Priceless Sensation

Nexus Returns To NXT

It's the next morning and Justin was just waking up. He opens his eyes to see Riss cuddled up to him, her arms around him, cuddling into his side. He smiles and kisses her head. Then he decides that since he can't move at the time, he'll just watch her sleep. She shifts slightly, the silkiness of her nightgown rubbing against Justin's bare skin. He grins a bit and starts to play with it while he waits for her to wake up. She ends up pulling her arms free and rolling over. He chuckles and shifts to his side, draping an arm over her. She doesn't move even when he kisses her shoulder. His hand starts to wander as he continues to kiss her shoulder. She twitches faintly, but shows no other signs of waking. He mumbles something to himself and tries another method of waking her up. She rolls onto her stomach, hiding her head beneath a pillow.

"Rissa..." He whines.

A soft 'mmph' comes from under the pillow.

"You're awake, I know it."


"Good morning to you too."

"...mornings suck..." Her muffled voice reaches his ears.

"I know they do."

She scoots back over so she feels his warmth, though she doesn't come out from under the pillow yet.

"You can't stay under there all day." He chuckles.

"I can try."

"Not if I'm taking you shopping today."


"No shopping then?"

"You know you have to let me wake up before you try to entice me into doing things."

"I thought it would help wake you up."

She shrugs a little.

"You can kill me with trying on things."

She giggles quietly.

"Mmhmm. We never did visit your favorite store last time."

"No we didn't." He smirks.

"Maybe I could be persuaded to visit said store..."

"...come out from under the pillow." He says.

She peers out from underneath.

"Make me."

"Well I was planning on kissing you, possibly making up for not celebrating my win last night...."

"If you want it, come get it." She teases.

He lays there for a while, before removing the pillow. She blinks, letting her eyes refocus before she looks up.

"Hi." He grins.

"Hi." She giggles.


"Your sleepyhead."

"Yes, and I love you."

"I love you too."

"So need some persuasion to get up?"

"Mmhmm." She nods and giggles, laying her head on her arms while still on her stomach.

"Hmm, you may need to move a bit."

He gently rolls her onto her back.

"Much better."

She giggles and runs her fingers over his chest. Then he leans down and presses his lips to hers. She sighs and kisses back. Her hands move to his shoulders and she pulls him down closer. He chuckles into the kiss and his arms slip under her back and holds her close. The kiss gets deeper and she wraps her legs around him. His hands move from her back and they wander to rest on her legs. She makes a noise into the kiss when he squeezes her thigh. He smirks and does it again, earning another noise from her. She drags her nails down his neck in retaliation. That of course like always makes him growl. She giggles quietly. Then she does it again, earning a much louder growl from him. She giggles yet again. In retaliation, he squeezes her thigh yet again. She groans quietly. Since the kiss was intense from the start, he pulled away for much needed air. She opens her eyes halfway, breathing heavily.



"Good, I'm glad it worked."

She giggles softly.

"Get up now?"

"Okay." She murmurs, undoing her legs.

He gives her one last kiss before moving, allowing her to get up. She sits up and slides out of bed. She walks over to her clothes and looks for something to wear. Once she does, she heads into the bathroom to change and do her normal morning routine. It isn't long before Justin comes in.

"How's everything going?"

"Good." She smiles, brushing her hair.

"You look amazing, as always."


"Only for you."

"Good. Because I'm not sharing you."

"And you don't have to."

She smiles and kisses his cheek.

"So we can either stop somewhere and eat breakfast there, or pick something up and start shopping."

"What do you want to do?" She asks as he takes over brushing her hair.

"Well I'm not in any rush."

"First option then."

"Sounds good."

She smiles at him in the mirror.

"Thank you." She says after he finishes and puts the brush down.

"You're welcome." He says, kissing behind her ear.


"So are you." Justin chuckles as she leans into his touch.

"Can you blame me?"

"Not at all."

"Alright Cuddly, let's go." She giggles.

He chuckles and they leave the bathroom. They get their shoes on and grab their things, heading out. They do the usual and step into the elevator and go down to the lobby before heading out to the car. They get in the car and go to breakfast. They find a place, park and head inside, doing the usual and being seated fairly quickly. The waiter comes and they put in their orders. Then they sit and talk while they wait for their orders to get to the table. The food comes and they eat, talking a bit still. Afterwards, Justin pays and they leave to go shop.

"You're gonna go crazy aren't you?"


"You deserve everything." He adds.

She smiles and kisses his cheek.

"As you always say."

"Because it's true. You deserve the world." Justin says.

"Aw...Jussi." She smiles softly.

"If I could give you the world I would."

She kisses him.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

"Let's go shop."

He nods and they leave to go shopping. They arrive at the shopping center and get out.

"What first?" She asks, lacing their fingers together.

"You can choose."


"Alright." He nods and they head in that direction.

They walk into a store and she starts browsing. She finds a few that she likes and that's when she comes across one that really stands out to her and after looking at it, it'll really kill Justin. She grins and pulls that one off the rack. She also decides that since it'll kill Justin so much, she'll leave it as a surprise. She decides to get all the dresses in her hand so she heads up to the counter. Just as she was paying and the dresses were in bags, Justin walks up with a few of his own that he picked out for her as well.

