Priceless Sensation

Florence Henderson Hosts

Riss has just finished getting ready, changed into a dress that she knows will kill Justin. She walks out of the bathroom after doing her normal routine and she waits for a reaction to the dress. She smirks and waits for him to look up. When he finally does, he has to do a double take before a big grin forms on his face. She giggles and does a spin.

" look....are you trying to kill me?"


"It's working."

"Good." She laughs.

"That was the whole point." She adds.

"Of course." He says, watching as she puts the rest of her jewelry on.

"If we had a choice, we wouldn't be leaving right now." He adds.

"And the dress would be on the floor, I know." She laughs lightly.

"Yes it would."

She smirks and grabs her shoes, sitting on the bed to put them on.

"Need help with those?"

"You just want an excuse to be all touchy."

"I know you." She says as he pouts.

"So....can I?"

"I suppose." She giggles.

"Yes." He cheers quietly and walks over to help.

He takes one shoe and puts it on, pulling up the little zipper on the back. His fingertips wander up her calf before he grabs the other shoe.

"Touchy." She giggles.

Justin smirks a bit and repeats the process with the second shoe.

"You should let me do this all the time."

"We'll see."


She tugs him closer and kisses the corner of his lips.

"Thank you for the help."

"You're very welcome."

Then she stands up and grabs whatever she needs, getting that ready to go.

"Alright, ready to go?"

"One last thing." Justin says, moving closer with a small smirk.

He then wraps an arm around her and pulls her close before pressing his lips to hers. She giggles and pushes herself closer, responding to the kiss. He smiles into the kiss, wrapping both arms around her now to hold her closer. The kiss gets deeper and she sighs a little, sliding her arms around his neck. After a while he pulls away, but reluctantly.

"Don't wanna end up missing the show."

"Yeah..." She sighs.

"More fun Nexus stuff tonight."

"True." She laughs softly.


"You love it."

"I do."

"Because you love me and I love you."


"Time to go though."


They lace fingers and head out of the room. I in the meantime am already on my way to the arena, and finally just pulling into the parking lot. I park and get out, heading for the door. I make it inside with no problems and head to the locker room. I set my bag down and sit on the couch. While waiting for Riss and Justin, I hear something slide under the door and I look to see a note.

"Ohh Ted."

I giggle and go over to get it. I pick it up and read it while I walk back over to the couch to sit.

"Awwww." I smile at his sweetness.

Then instead of sitting on the couch, I go over to my bag and put the note in there. And while I'm at it, I decide to change for my match which is the first match of the night. I take my bag with me in the changing area. Riss and Justin get to the arena, and walk into the locker room, just as I'm coming out of the changing area with my ring gear on.

"Facing Alicia then?" Riss asks.


"Yay for a win." Riss laughs.

"And now I need to go change." Justin says, kissing you briefly before going into the changing area himself.

Riss walks over and sits on the couch. I follow her and also sit on the couch as she waits for Justin and as we wait for the show to start.

"You guys were later than usual." I remark.

"I killed Justin with this dress." She giggles.


"Big kiss." She laughs.

"Oooooooooooh." I repeat, nudging her.

She giggles.

"Said if we had a choice, we wouldn't have left the room."

"I repeat again...ooooooooh!"

She blushes a little but giggles more. Justin comes out just as the show starts .

"Part of the opening segment again."


"But I will be right back once it's over, like always."

"I know."

"Love you."

"Love you too."

Then he walks over and leans down for a brief kiss. She kisses him harder. I glance over and giggle to myself before paying attention to the screen. He groans and pulls away.

"Later." He murmurs, kissing her head.

She nods and then heads out the door.

After a video package of the conflict between John Cena and Nexus, Raw began. The Raw intro and normal introductions were done before John had come out. He did the normal entrance, the crowd going wild and he gets a mic.

"Thank you Justin, thank you all of you guys. And I want to send a special thanks to all of the WWE Superstars that finally helped me last week vs the Nexus. But I watched that footage back and it was missing something, it was missing a big white flash. It was missing some white lightning. The pale kid with the red hair.... guys getting any of this...Sheamus. Sheamus never showed up. You see jumbo tried to tell him last week, but he didn't understand. One of these days, Sheamus is gonna wake up and realize when it comes down to the Nexus, we're all in this together. But, next Monday Sheamus is gonna wake up and realize that he just lost the WWE Championship. Because this Sunday at the Money in the Bank pay-per-view, he competes against me inside a steel cage. I plan on ripping his face off and switching it out with his butt."

We snicker.

