Priceless Sensation

Raw: July 5, 2010

Back to another busy Monday. The morning just flew on by and now it's the afternoon and all four of us had just gotten to the gym.

"Treadmill or the track?" Riss asks me, since we usually do running together.

"Hmmm...I'm feeling like using the treadmills today."

"Alright. Stretching first though."

"Right." I nod.

"You go do your thing." She says to Justin.

"Alright." He nods, kissing her briefly before walking off to go do what he needs to do.

We find a place to start doing our stretches. We stretch as soon as we find a place, but the stretching is interrupted when we hear an all to familiar lispy voice.

"Well well well, look who we have here."

"Oh lord." Riss mutters.

"Not him." I mutter too.

"Unfortunately." Riss sighs too.

We try to ignore him the best we can. It's easy for her, because he's not trying to flirt with her, instead he's trying to flirt with me. She's almost amused at his failing attempts.

"You don't seem to be stretching right, allow me to help you." He says, reaching out to touch me, but I slap his hand away.

"Touch me and you die."

"Ohhh. Denied." Riss laughs.

"Alright alright, I can enjoy the view without touching."

I roll my eyes.

"For your information, I have a boyfriend and I love him so I'd suggest you back off. And no he's not you."

"I'm not sure I believe you. I've never seen this boyfriend of yours." Swagger says.

"People didn't believe me either and look what happened." Riss remarks.

"You'll see one day."


"I'd appreciate it if you'd just walk away right now."

"Shoo." Riss motions with her hand.

"I'll be seeing you around." He says, before walking away.

"Awkwarrrrrd." Riss snickers.

"Just a bit."

"His lisp is hilarious."

"Yes, it is."

She laughs and shakes her head.

"Now I've got to deal with him and Heath? Great."

"Poor you."

"You've only got McGillicutty...for now."


"Although, he's more than a handful. We saw that last week."

"Too true."

"You hurt his not so incredible hulk." I snicker.

She smirks.

"Hope it's broken."

"No kids for him."


"You hit him hard too aha."

"Well he deserved it."

"Yes he did."

"Ass." She mutters.

"He must think he's god's gift to women, that's why."


"Are you ladies talking about me?" We hear Punk's voice.

"Because if you are, then you're right I am god's gift to women and I'm flattered you'd say that."

Riss lays her head down on her arms.

"Why me." She groans.

"I think we spoke too soon." I mumble.

"Uh huh."

"Sorry no we weren't talking about you."

"We were saying McGillicutty THINKS he's god's gift to women."

"Only in his own mind..." Punk scoffs.


"The true god's gift to women is me."

"You wish."

"I don't need to wish, because I know I am."

"Not according to either of us." She shrugs.

"That's because you haven't seen the light yet."

"I've seen the light. It doesn't come from you."

"She has a boyfriend if you didn't know already."

"Who is in the room by the way." She adds.

"So if you try anything, your ass is gonna be kicked."

"Yup." She nods.

"So I'd walk away while you still can."

She nods again, switching over to the splits.

"We'll be seeing each other again shortly." He says before walking off.

She sighs and rolls her eyes.

"I think we should get to the treadmills now."

She nods and gets up. Then we head over to the treadmills. We turn them on and get to exercising.

"So seems like this week I have a night off. You have a match instead tonight." I say.

"Yeah." She nods.

"I think that was a smart idea because I have things I can't really cover up this week."

She laughs.

"He only did that last night because with what's going on tonight for the show, I'm not gonna really be able to see him."


"Yeah, he told me last night that Maryse said she wanted the whole night with him tonight."


"Stupid Frenchie." She adds.

"Which is why when we go back to the hotel for the rest of the day until we need to be at the arena. He's gonna so make up for not being able to see me tonight."

"Oooooh." She giggles.

"Oh shush."

"Nope." She laughs.

"You're soooo in for it.....again." She adds.


"As if what he gave me last night wasn't enough."

"Of course not. You should get used to that. They can never leave enough marks on you."

"Nope. The amount that's left is never good enough."


"Can't say I mind though.....when I have a night off anyway."

"Right." She laughs.

"Because first of all it's showing how much he loves me."

She nods.

"I just can't wait until we can actually walk around backstage and be seen in public together."

"I know. Hopefully its not too far away."

"Who knows how long it'll be."

She shrugs.

"It's worth the wait though."

"Of course. Love always is."


We talk on the treadmills for a bit before moving on. She does the next thing while I sit there and watch as I talk to her. Then we switch. We keep doing that a few times until we were completely done. Then we go find Justin and see if he was ready to leave yet. We walk up as he's doing a few last reps and she bites her lip, giggling softly.

"Ooooh." I nudge her.


"If I say no?"

She sticks her tongue out.

"I'll go find you know who and see if he's....." I trail off, but a shirtless Ted pops up.


She laughs. She nudges me this time and I nudge back, then we both giggle.

"I'm ready to go when you are. Since you are my only ride back to the hotel." He says that last part clear enough so that anyone around could hear him and not be suspicious of us.

"Sure. I'm ready." I agree.

"I've got another stalker." I say once we reach the car after leaving.

"Who is it this time?"


"I can handle him too though. I said if he touched me, he'd die."

Ted chuckles.

"That's my girl."

Then we get into the car and head off to the hotel. Justin however had just finished his workout and they were getting ready to go themselves. She's making sure everything she brought is in her bag when she feels hands on her hips. Just by touch, she already knows it's Justin so she leans back into him.

"Hello to you too."

He chuckles and kisses behind her ear. She sighs, tilting into his touch.

"A few hours to ourselves when we go back."


"We should go now before we get too distracted."

She giggles and nods. She turns around and kisses him briefly, knowing that there's people watching. She picks up her bag. Then they both head out and to the car, heading back to the hotel. They go up to ther room, and she drops her bag by the wall. He almost instantly attacks her....happily of course. She giggles.