"More?" She raises her eyebrows.

"These are gonna look great on you. I know what you like."

"You do." She nods, stepping side with her bags.

He steps up to the counter and pays for the dresses he picked out for her.

"Shoes next."

He nods and they head to a shoe store. She wanders around, looking for the perfect pair. That's when she comes across a pair of black, six inche heels.


She tries them on while Justin is off looking for something to get her again. She walks around a bit and finds they're more comfortable than they look.

"So getting these." She says to herself.

She takes the shoes off and gets back into her shoes. She puts the heels in the box and heads for the counter. After she pays for them, she goes and finds Justin.

"I'm done." She says when she walks up.

"Find anything?" She asks.

"Not this time."

"I have enough jewelry. So we can do Bath and Body and then your favorite store."

"Yess." He cheers.

She giggles as they walk out of the shoe store. They head back to the car and they're on their way to Bath and Body. Once there, she grabs a basket. And she goes crazy with picking out things that will drive Justin crazy. She eventually makes her way to the lip glosses. And of course Justin is right there with her. She giggles and lets him smell each one. He of course loves every single one, so he advises her to get them all. He drops them all in the basket and she laughs.

"You're having a field day aren't you?"

"Yes." He grins.

"They all smell good." He adds.

"Of course."

"I think I have enough now."


"You can't buy out the whole store you goof."

"I wish." He says.

She giggles and pats his shoulder before heading to the counter. This time he offers to pay for everything. He gives her a look and she steps back, letting him pay. After he does, they head out to the car to head to his favorite store. They walk into Victoria's Secret and she can't help giggling at the look on Justin's face.

"Go ahead, go crazy."

He grins and kisses her hard before dashing off. She shakes her head amusedly before walking off herself. She grabs the things she needs before she starts looking for things she likes and wants to try on. She passes by where Justin is and giggles at the look on his face as he looks around. She gets a few more things to try on before she goes to the fitting rooms. She finds that everything she picked out that she liked, fits perfectly. So she decides to get everything she picked out. She hears Justin call her name so she comes out of the stall.


He's momentarily speechless since she's still wearing the last thing she tried on.

"Yoo hoo...Jussi." She giggles.

She snaps her fingers in front of his face.


"You called?" She laughs.

"I have things for you to try on...."

"Okay." She nods, holding her hand out.

He hands her what he's picked out for her to try on. She takes it back into the stall.

"For the record.....what you just came out in....I love it."

"Good to know." She giggles.

"You're getting that right?"

"Yes Jussi."

"Yesss." He cheers.

She laughs and tries on the things he gave her.

"And yes I'm getting everything you just gave me."

"Sweet." He cheers again.


"Your goof."

"Yes and I love you." She giggles as she walks out with the items.

"I love you too."

She kisses him briefly and they go to pay.

"So what now?" She asks after they both get back to the car.

She looks at him curiously.

"You'll see."

"Oh a surprise huh?" She looks around as he drives away from the shopping center.


She smiles and leans over to kiss his cheek. He smiles back as he heads to the surprise. Back at the hotel, I wake up later than usual, Ted letting me sleep in some.

"Morning beautiful." Ted murmurs.

"....morning..." I yawn.

"Sleep well?"

"I did." I nod.

"I'm glad you did."

"You're here, there's no reason why I wouldn't sleep well."


"Letting me sleep in now?"

"You looked peaceful and I remembered that you said you don't sleep as well if I'm not here."

"No plans this morning where you had to leave?"


"Well I'm gonna go to NXT tonight with Riss, since Justin's gonna be there and we're supporting Alex..."



"I don't think I can make it this time. We don't want Maryse getting too suspicious." Ted sighs.

"Right, that's ok. You spent the night last night. If you get tied up with her all week, at least we had last night."

"Very true." He nods.

"I don't wanna get up." I laugh.

"Me either." Ted chuckles.

"But I'm sure she's gonna need you at some point today."


Then of course his phone goes off after that.

"Speaking of the devil...."

"Can I call her Cruella?" I ask with a laugh.

"Call her whatever you want." He chuckles.

"Good." I grin while he grabs his phone.

"And of course she has to be calling instead of texting." He shakes his head and answers.

As he's talking to her, I get up and gather my clothes and such for the day. I go into the bathroom to get dressed. I'm about halfway done, working on my hair as I now hear him arguing with her, mostly about her going off at him in French. I roll my eyes and mumble to myself. The arguing goes on for a little bit before I hear him saying he's hanging up with her. I walk out after finishing, adjusting my shirt a bit. Ted is already dressed and waiting for me. The only thing I had left to do is put shoes on. So I grab a pair of boots and sit on the bed to put those on. Ted scooches over and kisses my cheek.

"Plans for the day?" He asks.

"Probably like shopping or something. Keeps me busy."

"I'll try and text you."

"I know, you always try to."

"I just want you to know I'm always thinking of you. It helps me deal with her." He says.

"Of course."

I finish with my boots and Ted pulls me to him, kissing me with passion. I'm breathless when he pulls away.

"I have to go now. I love you Ariel."

"....I love you too..."