"You see a steel cage match is actually designed to determine who the better man really is. So this Sunday at Money in the Bank, the luckiest Irishman in the world will have a chance to prove to all of you that he is actually good. No rainbows, no pot of gold, no four leaf clovers and I promise you the only lucky charms will be the sweet, delicious cereal that I eat for breakfast. Sheamus is real quick to tell you that he's a two-time WWE champion. He's right. Once because I fell through a table by accident and twice because he had the help of the Nexus. You see in a steel cage match Sheamus, there ain't nowhere to run. And more importantly for me, because of current events, in a steel cage match no one can interfere. So after weeks of me listening to that human jar of mayonnaise say that he can beat me anytime, anyplace, anywhere, today I confidently say this Sunday at Money in the Bank, the champ will be here!!!! And as grueling as that match is, strangely enough it's my easiest match of the week. Because our anonymous gm tonight has booked me in a 7 on 1 handicap ma-...wait. It's gonna be a 6 on 1 handicap match. You guys know why? 'Cause last Monday Darren Young ran into 250 pounds of crap your pants, wearing an orange t-shirt, that's why."

"Oops. Can't say I liked him anyway." Riss shrugs.

"Unfortunately, he won't be in action tonight. I promise you guys, I meant what I said about the Nexus. Whether I have help, whether I do it myself, I'm taking all of them out. Every last one of them will fall, because with them it is not about winning, it is about survival! They will realize that the CeNation is in the building!"

"Hopefully he doesn't hurt Jussi bad." Riss bites her lip.

That's when Justin and them appear on the stage as the lights come on instead of a spotlight on John.

"Well well well, if it isn't the clan otherwise known as Nnnnnn."

"Very good Cena, I like a bit of humor but uh...right now I want you to know that you shouldn't be worried because we could come to the ring and beat the living daylights out of you. But we're not gonna do that right now, because it would be too easy. Instead we're gonna wait until later on when the whole world can watch us. And the best thing about tonight, is that we get to do whatever we want with a completely clear conscious, 'cause you brought all of this upon yourself. You're a hot head Cena, and you're too short sighted to realize that the Nexus just stands for a much much bigger picture. But more than that, you disrespected the general manager, and for that tonight you're gonna get exactly what you deserve."

"Damn right I'm gonna get what I deserve. I deserve to knock every one of your teeth down your throat."

And the GM finally chimes in.

"Oh great." Riss rolls her eyes.

"Uh excuse me gentlemen..."

"Michael Cole, Rascal Flatts..."

", excuse me. May I have everyone's attention please. This email is from the general manager. And I quote. Mr. Cena, based upon your blatant disregard for my instructions last week, if any superstar gets involved in any conceivable way in tonight's handicap match, they will be suspended for 90 days."


"Furthermore...furthermore, the Nexus must tag in and out during the match tonight. If they don't abide by that rule, they will be suspended for 90 days as well."

"Oh man."

"Finally internet justice!" John exclaims.

"Cena, let's be honest. That doesn't make one shred of difference, 'cause we can play by the rules tonight and you're still gonna suffer. But you on the otherhand, you're gonna be in that ring...all alone."

"Wade, you may be lucky enough to take me out tonight. But listen very closely...tonight, I take a few of ya' down with me, you understand that?"

He drops the mic, does his pose thing in the ring and his music plays. Everyone in Nexus turns around and heads backstage and the screen fades to a break.

"Well that's my cue to go wait." I say, getting up.

"Alright. Want me to go out with you?"

"If you want. Won't Justin miss you though?" I laugh.

"So maybe stay here, to prevent him from missing you."

"Okay. I'll do that."

"Good luck...even though you won't really need it."

"Thanks" I laugh.

I head out of the room just as Justin was going to walk in.

"Good luck Air." He says.

"Thanks." I reply, making my way to the curtain.

Justin comes in and Riss smiles at him.

"Come sit."

He chuckles and walks over to sit. She immediately snuggles into him when he sits. Justin's arms wrap around her and he kisses her head.

"Before we focus our attention on Air's match, we have another segment tonight, before the handicap match." Justin says.

"Oh ok."

"Plan're going to be around backstage talking to someone when we walk by and I stay behind to do more flirting with you."

"Ohhh. Fun."

"More lines that you used on me down in FCW." She giggles.

"Yep." He grins.

"I miss those days."


"But you get to relive them now."

"Very true." She smiles and kisses his jaw.

Then they turn their attention to the screen since Eve's music was playing as Raw came back on the air.

"Ugh." Riss rolls her eyes.

"Great now we have to hear her too, she's on commentary."

"Too bad I can't distract you since that would distract you from Air's match."

"Hmph...I know, not fair."


Then they play Alicia's and she walks out, strutting down the ring and getting into the ring. They replay parts of the match between her and Riss last week. Once that was over, they hit my music and I go down the ramp, slapping hands with the fans and then getting into the ring. As soon as I was ready, they rang the bell.

