Status: On indefinite hiatus.

I Vampiri Muoiono.


I practically had to jog to keep up with Tosh and Owen, somehow it seemed like they were trying to get away from me. I wasn't sure if that was because they wanted to go someplace private together or just because they wanted to get away from me, but I had a few questions I wanted answering before I was going to let them leave me. Also, it was still dark outside... I didn't really want to walk home alone.

"Hey, Tosh! Owen!" I said, catching up.

"Yeah?" Owen asked, one eyebrow raised. Out of the two he looked the more cynical, eyebrow raised, impatient to move on. Tosh looked a bit friendlier, though I suspected she didn't like me that much yet either.

"Nothing, I just... wanted to walk with you." I mumbled.

Owen snorted at me and turned around again, but Tosh smiled at me.

"Where do you live?" She questioned.

"Um.. nowhere, to be honest. I'm staying in a hotel on the outskirts of town." I explained.

"He's a yank, isn't he?" Remarked Owen to Tosh, but in a jokey way. I smiled nervously.

"I was just wondering.." I started, and Owen jumped down my throat. Not literally.

"No way. No fucking way are you staying with us!"

"Us?" quesstioned Toshiko, looking wonderingly at Owen.

"Er... me." Owen muttered, cheeks flushing.

"I wasn't going to ask that, anyway." I informed him defiantly, though I would have quite liked an offer of somewhere proper to stay.

"I just wanted to know a bit more about... well, the job."

"There's not really much to know. There's a lot of things Gerard hasn't told us." Tosh offered.

I nodded.

"Fair enough, but could you tell me why there's only three-four of us?" I asked. It was confusing me, I'd have thought you'd have loads of people working for this kind of thing. I mean, I know it's not exactly the sort of job you get down at the jobcentre, but still.

"Gerard always says that the less people that know about vampires, the better." Tosh explained, as the three of us walked through the steadily lightening streets.

"You don't want anyone telling their mum, their aunty, their goldfish, their postman. It could get out and terrify everyone." Owen pointed out. "We- well, Gerard, has to be selective about who is hired."

"Oh... okay." I said, slowly. It made sense, I guessed.

The other two seemed to have given up on leaving me behind, so the three of us walked through the town, as the sun gradually ascended more and more, casting a beautiful glow over everything in sight.

Owen didn't seem to appreciate the beauty, however, and he scowled at everything we passed, from pigeons to parked cars. He eventually stopped, gave Tosh a quick hug and muttered what might have been a "bye" at me, and went into a block of flats across the street. Tosh watched him go, her eyes never leaving him.

"Well, he's chirpy, isn't he?" I remarked. Tosh chuckled, then shook her head.

"It's complicated. You have to get to know him." She told me, as she went into her own building, a few minutes later. I watched her leave, as the last embers of darkness faded away.

I was living in a city I'd never visited before, working with people who didn't like me, I was running rapidly out of cash, and to top it all off- I didn't think I could find my way back to the hotel. Frank, what have you got yourself into this time?