Priceless Sensation

Photo Shoot, Ring Shopping, Dates

A few days later, and Justin had decided that today was the day that I'd help him with the ring shopping for Riss. We decided on the afternoon, since we all had plans for the morning after breakfast. Justin is already up and moving around the room. She on the other hand, is still in bed. It's only a while after that when she starts to stir and move around. Justin chuckles as he sees the blankets moving.

"Morning sleepyhead."


"Photo shoot today, I can't wait for it."

She laugh quietly.


"You just like it 'cause it involves a swim suit."



"Okay so I do."

"That's what I thought."

"Don't drool too much." She giggles.

"I'll try."

"You do that.

"Are you coming out from the covers?"




"'Cause why?"

"I'm warm."

"It's not even cold."

"Um not wearing clothes, remember?"

"So? It's not like anyone else is in here besides us." He smirks.

"Still don't feel like moving."

"That's okay."

She reaches up and pulls his pillow under the covers, snuggling with it.

"I could just snuggle with you, you know."

She sticks her hand out from the covers and fumbles until she touches him. She tugs him closer.

"I'm coming, I'm coming." He chuckles, climbing onto the bed and under the covers with her.

She snuggles up to him.




"I'm glad."

"You are a morning person. I don't get you."

"Being a morning person comes with the territory you know that."

"I don't like mornings."

"I know you don't, but sometimes we can't get away with sleeping in. The hours for us now are crazy."

"I know."

"But it's worth it 'cause we get more and more time together."

"Mmhmm." She smiles.

"Especially with this storyline."

"I know. We'll be together even more."

"And I love it."

"Me too."

"And until I join Nexus, you get to be all flirty."

"Which is fun."

"Yes." She giggles.

"Its fun to flirt like we aren't together even though we are."


She leans up and kisses his cheek.

"I'm gonna be doing something with Ariel after lunch today, just to let you know."

"Oh okay."

"You can probably hang with Ted or something if he's around."


"If you want to that is."

"We'll see."

He nods and kisses her head. She tilts her head back and pushes her lips out, wanting a kiss. He chuckles and grins, before happily doing so. She keeps the kiss going until he pulls away.

"More later." He smiles.

"Now." She pouts.

"We have to get breakfast before getting you to that photo shoot."


"I know, I don't wanna move either."

"Ughhh." She groans, hiding against his neck.

"Want me to go pick you out some clothes so you don't have to move just yet?"

"I should get up. I just don't have the motivation."

"Should I get you up myself?" He chuckles.


He smirks and before she knows it, she's being picked up. She squeals and clings to him. Then he gets out of the bed and brings her over to her things. She squirms until he puts her down. Then she starts going through her things. He of course stands there and looks her over. She swats at him and laughs.

"You're staring."

"Your point?" He smirks.

"Its distracting."

"'re distracting me."

She picks up her clothes and starts getting dressed.

"Awww." Justin mumbles.

"You can take them off later."

"Yes." He cheers and she laughs.

"Sleeping like that again tonight hopefully." He adds.


"Love you too."

She giggles and kisses him.

"You know I love you."

"I know."

She slides past him to go into the bathroom. She almost puts up her hair, but realizes there's no point since it'll be taken down for the shoot. So all she does is just brush it out from laying in bed. She finishes her routine and walks out, messing with her hair absentmindedly.

"Leaving your hair down?"

"They'll just take it down for the shoot." She shrugs.


"So no point in putting it up."


"You like messing with it anyway." She laughs.

"That's also true."

"Well you finish getting dressed so we can get food."

"Alright." He nods.

She sprawls out on the bed and watches Justin as he gets ready.

"You're having fun, I know you are." He chuckles.

"Yep." She giggles.


"Sexy." She laughs, swatting his butt as he walks by.

"As you always say."

"Its true."

"Only for you." He grins.

"All mine." She giggles.

"All yours."

She smiles contentedly as he finishes up.

"Breakfast now?"


"After you."

She gets up and grabs her purse before they leave. I in the meantime have just woken up. This week has been different because all of a sudden since Monday, Maryse has wanted more time with Ted so he couldn't spend the night last night. But once I told him about the photo shoot today, he said that he would come up with an excuse to not be with Maryse today. I stretch and roll over. As I look around, I see a note on the nightstand that wasn't there before.

"That wasn'" I start to talk to myself, confused, as I reach over to grab it and read it.