We circle before locking up, and I push her into the ropes and then send her into the opposite side. She comes back and I dropkick her, but she gets right back up and comes back at me, and I hit her with a hip toss. She gets right back up and I send her into the corner. I run rull speed at her and hit her with another dropkick in the corner. She falls to the apron and holds onto the ropes on both sides of her. After I get up from the dropkick I grab her feet and lift her, hitting her with an alley-oop. I pull her away from the ropes and go for a quick cover, and she kicks out at two. I pick her up by the hair and place her on the middle rope. I then drive my knee into the back of her, putting pressure on the neck which is on the middle rope. I let go before the ref gets to five and Alicia lays there coughing. I then back up and run at her and hit her with a leg to the back, making her bounce off the ropes. I go for another quick cover but she kicks out at two again.

I get up and grab her by the hair and pick her up. She turns around and kicks me, which makes me bend down and she goes off the ropes and ends up hitting me with the scissors kick and rolls me over, covering me and gettng the three count to win. The ref checks on me after raising Alicia's hand and I say that I'm okay.

"Awww. Poor Air."

"That looked like it hurt."


"I know someone who's got to be worried."

"He probably is." Justin agrees.

Then the GM chimes in for the 2nd time tonight.

"What now?"

"We have another email. Can I have everyone's attention please. This is a quote from our general manager. Now Eve is entitled to a rematch with Alicia Fox. But I want to throw a curveball into the mix. Instead of it being just Eve vs Alicia Fox for the Diva's Championship, I'm now making this match at Sunday's Money in the Bank pay-per-view.....a Triple Threat Divas Championship Match!"

Riss raises her eyebrows.

"And the third opponent being...." Cole takes a pause and I finally come to and I'm to my feet.


The crowd goes crazy, Eve's smile falters, Alicia glares at her and then me and I can't believe what's just happened.

"Oh awesome. Air gets a title match." Riss grins.

"The gm did something good for once."


"But this early in her career though, you've only been here what, a few months or so?"

She nods.

"Nonetheless, this is great for her career." She adds.

"Yeah it is."

The screen goes to a commercial after going to matchups for the night. I make my way through the curtain first, and next thing I know, I'm engulfed in a hug.

"Ow, Ted be careful."

"Sorry. Are you ok?"

"My back just hurts."

"You should see if Riss or Justin can help make it feel better."

"I think ice will be fine for now."

"Alright. Well I'm very happy for you, a title match already? That's amazing."

"Totally unexpected. I wasn't told about this."

"A good surprise then."

"I guess so."

"I'll try and come to you tonight." He says quietly in my ear before he pulls away.

I nod.

"You better get ice before that bruises."

"I'll go now." I nod again.

"Good. Don't want you hurt."

"I know. I'll talk to you later."

He nods and we go our different ways. I go to the trainer for ice before going to the locker room. Soon I open the door to the locker room, walking in and sitting on the couch, leaning back into the ice bag.

"You need any help?" Riss asks.

"I think the ice is good for now." I nod. "But thanks for asking."

She nods.

"You're welcome miss title shot." She smiles.

"I'm still in shock about that."

"It's great though."

"Are you sure I'm even ready for that?"

"I think you are."

"I think so too." Justin adds.

"Thanks guys." I smile.

"I'm sure Ted is happy."

"He is."

"He hugged me as soon as I got backstage."


"I know."

"How'd he look in the suit he said he's wearing tonight?"

"He looked great of course."

"I don't see it too often so..." I add.


Then the next match of the night that we see is the Hart Dynasty against Tamina and the Usos, and we also find out that the Usos will be facing Tyson and David for the Unified Tag Team titles. Riss shrugs and snuggles into Justin. In the end, it was Jey Uso hitting the Superfly Splash on David Hart Smith en route to picking up the win.


Then backstage, Wade is seen talking to Chris.

"...I just want to say thank you very much for everything you did for me. I learned a lot and I'm never going to forget it."

"You know what Barrett? You're doing exactly what I told you to do. Look at you now."

They shake hands before walking off in different directions.

"Excuse me Chris, has the..."

"No comment."

"Chris with all due..."

"Oh, well look who it is eh? The hero from last week. Let's see if you're such a tough guy without all your friends behind you now eh?" Wade says as the camera pans over to him and Yoshi Tatsu.

Then Yoshi says something in Japanese, and we can't understand.

"You what?"

"John Cena is my friend."

Wade just scoffs and then Yoshi turns around to see the rest of Nexus, minus Justin of course. Otunga instigated the attack, followed by Tarver.

"How come you're not with them?" Riss asks Justin as there's another break.

"I didn't want to. I didn't want to spend too much time away from you tonight."

