Priceless Sensation

Justin's Proposal

The next morning and both alarms that we set had gone off. First in Justin and Riss' room, she groaned in protest, where Justin has slowly started to get up. She hides under the covers and pillows, making a cocoon.

"Rissa....time to get up..." Justin says between yawning as he shuts the alarm off.


"You won't have to worry about changing, just put on a sweatshirt and shoes and you can get on the plane with your PJ's on."


She still doesn't move.

"Fine, we just won't stop and get your favorite morning drink before going to the airport."

She grumbles.

"You really have no choice in this matter."

She blows a raspberry.

"Just speaking the truth." He says as he grabs comfortable clothes to change into for now.

She still refuses to move.

"Fine, five more minutes okay?"


He finishes getting dressed and goes to pack his things up. He gets that done and then looks at the bed. It's been well beyond 5 minutes and he finds her still laying there.


"No." She says stubbornly.

"I have to persuade you don't I?"


"Hmmm..." He trails off, thinking.

"Trust me, I know when I'm not supposed to do that."


But before she knows it, she's turned so she's laying on her back, Justin is hovering above her and his lips are against hers. She's startled at first, but she recovers and kisses back, sliding her arms up around his neck. He smiles into the kiss, but before she could respond too much, he pulled away and rested his forehead against hers.

"Motivated enough?"

She pouts and shakes her head.

"We do have to get going soon. You can use me as a pillow if you wanna sleep on the plane."

She sighs and reluctantly agrees.

"Plus, I've got a surprise for you tonight."

"Of course you do."

"It's gonna be worth the me."


"But you can't get it, unless you get up. Otherwise we'll be late, won't get the flight and will have to wait for another flight to be available."

She grumbles and lets go of him.

"You have to move first." She tells him.

He moves and she gets up. She mutters under her breath the whole time as she puts on some basketball shorts and a hoodie. She goes to do bathroom stuff, coming out with her things and her hair pulled back.

"Need help packing? Or are you all set?"

"Won't take long." She murmurs.


She finishes packing and puts on a pair of sunglasses.

"There, we can go now."

"Good." He says.

They both grab their things, making sure they didn't forget anything before leaving the room. They get down to the lobby and she sits in a chair while Justin checks out. Once he checks out, he comes back over to her.

"Now we wait for Ariel and..." He trails off.

"...Ted? They're coming too?"

"I figured they could use alone time too."

"Ohhh, well that was nice of you."

Justin smiles and she kisses his cheek. Up in my room, after hearing the alarm go off, I was hesitant to get up.

"Up and at 'em love." Ted says, kissing my shoulder.

"...I am up..." I mumble.

"We need to get moving. Gotta get to the airport."

"Remember, you can use me as a pillow to sleep for the flight."


"But you need to get up."


"...okay, fine." I add.

Ted rolls me over and kisses me sweetly.

"Couldn't let you get up without doing that." He grins, after pulling away.

"Good motivation." I smile.

"I thought so."

We both get up and start getting ready. I grab the clothes I want to change into for now and head into the bathroom to change. Ted changes and packs his stuff up. I come back out, ready to go. Then I go to my things and pack everything up.

"Need help?"

"Shouldn't take me long, I only got a few things to pack."


So I go around the room, looking for my things and packing them away. Finally I finish and after one last sweep of the room, we head downstairs. When we get down to the lobby, that's where we find Riss and Justin waiting for us.

"Morning." Justin says.


"Ready to go?"

"Just have to go check out."

Since it was my room, I was the one to go check out. Once I get done, we head off to the airport. Once there, we check in and we sit and wait. Riss sips at the drink and eats the cake pop that she got from Starbucks as we're waiting.

"I don't know how you're still awake. I'm exhausted." I say to her.

"It took him a while to get me out of bed, believe me."

"Five minutes turned into almost a half hour."

"Wow nice."

"You weren't up all night were you?"

"No." She says with a laugh.

"Just didn't want to get up." Justin adds.

"Not a morning person."

"Some people aren't."

"She's not at all." Justin laughs.

"Sounds like it."

After a bit, we're finally able to board the plane. We walk onto it, and find our seats. We get settled and a while later, the plane takes off. I of course choose to sleep for the whole flight, using Ted as a pillow. Riss decides to sleep for a while herself, snuggling into Justin. Before we know it, the plane had landed and we were being woken up by Justin and Ted. We get up and sleepily follow them off. We walk out of the gate and into the airport itself. We head for baggage claim to get our stuff. On the way there, we pass by some slot machines and that's when Riss stops.