"Jussi, you goof." She laughs, squealing as she's picked up and dumped on the bed.

"A goof that's completely in love with you."

"I love you too." She smiles as he covers her body with his.

"You're not moving." He chuckles.

"I don't want to."

"Didn't think so."

"I'm perfectly happy right here."

"So am I."

She reaches up and pulls him down into a kiss. He grins and kisses back, his hands resting on her sides. She runs her hands up his back and then down again before sliding them beneath his shirt. That makes a small growl come from him. She giggles quietly and tugs his shirt up. He breaks the kiss for that time, so that he could take his shirt off. The shirt gets tossed and she immediately explores the newly exposed skin with her fingers.

"Having fun?"


"Thought so."

He chuckles and leans back down, kissing her again. He takes her hands and laces his fingers with hers as they continue to kiss. She squeezes his hands and hooks her legs around his. He smiles and chuckles into the kiss at her eagerness. She can't get her hands free so she just switches to a french kiss. That distracts him enough to the point where he gets lost in it and unconsciously lets her hands go. He hands settle on his chest for now. His settle on her hips for now as well. After a bit, she moves her hands up to his hair, running her fingers through it and tugging lightly. The grip on her hips starts to get a bit tighter. She wiggles her hips a little just to tease him. A small growl comes from him and he grips her hips tighter, trying to keep her still. She giggles and does it again. He makes another noise and attempts to keep her from moving again. He fails and she rolls her hips a third time. This makes him stop the kiss and pull away.


"What?" She giggles.

"Stay still."


"It's distracting."

"Sorry." She laughs.

"It's okay."

She runs her nails across his scalp gently.

"I love you."

"Love you too."

"Very much."

He smiles and kisses her briefly before laying down next to her and then pulling her into him.

"You don't want more?" She asks curiously.

"Maybe later. I want to snuggle with you."

"Aww." She smiles softly, and snuggles close and sighs happily.

"Perfect." He sighs happily himself.


"You're cuddly."

"You're a teddy bear...and a pillow."

"I think you win." She adds.

"Sure." He chuckles.

"My big cuddly, teddy bear pillow."

She smiles and nuzzles his cheek. Hours pass and before we all know it, it's that time once again to get ready to go to the arena for the show that's starting soon. I'm starting to get ready when Ted sighs.

"I should go get ready in my room in case she shows up."

"Right, even though as much as I don't want you to, you have to just in case."


"It's okay though. You have to do what you have to do."

He walks over and pulls me into his arms.

"I'm going to miss you. I'll be thinking of you all night."

"I'm going to miss you too, and I have things to think of you. MANY things."

Ted grins.

"Yes you do."

"I hope I don't have to explain anything to anyone."


"I think I'll manage though."

"Just say your boyfriend surprised you."

"I could yeah."

"You technically wouldn't be lying."


"But I should go. I'll text you when I can."


"I love you."

"Love you too."

Ted gives me a lingering kiss before leaving. I sigh before sitting on the bed to finish getting ready by putting my boots on. I get those on and gather my stuff before heading out. Justin and Riss have just finished getting ready themselves. They were just getting their things together to leave. She puts all her gear and stuff into her bag and zips it up.

"Match tonight?" He asks.

"Yeah. Against Alicia."

"I can go out with you, if you want."

"You sure that you're able to? I don't know that Creative would like that."

"It would shock everyone if I did."

"It would." She agrees.

"And you know us....making an impact....this would make some kind of impact."

"True. You have a point there."

"Something to think about though, depending on when your match is."

"Right. We'll see."

He nods. They make sure they have all their things and then they leave. We all make it to the arena at different times. When I got there, I instantly went inside, and started heading towards the locker room, hoping to avoid anyone who would question the marks that I have from Ted. Luckily the halls seem pretty clear. Or so I thought when I wasn't paying attention and ended up bumping into someone.

"Oops sor- oh its you." I start to apologize but then see it's Swagger that I bumped into.

" that case, I'm not gonna finish my sentence."

I also back up to give myself space.

"I think I'll find a different way to my locker room, thank you." I say, turning around to walk away.

"Aw come on." Swagger says.

"I'd much rather take forever getting to my locker room than try and pass by you."

"You know you enjoy my presence."

"More like throw up."

"Sick? I can take care of you."

"No thanks."

"Why not?"

"Because the sight of you makes me sick."

"Love sick." He grins.

"In your dreams."

"Amazing dreams that should be real."

"Ew....okay, I'm walking away now..."

I back away slowly. I go to turn but he reaches out and grabs my wrist.

"Hey....what did I say about touching me?"

"You love my touch."

"You don't let me go now, and I promise to hurt you internally."

"Come on... you love me."

"Yeah I don't...." I start to say but then come up with a plan.

".....actually you know what, you're right."

"I am?"

"Oh yeah, completely 100 percent right."

He grins widely.

"You know, some people may not like you because of your attitude, but I'm not one of those people." I say, starting to 'pretend' flirting with him.

"Of course not." He says.

"I've always been in denial about liking you back and everything. I think there's something that you really deserve."

And of course he instantly tries to go in for a kiss, I pretend to do so as well. But then I stop and hold him before kneeing him hard in the the groin. He gasps in pain, dropping to the floor and holding himself.

"I told you what would happen if you touched me. Do it again and I'm doing much worse than that." I say sternly before storming off, finally getting to the locker room.

I flop on the couch with a growly sigh. Shortly after that, the door opens and Riss and Justin walk in.

"What's with you?" She asks.


"Hit on you again?"

"Worse than at the gym."

"Ew. Poor you."

"It's okay. He was the receiving end of something that hurts."

"Knee to the crotch?" She asks.


"Nice." She says while Justin cringes slightly.

"But now I'm in a mood."

My phone buzzes and it's a sweet text from Ted. And Justin told Riss that he had to go change because the opening segment of the show involved him and was starting soon. She pouts.