"Awww." She smiles.

"I feel loved."

"You are." He assures her.

"I love you back."

"Very much." She adds.

"I love you very much."

"Awww." I giggle.

After the break, Ted's music hit and he walks out with Maryse of course. He says something to her and she agrees with him. Then they replay what happened at the end of the match last week, before cutting back to the ring where they walked up the steps, him allowing Maryse to go ahead of him. She walks a ways from him and he leans against the ropes and she aims the hair flip in his direction.

"Ugh." I roll my eyes and glare.

He pretends to be in love with it and she turns and sits on the middle rope, allowing him to get into the ring first. He holds the bottom and middle ropes open for her to get in. Once she's in, he lets go and she walks out to the middle of the ring in front of him. He follows and stands behind her, pretending to be affectionate with her, with his hand on her waist. He then lets her go and stands up in the corner holding his Million Dollar title up and such. He steps down and gets handed a mic to talk and she's still all over him.

I keep glaring at Maryse.

"Allow me to introduce to the entire WWE Universe, the Million Dollar Couple. The most powerful couple in the WWE. Of course I'm referring to myself and...." He trails off, looking down and then up.

"...that briefcase."

Maryse stands there with an insulted look on her face, her hand on her hip. We all start laughing.

"Oh my god, her face!" I say in between laughs.


"No Maryse, it's's okay. Just...just imagine when I win Money in the Bank, the possibilities. I will...I will shower...I will shower you with gifts. And for myself, I will give the ultimate gift. I...will win...the WWE Championship. You see I am confident...." He's cut off by Morrison's music.

"Not that loser." Riss rolls her eyes.

He comes out, does his pose on the stage and goes down to the ring, getting a mic as he gets into the ring.

"Hold on a second Teddy. You're gonna shower her with gifts? I wouldn't waste your time bro. Because everybody knows, the French don't take showers."

We crack up.

"Burn!" Riss says again.

That sets Maryse off and she grabs the mic out of Ted's hand, walking out inbetween Ted and Morrison.

"Hey..." She says in English then goes off in French.

"English you dumb broad!"

"Okay, Maryse you really want me to translate that to everybody? Alright for those of you who don't speak French, Maryse just said that everybody here in this arena has hippopotamus breath and furthermore, smells like dueling rhinoceri in the Sarengeti Plains? But...Maryse also said, that she herself resembles the rare duck-billed, sea farring, dung chewing, African Platypus."


I'm almost doubled over in laughter, but I decide against it because of my back, but I'm still laughing pretty hard.

"He gets points for dissing her."

She has a shocked look on her face which turns to anger, she makes Ted step aside while she gets between him and Morrison again.

"Don't shoot the messenger Maryse, I just translated what you said."

She gives him a glare and then goes to slap him, but he blocks it, which leads to an attack from Ted. Ted drops the title, she almost dives for it and slides out of the ring as Ted attacks Morrison. Ted unbuttons his suit jacket and takes that off, whipping it to the ground outside the ring. Then he goes back over to Morrison, yelling at him about disrespecting him and Maryse while loosening his tie.

"Angry Ted equals hot Ted." I giggle.

"Ooooh." Riss teases.

"Oh shush." I say, hitting her playfully.

She just laughs.

Ted goes for Dream Street but Morrison counters and kicks him in the head. He glares at Maryse before climbing the corner and planning on hitting Starship Pain on Ted, but Maryse grabs Ted and pulls him out just in time.

"Wow she did something smart again."

"Le gasp, she has brains!"

"Not much."

"True that."

"She bleached most of it away."


As Ted heads back up the ramp with Maryse, the screen goes to another break.

"I wish she would keep her hands off him, but what can you do..."

"Unfortunately not much."

"Doesn't matter. He may be all mine tonight after the show."

"Ooh." Riss giggles.

"He told me he'd try and make it to my room tonight."

"Hopefully he does."

"Then I'll be in for a very interesting night, that's for sure."

"Oh yes."

"Good luck with that."

"Thanks." I laugh.

After the break, they did this Brady Bunch style thing for Santino's tag team partners. And they did the same thing for Regal.

"Oh my god."


Then backstage, Florence Henderson who played the mother on the Brady Bunch was in an office and gave Santino a pie.

"You know usually it's all about William Regal, Regal Regal Regal. Where's that laughter coming from? Anyway, thank you very much."

Then she says how excited she is to be hosting and asks if Santino's team is ready. And Santino makes jokes until Regal comes in and he makes a lame joke.


"He puts me to sleep." I laugh.


Then Santino tries to kiss her and she rejects him and then going back to the ring, it's announced that Truth will not participate in the Money in the Bank match Sunday due to the injuries he sustained at the hands of Mike last week.


