Priceless Sensation

Raw: August 2, 2010

"So who are you facing tonight?" I ask Ted from the bathroom.


"Oh really?" I groan in frustration, because I know how that match will end.

"I don't like the sound of that." I grumble.

"I know you don't. Can't really do much about it."

"I know."

"But anyways, why don't you come out here so I can see you."

"Almost done Mr. Impatient." I laugh.

"When it comes to you and your outfits, I'm always impatient."

"I've noticed."

Since I had brought my shoes into the bathroom with me to save time, I put those on, making sure everything was perfect before finally walking out of the bathroom.

"Wow. You look amazing." He says, looking me over.

"Like always."

"Yes, like always. You're just that beautiful."

"Of course."

He gets up from sitting on the be and walks over to me. He cups my face in his hands and kisses me. I kiss back, my hands resting on his wrists.

"Love you so much." He says quietly when he pulls away.

"Love you too."

"We should get going though. Don't want to be late."


We seperate and grab our things, sneaking out of the room before anyone sees us coming out of the same room.

"So staying in the locker room Justin, Riss and I share for a while or just going to yours when we get there?"

"It depends on you know who."

"I'd be glad to lock her in a closet again. That can be arranged, trust me."

Ted laughs.

"Oh man, she was sooooo mad about that."

"Probably got mad at you for not coming to find her too, I apologize for that."

"It's alright. It was worth it."

"I'm sure she was more mad to find out the money wasn't real too."

"That too." He snickers.

"So yeah, I can lock her back up somewhere so we can have our time together backstage."

"Alright." Ted laughs.

"Just let me know, I'll get Riss in on it too."

"I will."

We make it to my car and get in, heading off to the arena. In Justin and Riss' room, she's putting some last touches on her makeup and hair.

"Can I see?" Justin asks right outside the door of the bathroom.

"Yes you can come in, goof."

"Yay." He smiles, pushing the door open and walking in.

She giggles quietly.

"You look....just...are you trying to kill me?"


"I'll take that as a yes."

She puts the stuff away and then turns to him.

"I do it for you."

"Because you love me, and I love you too."


"Do you know how much you're killing me right now?"

"Mmhmm. I can tell by the look you're giving me right now." She giggles.

"You caused the look."

"I know how much you enjoy it when I wear these outfits so that's why I do it."

"Of course."

She steps close and loosely wraps her arms around his neck.

"So what's going on for tonight?"

"Well Wade will end up having a match with Edge and you know he'll end up having the rest of us come out at some point."

"Of course." She nods.

"Khali's going to be confronted by David and Tarver. That's about it for the night. No matches for us, not much involvement tonight"


"Easy night for us."

"I get to beat up someone I don't like, yay." Riss giggles.




"Mmhmm. I'm gonna have fun." She smirks wickedly.

"And another pre-Nexus promo."


"Should be fun."

She nods and rubs her lips together.

"Ready to go?"

"Just one thing first..."

"Oh, right."

He kisses her, dipping her back. She tightens her hold on him and squeaks. He pulls her back up and pulls away from the kiss.

"Mmm." She sighs, slowly opening her eyes.

"Surprised you didn't I?"

"Uh huh."

"I know."

"Shall we go now?"

"I suppose."

"We don't want to be late or anything, which is why I asked."

"I know. Let's go."

They both make sure to grab everything before heading out the door, getting into the elevator once they head down to the lobby and then head out to the car. Once at the arena, they head for the locker room. They reach the locker room and walk in, finding me and Ted both already there.


"How was your day?"

"Good. Managed to spend the whole day together without being seen. Don't know how me managed that but we did."

"That's good."

"What about you?"

"Ours was good."

"That's good too."

"Yup. Just a low key day."


"Nice and relaxing."

"Oh did I tell you, I'm facing Frenchie tonight?"

"Really?" I laugh.


"I can't wait to see that."

"I'm gonna have some fun." She smirks.

"I guess we won't have to lock Cruella up in a closet again." I say to Ted amusedly.

"Guess not." He chuckles.

"She'll just be complaining about how much she hurts from the match."


"Apologizing in advance Ted." You add.

"Its alright." He laughs.

