Priceless Sensation

You're Either Nexus, Or You're Against Us

After a long day with stuff promoting the show tonight and whatnot, it was yet again time to go. I had just finished getting ready, coming out of the bathroom and putting on a pair of shoes I picked out. I'm glad I have the week off because I'll need it after last night. Ted is laying across the bed, watching me.

"Having fun?"


"You're giving me that look..." I giggle when I turn to look at him.

"Because you look amazing."

"Well you look even more amazing...a normal black and white suit looks good on you."

"Why thank you but you far outshine me."

"Oh...stop." I smile.


"So not leaving right away from here are you?"

"Actually, I'll be leaving with you. I told Maryse I'd meet her at the arena, so we can head there together."


"She of course flipped out but, since when do I care?"

"True." I giggle.

"You're not gonna start being all affectionate are you? Because I have a feeling if you do, we may not leave on time."

"I really want to..."

"...the shirt doesn't help the matter much either." He adds.

"My bad." I add.

"You love torturing me."


Ted chuckles and gets up, pulling me to him for a kiss. I wrap my arms around his neck as I kiss back. I was enjoying the moment so much, I didn't want it to end. Unfortunately Ted pulls away after a while.

"We don't want to be late." He murmurs.

"Right." I sigh.

He steals one last kiss and we gather our stuff, leaving for the arena. In the meantime, Riss is getting ready for the show herself, purposely taking her time to torture Justin a bit. She hears him moving around impatiently in the room and she giggles.

"I wanna see." He whines.

"I'm coming in a minute."

"You keep telling me that."

She laughs as she finishes and puts everything away before leaving the bathroom. He takes one look at her and then does a double take, his jaw then dropping. She does a spin as always. He says nothing, but stays there staring with his jaw dropped.

"Same reaction as the NXT dress." She giggles.

All he does is nod. She walks over and picks up her shoes, putting them on. His eyes of course never leave her. She waits to see if he's going to make a move. He actually does, making his way over to her. She feels hands on her hips and kisses along her shoulder and neck.

"You finally snapped out of the daze." She giggles.


"If only we didn't have to leave."

"That's what tomorrow is for."

"Not leaving the room unless we really have to."

"I didn't...think so." She sighs, her head lolling to the side as he continues kissing her neck.

"I would love nothing more to continue, but if I do, we'll be late."

She grumbles a little.

"But that doesn't stop me from doing it when I'm with you in the locker room." He smirks against her skin.


"I'm only needed for the beginning of the show after the first match and for Wade's match."


"We have another promo tonight too."


"Before the segment after the opening match."


"I get to be all touchy...."

"You love that." She giggles softly.

"Just with your hair though.." He chuckles.

"Well I'm still right. You love my hair." She says as he gently tugs on a curl.

"I do."

Justin reluctantly drops the curl and takes his lips off her neck. She makes a short, involuntary whine.

"More later....we'll be late."

She picks her head up and nods silently.

"But of course one more thing."

She turns her head to look at him. Then he points to his lips with a smile. She laughs softly and turns around in his hold to press her lips to his. The kiss isn't too long, but he pulls away with a smile on his face.

"I love you Rissa." He says, kissing her nose.

She wrinkles her nose and smiles.

"I love you too Jussi."

"We should go now, but just for the record, it's cute when you wrinkle your nose."

She just giggles and grabs her purse as he picks up his bag. They hold hands as they leave. They get to the arena after Ted and I do. And to avoid any suspicion, Ted and I took our own seperate cars, leaving Maryse to find her own way to the arena. They walk in and head for the locker room. When they reach the locker room, they walk in and find only me, but I'm in a really happy mood.

"You're in a good mood." Riss comments.

"For once Ted didn't need to rush out of my room and leave with HER. We left together, but in our own cars."


"And a plus...he's in another suit this week."

"Ooooh." She teases.

"We almost didn't leave the room."

"Again, ooooooh."

"Oh hush."

She laughs and sits on the other couch.

"Partly my fault with my choice in clothes tonight."

"You aren't the only one."

"She got you with her outfit too I see." I say to Justin as he passes by to head into the changing area.

"Yes she did."

"Ooooh." I say to Riss since Justin disappeared into the changing area.

"Yup." Riss giggles.

"You torture him way too much." I laugh.

