Status: On indefinite hiatus.

I Vampiri Muoiono.


I yawned as I descended the stairs to the cells. I don't sleep a lot, partly thanks to my massive caffeine intake. Not only do you have to be nocturnal in this job, you have to be capable of getting sleep whenever you can. Unfortunately I suffer heavily from imsomnia so I only sleep maybe a few hours or so a day. I get by on coffee, cigarettes and adrenaline.

"Alright there love?" I asked the vamp as I entered the room. She was prowling around her small cell, perhaps trying to think of a way to escape. As soon as she saw me, she ran at the glass wall seperating us and started growling and screaming at me. I laughed.

"Believe you me babe, a wrestler turned vampire couldn't break through that. Seriously, we've had a few try."

I sat myself down on a crate that happened to be in the middle of the floor and looked her in the eyes. She kept on growling and spitting. Why hasn't she given up? I wondered. Well, we were keeping this delightful young lady (who had now taken to scratching the glass) to find out how their behaviour changed when in this environment, so I decided it was time to start recording. I pulled my hand held camcorder from my jacket pocket and pressed RECORD. I placed it atop the crate, viewing the cell.

"Sleep well, won't you?" I told the vampire and, smirking, I locked up the building and left.

As I walked home through the early morning streets I thought about Frank. I knew Owen thought that I was nearly as cynical about the new kid as he was, but he was wrong. I chose Frank to work here with the best intentions; i'm usually good at knowing who'll be good for the team. I did choose Tosh and Owen, after all. There was something about Frank that I was just drawn to, I couldn't quite put my finger on it.

However, I was growing concerned. He'd been here three days now and he was increasingly twitchy. I didn't know any more if he was up to the job or not. As I turned a corner, I was hit suddenly with a flood of light. I smiled. I spent many years hiding in the shadows and hating sunlight, now I finally appreciated it's beauty. Ironic though, that we as vampire hunters have the same sort of sleeping pattern as them.

Not only is sunlight beautiful, it can stir things inside your mind up. As the sun rays illuminated my surrounding it illuminated a memory. I remembered being a young child, having recently started school. I took a few days longer than most of the kids to get the hang of writing and reading. I started to freak out, positive I was a failure and that I was going to disappoint everybody. My teacher wasn't all that great either, but one day we had a supply teacher in instead. Panicking, I blurted out that I couldn't write yet when she asked us to write our full names for her.

She smiled and put a piece of fresh paper and a crayon down in front of me.

"But Gerard," she smiled, her eyes sparkling, "you can. You just don't realise it."

By the end of that day I was better at writing than everyone else in my class. I smiled up at the sun, and thanked it silently.
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