Status: On indefinite hiatus.

I Vampiri Muoiono.


I batted a bit of black hair out of my eye, impatiently, as I ran down the road. My feet pounded over the tarmac and I cast my eyes frantically over the surroundings, trying to determine what I was going to do next. I looked over my shoulder and continued to run; he was gaining on me! If i didn't figure out what to do soon, I was going to be dead meat. Literally.

A-ha! my heart flipped as I saw a parked 4x4 just metres away from me. That showed me a way to finish off this one.

I took a deep breath and ran straight at the parked vehicle. I reached the front and scrambled up on top of it. Glancing behind me, I saw that I was pretty much backed up against a wall.

The disgusting creature came into view, slowing. He growled and smirked as his hungry yellow eyes watched me like a hawk. He sniffed the air and I could tell he was hungry; luckily for me that meant he'd also be getting stupider. He glared up at me from the ground, licking his lips. His mouth fell open, revealing razor sharp canines; unnaturally long.

"Come and get it, fuck face!" I yelled down at him. He was the type of vampire that responded to simple, brash language. He stopped being cautious and flew into the air, landing quickly on the 4x4. He ran at me and I quickly sidestepped him, causing him to crash headfirst into the wall behind me. He crashed into the deep reddish brown bricks hard, and fell down to the tiny space of floor between the vehicle and the wall. He looked up at me and growled again.

I'd have run about six miles away by now; if this wasn't my job. As it is, it is my job, so I wasn't going to run anywhere. Instead, I moved closer to the Vamp and raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, come on! Except back in the park, you haven't even taken a swing at me yet!" I leant down to look at him, smirking.
"C'mon. You know you want it." I hissed.

The vampire, lusting for blood, tried to leap up out of the gap, but he obviously didn't realise he was already stuck. His body raised two feet in the air, and his left leg stayed behind! The vampire screamed in pain and I grabbed him by the arm to hold him up where he was, and thus also still causing him even more severe pain.

He screamed a long list of unintelligible words at me, and I nodded, calmly. Patronisingly. I pulled his arm up, just a little more, making his scream higher pitched. I placed my face close to his; though not close enough for him to take a bite.

"I hear what you're saying. Really, I do. Life's a bitch. Unfortunately for you, so am I." Constantly keeping eye contact I told him this then without hesitation I pulled a wooden sharpened stake from my pocket and plunged it into his cold, still heart. He instantly exploded silently, leaving behind nothing but a layer of dust.

I yawned, pocketed my stake and jumped off the 4x4. All in a night's work.
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