Priceless Sensation

Day In Miami

The following morning, I'm half awake and half asleep. So when I shift onto my side, I end up bumping into something...well someone. I open my eyes and see who I bumped into. I see that it's Ted and I start questioning why he's even here and that's when it hits me. I remember now that he snuck here before I went to bed last night. Ted shifts in his sleep and reaches out to pull me closer.

"Eeep." I squeal quietly as he does.

The squeal causes him to stir slightly. I stay completely still and quiet, seeing if he'll wake up completely or not. He doesn't just yet, settling down. I breathe a sigh of relief, and try to move from his arms. But me trying to move is what wakes him up completely.

"What're you doin'?" He mumbles, his voice raspy.


He raises an eyebrow.

"Uh huh....suuuure."

I giggle sheepishly.

"You were trying to get away from me."



"I could barely move, you had me held so tight."


"It's okay."

"I can't get close enough sometimes. We don't get enough time together to do this."

"I know, or else we'd be spotted by her or someone else."

"I know."

"That's why I can't wait for you to dump her."

"Won't be for a while, they're putting us in this storyline. I'm firing Virgil in a couple weeks and Maryse is taking his place."

"Ugh, whyyyyyyy." I whine.

"Her character loves money, and I got it. They want to consider us the Million Dollar couple."

"Lame." I grumble.

"That means all of the extra time she has, it'll be with you." I add.

"Unfortunately. You know I'll get away as much as I can."

"I know..."

"Let's enjoy what we have and make the best of it."

"Don't we always?"

"Of course." Ted smirks.

"Like right now..." He adds.

I giggle as he pulls me in and starts kissing along my neck. My hands rest on his arms for now, and my eyes close as I enjoy the feeling. Ted moves down my shoulder and then back up my neck and over my jawline. The little things he's doing start to torture me too much and when he's just hovering over my lips with his forehead against mine, I press my lips to his. He chuckles and really starts to kiss me, letting his hands drift. My hands move from his arms, to clutch his shoulders as I feel the intensity in the kiss and as I feel his hands drifting. One hand slides under my tanktop and rests on the bare skin of my lower back. I make a quiet noise in response and my arms go around his neck this time, and I pull myself closer, getting as close as I can get. He smirks a bit and slowly starts to trace patterns with his fingers. That causes me to twitch a bit and I start to run my fingers through his hair. He growls slightly and his other hand slips under my shirt as well. I pull away from his lips and he goes back to my neck, while I hide my face in his, because I know what's coming next and I'll need to muffle any noise. Sure enough he goes straight for my weak spot. When the feeling starts to get a bit overwhelming to the point where I can't hold anything in, I tug on his hair a bit since my hands are still in it and I let out a moan that's muffled by his neck. Ted smirks. Since he's done what he's wanted to, he pulls away and rests his head against mine until I move my face from his neck. Then he rests his forehead against mine again, watching me as my eyes are still closed and I'm calming down.

He chuckles quietly, kissing my cheeks.

"You've just got to be evil today don't you?"


"Well....right now anyway." He adds.


"But I did arrange something for you today."


"Mmhmm. You get a few hours to yourself to relax today. Because I booked you an appointment at the spa today."

"Awww Ted. That's sweet of you."

"Hey, you deserve it."

"Well thank you."

"Anything for you."

I smile and kiss him.

"How soon do you have to leave?" I ask.

"In about a half hour. Maryse wants to have breakfast and go shopping, so she can add to all the shoes she doesn't wear." He shakes his head.

"Poor you."

"Well you can text me when you can get away with it, you know that." I add.

"I know."

"But now that I'm up, I might as well get changed for the day...."


"You can be cuddly for the rest of the time after I'm done."


"You have to let me go first." I giggle.

Ted steals a kiss before letting me go. Then I slide out of bed and head over to my things, finding clothes and such for the day, then heading into the bathroom to change, leaving the door cracked. I change and do my normal routine before leaving the bathroom.

