Status: On indefinite hiatus.

I Vampiri Muoiono.


I was woken by the sound of Owen's alarm clock, and Owen swearing under his breath.

"Shit, shit, shit. Gerard's gonna kill us." He muttered. I rolled onto my side so that I could see him.

"Owen, what time is it?" I yawned.

"Half five."

"Shit!" I jumped out of the bed and looked for the clothes I'd been wearing last night, pulling the sheet tight around my body as I did so.

"We're half an hour late, we're dead." He sighed as he pulled his t-shirt on. "I didn't hear the alarm the first two times it went off..."

"We're not dead." I countered as I found my clothes.

"Think about it, Tosh. It'll be him and Frank. What if the world's about to end? He can't-"

"Owen, if the world was about to end I think he might have called us." I rolled my eyes.

"Point taken, but he's still not gonna be happy with us."


"Well, look who decided to grace us with their presences!" Gerard called sarcastically as we walked into work.

"Don't be mad, at least we turned up." Owen replied.

"At least nothing happened in the forty-five minutes you two weren't here, otherwise we'd have been screwed."

"Yeah, because god knows Frank wouldn't -"

"Owen!" I glared at him. "Don't be horrible!"

"But I... fine." He rolled his eyes.

"Both of you, my office. Now." Gerard told us as Frank walked over.

"What did I miss?" I heard him mutter as we walked away.