"This makes me laugh every time I'm here." She giggles.

"....wait....we're in...." She suddenly realizes.

She spins around and looks at Justin.



She smiles widely and jumps on him happily.

"I wonder how she'll act when he does you know what." I mutter to Ted.

"I can only imagine." He chuckles.

"I have a place already booked for us to stay and everything." Justin tells Riss.

She kisses his cheek.

"You're amazing."

"I know."

She giggles and we start walking again. We reach baggage claim and wait for our things to come through and once they do, we grab them. We then follow Justin as he takes us to where the rental car is. We put our things in the trunk before getting into the car. Justin drives to the hotel. Riss and I are looking around.

"Everything is amazing."

"Its even better at night." Riss tells me.

"I can't wait to see then."

"Since its your first time, we have to visit the sign so you can get a picture in front of it."

"Alright." I laugh.

Soon we pull up to the hotel.

"You splurged didn't you." She says to Justin.

"Yeah, just a bit."

We go check in and get taken up to our room. When they open the doors, we can't believe it.

"Oh my god." Riss stares in awe.

"This place is huge."

We step in, still amazed. She drops her bags and walk off, intent on exploring. Justin grins, dropping his bags as well, following her. She walks through the foyer and the hallway to the living room.

"Oh wow." She says, seeing the view.

"I bet it looks even better at night."

"Uh-huh." She agrees.

"I can't wait."

She nods and then turns to explore more. Turning right out of the living room, she comes to the first bedroom.

"Oh my god." She breathes, seeing the floor to ceiling windows in the bedroom.

"I read that the curtains are touch-screen, there's a pop-up flat screen at the end of the bed and there's lighting and privacy controls."

"Wow." She murmurs.

Leaving the bedroom, they then go into the first bathroom. She gasps and stops in her tracks.

"We get a view even in here."

"Oh my god Jussi, you..." She trails off, and shakes her head since she can't find the words.

"....I'm amazing."

"Beyond amazing babe." She corrects, spinning around to face him.

"There's more....there's a complete second floor you know."

"Oh my goodness."

"There's a pool table in another room on this floor. There's a massage table and treadmill in a room. Upstairs is two bedrooms and two bathrooms."

"I have no words for this Jussi."

"I can tell." He chuckles.

"Well how about we choose a bedroom, and bring our stuff into it?"


When they go out into the hallway, they find me and Ted coming down the stairs that led to the 2nd floor.

"Good lord Justin, this place is amazing." I tell him.

"Leave it to you to find such an amazing place." I add.

He laughs.

"We're going to look around upstairs." Riss says.


Ted and I explore downstairs while Justin and Riss go upstairs. Upstairs is like downstairs, except there's bedrooms on either end, instead of a Billiard room and massage/exercise room.

"I like downstairs." I finally remark as we get back to the stairs.

"Downstairs bedroom it is."

They go down and put their stuff in the bedroom. Ted and I had chose one of the 2nd floor bedrooms, so we grabbed our things and headed up there.

"Wow he really went all out for this." I remark to Ted while in our room.

"He did. And to be honest, I would too for you."

"I know."

"One of these days. It'll be a surprise though."

"Of course."

"You do know where I would want to go though right?"

"Of course I do."

"Alright, just making sure."

"I know you are."

"It's probably more amazing than I think it is, isn't it?"

"It is." He chuckles.

"Well if and when you take me there, I can't wait."

Ted grins and kisses me gently.

"I can't wait for our first date night here." He adds.

"Me too. I can't wait to see the city at night."

"Especially with this view for when we get back."

"That too."

"It's gonna be a great week."

"Oh yeah."

Then we hear his phone going off and he sighs. He looks at the screen once taking it out of his pocket.


"Yup. But...." He trails off, hitting ignore, before putting the phone back in his pocket.

"....I'm here with you....not her."

I beam and kiss him happily.

"You ignored her...ohh you're gonna get bitched at by her when we get back." I snicker.

"Its all worth it."

"She'll probably complain about how she couldn't get money to feed her shopping addiction."

"Wouldn't be shocked."

"But anyways.."

"Are you hungry? Or do you want to relax here?"

"I think relaxing is good for now."

He nods and the two of us get on the bed, cuddling. In the meantime Riss' in the bedroom downstairs with Justin. She's standing by the window, people watching.

"Having fun?"

"Mmm." she murmurs absentmindedly.

"You're enjoying the view."

She nods.