"I see you haven't moved." I laugh.



"I think it's cuddle time now." He grins.

I laugh again and climb on the bed, laying in his arms. The time seemed to pass by far too quickly however, and soon he had to leave. I'm standing at the door with him and he kisses me slowly.

"I'll text you whenever I can. Enjoy your day." He says when he pulls away.

I nod.

"Try to enjoy yours."

"I'll try."

"Let me just check and make sure no one's roaming the halls, so you can leave."

He nods and I check. There's no one there so I nod at him.

"It's clear."

We say bye to each other before he slips out the door and back to his room. sigh and grab what I need before heading to breakfast. In the meantime, Justin's just waking up, but Karissa is still sleeping. She's laying half on him with her head on his chest. He looks down at her sleeping and smiles. He kisses her head and she shifts, a small grimace passing across her face until she settles with a sigh. He looks around the room, still seeing the rose petals all over the floor, the empty glasses from the champagne and the empty plate from the strawberries. That makes him flashback to what happened last night, a satisfied smile forming on his face. He starts to gently play with her hair. The motion starts to slowly make her stir, she starts shifting in Justin's arms. The slight grimace returns as she moves her legs. Her eyes flutter open and she looks around sleepily.

"Morning." Justin says to her.

She glances up and gives him a lazy smile.

"Morning." She murmurs.

"Last night...." He grins.

She giggles.

"Found your clothes by the way." He chuckles.

"They're everywhere."

She laughs.

"I know."

"Now that definitely makes up for how long we haven't seen each other."


"I love you, so much."

"I love you too." She kisses him gently.

Then when she pulls away, he just happens to look down at her arm and finds a few bruises.

"Oops." He chuckles.

She laughs.

"Make that a double oops." He says as he sees more on her neck and collarbone.

"You just love marking me up don't you."

"I do, yes."

"My goofball." She giggles.

"So I was thinking we could have some fun today, after breakfast of course."

"A hot bath first. I won't be able to walk right if I don't."

"Oops, my bad." He smirks.

She swats him, giggling.

"I'm the cause of that."

"Yes you are."

"A little too rough last night I see."

"I may be sore but its a good sore."

"Yeah but maybe we shouldn't have done it the amount of times that we did."

"I don't care. It was worth it."

"Oh, it was worth it alright." He smirks.

She giggles.

"We can do it again too whenever you want to."

She laughs.

"When I'm not sore."

"I know."

She kisses him and then rests against his body.

"I know I should go start the bath but I don't want to move."

"I can carry you."

"Sounds like a plan." She smiles.

"Just let me find my boxers...." He trails off.

She giggles and looks around.

"There." She points.

"Ah, thank you."


"Gonna have to move so I can get them though."

She kisses his neck and rolls away. Then he gets up and heads over and picks his boxers up, putting them on. He grabs a robe for her and brings it over. She takes it and wraps it around herself, tying it shut before holding her arms out. He grabs her and lifts her up, carrying her into the bathroom. Justin sets her on the counter gently and then goes to turn on the water. Once it's on and it's the the right temperature, he turns around to face her. She giggles lightly and decides to let him take her robe off while the tub fills up.

"I really did a number on you with the marks and bruises." He says once he gets a better look after untying the robe.

"Mmhmm." She laughs a bit.

"My bad." He smirks.

"You're so apologetic."

"Because I didn't mean to leave so many."

"I'm teasing you. It tells me you missed me a lot."

"Of course I did."

"I missed you too." She smiles.

"I think the tub's done filling up." She adds.

Justin goes and turns it off. He then walks back to her.

"I'm assuming you want me to place you in the water right?"

"That would be nice." She bites her lip.

He grins before removing the robe from her and then picks her up, heading over to the tub and placing her in the water. She sighs happily. Then she looks up at him and scooches forward, leaving room for him. He grins again before removing his boxers and then steps into the water, sitting down behind her. She slides back to lay against him.

