Priceless Sensation

Team Raw Starts Falling Apart

Currently we're all heading to the arena after getting dressed and getting our things together, since Riss and I have a tag team match tonight. Ted had stopped by my room briefly since he'd again be spending mostly all night with Maryse, and he wanted to wish me luck in the match tonight. But getting to the arena, Justin and Riss get there first, followed by me.

"Hey Air." Riss greets me as I walk up to the doors.


"How was your day?"

"Pretty good. Yours?"

"Good." She giggles.

"Ooooh what happened?"

She giggles more as they walk inside, which causes Justin to chuckle.

"Aww, you're not gonna tell me?"

"I don't think you want to know." She laughs.


I just give her a look and she blushes, hiding against Justin's arm.

"I just hope you're alright for our tag match."

"I'm fine."

"Okay, good. Just making sure."

"I know."

"Because you never know with him over there." I snicker.

Justin smirks and she laughs.

"Too true."

We get to the locker room, dropping our bags by the couches before we sit. Justin heads into the changing area to get into his ring gear for later. We talk some girl stuff until her comes back out. He takes his spot next to her, wrapping an arm around her. She cuddles against his side, kissing his cheek. The show starts shortly after and a video package plays highlighting the confrontation between Nexus and everyone in the WWE, including last week when John refused to join them and revealed his own team to take them on at SummerSlam, and what happened after that. Once at the ring, John's music goes off and he comes out to open the show.

"Thank you guys. They're right, everything certainly is bigger in Texas. You know seven weeks ago a group named the Nexus...without any warning at all, attacked and took over Monday Night Raw, destroying everything in it's path. Superstars, commentators, cameramen, hall of famers, even the chairman of this company, no one was safe. They did this for reasons only known to them. Point is, for the past 7 weeks if Nexus wanted you hurt, they made sure you got hurt. Until last Monday. Finally the Raw superstars said we have had enough! Standing side by side in the ring, friends, enemies, it didn't matter. We stood in the ring with one common goal. At SummerSlam we face Nexus. At SummerSlam we beat Nexus. At SummerSlam we end Nexus!"

Riss shakes her head.

"They've been running Raw because people think they're invincible. We will defeat them at SummerSlam, and you will see that they are not invincible. And it's about time, because the more they terrorize Raw, the more power they get. And with power comes influence. And the more influence they get, quite frankly...they're gonna take over this show."


"And if they do, that may be the very end of Monday Night Raw. Now I'm not saying this is gonna be easy. My team isn't exactly the super friends, I'm not exactly Superman, I've always seen myself as more of an Aqua Man."

"No. He's Superman." Riss mutters.

"Jericho and Edge, they're not Batman and Robin, and even the thought of Great Khali walking around in Wonder Woman's just wrong."

"Ewwwww." I make a face.

"I photoshopped it, it was very very disturbing. But it doesn't matter guys, we don't have to be the Justice League. Every person on this team was chosen for a reason. And I promise you, at SummerSlam, my team will hit the ring and Nexus will know...." John's cut off my Jericho's music as he comes out and gets into the ring.

"Oh lord."

"Chris Jericho is on that SummerSlam team." John states.

"I was...standing backstage and I was...biding my time, counting the seconds, counting the minutes until you said what I knew eventually you would say, MY team. John Cena's team. Yeah, all week long people have been approaching me and saying, 'we're so excited that you're on John Cena's team and we're so happy that you've finally seen the light and changed your ways'. I want to make something perfectly clear. To you and to all of these hypocrites here right now. I did not get involved in this to be a part of Cena's team. I didn't get involved in this to bask in the glory of a hero, and I didn't get involved in this to shamelessly pander to a group of parasites. I got involved in this because of my personal problems with Nexus and more importantly with Wade Barrett. A man that I molded and shaped from the moment that he first came into this company. A man who indirectly was influenced by me to start the Nexus faction in the first place. See Cena, I know Barrett and Nexus better than you, therefore I am more qualified than you. This is MY team, not your team."