He steals one last quick kiss before grabbing his things and carefully slipping out of the room. I get together what I need, putting everything into a bag. I put the bag over my shoulder before leaving. I go down to my car and drive off to shop. I go to a mall and once I park and walk in, I just do window shopping for now. While I do, I occasionally get messages from Ted. I had just replied to the text he sent me, and a feeling of being followed washed over me. I turned around, expecting to find someone there, but there was no one besides the people walking back and forth past me. I look around warily but try to shake off the feeling and move on. After some browsing, I find a store and go in, looking around. I pick up a few things, admiring them. I pay for those before leaving the store and continue my walk. I get that odd feeling again and look around. The ringing of my phone snaps me out of my thoughts. I look to see who it is, and surprisingly it's Ted calling. Then I remember, I was so caught up with the odd feeling, I didn't reply to his last text.

"I know, I didn't reply...I'm sorry."

"It's alright. What's going on?"

"I don't know. I'm walking through the mall right now and I swear someone's following me. I just have that feeling you know?"

"That's not good."

"I look, but no one's there."

"That's even worse."

"I mean, I'm not afraid or anything but still."


"Could be just me...being all paranoid because it's not just Heath hitting on me now."

"Ah right. I doubt it's you being paranoid though."

"Maybe I'll cut the shopping short..."

"I wouldn't blame you if you did."

"I mean I don't need too much. I did get a few things that I know you're gonna like."

"Sounds good."

"Hmmm...." I say looking around, until I find the nearest store.

"....I know a way, I can find out who's following me if anybody is." I add, as I head into that store.

"Just stay with me on this." I say as I walk into the crowded store and find an area to hide.

I peek around from where I'm hiding and look out the door past everyone. That's when I see Swagger in the doorway looking around.

"Oh my god...creep."



"You know, I can't wait to see his face once everyone knows we're together."

"Then you can beat him up for flirting with me. You can't right now, but yeah."

"I can't wait."

"And Heath."

"Him too."

"Well I would say wait until this Nexus thing is over with. Hopefully it is by the time everyone knows about us. I don't need you hurt by everyone in Nexus...besides Justin."


"Although if I talked to them, I could keep them away from you. I mean I am basically friends with them all afterall."


"Plus Riss would help."


"She doesn't like Heath all that much either."


"Believe it or not...he hit on her down in FCW too."


"I think he has issues honestly."


"But Swagger's gone now. I think I will cut the shopping trip before he finds me again."

"Good idea."

"Alright, I guess I'll talk to you later."

"Okay. I love you."

"I love you too."

We both say bye and hang up. I carefully slip out of the store and head for the exit. I make it back to the car no problem. I get in and then start to head back.

"Thank you Swagger for ruining my day." I mumble.

Once at the hotel, I go up to my room and put away the stuff I bought. I then fall back on the bed, and lay there, staring at the ceiling. Meanwhile, Justin pulls up to a place.

"What's this?" Riss asks.

"Botanical Gardens."


"Thought it'd be a nice place to go to."

"Looks nice from here."

"I heard it's amazing."

She smiles and kisses his cheek. Then they get out of the car and he locks it before they head in. She holds her hand out after they get to the sidewalk. He grins and laces his fingers with hers. She lays her head against his shoulder. Then they both head inside. They pay for admission and enter the gardens. They enter through a rehabilitated tobacco barn that serves as the visitor's center.


Once through, they see extensive fieldstone walls and a Cotswold's-style fieldstone house


They then come across the castle, a two-story structure more the size of a townhouse than a mansion, still complete with a tower and turrets. It overlooks a wildflower meadow and connects to over a mile of hiking tails that circle the woodland pond. The pond itself is the centerpiece of the 20-acre outdoor environmental education facility that has several outdoor teaching spaces.

"Oh wow." She says in awe.

After leaving the castle, beyond the rock garden are sweeping lines of historical and modern Gheens Barn and Peyton Samuel Head Trust Pavilion. The barn and pavilion are other heraled structures by the De Leon and Primmer Team, the recipient of a 2007 AIA honor award.

"This is amazing." She murmurs, squeezing Justin's hand.

He smiles as they move onto the next. Next was the restored bank barn and it offers two levels of open event space, which connects to the pavilion with a glass walkway.


After that, left the gardens full of various flowers. Her smile gets wider as she sees the flowers.

"I've been waiting to see these."

"Me too."

They walk along the path, stopping to look at each thing of flowers.

"Mmm, they smell good too."

"They do."

At the end is the roses and she lights up.


He chuckles as she lets go of his hand and goes over to them.

"Oh they smell amazing..."

"Don't they always?" He smiles.

"Very true."

"I love getting these for you."

"I love receiving them. My favorite flower."

"I know."

She gingerly touches the soft petals.

"I say I pick some up on the way back to the hotel when we leave."

"You don't have to."

"I know, but I want to."

"Okay." She smiles.

"What color? Or do you want me to surprise you?"

"Surprise me. You know I love every color of them."

"Alright." He nods.

She turns around and kisses him gently. After they pull away, they continue to look at the last of the roses.

"So pretty."

"Like you."

She blushes.

"Love you."

"Love you too."

They walk out of the flowers after that.

"Off to get you roses."