"This is much better." She sighs.

"Good." Justin kisses her head.

"I think you'll be having a lot of these baths." He chuckles.

"Oh really."


"Can't say I'll complain."

"Of course not."

She giggles and leans back to kiss his jaw.

"But of course I'll be more easy on you if you have a match to do the next day or something."

"Oh gee thanks." She laughs.

"As much as I would love to, I can't be rough with you all the time."


"I know you would love that just as much as I would."

"Gentle is nice too."

"But that's what I love about you..." She adds.

She turns a bit and slides her arms around him.

" love me all kinds of ways."

"Because you deserve to be loved in all kinds of ways."


"You're that important to me."

"Oh Jussi." She says softly, her eyes watering.

"I love you." He says, kissing the top of her head.

"I love you too."

Then she snuggles into him while she enjoys the relaxing feeling of the water. Eventually they wash up and everything before getting out. She puts her robe back on and goes out into the room to put on lotion and then get dressed. Once she gets dressed, she goes back into the bathroom to do her hair and everything, doing her normal routine before coming out of the bathroom. She sees Justin laying on the bed and she walks over, smacking his butt.

"Come on love, I'm hungry."

"I was just waiting for you." He chuckles.

"I know."

He gets up and they both grab what they need before leaving for breakfast. They get to the hotel's nice buffet breakfast area and get in line. The line wasn't really that long and they were able to get their food fairly quickly. They find a table and sit beside each other. Just as they started to eat, Karissa had noticed me walk by the table since I had finished eating breakfast from earlier.

"Hey Air." She calls.

"Oh, hey." I say, after I stop and turn around.

"How was your night?"

"It was alright. You know who snuck over to my room and spent the night again."

"Oooh." She giggles.

"Nothing happened."


"We went right to sleep cause I was exhausted. Can't really say the same thing for this morning though."

"Oooooooooh." She teases.

"Oh hush."

She laughs.

"Tell me the details." She says as I sit down at the table with them.

"Really? Over breakfast?" I laugh.

"Like we haven't before?"

"True, well it started when I woke up...he just like reached out and grabbed me in his sleep."


"And the rest of the time after that, I was distracted."


"Did he leave something on you? Is that why you're covering one side of your neck with your hand?" She asks curiously.

I blush and she laughs.

"He so did!"

"Let me see!"

I shake my head but she prys my hand off.

"Aha, nice." she laughs again.

"You're lucky that's a coverable one." She snickers.

"I know."

"So we enjoyed the morning while we could. He had to leave like a half hour after that cause SHE wanted to have breakfast with him and then go shopping." I make a face.

"Ugh. Poor him."

"It's gonna be so much harder to sneak around with him backstage starting next week."


"They're putting them in a storyline in a couple weeks. He's firing Virgil and replacing him with her."

"Oh god."

"Yeah, they apparently got the idea of this 'Million Dollar Couple' thing, cause she loves money and he has it."


"Who knows how long that'll go on." I sigh.

"Who knows with Creative."

"So now she'll spend even more time with him, making it harder to sneak around. I'm not happy about this."

"Awww. I'm sorry hun."

"We'll figure something out, but on the brightside he did do something nice for me today."

"Oh really?"

"Yeah, he booked me an appointment at the spa today whenever I wanna go, for a few hours or so."

"Awwww. That's sweet."

"I wouldn't put it past him to like start texting me when I'm there and then like show up."

"He would."

"I'm pretty sure he would make sure that no one we work with would be in that spa either in order to stop by."

"I'm sure."

"Just have to wait and see if it happens I guess. I didn't want him to leave this morning, disappointing..."


"I got like nothing to do all day until I decide to go to the spa."

"I'm sure there's something to do."

"You can come with us if you want." Justin offers.

"Yeah sure, it'd be fun." Riss agrees.

"You sure?"


"You're always welcome to join us for things, you know that."

"Thanks." I smile.

"Of course."