"It's fun though. I like to keep him on his toes."


"We have another promo tonight."


"All I know is its before their segment after the first match."

"Ah, what's gonna happen?"

"Jussi gets to play with my hair but that's as much as I know."


"He loves my hair so he's happy."

"Of course."

She reaches up and twists one of her curls around her finger while waiting for Justin. He sits against her and she slides over against his side.

"You know depending on what's happening after the match, it determines when your promo is. Do you know what's happening after the match before the segment?" I ask Justin.

"Well Edge and Jericho argue, we come out and attack Edge, and then we attack Jericho."

"So your promo is gonna have to be before the match even starts."

"Pretty much."

"Oooh a promo to start off the show."


"I can't wait."

She smiles and kisses Justin on the jawline. It wasn't too long after that when there was a knock on the door, their names being called.

"Later Air." Riss says as Justin and her get up.

"I'll be watching." I giggle.

"Of course."

Then they open the door and leave the locker room. She smiles when Justin's arm goes around her shoulders.

"One step closer to being recruited."


"I can't wait."

"Me neither."

"One step closer to being able to be with you even on tv."

She kisses his jaw again. They reach the point where the cameras are, and they're told where to stand and what to do and so on. She leans against the wall and makes herself look busy. After hearing the pyros and such go off, the camera turns on. After being "busy", she steps away from the wall and go to walk down the hall. That's when Justin starts to walk by with Nexus and he looks over at her, stopping abruptly. She notices and stops.


"" He says, looking her over.

"I'm flattered." She says dryly.

"You should be." He grins, walking over.

He then circles her, continuing to look her over.

"I love what I see." He adds.

"Good for you."

"You have no idea how much I love what I see."

She keeps watching him as he circles her.

"You're making me dizzy."

He finally stops in front of her, and then reaches out and takes a curl of her hair in between his fingers. Her eyes move to his fingers but she doesn't pull away.

"I love your hair too."

"Thanks for sharing."

Then he starts to play with her hair for a bit. She tolerates it for a few moments before stepping back, her hair falling from his grasp.


She just rolls her eyes a bit. Then he reaches out again, trying to touch her hair. This time she swats his hand.

"No more."

He tries to touch her cheek and she bats his hand away again.


"Aw come on. You warmed up a little. I know you like it."

She rolls her eyes again.


"Where the bloody hell did he go? Justin!" They both hear Wade yell.

"Oops, someone's in trouble." She smirks.

"....I'll see you around later..." He says before dashing off.

After signing for a few hours we are all able to walk around for a bit to look at everything. She shakes her head and walks offscreen. And then of course that leads to the camera switching to the ring for the triple threat match. She knows Justin is coming back to her before they go out so she stays put.

"So I see you enjoyed that promo." She giggles, seeing him come back.

"Yes I did." He grins.

"You get to do it all you want, when you get back."

"I can't wait."

"I do have to get back to the curtain soon however."

She nods and hugs him, reaching up for a kiss. He of course kisses back, this one being a longer one than earlier tonight. She reluctantly pulls back moments later.

"I'll see you after this. Be careful."

"I will be."

"Love you."

"Love you too."

He gives her one last kiss before walking back the way he came from. She then heads back to the locker room. She knocks before entering and she sits on the other couch.

"Miss anything?"

"Not really."


At the end of a hard-fought match by all three Superstars, it was Randy Orton leaving no doubt in anybody’s mind who the winner should be as “The Viper” laid out both Edge & Chris Jericho with the RKO en route to pinning Edge to become the #1 Contender for the WWE Championship at SummerSlam. After the win, Randy left and Chris left and that's when Edge flipped out.

"Jericho! Get back out here! Get out here right now! I demand you come back out here. Come on Jericho. This has gone on between us for too long! Oh..yeah. That's right. Yeah Chris, you see this has gone on between us fo 11 years now...11 years. How many championships have we cost each other? How many injuries have we inflicted? How many ladder matches? How many years off of our career have we taken off of each other? It has to end, right here, right now, tonight!"