"Can't say that's a loss really."


After the Money in the Bank video footage of Edge, he was seen backstage walking to the curtain for his match against Randy.

"I'm gonna go change into my dress now." I say, getting up.


I wince a bit as I move to get up, but that's only because I moved a certain way. I go over to my bag and grab that, heading into the changing area.

"Let me know if you need help." Riss calls.

"Will do." I call back.

I manage to get dressed myself and walk back out, dropping my bag by the couch.

"Aww you look pretty."


"I try."

"Nah you don't have to try."

"That's what Ted says."

"Because he loves you."

"I know and I love him just as much."


"The things he does for me, makes me just love him more each time."

"I know the feeling." She smiles up at Justin.

"Of course you do."

Justin kisses her head. In the end of the match, Randy Orton had complete control of the match, but Chris Jericho comes out and temporarily distracts Orton long enough for Edge to hit the Edgecution on Orton en route to pinning “The Viper” for the win. After the match, Jericho enters the ring and hits the Codebreaker on Edge, followed by Orton hitting the RKO on Jericho! Evan Bourne then rushes to the ring and lays Orton out before setting up for Air Bourne on Orton, but after Bourne launches himself into the air for the maneuver, “The Viper” strikes in mid-air with an extra devastating RKO.

"Ohhhh...ouch. Poor Evan."

Backstage Skip is walking through the halls, until Josh stops him for a quick interview.

"Skip rumor has it that when Nexus shows up tomorrow night on NXT that there will be bedlam. Do you guys plan to focus on the rookies, the pros, or both?"

Skip doesn't answer and resumes walking through the halls, and purposely bumps onto Morrison. He turns and they stare each other down.

"What'd you say to me? Why don't you watch where I'm walking."

"Is that supposed to intimidate me?"

"Think you're some sort of hero for what you did last week?"

And then Heath and David surround him as well, followed by Tarver and Wade. Morrison starts with Heath, elbowing him in the face and goes after Skip. It doesn't work after a while as all of them gang up on him. After attacking him, Skip throws him through some doors. Heath is next and he kicks him in the gut and hard. That's followed by being thrown into one of the equipment boxes, hard as well.


Cutting away from them however and back to the ring, Mike comes out. But he's not introduced for a match, but just introduced regularly after he gets into the ring.

"All night long, everybody's been talking about how they're gonna win the Money in the Bank ladder match. Well let me be the first to say talk is cheap. Roll the footage."

Then footage of what Mike did to Truth last week, getting him pulled from the match Sunday.

"He won't be missed."

"Not really."

"Oh well."

"Do you get it? Do you all get it? I have never been more serious in my entire life. I don't need to talk, I let my actions speak for itself. I didn't need a ladder to take out R-Truth...I did it with my bare hands. I took away R-Truth's dream of winning the Money in the Bank ladder match...with my bare hands. But I didn't just...take away his ability to compete, I took away his ability to play catch with his son. I took away his ability to entertain, because lets' face it...wherever R-Truth is in the world, he's not dancing. But he got off easy. This Sunday when I have a ladder in my hands, what I did to R-Truth will pale in comparison to what I'm going to do to my other opponents."

"Hopefully not Ted." I say.

"One down, six to go. Because I'm the Miz....and I'm..." He's cut off by the anonymous GM.

"Not again..."

"Miz...Miz uh..we have another email. Can I have everyone's attention please. This is a quote from our general manager. The Miz will now...compete against R-Truth's replacement in the Money in the Bank ladder match. See Miz, there's an old saying. Just when you think you have the answers, I change the questions."

And after a few moments, Mark Henry's music plays and he comes out as Mike's opponent.

"Oh boy."

"That's not fair."

"He's a huge guy, that isn't fair."

The match was short-lived, however, as when the Superstars spill to the outside of the ring, Mark Henry runs full speed at Mike, but he gets out of the way, which sends Henry face-first into the steel podium set up for the anonymous GM’s announcements! With Mark Henry down with Mike continuing to attack Mark Henry, capped off with dumping trash all over him, and smashing a trash can into the back of Mark Henry.


They replay when Mark ran head first into the podium and when Mike dropped the trash on him and hit him with the barrel. Mike backs up slowly as he glares on at him and the screen fades to another break.

"Well...that was interesting..."

"Very interesting."

"Should be a big match to watch at the pay per view."


"If Ted doesn't win, hopefully Mike will."

"Yeah, I don't want anyone else winning."

Riss nods.

After the break was the 8-man tag team match, Florence Henderson serving as the guest ring announcer for the special Brady Bunch 8-Man Tag Team Match where Santino, Kozlov, Goldust & Khali face Regal, Zack, Primo and Doink The Clown. In the end, it was The Great Khali delivering the Khali Chop to the head of Doink en route to picking up the win for the “Santino Bunch”. After the match, Florence Henderson dodged a kiss from Santino Marella in favor of putting the “lip lock” on The Great Khali.