She giggles and hugs his waist. They make their way back to the car and once they get there, they get in and head back in the direction of the hotel, stopping at a flower shop first. They walk in and Riss wanders off, looking at all the different flowers and arrangements. He goes off and looks at the roses, trying to decide on what ones to get her. The florist comes over.

"Need some help?"

"I'm looking for something unique and purple and has to be roses."

"Who is this for? If you don't mind me asking."

"My girlfriend." Justin says, looking in Riss' direction as she admires some stargazer lilies.


"I think I have just the right color." The florist says, leading Justin to the deeper, richer shades of purple flowers.


She shows Justin some roses that match his description. That's when he sees the perfect ones.

"Those." He points.

"Good choice."

The florist then starts to put together a bouquet.

"So how long have you two been together?" She asks.

"Almost a little over a year."

"Wow, good for you."

"I plan on proposing, just have to figure out when."

"Aww, well good luck."


"Here we go." She declares, presenting the bouquet.

"She'll love those."

"Jussi?" They hear Riss ask, trying to find him.

"Over here."

"There you are." She smiles softly as she comes around a large display.

"Yup, here I am."

She walks up next to him and kisses his cheek before laying eyes on the bouquet. Her eyes get round and she gasps quietly.

"Like them?"


"I'm glad."

"They're beautiful." She murmurs, reaching out to touch the petals of the roses.

"I knew you'd think so."

"You know me so well." She smiles, kissing Justin briefly.

"Because I love you."

"I love you too."

Then she follows him to go pay for them. He pays and thanks the florist before they leave. The whole way back to the hotel, she has the bouquet up near her face so she can get the most smell from the roses.

"Ohhh. These smell absolutely amazing."

"I know right?"

"Thank you babe."

"You're welcome."

They get to the hotel and head inside with the bags and everything. As they're going towards the elevators, she can see both Punk and McGillicutty eyeing Justin and Riss. That's when they notice that they both are eyeing them, and they get into an argument. She snickers a little bit, smelling her roses as they're waiting for the elevator. Justin's free arm slides around her and she giggles as his hand slips into her back pocket.

"You love doing that."

Justin grins and squeezes gently, making her squeal a little.

"Jussi..." She laughs.

"What?" He laughs.

"Insatiable." She giggles and nips at his ear.

"I know I am."

"Too bad we have to go to NXT later." She muses.

"Oh I know."

"Afterwards." She says with a knowing smile.

"Yes." He cheers.

He squeezes again, getting another squeal as the elevator opens.

"Alright, let go...otherwise it's gonna look funny as we walk."

"Aww." He pouts, pulling his hand out of her pocket.

"You'll live."

"Though you'll probably die when you see the dress."

"Uh oh."

She giggles as the doors shut. She pushes the button for their floor.

"On a scale of 1 to much will I die?"

"10." She smirks.

"Oh boy."

"Hence why I said 'afterwards'."


"I doubt you'll be able to keep your hands to yourself."

"Probably not."

"You never can anyway."


They get off at their floor and go to their room.

"Relax for a few hours?"

"Sounds good."

Before she knows it, after putting the roses down, she's grabbed and they're laying on the bed.

"Eep." She squeaks.

"Got you."

"Yes you do."

"And you're not going anywhere."

"I don't want to." She smiles, pulling him down and kissing him.

"Didn't think so."

"Hush." She says, kissing him again.

He chuckles and does so. She takes advantage of his distraction and rolls them over. She lays on top of him and keeps kissing him. She grabs his hands and laces her fingers with his. She presses his hands to the mattress and makes the kiss deeper. She feels him squeeze her hands from time to time. She squeezes back each time, most of her attention on the kiss. Out of nowhere, he rolls them both over so that he's above her now. She whines, shifting.

"We could play this game all day." He mumbles.

She doesn't even bother replying, instead pressing her lips back to his. Then of course a game of rolling each other over begins. After a while, she just gives up since it's taking attention away from kissing.

"Awww, you stopped." Justin says, breaking the kiss briefly.

"Its taking away from the kiss." She pouts.

"But it's fun."

"Kissing is more fun."

"So are.....other things."

"Mmhmm." She agrees, rolling her hips against his.


"You love it."

"Can't save it until after the show tonight?"

"Its really tempting."

"It's going to be even more tempting when you see the dress."

"I'm sure."

"Oooh you have no idea."

"You'll die." She giggles.

"So you've been telling me."

"You'll see."

"Yes I will."

"So am I just going to be pinned down here until then?" She raises her eyebrow.

"Only if you want to be."

"Depends on what you plan on doing."

"Cuddling maybe."

"In that case..." She murmurs before rolling them over.

She pulls her hands free and snuggles in close.


Justin wraps his arms around her and kisses her head.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

And the cuddling gets so relaxing, she dozes off. Justin chuckles quietly and sets a phone alarm. Hours later that alarm goes off.

", its time to get up." He says softly in her ear.

She mumbles in her sleep, slightly stirring. He moves her head and kisses her until she moves. After she kisses back and pulls away, she opens her eyes.

"Nice wake up call." She murmurs.

"You're welcome."