"You want this to end, tonight...Edge...yeah? You know finally, for the first time in 11 years we agree on something. Because it is going to end tonight for you. I don't know if you're too stupid to realize, but last week I had a conversation with Wade Barrett. And he pretty much admitted that I'm the reason why Nexus has achieved the success it's achieved. Oh his...oh yeah that's right. 'Cause as his former pro, he admitted that I taught him and told him, all of these actions that they've been doing. And I think that if I just snap my fingers, Nexus would do whatever I wanted them to. So I could call them out here right now, and all of them, and me won't just take years off your career Edge, we'll end it for good, tonight. Do you understand what I'm saying to you right now?"

"No, I don't understand what you're saying to me right now! Because I really don't think that Nexus agrees with that. I think that if I offered what I can bring to the table, that they'd take me up on the offer. And I'm pretty sure that they'd have no problem taking out a guy who is claiming all of their success for himself. Yeah."

Then Nexus' music goes off and they walk out, going down to the ring and then getting in, standing before Chris and Edge.

"Edge, Jericho, please don't argue amongst yourselves here 'cause...the fact is, you're both veterans here. You're highly respected and to be honest with you, Nexus would be very lucky to call either one of you an ally. Let's face it, you've had...successful...innovative...hall of fame careers." Wade says, before all of them circle Edge.

"But Edge, Jericho is right. Nexus wouldn't just take years off your career, we'd end it.

And then of course it's seven on one, as they all gang up on Edge. After they finish with him, Chris puts Edge in the Walls of Jericho, and every Nexus member glares at him, and he lets Edge go.

"Uh oh."

"Oh boy."

"You know Chris, funny thing is, Edge was also right. Because we would really like to shut up the guy who's trying to claim to be behind Nexus' success." Wade adds, as they circle Chris as well.

"Here they go."

Chris goes right after Wade first, but again, the seven on one gang up on Chris is too much for him. They all leave afterwards, the crowd booing as they head back up the ramp and backstage and that fades to the break.

"Yayyy, cuddly time." She says while stretching.

After the break, they replayed what happened with Edge and Chris before Nexus is seen walking backstage and heading into their locker room when Wade's stopped for an interview by Josh. Justin however after he walks in, goes through the door connecting our locker room to Nexus'.

"Hi." She smiles.

"Hey." He smiles back, coming over and sitting with her.

He pulls her into him and she snuggles up happily.

"Excuse me Mr. Barrett? Mr. Barrett, there's no question that you have the most powerful group in the history of the WWE. Every top superstar all the way down to our timekeeper, pretty much quake in their boots so to speak whenever they see Nexus. But with all due respect Mr. Barrett, with the risk at making you uncomfortable, many people are questioning whether you individually or any member of Nexus individually can favorably compete with the World's Strongest Man."

"Are you quaking in your boots Josh?" Wade asks, and Josh stays silent.

"I asked you a bloody question!"

"Yeah..yes sir I am."

"Well I guarantee you that's exactly what Mark Henry's doing right now. 'Cause every single member of the Nexus is just as good individually as we are collectively. And you spoke a little there about the history of the WWE. Well I'm just about to write a new chapter. And I promise you, it doesn't end very well for Mark Henry."

"Thank you very much for your time." Josh ends the interview and walks away, while Wade goes to head into the Nexus locker room, but Sheamus stops him.

"Relax will ya? I just came here to have a conversation. I have a proposal I think you'll wanna hear."

"Will you step into my office then?"

"Hehe, if you don't mind...I'd rather wait out here."

"Suit yourself." Wade scoffs, heading into the locker room.

"Don't blame him."


Then Cole and Jerry introduce John who's backstage by the locker room area to make a statement.

"John, the carnage you just witnessed must be reminiscent of what you've been through with the Nexus over the past number of weeks, including just 24 hours ago in the steel cage match vs Sheamus."

"Yeah, yeah it is, but what do you want me to do Cole, complain? You want me to whine about how I shouldn't be such a loser? I brought this upon myself. A couple weeks ago Wade Barrett said to me, you shake my hand John Cena and all this ends. I didn't shake his hand. I didn't shake his hand out of...out of foolish pride. I didn't shake his hand because I thought I could stop them. I can't. Nobody can. Chris Jericho, Edge, two of the WWE's biggest superstars were just decimated. Last night the Nexus attacked me, they attacked Sheamus and they did it just because they could. I can see the writing on the wall Michael Cole."

"But John, I mean what exactly are you saying?"