"I'll just bring my car and follow you guys, just so that when I decide to go to the spa, I can go right to it from where we'll be."

"Sounds like a plan."

"What are you guys gonna do after this?"

Karissa looks curiously at Justin.

"I was thinking about just driving around until we found something."

"Oh okay."

"That sounds like a plan." I nod.

"Just have to finish eating here." She remarks.


"I was starving."


"Somebody's fault." She looks over at Justin.

"Oooooh." I snicker.

He just smirks.

"Your night was interesting then I assume."


"But you should've seen it...rose petals everywhere, champagne and chocolate covered strawberries. We still have to clean all that up."


"It was amazing." She smiles.

"Sounds like it."

"Total sweetheart." She kisses Justin's cheek.


We talk until Justin and her are done eating. They get rid of their dishes and then walk over to me.


"Yup, I'm all set."

We head out to the cars and drive off. After some driving, Justin and Karissa stop and park in front of this building so I stop and park behind them.

"What is this?" She asks him as they get out.

"You'll see."


Then he starts to lead us, wandering around aimlessly.

"Oh come on."

"I think we're almost there."


"Yup, this is the place."

"What are we doing?"

"Just the sign."

"...cake designs?"

"Yeah, I know how much you like cake...."

"I do." She admits.

"And designing your own cake sounds like a lot of fun."

"It does."

"Sounds like fun."

"Let's do this."

We head for the door and Justin opens it, letting us head inside first. She kisses his cheek before grabbing his hand, lacing her fingers with his.Before walking up to the counter, we look around at the cakes that are displayed first.

"Oooooh. These look good."

"Oooooh yeah."

Then we go up to the counter. We say that we're here for the cake designing. The lady explains the process and leads us to the back.

"This is gonna be so much fun."

"Yeah, you can design a cake for Ted." Riss giggles.

I blush and she laughs, knowing she was right.

"Take a picture and send it to him."

"I will."

We go over and pick out the cakes we want to decorate and design, then go over to a big table before going around and picking out what we want to use. We get started, goofing around and laughing.

"I like how your cake is coming out Riss."

"Thanks. I like yours too."

"Thank you. You know if wrestling never worked out for me, I think I would be a cake designer."

"Its fun."

"It is, but if I didn't go out for wrestling, I wouldn't have met Ted."

"Very true."

"Despite not being able to do things with him at the time, I'm happy."

"I'm glad to hear that."

"You should be happy."

I smile and so does she.

"Your cake is pretty awesome too." She says, looking at Justin's.

"Thanks love."

She leans over and kisses his cheek, then we go back to designing our cakes.

"Tadaaaaa." She declares when she finishes.


"That's amazing." Justin comments.

"Why thank you."

She takes some pictures with her phone while she waits for me and Justin to finish.

"Alright, I'm done." I say, finishing.


"Thank you."

"Done." Justin says himself.

"Aww babe, that looks good." Karissa smiles.

"I think we all did a pretty good job."

"Yeah me too."

"What're we gonna do after this?"

She shrugs.

"There's a few zoos and stuff....seaquarium..."


"Those sound like fun."

"Yeah." Riss nods in agreement.

"Hmm I say we do one more thing and then have lunch and then I'll go off on my own and head to the spa for those few hours."


"Hmmm, Seaquarium sounds like a good idea."

"Sounds good to me."

We get to pack the cakes up and take them with us, and then we get into our cars to head to the Seaquarium. We get there and pay, heading inside. We grab a map and see what we can do. We decide to walk around first.

"Hmm, you know what sounds fun? Dolphin Odyssey."

Karissa looks at the description.

"Ooh it does."

"I say we go there."


We leave where we are and head to where all the Dolphin stuff is going on. We pay to do the experience and are led into the intro area. First we learn about the dolphins in a presentation, and after that we go to put on wetsuits for the interactions with the dolphins.

"This is exciting." Karissa bounces on her toes.

"I knowwww."