She kisses him briefly before sliding off. She gets the bag with her dress and everything and heads into the bathroom to change. Justin however just gets his things together since he'll change into his ring gear at the arena. She gets dressed and starts doing her hair. Once that is done, she moves onto her makeup.

"Are you ready yet?" She hears Justin ask.


"The wait is killing me."

She giggles and puts her makeup away.

"Come on..."

She puts on the heels she bought and then opens the door, stepping out.


He's stunned into silence and she laughs, doing a little spin. He's still silent as he looks on, eyes wandering. She grabs her purse and waits for him to snap out of his daze. His eyes follow her, but he doesn't snap out of it quite yet. She walks over to him and claps her hands in his face.


"You died." She states with amusement.

"Can you blame me?"


"Ready to go...spacey?"

"...yes...even though I really don't want to."

"I know."

"But just remember...after the show." She reminds him.

"Oh I know, and I need to behave in order for that to happen."


"I promise I will."

"Good." She smiles and kisses him.

"Now let's go before you change your mind."

He nods and they leave the room. They get to the arena no problem, and I'm already there waiting for them.

"Hi Air."


"How was your day?"

"Could've been better."

"Aww." She hugs me.

"Had to cut my shopping trip short because of Swagger."

"Really? That sucks."

"He was being a creepy stalker."


"He was following me around the mall."


"I had to leave early because of that."


"But whatever...." I say as we head inside.

"Tonight should be interesting."


"Do we have a promo?" She asks Justin.


"Ooh fun." She giggles.

"What's happening this time?"

"We run into each other, I flirt with you, and at some point you say you're only here to support Alex and it has nothing to do with me."


"Sounds fun."

"It does." I nod in agreement.

"Are we sharing a room with the rest of Nexus?" She looks at Justin.

"Well actually I won't be backstage at all during the show."

"Awwwww really?"

"We're all sitting out there observing what goes on."

"Oh." She pouts.

"I'm sorry."

"Not like you can control it." She says, trying to hide her disappointment.

"Unless I ask to change the promo around to somehow have you out there with me. Like I convince you to come out and sit with us."

"You don't have to do that."

"I don't want you disappointed."

"I can't help it. I know we can't always spend all our time together even though I want to."

"I know."

"If you want to suggest that to them, you can. I'll be okay either way."

"It would be an interesting twist, that's for sure."

"It would."

"Let me think it over while I'm changing."


We follow him to where the Nexus locker room is, and he kisses her briefly before heading in to change. She leans against the wall and sighs a bit.

"What's up?" I ask.

"I feel like I'm being clingy."

"If you were, don't you think he'd tell you?"

She shrugs a little.

"I'm sure he would."

"I still feel like I am."

"You just love him and all that time apart is being made up for."


"You're not being clingy."


A while after, the door opens but not only does Justin walk out, so does everyone else. We both look up. Wade's the only one who walks off while Justin and the rest of them stick around. She waits for Justin to come over. She reaches out and plays with his fingers.

"Wade likes the idea, he's gonna go talk to somebody."


Then of course since I'm around, Heath comes over to me, leaning against the wall next to me. I just ignore him, not really in the mood. Trying to ignore him more, I take out my phone to distract me. I realize I have texts from Ted so I reply to them. Of course I know Heath will be nosey so I try to hide the screen the best I can. Finally get gets too nosey and I walk over to Justin and Riss.

"He's harshing my mood." I mumble.

"I'm sorry." Riss says, glaring at him.

"He almost saw my texts from you know who, from being so nosey."


"Thankfully he didn't....I hope."

"You don't have Ted labeled as himself in your contacts do you?"

"No of course not, cause leaving my phone in the locker room when we're at Raw....someone's bound to snoop you know? You never know who gets curious and just walks right in."

"Good. So even if Heath sees, he has no idea who it is."

"True, but I don't like him breathing down my neck trying to see."

"I know."

Thankfully Wade comes back, and we all look over.

"Well looks like everyone's on board with the idea."

"Good." Justin smiles.

"What's gonna happen, before we all go out, there's the usual flirting right? You're gonna convince her to at least come out and sit and observe with us, and there'll be an extra seat next to you for her."


"And here comes the cameras." I add. "Have fun." I laugh, before walking off.

Riss moves where they tell her and she starts pretending to look at her phone. Wade and the rest of them besides Justin, walk off towards the curtain. Justin stays just out of sight until they cue him. They cue him after the cameras are on and he approaches her.

"Oh, you decided to show up afterall."

"I'm here to support Alex so don't flatter yourself." She remarks after finishing on her phone.

"But you're still here, and I'm here. And now that you mention it, since you're here to support him, why sit backstage and do so, when you can sit out there with me and look on from the stage."

"Sit with you? I don't think so."

"Oh come on, it's not that bad."

She raises an eyebrow.

"We don't have to talk to each other, just have to sit there. You can ignore me if you want."

She thinks about it.

"Not a word." She threatens, pointing at him.

"You have my word."


"Shall we?" He asks, motioning to the curtain with a triumphant smirk.

She rolls her eyes and walks ahead of him. At that time they hear the show begin, as both of them walk to the curtain. She knows he's staring and she's actually kind of amused by it.

"I know you're staring." She says, since the cameras aren't filming.

"Uh huh."

