Status: On indefinite hiatus.

I Vampiri Muoiono.


I let out a sigh as I shut the door to my flat. God, he could be annoying. I mean, I know he's the new kid and all, but he asked stupid questions and refused to accept the most obvious of things. I mean, he got scared because we've got a vampire downstairs - why wouldn't we?! It's our job to catch and destroy them, and to do that we need to know how their minds work. It's not a difficult concept to grasp! Tosh was giving him the benefit of the doubt, I knew that. And Gerard was only slightly less sceptical than I was. My phone started to ring.

"Okay, who decided to call me this early? For all you know I could've been asleep."

"Don't be such a drama queen, Owen. You only got home two minutes ago." I heard Toshiko laugh.

"Oh, hey." I smiled.

"Hi. I was thinking... Frank's not stood outside watching..." She hinted.

"Mmmh?" I knew where she was going.

"Can I come over?"

"Yes!" I mentally kicked myself for sounding so eager.

"Alright, I'll be there in ten minutes." She laughed again.

"Okay, love you."

"Love you too, Owen." We both hung up, and I madly tried to tidy up the flat. I shoved an old takeaway pizza box into the almost full bin, and shoved some dirty dishes into the sink. Being nocturnal thanks you your job doesn't lend much time to cleaning.

Sure enough, ten minutes later my doorbell rang.

"Hello gorgeous." I grinned as I opened it, pulling Tosh into a kiss.

"Hey, Owen." She breathed, and then we kissed again. We came up for air and, grinning, made our way to my bedroom. I gently pulled her glasses off her and put them on the bedside table, and we started to kiss again.
♠ ♠ ♠
Only a very short chapter because I really must log out soon, but you get some Owen/Tosh loving x]
Hope you enjoyed.