"I tune her out anyway." He adds.

"Of course. Since you can never understand her half the time anyway."

"And she said last week that we can't understand Khali when he talks, she's such a hypocrite."

"I know, its ridiculous."

"Hence the weird look I gave her last week." Ted says.


"I'll be back, have to go get ready." Justin says, kissing Riss briefly.


Since they didn't sit yet, Justin walked into the changing area with his things, and Riss sat on the other couch. After a bit, she's joined by Justin.

"Probably won't be able to stay for long. I'm sure once the match with Edge and granted, Wade will be coming in here saying he needs me."

"Yeah. As usual."

"That's the only time I'm going to be needed though."


"Well besides the promo, but that's for both of us anyway."


"All I know about it, is that it's before your match."


"Should be interesting though."

"Of course."

"How long are you staying here with me exactly?" I ask Ted.

"I'll stay until I have to get ready for my match. I know you probably don't want me to move right now anyway, you're comfortable."

"Yes I am."

"Someone's cuddly." Riss giggles.

"Yep." Ted chuckles.

The show soon starts and it starts off with a video package of what's been going on the past few weeks with Nexus, John Cena and John's team, including what happened last week. The Raw intro plays next before the pyros and the usual intro stuff. Edge comes out to start the show off.

"You know what, I tried. I really really tried, but last week things became crystal clear to me that I... have to start going with my gut. And my gut is telling me that I need to listen to one person, and one person only, and that's me. You see, I'll give you a case and point. After the Royal Rumble I came back from my Achilles tendon injury and I listened to all of you. And what happened, you let me down. Yeah, just like my SummerSlam team is letting me down. It's disintegrating, it's falling apart, before my very eyes. But see here's the thing, I don't respect John Cena. No, I don't trust Chris Jericho, I don't have any faith in the Great Khali, I barely know Truth and Morrison, I....that's why I need to start doing things my way. Now I agree, Nexus...they need to get taken down. They've wreaked havoc in the WWE since their first night here. But I have a proposal, I do things my way and that's why tonight, I challenge Wade Barrett one on one. And I don't want anyone coming down and sticking their nose in it. I'm gonna do things my way, just like I should've right from the very get go. Don't listen to anybody but my...." Edge is cut off by Truth's music.

"I said, I don't want anyone coming down here. What part of that didn't you understand Truth?"

"I was gonna ask you the same question. Do you actually think challenging Barrett to a match is gonna squash everything? It's much bigger than Barrett."

"You know what, I agree, it is bigger than that and I get that, I do. But that's why I don't want to rely on you, or John Cena, or Chris Jericho-"

"You don't wanna listen to John Cena."

"Fine, don't listen to Cena. But you will listen to me. You know what, you've been in a ton of matches, all kinds of matches. But how many times have you ever had to fight for everything. Everything. You, me, we're fighting for what we love to do man. We're fighting for our lifestyle. We're fighting for our friends, our families, we're fighting for the WWE Universe. It's US, it's WE, WE got to do this together, WE got to fight together, if not, Nexus wins. It's simple as that man. You know what, you need to stop thinking about yourself and pull your head out of your rear end. That's the truth."

"Good luck making that actually happen."

"Well that's clever, that's clever, but that's your version of the truth. You want to know my version?! How do you kill a snake? You chop it's head off. So tonight, I take out Wade Barrett, and Nexus crumbles. So listen Truth, are you gonna get out of my ring, or am I going to have to spear you out?"

"You're gonna spear me?! You're gonna threaten me?!" Truth exclaims, the GM chiming in.

"Here we go."


"Can I have your attention please, I've received an email from the general manager. And I quote, if this is what Edge wants, then I will honor his request. R-Truth please exit the ring. Because Edge is going to face Wade Barrett of Nexus one on one, and that match will be next."

"Good luck. You're on your own." Truth says, exiting the ring.

Riss moves because she knows that Justin is going to have to leave.

"Be careful." She says.

"I will be."

"Love you."

"Love you too."