"I know I know, but I can't control these things."

"I know." She sighs.

"I'll probably be back out just in time to head out there too. We'll see."


He kisses her before taking his bag and going to change. She sighs and plops down on the couch.

"Something wrong?" I ask, after replying to Ted.

She shrugs and shakes her head a little.

"Alright, just making sure."

"Jussi's been getting a little quiet. I'm not sure what to think."


"Yeah. He usually likes to talk and stuff when we're cuddling but lately he's been less talkative."

"Maybe he's got a lot on his mind or something lately."


"I mean it happens. Maybe he's worried about what will happen with him being a part of all these attacks on WWE people, especially Vince last week."


"I mean if you attack the boss, things could happen, and bad things."

She nods and sighs.

"We can only hope."


And Justin was right because as soon as he walks out from changing there was a knock on the door, and his name being called. Riss rolls her eyes.

"Rissa...." Justin says, holding out his arms.

She stands up and walks into his arms.

"I'll be back as soon as I can after the segment is over okay?"

She nods.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

Then he gives her a long and lingering kiss before smiling and then heading out the door. She touches her lips lightly and then shakes herself out of her daze, walking over to sit back down.

"Oooooh." I nudge her.

She blushes.

"He does that a lot doesn't he?" I snicker.

She nods, blushing more.

After a few minutes the show starts and In the ring was all of Nexus, everyone booing them. Wade steps forward to talk, but stops because of the boos.

"Now last week I received an email from the general manager of Raw, informing me that I was to assemble the Nexus in this ring at the start of today's show, in order to face the appropriate consequences for our actions. Now I'm gonna tell all of you the same thing that I told the GM. And that is this....we cannot reveal right now why we did what we did to Mr. McMahon. But rest assured it needed to happen, because you see it's all part of a bigger picture. A much bigger picture. Now Mr. McMahon thought that he controlled us. But believe me, that is not the case. Things changed very very quickly. And just like all of you, he had absolutely no idea as to our agenda. Now with that being said, I believe Mr. Sheffield here has something to say regarding Ricky Steamboat."

"Unlike what we did to Mr. McMahon, what we did last week to Ricky Steamboat and the legends, we did that for fun. You see, we found a loophole in the GM's ruling and we exploited it. You people won't admit it, but you loved every...every second of it. You watched like rubber necks on the highway, gawking at the scene of a car accident. Fact is...fact is, more people now are interested in Ricky Steamboat's DVD than before we attacked him. So the way I see it, is that he should be thanking each and every one of us. And I'll even go out...." Skip is interrupted by that GM chime.

"Oh lord." Riss rolls her eyes.

"Uh wait a moment, wait a moment please. I've just received an email from the general manager of Raw. The GM has decided on his punishment for the Nexus, for their assault on WWE Chairman Vince McMahon. Per our general manager, and I quote, none of the Nexus can compete for a WWE title until further notice."

"The only one that really affects is Wade." Riss points out.

"And...and further more, as of this moment, the ruling of Nexus members not being able to touch Raw superstars and vice versa has been lifted."


That's when John's music plays and he comes out not looking too pleased. Everyone in the ring, including Justin himself get ready for a fight. Riss cringes.

"You know the seven of you, you guys guys have done quite a lot ever since you got here. But there's one thing you haven't done just yet. And that's get yourselves into a fair fight. By my math, that would make the numbers 7 on 7."

Then out comes Randy, Truth, Evan, Tyson, David and Morrison and all of them make their way to the ring with John. Riss bites her lip and starts twisting her rings But then Edge, The Usos, Mike, Sheamus, Jericho and Ted come out and they all attack John and them. Nexus flees and a fight between all the superstars breaks out in the ring, leading to an AA to one of the Usos. Riss sighs in relief seeing Justin get out of there.

"You just don't get it do ya' Cena?" Sheamus says, once his group retreats to the ramp.

"No idiot you don't get it! You don't get it! What the hell are you doing?! What the hell are the rest of you doing?! We just had em'! We could've taken them out!"

Sheamus says something we can't really understand since he and John were talking over each other.

"...funny enough, the one WWE superstar, they seem to attack over and over is you John Cena. Now I don't know what the Nexus' agenda is, but if it's seeing them take out you and Bret Hart, then everybody on this stage supports it. Last week, last week you asked me to join you in the fight against Nexus. Well I can tell ya', me and everybody here respectfully decline. And if your friends had any brains, they would too."

"Hey Sheamus listen up and listen good. Me and John Cena are not friends, and probably never will be....unless we have to. Now the Nexus is a serious threat to each and every one of us. So Edge, what's the matter with you exactly? Have you forgotten how the Nexus jumped us at the Fatal 4-Way? You know what, you know what, forget it, forget it. If we can't take out the Nexus right now, then why don't we finish what we started with the seven of you?" Randy says after taking the mic from John.

Then the GM chimes in again.

"" I groan, getting annoyed.

Riss sighs and rolls her eyes.

"The general manager says, and I quote, don't even think about fighting right now. If you want action tonight, you'll get it. Because all eight members of the Money in the Bank ladder match will be in action against each other in a series of matches. And John Cena, later tonight you are going to step in this ring with Wade Barrett. But...but, it's not going to be a match. The general manager wants John Cena and Wade Barrett to shake hands and call a truce."

"Yeah...right. Like that's going to happen."

"We all know the anonymous general manager is watching. So, Mr. anonymous about instead of shake the hand of Wade Barrett for a truce, I take my hand, put it in a fist, and knock his teeth out. That work?"

Again, the GM chimes in with a response.

"The general manager says, and I quote, John with all due respect I need you to be the bigger man here. I trust you'll do the right thing. If not, your actions will be met with appropriate consequences and that's.....and that's the bottom line because the GM said so."

"They're making sound like Stone Cold to throw people off." Riss rolls her eyes.

