Priceless Sensation

Nexus Debuts

Karissa and I are in our own rooms, finishing up with everything and getting our stuff together for the show tonight, since we are competing. After making sure we have everything, we leave and head down to our cars, heading to the arena. We meet up at the doors.


"Heyy." I greet back.

"How was your day?"

"Pretty know typical busy day at the gym and all that, getting ready for the show tonight."

"Yeah. Some media stuff. Just our average day."

"Three hour show tonight. Gonna be a long night."


Then we get to the locker room we share and drop our things off so we can change later. We come out and pause.

"So what do you want to do until the show?"

" is always an option. We got a good what....20 minutes to waste before the show?"


"Catering it is then."

We start walking towards catering, talking. When we get there, it's not really all that crowded, just a few people here and there.

"Yeah well that's 'cause it's close to showtime."


"By the way, love your necklace it's so cute." Karissa says, noticing the fish necklace I'm wearing.

"Is it from you know who?" She adds curiously.

"Yeah....that way it's not suspicious you know? If I wore anything else that had reference to him, people would start being suspicious. No one knows about us...besides you....because I can trust you."

"Of course you can." She nods.

"Do you know how hard it is to sneak around backstage without HER or anyone else finding out?"

"I believe it. I don't think I could do it."

"And then when we're around HER or anyone else for that matter, we have to act like we're just friends. She gets all pissy and jealous about it."


"It's quite funny actually."

"I know." Karissa laughs.

"And she thinks that kissing him in front of me bothers me? Um no."

"Because he doesn't mean them."

", he says she kisses horribly anyway."

Karissa can't help but laugh. Then my phone buzzes signaling a text.

"And the texts begin." I say, as I read and reply back to him.

"Ooooh." Karissa giggles.

"Yup, this will be going all night up until we sneak around, then the rest of the night after that."

"I've noticed."

"What about you and Justin? Have you talked lately?"

"We talked a bit this morning." She says with a small sigh.

"When are you gonna see him again? I can tell you miss him."

"I don't know."

"I haven't really seen him since NXT ended." She adds.

"It sucks." She sighs.

"I know."

"I miss him so much."


She sighs sadly.

"I'm sure you'll see him soon. Just try and stay positive."

"I'm trying but it's hard."

"You're strong, I know you can do it."

She nods a little. Then I reach out and wrap my arms around her, hugging her. She hugs back. We soon hear the show start, and it kicks off with General Managers Bret Hart and Teddy Long making their way to the ring.

"This should be interesting."


Cole welcomes everyone to the first ever Viewer's Choice RAW. Teddy and Bret greet the fans and Jerry Lawler hypes the show. Bret tells the fans that they can go to and vote on the matches and stipulations, as it happens, live.

"Oh boy."

"That's actually a good idea though, having the fans pick the matches. Gives them the power for a night."

"Yeah, for sure."

Teddy thanks Bret for inviting him to RAW tonight, and Bret says that everyone in the WWE title match at Fatal 4 Way will compete tonight and the fans will pick their opponents. Teddy brings up Randy Orton and then his music goes off and he walks out with his arm in a sling.


"Poor Randy."


Randy tells Bret to forget about the Viewer's Choice for a second, and then says he has a choice for Bret. Randy wants Edge and wants him tonight, and he says that if Bret doesn't give Edge to him, he's going to find him backstage and do it himself.

"He's crazy."

"No kidding."

Randy says he's going to take Edge out, and that's when Edge's music goes off and he comes out onto the stage, getting booed. Edge says to give Randy what he wants, so he can finish what he started.

"Oh boy."

Teddy interrupts and whispers something in Bret's ear, and Bret says he likes that idea. He then says they're going to let the fans in the arena decide this one. Teddy says it's going to be the fan's choice....Edge vs Randy in a Debate, a Sit-Up Contest or a One-Arm Match with Edge's arm tied behind his back.


The fans are obviously for the last choice and Edge doesn't approve of it. Bret runs down the choices again and the fans clearly go for the One-Arm Match. Edge screams that this isn't fair to him, but Bret says the people have spoken and wishes Edge good luck.

"He's gonna need it." I snicker.


Teddy says it's time for the first Viewers Choice match, Chris Jericho vs Big Show. The options for the match are an Over the Top Rope Challenge, a Submission Match or a Body Slam Challenge. The fans are told to go to WWE's websit right now and cast the votes. Big Show comes out and it's the first commercial break of the night.

Karissa goes and grabs a snack, bringing it to the table we're sitting at. When she comes back to the table, she finds me laughing and smiling to myself as I'm yet again replying to a text on my phone.

"What did he send you this time?" She asks.

"Before meeting up with the rest of the divas, after getting changed into my ring gear, he wants me to come to his locker room."

"Ooooh." She teases.

"Shut up..."

"Aw come on. It's fun to tease you."

"Fun for you."

"Like you never tease me about Jus."

"You have a point..."

"I know I do."

"But still, it's not like anything's really gonna happen when I go into that locker room."

"You don't know that."

"You have a hard time resisting him and you know it."

"Your point?" I laugh.

"Something is sooo going to happen."



"We'll see."


Back from the break and Big Show is waiting in the ring. Going ringside where Matt Striker is waiting to reveal the stipulation for the match. The voting is revealed and majority of the vote goes to the Body Slam Challenge. Jericho's music goes off and he comes out to the ring.

"Have fun Chris." Karissa snickers.

The bell rings and the match begins. Big Show laughs at Chris, who isn't too happy about the match. Big Show opens his arms so Christ can try to slam him, but instead he slaps Show. Show comes back and pushes him into the corner with big knife edge chops. He goes for a splash in the corner but misses. Chris tries to body slam Show but can't.

