Status: On indefinite hiatus.

I Vampiri Muoiono.


"What did I miss?" I questioned Gerard quietly.

"Nothing." He muttered, shaking his head. I sighed. I was getting really fed up of being treated like the kid around here.

"I'm getting sick of being treated like the kid around here." I complained, and instantly realised I sounded even more like a bratty kid than ever.
Gerard raised one eyebrow at me. I wished I could do that so badly.

"You want to stop being treated like a kid?" He questioned. I didn't reply, I just looked awkwardly at my feet. I'd got myself into even more of a situation than I was in anyway now. He was probably going to give me a long lecture on paying my dues and being mature. Urgh. Okay, I really was a kid.

"Do you want to stop being treated like a kid?" He demanded. I shrugged.

"I guess," I mumbled, feeling stupid.

He looked at me and I lifted my head a little, to meet his gaze. He gave me a hard stare for a few seconds.

"Then come with me." He said assertively, and turned round and walked off. I hurried along behind him, wondering if he was going somewhere we could buy maturity from. Eurgh, that made it sound like we were going to a hooker. Gross.

He was heading through the door to the basement. Oh no... no... not down there... please.

He hurried down the stairs and I followed him, though every bone in my body was telling me not to. Eventually we came through to the cell area. The female vampire was still behind the glass, glaring and spitting. She's been there a long time now though and I have to say, I was surprised she hadn't got tired.

Gerard stepped forward and picked up a handheld video camera from on top of a crate.

"What the-" I gasped,
"Were you recording that thing?"

"Of course." He said, matter-of-factly. "That's what we've got her here for, to find out how long they can last."

"Uhuh." I muttered, uncertainly.

I stared at the vampire, transfixed. I took a few tentative steps towards her and stared. She'd become even more terrifying overnight... well... over day, guess, but that's besides the point. She looked even more inhuman than before, her pupils had expanded greatly and seemed to absorb her entire eyeballs, while she spat and growled at the air.

"What do you think?" Came Gerard's low voice from just behind my ear. I jumped about a mile in the air- I hadn't realised he was so close to me. He still stood behind me, his breath heating my neck.

"Huh?" I questioned, unmoving.
"What do you think of her?"
"She's... she's disgusting." I babbled.
"Really?" I just knew he was smirking.

"Well, how would you feel about taking her out?" He questioned more seriously, shifting a little. I could feel the heat from his body radiating to mine.

Taking her out? For two mad seconds I imagined myself on a date with the vampire, at the cinema- ooh, what shall we see? Interview with a vampire?!- and suddenly I realised what he meant.

"You want me to kill her?" I asked, shocked. I turned my head without thinking about it and ended up nearly catching his mouth with mine. I didn't breathe, and he just looked at me.

"That is what we do." Gerard pointed out. "Owen and Tosh wouldn't be so skeptical of you if you managed a slay."

I bit my lip, nervously. I didn't answer properly, but I felt Gerard push a wooden stake into my hand, and then he walked away. He walked up the stairs and closed the door behind him. I looked at the vampire, who was grinning and slavering away.

It's okay. I told myself. It's okay, she can't hurt me. She's behind glass. Shes behind... oh no.

The glass door seperating me from almost certain death suddenly rose up. You bastards, I thought. They must have opened it from upstairs.

It would have been great if I could stand there all day and think about what my last moments meant to me, but I had no time for that. The Vampire was tied to the wall but it didn't take her long to escape, especially with a happy meal with legs stood in front of her.

She ran at me. For just a second I felt paralysed with fear, but suddenly- something snapped inside of me. No way could I just lay down and let her eat me. Fuck you, i'm not going down without a fight. I thought, and dove out of her way. She crashed into the wall and instantly jumped up again, grinning darkly at me.

She licked her lips, clearly looking forward to the prospect of a good meal. You can forget it, I thought, and ran at her. I threw a few punches, not many of which managed to connect with her. The final one did though, and she staggered back, shocked. She looked directly at me with horrible, piercing yellow eyes and growled. A trickle of blood ran from her nose.

I gripped the wooden stake tightly in my hand, hoping it would give me luck, or courage, or something. She ran at me and knocked me down. I fell to the floor, and though I would love to say I managed to get back up straight away, she climbed on top of me and I found I couldn't move.

Oh god, the first girl that's actually climbed on me in months, and it's a dead one. A dead one who wants to eat me. Typical.

She was murderous, and she was hungry. Thankfully, hungry = stupid. She threw herself down onto me, and just as I felt her razor like teeth connect with my neck, I thrust the stake upwards into her dead heart. She exploded into dust, leaving me coughing and looking a bit stupid.

I pulled myself into a sitting position, and blinked a few times. I looked up at the camera in the corner of the room. I was in no doubt they were all watching me. Normally I'd say something stupid and dorky at this point, but my heart was still racing and the adrenaline was still pumping through me. It told me to say only one thing.

"I Vampiri Muiono."

The Vampires Die.

Finally, I understood. Not only did I understand, I was proud to be a part of this. I had a crazy feeling that I'd finally, finally found somewhere I belonged.
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Thanks for your patience, guys.

Now go comment, you sexy vampire fuckers. :D