"Santino was denied." I laugh.

"Yep." Riss giggles.

After a Money in the Bank video package and backstage Edge was in the locker room and Josh walked in for an interview.


"Edge I do apologize for interrupting but um...first of all congratulations on your victory tonight over Randy Orton."

"Actually it wasn't that difficult. "

"Okay, but Edge...afterwards you fell victim to Chris Jericho's Codebreaker and..."

"...stop right there Josh. Actually, I wanna thank Chris Jericho. Yeah yeah, sounds strange right? But I want to thank him for the wakeup call. Chris Jericho tonight, he uh...exemplified, he personified exactly what the Money in the Bank ladder match is. Yeah, I have seven other opponents. Feet, fists, bodies, ladders flying everywhere. have to have eyes in the back of your head. But I have an advantage. Yeah, I've been in more Money in the Bank matches, and won more Money in the Bank ladder matches than anyone else."

"And here we go again."

We roll our eyes.

"But it gets better. Because I have a secret that no one else knows about. I've kept it to myself this whole time and I'll fill you in okay? It's a little voice in the back of my mind and it dances around back there and it tells me things. It reminds me to be ruthless. It reminds me to be void of compassion. That little voice, it reminds me that I have no morals, no scruples, and no rules. That little voice reminds me that I am the ultimate opportunist. That little voice reminds me that I love destroying the lives of everyone else. That little voice it talks to me, and I listen to it. And it listens to me. And I told it that in six days, in the Money in the Bank ladder match, the fun....truly.....begins."

Then backstage, Evan is with a trainer with a ice bag across the back of his neck.


Sheamus approaches Evan as the trainer walks away, telling Evan he'll see him in the trainer's room.

"Alright fella? You hurt? Huh? Your neck got ya? That RKO didn't mess you up did it? Well you're lucky it wasn't me, 'cause it would've been a lot worse."

And then Nexus surrounds them.

"Uh oh."

"Alright lads. Here's one of uh...Cena's heroes right here. Actually he was just bragging about how he uh...helped jump you last week. You may wanna have a word with him."

And of course they attack Evan, who's already hurt as is. Riss and I both cringe. Sheamus walks back over and kneels down to Evan's level on the floor and laughs.

"Ahhhh, little Evan Bourne. That'll teach ya' a lesson, won't it fella', huh?"

Then he looks up and Nexus surrounds Sheamus as well. Skip Sheffield reaches to grab Sheamus, but he hightails it, and starts asking a stagehand where John Cena's locker room is along the way.

"Oh, now he wants help."


"Well the night's almost over, that handicap match is coming up soon, which means our promo is coming up too." Justin says.

"Oh right." Riss nods.

"Which means I have to go meet Wade and so on and so forth."


"Should get going now I suppose."

She nods again and the two of them get up.

"See you in a bit Air."

"Alright." I nod.

Justin and her lace fingers and leave the locker room. They then go and find Wade before she has to get into her spot. They find him rather easily.

"Hey Wade." Justin says.

"Ah, ready for week two of the storyline?"

"Yeah." Justin grins.

Riss laughs softly at Justin's eagerness.

"Eager beaver."

"What can I say, I love flirting with my girlfriend." He laughs.

"Of course you do."

She giggles and kisses his cheek.

"You better go to your spot so we're ready."

She nods and gives Justin a quick kiss and hug before walking to her designated place. She waits until the cameras are back on and she's signaled to start talking to whoever's there. They start chatting until they hear the footsteps. Shortly after that, their conversation ends and the person leaves. Riss waits for them to go around the corner before speaking.

"What is it now Gabriel?" She asks, without turning around.

"I was just walking by, but since you acknowledged me..."

"You've been popping up all night." She says dryly as she turns around.

"Well we do work together, it's highly unlikely to not pop up all night."

"As many times as you did? Yeah right."

"Well it's not very crowded back here."

"True." She murmurs

"I just wanna say how impressed I was by your match last week."

"Wasn't a hard match."

"Still impressed."

"Thanks I guess."

"You're welcome."

"I see your friends were busy without you." She comments.


"How come you didn't join in?"

"I had other things to do."

"Following me around is better?"

"I was given different orders."


"I think I'd much rather follow you around all night than beat anyone up."

"Well don't I feel special."

"You should."

"Really into flattery huh?"

"You could say that."

"Any other flattery you'd like to give?" She raises an eyebrow, leaning against the wall with her arms folded over her chest.

"Hmmm, maybe later."

"Assuming you aren't hurting after your match."