I see the note is from Ed and I suddenly remember that I gave him the second key card to my room.

"Oh....duh....stupid me." I shake my head after smiling at the note after I had read it.

The note basically says he's looking forward to the shoot and that he loves me.

"Awww, and of course he is." I say to myself.

I then decide to get up and get dressed, so that I could go get some breakfast. I put the note in a compartment of my bags where I keep the rest of his notes. I pick out my clothes and get ready. After changing, I grab what I need before heading out to breakfast myself. Once I get there, I easily spot Justin and Riss sitting at a table. So of course, I walk over to sit with them.

"Morning Air." They say.

"Morning." I say, sitting down.

"Sleep well?"

"Eh, sort of."

"Missing someone?"

"Yeah, I'm not used to him not spending the night, because he's done it so many times and I've gotten used to it. This week feels so different."

"Aww. Poor you."

"Who knows though, maybe tonight will be different." She adds.


"I don't like to get my hopes up." I shrug.


"You'll still see him today though. Photo shoot remember? He's coming with us."

"Yeah." I smile.

"Oh he's gonna die during the photo shoot."


"And it's not gonna be on purpose this time."

"Nope." Riss laughs.

"He's gonna want copies of those pictures."

"Yes he will."

"Hey, I'm gonna want copies too." Justin chuckles.

"We know."

"You'll get them don't worry."


"Should be a fun day."

"For sure."

"Woke up this morning and found a note, totally forgot that I had given him the 2nd key card to my room." I say as their food got to the table.


"I was confused for a minute and then I was like 'duh'."

Justin and Riss laugh.

"I had just woken up, not my fault."

"Of course." She giggles.

"He can't wait for this photo shoot. Said so in the note he left me."

"Oooh." She teases.

"Oh shush."

She just laughs.

"But he also said that he loves me."


"But of course he just loves saying it in person, even though on a note is cute."


"I don't think I could've asked for anyone better than him."

"Awwwww." She smiles.

"You know the week I went down to his place with him and finally met his family. His mom asked him if he saw himself getting married to me one day down the road."

"No way, she did?"


"What'd he say?"

"Well first he was just like 'mom....'."


"Then his brother said that he could see it, and then he said first things first he has to get rid of HER."

"Ooh he's thought about it then."

"I don't know about that..." I shrug.

"I think so."

"I mean come on, he said he has to get rid of HER first before he even considers it." She adds.

I nod slowly.

"We'll see I guess."


When their food had come to the table, I had ordered what I wanted and that soon came to the table. We all ate and talked amongst each other. Once we finish, we pay and start to walk to the cars.

"I'll meet you at the shoot? I'm gonna go back to the hotel and get Ted."


"Because from this text....looks like Maryse took the car and left him at the hotel just to go hang out with her model friends." I roll my eyes.

"How rude."

"And that surprises you?"

"No. Just saying."

"Alright, I'll meet you there."

Justin and her nod before we split off in different directions. When I get back to the hotel, Ted's already waiting out front for me, so I pull up and stop in front of him, unlocking the door so that he could get in.

"Hey love." He greets me after shutting the door.

"Hey." I greet back, while looking around for any sign of anyone.

Since I don't see anyone, after Ted puts his seat belt on, I lean over and kiss him.

"Mmm. Missed that." He smiles.

"So did I." I say, pulling away from the hotel and heading to where the photo shoot is gonna be.

"I'm happy that I get to go with you to this." Ted says.

"Oh, I know." I laugh.

"I want copies. I can hide them."

"Are you sure?"

"Maybe phone pictures would be a better idea. I can lock those under a password file."

"You could...but she doesn't go through your personal stuff does she? Like your bags, clothes....etc?"

"She has a time or two." He sighs.

"Really? Let me guess for money."

He nods.

"I guess her own money isn't enough. We get paid enough for our jobs, like really?" I shake my head.

"I know."

"Gold digger...." I grumble.

"Yes she is."

"The way she's treating you...pisses me off."

"I know."

"But there's nothing we can do about it now, I know." I sigh.


"But you and I get our time together. As long as we get that, we're fine."


"But enough about her."


After a while, we arrive at the building where the photo shoot is taking place. We get inside and find Justin and Riss waiting there.

"Hey." We greet you.


"We have to wait a bit before having to go change. They're finishing up another shoot first."

