Status: On indefinite hiatus.

I Vampiri Muoiono.


"You have vampire dust in your hair." I glanced up from my computer as Gerard walked in. He smirked, and ran his fingers through his hair.
"Much. Everything go okay here while I was gone?" He asked. I nodded. "How's Frank settling in?"
"He saw that we were keeping a vamp locked up downstairs and has refused to go down there since."
"Why have you got that there?" Frank walked over. "I thought the whole idea was to kill them?"
"We need to see how they react to certain things, so we keep one alive. I already told you that." I sighed.
"Frank, go and get Owen. I think we could all do with some coffee." Gerard told him.

Ten minutes later, we were all sat around the table. Owen put his arm around me.
"So... is it just you three?" Frank asked.
"No, it's just us four. You're part of the team now, remember?" Owen laughed. I love his laugh, it makes me smile.
"Alright, sorry, I've only been doing this for a few days!"
"Frank, I'm not being funny, but are you scared of the fact we have a vampire downstairs?" Gerard asked him.
"I am not scared! Stop asking me that!"
"He's only checking you still want to work here." I pointed out. Truth be told, we were all a tiny bit skeptical of Frank, and we were having second thoughts about hiring him. It was unfair, really, he hadn't even been out on a proper mission yet.

"What time is it?" Frank asked a little while later. Our conversation had moved away from vampires and onto out 'normal' lives outside of this place.
"Nearly five am." I checked my watch. "We can leave soon." Doing this job, you had to become practically nocturnal yourself. Working at night, sleeping through the day.
"Tell you what," Gerard glanced out of the window. "It'll be light in about ten minutes, why don't you three leave now and I'll lock up?" We didn't have to think twice.
"Thanks, Gerard." I stood up.
"Yeah, we owe you one." Owen grinned.
"What time to we need to be back?" Frank asked as he grabbed his jacket.
"Five pm."
"Cool. I'll see you guys later!" He smiled as he left. The rest of us exchanged a glance.
"Give him a few more days, I suppose." Gerard sighed. "I'll see you two later."
"Bye, Gerard." Owen grabbed my hand, and we went home.
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