Daddy's Home

Chapter Two

My dad walked up to Josef for the first time today in the airport. He finally got to se his grandson. The last time Josie cried was when my dad left. I hadn’t seen her cry until that day.
After some hugs and kisses my dad started to introduce us to some of his squad.
There was a Mike and a Jeff and a Shelly. The one that mattered was the 2 people that were staying in our guest house. His name was George and his son was named Adam.
“Well, Georgey, this if the fam. This is Josie and her husband Bryan and their son Josef. This is my wife Rebecca and my daughter Sarah.” My dad pointed to each of us as he said our name. My mom told me that George’s wife was in the hospital here right now but, they live in Nevada… which is one state over. She was apparently staying with her sister when she fell extremely ill.
“Nice you meet all of you. I’m George and this is my son Adam.” Adam smiled and awkwardly crossed his legs. He was cute. He was tall and had jet black hair. He wore a Nirvana shirt and black jeans and converse.
Then we all ended up waiting at baggage to get the rest of the bags the two men needed. Im the Suburban that my mo drove, we all packed it full with George’s and my dad’s bags. Each one had their names written on them. My dad’s said Dan Quirke. I smiled at seeing his name. After piling in my dad was in the front seat with my dad and I sat next to Adam and George. This was going to be an awkward car ride. I pulled out my ipod and blared Secondhand Serenade in my ears again. I looked over to see Adam doing the same thing.
I could hear the adults talking about plans for going back and I felt the back of my throat crunch up and my eyes get watery. I quickly put in my other ear bud and pushed my mind to be completely developed into the music.
An Hour later we ended up at out beach house in Bodega Bay, CA. I slowly got out of the Suburban and crawled out into the salty wind I was so used to. I looked over to see my dad, he looked so out of place in our house. I hadn’t seen him there in so long. He was foreign being there. Nothing resembled him there. It was weird.
“Sarah, Will you show Adam and George to the guest house?” My dad asked from the front door of the house.
“Sure.” I set down the bag that I grabbed for him and jumped over the flower bed to the trail that led behind the house a little while to a small little cottage. “The key is under the mat.” I mumbled to the two of them. I quickly turned on my heel. “Oh! And umm, dinner’s at 6:30. I don’t think there’s any food so, ill make sure there two more plates.” I smiled and walked back to the wooden house. The screen door creaked as I swung it open and I could hear my mom and dad’s voices in the kitchen.
“Are you really going to break your daughter’s heart like that? And go back?” I heard my mom whisper angrily.
“You’re saying that like I want to! I don’t have a choice anymore!’ I heard my dad shoot back.
Not wanting to hear more, I crept up to my room and got on Gmail. My best friend, Melissa, was on.
M: Hey you!
S: Hey.
M: How is ur dad??
S: Ok. Do u wanna come ova for din din?
M: Sure! Ill be over in 10!

“Mom! Melissa’s coming over for dinner!” I screamed down the stairs.
“Okay!” I heard from the kitchen. I looked at the clock. It said 4:23. That means I have time to write some of my story and write in my diary. I sat down at my computer and got on Mibba and started to draft out another chapter of my story, Moonlight Conspiracy. I loved writing that story, but no one ever read anything of mine.
By the time Melissa got here I could hear my dad from downstairs welcoming her and saying how much she’s grown up. I smiled at the thought of a young Melissa. We had been best friends ever since 6th grade. Gosh, I loved that girl.
“Sarah?” She knocked on my door I slid on the hardwood floor, in my desk chair and unlocked the door.
“Hey!” I smiled and hugged her. She quickly sat down in my bed, that was surrounded by curtains. “The boys staying in my cottage is so cute!” I sighed and leaned back in my chair.
“Ugh! I’m so jealous! I can’t believe your dad is home! I haven’t seen him in so long. I’ve gotten so used to him not being here. Its just… weird.” She said all in one breath. Man, that girl could talk.
“I know. Seeing him is just kind of insane. This morning my mom told me to stay away from him tonight… he needs to relax and adjust. I understand but, I just wish I could be down there with him.”
“I know… its better for him though.”
“Yeah I know. I can’t get connected either.” I sighed and looked down at my fingernails.
“Wait what?” Mellissa leaned in and blinked.
“I heard my mom say he was going back and that it was going to break my heart.”
“Sarah. Im so sorry.” She got up and wrapped her arms around me.
“Its okay. I’ve gotten so used to him being gone… It’ll just be… normal.”
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