"Oh okay."

"Aww, we have to wait..." Ted pouts.

"You'll live." I laugh.

"If Justin can live, you can live." Riss laughs as well.

"I guess so."

"'ll me."


It isn't too long after that when the current shoot is finished.

"Alright ladies, we're ready for you."

We nod and follow the photographer, showing us where we need to go to get changed. We change and head to hair and makeup.

"Ohh, this is his favorite color on me. Even more for him to love."

"Nice. Blue is a good color though." Riss giggles.

"I know."

"I'm in Jussi's favorite color too."


"He loves purple and blue."

"Probably loves it even better when you wear it."

"Oh yes."

"He's gonna die."


"Especially if you have your shoot first."

"Uh huh." She giggles.

"This is gonna be fun. And while I'm waiting, Ted will be all touchy..uh oh."

"Have fun with that."

"Well you know Justin will be touchy with you too."

"Oh yes."

After getting finished with our hair and makeup, we finally get to head back out. We look over to our boyfriends to see their reactions. Ted was the first to notice and he taps Justin and points. Justin raises his eyebrows.

"And it begins." I giggle.

"Mmhmm." She laughs.

Since we have a little bit of time, we decide to go back over to them.

"Well?" She asks them as we do a little spin.

"Can you keep that?" Justin asks.

"I'll ask." She laughs.

"You ask too." Ted says.

"Okay." I giggle.

"Touchy." Riss laughs as Justin reaches out and touches.

He pulls her to him and lets his hands run over her skin.

"Tickles." She giggles.

She slides her arms up around his neck. Ted also starts to be all touchy with me.

"You look amazing." He says quietly.

"Your favorite color on me."


"I so hope they let you keep that."

"I do too."

But soon the photographer finds us and tells us that they're ready for our shoots. And to save time, we all go out to the pool where the shoot is gonna be.

"Ooooh." Riss says as we see the amazing pool, complete with waterfalls and such.

"I love this."

"Me too."

"You're so gonna look hot in that." Justin comments.

She laughs.

"Only you Jussi....only you would say that."

"Karissa, you're up first."

She nods and lets go of Justin, walking over. She's told what she needs to do, what areas of the pool to go in, etc. First they do shots outside the pool, posing on the edges. Justin of course is in heaven the entire time he watches. Ted and I laugh at him.

"That's gonna be you soon." I add.

"True." Ted chuckles.

"Just try and not attack me afterwards. I have enough marks that I'm lucky makeup was able to cover up. But thankfully most of them are gone now since you left tiny ones."

"I'll try to contain myself."

"By the way, I have something planned for tonight. It's gonna be a surprise." He grins.


"Mmhmm. I'm gonna set it up while you're gone with Justin getting the you know what for Karissa."

"Oh okay."

"You're gonna love it."

"I know I will."

"I always do." I add.

Ted smiles and kisses my cheek. Riss was done with the shots out of the pool, so she moved to into the pool. She dips her foot in and find it's the perfect temperature so she slides in. She goes to the first spot she was directed to, and she does the poses that she was told to do. She can see Justin and he's got this look on his face that tells her that she's so in for it later. She gives him a smile before focusing on the shoot.

"I can't wait for Justin to propose to her. She's going to be so happy." I smile, leaning into Ted.

"Did he tell you when he's going to?"

"Not yet, he still has to plan that."

"It has to be perfect after all."

"Of course."

After moving to different places in the pool, she ended the shoot by the waterfall. She stands under it and closes her eyes, relaxing.

"She's going to get attacked later." I giggle.

"Oh yeah.....big time." Ted chuckles.

We both laugh at Justin. Justin was in too much of a daze to realize when the shoot had ended. She swims over to the side and climbs out, taking the robe she's handed and a towel. She puts on the robe and ties it shut. Then she takes the towel and starts patting her hair as she walks over.

"Yoo hoo....Jussi." She giggles.

"...huh? What?" He snaps out of it once she waves her hand in front of his face.

"Welcome back to Earth."

"Distracted much?" She laughs.

".....yeah....your fault though."


"You died didn't you?"


"I kind of figured you would."

She giggles and continues to dry her hair.

"Air, your turn."


"Don't die on me too much." I say to Ted, laughing.

"I'll try." He chuckles.