"Oops." I laugh.


Show responds and beats Christ down to the mat, then goes for the Knockout Punch, but Chris slides out to the floor. Show grabs Chris by his head and brings him back to the apron. Chris counters and comes back into the ring, trying to wear Show down. He continues to work on Show's right arm. Show grabs Chris by the throat and goes for a chokeslam, but Chris rakes his eyes and goes to the top rope. Show knocks Chris out of mid-air with a big chop. Chris goes for a cross-body but Show catches him mid-air and holds him. Show finally body slams Chris for the win. After he's declared the winner, he puts Chris in a clutch submssion hold and makes him tap out. Show is then announced as the winner by submission. Finally he throws Chris over the top rope, making use of the other two stipulations that weren't chosen.


Cole then announces that The Hart Dynasty will be in action next. The choices for their opponents are The Uso's, The Dudebusters and the team of Hornswoggle and The Great Khali. Going backstage, The Uso's cut a promo on the Harts. The Dudebusters are up next and one of them votes on his cell phone. Going to Khali and Hornswoggle, they rais their arms and yell. The camera pans and we see all three tag teams waiting as we go to another commercial.

"I think I'm all done here in catering, what do you think?"


"Locker room then?"

"Sure." She nods.

When we get up, we throw our trash away and then head back to the locker room to continue watching the show. We get there and get comfortable. Back from the break and The Hart Dynasty, with Natalya are waiting in the ring. Going to ringside with Matt Striker again, he reveals that the fans have voted that Tyson and David's opponents are going to be Khali and Hornswoggle.

"Oh lord."

Khali and Tyson start things out and the bell rings, Tyson trying to kick Khali and does so. He runs the ropes and Khali knocks him down. Khali takes Tyson into the corner and hits him with a big elbow and one of his huge chops. He scoop slams Tyson and tags in Hornswoggle. He goes to the top but misses the Tadpole Splash. David takes out Khali from the apron while Tyson rolls up Hornswoggle out of nowhere for the pinfall and the win.

"Weird match."

"Yeah, just a tad." I agree.

Natalya comes into the ring after the match to celebrate with Tyson and David. Then The Usos and Tamina rush down to the ring and all six of them go at it. The Harts send the Samoans out to the floor with clotheslines and then the two groups talk trash as The Usos and Tamina back up the ramp.


"You don't mess with the Harts."


Going ringside with Cole and Lawler, Lawler saying that there's a problem and starts looking around for something. He gets up and walks off, Cole tries to stop him but can't. He then starts talking about The Undertaker angle from SmackDown and leads to a replay from Friday's show. Then there's a graphic for tonight's guest hosts, the cast of the A-Team movie, including UFC's Rampage Jackson, before going to another commercial break.


"Yeah...I did notice something missing from the table though. Jerry's crown he always has with him ringside."


"Wonder who would wanna steal that."

"Who knows."

Back from the break and Justin Roberts introduces the cast of the A-Team movie - Rampage Jackson, Bradley Cooper and Sharlto Copley. Cooper comes out by himself and says he doesn't know where Rampage and Copely are. Cooper says we're going to have a fun night and that's it.



Then Jerry Lawler is walking around backstage. Rampage and Copley are dressed as WWE crew members and they take Lawler into a room. Jerry says someone has stolen his royal crown. Copley says they will find whoever stole his crown and "crown" whoever did it. Rampage says he watches RAW all the time and knows who stole the King's crown. They walk off and Rampage runs into the Bella Twins. They call him a MMA fighter and acknowledge Copley as an actor. They play it off and say they are their characters from the A-Team movie. Rampage and Copley run off to find King's crown.

"Alrighty then."

"Can't play along can they?" I shake my head at the Bellas.

"That would require acting skills and brain cells. Neither of which they have."

"They should dye their hair bleach blonde like Maryse."


Going out to the ring, Santino is making his way out for a match with Vladimir Kozlov. The stipulations will be a Singles Match, an Arm Wrestling Match or a Dance off. Voting is now open as yet another commercial break comes on.

"Another one? That was all but five minutes, not even."


"Anything to keep the commercial going I suppose...gotta advertise or no money is made."


Coming back from the break yet again, Kozlov comes out to the ring. An Arm Wrestling table is sitting at ringside. Matt Striker is in the ring to reveal the stipulation.

"WWE Universe you have the power, we have tabulated the votes on, let's find out the competition."

There's a drumroll and it takes forever but finally it's revealed to be a dance off.

"Oh my god." Karissa laughs.

"Okay, it's going to be a dance off. Vladimir just hang on one second. Santino, any comments before you...cut a rug?"

"Well before the release of their first album, I was Backstreet Boy number six. So this one is pretty much in the bags."


"This is why everyone loves him....he's hilarious."

"Yes he is."

"Whenever you're ready. Santino you dance first."

Santino walks to the middle of the ring and gets ready. The music starts and his dancing is funny, but weird at the same time. The crowd is loving it though. Once he's finished though, Kozlov is not amused.

"I don't know what he's thinking but that was funny." I laugh.

"Uh huh." Karissa giggles.

"Vladimir, what are you thought and comments about what you just saw?"

Of course we can't understand a word he says.


"I said I am more stronger and faster."

"Vladimir Kozlov, it is your turn to dance."

Different music plays and he does more of a robot dance and the moonwalk , the wave, the worm and other things.

"Oh my god." I laugh.

Karissa cracks up.

"Santino...come here. WWE Universe, who danced their way into your hearts. Was it Santino?"