They stop when they reach the curtain and it's crowded because of Wade and them, the pros, and the rookies all standing around. They spot me amongst the crowd of people and I'm standing with Alex. I look over and Riss waves. I tell Alex that I'll be right back and I walk over to them.

"What's up?"

"Alex asked if I would go out there with him to support him, beats sitting around backstage and doing it."


"Keeps me from being bored that's for sure."

"Oh yeah."

"Can't keep your eyes off her can you Justin?" I giggle.


"You're in for it when you get back to the hotel aren't you?"

She laughs when Justin nods vigorously.

"I thought so."

"Of course."

Then we listen as Matt Striker start to introduce the show with his co-host Ashley. First they introduce the pros, starting with Mark Henry and ending with Mike. And we watch as the pros have to hold Mark Henry back after what Mike did to him last night. Then they introduce Wade and them, playing their music.

"Well looks like we have to go." Riss says.

"See you later." I reply.

I walk back over to Alex and they walk onto the stage from a different area. She and Justin and them walk through first, Justin being the first in line of the group, but he lets Riss walk out in front of him to get to the set up chairs on the stage. He of course plays his part and stares as she walks along. She walks to the last chair and sits down, carefully crossing her legs. The rest of them stay standing in front of their chairs as they're individually introduced. Once they were, Wade started to speak.

"Now I just want to say it's a real privilege to be here tonight. I mean what better way to celebrate last night's victory over John Cena than to make a triumphant return to the show that gave us all our start. To the NXT Season 2 rookies, we'd like to wish you all the best, we're very much looking forward to seeing you in action tonight. And to the WWE Pros, I really hope you're not planning on instigating any trouble tonight. 'Cause we just want to sit back, relax, and enjoy the show. Thank you."

Striker introduces the first match and they play Mike's music. Alex and I come out and before walking down the ramp, Mike and Alex pose and I look over and wave to Riss, before my eyes move to Heath and he's staring at me. I roll my eyes before following Mike and Alex down the ramp for their tag team match. Riss watches us all go and then looks confused when Alex stops and jogs back to the stage.

"Come on, come down to the ring too." He suggests when he reaches her.

He holds his hand out. She laughs and gets up, taking his hand. Justin's jaw almost drops as she gets up and heads down to the ring with Alex. Alex offers his other arm to me when they reach me. I laugh slightly and take his arm, and he walks both of us down the ramp and around the ring, letting us go so we can be safe over by commentary, before he gets into the ring.

"Justin's face was priceless." Riss giggles.

"An 'oh no he didn't' face."


And then of course we sit by commentary and we're welcomed as we put headsets on so we can talk during the match. We're amused as Cole fawns over us.

"So Karissa, we've seen for the past couple weeks that Nexus' own Justin Gabriel has taken some sort of...well, liking to you." Cole says as the match begins and we watch.


"We see how you react to him backstage, but how do you feel about this sudden infatuation with you?"

"A little annoyed. He's very persistent."

"I only agreed to come out here with him and the rest of Nexus, only if he didn't speak to me."

Everyone else laughs.

"As you can tell I'm not too pleased to be out here, let alone to be sitting next to him when I have to go back up there."

"Its fairly obvious."

"Now for both of you, what's your relationship with Alex Riley?"

"Friends. Strictly friends."

Riss nods in agreement.

"We've been friends for a long time actually before he made it here. The three of us go way back."

"Ohhh okay."

"And of course when we heard he'd be coming here, we were excited for him, and we truly think he's the one to win this season."

"Alex has everything it takes to be a WWE superstar." Riss adds.

"He has the looks, he has the charisma, he has the talent, he's the total package and perfect for this company."

"He would fit right in."

"He would fit right in."

"If it was up to us, we'd choose him in a heartbeat. But unfortunately it's up the pros and the WWE Universe. We're only only hoping they choose him to win."

"Of course."

"Now on the topic of relationships. Ariel, are the market as they would say?"

"Yes I am."

"But we're keeping our relationship to ourselves. We're not ready to let the world know yet. We want our privacy at the moment. But if you should know...we do love each other very much."

"Its really cute." Riss laughs.

"So unfortunately all the guys out there watching, I'm off limits, sorry." I laugh too.

We all laugh.

"What about you Karissa? Sure Justin Gabriel may be flirting with you but are you off the market as well?"

"Nope. Single at the moment."

"Anyone in particular you have your eyes on?"

"I'm not going to say."

"Only I know and I'm not spilling either."

"Guess we'll have to wait and see."

"Yes you will."

"Because our lips are sealed."

We were watching intently as Alex was in the ring now with Lucky and we could tell it was getting to the end of the match. It wasn't looking too good for Alex, as he was hit with a scoop slam, but he tags in Mike and then Mark gets tagged in and it all goes downhill from there. After Mark pulls Mike off the ropes, he goes flying backwards and tags in Alex. Alex tries to fight him, but Mark picks him up over the top rope and hits him with the World's Strongest Slam, earning the victory. We both sigh. Mark gets out of the ring and goes over to where Justin Roberts is and gets a trash can, bringing it over to the ring.

"I think I know what's coming."

"Uh oh."

Lucky picks it up and puts it in the ring, Mike however walks back over to the ramp, looking on in anger. Mark then pours the trash all over Alex.