"What I'm saying is, that tonight, I would like to meet Wade Barrett and meet Nexus in that ring, I've got something to say to em'."

"Why? Why would you...why would you want that?"

"I'll tell you why King. They've made my life miserable, they've cost me everything. The Nexus say, they say you're either Nexus or you're against us. But right now I'm...I'm saying if you can't beat em'....." John trails off before shaking is head and walking offscreen, the screen fading to another break.

"....join them. Oh no." I finish the sentence for him.

"Hey I'm joining them...eventually." Riss remarks.

"But do we really wanna see him join them?"

She shrugs.

"We've never seen him go heel really. He's always been babyface."

"Except for that time when he started out on SmackDown. That rapping gimmick, he was a heel. That's the only time. But you know what, they're not gonna turn him heel so quickly, maybe not at all."

"It could be like mine. They said it would be a while before I go heel."

"You know, I don't actually see it happening. He's such a role model for the kids and everything. I don't think they wanna change that."

"We'll see."

After the break, they replayed what John said before Eve comes out for the next match of the night. Riss and I roll our eyes.

"How're you feeling after getting thrown into the steps last night? Hmm?"

Riss snickers. After her music faded, Maryse's went off and she walked out with Ted. He goes around to commentary as she gets into the ring, doing her hair flip.

"I hate that so much."


"Well I'll tell you what, I'm being blinded by the shine of the Million Dollar Title because we're being joined here tonight at ringside by The Fortunate Son himself, Ted DiBiase, Ted welcome."

"Hey thanks for having me Cole. Oh my god she looks good."

"Who Maryse?"

"No shit sherlock. He's not talking about Eve is he? Duhhhh."

"Thanks Captain Obvious."

"Who do you think I'm talking about?"

"Oh...look at this..." Cole adds, as Maryse takes off the ring she's wearing, handing it to the ref.

"Nice fine piece of jewelry."

"I feel so lucky. You know I am so lucky, I mean look at me. I'm 27 years old, I am a self-made millionaire. Well, actually no, it was all given to me. But who cares, I'm rich. You know I have my own personal driver, I have my own personal chef. And I date the hottest diva in WWE history."

"It cracks me up that they all believe him when he compliments her." Riss says amusedly.

"....who if she wins this match tonight, will become the number one contender for the Diva's Championship." Ted adds.

"And when he says that."

"That too."

"I'll tell you what Ted, Maryse is an upgrade from Virgil."

"Yeah, you got that right Cole. You know guys, I came out here, I wanna clear up one thing. Maryse, she is not a gold digger."


"Maryse is not a gold digger. You know, that's a filthy rumor that got started by people like John Morrison and the rest of the WWE Universe."

The ref counts to three as Eve pins Maryse, and at the last second, Maryse puts her foot on the rope but the ref doesn't see it.


"Haha she got robbed."

"Her foot's on the rope. Her foot...." Ted trails off, getting angry and taking the headset off, getting into the ring and arguing with the ref.

The crowd then goes crazy and then Ted gets attacked by Morrison.

"What the hell!"

"Jerk." Riss glares.

After Morrison leaves, they replay what happened in the end of the match before the attack on Ted. They glare at each other before Sheamus makes his way through the halls to head out to the ring, before heading to another break.



Riss nuzzles Justin's hand as she feels his fingers on her head.

After the break, Sheamus was introduced and he came out, getting into the ring and he talks some before being interrupted by Mike as he walks out and goes down to the ring himself.

"Congratulations Sheamus on getting rid of your Nexus problem. But now you have an even bigger one, now you have a Miz problem. Sheamus, you don't control the fate of the WWE Championship, I do. And why? Because I possess this...Money in the Bank. I can cash this in anytime I want for a WWE Championship match. So everytime you're in this ring, I'll be watching you. Let me put this in perspective for you. Say you do manage to beat Randy Orton at SummerSlam. But as you're getting your hand raised, Randy hits you with an RKO. I'll be right there to cash it in."

"Or maybe you'll be doing a backstage interview....talkin' like a tough guy fella'." Mike adds, mocking Sheamus' voice.

I snicker.

"Nice." Riss laughs.

"Then BAM! I hit you in the back of the head with a briefcase, drag you out to this ring, get a referee and beat you on the spot. I wait, I wait for the moment my entire career has been leading to, to main event WrestleMania! Or maybe I forget about all of that and I cash it in tonight."