I give him a kiss before heading over to the pool for my shoot. Riss is standing by Justin when one of the hair and makeup girls comes over and offers to dry and style her hair.

"That would be amazing, thank you. My hair can get kind of crazy when it air dries." She replies.

She follows her to some place she can sit so that she can dry and style it. Justin follows of course.

"You were just amazing."


"Now I want copies even more than before."

"I figured." She giggles.

"Especially with the waterfall."

She laughs.

"Of course."

"I barely focused enough to take a picture with my phone."

"My bad."

"It's not like I could help looking the way I did."

"I know. You're naturally beautiful." Justin smiles and she blushes.


"He's always a charmer." She tells the girl.

"That's why I love him."

"I can see why." She smiles.

"And I love you."

She grabs his hand and squeezes it. He takes that hand and lifts it, kissing the back of it. She smiles wider. Then the girl starts up the hair dryer, and starts to dry and style her hair. Justin watches, fascinated with what the girl is doing. The girl ends up styling her hair in waves.

"I like it." Justin declares.

"Of course you do."

"You always do." She laughs.

"Because you can play with it more." She adds.

"Exactly." He grins.

"You're so gonna be in for it later." He whispers.

She giggles.

"I kind of expected that."

"Good. You should have."

"But I do have plans for us tonight." He adds.

"A surprise?"

"Yeah...a surprise."


"I'll have to set it all up while you're not in the room though."

"I'll find something to do."


"Just text when you're ready okay?"

"I will."

"All done." The girl says.

"Thanks." Riss smiles.

"Now let's go see how much Air is killing Ted."

"Probably a lot if yours was anything to go by."

"I wouldn't doubt it."

She takes Justin's hand and gets up from the chair. He laces their fingers together and they head back to the set area. Just like they thought, they found Ted completely out of it and in a daze as he looks on.

"Don't drool." She teases him with a laugh.

"I won't." He manages to reply.

"You sure?"

"I think I see some." Justin laughs, pointing.

Riss starts giggling.

"I'm sure."

"Hahaha." Ted laughs sarcastically.

"We're only teasing."

"I know."

"Dead yet?"


"Just like Jussi." Riss giggles.

Justin wraps her in his arms and squeezes. She squeals and giggles more.

"I died completely though. He's not there yet." Justin chuckles.


Pretty soon the shoot was over and Ted managed to snap himself out of it by the time I had gotten out of the pool and walked back over.

"You were great." He tells me.

"Of course you would think so."

"He almost drooled." Justin laughs.

"Did not."

"Did tooooo."


I look amused.

"It's okay if you were."

"Maybe a little." He admits.

"Thought bad."

"Its ok, you can't help being gorgeous." He says as he hugs me.

"Awwwww." Riss smiles and I blush a bit.

"You're blushing." She teases.



"It's too fun." She laughs.


"That girl over there will do your hair for you. She did mine." She adds.

"Alright." I nod and then Ted and I go over there.

She greets us and starts to dry and style my hair. Ted and I talk while she dries and styles it, and eventually she was finished.

"I like it. Thanks." I say.

Then I get out of the chair and we make our way back to Riss and Justin.

"Time to go change and get some food." She says.

We hear both of the guys go 'awwww'.

"Oh stop. You'll live."


They whine.

"You know we can't wear these all day."


"But I think I heard something about being able to keep them."

Justin and Ted perks up.

"We'll see what happens after we change." I say as we giggle.

They both nod. Then we all head back inside, Riss and I heading back to the dressing rooms to change. We come out a few minutes later, all dressed. Of course we were able to keep the swimsuits so we came out carrying them in bags. The guys light up at the sight of the bags.

"They're happy."

"Oh yes."

"All set to go." Riss says when we reach them.

They nod and the four of us head out to the cars. We pull out of the parking lot and head off to find somewhere to eat lunch. Lunch is nice and easy, just the four of us talking and having a good time. After lunch however is when things change. Instead of me going with Ted and Riss going with Justin, we switch cars. Justin comes with me in my car while Ted goes in Riss' with her, only because of what I'm going to be doing with Justin for most of the afternoon.

"Now to decide what to do." Riss says as she drives back to the hotel.

"Well I am planning a surprise for Ariel. A little date type thing in her room. Could probably use help with it."

"Sure." She smiles.

"I have an idea of what I want to do, I want to somehow replicate the night I told her that I love her. See we were in my backyard, it was a clear night so we were under the stars."