"Oh come on! That's uncalled for!"

I wait until Mark and Lucky are busy with Mike, watching him, before I take the headset off and get up, sliding into the ring and removing all the trash from him. Riss is right behind me of course.

"Come on, let's get you out of here." I say to Alex once we get all the trash off of him.

But before we can get him out of the ring completely, Lucky notices us trying to get him out. Riss gives him this look that dares him to try and stop us.

"Come on...let's just go." I mutter as we slide out of the ring and then pull Alex out.

"Jerk." Riss mumbles.

"Let me just get Mike's title so we can give that back to him, and Alex's vest" I add, letting go of Alex and walking over, grabbing the title and the vest.

Then we help Alex back around the ring and up the ramp. That's when Riss realizes that she's gonna have to go back to sitting next to Justin.

"Damn." Riss groans.

"Oh yeah, that's right. I can help Alex backstage, I've got him."

"Alright." She nods, letting us go while she goes and sits back down.

After she sits down, she sees Justin's hand move towards her leg. Being in character, she swats it away. He keeps trying so she continues swatting his hand every time. She's kind of had enough and scoots her chair away from him a bit, distancing herself. She can see him pout and she rolls her eyes. After a promo about Alex and the pro's opinions and a promo of Mike, and more about the Money in the Bank match, the cameras were back on Nexus, panning along starting from Riss and going down the line. Since Justin was still a bit close to her, his arm was resting on the back of her chair. She's obviously not thrilled, sitting so he isn't touching her.

Highlights of what happened last night between Nexus and John in their match were played. After that, the ring was set up for his talk show opportunity and after it was all set up, he went down to the ring and was dancing around. After a bit, he invites his pro MVP down to the ring and they talk about different things. He talks about seizing the opportunity and by this time Alex is feeling a bit better from his match earlier and he and the rest of the rookies walk out to the ring. I of course come out with him but stay up on the stage for safety reasons. They get into the ring and then Mike and them go down to the ring, getting into the ring themselves and it looks like they're all gonna face off against each other, that is until Striker interrupts.

"It looks like the rookies are trying to test the pros. I say we see what the rookies have huh? So what do you say we clear the ring, and let's settle this...with an over the top rope battle royal right now!"

"Hold your horses Matt Striker." Wade interrupts.

"Oh lord." Riss mutters.

"I think you've all forgotten about the most important part, which is of course the Nexus." Wade adds and then Justin and them stand up, Riss leaning back into the chair now since she can.

Riss rolls her eyes a bit.

"Now unfortunately Darren Young couldn't be with us tonight. But the six of us would love nothing more than to be involved in a battle royal, because of course a battle royal gives us an opportunity to be in a match where it's every man for himself. And I promise you at the end of it all, there'll be one winner and that winner will be the same winner from NXT season one. Me...Wade Barrett."

"What do you say we make this official? A 20-man over the top rope battle royal next on NXT!"

"Well I say let's get this party started!" MVP adds.

Wade then leads the rest of the guys down the ramp to the ring. When Heath passes me on the stage, he winks and I almost throw up right there. I wait for all of them to walk by before I walk over and sit next to Riss. She pats me on the shoulder sympathetically.

"I can't wait for this night to be over and we're away from him."

"I know."

"I'm tired too."

"I'm alright."

"I can't wait until Sunday. My first title match."

"I'm excited for you."

"I think this will put me officially in the running for the title if I lose."

Riss nods in agreement.

"Whether you win or lose, you'll do great."


Soon enough the battle royal starts and it's absolute chaos in the ring. Nexus gets out of the ring, not eliminating themselves since they didn't go over the top rope, while the rookies and pros fight.


"Have to say, they are smart."


Then most of the guys in the ring, gang up on Mark Henry, eliminating him first.

"Always have to gang up on him."


Nexus however rushes over and issues an attack on him.

"Ohhh, I see what they're doing now."

"Oh yeah."

The fighting however continues in the ring, while Mark gets thrown into the steel post, and then Eli gets eliminated and they go after him next. It's a bit after that before the next person is eliminated and it happens to be MVP. Nexus swarms around him and he gets up, standing his ground, distracting them as Morrison flies out of the ring and he takes down Tarver, Skip and Wade. This ensues a fight between Nexus, MVP and Morrison, the refs rushing over to break it up. Kofi slides out of the ring, hitting a cheap shot before getting back in and MVP tries going after Otunga. The rest of Nexus gets angry and everyone stands their ground in the ring. Now they all enter the ring, and it's still chaos. And from what we can see, Percy was eliminated next, followed by McGillicutty.

"Haha." Riss mutters.

"Poor baby."

We snicker.

Nexus regroups in the corner, watching as everyone else go after one another, before Husky goes after them and he gets eliminated by them. Then Zack eliminated Kaval and Nexus regroups in the corner, looking on. Somehow everyone else was eliminated and all that's left is Morrison, Kofi, Mike, Cody and Zack. They all talk and strategize and Zack confronts Nexus first, but only to get eliminated by Mike shortly after. Mike approaches Nexus and tries to compromise with them. Doesn't look like it's gonna work so Mike runs and eliminates himself.