"Egos will tear that team apart. Riss states.


"This is.."

"Fine, fine. Team is sold to Chris Jericho. You got us at a bargain price. It's your team Chris, do whatever you want, call us whatever you want. The Alabaster Soft Shoes or Jumbo the Tugboats or Chris Jericho and the Mudville Six, the Lion Tamers, The Fozzy-A-Thon, it's yours. You know why? I don't care Chris, I just want beat Nexus."

"Good luck with that."

"Don't you dare patronize me, okay? Don't you ever patronize me, denigrate me with your sarcasm. Cena I want to be honest and be very clear once again. This team lives or dies on my whims. You do what I say, you do what I want to do, you follow what I want to be...." Chris goes off before John smacks the mic out of his hands.

Chris just stares where the mic landed, eyes wide somewhat and not reacting much, until he turns to face John.

"Let's get this straight right now. It ain't about you. It's not about me. It's about this damn business, don't you get it? Nexus has taken over this company. Last week they got to you, they've been getting to me, they get to whatever they want, whenever they want. You don't like me, fine. You don't like them, fine. You like the business Chris. For whatever reason, you keep coming out here, you love the damn business. That's why we're doing this alright?! Do you understand what I'm saying to you right now?!"

"Apparently not."

"You're a man and guess what, it's gut check time. It's time to throw the hail mary, it's the fourth quarter, we've got to do things we don't normally do. Guess what, we gotta coexist. Yes, you know Wade Barrett better than anyone. You know how he thinks. I'm saying it right now, Chris Jericho you are essential to this team."

He walks over to the mic and picks it back up.

"First of all, don't ever knock this microphone out of my hand again. Second of all, I know how essential I am to this team Cena. I know better than anybody here, that the only chance you have to beat Nexus at SummerSlam is if you have the best in the world standing beside you, fighting beside you, I know that. But I know more than that Cena, because you see, I see the big picture. And Nexus isn't the only threat to this company. There's another threat, and his name is John Cena. Oh yeah. Because you're a lot like Nexus than you think you are Cena. You walk around here interrupting whoever you want, doing what you want to do, saying what you want to say. The only difference is, you do it with the support of these drones. You do it with the support of these...these...these people, that you dance around like a puppet on a string. So here's what's gonna happen, I'm gonna be very honest with you, I'm gonna warn you. At SummerSlam, as soon as the threat of Nexus has been abolished, as soon as they're gone for good, I'm gonna take the next logical step and turn my sights on the other threat in the WWE. I'm gonna get rid of you, Cena. And either I'm gonna do it with the help of my team, or I'm gonna have to do it by myself. But I'm gonna do it. Do you understand, what I'm saying?"

"I'm standing right here, take your best shot." John replies, whipping the mic away.

Then the GM chimes in and John whips his hat on the ground in anger.

"Can I have your attention please, I've received an email from the general manager. And I quote, Cena, Jericho, your match against the Nexus at SummerSlam will now be an elimination match. The team that eliminates all the members of the opposing team first, will be victorious. And in a preview of SummerSlam, the Nexus will face seven Raw superstars in an elimination match tonight. Now your match at SummerSlam is all about teamwork. Tonight let's see how you John, and you Chris, function as a team against opponents of My choosing. And if you're not down with that, I've got two words for you."

"Trying to punk people again."

"Yup...shame on them."

"I'm bored of this."

"Well it's a commercial now anyway." I say as the screen changes.

She sighs and lays her head against Justin's shoulder. I stretch out on the other couch where I am, just laying there, thinking about things. She picks up one of Justin's hands and starts fiddling with his fingers.

"Having fun?"

"Trying to amuse myself. I'm bored."

"Is it working?"

"A little but not much."