Finally they take us to get in the water. Then one of the professionals comes over with one of the dolphins.


"It's so cute."


"I think it wants to say hi to you." I giggle.

She giggles too.

"Yup it's waving."

We all laugh.

Then we get shown how to get the dolphins to do tricks and flips and stuff, showing us the hand motions that we have to do.

"Ahaha this is awesome."


"Great idea." Karissa kisses Justin's cheek.

"Of course it is, I knew it would be."

"You're good at that."

"I know."

We get back into the activity, having a blast. The last thing we do with them is taking a ride through the water across the pool. I go first, followed by Justin, and then Karissa.

"Now that was fun."

"Oh yeah."

"Oh look now it's waving goodbye."


We be sure to wave 'bye' back, before heading back to change back into our regular clothes. We head out of the Seaquarium and stop by our cars.

"Okay, someone's missing me. I've got like numerous texts." I laugh.

"Aww." Riss giggles.

"I'll get back to him after we go have lunch."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, I'm sure."


"He'll be fine."

"Right." She laughs.

Then we get into our cars and I follow them to a place to eat for lunch. We find a good place and talk while we eat.

"So what're you doing after I leave?" I ask.

"Well I have a surprise for later for her." Justin says.

"Awww." I smile.

She looks at him curiously.

"You'll see later."

She pouts a bit.

"One hint....the beach."

She goes quiet, thinking.

"You can try and think all you want, but it's still gonna be a surprise."

"Sneaky." She sticks out her tongue.

"Yes I am."

We finish eating and pay.

"Alright, well I guess I'll talk to you later."

"Bye, have fun." She hugs me.

"I will."

I head off, leaving Justin and Karissa by themselves. I head off to the spa, waiting until I get into the parking lot to reply to Ted's texts. I tell him how my day has been before heading into the spa. When I go in, I find it weird that there's not many people there. I shrug it off before telling them my name and such and get started. I'm by myself for a while and I relax, enjoying the different things they do. When I'm not paying attention, more focused on what I was reading, all of a sudden hands go over my eyes. You tense up until you hear a familiar voice.

"Relax." The chuckle.

"Ted?" I ask in surprise.

"What're did you...I thought you were with Maryse?"

"She bumped into one of her model friends and they ran off."

"Of course."

"So I'm free for the rest of the day."

"That's great." I smile as he pulls his hands away.

"Wait, are you responsible for like barely anyone being here? So that you could show up and we wouldn't get caught?"

Ted gets a smile on his face that tells me I'm exactly right.


"You love it."

"I'm glad though, it was disappointing how you had to leave this morning."

"I know. I was disappointed too."

"When we do decide to go back, we're gonna have to go inside separately...just in case. But you can stay the night again if you want."

"Alright." He agrees.

"Even though I don't really need to ask if you want to 'cause I know you will. It's the only time we really get together with no interruptions."


"Thanks for the mark on my neck by the way."

Ted smirks.

"You're welcome."

"I'm so lucky it's a tiny one. If it was any bigger, I'd have to lie about it around people."

"That's why I was careful."

"I appreciate it."

He leans over and kisses me quickly.


"Mmhmm. The cake design place I told you about."

"Ohh. Well thank you."

"You did this for me, I wanted to do something for you."


"You're amazing, you know that right?"

"So are you."

"I'm thinking. You stay the night again, we'll just have a relaxing night. Movies...the cake...popcorn..."

"Sounds like a plan."

"No distractions like this morning....if you can help it."

"We'll see." He chuckles.

"You're hard to resist at times." He adds.

"So are you, so we're even."


In the meantime, Karissa and Justin are headed back to the hotel to get swimsuits since he suggested the beach for the rest of the day. They get up to their room and go to their bags. She pulls out a few different suits and studies them.

"Jussi....could you help?"

"Of couse." He chuckles.

"Which one?" she asks.