"Awwww. That's sweet!"

"I'd do it outside but can't because of the whole 'being in public' thing, and there's no balcony outside her room so it's gonna have to be inside the room."

"You could get one of those mini projectors." She suggests.

"Project stars in the room." She adds.

"Good idea."

"Anything else in mind that you wanted to do?"

"Maybe a picnic or dinner? I'll need music too." Ted says.

"That is actually a great idea. She'll love it."

"Good. I was hoping so."

"She'll probably love you even more after tonight."

"Hope so." He smiles.

"Trust me, she will."


"Alright, so we'll have to make some stops at stores for this stuff."

He nods and she changes directions, heading to the store.

"I have to thank you for helping me Karissa."

"You're welcome."

Then they reach a store, and they park and get out, walking inside. They go around and get all the items he'll need. After paying for everything, they head back to the car and then head to another store for something for the dinner/picnic. Ted picks up some of the foods I like and then she points out more. Once they were done there and everything was paid for, they headed back to the hotel. They grab all the stuff and go up to our floor.

"You need help setting everything up or are you good?" She asks.

"I think I can manage. Thanks a lot Riss."

"You're welcome."

"Have fun."

"I will."

She heads down to her and Justin's room while Ted heads into mine. Justin and I are now walking into a jewelry store. We head right for the rings and start browsing.

"So what are your ideas?" I ask Justin.

"Well I know she likes silver, yellow gold not so much."


"I'm kind of leaning towards something more unusual." He adds.

"Something she hasn't seen before right?"

"More or less. She's different so a different kind of ring would suit her."


We look and occasionally point out different rings. But that's when I come across one that really stands out to me. Justin looks over.

"That's it. That's her ring." He says before I say anything.

"I agree with you." I nod.

He gets the attention of the employee and waits for them to walk over. Then he points the ring out to them, and they open the case and take it out. They hand it to Justin and let us look closer at it.

"Oh yeah, that's the ring for Rissa." Justin nods.

"She's gonna love it."

" I just need to plan when to do this." He murmurs.

He hands the ring back and tells them her ring size.

"That's always the hardest part because it's got to be perfect, I know." I nod.


"You'll think of something, I know it."

"I know where, I just don't know when."

"Ooooh where?"

"Las Vegas. That's where I told her I loved her."


Justin smiles.

"I just have to look at our schedule and find the best time to take her out there."


"You and Ted are welcome to come out there with us."

"Oh of course. Gives us more time alone together."


The employee comes back with the ring, and it's all ready to go, in a box and everything.

"Have fun hiding that." I giggle.

"I'm sure I'll be able to."

"Good luck."

Then he pays for the ring and we leave.

"So what now?"

"Well I am doing something special for her tonight, we're gonna have to pick a few things up before heading back."

"Ooh what are you planning?"

"Well we have a jacuzzi tub in our room so I was thinking get an ocean projector, use that and turn the lights out so it gives you the feeling of being underwater."

"Oooh she'll definitely love that."

"Ocean sounds too."


"Yup she'll definitely love it."

"I know." He chuckles.

"Let's go get all that stuff then."

He nods and we leave. We head to a store where we could find everything he needed. We go inside and he picks up everything he wants. He pays for that and we head back to the hotel. On the way, he texts Riss and says that we're on our way back. She texts back and lets him know that she'll be reading by the pool.

"Alright, she said that she'll be reading by the pool. I'll be all set to set everything up."


"I think I'll end up joining her by the pool. I'm sure Ted's gonna be busy setting up what he has planned for me too."


"You two are just so good to us."

"Because you deserve it and we love you."

"I know."

Once we get to the hotel, Justin heads up to his and Riss' room while I walk to the pool.

"Hey." I greet her as I spot her and sit next to her.

"Hey, have fun?"

"Yeah." I nod.

"That's good."

"What about you?"


"They're both getting our surprises ready. Should be interesting."

"For sure." She nods.

"I know what he's doing for you."

"I know what Ted is doing so we're even."

"We're both gonna love it then."

"Of course."

"First time all week he and I get time alone, just to ourselves." I say about Ted.

"Well you'll definitely enjoy this time."

"All I'm saying is that what he has planned is sweet." You add.

"Looking forward to it." I smile.

"The same goes for your surprise." I nod.

"Sounds good."