"I wonder if we'll ever find out who it is."

"Who knows."

The Raw theme plays as the screen fades to a break. During the break, the door opens and Justin walks back in. She gets up and holds her arms out. He grins and walks over, wrapping his arms around her and she does the same to him. She raises up and brushes her lips against his quickly.

"Good news. I'm not needed until the end of the night." He says.

"Good. Your mine."

"Like it should be." He chuckles.

"Oh yes."

Then he walks her over to the couch and he sits her down on his lap. She curls up against him.

"Awwww." I say before turning my attention to the TV since the show came back from the break.

She makes sure both she and Justin are comfortable before she turns her attention too.

First match of the night and it had to involve Morrison.



After his entrance stuff, he waited in the ring as Ted's music played and he of course walked out with HER. Ted gets into the ring while she walks around to join Jerry and Cole on commentary.

"Oh no, we have to hear her talk don't we?"

"Oh god."

Jerry tells her to take a seat and unfortunately we have to listen to her talk.

"Maryse thank you for joining us, as we get set to watch your...well I guess your boyfriend right? Ted DiBiase in action against John Morrison. Is that how you would describe Mr. DiBiase and your relationship?"

"First of all, thanks for calling me a gold digger last week."

"I did...well that's...well I thought you were a gold digger."

"That's because she is."


"Well apologize." Lawler tells Cole.

"You know that this ring is worth more than you."

"But you're not a gold digger. All this you're wearing out here tonight."

"No I am not a gold digger. Me and Teddy will love each other and I love money, he's rich, pure coincidence."

"She is so delusional."

"The bleaching of her hair went to her head."


"You guys fell in love pretty quick. It's a whirlwind relationship."

"That's how it happened."

"That shows how much you know, he don't love you."

"Nope. His love is right here." Riss pokes me.

"And I'm proud of it."

"Of course."

"DiBiase hammering away on Morrison, big matchup for both of these men as they look to gain momentum heading into the Money in the Bank ladder match."

"You know me and Ted, just want to make the world a better place. And if you think about it, with me and Teddy buying all those diamonds and jacket, we help the economy."

"Jacket? It's JACKETS you dumb broad."

Riss rolls her eyes.

"...create jobs...think of the guy that cleans my jacuzzi. Or the one that drives my limousine. My maids, my gardeners."

"You two are regular old charity workers aren't you? Look at this, a hook of the leg, shoulders down and a kickout. Pretty soon you'll be adopting babies from all over the world I'm sure right?"

"Oh hell no." I glare.

"Psh she'd be a terrible mother. She wouldn't even carry the child, she'd choose a surrogate so she wouldn't get fat." Riss scoffs.

"Wait a minute, that Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt."

"Now look at DiBiase taking control of Morrison here. Have you noticed Teddy changing his game so to speak Maryse? Since you've been hanging around with him?"

"He's so handsome."

"That's not answering the question." I shake my head.

"She's an idiot."

"It has nothing to do with the Million Dollar title he carries around, or the fact that...." Cole stops when Morrison tries to roll Ted up, but Ted kicks out.

"...what about, I'm kind of curious though. You did enter this relationship once you found out that DiBiase had this millions of dollars trust fund that was given to him by his father, a couple of months ago."

"Oh come on, this is all like blah blah blah blah blah blah."


Morrison goes for another cover and Ted kicks out at two.

"Now Maryse a lot of young ladies think that Morrison is pretty good looking too..."

"I'm sorry, I have a phone call. I'm"

Ted hits Morrison with a scoop slam and hooks both legs going for a cover, but Morrison kicks out. Maryse is on the phone like she said and she's speaking in nothing but French.

"If I were her, I'd be supporting Ted by actually WATCHING the match and not talking on the phone."

"We know."

"So Maryse, who was that?" Cole asks, once she gets off the phone.

"None of your business."

Then she takes the headset off and leaves commentary. As the ref is counting down, she grabs Morrison's fur coat and puts that on as she heads over to the stairs. She walks up the stairs and at this point, Morrison has gotten to his feet and she causes a distraction for the ref and Morrison. That allows Ted to poke him in the eye and hits him with Dream Street and pins him to win the match.

"What do you know. She had a smart moment."

"One of few smart moments." I scoff.


She gets into the ring as Ted's hand is raised in victory and she's all flirty with him as usual, and he has to 'act' that way back of course. They talk about the coat and stuff and it looks like she kisses his cheek again and I roll my eyes.

"Dumb broad."

She takes Morrison's coat off and drops it on him, before she and Ted both leave. A replay of what happened in the end of the match plays and then they head back up the ramp and backstage, the screen now fading to Kozlov and Santino backstage.

"You're not going to regret this Vladimir. We're going to become the greatest tag team ever! Italia and Russia, back together again. It's going to be like World War II, except this time no Nazis. Hey..high fives." Santino says, going for a high five.

"Oh boy. Those two are going to be funny."

Kozlov says something and we can't understand if it's Russian or English and he walks away, leaving Santino a bit scared.


Then Cole and Jerry talk about Nexus and their attacks and then show a possible truce happening before the break.

"Hmph. There won't be a truce."

"No, not really." I shake my head.

"Its pretty obvious."

"Right." I nod.

She leans back into Justin and kisses his jaw. Then she rests her head on his shoulder as she snuggles into him more. He smiles and kisses her head.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

"Awww." I smile.

"And look at that...same thing just came across my phone from Ted." I add, laughing a bit.

"To repeat you...awwwww." She smiles too.

"He did a number on you with those marks didn't he?" She smirks.

"Yes he did."

"I'm glad I don't have much planned this week. It'll take a while for these to go away."

"Mmhmm." She giggles.

"Oh shush."

She laughs and falls quiet. The break was soon over and then Santino and Kozlov both came out to Santino's music, Santino jumping around and everything before they both get into the ring. Then Regal comes out.