A majority of the crowd boos.

"Or Vladimir Kozlov?"

And of course everyone cheers.

"The Russian wins."

We both laugh.

"Congratulations Vladimir, you are the winner of the dance off."

They shake hands and Kozlov treats him like a dancing partner. Santino spins into the ropes and then tells Kozlov to catch him. But he doesn't he just pushes him and he falls to the apron. Then he does a little dance before leaving the ring.

"Ohhh those two are funny."

"Yes." I agree.

Then there's a knock on the door, and a stagehand tells us that all the divas have to get ready since the match for all of us is coming up soon. We get up and go to our things, getting ready.

"Ooooh you're going to Ted's locker room after you finish." Karissa teases yet again.

"Shush you."


"Be sure to tell me how it goes....oh wait I already know how it'll go."

"Ris!" I swat at her.

"Sorry." She giggles.

I shake my head amusedly and finish getting ready.

"Alright, I'll see you where we're all meeting in a bit."

"Alright. Tell him I said hi."

"I will, don't worry."

We split in different directions once outside the locker room. I make sure to look around, making sure no one is following me me. When I finally do reach Ted's locker room, I stop in front of the door and look down both ends of the hallway, for any sign of anyone. Luckily there's no one and I knock on the door, looking down the hallways again just to be sure. The door pops open and I'm pulled inside.

"Heyyy, easy...I one was around."

"Better safe than sorry."

"Right, well anyway...before I forget....Ris says hi."

"Hi back." Ted chuckles, tugging me close and wrapping me in his arms.

"You know I always look forward to our sneaking around every Monday night, despite time now. Only have a short time before I have to go stand with everyone."

"I know. I look forward to it too." He agrees.

"On top of sneaking around right now though, I just thought you could use some good luck for whatever you're gonna be involved in out there." He adds.

"Aww. That's sweet."

"And I think you know what I'm talking about."

"Mmm...maybe." I giggle.


"I guess I should refresh your memory hmm?"

Ted chuckles and leans down, pressing his lips to mine. I kiss back with more intensity as him, pulling myself closer after wrapping my arms around his neck. But our moment is short lived when we hear knocking on the door. We stop, ours lips still pressed against each other's but our eyes open and we look over at the door.

"Ted?" We hear Maryse outside.

We break apart. Ted lets me go and I dash off to a hiding spot. Then he says for her to come in and I listen in on their conversation, not like I had a choice, she's loud to begin with. I hear that she too wants good luck for whatever match we're all having tonight. And then I knew they were kissing cause they weren't talking anymore. I roll my eyes just thinking about it. Then I hear more talking before he talks her into leaving.

"Can I come out now?" I ask when I hear the door shut.


"Good." I say, coming out of my hiding place.

"She honestly thinks you feel something when you kiss her. Dumb broad." I scoff.

"I know."

"Well, I suppose I should get going, before I hold everyone up."

"Alright." He says before giving me one last good luck kiss.

Then the door opens and Virgil comes in.

"Everything clear?" Ted asks him.

"Yep, she's all set to leave, not a person in sight." He replies.


"I'll text you after the match." I say, making my way towards the door.

"Sounds good."

Then Virgil escorts me out, checking the halls once again before letting me go on my way. When I get there, I see the Bellas stand around Karissa, clearing doing something that's bothering her.

"Would you two shut up? I do have a boyfriend though my love life is none of your business."

"Especially since you two um...yeah whore around. So you wouldn't know what it is to have a real boyfriend." I add as I walk up.

"Exactly." Karissa agrees.

"So I suggest you go back over there to Gail and Eve and be your little peppy selves okay? Thanks."

"Buh bye." Karissa waves mockingly.

They give both of us dirty looks before walking back over to Gail and Eve.

"If I had known they were gonna bother you, I would've been back sooner."

"Its nothing new. They always give me shit because they think Jussi isn't real." She rolls her eyes.

"They wouldn't know a real boyfriend if it slapped them in the face."


"But anyways...tell me what happened." She says quietly.

"Not much. We got interrupted."

"Damn she has the worst timing."

"I know...right in the middle of..." I trail off making motions with my hands.

"...I had to go hide."


"And the broad took forever so that didn't leave me much time left."


"I still got something for good luck I'm good."

Karissa laughs. Soon we're motioned to head out onto the stage to find out what our stipulation will be for the match, but we go out to Eve's song...ick. We discreetly roll our eyes.

"There are our lovely divas. And now it's time to decide or find out who you the WWE Universe...well we know who you want...we want to know how you want the divas. What kind of match you want to see the divas in. Let's see the choices one more time."
A drumroll and Jerry announces the choices again, and the battle royal is chosen.

"Oh great." Riss mutters.

The Raw theme plays and Eve leads everyone as we head to the ring. Once we're all in the ring, we're all split up...all the face on one side of the ring, the heels on the other. The bell rings and the everyone starts. As much as I dislike Eve, I help her try to get rid of Maryse, while Karissa works on one of the Bella Twins. Alicia takes care of Eve, but I keep going after Maryse. One of the Bellas however had managed to eliminated Rosa and she was the first to go. The Bella fought off Karissa and came over to try and stop Maryse from trying to eliminate me, which they did. Layla eliminate Tiffany next and they start going after Kelly. Karissa deciding to help with that. Layla and Michelle work on Kelly and Riss, weakening them to eliminate them later. After Layla failed to eliminate Kelly, Michelle took her attention off of Riss and eliminated Kelly herself. I sit back and watch as everyone else is getting beaten up on, and then I see Gail and Alicia get eliminated. Maryse went over the rope but she held onto the bottom and sat on the ring, while Michelle and Layla eliminated the Twins. LayCool celebrates and Eve clotheslines them both. LayCool eventually gets eliminated, and Karissa takes the opportunity and lifts Eve up and over the top rope eliminating her. That's when Jillian and Maryse jump her from behind and do the same to her, eliminating Karissa next. Maryse and Jillian don't even see me and when Jillian is does a little happy dance, I come up from behind and throw her out of the ring. It's down to me and Maryse now. After some struggling however, Maryse takes a cheap shot to me, knocking me off the side of the ring and to the floor. Maryse wins the match. I hit the apron with my hands in anger, glaring at Maryse as I walk away.