"Either way Sheamus, you can call me your celebrity stalker. Because every breath you take, every move you make, I'll be watching you."

"Because I'm the Miz, and I'm...."

"You're nothing! Nothing! I'm Sheamus, and I'm the WWE Champion!"

"Yawn. A boring one."


Sheamus goes to leave, but the anonymous RAW General Manager chimes in with an email that suggests that Mike take a seat at ringside as Sheamus would go one-on-one with Evan Bourne.

"Go Evan."

"Eh, not gonna turn out so well for him."

"Oh I know but one can still hope."

After the next break was the match, and it went on for a while but in the end it was Sheamus catching Evan Bourne with the pump kick en route to pinning Bourne and picking up the win. After the match, Mike entered the ring and blasted Sheamus from behind with the Money-in-the-Bank briefcase and assaulted Sheamus with the briefcase a couple more times before delivering the Skull Crushing Finale to him onto the briefcase.


With Sheamus extremely vulnerable, Mike handed his Money-in-the-Bank title opportunity over to the referee and it was announced that he was cashing in his title opportunity. However, the referee had to get Sheamus to his feet before the match could begin and, before that took place, a revenge-driven R-Truth would return; prompting Mike to take his briefcase back and wave off cashing in his Money-in-the-Bank title opportunity. Mike would swing and miss hitting R-Truth with the briefcase before R-Truth would chase him backstage.


That of course leads to another break and this time Justin starts to get more cuddly and affectionate with Riss. She giggles and leans into him more. And occasionally he would press kisses to her neck, making up for earlier. She tilts her head to give him more room. He grins and continues, his hands wandering just a bit. She closes her eyes and enjoys the affection. He moves from her neck to her jawline, before going to her lips. She responds to his kiss, humming happily. I smile as I see them and then turn my attention to the screen once Raw comes back and Mike is backstage with Josh.

"Miz you've got to be furious with the fact that what just happened out there between you and R-Truth as you were ready to cash in the Money-in-the-Bank contract."

"R-Truth just cost me the WWE Championship! I had Sheamus knocked unconscious! With this briefcase that holds the Money-in-the-Bank contract! That would've been poetic justice. But make no mistake about it, there will be other opportunities. I have an entire year. So whether it's...tomorrow night, or July 17th, 2011...I will take my rightful place as WWE Champion. Because I'm the Miz, and I'm....awesome!!!"

After that going back to ringside only for a bit before classic SummerSlam matches were shown, one in particular..back in 98' with Taker facing Stone Cold. Then Sheamus was seen backstage, being helped along, and an icebag on his head. Gail and the Bellas are talking and laughing and Sheamus turns to look at them.

"You think this is funny?! You think this is funny?!" He screams before walking off.

"Drama queen." I say.

"Sheamus." We hear Randy's voice and he comes out of the shadows and Sheamus turns around.

"It's really too bad...too bad what just happened out there with you. Carrying that WWE Championship, it makes you a target. But come SummerSlam, whether it you, The Miz, or anyone else who's champion, it doesn't really matter to me. Because whoever is champion, will be wearing a giant bullseye. I'm not gonna hit that bullseye with an arrow, or a spear, or even a bullet. I'm going to hit that bullseye, with an R...K....O."

Then John is seen backstage, in thought about what's going on tonight, fading to another break. And since it is getting towards the end of the show, with just Wade's match left until what John has to say to him and the rest of Nexus, Justin takes advantage of the time he has until he's needed. He makes the kiss deeper and she twists, sitting sideways on his lap to give them a more comfortable position.

After this break it was the next match of the night. Santino and Kozlov teaming up to take on Zack and William Regal. The match was a decent one, but in the end, it was Santino Marella utilizing a unique new headbutt maneuver that led to Santino & Kozlov picking up the win.

"Aww darn."

That's when the door between the locker rooms opened and Wade walked in.

"Justin, match is up next...need you. Sorry Karissa, I'm gonna have to steal your boyfriend for the rest of the night until the show ends."

Justin pulls away and she sighs, moving off his lap.

"Which is why I took advantage of all the time we had." He says to her quietly, before getting up.

"I know."

"More later okay?" He smirks.

She giggles and nods.