"You two oxygen thieves may have got the better of me last week, but unfortunately you've made an enemy out of me. And I will use every drop of vile and venom that runs through my veins to get revenge. And regrettably for you, I've used my powers of persuasion and I've got myself a monster."

Then Khali comes out. Without Khali even having to step in the ring, Kozlov was able to plant William Regal with the Iron Curtain en route to picking up the win for himself and Santino. After the match, The Great Khali enters the ring and lays Regal out with an overhead chop to Regal’s head before the three unique RAW Superstars celebrate.

"Oh jeez."

That soon ends and before going to another break, at some point tonight Chris and Evan are gonna be guests on Edge's show The Cutting Edge, and then up next there will be an update on Ricky Steamboat. The break wasn't too long and a video package of what happened last week with the legends and Nexus was played.

"Well it was a loophole...they're legends....not superstars."


Backstage is Arn Anderson and Josh Matthews.

"Arn Anderson, that was certainly hard to watch. Do you know the health status of Ricky Steamboat?"

"Yeah it's hard to watch Josh. It's hard to stomach, it's hard to live...through, it's a lot of things. And Ricky's bad, it's bad. I don't know how bad, but the doctors are saying it's serious. Ricky's 57, worse than that, Ricky's one of the good guys. Ricky never...." He turns around once Sheamus shows up.



"Josh, you may want to get out of here."

"Cry me a river will ya'? What? You're gonna cry are ya'? You know, you used to be The Enforcer, but're just a pathetic old man."

"Yeah I used to be a lot of things. Understand that. One thing I never was, was blind and stupid. Don't you understand what's happening to your company? Don't you know what hostile takeover means? Don't you understand that even though you're the champion, you're not safe?! If you don't put your problems aside with Cena and Randy Orton, and Jericho and Edge, and understand one of your greatest strengths, all of you guys, is understanding weaknesses. And your weakness in this situation is get out of the way of your ego, or this company is going to go up in smoke, the fire's been set, do you understand me?"

"Listen to me old man, I don't have any weaknesses. The difference between me and all those guys, is that I am the WWE Champion and they're not. You know there's a big difference between you and the Four Horsemen, and Nexus. And that is Nexus is smarter than you guys everywhere, because they know not to interfere in my business."

"You keep thinking that. And I'm smart enough to know this...but you better listen very carefully. Right now you're comfortable, right now you're the champion of a thriving company. But if you don't get together with some of these guys in the locker room and stop the bleeding, a month from now you may just be a great white shark patrolling around an empty mudhole."

"You must've got kicked hard in the head last week old man. See I don't need anybody, because me...I'm the WWE Champion."

"You just don't get it." Arn says shaking his head and walks away.

"No he doesn't."


Before the next break, they show upcoming matches of the night. First they show Riss' match against Alicia Fox and then they show that up next Truth is invoking his rematch for the United States Championship against Mike.

"Hopefully Mike will win."

"I hope you win tonight too."

"Even though I know you'll win anyway."


Just as the break was ending there was a knock on the door. I get up and open it and the person who was clearly someone who worked backstage asked for Riss and Justin. She exchanges looks with Justin and then shrugs. They get up.

"Be right back Air."

I nod and head back over to the couch and sit back down. They follow the guy through the halls and end up at Stephanie's office.

"Wonder what we're doing here."


The guy knocks on the door and then they hear a faint 'come in', and they open the door and walk in.

"Hi you two. Have a seat." Stephanie says.

"Before you ask, no you're not in trouble. I asked for you both to be here in my office because I have a storyline proposition for you."

"Oh okay."

"What is this storyline about?" Justin asks curiously.

"The storyline involves Karissa going heel." Stephanie says.

"Oh wow. That'd be a new thing for me." She replies.

"But in order for that to happen, the cause would be joining the Nexus."

"Me in Nexus? Wow..." She raises her eyebrows.

"It's not gonna happen right away of course. We want to lead up to it."

Justin is watching her hopefully.

"So are you up for it?"

"Sure, when does it start?"

"Tonight. I've already talked to Wade and the rest of them and they're all up for it."

"Wow, that fast?"

"You'd be surprised at how fast things happen around here, but yes."

"Well okay. What's happening tonight?"

"Well they're all gonna see you backstage as you're preparing for your match. Wade is going to say some things to Justin and then when you're alone and stretching or whatever for your match, Justin will come up to you and start to flirt with you."


"That'll typically be what most of your segments will be about."

"Sounds like fun." She giggles.

"I'm sure it won't be a problem considering you two are together anyway. It should come quite easy."

"Of course." We laugh.

"I'll be looking forward to watching. You may leave now."

"When exactly is this promo by the way?" Riss asks, as they get up.

"Before your match, and your match is the last match of the night, before the truce attempt with John Cena and Wade."

"Alright. Thanks."

Then she and Justin leave, and start heading back to the room.

"That was not what I was expecting." She says as they walk, fingers laced together.

"I know right?"

"But hey, more time together." She smiles.

"Uh huh." He grins.

"You get to flirt." She laughs.

"I know." He chuckles.

"I know you love that."

"Of course I do."

She giggles and kisses his cheek.

"I can use all the lines I used on you back when we met."

"Oh the memories."

"I know."

"I love it."

"How well I know."

They reach the room and go in after knocking.

"So what happened?" I ask.

"New storyline." She remarks, waiting for Justin to sit first.


She gets comfortable on Justin's lap before she continues.

"I'm going heel."

"Really? No way."



"She'll be joining Nexus." Justin says, kissing behind her ear which makes her giggle.


"Yeah. Steph says they'll lead up to it but ultimately, I'll be in it."

"Sounds like it could be fun."

"Something new, that's for sure. But Justin's happy because he gets to flirt with me on tv."

"Ooooh." I giggle.

"Basically Nexus sees me in the hall and Wade says some stuff to Jussi about me. Then when I'm alone stretching for my match, Jussi comes up and flirts and tries to get me to join them."


