Daddy's Home

Chapter Nine

I slowly sat down on the dune that I always sat on. I could feel my makeup drip down my face. I was already soaked. I laid down and closed my eyes. That girls shirt was off and his close too. I didn’t know what to think but, all I knew what that I didn’t want to even see that bastard right now...
“Sarah.” My eyes jerked open at the sound of that voice and I groaned.
“Get the fuck away from me.” I almost yelled. I sat up and looked toward the direction the voice came from. And there he was. His shirt buttoned up completely and he was soaked.
“Please just listen to—” He tried to talk.
“Adam. Stay. Away. From. Me.” I stood up and plodded past him and he grabbed my hand. He pulled me close and tried to kiss me. I pushed him away.
“Adam. What the fuck is wrong with you? I’m not kissing those lips. With all that slut spit on them. I don’t want whatever she had. Just stay the fuck away from me.” Then I jogged to the stairs that led to my house. I ran up them and up the flight that led to my room. I slammed the door and locked it. Then I went to the bathroom, turned on the shower and stripped down and took the longest shower I’ve ever taken in my life. Tears falling down my face the whole time.
I turned off the water, put on my underwear and a giant sports tee and sat on my bed. I looked at the clock and it said it was only four. My mom wasn’t gunna be home for a few more hours.
I sat at my desk, brushed my long blonde and black hair and then I heard a knock on my door and a soft Sarah following it.
I got up and opened the door. He smiled when he saw me, looked me up and down and I slammed the door in his face. Seriously. That was not the time to do that.
“Sarah, C’mon im really sorry. Please, just talk to me!” He yelled through the door. I opened it again and he looked me right in the eyes.
“What?” I crossed my arms on my chest.
“Today... with Tori. I just, I know it was fucked up and I really wish I didn’t do it. I like you too much and to be honest I think I love you. I just… I needed to be.... I just. Please don’t let this ruin everything. I love you too much to let you go Sarah.” He stepped closer to me. “You mean the world to me and I can’t stand the thought of losing you.” His nose touched mine.
“Adam. Please, just give me some time.” I stepped back. “Can you please just tell me why. Why everything happened the way it did today?” I stepped aside from the door let him in, closed the door and sat down on the bed. He followed and sat next to me and sighed.
“When you told me that you didn’t know, it honestly made me feel horrible and I wanted to—needed to prove to myself that it wasn’t me. I felt terrible just making out with her but, she was at the café I was at with Mike... it just, it worked itself out.”
“Adam, I know you aren’t being honest.” I saw it in his eyes and I knew I wasn’t getting the whole truth.
“Okay, I was devastated when you didn’t give me an answer and I just, I really needed something to happen because that actually really hurt me. I don’t know why but it wasn’t you. It was all me. And when I saw Tori, she was totally flirting with me and I thought maybe it would make me feel better.” He trailed off and fiddled with his fingers.
“But, did you even think of how that would’ve affected me if I were to have said yes? I would’ve known you made out with a girl that you didn’t even care about before you went out with me. That would’ve killed me. And I don’t think I could’ve continued the relationship.”
“I would’ve told you. I wouldn’t have kept it from you. Im not a total prick and I hope you know that. Because I’m not. Yeah, that was really stupid of me. But, look im trying to fix it. That’s how much you mean to me. I want to be with you. Not her. Just please. Don’t let this fuck everything up. Im so sorry. You don’t even realize”
“Adam. I really like you and today I was actually coming home early to come and tell you that. What would you being doing in my position right now?”
“I would kiss me and give me a chance. Because if you like me and I like you too and im not going anywhere.”
He was right. I really liked him and I still wanted to go out with him. But, just so much was going on. Then I heard voices downstairs. It was my mom. I got up and listened at the door.
“I don’t think they’re home. So we’re good for a while. Oh. They’re at the beach. The back door’s open. So, we’ve got time.” She was totally trying to seduce someone. And the other voice replied but I couldn’t hear what they said. I heard laughter and then the door to my mom’s room downstairs slam.
“Sarah? What’s wrong?” Adam asked from my bed and when I turned around with tears rolling down my cheeks, he instantly got up and put his arms around me. I cried for a minute. I looked up and him and he smiled a genuine smile and I squeezed him a little and let go. I went to my window, opened it and scaled down my rooftop. The 2 years of sneaking out might’ve helped. I helped Adam by showing him the easiest way.
When I finally felt sand on my toes, we walked to the beach even though it was lightly sprinkling, I didn’t care. I didn’t have anything to care about anymore.
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Hi! Im sorry it takes me so long to update!
but, I love those of you that comment. :)