She shrugs a bit. The break is soon over and they replay Sheamus' match against Evan last week with Mike attempting to cash in until Truth stopped him and Mike waved it off. That leads to the first match of the night where Sheamus comes out first but only to watch from ringside. Randy comes out next since it is his match, and his opponent being Jey Uso, being accompanied by his brother and Tamina. In the end, it was Randy Orton fending off Jimmy Uso before hitting the RKO On Jey Uso en route to picking up the win. After the match, Orton had his sights set on Sheamus at ringside when Jimmy Uso blasted Orton from behind, but Orton was able to fight back, but with Orton’s back turned, Sheamus comes in and tries to hit the pump kick on Orton, but Orton dodges it and Sheamus lays out Jimmy Uso by mistake before Orton lays out the WWE Champion with the RKO. With Sheamus vulnerable, Mike comes out with a ref in tow and announces that he's cashing in his Money-in-the-Bank contract. But before the match can officially begin, Randy Orton re-enters the ring and lays Mike out with the RKO and ruins Mike's opportunity to win the WWE Title.

"Poor Mike, foiled again." I remark.

"That's not fair."


Then backstage, there's Edge.

"You know, on the one hand, I can't wait until SummerSlam. Can't wait to pay Nexus back for what they did to get my hands on them. On the other hand, I wish that you were on my team instead of the Great Khali."

The camera zoomes out and Ted's standing there with HER.



"Yeah, I mean let's face it. Cena, he comes to me and says he has this unstoppable unit. He lied. I mean the Great Khali, seriously? Yeah, the guy's massive, he's powerful but...he's also clumsy, uncoordinated, and let's face it he's not that bright."

"No." Ted says.

"Plus, we don't even understand him when he talks." Maryse adds, before saying something short in French.

"Psh, hypocrite."

"Listen, when I beat Morrison tonight, I'm sure that Cena will see the...error of his ways and realize that...neither Morrison or the Great Khali deserve to be kept around."

"Good, I like that. 'Cause otherwise, I'm gonna have to force Cena's hand and take Khali out myself."

"Good luck with that."


Then they both split off in different directions and then Ranjin is seen talking to a backstage attendant, clearly overhearing what Edge talked about with Ted, before the screen fades.

"Someone's in trouble."


Back in the ring after the break and Sheamus and Mike are both shouting at each other, that is until the GM chimes in.

"Oh lord."

"May I have your attention please, I've received another manager from the....another email from the general manager."

"Smooth Cole, real smooth."

Justin and Riss snicker.

"And I quote, I found the team that will challenge Chris Jericho and John Cena tonight. And it will be a team of champions. The United States Champion The Miz and the WWE Champion Sheamus. Good luck gentlemen."

"Oh boy."

Another classic SummerSlam match was shown before Edge is backstage again. This time in the locker room and on the phone.

"I'm pretty sure people are starting to see it my way."

Then the door slams open and Edge looks up, an angry Khali shouting in his native language at him.

"I heard what you said earlier Ted DiBiase, about the Great Khali, that he's clumsy, uncoordinated, and that he's not that bright. Yeah I told him."

"What're you...what're you talking about? I never said those things....I never said those things. I have nothing but the utmost respect for the Great Khali. Translate that." Edge says, and Ranjin does so.

"The Great Khali says, you're obnoxious, you're delusional, and you're a complete nincompoop. Because the Great Khali challenges you Edge to a match right now."

" and!"

"Fine, and if I beat you, you're off the team. Translate that!"

"I've got a match coming up soon." Justin says during the next break.

"Aw." Riss sighs.

"I'll have to leave during Edge's match."


"But the good news is, we have a promo before your tag match, and your match is after mine."


"So something to get excited for."


"And I get to be there for this promo, oh boy." I laugh.

"This'll be fun." Riss giggles.

"Yes it will." I nod.

She squeezes Justin and kisses his cheek.

"I cant wait until I get to join, then I wont have to stay back here while you go out there."

"I know. Me too." He agrees.

After the break it was time for Edge's match, Khali coming out first. As Edge is coming out there's a knock on the door and it opens, Wade peeking his head in.