"Smart move."

Kofi and Morrison go after Nexus and Cody stands back and watches, being careful and seeing if they'll come after him. Morrison and Kofi fight back, but the numbers game is too much for them. After hanging on for so long, after one kick by Justin, Morrison is eliminated.


They totally ignore Cody and they gang up on Kofi, but finally they eliminate him, leaving only Cody. Now they turn their attention to Cody. Cody tries to reason with them, holding his hand out to Justin, then Otunga, and then Wade. And of course, they gang up on him and he too is eliminated, Nexus being named the winners. On the inside, Riss is happy but on the outside she has to be indifferent. Wade then orders Tarver and Justin to continue the attack outside the ring. Tarver goes after Kofi and Justin goes after Cody. They put them back into the ring for another Nexus attack. Morrison tries to fight back, but Tarver and Sheffield overpower him. Wade then hits Wasteland on Kofi and Heath pulls him into the corner. Otunga hits Cody with his finisher before he's pulled over to the corner and that's when Justin climbs to the top rope and hits him with the 450 Splash. Riss winces slightly because she knows that has to hurt.

That's when Matt slides into the ring.

"Wade Barrett, what's your reaction to what the WWE Universe thinks of the Nexus?"

"Matt Striker.....Matt Striker, I've never had a problem with you before but I'm not so sure that standing in this ring is the smartest thing you've ever done. So if I were you, I'd back up right now before things turn ugly. Ladies and gentlemen, season 1 of NXT, have come back today as the Nexus and prove that we can make a difference here in WWE. Regardless of whether we were labeled rookies or not, what we're doing now is something that you can't understand because it's part of a much much bigger picture."

"As you always say."


"Wade, with all due respect, are you proud of what you did to John Cena on Monday Night Raw?"

"Matt Striker, I'm proud of everything I've ever done in this ring. I'm proud of these men who stand beside me as the Nexus. Because one thing's for certain, you're either Nexus or you're against us."



After a replay of what happened after the battle royal, they all turn to face the stage, and of course Justin looks Riss' way, and Heath looks my way. She shrugs lightly.

"I think we can go now, the show's over."

She nods and we get up. Then we head back through the curtain and wait by the curtain's entrance. She fixes her dress while we're waiting since it had ridden up a little.

"He died with that dress didn't he?" I giggle.

"Oh yes." She grins.

"You're in trouble aren't you?"

"Mmhmm." She laughs.

"Good luck with that."

She giggles.

"Bruises and marks galore."

"Of course. Doubt we'll leave the room until the afternoon, if at all."


She giggles and blushes a bit. Then Justin comes through the curtain and sees her, a smirk forming on his face. She giggles even more.

"Alright, well I'll see you sometime tomorrow....if at all."

"Bye Air." She hugs me.

"Bye." I hug, back and after pulling away, I head in the direction of the parking lot so I can leave.

Riss gives Heath the evil eye and he decides against following me. Just approaches her and his arms go around her.

"As soon as I get changed, we're out of here."

"I know." She giggles.

"Let's go."

She lets Justin lead her to the locker room. She waits outside while he changes. It doesn't take too long for him to change, because a bit after that the door opens and he walks out, ready to go. He doesn't care who sees as he kisses me deeply before pulling me towards the doors. She giggles at his eagerness as he rushes to the car. They get in the car and drive to the hotel. Once there, Justin ushers her up to their room.

"Okay okay, eager beaver."

As soon as the door shuts, he drops his bag and reaches for the zipper to my dress.

"Whoa whoa. Slow down love."

"Whyyy?" He pouts.

She turns around.

"Lets get our shoes and everything off so they aren't in the way."

"Right, that would be the smart thing to do."

She giggles and walks over to the table, taking off her jewelry and her shoes. She goes into the bathroom to take her makeup off.

"I don't know how much longer I can wait."

She walks out a minute later.


He grins and walks back over to her. She giggles as he pulls her in super closer.

"Now it comes off."

"Okay. I know it's been driving you crazy all night."

"Yes it has been."

He reaches for the zipper again and this time she doesn't stop him. She does shiver a little when his fingers lightly run down her spine as he slides the zipper down. She feels goosebumps going all over. She steps out of the dress once it's off and he pulls her super close yet again. She starts tugging at his shirt. He steps back a bit and she helps him take it off. She tosses it and the next thing to go are his jeans. She helps him get those off no problem. Then they're back close again with more skin to skin contact, making both of them sigh. Their lips meet and they stumble towards the bed. He falls on the bed first and then she ends up on top of him, and she giggles a bit into the kiss as she does so. He chuckles and his hands start to wander. As his hands wander, goosebumps form again along her skin. She shivers. But the kiss is never broken. She kisses him harder, running her nails over his shoulders and his chest. A faint growl builds in his chest. She giggles quietly. She does it more and that earns a louder growl. She keeps doing it, liking the vibrations. He finally can't take anymore and grabs her hands. She whines a little.

"I can't take the torture anymore Rissa."

She looks up at him and giggles softly.

"I think you know what needs to happen now."

"Mmm." She brushes her lips over his.

His hands start to wander again, tugging at the clothes that she has left on. It isn't long before the remainder of their clothes hit the floor.