"It's going to be fun." He chuckles.

"Sounds like it."

She tilts her head and rests it against Justin's shoulder as he trails kisses down her neck.

"When's your match, did you find that out too?" I ask.

"Its the last match of the night."

"Oooh so basically like main eventing. That's awesome."

"I know."

"And you're so gonna win, so that's even better."

"Yeah." She giggle.

"Aww that means when you turn heel, you can't come out with me for matches when you want to."

"Unfortunately. But the turn won't actually be for a while so we can still do that until then."


"Should be interesting being heel. Haven't done that before."

"Should be very interesting."


"So did we miss anything?"

"There was no match between Mike and Truth. Mike came out to Truth's music and he started rapping, it was quite funny actually."

"Sounds hilarious."

"Then he attacked Truth so that's why there was no match."


Since that segment was short and they went to a break while Riss and Justin were gone, the show had just come back and they replayed what Mike did. Then Edge comes out for his Cutting Edge show.

"Before I begin, a moment of silence for R-Truth. He only knew one song, but he did it oh so well."

"It's annoying really."

"Now regarding the comments that Randy Orton made about the members of Nexus and myself. It's's true, they did attack me as well at the Fatal 4-Way. So the question begs, do I let that slide?"


"But here's the thing...I'm smarter than you Randy. I'm smarter than everyone else here. Why make seven enemies when you can make seven power allies? Yeah, you see the only thing those guys need is direction, someone to steer the ship, leadership which I can provide. And I'm willing to do that in exchange for seven allies capable of savage brutality. Because I know where all of this is heading. Yeah, because in two weeks I am in the Raw Money in the Bank ladder match."

"Good for you. Too bad you're not gonna win."

"The thing is, the person.....who grabs that briefcase, has always become champion. Now let me make that very simple for all of you so you can keep up. The person who wins the Money in the Bank match, it's equal to winning the WWE Championship. Did you get that? And trust me, I know all about it because I've done it twice. Something that neither of my guests tonight have been able to do. Especially a spunky little guy with all kinds of heart and determination. Ladies and gentlemen, I give to you Evan Bourne."

But instead of Evan, it's Chris coming out.

"That's not Evan."


"I don't take a back seat to Evan Bourne, I don't take a back seat to any of these hypocrites, I don't take a back seat to you. And I know what you're doing Edge. You're out here shamelessly pandering to Nexus, hoping they don't attack you again, but let me remind you that I was Wade Barrett's pro during the first season of NXT. It was my influence and my advice, the confidence that I enstilled in him, that helped him win that season. I was the one who told him to make an impact, do something that had never been done before, so I'd like to think all the chaos that has been caused by Nexus is due to Chris Jericho's influence."

"Hmm...maybe a teenie bit."

"Even to the point of....destroying Ricky Steamboat, just like I did at WrestleMania last year. So Edge, if there's anybody who's gonna be a potential advisor and mentor to Nexus, it's me."

"Chris, Chris why would they listen to a guy that could barely beat Evan Bourne two weeks ago?"

"Ooooh burn."


"Same guy that beat you decisively at WrestleMania?"

"Okay I've talked about this before Chris. My mind was not clear at WrestleMania, because I was too concerned about what these sheep thought about me. I did myself a favor and I don't care what they think anymore. You see Chris, I said the fun begins in two weeks and there's a reason why. It's because I OWN the Money in the Bank ladder match. This is my match. And after I win that briefcase, I may just cash it in on the champion when he's very vulnerable. Like...after he's competed in a steel cage match. See let me give you a little history lesson...."

"No no no no no no no no. Let me give you a little history lesson Edge. Ever since you came to the WWE, you idolized me, you wanted to be me. Oh yeah, I had long blonde hair and suddenly you have long blonde hair. I won a championship, you won a championship. I got my own talk show, you got your own talk show. Your entire career, all you've wanted to be is Chris Jericho. And now just like Evan Bourne, you're trying to knock me off my perch, but nobody can knock me off my perch, because I'm the greatest performer of this generation or any other. I am the most valuable performer in this company and I can't be replaced Edge, that's a fact. And at the Money in the Bank, I am going to win the match, I am going to become champion, and I'm going to make sure that you never get another title match ever again. Do you understand what I'm saying?" He finishes before Edge attacks him.

"Oh jeez."

Chris gets Edge in the Walls Of Jericho and that's when Evan comes running out and then uses the ropes and jumps, landing on Chris. Edge gets up and goes to spear Evan but he leapfrogs over and Edge almost goes running into the ladder, but stops himself. Then Chris and Edge work together and try to both get Evan. But Evan is too quick and he jumps out of the ring, and the GM chimes in.


"Wait a moment, wait a moment please, wait a minute. Ladies and gentlemen our GM asks all of you quote...if you want to see some action give me a hell yeah. Well clear the ring of the Cutting Edge set, because like it or not, Edge and Chris Jericho will team up to face Evan Bourne and his tag team partner Randy Orton."

Riss rolls her eyes. The match officially started after the break, and in the end, it was Edge turning on Chris Jericho and delivering the Spear to his tag team partner before leaving the ring, which allowed Evan Bourne to hit Air Bourne en route to pinning Jericho to win the match for his team. After the match, Randy Orton delivered a solid reminder of the every man for himself structure of the Money-in-the-Bank Ladder Match to the high-flyer by laying Evan Bourne out with the RKO.

"Poor Evan."


"I think I'm gonna start getting ready for the match, I don't think there's any more matches besides mine now, the night's almost over."


"And no you can't come with me." She tells Justin, giggling.


"I don't need any distractions." She laughs.

"You'll live." She adds.

She kisses him and then gets up to change. He waits until she closes the door to the seperate room, and then gets my attention.

"Hey, you think sometime this week we could know...ring shopping?"

"Yeah sure. Just let me know when." I smile.