"I'm gonna need your boyfriend again Karissa, I apolozige in advance."

She rolls her eyes and sighs.

"Just remember, promo...flirting." Justin grins.

She can't help but giggle a little.


"As long as you keep thinking about that, you should survive until then."


He leans down and gives her a kiss, before letting her go to get up.

"Be careful."

"I will be."

"I love you."

"Love you too."

She steals one last kiss before he leaves. We watch on the screen as the match starts, and eventually Nexus comes walking out to the ring and Edge leaves and flees. Nexus circle the ring before climbing up and then getting into the ring, circling Khali. But the circle breaks as Wade steps to the side, allowing Khali to leave and he does. The match ends in a no contest of course, and then Mark, Goldust, Yoshi, David Hart Smith, Tyson, Natalya being with them of course, Evan and Jerry are on their way to the ring, being Nexus' opponents.

"Oh boy...not Mark Henry."

"I hope nothing happens to Jussi." Riss bites her lip

It's a while after before the break is over, and now every one of the guys in Nexus have stripped off their shirts. Then Mark Henry's music hits and the team walks out, Team Raw. Tyson tells Nattie to head backstage to be safe and then Team Raw get into the ring. The Nexus took a quick advantage as Michael Tarver hit a modified powerslam en route to eliminating Yoshi Tatsu, putting The Nexus up seven members to Team RAW’s six.

"Bye Yoshi."

"Bye bye."

Jerry “The King” Lawler was the next to go as Heath Slater was able to hit a modified STO on the Hall of Famer to eliminate Lawler and leave The Nexus completely intact, while Team RAW gets put down to five members.

"Not looking too good for Team Raw."


The Nexus would continue to roll as Heath Slater would hit the same STO maneuver on David Hart Smith en route to eliminating one-half of the Unified WWE Tag Team Champions as The Nexus keeps all seven of their members against the four remaining members of Team RAW.

"Ouch, four left."

David Otunga was the next one to score an elimination as Otunga would plant Goldust with his modified spinebuster en route to eliminating Goldust, leaving Team RAW to a three-on-seven disadvantage.

"Oh boy."

Though Mark Henry put up a good fight, Skip Sheffield was able to catch “The World’s Strongest Man” with a clothesline en route to eliminating Henry, leaving Tyson Kidd & Evan Bourne to face all seven members of The Nexus.

"Not good for those two."

Tyson Kidd was quickly dealt with by The Nexus as Skip Sheffield catches Kidd with a clothesline before tagging Darren Young in, who plants the Unified WWE Tag Team Champion with a modified full nelson slam en route to eliminating Tyson Kidd.


With Evan Bourne left to face The Nexus, Wade Barrett made quick work of the high-flyer by hitting the Barrett Wasteland en route to eliminating Bourne and winning the match without losing a member. After the match, The Nexus assaults Evan Bourne and leaves Bourne laid out.

"Sucks for Evan."

"Ladies and gentlemen, what you just witnessed was an act of total domination. You see the Nexus, we've always been 100 percent behind a common purpose. But Cena's team, or Jericho's team if that's what we're calling them now. The cracks are already starting to show. And those cracks are caused by their own individual egos and agendas."

"Tis true. I think John is kidding himself if he thinks that they'll all work together smoothly." Riss remarks.

"And I assure you, come SummerSlam, those cracks are going to destroy the very foundation of that team."


Riss nods. Skip steps forward and takes the mic next.

"Cena, you have a team of individuals...who unlike us don't have a singular focus. You see no member of your team is willing to sacrifice themselves for the better of the we would do. Like we have done. What you are looking at right here, right now, is the Nexus. And we are unbreakable."

Tarver steps up next and takes the mic from Skip.

"SummerSlam will be no different from what we just did here tonight. You know what, we will eliminate each member of our opposing team until there's only one person left, and John Cena you have no idea how much I hope that person is you. So we can take our time and treat you like...a piece of meat. We'll kindly sink our teeth deep into your flesh, until we rip you apart."