She's too absorbed in watching, that she doesn't feel him behind her. Then he wraps his arms around her, and rests his chin on her shoulder. She melts into him, kissing his cheek.

"What would you like to do first?"

"Hmm...get dressed and then maybe go walk and get a bite to eat?" She suggests.


She pulls away from him and walks to her bags. Once she finds clothes, she leaves the bedroom to go into the bathroom to change, while he stays in the bedroom to change himself. It isn't long before Justin comes into the bathroom.

"You look amazing, as always."

"You always say that."

"Because it's true."


"Only for you."

"I know."

He grins as he watches her finish up.

"Done." She finally says.

"I repeat...amazing."

She blushes.

"You never fail to amaze me."



She kisses his cheek.

"Alright, let's go."

"After you."

She walks out with him in tow. They grab what they need and head out. They head down to the lobby before heading outside. They start down the sidewalk to the street. She grabs Justin's hand and laces their fingers together. She fixes her sunglasses with her other hand. As they walk, they look around at everything.

"I missed it here." She smiles softly.

"I know you did."

"Thank you for planning this."

"You're welcome."

They walk peacefully, enjoying the scenery and just enjoying being together. As they walk, she just follows Justin's lead since he seems to know where they're going.

"Where are we going Jussi?"

"You'll see."

"Okay then."

Once they get to where he was taking her, they both walk inside.

"You remembered!" She grins.

"I did."

She kisses his cheek.

"You're amazing."

"I know."

They soon find of of the restaurants inside New York New York to eat and get their food.

"So we're here for the next few days right?"


"Awesome." She smiles.

They find a table out in the main walkway and start to eat.

"Just wait until you see what I have in store for you tonight."


"I think it may shock you."

"Oh? Well now you really have me curious."

"Well you dont get any hints, because hints ruin the surprise."


"Especially this one."



"It'll be worth it though."

"It always is."

"But other than that, the week is gonna be fun."

"Oh of course. Vegas is always fun." She smiles.

"Of course it is."

She leans over and steals a kiss.

"Love you."

"Love you too."

"More than you could ever know." He adds.

"Aww Jussi."

"And that's the truth."

She smiles, blushing a bit.

"That's cute."

She blushes more.

"Still cute."




"Because why?"


"Okay, but just cause you said please."

"Thank you." She says as he finally lets her calm down so she stops blushing.

"You're welcome."

They finish eating and decide to wander over to the shops.

"We need to make more trips here more often."

"I'll keep that in mind."


They find a few things and buy them.

"So now what?" She asks.

"I chose the first place, you can choose where we go next."


"M&M's World and the big Coke store." She finally declares.

"Let's go then." He nods.

They leave New York New York and head across the bridge walk, going to the other side of the street to walk down towards those stores. The first place they stop is M&M's World.

"I love this place." She grins.

"I know you do."

"Start at the top or bottom?"


"Okay." She agrees, wandering around.

She wanders around until she comes across the souvenirs. She picks out some cute things, putting them in a basket. Justin too picks out a few things himself.

"Up?" She questions after a bit.

"Yup, let's go."

"To the escalator."

They head towards the escalators and head up to the 2nd floor.


"All the M&M's."


"You want to go crazy don't you?" He chuckles.

She giggles, nodding.

"Go on."

"Yay!" She cheers and kisses his cheek.

He chuckles as he watches her head over to all the M&M's. She first picks out some dispensers she likes and then walks up to the color wall of M&M's. She grabs a bag and starts filling. He looks on from where he's standing, chuckling at her excitement and eagerness. She finally walks over with two big bags. She puts those and the dispensers in the basket.

"Now for the clothes..."

"You're so gonna have a sugar rush from all the candy."

"I won't eat a lot at once."


She steals a kiss before looking at the clothes. He grins and follows. She finds some cute things and holds onto them.

"Next floor?" She asks, after getting what she wanted.

"Sure." Justin says, holding onto his own items along with the basket.

They both head to the escalator and head up to the next floor.

"Oh, the personalized M&M's are on this one." She remarks.


"Oh look you can take a picture with the red M&M." She points out as they walk towards the personalizing area.

"I've got my phone." He chuckles.

She goes over and he takes her picture by the statue. Then she takes his and after that, they ask a worker to take one of the both of us.

"Now let's go to the personalizing area."

She nods and they walk over that way.

"You first." He offers.

She picks out some and has different things put on each. She follows the rest of the directions to get her M&M's personalized. They get put in a package and she drops them in a basket. Justin then steps up to personalize his own, making them very special. He makes sure that she's not paying attention first. And once he sees that she's not, he goes ahead and does the personalizing. Once it's done, he puts the package in the basket.