"And assuming you don't lose." She says with a shrug.

"Us not win with those odds?"

"Getting ahead of yourself? You do realize this is John Cena. He's like freaking Superman or something."

"We can handle it, but on another note you look absolutely stunning tonight. If I thought you looked amazing last week..."

"Back to the flattery." She comments, trying not to blush.

"It's true."


"You know I am going to be on NXT tomorrow night, and you're welcome to join me."

She raises her eyebrow.

"What's in it for me hmm? You know you're not exactly the best person for me to be seen with right now. Since you and your buddies aren't the most popular in the locker room."

"I just figured I'd offer."

"We'll see."

"Justin, let's go." They both hear Wade and look over to see him waving Justin over.

"Your leader calls. Don't hurt yourself too bad Romeo."

"I won't." He says, and then reaches out and takes her hand, kissing the back of it before he walks off in Wade's direction.

"And we're clear." The stagehand says when the cameras had cut to a commercial.

She giggles and adjusts the straps of her dress a bit. Justin comes back briefly, to kiss her before he had to go out with everyone to the ring.

"Be careful. I love you." She murmurs after he releases her lips.

"I will, I love you too."

She hugs him and then heads back to the locker room. She makes it back just in time to see him since he was in the ring with Wade and them when the show came back on.

"Have fun?" I ask.

"Of course." She laughs.

"It's fun watching those little segments." I giggle.

"It's just as fun for us, trust me."

They replay what happened last Monday with John and Darren Young, John destroying him. Then his music plays, this match officially starting in just moments. He's not to happy as she slides into the ring after taking his shirt off and such. It starts off with Tarver against John to start the match. He gets Tarver in the corner, keeping away from the Nexus corner and keeps wailing on him, until the ref pulls him away. He's given a few moments before he goes back on the attack. Tarver rolls away and he tags Justin in. Riss bites her lip and starts to twist her rings. After a few moments, they lock up and John gets him in the corner as well, keeping him away from the Nexus corner for as long as he can. He does the same thing to Justin that he did to Tarver, just keeps wailing on him. This time instead of a Fisherman's Suplex like he did to Tarver, he whips Justin into the corner hard and then hits him with a hard clothesline. Riss cringes, biting her lip hard.

Justin rolls away and he tags in Skip. They stare each other down while the crowd chants for John and they lock up as well. The strength between them is equal. John tries to push Sheffield into his corner, but because the strength was pretty much equal, neither one of them made it to any corner. But Skip did take control of the match so far. He sends John into the Nexus corner, but John stops himself before he hits it and then he hits Wade with a cheap shot and misses an clothesline by Skip. Then every one of the Nexus members jumps down from the ring and Skip rolls out. They all regroup and come up with a new plan. They get back up onto the ring and due to distractions, Heath is able to sneakily slide into the ring and gets John from behind and Skip takes advantage of the situation.

He finally tags in Heath, and he takes control of the match. Heath distracting the ref and Wade taking a cheap shot to John. Heath does three straight suplexes before getting John in the Nexus corner and tags in Otunga. John fakes being worn out and hits Otunga then takes a cheap shot to Justin, and Heath, knocking them off the side of the apron. Riss winces again.

John turns around just to be knocked down, followed by a suplex. Right now it's not looking good for John as Nexus is still standing strong. But John gets up and comes back like he always does. Otunga then goes over and tags in Wade and John takes control right away, only to be set back with a big boot to the face. He gets John on his shoulders for Wasteland, but John slides off and then he hits him with shoulder blocks and we know what's coming next....the 'You Can't See Me' and the five knuckle shuffle. John gets Wade on his shoulders for the AA, but little did he know, Skip tagged himself in and it was a legal tag. After John gets up, Skip hits him with a hard clothesline before tagging Otunga in. He does what he wants and then tags in Justin. He drags him over to the corner and the rest of the Nexus members move out of the way as he climbs to the top. He takes his time like he always does before hitting John with the 450 Splash. Justin goes for the cover, the ref counting to three, Justin winning for the Nexus. Riss beams and claps happily.

Wade gets into the ring and tells all of them to back up. John makes it to his feet, only to hit Wade with a cheap shot before fleeing and getting a steel chait. Heath made the mistake of trying to go after John first. John slides into the ring and Nexus flees now. They go around and check on Heath, making sure he's okay. Wade tells them to listen and they start to circle the ring. And from what we see, John's bleeding from above his eye.


"Gross." Riss makes a face.

Nexus climbs up and stands outside the ropes, but then Sheamus comes running out and slides into the ring with a steel chair himself. He goes right for Justin but luckily when he swings the chair at Justin, he jumps down just in time. Riss went pale for a moment as Sheamus swung the chair, but her color comes back when he misses. She sighs a little in relief.