He leans down and gives her a brief kiss before heading out the door. She stretches out across the couch. The match starts after the commercial break, Wade coming out after Edge's music fades. In the end, Edge looked poised for victory as he set up Wade for the Spear, but he quickly hopped out of the ring and signals for the rest of Nexus to come to the ring. They come running out to the ring, but as soon as Edge spots them, he makes a quick exit out of the ring and escapes through the crowd. The screen then fades to another break.

"Well that was exciting."


"Justin didn't even get to do anything."


"Really is an easy night now isn't it?"


"I can't wait to see what the promo is about."

"I know." Riss giggles.

"I have to say, the promos are amusing." Ted chuckles.

"Thanks." Riss laughs.

"You're welcome."

She shifts on the couch, knowing Justin will want to cuddle when he gets back. He does come back shortly, and joins her on the couch.

"Snuggly." She giggles as she gets wrapped up in his arms.

"Must be a snuggle night." I laugh, referring to both him and Ted.

"Mmhmm." Riss agrees.

"We're just showing our love for you two."


The break was over and Edge was backstage, asking where John was.

"Where's John Cena?! I know you know, where's Cena? Oh, there he is. There's John Cena. Where were you? Where were you? I was out there on my own, fighting for my life all by myself...where were you? Where was John Cena? Nowhere to be found."

"Nobody wants to listen to me, I figured I'd listen to you. Oh I got it all by myself, nobody's supposed to come down there. I was right here, where I belong. Thought you could do it on your own, didn't you? You got to realize the only way we have a chance against Nexus, is seven on seven."

"Good luck with that."

"Well good luck with that, because you're gonna be doing it without me."



"Wah wah wahhhhhh."

"Uh oh."

"Team's in trouble."

Then Chris is seen next to John with an amused look on his face.

"Oh ho, let me guess it's quitting season. You quit too right?"

"You don't get it do you? If anyone on this team needs to quit, it's you. You're just as much as a problem in this company, than Nexus is. And if this team, my team, has any chance at winning at SummerSlam, it's with you gone. So if you live and breathe for this company like you say you do week in and week out, you'll do the right thing and leave right now. Quit. And if you don't want to do it on your own, I'm gonna make you do it. As a matter of fact, why don't we go out there into that ring, tonight. Cena and Jericho, loser leave the SummerSlam team for good."

"Oh boy."

"What're you...are you crazy?! Nexus are laughing at us right now. You don't see Nexus vs Nexus to see who leaves SummerSlam. Chris we're doing the exact opposite that we should be doing. I just had a guy walk out."

"Yes or no?"

"Fine. Fine, if that's what you want, fine."


Back ringside, Cole and Jerry can't believe what's happening. Then another SummerSlam moment was shown, back from 1991. Backstage, Khali is with ringside.

"You watch a lot of movies right? You've been in a couple movies. You ever seen the Magnificent Seven? The Seventh Samurai? If the seven don't work together, they don't stand a chance."

Ranjin then translates for Khali, what Morrison said. Khali answers and Ranjin translates.

"Great Khali says, John there were also the Seven Dwarfs."

"Suit yourself big man. But think about it. Good luck in your match tonight against DiBiase." John says, waking away and Ranjin translates.

That's when Otunga and Tarver start to walk up.

"Listen Khali, we just wanted to clear up a few things about last week. You see we did not attack you because we don't attack people we respect." Tarver says, and Ranjin translates.

"You know, rumor has it, if you lose against Ted DiBiase tonight, John Cena's looking to replace you on the SummerSlam team. That doesn't sound like respect to me." Otunga adds and Ranjin translates again.

"So uh, if you ever want to go somewhere where you're not only respected but, appreciated. Just keep in mind the doors are always open." Tarver says before he and Otunga walk away and Ranjin translates, telling him to think about the decision.

"Trying to recruit him too?"


"He would come in handy if you think about it."


"So when's your match?" I ask Riss.

"I was told after Sheamus vs Goldust. Gives Frenchie time to recover from the beating I'll give her so she can be out with you Ted for your match later."

After the break, Eve's music was playing as she, Natalya and Gail were entering the ring for the first Divas match of the night. Out next to Alicia's music it was her, Jillian and Tamina. It starts off with Gail against Jillian. At the end of a chaotic match, it was a distraction by Tamina that allowed Alicia Fox to hit the scissors kick on Natalya to pick up the win.