"Alright, I'm done."

"Upstairs again." She remarks, walking to the escalator.

He nods and follows. Once up there, she goes towards the holiday things and the collectibles. He goes off on his own while she goes off on her own, but he makes sure he's able to see her. She picks out some holiday things to decorate their home and their tree before picking a collectible or two. Once she was done, she finds Justin.

"I'm done." She declares, placing things in her basket.

"Have fun?"

"Of course."

"So what now?"

"We go pay downstairs and go to the Coke store." She smiles sweetly.

"Alright." He nods.

They go downstairs and pay. Then they walk through the indoor connection to the coke store. They walk in, starting in the lobby.

"Haha the pictures with the polar bear." She giggles.

"You want one don't you?" He chuckles.

"Please?" She makes the sad puppy eyes.

"Of course."

She makes a happy noise and kisses him quickly. They go get their picture taken and get handed a card to take to the photo desk upstairs to get their photo. They decide to shop downstairs first before going up there. Leaving the lobby, they continue on and go into the Coco-Cola Loft. They walk around looking at the merchandise. She of course picks out some things that she wants. Moving on from the loft, they go to the Happiness Factory Theater. They go into this movie theater style room, finding a good seat and wait for the seats to fill up before something starts playing. It's a six-minute animated film, Happyfication. The film takes you on a musical journey through a fantastic world inside a Coca-Cola vending machine, where Happiness Factory workers share their secrets for finding happiness.

"Interesting." Riss says when it's over.

Moving on from the Happiness Factory Theater, they go to the Vault of the Secret Formula.

"Secret Formula? Ooh..."

Basically they learn about the legend of the secret formula for Coca-Cola and see the vault where the formula is secured.

"Huh. Nice."

After moving on from the Vault, next is the character greetings and they see another polar bear.

"Yay polar bear." Riss grins.

"Another picture?"

She giggles.

"You can take it with your phone this time, since we're gonna get one when we go upstairs anyway."


She goes up to the polar bear and immediate gets offered a hug. She laughs and hugs it. Justin takes the picture as she hugs it.

"Done." He says.

"Let me see."

She lets go of the bear to look.


"I like it!"

"You'll have to send that to me."

"I will."

"That tone....Jussi....are you jealous by any chance?"


"Aww, you so are." She giggles.

"That's so cute." She adds.

"I'm not jealous."

"Yes you are." She kisses his cheek.

"It's just a polar bear Jussi."

"I love you." She says before kissing him.

"I love you too."

"So now what?" She asks.

"Still have tons more to explore around here."

After the character greetings, they go to the Milestones Of Refreshment area.

"Ooh what's this?"

There's a series of ten galleries that takes them through the rich history of The Coca-Cola Company to life through exhibits featuring some of its most prized possessions including a circa 1880s soda fountain, original circa 1939 Chevrolet delivery truck from Argentina, and more.

"Interesting...kinda cool."

Next room was Bottle Works, where they step nto the center of a real bottling line and see Coca-Cola being made before their eyes.


After that they go into Bottle Works where they see Coca-Cola being made before their eyes.


"Now that's cool."


"Now to go upstairs to get the picture."

She nods and they head up. They find the area where the photos are being held. Justin and her look over the package choices and eventually decide on one. The employee prints the pictures and puts them in an envelope. They pay and take the envelope. After that they go pay for their other stuff.

"What now?"

"Hmm...I don't know."


"Sure." She agrees.

"You can pick the place."

"Okay. Let's walk and see what we find."


They leave the Coke store and wander down the sidewalk until we find a place to eat. They open the doors and head inside. Meanwhile, Ted and I are still cuddling and relaxing on our bed.

"The view is amazing."

"But nothing compared to you." He adds.

I blush.

"...everytime..." I say, trying to hide my face like always.

"Ah ah ahhh. No hiding."


"Because its cute when you blush."

"As you say all the time."

"Because its true."

I come out of hiding seeing as I have no choice really. Ted smiles and kisses me.

"So, what do you want to do?" He asks.

"Hard choice since there seems to be a lot to do."

"How about we make it a relaxing day before our first date night? I heard the pool is nice and we can get our own private cabana."

"Oooh that sounds good."

Then I see the look on his face after he mentioned the cabana.

"Ted!" I laugh, playfully hitting him.

"Sorry." He snickers.


"Your dork."

"You probably want to head down there now right? Mr. Eager."