"Ew, graphic much?"


"And everyone here has had their fill. You know what, we will pounce and when we do, we're gonna put you out of your misery. And then for you, mercifully, it'll be more ways than one."

Their music hits and they leave the ring, heading back up the ramp to go backstage.

"Well time to get ready if we want to get to where the promo will be."

But then Mike comes onto the screen.

"Wait, let's see what happens here."


They have a conversation about Mike failing to cash in his contract twice already, and so on and so forth. Mike talks about SummerSlam, talking about cashing his contract in when Sheamus is all beat up, winning and walking out the WWE Champion. Sheamus warns him that if Mike keeps pushing him, he'll make him forget it, before knocking the case out of his hands.

"Someone needs anger management."

"Uh yeah."

"We can get ready now."

"Okay." She nods.

We grab our bags and head into the changing area to get ready. We get into our gear and everything. It takes me a little bit to get my converse boots laced up right. They're finally laced up right and soon we're both ready to go.



We leave the changing area and leave the locker room, heading down the hall, going to the curtained area, and we find the crew there waiting for us for the promo. One of the employees comes up and explains how the promo is going to go. We nod and get into the spots that they tell us to go to. We wait for our cue and then start stretching and stuff. We didn't know that at the same time when we were stretching, Justin came through the curtained area. But he wasn't really alone, he had Heath with him. Riss looks up just a bit and notices feet in her vision.

"Back again?" She says without looking up any further.

"Can't really control when I come through the curtain or not Karissa."

She makes a little nod of acknowledgement.


"Ariel." Justin acknowledges.

"Gabriel." I acknowledge him.

"Ariel." I hear Heath say.

"Slater." I reply, not really thrilled.

Heath and Riss also acknowledge each other.

"So, tag team match."


"I like it."

"Good for you."

"I love the gear too."


"You're very welcome."

"Anything else you have to say?" I ask, shifting to a new stretch.

"Good luck, even though I know you won't need it."

"As you usually say."

"Because it's true."

"That's nice."

"I could always just give you something for good luck, even though I just said you don't need it, but still."

She raises an eyebrow as she finally gets up.

"Oh yeah? What's that?"

She folds her arms over her chest and stares at him.

"Well, I was thinking maybe a little kiss."

"I don't think so."

"Hmmm...." He trails off, pretending to think and then he takes one of her arms, making them uncross and then he leans down and kisses her hand.

She takes her hand back, rubbing it.

"Aw come on, it can't be that bad."

"Personal space."

Of course since the camera was more focused on her and Justin, Heath and I were mostly off camera. But the sound of a slap, stopped the both of the and the camera panned over to Heath and I, him holding his face.

"What did he do?" Riss asks.

"Let's just say he was way out of line."

"Good one Slater. Bet your face hurts, don't it?"

Then we hear our tag team music.

"That's our cue."

We both turn and head through the curtained area to go out. Riss and I go out first, slapping the fans hands as we go down the ramp. We get into the ring and do our thing in there, before stepping back and waiting. Alicia's music hits and she comes out first, followed by Lillian. Riss and I decide that I'll face off against Alicia first. The bell rings and Alicia immediately kicks me in the side of the leg. She does it again, and this is just getting me frustrated. She goes to do it a third time but, I grab her leg and prevent her from kicking me. She's hopping on one leg, trying to reach out for me to grab my hair or slap me or something. Unfortunately for her I back away so she can't. Then I drop her leg and she comes after me, but I duck and when she comes back I clothesline her immediately. Taking advantage of the situation, I cover her, going for a pin attempt, but she kicks out at one. I get up and pick her up once I'm to my feet, but she reverses my hold and kicks me in the gut, making me bend over. She then backs up and goes for her scissors kick, but I move out of the way at the last second, and I go over to Riss and tag her in.