"Give us a heart attack why don't you Whitey."

"No kidding." Riss mumbles.

John flips Otunga over the top rope and into the ring. He just keeps hitting him with the steel chair as the rest of Nexus gathers outside the ring. He finally rolls out and Nexus checks on him now. They now flee back up the ramp and backstage, getting as far away from Sheamus and John as possible, the show fading to a close.

"Jussi got lucky there." Riss says.

"Really lucky."

She nods. The door opens and Justin comes in, breathing heavy from fleeing from John and Sheamus. She immediately gets up and runs straight into his arms, not even caring if he's sweaty.

"Your first match and I was a nervous wreck."

"I know." He kisses her head.

"How about I get changed and we head back to the hotel?"

She nods against his chest. She pulls away from the hug, allowing him to head into the changing area to change out of his ring gear. She gathers her stuff and so do I.

"So I'll see you tomorrow?" I ask.

"Yeah." She nods.

"Alright, see you tomorrow." I say, hugging her.

"See you." She hugs back.

Then I grab my things and head out the door to head back to the hotel myself. She sits back down and waits for Justin. It doesn't take him long, and he soon walks out, ready to go. She stands up, puts her purse on her shoulder and holds out her hand. He grabs her hand, laces his fingers with hers and then they too head out the door to head back. She leans her head against Justin's shoulder as they walk. They make it to the car and get in, before making the trip back to the hotel. Once at the hotel, they go straight up to their room.

"Are you sore or anything? Cause you know I'm happy to help before we go to bed." She asks.

"That would be great." Justin sighs as he drops his gear bag by the rest of his clothes.

"Just change first and then I'll help."

He nods. They both change for bed and she grabs the massage oil from her bag. She sits behind him on the bed once he was done and does the normal routine with the oil.

"You know I'm happy for your first win." She says while getting his sore spots.

"I know." He chuckles a bit.

"In the back of my mind, I was thinking about how happy you were." He adds.

"I really was." She smiles, leaning forward to kiss the back of his neck.

"I can't wait for more wins." She adds.

"Me either."

"There'll be plenty one can stop us."

"For a while." She murmurs.


"I'd say we should celebrate this win but I think you're tired."

"Just a bit."

"Too bad." She mutters, sliding her arms around him and leaning in enough to nip at his ear.

"If I wasn't too sore and tired from the match tonight, I would be all for it."

"I'm going to get woken up in the morning, aren't I?"


She giggles.

"Be as prepared as you can be."

"I'll try."


She hears and feels him yawn.

"Alright, time for bed." She sighs.

"If you say so."

"You're tired. Do I want you right now? Yes. But I can control myself."

"Alright, if you're sure."

"Jussi. Go to bed."

"You have to let me go first." He chuckles.

She lets him go and crawls up the bed to her spot. He gets up to turn the lights off before climbing into the bed next to her. She slides close and kisses him slowly.

"Night Jussi."

"....night Rissa."

He drifts off to sleep before her, but she follows shortly after. In the meantime in my room, I decided to take a shower to ease whatever pain I had left in my back. After feeling mostly better, I step out of the shower and wrap a towel around me. I then head out of the bathroom to get my clothes that I had left by my things, but little did I know that Ted had snuck in while I was taking the shower. A playful whistle goes through the air and I jump. I look over to see Ted laying on the bed, waiting for me.

"You scared me."

"Sorry." He chuckles.

"Couldn't tell me you were coming?"

"I texted you but obviously you were in the shower."

"Yeah, needed to help my back more."

"Oh. Feeling better?"

"Yeah, a lot better actually."


"I think I should change now before you jump me or something."

Ted chuckles with a half smirk.

"Probably a good idea."

I go over to where my clothes are and grab them before heading back into the bathroom to change. I come out a few minutes later and climb into bed. Almost instantly, I'm grabbed and pulled closer to him.

"Hi to you too."

"Missed you too much."

"I missed you too."

"Even though you saw me after my match." I add.

"Not the same since I couldn't kiss you like I wanted to."


Of course now is when he chooses to do so. I wasn't expecting it at the time, but I eventually kissed back and wrapped my arms around him and pulled him closer to me. He chuckles and puts his arms around me as well. I then start to kiss him harder, because I'm making up for the time we didn't have all day and night. He responds with just as much intensity, making sure I'm as close to him as possible. I only pull away when I need air and I rest my forehead against his.

"Love you."

"Love you too."

"You're not gonna let me go now are you?"


"I didn't think so."

"Can I at least move to turn the light off?"

Ted loosens his grip enough to let me reach over and turn the light off. Then once I move back, his grip tightens again and I'm pulled closer yet again. I kiss him and snuggle in.


"Night Ariel."