After the match was over, those of us who were eliminated took our time getting back up the ramp and backstage. Riss was one of those few taking their time getting backstage. She heard her name being called and she immediately recognized the voice. Her eyes get really big and she whips around, her eyes landing on the person she's missed so badly. She lets out a really loud squeal and runs straight at him, jumping him.

"You're so lucky I was able to stay on my feet this time." Justin chuckles.

She squeals again, softer this time, as she clings to him with her arms and legs wrapped around him and her face in his neck.

"I missed you too, so much."

She bounces in happiness, pressing a kiss to his neck.

"You're in ring gear...what's....wait.....don't tell're debuting tonight?"

She looks him over before looking curiously into his eyes.

"Probably not the way you dreamed I would be, but I am."

"What do you mean?" She asks, frowning.

"Well this storyline makes me a heel. A really big heel."


"You remember Wade and them from NXT right?"

"Of course."

"Well see, we're formed into this group called the Nexus. Wade's the leader, let's just say we're not doing very good things during the main event tonight."

"Oh. I might not like it but you know I love you anyway. Its a storyline, it'll pass eventually." She says, leaning his forehead against his.

"The good news is that you're here." She adds.

"I've missed you so so much." She murmurs.

"I missed you so much have no idea."

"Oh really." She teases a bit.

"Yes really."

She giggles and plays with his hair a little.

"Tell me something...why is your hair rainbow?"

"It kind of goes along with my gimmick. And my whole head isn't rainbow, just the ends." She says as he wraps a rainbow curl around his finger.


"Do you like it?"

"I don't like it, I love it."

She smiles and kisses his cheek.

"It so fits you."

She giggles softly and rubs her nose against his.

"I saw the should be proud you made it to the end at least."

"I know."

"You did a great job out there, I'm proud of you."

"Thank you." She smiles.

"I think you deserve something for all your hard work out there...."

She giggles, shifting in his arms while still wrapped around him. He leans his forehead against hers once more, before leaning in and meets his lips with hers. She responds eagerly to his kiss. The kiss is different than the other ones, solely because he hasn't seen her in a long time and they both missed each other too much. Neither of them are paying much attention to their surroundings. The only time they have to break away is for air and even after that she goes right back for more. Then she mumbles 'locker room'.

"Right." He murmurs.

He pulls from her lips briefly, only so that he can pay attention to where he's going. She starts to kiss his neck and that's when she notices the Bellas and some of the other Divas watching in surprise. She waves her fingers at them. Then they both disappear around the corner, making it to the locker room. She reaches down and opens the door, pushing it open for him. Since it's one of the self closing doors, all he has to do is walk in and it shuts behind them both. Justin heads straight for the couch, siitting on it with her on his lap.

"Now, where were we?"

She giggles and lets her hands wander over him, relishing in the feeling of being near him again.

"So, you're gonna be able to be on the road with me now?" You ask.


"That's great. I've really missed cuddling at night."

"Well now we can all the time. My things are already in your room by the way." He grins.

"Smooth lover boy." She laughs.

"I waited until after you left to do it."


"But anyways...." He trails off, grinning.

She giggles and lets him make the first move. He of course kisses her again, pulling her close as he can get her, his fingers running through her hair. A noise escapes her as her eyes shut. She grips his shoulders, running her nails over them. He smirks into the kiss, continuing for a while longer before pulling away yet again and resting his forehead against hers.

"I missed that, but I missed you even more." She says quietly.

"Well now you don't have to miss me."

"I know. I'm really happy about that." She smiles.

"You and me both."

She leans into his hand as he cups her cheek. They lock eyes.

"I love you." She says softly.

"I love you too." He says back, smiling.

She snuggles into him happily. I come back to the locker room shortly after that, noticing Karissa all snuggled up with him.

"Awwww. Hey Justin, what are you doing here?"

"He's debuting tonight." She says with a smile.


"Not the way I expected, but still."


"He's heel. Really big heel."

"Ah, gotcha." I nod.

"I'm just happy he's here." She says.

"Of course." I grin, sitting down on the other end of the couch.

"He surprised me when I got backstage after being eliminated. I jumped him." She laughs.


"I think we shocked the other Divas."

"Haha, cause they didn't believe you."


"Didn't believe you about what?" Justin asks.

"That I had a boyfriend."

"The Bellas were teasing her about it."

"Oh. Well we showed them." He chuckles.

"Yes we did."

"I waved as he carried me off." She tells me, laughing.


"That'll teach them."


"They're probably all jealous."

"Wouldn't doubt it."

She snickers and relaxes against Justin.

Back from the commercial and there's a promo video of Wade who won NXT Season 1. Savannah, one of the interviewers asks Wade what his thoughts are on winning NXT. He says it's just the start of something better, saying the winds of change are blowing in WWE. He tells Savannah to ask him in one week's time as he will accomplish something that's never been accomplished in the WWE before.