He grins sheepishly.

"Well let me go then so I can change."

He nods and lets go. I get up and go over to my things, digging through for a swimsuit to wear. I pick on and go into the bathroom to change. After changing, I open the door, but only peek my head out.

"I can almost guarantee you'll die from what I picked out." I snicker.

"Oh really."


"Well come out."

"Pushy, pushy...okay." I laugh.

I step out and his eyebrows raise up.


"I told you."


"You have that look in your eyes. Ted...we have to make it down to the pool. We cant stay here all day."


"Save most of the affection and such for the cabana. I know that's what's gonna happen when we go in one of them to relax after the pool."

He smirks.

"You know me so well."

"Because I love you."

"And I love you."

"Yes, I know."

I kiss him and then pull away.

"Get yours on and I'll get the stuff together."

He nods and does so while I start gathering stuff that we'll need. He comes out and I have everything packed up.

"And you thought I was distracting." I giggle.

"Well you are."

"So are you."

"Then we're even."

"Well sometimes. One of us can be more distracting than the other at times."

"True. You ready?"


We make sure we have a key card and our phones, everything we need before we leave. Once we get down to the pool we pick a couple chairs and set our things down.

"Wow this is really nice." I say.

"It is."

"Sunscreen time." Ted says.

"You just like that because you get to be touchy."

Ted smirks.

"Can you blame me?"

"No." I laugh.

"Thought so."

We get out the sunscreen and the two of us make sure each other is covered. Although Ted was a bit more touchy than usual. I giggle and enjoy it.



"Love you."

"Love you too."

Once we get the sunscreen on, we both go and get into the water.

"Oh good, it's not cold."

"I didn't think it would be, with the sun warming it up."

"Well you never know."


"Now come here." He adds.

"Hmm...nope." I giggle, starting to swim slowly away.

"Awwww come on."

"I think you'll need to come and get me." I say as I get farther away.

He chuckles and swims after me. I however don't swim away any faster, I keep going at the speed I am. He easily catches me.


"I made it easy for you."

"I know."

"Didn't feel like putting up a fight this time."


"Made it easier on you."

"Why thank you."

"You're welcome."

Ted puts his arms around me.



"But you haven't seen cuddly yet. Wait until we get into the cabana."

"Oh boy."

"You'll see." He grins.

"I repeat...oh boy."

He chuckles and kisses my head. After floating around for a while, when he's not looking, I splash him with a little bit of water.



He splashes back.

"Heyy, can you prove it was me?"

"Who else would it be?"

"The water fairy?"

Ted laughs.


"So you're my water fairy?" He jokes.


We start a splash fight, laughing and having fun.

"You know..." I trail off, stopping the fight for the moment. ".....fairies are really pretty, so when you called me your water fairy not too long ago, that was a compliment."

"I know." He smiles.

"I was waiting for you to catch on to that." He adds.

"You distracted me with the splashing."

"My bad."

"Its okay. It was fun."

"I'm always having fun when I'm with you." I add.

"Same here." He smiles.

"So what are you planning exactly for tonight?"

"Now that's a surprise."

"Awww, not even a little hint?"



"You'll love it, I promise."

"Well I know that."

"You'll live."

"I have a feeling he will."

"I can try."

"You can do it."

"I know."

"Just let me know when you're ready to go to the cabana."

"Which you're anxious to go into, I know."

"I can make it." Ted chuckles.

"Are you sure now?"


" want to go now don't you?"


"Come on, we can go."


"You act like such a kid sometimes. It's cute." I laugh.

"You love it."

"I let's go."

We get out and dry off before grabbing the stuff. Ted leads me to the cabana he booked.

"Look at you, way ahead."

"Well I'm the one leading."

"Oh I know that, I'm talking about already booking one of these."


"You knew I'd agree to the pool and everything. You booked it while I was getting ready didn't you?"


"You so did."

He chuckles and shrugs.When we walk in we see a mini-fridge, plasma TV, a table, chairs and sofa.

"Oh wow." I say.

"They make these functional don't they?"

"Yeah, no kidding."

"But now....we have privacy to do what we want."

And of course the first thing Ted does is kiss me. Then mid-kiss he picks me up and heads over to the sofa, I squeak in surprise as he picks me up but don't break the kiss. He sits me down with me on his lap. He pulls me close and settles his hands on my hips.

"Grabby." I mumble into the kiss.

Ted chuckles against my lips. After he moves away from my lips, he starts to take advantage of all the exposed skin there is. I squirm a little, making small noises which causes him to smirk.