"I might have to tell Ted so he knows where I am, is that okay?" I add.

"Yeah that's fine."

"This is exciting." I giggle.

"I know for a fact that whenever you do propose she'll definitely say yes. No doubt." I add.

"I sure hope you're right."

"I am right. I'll let you in on something. The day of the charity event when you were with Ted and she and I were together having the day to ourselves, first of all she saw in the dress story an area where other girls were trying on wedding dresses and everything. She couldn't stop thinking about it."


"Uh huh. Then at the hair salon when we were getting our hair done for that night. She said she'd marry you if you asked right then and there. So she'll say yes for sure."

Justin sighs.

"That makes me feel a whole lot better."

"Is that why you've been quiet? Cause she said you've been quiet lately and stuff."

"Yeah." He rubs his neck.

"I had a feeling that was the reason."

He nods sheepishly.

"The day I took her shopping I was looking at rings, but I decided that since you know what she likes, I'd wait and see when you wanted to go and help me pick one out."

"Ohh. Get any ideas?"

"Some. We'll see what we find when we decide to go."

"Alright. Sounds like a plan."

Then the door opens and Riss walks out and we act like we haven't been talking about anything.

"All ready." She says.

"Wanna go head to where we need to be?" She asks.

"Sure." Justin agrees.

"Have fun." I giggle.

"Oh we will."

Justin gets up and laces his fingers with hers as they both leave the locker room. They walk through the halls until they find the rest of Nexus. But it's only Wade, Sheffield, and Darren because Tarver, David and Heath had a small segment to do involving Randy.

"Hey." Justin greets them.

"Excited about this storyline?" Wade asks her after getting her and Justin back.

"Its going to be interesting that's for sure. I've never been heel before."

"Well I'm sure we can help you out with that."

She nods and rests her head against Justin's shoulder.

"Let's see you've got to be mean, aggressive....a lot of things."

"She can be mean, trust me." Justin chuckles.

"Yeah, I pretty much got that mastered." She laughs.

"She burned McGillicutty so bad last week. It was hilarious." Justin snickers.

"What can I say, I have my ways."

"So yeah, that part won't be a problem."

"I'll have to join in on attacking people won't I, once I join?" She asks.

"That's very possible."

"I thought so."

"You going to be okay with that?" Wade asks.

"I'll be fine."

"Alright, and of course since I'm the leader, you're gonna have to listen to me when you join. On camera of course."

"Right." She nods.

"And then you'll be with us in the Nexus locker room."

She nods again.

"The Nexus armbands, you'll get one of those as well."

"And the shirt obviously."

"Well once we get those shirts out there anyway."


"By the time you're recruited, we should have the shirts."


Then a backstage attendant comes over and tells them to get ready for the segment. She lets go of Justin and kisses him before going where they direct her to. The attendant says that the segment will start soon, as the cameraman near her gets everything ready. She takes a breath and gets herself ready mentally. The attendant starts counting down and the segment starts with Justin and Wade talking backstage.

"You want me to do what?" Justin asks.

"Flirt with her, get her to take a liking to you."

"And then what?"

"Don't worry about that. You just flirt with her and continue to, and everything will fall right into place, trust me."


"Now go find her, her match is coming up soon."

Justin nods and Wade slaps him on the back before he leaves. Cutting to Karissa, she's backstage stretching and getting ready for her match against Alicia. She hears footsteps but just ignores them, moving to stretches another way. The footsteps stop.


She finishes counting in her head and then shifts to sit comfortable before looking up. She finds Justin standing there and she makes sure to look a little wary.


"Do you need any help?"

"Help stretching?"


"No. I'm good."

"Are you sure? Because it looks like you might need some help."

"I'm fine."

"Yes you are." He grins, looking her over.

"I suppose I should be flattered." She says, almost amused.

"Yes you should be. From what I see, you have an amazing body."


"Don't mention it. Not only is that amazing, but you're extremely beautiful as well."

She blushes just a little.

"I didn't know there were divas as beautiful as you are."

"Well now you do apparently."

"Yes I do."

"So is there any other reason you're here? Or are you just here to flirt?"

"Just to flirt."


"Let's just say that you and I are gonna be seeing a lot of each other here in the WWE and I thought I'd make an impression on you."

"We'll see."

"Good luck out there....I'll be watching." He grins before walking away.

She watches him go, looking thoughtful. They stop filming once they're told in their headsets that it's a break. They tell her the segment was great before walking away themselves, and Justin comes back. She giggles and smiles up at him.

"It took me so much not to giggle during that whole thing."

"I could tell." He chuckles.

"But yeah, good luck out there." He adds.

"Thanks babe." She smiles as she takes his hands and he pulls her up.

"Need help stretching for real this time?" He chuckles.

"That would be nice." She laughs.

"I have some time to kill so why not." She adds.

He grins and kisses her quickly, then he helps her stretch. Before she knows it, it's time for her to get to the curtain.

"Thank you for helping."

"You're very welcome."

"I'm always up for helping you stretch...anytime."

"I know."

"Wish I could go out there with you."

"I know. But look at the bright side. You'll get to eventually."


"Walking me to the curtain?"

"Of course."

She smiles and laces her fingers with his.