He points to one and she giggles. She puts the others away and starts to get changed. He grins and starts to get changed himself. She gets done and gathers their beach stuff and puts it in a tote bag. The last thing she has to grab is the towels from the bathroom, so she does so and then puts those in the bag as well. She puts up her hair while she's in the bathroom. When she walks out, she puts on a cover up and a pair of flip flops.


She just reaches up and kisses him.

"Ohhh all those bruises are gonna show." He smirks, after pulling away.

"Some have faded a bit."

"But there's still some left." He smirks more.

She swats him playfully.

"I can make new ones too."

"Oh no you don't. These have to be gone by the weekend mister."


"I do not want to be going out in front of the fans with all these bruises."

"Isn't that what makeup is for? And the spray tanning?" He chuckles.

"True...but still."

"No more until most of them are gone."

"Darn." He pouts.

"You'll live."

"You have other fun you can do."


"Now let's go."

He nods and she grabs the bag and then they head back out to the car, and head to the nearest beach. Justin drives with one hand, his other holding one of Karissa's. She smiles to herself, looking out the window as they drive along. They get there and walk to the sand. she stops and takes her flip flops off, putting them in her bag. Then they find a perfect spot to sit, stopping and laying the towels out and sitting on them. She gets out the sunscreen and starts to apply it to her skin. Then she asks Justin if he can help get the spots she can't reach and he happily agrees to it. She laughs lightly and hands him the bottle. He then gets her back for her, and in the middle of rubbing it into the skin of her back, he stops and starts being all affectionate and kisses her shoulder. She leans into him with a small sigh. He then wraps his arms around her and pulls her back, closer to him.

"Mmm." She murmurs, laying back.

"No marks...remember that."

"I know."

"Even though it's tempting..."

"Resist or I'll move."

"I'll resist, don't worry."


She slides her sunglasses on and just lays against him.

"Gonna fall asleep on me now?" He chuckles.


"That's okay though."

"You make a fantastic pillow."

"Why thank you."

"You're welcome." She giggles quietly.

Then he starts to trace patterns along her skin gently. She sighs softly. Sure enough though she ends up dozing off to the soothing feeling of him tracing the patterns along her skin. After a while she stirs, finding herself laying half on top of Justin. She's now laying on her stomach and Justin is on her back. Her sunglasses are off and his hand is running up and down her back.

"Afternoon sleepyhead." He chuckles.

"Mmm you put me to sleep."

"I kind of figured."

"You're good at that."

"I know."

She leans over and kisses him.

"Ready for the water?" He asks.


Before she knows it, she's been moved and he's carrying her down to the water. She squeals and laughs.

"No warning?"


"Knew you would say that."

"Of course."

Then he gets to the shoreline and sets her down in the water. She playfully smacks his butt and dashes into the water.


She laughs.

"Try and get me." She calls to him.

He smirks and goes after her.

"Eep." She squeaks.

"No no no no no." She laughs.

"Yes yes yes yes yes."



The water starts to slow her down and he starts to close in on her. She squeals loudly when he catches her.

"I got you." He laughs.

"Yes you did."

"I always get you."

"Sometimes I just let you."

"I still get you though."

"Mmm." She twists in his arms and gives him a quick kiss.

Then she rests in his arms and floats around in the water for a while. They mess around in the water for a while before going to lay on the towels. He doesn't let her lay on her own, he pulls her over so she's laying on top of him. She giggles and kisses him.

"You're not moving either." He chuckles.

She laughs and wiggles against him.

" moving."

She does it again.


"What?" She giggles.

"No moving..."

"But its fun to tease you."

"But it causes things...."

She glances down and then laughs.


"It's'd feel it anyway if it happened."

"True." She giggles.

"Then we'd be in trouble."


"I don't think we need that.....right now."

"Not right now, no."

"Thought so."

"Maybe later." She kisses the corner of his mouth.

"You really want another night like last night?" He smirks.

"No but at the same time its not like I don't want you."


"Because I do."

"And I want you."

"I know. I see that look."

"Of course you do." He grins.