"He hasn't changed much since the last time I saw him." Riss says.

"Not really, and they've decided to keep his heel character for the storyline."


Then switching to Ted's locker room where he and Virgil are.

"Viewer's Choice? What is that? You know these people, they don't deserve to have the right to have power and make decisions. I should be running the show Virgil."

"Excuse me gentlemen, I'm agent Dobbs, this is agent Jackson, we're wth the FBI, we'd like to ask you a couple of questions." Rampage and Copley come in, playing their A-Team characters.

"Oh lord."

"Oh jeez."

"What...what is this all about?"

"Man don't play no games man. I know who you are, and I know you got that crown. Why wouldn't you want it, it's priceless."



" know, I can buy anything I want. Why...why would I want to buy some stupid, old, useless crown? You know what? Virgil, show these two out."

"It's time to go."

"Whoa hold on big boy, unless you start telling us the truth, I'm gonna bring out the old lie detector test." Copley stops Virgil.

"Those things don't even work man." Ted scoffs.

Then Rampage gets in Virgil's face.

"It's a special type of lie detector test. It involves me punching you in the face, until you tell the truth."

"Uh oh."

"Whoa whoa whoa whoa....Uncle Irwin do something."

"Whoa whoa whoa guys, I think I can clear this up. You see it just so happens that Jerry the King Lawler never paid his back taxes that he owed on the jewels on this crown. So you know what that means? It means it's mine now."

"I'm afraid not sir. We're with the FBI, we're gonna have to take that crown..."

"I know who you are." Ted states.

"You do?"

"Yeah, and I know who you are."

"He does?"

"You're not the FBI, you're the A-Team. And I got a confession to make, that crown was just bait."

"You smell gas?"

Then a smoke is flying through the air, Ted, Virgil, and the IRS guy all put masks over their faces, taking Rampage away.

"Ooookay then."

"Get in the trenches boys it's a gas attack! Gas attack! Stay behind me, I'm immune to gas boys! I'm immune to gas....I'm immune to ga...." Copley says, and slides to the floor, pretending to pass out

"You're not immune to gas." I snicker.


Then a graphic for the next match is show. It's R-Truth and a partner taking on Mike and a partner. The choices for Truth's partner are Christian, MVP or John Morrison. The choices for Mike's partner are Zack Ryder, William Regal and Dolph Ziggler.

"Interesting choices."

"Watch everyone pick John Morrison 'cause of the history he and Mike have."


"And as for his partner...hmm tough to tell who people will pick."

"I'm guessing Dolph."

After the break that came after that, Truth...who is the United States Champion comes out first. He asks who the WWE Universe has picked to be his partner and it's John Morrison and he comes out to the ring as his partner. Then Mike comes out next. He stop at the stage and has a mic. He rips on the WWE fans for the poor choices they've made earlier tonight. He says he's going to beat Truth tonight, regardless of who his partner is. Mike says then he will get ready to take back his United States Title. The votes are now in and Mike's partner is Zack Ryder.

"Oh wow."

"Should be interesting."

"Oh yes."

The bell rings and it’s Truth starting off with Mike. They lock up and Mike sends Truth to the mat. They run the ropes and Truth hits a big hip toss. Morrison comes in and they double team Mike. Morrison works over Mike before tagging back in Truth for more double teaming. 2 count by Truth. Mike clotheslines Truth and tags in Ryder. Ryder with a neckbreaker and a 2 count. Ryder tags Mike back in and they double team him. Mike works over Truth and kicks him in the head for another pin attempt.

Truth fights out of a hold and drops Mike on his head. Truth goes for a tag but Mike tries to stop him. Morrison comes in and clotheslines Mike twice. Morrison with a big dropkick. Morrison knocks Ryder off the apron. Morrison with a knee to the face for a 2 count on Mike as Zack makes the save. Truth comes in but gets dumped to the floor by him. Morrison kicks Zack in the face but turns around to Mike, who throws him into the ringpost and hits the Skull Crushing Finale for the pinfall and the win.

"Nice one Mike."

Going backstage however, Edge is arguing wth Bret Hart about the match with Randy not being fair to him. Bret walks off and Kane stops him. Kane says, 'it wasn't you, was it?'. Kane asks Bret if he destroyed Undertaker, and adds that Bret came back to WWE for closure and he and Taker have quite the history. Kane says that if he finds out it was Bret, he will be in a vegetative state just like his brother. Kane walks off and Bret does the same before going to a commercial.

"Boring." Riss remarks.

"Yeah.." I agree.

I text Ted and Riss pays attention to Justin, whose hands and mouth have been wandering.

"Having fun?"

"Tons." He grins.

She laughs lightly.

"When we're back at the hotel, that should be interesting." She adds.

Justin smirks, I laugh, Riss blushes.

"We shall see." He replies.


"'re planning something." She adds.

"I know that look."

"I know you do."

"No hints?"

"It's gonna be a surprise."

"Awww." She pouts.

"You know me and my surprises."

"I do." She smiles.

"You'll love it."

"I'm sure I will."

"Went out of my way to do what I did."

"You spoil me."

"You deserve it."

"So you always tell me."

"Because it's true."

"Awww." I say.

Riss smiles and kisses Justin.

"I'll continue to tell you that too."

"I know."

"We both get spoiled." I say to Riss, and laugh.

"For sure." She giggles.