"If you're gonna leave marks, make them coverable, I have that match Sunday."

"I know."

"Just reminding you. You tend to forget sometimes and go crazy."

"My bad. You're just so tempting."

"I'll be all yours soon enough. Matter of waiting."

"I know."

"Honestly I hope it's sooner rather than later. I like these vacations but I wanna be able to spend night's backstage in your locker room, give Justin and Riss their privacy while we have our own."

"Me too."

"Now shush." He adds.

"Well sor-ry." I laugh.

"Breaking my concentration..."


"That's okay...just know that you'll have to suffer consequences for that now."

"Oooh, scary." I snicker.

Ted nips at my earlobe, making me jump slightly.

"Told you..."

"Now hush." He adds.

He continues the affection for a while longer before we decide to relax for a few more hours, and we do end up taking a nap for the rest of the afternoon. Time flew by fast and before we knew it, the sun was setting indicating the end of the day. I had noticed this when I woke up before him and happened to look outside.

"Wow, time flew." I say to myself.

But then I notice that I couldn't really move so I look to see Ted still sleeping peacefully and his arms were around me.


"Hate to wake him up....." I trail off before attempting to wake him up.

He slowly stirs.

"....the sun's setting. We have to get ready for our first date night of the week."

A sleepy grin comes over his face.


"You're so cute when you're sleepy."

"Love you too."

"Let me go so we can head back up."

He lets me go and stretches, yawning.

"Poke." I snicker, poking him.



He chuckles and we both get up, grabbing everything. We head back up and walk back in, heading up to our room. We hang up the towels in the bathroom and get what clothes we want to wear before going to get ready. Riss and Justin however were already in their room getting ready for the night he has planned out for them. She's standing in the bathroom messing with her hair until she finds a style that works. Once she does and finishes her hair, she works on the next thing. Her makeup gets done and she puts on her jewelry. Justin is of course done first so he comes into the bathroom to watch her like always. She laughs softly when she sees him in the mirror.

"Can never stay away."

"I know you can't." She giggles.

"I like watching you."

"You always do."

"Because it's fun."

"I just have to decide on my shoes now."


He follows her out of the bathroom where she has two pairs of shoes sitting on the floor.


"What do you think?" She asks.

"Personally I like the heels myself."

"Heels it is then."

"Why don't you bring some flip flops in case your feet start hurting?" He suggests.

"Good idea. I'll put them in my purse."

"Because you never know, we may end up doing a lot of walking."


She sits on the bed so that she can put the heels on.

"I got it." Justin says, grabbing the heels to put them on for her.

"Aww. Thank you."

"You're very welcome."

He finishes and helps her up, stealing a kiss after she's standing.

"All ready to go?"


"After you."

She makes sure her flip flops go in her purse and that they have what they need before they walk out. Like he said, they head to a restaurant for dinner.

"Aha, you know I love this place." She giggles as they walk into Margaritaville.

"Yes, I know." He grins.

They get seated in a cozy two person table that has them sitting side by side.

"Ooh I like." She smiles as they sit.

"Of course you do."

They order their drinks and then cuddle a little.

"I plan on making this night special."

"Its already special."

"Well I'm gonna make it even more special later."

"Ooooh. No hints?"

"I'm afraid any hints will ruin what I have planned."


"You'll just have to wait."


The drinks come to the table and then they order the food.

"Man I love the raspberry daiquiri here. Its so good."

"It looks good."

"It is."

"I'll take your word for it."

She giggles and kisses his cheek. Soon the food comes to the table.

"Oh it looks really good."

"It does." He agrees.

They eat and talk a little bit. They occasionally feed each other and steal some of each other's food. After the food, they order dessert.

"Ooooh. That looks good." She says as they bring it to the table.

"Yeah, it really does."

They take turns feeding each other bites. After they finished, they sat and waited for the bill. Justin takes care of it when it comes.

"Now what?" She asks.

"Well looks like it's plenty dark out, I think we should get going to where I'm going to give you what I have planned for you."

"Okay." She agrees.

They leave the restaurant and she follows Justin as he leads her to where he's taking her.

"Ooh the fountains at night?" She asks once she sees that they're approaching the Bellagio.

"Aww." She smiles.

"You'll see the rest of the plan soon."


Once Justin thinks he has the perfect spot, he stops.

"Ooh good view." I remark, looking around.

"I thought so."

Justin looks at his watch and decides now is the best time to start.

"Alright, Rissa....I have something to tell you, and then I have a gift for you."