She goes in and hits Alicia with a couple of clotheslines before hitting a dropkick. She goes over to Jillian and hits her with a cheap shot, but doesn't knock her off the apron exactly. Jillian holds her face and then tries to go in to interfere, but the ref stops her. She fights with the ref and I look at Riss and she nods. She grabs Alicia and drags her over to the ropes and leans her on them, putting the pressure into her back. I make sure the ref isn't looking so I run the best I can on the side of the ring and kick Alicia in the head. I quickly jump down and go back to my spot outside the ring. She lets Alicia go and she falls back onto the apron. Riss covers her for the pin attempt, but Alicia somehow manages to kick out. Riss gets up and grabs Alicia by the hair, dragging her over to our corner and tagging me in. Riss gets right out and I go to work on Alicia. I have her in the corner and I put my foot to her throat, letting go before the count of 5.

I then back up into the other corner to get some speed going, but before I could run at Alicia, Jillian hit me. I turn around and give her the death glare. She gets scared and hops down, getting away from me quickly. I turn and run, going full speed at Alicia, but she moves out of the way, getting out of the ring. The ref keeps me back but I fight it and Riss takes advantage of the situation, hopping down and grabbing Alicia, throwing her into the barrier before throwing her back in the ring. She hops back up onto the apron and desperately asks for a tag. I walk over, tagging her in and we double team Alicia. I step out of the ring, leaving the work to Riss. Since Alicia was basically lifeless, this was the chance. I gave Jillian the death glare as I watch Riss set Alicia up for her finisher. Alicia wasn't moving and when Riss jumped from the top rope and landed on Alicia, she got the pin, she and I had won. I cheer and get in to celebrate with her. I hug her before we get our hands raised, and then we leave the ring and head backstage. We get out of sight and she stretches.

"You know I think you and Justin can head back to the hotel after you change. I heard there's not really any Nexus stuff the rest of the night."

"That sounds great, I won't lie."

"I knew it would."

"You're staying?" She asks.

"Yeah, I don't want to miss you know who's match."

"Ohh right."

"I'll probably head back after that."


"Haven't seen him all night....besides the backstage segment and his match coming up."


"Miss him already."


"I'm sure he'll make an effort to see you."

"I know." I smile.

"He always does."

"Because he loves you."

"And I love him."

"I know." She smiles and gives me a small sideways hug as we're walking back to the locker room.

When we get back to the room, Justin is already changed and ready to go. Riss walks to the couch and leans over the back, giving him an upside down kiss.

"Awww." I smile.

She laughs when she pulls away and goes to get changed.

"I can't wait to get back to the hotel myself." I say, stretching out on the couch I'm sitting on.

"Join the club." Justin says.

"Yeah but you go back before I get to."

"Staying to watch him?"



"I'll just change out of all this before I leave, that's all."

"Right." He nods.

"I just hope I don't end up falling asleep." I say, while yawning.

"I hope not."

A while after, Riss comes back out, changed and ready to go. She walks over to the couch and leans over it, sliding her arms around Justin's shoulders.

"I'm ready." She kisses his cheek.

He nods and she lets him go so he can get up. He does so and gets his things to go.

"See you tomorrow Air."

"Yup, bye."

"Bye." They both say before walking out.

Just as they walked out it was time for Ted's match against Morrison, Truth beng on commentary for this since he was rapping after the break. I sit up, wanting to be awake for the match. Ted was the first to come out....with Maryse of course. And I roll my eyes and try my best to ignore her. I keep my attention on him and smile as I watch him being all confident. Morrison was the next out. The match starts and they lock up, Ted pushing Morrison into the corner. Ted backs up and Morrison turns around quickly, getting distracted by Maryse and Ted takes advantage. He goes for a pin attempt, Morrison kicking out at one. He goes for it a second time, only getting a two count this time. Ted gets him in a reverse chin lock and Morrison gets to his feet and gets out of it, but Ted fights back, keeping him down. Ted does some gloating and Morrison hits him in the face. He does it few more times, until he knocks Ted down, hitting him with a clothesline when he gets back up. Thrown into the ropes and Ted's hit with a innovative and unique dropkick. Ted stumbles into the corner and when Morrison runs at him, he kicks him in the face. Morrison however gets him back with a kick in the face of his own. He sets up for Starship Pain and Maryse gets up onto the ring, stopping him, distracting him.