"I can't believe the day's almost over. Where did it go?"

"I know right?"

"Pretty soon the week will be over...just like that."

"I know."

"Then it'll be back to work for us."


"Another week of seeing HER."


"But hey, the pay-per-view is next Sunday and Ted has a chance of winning that Money in the Bank briefcase."

"True. Hopefully he wins."

"I hope he does too."

"Big opportunity."


"So more flirting on Monday from Justin huh?" I giggle.

"Yup." She giggles.

"I could see this past Monday that you wanted to burst out in laughter."

"I was trying so hard."

"It was funny, what can I say." She adds.

"It makes me think back to when he was flirting and trying to get me to go out with him." She giggles.

"I remember those days."

"He was so funny."

"He was."

"Hard to believe its been over a year."

"I know right?"

"But its been the happiest year."

"I can tell."

We sit and talk until both of our phones go off.

"Oh, looks like our surprises are ready."


We move from the chairs and head up to our rooms. We reach her door first and we say bye to each other before I walk off to mine. She knocks on the door even though she has her key car. She hears Justin say that she can come in, so she takes her key card out and opens the door, walking in. Right as she walks in, her eyes get covered.

"Heyyyy..." She protests.

"What I'm about to show you is a surprise."

"Keep those closed." He says, kissing behind her eat as he takes her bag from her.

"Promise." She states.

"Good." He chuckles.

After putting her bag down, he comes back over and takes her hands in his, leading her towards the bathroom. She walks carefully, though she knows he wouldn't let her run into anything.

"It's dark in here...even with my eyes closed. Why is it dark?"

"You'll see."

"And is that ocean sounds I hear?"


"You'll see why in a minute."


He moves to stand behind her and puts his hands over her eyes. After counting to three, he uncovers them and tells her to open them. She gasps when she sees the ocean projected lighting dancing on the walls and the jacuzzi tub going.

"Oh Jussi..."

"Ariel helped me get everything for this today."


"But all of this was my idea."

"I love it."

"I knew you would."

She turns her head and kisses him.

"Take some time and relax for the rest of the night."

She smiles and turns around to hug him.

"I love you so much, thank you."

"I love you too and you're welcome."

"Shall we get into the jacuzzi tub now?"

She nods and giggles softly.

"Want me to help?"

"I know you want to. You've been dying all morning to get me out of my clothes." She laughs.

"True." He chuckles.

She kicks off her shoes and holds out her arms. He then helps with taking her shirt off. Justin drops that on the floor and works on the next item of clothing. She too helps with his clothes, and once they were both de-clothed, they get into the jacuzzi tub. She grabs a hair tie off the nearby counter and puts her hair in a messy bun to keep it from getting wet. Then she leans back into Justin and sighs happily.

"This is just what I needed, after the long day we had."

"I know, that's why I put this together."

"It was a good idea."

"You are too sweet." She kisses his neck.

"Because I love you."

"Love you too."

Then she relaxes against him more, focusing on the sound of the ocean. She feels his lips brushing against her ear and neck, she sighs.

"Just because we're relaxing, doesn't mean you're off the hook for today." He mumbles.

She giggles.

"I know."

"But I will go easy on you, it was a long day for you."


"So just little stuff."


"Like what I'm doing." He mumbles against her neck.

She giggles softly.

"Of course."

She tilts her head to give him better access. As he kisses her neck, his hand start to wander a little. She arches a little and makes a small noise. He of course smirks against her skin in triumph. It becomes his mission to get more noises so he steps it up just a little. Of course it works and she makes more noises, some louder than others.

"Jussi..." She groans.

"Yes?" He smirks,

"You're driving me crazy..."

"I know, I love driving you crazy."

"Yes you do."

"But you love it."

"Mmhmm..." She mumbles, letting her head drop back against his shoulder.

This gives him even more access to more of the skin on her neck. She feels him smirk and she swats him half-heartedly on the thigh.

"Hey now, what's up with the violence?" He chuckles.

"You think it's funny that you make me this way."


"It's not funnyyyyyy." She whines.

"I'm sorry."

"Better be." She mumbles, squeezing his leg.

"I am, don't worry."


Then she goes back to relaxing while he kisses her skin.

"Mmm..." She sighs.

Then he stops and decides to relax for the rest of the time with her.

"Hmph, I was almost asleep."


"Not cool."

"I wasn't really meaning to put you to sleep."