"At least you pinned Alicia last week." I say to Riss.

"Yeah." Riss nods.

"You are all witnesses to the greatest reign in Divas Championship history! Whether it being a singles match, a tag team match, a battle royal or a fatal four, I have beaten all of you." Alicia starts. Yep, that's right, ALL of you. There isn't a diva on this whole roster that is comparable to me. Because I am the most dominant...." She's cut off by Melina's music.

Alicia tries to flee but with Eve, Tamina, Jillian, Gail and Natalya surrounding the ring, she can't escape. Melina gets into the ring, just as Alicia tries to flee again. Jillian stops her and throws her back into the ring. Alicia tries to clothesline Melina, but she bends backwards and elbows her in the face. She then grabs her and plants her, face first into the apron. Then she sets her up for the Sunset Split and delivers it after screaming that she's back.


"Probably wants to get that title back. It's really too bad, I have that shot right now. Oh did I tell you that I as told that I have another title match at SummerSlam?"

"Really? Nice."

"It's a one on one so I have a better chance at winning."


"I know you can do it." Ted grins.

I grin at him and he steals a kiss.

"You win, you can rub it in Frenchie's face that you have it and she doesn't."

"Oh that would be so much fun."

"Probably be breaking up a lot of fights between you two." Ted adds.


"But fighting with her is fun."

"I know you think so." He chuckles.

"But at the same time, I don't want you getting hurt."

"I know."

"You're gonna have to go before Riss' match aren't you? I forgot you go with Cruella to the ring and vice versa."


"You're not the only one who forgot though. She was the furthest thing from my mind."

I giggle and kiss his cheek.

Since Sheamus was seen walking through the backstage area to go to the ring, Riss decided that this would be the best time to get ready for her match which would be coming up after Sheamus' match. She kisses Justin before untangling herself. She gets up and takes her bag into the changing area.

"You may be alone for a while, considering the promo and depending on what happens in it and the match." Justin points out to me.


"That's okay." I add.

"Hopefully no one bothers you." Ted says.

"No one should bother me really."

"They better not."

"If anything happens, I'll go hide."


"I'm quite sure that neither Heath or Swagger know I'm in here."


"Right? Heath doesn't know I'm here does he?" I ask Justin.

"I don't think so." He shakes his head.

"Okay good."

"If he does, I didn't tell him."

"Oh I know, don't worry about that."


"Before she comes back out, I need to run something by you two before I go through with it." Justin adds, moving over to sit next to Ted and I.

"After much thought, I've decided where I want to propose."

"Oooh." I sit up, excited.


"Right before Summerslam."


"Go out there for a few days and then go to Summerslam for the Axxess stuff."

"This will also give you two time together."

"Sounds good to me." Ted remarks.

"Oooh I sense a date night idea for next week."

Ted chuckles.

"More like every night we're there."


Then Riss comes out of the changing area and Justin goes back over to where he was sitting. She plops right down on his lap, snuggling into his chest. After the break it was time for Sheamus' match. In the end, it was Sheamus picking up an impress victory over the veteran after hitting the High Cross Powerbomb! After the match, Sheamus proclaims that “what a difference a year makes” before stating that, last year, he was battling Goldust in the now defunct ECW trying to make a “name” for himself and, one year later, there is no “trying”, there is just “sheer and utter dominance”! Sheamus proclaims that he is on “top of the world” and states that he does not need a “briefcase” like The Miz nor does he need to be a third-generation Superstar like Randy Orton, because he has accomplished what he has accomplished all by himself and that the fans come to watch him. The WWE Champion continues that he “ended” the career of Triple H and, at SummerSlam, he will do the same to Randy Orton and that he does not “need” the support of the fans because all he “needs” is the WWE Title.

"Try that and see how that works out for you."

Then there's a knock on the door, clearly being about the promo coming up before Riss' match.

"Time to go."

"Have fun."

"Oh I will."

"Are you going too? Or are you staying a little bit?" I ask Ted.

"I can stay a little bit."


He chuckles and kisses my head as Justin and Riss go out the door.

