” I looked down and I didn’t know my mom’s thoughts and I got nervous right off the bat.
“That’s absolutely…” she paused “amazing.”
“Yeah. It is.” I kinda blurted out. “We’re there for each other. We relate. More than you could know.” I smiled thinking of Sarah.
“You said she was here?” My mom asked.
“She’s sitting right outside of the door actually.”
“Please bring her in.” Her eyes full of love and her smile full of excitement, I went to the door and tapped Sarah who was listening to music and I grabbed her hand and brought her in. She was just so beautiful and she made the hospital room full of light.
She walked up to my mom and smiled. “Good Morning, Mrs. Scott.”
“Will you take care of my son when I’m gone?” My mom asked quietly. Tears silently fell from my eyes as I sat down on the chair and I cried. Sarah helped my mom up and she came over to me and hugged me.
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im so sorry for the late chapter/short chapter.
Im writing the next chap now so i can get it out faster :)