"Sorry. Its been a long day and you got me so relaxed."

"It's ok."

She twists around and curls up in his lap.

"I can go back to doing that so you relax."

She nods against his neck.

"And if you fall asleep, don't worry, I'll take care of everything."

"Okay. Love you." She mumbles, kissing his neck.

"Love you too."

She closes her eyes and lays against him. Not too soon after that since he was doing things to help her relax again, she did end up falling asleep. Justin carefully lifts her out and dries her off before taking her to bed. He puts her down carefully, trying not to wake her and pulls the blankets over her. She rolls over and reaches out for him in her sleep. He chuckles, but goes back into the bathroom to make sure everything is turned off, before climbing into bed next to me. She turns over and snuggles into him.

"Night Rissa." He says quietly.

He kisses her head and slowly falls asleep. When I get to my door, even though I too have my key card, I knock because I don't know what the surprise is and I'll most likely be keeping my eyes closed until I can look. Ted opens the door.

"Eyes shut." He smiles.

"Okay." I nod, shutting them.

He takes my hands and leads me inside.

"I hear music...."

"I know. Its part of the scene."

"Hmm...what did you do?"

"You'll see."

I nod as he leads me further into the room. Ted stops me and moves behind me, sliding his arms around my waist.

"Open." He says in my ear.

I open them to see the whole room covered in stars and the table that was in my room was covered with various foods and such. I gasp a bit.

"I wanted to recreate the night I told you I loved you." Ted adds.

"Ted...I don't know what to say."

"Well do you like it?"

"Like isn't the is more like it."

"That's what I was aiming for." He smiles.

"You are just amazing."

"Just for you."

"I know."

"I love you Ariel."

"I love you too Ted."

"Now we have a dinner and dancing under the stars."


"What did you think the music was for?" He chuckles.

"Listening to?"

"Well it is but it's for dancing too."

"I know that now."

"Shall we enjoy our food first?" Ted asks.

"Of course."

We walk over to where the food is set up and sit down.

"You're lucky you have the extra key card to my room."

"I know."

"So, since you set all this up...does this mean you're staying the night?"

"Of course. I didn't go through all of this to spend the night by myself." He chuckles.

"Just asking, 'cause I didn't know exactly. This week has started out differently than the rest."

"I know."

"I'm just teasing you." He adds.

"But hey next"

"Yeah, I'm looking forward to it."

"I think I'm gonna come find you before the match if I can for a bit of good luck again."

"Okay." I giggle.

"I'll give you a lot of good luck instead of a bit." I add.

"Sounds good to me." Ted grins.

"Because a little bit, isn't quite enough."

"Of course not."

"Plus, if next week is gonna be like this week....then yeah."


"You know I think I'm gonna wear a suit on Monday."


"I think I like that idea." I smile.

"I don't see you in a suit too often." I add.

"I know."

Then we start to grab the food that we wanted, and eat while talking occasionally. We also exchange affectionate touches and kisses as well, occasionally feeding each other little bites here and there. After we finish eating, we sit and relax for a little while. The Ted pulls me up from my chair and into his arms.

"Dance with me?"

"I don't have a choice now do I?" I giggle.

"Not really."

"Then you know the answer to your question."

He laughs and starts to dance along with the music. I smile and lean against him as we dance. He kisses my head and makes sure I'm wrapped in his arms.

"I love everything."

"I'm glad you do. I did this all for you."

"Perfect way to end the day."

"For sure."

We dance to a few more songs or so, before I start yawning and leaning into Ted more.

"Alright. I think its into bed with you. We can fall asleep under the stars, the projector has an automatic shut off."

"That sounds like a great idea actually."

"I figured." He smiles.

"Go get changed and I'll meet you back in the bed."

I nod and reluctantly move from his arms. I grab clothes to change into and head into the bathroom. He shuts the music off and then gets changed himself before climbing into bed. I come out in my pjs, drop my clothes on my bag and slide into bed. He almost instantly pulls me into his side. I giggle and happily snuggle into him more.

"Maybe I'll be able to sleep tonight now. I've gotten so used to you staying here with me, that when you're not here, it's hard to sleep."

"I'll try to come as often as I can. I promise you."


Ted tilts my head up and kisses me lingeringly.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

"Sweet dreams."

"Night." I say back and I get more comfortable before dozing off after.