"Karissa, we've been through a lot, had our ups and downs but we've barely fought with each other which is good. You are the greatest thing that's happened to me in my whole life and I couldn't ask for anyone better. I don't know what I would do if I never met you. I know I tell you this all the time, but I love you more than you can ever imagine...." He trails off, taking one box out of his pocket and handing it to her.

She looks a little confused as she takes the box and opens it.

"Don't eat them....turn them over and read them."

She turns the M&M's over to see they make the phrase 'Karissa will you marry me?' which makes her eyes get really big. She inhales sharply. Then she turns to look at him only to see him kneeling in front of her with a ring box open for her to see the ring he got. She covers her mouth and starts tearing up.

"Oh my god." She says, muffled by her hand.

"Will you marry me?" He asks himself.

It takes her a few seconds but she nods wordlessly. He lets out a sigh of relief before smiling and taking the ring out of the box to put it on her finger. Justin stands up and takes her hand off her mouth, sliding the ring onto her finger. The next thing he does is wrap his arms around her in a hug. She closes the box with the M&M's and puts them in her purse before hugging him back tightly. After the hug, she kisses him and shortly after that the fountains did go off. Even though she wants to see the fountains, she doesn't want to stop kissing him. She was just so overcome with pure happiness, she didn't want to pull away. Eventually he pulls away first and leans his forehead against hers.

"I love much."

"I love you too."

"We have a lot of planning to do." He chuckles.

"Yes we do. But I know one thing."

"What's that?"

"I want two weddings. A normal one wherever we decide and then I want to have a small one in South Africa so that any of your family that can't make it to the first, can still see you get married."

"That sounds perfect."

"You are so thoughtful." He kisses her quickly.

"I want to do something to represent your dad too. Maybe like an empty chair by your mom with a rose on it...something of that nature. I know how much your dad meant to you." She adds.

"I absolutely love that idea."

He kisses her again and she knows she's made him emotional. Pulling away from the kiss, he goes back to hugging her tight. She snuggles in happily, wiping at her eyes a little.

"I really think he'd love that idea." Justin mumbles.

"I'm glad. I wish I'd been able to meet him."

"I'm sure he would've loved you."

She kisses Justin's neck.

"He would've considered you a member of the family from day one."

"I'm glad."

"And I know that he's happy right now, just as much as we are."

"Well good." She laughs softly.

"So what would you like to do now?"

"I want to watch the fountains all the way through and then the Mirage Volcano. After that, the hotel." She says, nipping gently at his ear lobe.

"Alright." He nods.

She kisses along his jaw.

"I think we'll be sleeping in tomorrow." She murmurs.

"Oh I already planned on that."

He chuckles and she giggles.

"Of course."

"I can't believe you kept all this a secret." She murmurs.

"It was hard."

"Oh I'm sure it was."

"I had help though."

"Air and Ted?"


"I'll thank them tomorrow."

"Air helped me pick out the ring too."

She moves her left arm so she can get a good view of her engagement ring.

"I love it, it's so pretty."

"We knew you'd love it."

"I do. Its perfect. Thank you."

"You're welcome."

She leans in and kisses him again. After they pull away, they turn to watch the fountains. She smiles as Justin nuzzles her neck lovingly. Ted and I however were all finished getting ready, since I had to take a shower to get the chlorine out of my hair and dry it. Ted has been watching me do my hair and makeup, smiling the whole time.

"I see you in that doorway." I laugh, glancing at him through the mirror.

"Just watching my beautiful girlfriend."


He walks in and puts his arms around me.

"I love you." He says, kissing behind my ear.

"I love you too."

"Tonight is going to be great."

"Of course it is."

"I can't wait until we can do this kind of thing more often."

"Neither can I."

"Soon, I hope."

"I hope so too."

"Yup, all set."

We seperate and leave the bathroom to get the last of our things together. After that I follow him as we go back downstairs and leave.

"Sooo...where are we going?" I ask.

"It's a surprise remember?"

"Aww, no hints?"

"It's dinner, but that's all I'm telling you."


"I think you'll like where I arranged us to sit."


"The table we'll be at has an amazing view. Won't tell you what of though."

"Aw okay."

"But it's not far. We don't have much longer to walk. We're not really leaving here."


"Both dinner and what else I have planned are right here."

"That's nice."

"Figured the first night here, didn't want to go very far."


When we get there, we get led to our seats fairly quickly. But before we even get there, Ted covers my eyes with his hands, leading me.

"Teddd...." I whine.