Coming back to the show and Edge makes his way out to the ring. The fans start chanting RKO before Randy makes his way out to the ring. Randy is dressed to compete but has his arm still in the sling. The ref ties Edge's left arm behind his back and the match begins. Edge swinsg first but Randy ducks it. Edge goes for a kick but Randy clotheslines him twice. Randy then starts stomping on Edge. He hits the mat and beats on it, and he goes for a left-handed RKO but Edge blocks it. Edge knocks Randy down in the corner. Edge is trying to tell the ref that the tie just came undone but the ref calls for the bell. Randy wins by disqualification.

"That's what you get."

After the bell is rung, Edge gets ready in the corner for his spear. Randy gets up and Edge charges at him, but Randy kicks Edge in the head twice and sends him out onto the floor. Edge grabs a steel chair and hits Randy in the shoulder with it, sending him to the floor. Randy is laid out and Edge hits him in the shoulder again with the chair. Edge leaves smiling as Randy is left hurting.

"Ouchhhh. Poor Randy."

Cole and Jerry play up the seriousness of the situation with Randy before hyping the Viewer's Choice matches from earlier tonight. They hype John Cena's match for later tonight against CM Punk, Jack Swagger or Rey Mysterio before going back to a commercial. After the commercial, Copley is seen waking up from the gas attack backstage in Ted's locker room. Mean Gene Okerlund walks in and he makes a reference to Josh Matthews and disses him, and turns out Josh is standing right behind him. Copley walks off and Gene interacts with Josh. Next match of the night however is Drew McIntyre vs Matt Hardy.

"Matt is great but I can't say I'm really interested in this match."

Matt walks over after his name was revealed as Drew's opponent and shakes hands with Teddy Long. Matt makes his way out to the ring and Drew is furious, grabbing the ref and a microphone. Drew says the match isn't happening because Matt is suspended. Teddy comes out and says that Matt was suspended from Smackdown, not RAW.

"Ohhh too bad for you Drew."

"Wah wah wahhhh."

Teddy tells the ref to ring the bell and Drew is still talking when Matt decks him to start the match. Matt clotheslines Drew to the floor and follows him. He throws Drew over the announcers table and into the barricade. Matt finally brings it back into the ring and charges at Drew, but Drew knocks him down. He runs at Matt in the corner but hits the ring post. Matt drops Drew with a Twist of Fate for the pinfall and the win.


After the match, Matt grabs Drew and starts slamming his head into the mat. He pushes the ref off and goes back to Drew, who tries to leave the ring but Matt pulls him by his hair. Drew escapes and Matt is left standing with some of Drew's hair in his hands.

"Ouch." Riss laughs.

"His poor hair." I snicker.


Going backstage, Rampage Jackson is cuffed to a chair, being held captive by Ted, Virgil and IRS.

"You want answers, well you're about to get em'. And don't worry, we're not gonna fly anywhere, we're headed straight to the ring." Ted explains.

"Acting as the bad guy....I love it." I grin.

Riss laughs.

"What? I do."

"I know." She snickers, shifting lightly on Justin's lap to get more comfortable.

The commercial passed by quickly and Rampage is being held against the ropes by Virgil and IRS. Ted says everyone has a price, and that someone called him and wanted Rampage (BA Baracus) on a silver plate. Ted says he's delivering. Out comes Roddy Piper, and he talks about WrestleMania 1, Mr. T and the old A-Team TV show. He says he silenced T at WrestleMania and will do the same tonight. Piper talks about the new A-Team movie and says he won’t be seeing it. Piper says he’s going to do the whole world a favor and beat the mohawk off of Baracus tonight. Piper says he “pity’s the fool” that messes with Hot Rod. Piper tells them to hold onto Baracus. Out comes Dusty Rhodes, Gene Okerlund and Coperly on a golf cart. Rampage pushes IRS and Virgil off and breaks the handcuff from the rope. Ted goes after Rampage but gets spinebusted. Dusty takes out IRS. Piper pushes Virgil into Rampage. Rampage chokeslams Virgil. Gene, Rampage, Coperly and Dusty are left in the ring. Gene asks them how they did it. Coperly says Dusty lives in Florida so he called him in to help. Dusty plugs the A-Team movie that opens this Friday. They all pose in the ring as the A-Team music plays.


Cole plugs John Cena's match tonight and the choices for his opponent yet again. Backstage Josh Matthews is backstage with Rey, Jack and Punk. Rey tells fans why he should be picked to face John tonight and Swagger does the same. Punk says that Josh always asks stupid questions and that only he can make John a better person. He also says that he will defeat John and he will join the Straight Edge Society.


"I don't think so."

Back at the ring, John makes his way out and Matt Striker reveals his opponent and it's CM Punk. He makes his way to the ring with Gallows and Serena right behind him. The bell rings and they lock up. John tries to take Punk's mask off, but Punk flees to the outside of the ring. He comes back in and starts kicking at John, followed by a headlock. But when John gets up, he knocks Punk down with a shoulder block. A 'you can't wrestle' chant breaks out and they go back and forth on the mat for a few minutes. John goes for Punk's mask again and he flees to the floor again. They lock up again and Punk takes it to the corner, beating John down. Punk kicks John in the back of the head for a 2 count.

He then wraps a headscissors on John and holds it, before getting back to their feet. John hits a bulldog and Gallows trips John on his face as the ref is distracted. That leads to a commercial.

"Damn commercials."

"And unfortunately I have to meet Wade and everyone for what we're about to do." Justin adds.

Riss pouts.

"I'll be back right after we're done. Gives you time to change and then we can head back to the hotel....for your surprise."

"True." She sighs.

"Plus, they're probably looking for you aren't they."


"I'll come with to the hall for a minute." She says.

"Alright." He nods.

"Be right back Air." She tells me.