"I'm liking the idea of having time together next week, more and more."

"I know, me too."

"We'll finally get to share a hotel room, instead of you sneaking in."

"Very true."

Then we wait to see what the promo is gonna be this time. Riss and Justin get briefed on the promo and she heads towards the curtain as they told her to. Along the way, Justin and Wade pass her, talking to each other. She doesn't pay much attention to them, trying to focus on being ready for her match.

"Justin, why don't you go offer to be ringside for Karissa's match?"

"I don't think she'd like that much." Justin hesitates.

"No, but you do know who's gonna be out there supporting that blonde that's her opponent don't you?"


"Exactly. Now you know how things work with him and her. He helps her win, she helps him win. You don't want Karissa to lose do you?"


"Then offer to be there for her, and if you have to, help her any cost."

Justin finally nods. Then they hear a voice behind them.

"Do you mind? You two are taking up like the whole hallway." Riss says, slightly annoyed.

"She says no, do it anyway. Remember you're part of Nexus and we do what we want." Wade says quietly before patting him on the back and leaving.

She starts to move around Justin.

"Karissa, wait."

"What now?" She sighs.

"I have a proposition for you. How would feel if I came out to the ring with you?"

"I don't know if I like that idea."

"DiBiase is gonna be out there, we both know his tricks, he'll help her win. I can keep him away, and not interfere."

She eyes him warily.

"Nothing else?"

"Nothing else. I can make sure you win, by keeping him away."

"Whatever. Just don't get in my way, I can take care of myself." She says, walking past.

The camera stays on his face as he watches her walk away, a triumphant smirk on his face, and the camera fades to the break before the match. She hears them say 'clear' and then she stops, turning slightly to look at him.

"Well come on goof." She giggles, holding out her hand.

"I'm coming." He chuckles, walking over to her, and taking her hand.

She slides her fingers between his and lays her head against his shoulder.

"You didn't want to stop staring did you?"

"Nope." He chuckles and kisses her head as they start walking again.

"Alright Ted, you be careful out there please?"

"I will do my best."

"That's all I ask."

"Love you." He steals a kiss from me.

He goes to pull away, but I don't let him quite yet. Since I probably won't be seeing him for the rest of the night, I figured I should have a longer kiss. He chuckles against my lips and kisses me until I let him go.

"Love you too."

He gets up and leaves, going to the curtain to meet Maryse. When he gets there, she's there waiting impatiently of course, and then rambles on asking him where he was.

"I had some things to take care of, don't worry about it."

"From the start of the show until now? What possibly could you be taking care of?"

"It was business. Nothing that would interest you."

She gives him a look before going off in French as usual.

"Hey....Maryse...we...we talked about this."

She keeps going and he sighs.

"Someone won't shut up I see." Riss says as she and Justin walk up.

Ted nods subtly so it doesn't set her off again.

"I'm so sorry."

Riss pats his shoulder. Then she hears the show come back on the air and that's when they play her music to go out first. She lets go of Justin and walks out in front of him. He waits a while and trails behind her as she goes down the ramp. She climbs up on the side of the ring and does her entrance move, posing a few times once inside the ring. She notices Justin walk around the ring and stand over by commentary, just watching on. Riss leans against the ropes and waits for Maryse to come out. She finally shut up backstage and went out when they played her music, Ted of course coming out with her. She goes to do her hair flip, but since Riss is sick of it, she storms over and grabs her by the hair before slamming her back on the apron. The ref backs her up, checking on Maryse to make sure the match can go on as scheduled. Riss taunts her from behind the ref.