"And I feel the hands." She adds.

"Oops." He smirks.

"You're insatiable. Always wanting more."

"Can you blame me?"

She just laughs and lays her head down.

"You're still comfortable."

Justin chuckles.

"Good to know."

"May fall asleep know me and the ocean air."

"You get relaxed, I know."

The hours pass by and she actually manages to say awake. She and Justin had started to put everything together to get ready to leave, but he stops her.


She looks at him curiously. "what?"

"The sunset...."

He sits and pats the space between his legs. She smiles and sits there, leaning back against his chest.

"This is the surprise I had planned."


"That's why I said beach...."


"But you love me anyway."

"I do. Very much."

"I love you very much as well."

They sit and watch the sunset quietly, enjoying the peace.

"This may be beautiful, but it's not as beautiful as you are." He says quietly.

She immediately blushes.

"Even when you blush." He says, kissing her cheek.

She kisses his cheek in return. Once the sun had set completely, they sit there for a while longer before deciding to leave. They go back to the hotel ands lowly head through the lobby towards the elevators.

"So how about getting room service for dinner, and just relaxing for the night?" Justin suggests.

"Sounds like a plan." She agrees.

They step onto the elevator and goes up to their floor, stepping off and heading to their room. Once inside, they change into more relaxing clothes, hanging up the towels and swimsuits. Then they decide on what they want to get from room service and order that. She sprawls out on the bed while they wait. After a waiting a while, there's a knock on the door. Justin gets up to answer it. A good looking guy is standing there with the cart and he pushes it in the room. I sit up on the bed.

"Mmm, smells good."

The guy glances over at her, looking her over while he pushes the cart into the room. She just ignores him, though Justin notices and almost growls. Justin walks back over to her.

"It sure does smell good." He says before leaning down and kissing her.

"Mmm." She giggles softly.

Then he goes into his things to get the money to pay for the food. Her eyes are on Justin the whole time as he pays the guy. She sees as he pays the bill for the food, but doesn't give the guy a tip. She stifles a laugh. Then the guy leaves and Justin turns around to face her. She giggles.

"You got possessive there for a minute."

"Well he was looking you up and down."

"Was he? I completely ignored him."

"He was."

"I was too busy watching somebody else."

"You have no reason to worry about any other guys coming after me, cause I love you and only you."

"I love you too." He sighs, leaning down for another kiss.

Then he grabs a plate of food and hands it to her, before grabbing his plate. Then he sits down next to her and they both start eating while watching what's on TV. She finishes first and lays back.

"That was good."

"Seems like it." He chuckles.

Then he finishes, and he grabs her plate and his, putting it back on the cart. Justin goes back to bed and lays beside her.

"I think I'll possibly fall asleep soon. Long day." She says.


"That's okay though. You're tired, I understand."

"We have a few more days to ourselves. Plenty of time to enjoy each other."


She reaches up and gives him a long kiss. Then she wraps her arms around him and snuggles into him as they both get more comfortable. She easily dozes off, completely relaxed and content in Justin's arms. He stays awake a bit longer, watching her sleep. When he starts getting tired, he shuts off the TV and goes to sleep himself. By this time Ted and I have gotten back to the hotel and made it to my room, after he had to go back to his to change into clothes for bed. The two of us are cuddling in bed, watching a movie.

"This definitely makes up for basically most of the day we never spent together." I say, before yawning.

"Yes it does. Somebody's tired."

"It was a long day."


"Plus the spa made me really relaxed...."

"Well that's the whole point." He chuckles.

"Well it's contributing to me being tired."

"I'm sorry." He laughs a bit.

"It's okay."

"If you get too tired then just sleep."

I nod.

"You'll know when I'm sleeping."


"One thing before I do end up falling asleep...." I trail off before leaning up and kissing him briefly.

Ted smiles when I pull away. Then I snuggle back into him, and soon I do end up falling asleep. Ted lets the movie finish before going to sleep himself.