"Love you." He says, kissing her one last time.

"Love you too. Be careful."

"I will."

He walks out with Wade and she sits back down. Justin and them are now seen backstage outside the locker room, talking with Wade, before Wade walks off by himself.

"Someone's up to something."


"So more later huh?" I giggle.

She blushes and giggles.


She blushes even more, twisting a curl around her finger.

Wade finally comes out, by himself and goes down to the ring for his match against Mark Henry. He takes his time, and gets into the ring. Mark comes out next, getting into the ring once he gets there. In the end, The Nexus found a way as the other six Nexus members lined up on the stage and this distracted Mark Henry long enough for Wade Barrett to, somehow, load Henry up on his shoulders and deliver the Barrett Wasteland en route to picking up the win.


After the match, Wade kicks Mark out of the ring and the rest of the group goes down to the ring, getting into it.

"Cena, you wanted a meeting with us? Well here we are. Why don't you get out here right now."

It of course takes a while, a replay of the match showing first of course. Their music plays as John is seen walking through backstage to head to the ring, before heading to the last break of the night.

"I can't wait for this to be over."

"I know right?"

Coming back from the break, they're all lined up in the ring and ready for John to come out.

"John Cena, we already made one truce tonight. But what's already transpired against us, we give you our word that we will at least, hear you out. If you acknowledge that we the Nexus, run this show. If you understand that if you continue with this ridiculous and futile resistance, we will make your life miserable for what's left of your little career. So make it easy on yourself John, why don't you just come out here right now. Why don't you come out here and show some remorse for assaulting Darren Young a few weeks ago. Why don't you come out here and show us remorse for assaulting me with those steel steps, along with everyone else in The Nexus last night. You know what, if you do, maybe...maybe we will consider ending this. But just remember John, all on you."

John finally comes out after Tarver is done talking, and he goes down to the ring, getting into it and standing before Nexus with a mic in hand.

"Thank you guys. Wade, thank you for meeting me out here. Ladies and gentlemen, since the Nexus has arrived, I have had two WWE Championship matches. The first, the Nexus caused me to lose the WWE Championship, and in the 2nd they prevented me from winning it back. Apparently I'm not part of your bigger picture, so I don't know why. Tonight, Sheamus made a truce with you guys. Something I should've done a long time ago."

"I'm sorry guys. Uh...I'm putting myself on front street right here. Looking at every one of you, man to man, and I'm asking you for the same thing."

"Our answer is no. See Cena, I'm not interested in a truce. And Tarver, I'm not interested in offering you an olive branch, because I'm not looking for peace here. I'm looking for something much, much bigger. I want you...." Wade's cut off by 'Cena' chants.

"No no no no, no no no. Don't listen to them, listen to me. I want join us. I want you to become a part of the Nexus."

"Think about it Cena. Everything you've achieved so far on your own, you can achieve ten times that by joining up with us. Face facts, the Nexus is the present and the future of the WWE and together, together John, we're gonna be unstoppable. But to be perfectly honest with you, this isn't really that much of a choice, because let's face it, you're either Nexus or you're against us. It's up to you John, you want to join us and make history together?"

John takes off one of his armbands and looks at it before looking at Nexus and then the crowd as they cheer for him, before shaking his head.

"Nope, I can't do it." He answers, putting the band back on.

"Didn't think so." I say.

"Well how very very unfortunate, because that leaves us with quite a different proposition. Now you have two choices. Number one, you could leave this ring, with your tail firmly between your legs and show the whole word what a coward you really are. Or secondly, you can stand in that ring, and we will give you the most vicious beating that the Nexus has ever administered."

John stands there for a while and thinks about it before deciding to get out of the ring, turning around and going back up the ramp, but stops at the top.

"Wade, I just want to say one more thing. It's something you've heard me say time and time again. Whether I do it myself, or whether I have help, I will take each and every one of you down." He says, walking back down the ramp.

"Oh great."

"You see tonight's little peace offering was just a test, you said no. You sealed your fate, 'cause guess what? I got me some help."

"Ever since you came here and you started beating people up, I've quietly been forming a team. A team that will take down the Nexus at SummerSlam."

"Aw hell." Riss sighs.

"You said you wanted uh...for me to join the Nexus for me to make history. Tonight, I want you to meet my team and realize that at SummerSlam, the Nexus is history!"