Alicia is already in the ring before Riss has to go out. After footage from Fatal 4-Way 2 weeks ago, Alicia's music fades and Riss' music hits and she walks out. She gets into the ring and poses in the corners before standing across from Alicia. The bell rings, signaling the start of the match. They circle each other a bit before locking up. Alicia gets a couple cheap shots in before sending Riss into the ropes. Riss comes back and hops over Alicia's back and goes for an early rollup, but Alica kicks out. They both get up and Riss dropkicks her, followed by a clothesline. She gets her up and pushes her into the corner and kicks her a few times, followed by a few elbows to the face. The ref tells her to back up and she does, but when she goes back over to Alicia, Alicia kicks up and hits Riss in the face with both boots. Then Alicia climbs to the top and when Riss turns around she hits her with a cross-body going for the cover. Riss kicks out at two. Alicia gets up first and then gets Riss up. She goes to send her into the ropes but Riss blocks it and sends her into another clothesline. She then goes over to the ropes and looks back to make sure Alicia isn't moving. She then uses the ropes for leverage and does a moonsault, landing on Alicia. She stays on her and goes for another cover but Alicia kicks out. That's when Riss backs up after getting up and climbs the corner, stalking Alicia as she stumbles to her feet. Her back is to Riss and when she turns around she drop kicks her. Picking Alicia up one last time, and she delivers her finisher, going for the cover and pinning Alicia. The ref does the three count and the bell rings. Riss grins and gets to her feet to celebrate.

The ref raises her hand in victory and after some celebrating in the ring, she leaves and starts heading back up the ramp. She gets backstage and she stretches. Then arms wrap around her in a hug. She recognizes the touch and she relaxes, snuggling into Justin happily.

"I knew you could do it."

"She isn't tough really."


"It is nice to win though."

"It's nice to see you win."

"Can't wait to see you win yourself."

"I can't wait for my first match here." He nods.

"I'll be glued to the tv."

"Of course."

She leans up and kisses his jaw.

"I'd say we head back to the locker room, but Wade's thing is coming up next and you know the rest of us will be involved at some point."

"Yeah, I know."

"I can stay here, no worries." She adds.

"I'm comfy anyway." She giggles.

Then Wade and the rest of Nexus walk up and he gets ready to go out.

"Be careful okay?" She says quietly to Justin.

"I will."

"Love you."

"Love you too."

Soon they play music and Wade walks out by himself and goes down to the ring, being handed a mic.

"John Cena, earlier tonight the Raw general manager asked that the two of us meet in this ring and call a truce..shake hands. Now I'm not gonna try and sugar coat what the Nexus has done to you, but I want you to understand that everything we've done has had a purpose. It's just very unfortunate that you've been caught up in the middle of it all. So before I proceed, I would like to ask you to come out here right now so we can shake hands like men."

After a few seconds, his music goes off and he walks out like always. He looks behind him to make sure none of the rest of Nexus are around and hiding or coming out behind him. He walks to the ring and gets in, getting a mic as well.

"Cena, we've caused you a lot of harm. We've even cost you your WWE Championship, but uh....I want to let you know and I want you to believe me when I say this, you are not in our future plans. You see I'm out here representing the Nexus, because I want to shake your hand and put everything that's happened in the past behind us. I want to look to the future, I want us to be able to move on. 'Cause the simple fact is this, The Nexus seven are gonna be here for a long long time, and we can make your life very easy or we can make it a lot harder than it's already been. So John, the choice is yours."

"Choice is mine? So if we shake hands right here right now, this stops. No more attacks, no more chaos, no more looking over my shoulder everywhere that I stops. Listen man, the anonymous general manager wanted to do this truce tonight, I need to know you wanna do this truce. I need your word. Where I come from, my word's all I got. We shake hands right now, this stops."

John holds out his hand and Wade goes to shake it but John pulls it away.

"Why stop when we're having so much fun?!"

"You see we've got a little bit in common, I don't dwell on the past either, I look towards the future. The future....such a wonderful time where cars fly, every kid's got a sweet hoverboard, we have robot butlers and the Nexus runs rampant on Monday Night Raw. Man it sounds so awesome. Let me just check with the magic eight-ball to make sure it's true. Ask again later..can never tell with these things. Oh, this is one you're gonna love. Take your truces, take your handshakes, your future plans, your past plans, your long-term plans, your short-term plans, crumple 'em and stuff 'em up your nexus. Just like you, I look forward to the future. You wanna know what the future is? I take you down. Not just you Wade Barrett, every single one of ya', I take you down! Whether I do it myself, whether I have help, I get to every single one of you! the future, you got my word on it."

Riss winces a bit.

"That you're even capable of standing in this ring today is a testament to the fact that what we've done to you in the past is nothing compared to what we could do to you in the future. You know it doesn't have to be that way John, this was never about you. Look at the Nexus, we've taken out the former general manager Bret Hart. We've taken out the company Chairman, Mr. McMahon. Now I'm warning you right now, this is your last chance. Shake my hand or I promise you, you are going to face some very very severe consequences." Wade says, holding his hand out again.

John drops his mic, but he shakes his hand anyway and then he gets Wade on his shoulders for the AA. The rest of Nexus runs out and Justin follows behind after quickly kissing Riss. They all gang up on John, but then Evan runs out to help and they gang up on him. Morrison runs out next and they gang up on him. Then Mark Henry comes out and more of the locker room comes out to help. Wade and Sheffield get tossed out of the ring first, and then the rest of Nexus flees besides Darren, who's left in the ring. Riss waits for Justin, shifting impatiently.

Wade and them gather on the ramp and then the gm chimes in.

"Wait a minute, wait just a minute! May I have your attention please. Ladies and gentlemen, the GM says and I quote, I wanted peace. So if things don't stop now, there will be consequences."

Then all of a sudden the crowd cheers, the sound of someone hitting the apron in the ring is heard, and then John has Darren in the STF. After a while the GM chimes in again.

"John, John the general manager says and I quote, Cena because of your actions you will now face all of the members of the Nexus next week in a seven on one handicap match."

Darren crawls towards the ropes and John goes back over and starts wailing on him. By this time Justin and them have come back through the curtain. She waits for Justin to walk over.

"You okay?" She asks, checking him to make sure.

"I'm fine." He assures her.

"Good." She sighs.

"Let's head back so you can change and we can head back to the hotel."

"Sounds good." She nods.

"Same for have to change as well."

"Yeah I do."

They head back to the locker room, and when they get there, they find me already gone. They both go to change before they too leave to head back to the hotel.