The ref signaled the bell, so Maryse must've wanted to continue. With Ted's encouragement, she got to her feet, but it was slowly. Riss walked back over to her and grabbed her hair again. But Maryse leaned outside the ropes and Riss had no choice but to let go. She backed up and as soon as the ref was out of the way, Riss ran and dropkicked Maryse out of the ring. Maryse tumbled out and onto the floor, Ted of course rushing over to check on her. Riss didn't want to wait so she left the ring and went over to Maryse, picking her up, despite Ted's protests, and pushing her back into the ring. She gets back into the ring herself and goes for an early cover, Maryse kicking out at two. She picks Maryse up and drives her knee into her back while pulling her arms back. The ref asks Maryse if she wants to quit but she says no....for now. Riss lets go after a while, because she wants to fo more than just that before she wins. Since Maryse isn't really moving and since this is gonna be an easy win, Riss climbs to the top rope, setting up for her finisher. Maryse moves however, so Riss' finisher wouldn't work right now. Instead, she waits for Maryse to turn around and when she does, Riss hits her with a cross-body, going for a pin attempt, but Maryse kicks out again. They both get up and Riss hits her with multiple clotheslines, followed by a dropkick. She then delivers a neckbreaker and then a backbreaker, before dragging her over to the corner. She knows it'll work this time, so she climbs to the top and gets ready, before jumping and landing on Maryse, going for the pin attempt and winning the match, despite Ted trying to stop this pin attempt.

Riss celebrates in the ring a bit after having her hand raised by the ref. Justin looks on with a look of approval, before deciding to walk away. Finally she decides to head backstage, slapping some fans' hands on the way. When she makes it backstage, Justin engulfs her in a hug. She giggles and snuggles into him contentedly.

"Head back to the locker room now?"

She nods in agreement.

"And I think I'll make it easier for you..." He trails off before picking her up and carrying her to the locker room.

She squeals and giggles, holding onto him. When he reaches the locker room door, he sets her down before opening it.

"After you."

She kisses him lightly before walking in.

"Have fun?" I ask.

"Oh yes."

"It looked like it."

"It was."

Up next was John's match and in the end, John was able to counter Chris into position for the STF. But before he could even lock in the move, Chris immediately tapped out. We all roll our eyes.

"Of course he would tap before it was locked in."


"Chris, Chris one minute please. These people saw one hell of a match between two of the best in the WWE. I don't...I don't want you to leave. I don't want you to leave the team. Nah, wait wait wait wait listen. I want you to stay because you are the best in the world at what you do. You can go toe to toe with anybody in this ring. But I'm not gonna beg you man, choice is yours. Come back in here, we agree to coexist, and we handle what needs to be handled. What happens after that happens. turn around and walk out, and you let everybody down. Including yourself."

Chris thinks about it, looking around at all the fans. He walks towards the ring, but stops and shakes his head, and turns around, heading back up the ramp. He stops at the top of the ramp on the stage, before walking the rest of the way backstage.

"Two gone."


"Not turning out well for them."

"No it's not."

After the break, they replayed what happened before going backstage to one of the locker rooms, where Edge was and then the door opens and Chris walks in.

"Listen, I don't blame you for what you did out there, I don't. John Cena needs us, we don't need him. You know what, I respect you for what you did. You didn't need to be out there, you don't need that. Respect you."

"No, I don't need that. You know what else? Since we're being open and honest here, I respect the fact that you quit the team. We don't need him, Cena needs us a lot more than you think. We were doing just fine before we got involved in all this Nexus."

"Tell you what Chris, you and me, we...have been through a lot together. Ups and downs, but together we could own this place, and they know that, that's why they try and keep up apart, try and keep us banging heads. So maybe just maybe, you and me should maybe let bygones be bygones. What do you think?"

Chris holds out his hand and Edge takes it and they shake on it, before man hugging. Then the GM chimes in.

"Can I have you attention please, I've received another email from the general manager. And I quote, after what has transpired tonight, next week Edge and Chris Jericho will team together to face their former SummerSlam teammates John Cena and Bret 'The Hitman' Hart. Additionally, all seven members of Nexus, will stand at ringside as lumberjacks."

"Oh man."

"Uh oh."

"They're in for it."

"Just a bit, yeah."

"Oh well."

Then backstage goes to Josh Matthews.

"Ladies and gentlemen, joining me now is the Viper, Randy Orton. Randy earlier tonight Sheamus promised to not only defeat you at SummerSlam, but to do the same thing to you that Sheamus did to Triple H. Randy are you at all concer-"

"You know Josh, it sounds to me like Sheamus needs to do his homework. If he thinks he's the only man that's ever taken down Triple H, my memory serves me correctly, I once gave Triple H a six week vacation, due to a swift kick to the skull. You know what, this is what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna invite Sheamus to come sit down ringside tonight for my match with The Miz, so that he can see what I am capable of doing to another human being. Now the good news for Sheamus, is that after I'm done with The Miz, he will be in no shape to cash in his Money-In-the-Bank contract. The bad news, well in two weeks it's Sheamus' turn."