She reluctant slides odd Justin's lap and the two of them go into the hall.

"Just matter what you have to do for your character, I still love you."

"I know."

"You go out there and do what you have to."

"Just be careful." She adds, sliding her arms around him.

"I'll try my best."

She nods and he leans down for a kiss. She wraps her arms around his neck as she kisses back. Neither of then notice the rest of what will now be Nexus come around the corner.

"Justin..." Wade says.

They break apart and she looks over.

"Hey Wade."

"Karissa. Sorry to interrupt, but we really need Justin right now."

"I know." She nods, stepping back.

"Love you." She says quietly to Justin.

"Love you too." Justin says back.

She grabs his hand and squeezes it before he walks off. Then she opens the door to the locker room and comes back inside. She and I both change before settling down to watch. Back from the break and Punk has Cena in a headlock and gets a 2 count. Punk throws Cena out to the floor. Serena kicks Cena in the gut while the referee is distracted. Punk comes out and kicks Cena before bringing him back in the ring. Punk kicks Cena some more now. Cena fights back with right hands and hits two big shoulders and a back drop. Cena goes for the Five Knuckle Shuffle when Wade comes walking down the ramp. This distracts Cena.

"Here it goes."

The other NXT rookies appear in the crowd – Darren Young, Skip Sheffield, Daniel Bryan, Justin, and all the others. They beat up the Straight Edge Society and surround Cena in the ring. They all have black arm bands with a yellow N on them. They enter the ring and surround Cena. Cena hits Barrett first but the NXT Rookies jump Cena. The rookies beat the hell out of him. Skip Sheffield goes to ringside and lays out Matt Striker. The rookies beat up Jerry Lawler now as Michael Cole runs. The rookies destroy the announcers table. Darren Young attacks a WWE crew member and they continue to tear everything up.


Other crew members are attacked. Everyone who tries to stop it is beat down. Daniel Bryan chokes the hell out of Justin Roberts. The ring cover is ripped off the ring, the floor mats are torn up. The NXT season 1 rookies have destroyed RAW. They continue to attack Cena and it looks like CM Punk on the floor. The ring ropes are also torn down from the ring. The rookies come back in the ring and continue to attack Cena. Punk comes back in the ring but they beat him down also. Bryan screams to Cena that he is not better. Bryan delivers a sick kick to Cena’s head.

Riss and I both cringe.

The crowd starts chanting “you suck.” Barrett picks Cena up and slams him hard with his finisher. Justin goes to the top and hits John with the 450 splash. The NXT season 1 Rookies finally leave the ring with John laying face down. WWE crew members and CM Punk are all laying out at ringside. The ring is destroyed, the announcer’s area is destroyed. EMT’s bring a stretcher down to the ring and load John Cena up on it. The camera looks around ringside and we see carnage everywhere. A fan is shown looking on shocked. Striker is shown laid out as is Justin Roberts. More fans are shown looking shocked. Cena is taken out on a stretcher as fans lean on the torn up barriers. Crew members roll over the announcer’s table where Jerry Lawler is laid out. Cena flashes a thumbs up as he is stretchered out of the arena. RAW goes off the air.

"Wow. Jussi wasn't kidding when he said very heel."

"No he wasn't."

"I'm still really glad he's up here with us now."

"I know, you don't have to worry about missing him."

"Exactly. It was really hard not seeing him these few months."

"I could tell."

"I'm curious to see what he has planned."

"Be sure to tell me what his surprise is." I giggle.

"I will." She giggles too, blushing a bit.

"And I'll be sure to tell you if anything happens once we get back to the hotel soon, cause I
know Ted has something planned himself."

"Ooooh." She teases.

"I never know what's gonna happen. He's unpredictable."

"I'm sure."

"But I think I'm gonna go now, so I'll leave you to leave with Justin and see what his surprise

"Alright. Have fun with your boy toy." Riss giggles.

"Oh shush."

"Later Air." She waves.

"Bye Riss." I wave back, and when I open there door there's Justin getting ready to come back in as I was going out.

I pat him on the shoulder as I pass by.

"Hi Justin, bye Justin."

I head down the hall to head out to my car, while Justin walks into the locker room.

"Ready to go now?" He asks.

"Yeah." She nods, getting up from the couch and picking up her bag.

She turns around, letting him get a good look at the outfit she's wearing versus the ring gear she had on before.

"So that's what you wore before you changed into your gear." He grins.


"I love it."

"Of course you do."

"So let's get going so you can see your surprise."

She nods eagerly, walking over to him. She wraps an arm around his waist and he wraps one around her shoulders, and then they head out of the locker room.

"Mmm, I missed this." She squeezes his waist.

"I did too, so much."

They walk out to the car and Justin insists on driving. She of course let him and they start heading back to the hotel. They arrive back and head up to their room.

"Okay, I want you to close your eyes while I open the door."

She obediently shuts her eyes. He gets the door and it swings open, then he comes up behind her and puts his hands over her eyes before walking her in. He uncovers her eyes, but she keeps them closed until he says she can look. She gasps as she sees rose petals all over and a few candles lit. She notices a bottle of champagne, two glasses, and aplate of chocolate covered strawberries.

"....oh Jussi..." She breathes.

"Told you I went out of my way."

She drops her bag and spins around, kissing him thoroughly. He smiles as he kisses back, wrapping his arms around her, holding her tight.

"Thank you. This is just what I needed, a relaxing night with my boyfriend who I haven't seen in forever..." She says once she pulls away.

"I had a feeling this is what you needed."

"You know me so well." She leans into him with a sigh of content.

"Well of course I do."