"Oh look another one of few smart moments."

Ted rolls Morrison up, using the ropes as leverage for the pin attempt, but Truth takes his feet off the ropes. Ted gets up and pushes Truth away and he comes back to get revenge against that. But that backfires because Ted trips Morrison and Morrison ends up hitting Truth. Ted covers Morrison and gets the pin for the win.

"Yeah!!" I cheer happily.

That's when Morrison and Truth start arguing, pushing and shoving each other.

"There go the egos."

They kind of make up when they see the replay of what happened, and John is backstage watching and can't believe the team is already falling apart.

"Oh please, you picked the wrong people to work together."

The screen faded to a break and I decided that this would be my time to leave. So I turn the TV off and head into the changing area to change back into my regular clothes. I get changed, pack my bag back up and then head out to my car. Justin and Riss get to the hotel first, heading into the elevator and once at their room, they head inside. She drops her gear bag by her other stuff and picks up something for bed. She kicks off her shoes and stretches, getting a popping noise this time.

"I heard that."

"I know." She groans.

"Don't like the sound do you?"

"I'm groaning because it actually felt good."

"That was my second guess."

She rubs her back and then starts taking off her jewelry.

"You know what I'm gonna offer once you get changed." He grins.

"I love youuuu."

"I love you too."

She changes and leaves her top off since he's going to take it off anyway.

He grins before getting changed himself. She goes and wipes off her makeup and then walks over to lay on the bed. Once he changes, he climbs into the bed next to her. She points to her lips first. He grins and leans over, kissing her.

"Mmm. Never gets old." She murmurs afterwards.

"Of course not."

Justin kisses her again before rolling her onto her stomach.

"Great job tonight." He says, as he starts to massage her back.

"Thanks." She sighs in content.

"You're very welcome."

"You are too good to me."

"Because I love you."

"I know. I love you too babe."

"You should be more relaxed in no time."


"Magic hands." She adds.

He chuckles.

"Just for you."

"Of course."

She folds her arms under her head and closes her eyes. He continues, making sure to get whatever tense spots he feels. She starts to doze off as he soothes the soreness in her body. He senses her starting to doze off so once he was done, he helped roll her back over onto her back. She reaches for him sleepily.

"Hold on, got to get comfortable."

She whines.

"I know, just give me a second."

She shuffles into his spot and rolls into him. She wraps her arms around him and he does the same thing in return when she snuggles into him. She mumbles her usual goodnight and he chuckles.

"Night, love you too." He kisses her head.

He soon dozes off himself. I've gotten to my room, dropping my gear bag by the door after walking in. I take my shoes off before going to my things and finding something to change into for the night. Once I find something, I head into the bathroom to change. Once I change and put away my clothes, I start to get in bed. I turn the light off and close my eyes, starting to go to sleep. I had just started to doze off when I heard the door open and close, the light from the hallway peeking in a bit. Then I feel the blankets move and the bed sinks a bit and I feel an arm go around me.

"Its just me." Ted's voice soothes me when I jump a bit.

"I missed you. I had to sneak in." He adds.

"Missed you too." I mumble sleepily, turning over.

"I almost fell asleep completely, before you came in here."

"Sorry I woke you." He kisses my head.

"It's okay."

"Good match tonight."

"Good match tonight."

"Thank you. Same goes for you."

"Thanks love."

"Serves him right for what he did to you last week."

"I know." He agrees, tucking some of my hair behind my ear."

"For now, focus on getting sleep." He adds.

I nod and snuggle into him.

"Love you."

"Love you too."

Since I was already almost asleep, it didn't take me long to fall asleep completely. He followed shortly after.