"Sucks for him."

It's another break and after that they show the exclusive trailer for John's new movie Legendary.

"Ooh, I wanna see that."


Once that was over, it was time for Ted's match. Khali was the first to come out.

"This match already makes me nervous."

"Can't blame you."

Replaying what happened next week and earlier tonight, they go back to the ring where Ted comes out with Maryse...who in fact is clearly hurting from her match with Riss, but tries not to let it show.

"Haha, she's in pain." Riss laughs.

"She can barely do the hair flip for him."

The bell rings, starting the match. Ted ducks Khali's arm and then tries hitting him on the chest. Didn't even do a thing.

"Oh no."

Khali grabs Ted by the shoulders and literally throws him into the corner, and kicks him a few times before holding him back and then elbowing him in the face. He holds him back again and then slaps him hard on the chest like he does to everyone.

"Owww." I wince.

Khali walks over to him and Ted does the smart move and kicks Khali's legs out from under him. He gets him in a front face lock, trying to wear Khali down. But he gets to his feet, lifts Ted up and then drops him face first. After getting back up, Ted's hit by a vicious clothesline and quickly gets away from Khali when he goes for the chop to the head that he normally does.

"Oh thank god."

Khali's back at him in the corner and then lifts him up so he's sitting on the top and Maryse gets up onto the side of the ring, trying to cause a distraction. It works and when the ref isn't looking, Ted pokes Khali in the eye, taking advantage of the match and taking control. That's when Wade and Skip come walking out.



Ted gets distracted, turns around and gets clubbed over the head by Khali. Khali then gets Ted in the Vice Grip, cutting the blood flow to the brain, the ref having the bell ring since Ted could not continue, so Khali wins. I groan.

"Looks like I'm gonna have to have a word with Wade now won't I? Hmph."

"Have fun with that."

"Not cool."


After a brief talk with Cole and Jerry about what's been going on, Mike is seen walking through the backstage area for his match.

"I think I'm up for seeing his match."


Then promoting The Other Guys, The Bella Twins were shown spending time wth Mark Wahlberg and Will Ferrell.

"Ugh. Go away."

"Ugh." Riss rolls her eyes.

Thankfully they cut to Mike once the Bellas walked away.

"Thank god."


"Randy last week you made a mistake. And it wasn't just a lapse in judgement, it was a life altering, world bending, potentially skull crushing moment in the career of Randy Orton. Because now you don't have a shred of positivity in your future. Tonight you will pay for what you did. And at SummerSlam, your best case scenario, best case scenario is that you beat Sheamus for the WWE Championship. But then what? What happens next Randy? I'll tell you. My...moment. Do you hear me Randy, do the voices in your head hear me? My moment. Because you only delayed the inevitable of me becoming WWE Champion. Get it straight! I will be WWE Champion! Because I'm The Miz....and I'm....aweeeesooooome."

In the end, it was Randy Orton coming out of nowhere and hitting the RKO on Mike en route to picking up the hard-fought win. After the match, WWE Champion Sheamus rushed to the ring, but once Randy Orton turned around to face Sheamus, the WWE Champion backed away from the #1 Contender.

"Poor Mike."

"Well time to change and go."


"So I'll see you tomorrow." I say, grabbing my things and getting up.

"Of course. Bye Air."

"Bye." I say, before leaving the room.

Riss stretches and gets off of Justin's lap.

"You need to change too." She says to him.

"I know."

"I'm gonna go let you change first." He adds.

"Okay." She laughs a little, getting her bag.

"Be back in a bit." She says, before going into the changing area.

It doesn't take too long and she comes back out carrying her bag.

"Your turn."

Justin steals a kiss before doing so. He changes fairly quickly and comes out, all set to go himself. He pulls her up from the couch and they hold hands as they walk out to the car. They get in and head back to the hotel.