"Let's get into comfy clothes and relax." He adds, tucking some of her hair behind her ear.

"Sounds good."

He lets her go and then they both go over to their things to find more comfy clothes to change into. They change and she ducks into the bathroom to let her hair down since she had it pulled back. She grabs her brush and starts brushing her hair as she walks out of the bathroom.

"You, look amazing." He says, his eyes wandering.

"Thank you." She giggles.

"You're very welcome."

She climbs on the bed, sitting there as she brushes her hair. Then he reaches out and starts to play with it. She laughs lightly and hands him the brush.

"You might as well do it if you're going to play."

"I know."

He grins, taking the brush and finishing brushing her hair out for her. Justin's so gentle it makes her smile. He finishes and puts the brush aside. She watches as he goes and pours some champagne. He hands her a glass and she takes it, sipping a bit as he brings over teh strawberries. He holds them out to her, letting her take the first one. She picks one up and bites into it.

"Mmmm..." She groans softly, her eyes shutting briefly.



"I would hope so." He chuckles.

She offers him a bite. He of course accepts, taking a bite of the strawberry. She takes a bite and offers it to him again. They keep doing that, with all the strawberries there are until there's none left.

"Mmm...that was amazing." She says, gggling as he licks the remaining chocolate from her fingers.


She finishes her champagne and puts it aside. Then she turns her eyes back to Justin, who is now kissing up her arm.

"I see what you're doing now..."

"Putting on the seduction hmm?" She says lazily.


She laughs softly and watches him. He moves along her arm and up to her shoulder, staying there for a while before moving onto her neck. She sighs and tilts her head, giving him better access. His arms go around her waist and he pulls her closer. She rests her hands on his shoulders, lightling scratching them with her nails. He then pulls her over even more until she's sitting on his lap, so that he can hold her even closer to him. She makes a soft noise and shifts to get comfortable. From there he moves his lips to her jawline and then finally back to her lips. She kisses back intensely. She can't help but make quiet noises as one of his hands moves to her hair, running his fingers through it like earlier tonight. He smirks a bit at the noises. She lest her hands roam over his bare skin in response. Until she comes to the hip indents of his, and she decides to have a little fun herself. She alternates between running her nails over the indents and then pressing on them. This causes his hold on her with one arm to get tighter and he starts making quiet noises himself. She lets out a soft giggle. Then she lets her fingers tease the waistband of his boxers. This causes a faint growl to erupt from him. She giggles into his mouth. He starts to shift the both of the, and next thing she knows, she's laying back on the bed and he's above her, but hasn't broken the kiss yet. She curls her legs around his and continues playing with his waistband.

".....evil...." He mumbles into the kiss.

"You love it." She says, pulling back just barely.

"Every time."

She meshes their lips back together and turns up the intensity. Then she decides to torture him even more with alternating between the indents and the waistband. He lets out a mixture of groans and growls, making her laugh quietly against his lips. He just can't take it anymore and pulls from her lips and going right for the spot on her neck.

"...Jussi..." She moans, arching up against him and digging her nails into his sides.

In the midst of everything, he unconsciously starts to play with the shoulder strap of what she's wearing. It slides down her arm but she doesn't notice. The same thing happens with the other one, her not noticing again since she's caught up in everything else. His mouth working on the sensitive spot on her neck has he in a daze and all she can do is cling to him. After a while he pulls away from the spot, satisfied with what he's done. He rests his forehead against hers, watching her as she's still caught in the daze. She catches her breath and the fogginess fades, letting her focus as her eyes meet his.

"No fair." She mutters.

"Love you too."

"You know I love you."

"Of course. And you didn't notice but, your shoulder straps fell down your arms."


"That was totally my fault, couldn't control myself."

"I noticed." She giggles.

"That so makes up for the time we didn't see each other."

She raises an eyebrow.


"Now why am I a liar?"

"That is nowhere near enough to make up for it and you know it."

"It's a start....we have all week. I have plenty of surprises for you this week."

"Mmm, sounds nice." She murmurs.

"Oh you have no idea. Just wait until tomorrow."

"Tomorrow can wait. I'm more occupied with right now."

"Right now is good for me."

"Good." She smirks a bit, moving her hands again.

Then he presses his lips to hers once more, gradually turning it into french kissing. The kiss gets more heated and her hands move over his skin while one of his hands trails ip her thigh. She shivers slightly from the contact, goosebumps forming on her skin, but where his hand is now is where it stays. He draws the kiss out a bit longer and when he slows it down and pulls away, both of them once again breathless. Their eyes meet and a feeling passes between them. They immediately reach for each other's remaining clothes, which end up on the floor.

In the meantime, I've just gotten ready to climb into bed after changing when there's a knock on the door.

"Who could that be?" I ask myself, a little frustrated cause I wanted to sleep.

I grumble and go to answer the door. When I open it, there I see Ted dressed in clothes that he would normally sleep in.

"Ted...." I trail off, pulling him inside and then looking around out in the hall for any sign of anyone.

I don't see anyone so I sigh in relief and shut the door.

"Are you crazy? You know how dangerous it is sneaking to my room in the middle of the night when we're in a hotel."

"I had to see you. We were interrupted tonight."

"Well I was just ready to climb into bed when you knocked. I'm exhausted."

"Can I stay?"

"Would I say no to you?"

He shrugs.

"You know the answer to that, go ahead." I motion to the bed, before finally climbing under the covers.

He grins and gets under the covers as well, pulling me closer. He steals a kiss. Then we both say goodnight to each other before I turn the light off and snuggle back into him, falling asleep fairly quickly.