Then first Edge comes out as the first person on John's team. Next out is Morrison, who comes out and stands next to John on the other side. Truth comes out next joining the group, followed by Khali and the look on Heath's face was just priceless, he looked scared for his own life, even Darren looks scared and Justin is a bit concerned himself.

"Heath's face." Riss giggles.

"He looks like he just saw his life flash before his eyes."

The sixth member of John's team is Chris. And the final member, being Bret Hart. The look on Wade's was like just like 'Oh crap'. Wade starts flipping out and then John's team rushes into the ring, while Nexus scatters and retreats through the crowd, going up to the balcony.

"Come on, finish the show. I want to get out of here."

The screen fades on John's group in the ring.


"I'm gonna head back to the hotel now, unless you want me to wait with you until Justin gets back."

"Nah, you can go ahead." She says.

"Alright, I shall talk to you later."

"Bye Air."

"Bye." I say, getting up and heading out the door.

Riss stretches out on the couch, surfing her phone while she waits for Justin. It takes a while, but the door finally opens and he walks in. She doesn't even notice since she's absorbed in what she's doing.

"Having fun?"

She jumps and looks up.

"You scared me." She sighs.


"Its ok. Go get dressed. I want to leave."

"Tired? Or just eager?"

She just gives him a look.

"Eager." He grins.

"Get dressed." She repeats.

"Okay, okay I'm going." He chuckles.

Justin goes and gets dressed coming out with his bag.

"Ready to go."

She gets up with her purse on her shoulder. She grabs his hand and they walk out. This time, she's the one who's dragging him along, eager to get back. Justin is chuckling the whole time.

"Someone's more eager than I am this time."

"Well you were teasing me almost the whole night."

"Oops, my bad."

"You aren't sorry." She says amusedly.

"Not really." He chuckles.

"I didn't think so."

They finally get to the car, Justin puts his things in the back, before they both get in and head back to the hotel. Once there, they go up to their room. The elevator seems to be taking forever.

"Come on..."

She lean against Justin's chest with a sigh.


He starts to run his fingers through her hair, and she falls quiet. The elevator finally dings and stops, the doors opening. They step into the elevator and she pushes the button, going right back into Justin's arms. He keeps her relaxed as they head up to their floor. The elevators open and they go to their room. Inside, she walks over to their things and takes off her shoes and jewelry. Then she disappears into the bathroom to get her makeup off. She then comes out after she was done and goes through her things, looking for something to wear. She picks out what she wants and changes. She smirks as she finishes getting changed in the bathroom, knowing that it'll drive Justin crazy. She brushes her hair and walks out. Justin looks over from the bed, since he's laying there already. His eyes instantly start to wander. She giggles softly and slides into bed.



" it."

"I know."

"Mine." He says, pulling her closer.

"Yours." She agrees, laying against him.

He wraps his arms around her and his hands wander. She giggles and kisses his jaw.

"Where have you been hiding this?"

"In my bags, duh."

"Well I know that, but you know what I mean."

"Do you really need to know?"

"I guess not."

"I think you should just enjoy."

"Oh I am."

She giggles and keeps kissing along his jaw. He sighs and enjoys the feeling. She moves over to his ear and nips at his earlobe before sucking on it a little. She hears a faint growl come from him. She does it again, longer this time. The faint growl she heard before become a more noticeable and louder one. She giggles softly. Then he suddenly shifts and she ends up under him, his lips attaching to her neck instantly. She arches up against him.

"Jussi..." She moans.

He smirks against her skin, in triumph of getting that reaction from her. Her hands lay on his back, fingers digging in. He starts nipping at your skin in retaliation. She lays back flat on the mattress, her head falling back against the pillows as she loses herself in the sensations. His hands slip under the top part of her clothes and his fingers run along her skin as he continues with her neck. She arches a little, goosebumps spreading as he works the top up her body. He stops kissing and nipping along her skin, long enough to pull the top over her head and tosses it to the floor. She pulls him back down, kissing him hard while rolling her hips. He almost instantly grabs them to stop her, and from there he plays with her bottoms. She runs her hands down his back until she reaches his boxers and she tugs on them. She gets those off first before her bottoms come off. Justin pulls up the cover sheet and they get lost in each other.