"I want the view to be a surprise. You can't see it yet."

Caitlin Fisher says:


"Don't worry. We're almost there."


"And.....look." He says, stopping and uncovering my eyes.

"Ohhhh wow." I say in awe.

While I'm looking at the waterfall in awe, he goes over and pulls my chair out for me. Still in awe, I sit.

"I take it you love the view." Ted chuckles as he sits down.

"It's amazing."

"I know, that's why I picked it."

"You always pick the best places."

"Because you deserve the best places."

"Of course."

The waitress comes and takes our drink orders while letting us look over the food menu. The drinks get to the table and we order our food then. She leaves with the orders and menus. The two of us start talking quietly. Even after the food comes and we eat, we talk quietly to each other. We sneak affectionate touches. The biggest thing we do is play footsie under the table. After we both finish, we sit and wait for the bill to come. Ted takes care of it as usual.

"And now onto the next part of the night."


We both get up from the table and lace our fingers together as we leave the restaurant, heading to a whole different area of the hotel.

"You'll really like this place." Ted says.

"So you said about the restaurant."

"I know."

We don't end up taking that much of a walk and when we walk inside I see that it's a nightclub.

"We're going dancing?"


"Since we kind of missed out the last time when Riss and Justin went."


"Now let's go find a place to sit first...."

We find a nice, fairly secluded table with a good view.

"Another waterfall I see."

"I figured you'd like that."

"I do, because this one has colors."

"Yes it does." Ted chuckles.

"Also because this little area is kind of secluded."


"Already enjoying the beginning of the week."

"Me too. This is great."

"I couldn't agree more."

"Too bad this vacation will have to end."

"Yeah...too bad."

"At least we have some time to ourselves."


"Much needed time."

"Speaking of much needed time. I'm not on the card or anything Sunday, neither is Maryse. I can possibly stay all night with you."

"That would be amazing."

"I'll probably be able to tell you that morning if I can or not."

"Alright." I nod.



Riss and Justin have finished at the fountains and started to head back.

"You want to do the Volcano?" He asks.

"Mmm...I did but you know what, we can save that for another night."

"Eager are we?" He chuckles.

"Maybe." She giggles.

"You so are."

"Can you blame me for being keyed up after all this?"

"No, not really."

"You don't have to worry about making any phone calls or anything. Everyone that should know about us already knows." Justin adds.

"Anyone else can wait until after vacation." I smile.


They manage to contain themselves until they get into the room. As they step inside, she notices a trail of rose petals leading towards their bedroom.

"You were sneaky..." She remarks.

"Yes I was."

She follows the rose petals and ends up at the bathroom where she sees champagne and strawberries waiting.

"Jussi, you are going to kill me with sweetness."

"I love you too."

"The view is amazing." She looks out the window by the tub.

"I know."

"That tub looks really inviting."

"It does, doesn't it?"

She kicks off her shoes and starts taking her jewelry off with the exception of her engagement ring.

"You can take that off if you want. It's ok if you do."

"I don't want to."

"Okay, that's fine."

Once she gets done with her jewelry, her clothes are the next to go. Justin of course is staring. She changes her hairstyle to have her hair up and out of the way.

"Oh lover, you still have all your clothes on." She giggles.

"Huh? Oh yeah, I know that."

"Whatcha waiting for?" She teases, moving to sit on the edge of the tub.

"...tempt me." He mutters.

She laughs.

"You better get going. I'll eat all these strawberries myself."

"Well they are for you anyway...." He trails off.

"Oh hush and take your clothes off." She says amusedly as she slides into the water.

He chuckles before kicking his shoes off and then removing his clothes. She grabs a strawberry and eats it while watching as he opens the champagne and pours it in the two glasses. He then gets into the tub with her, while handing her a glass.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

She snuggles in close to his side.

"I can't even begin to tell you how happy I am right now." She remarks.

"I can sense how happy you are, and I'm happy that you're happy."

She kisses him, lingering a bit.

"I love you so much."

"I love you too, more than you can imagine."

She smiles and they sip their drinks while watching the city. Justin steals kisses and bites of strawberry, making her giggle.

"I think tonight's going to be a long night."

"Mmhmm." She laughs lightly.

"No need to put clothes on after this...."


"Besides towels to dry off."

"Right, of course."

"That won't last long on you."

"I didn't think so." She laughs.

"I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you."

"Aww. I'm excited too. I can't imagine anything better."

"Neither can I."

After a bit, the champagne in their glasses is gone and they're down to the last strawberry.

"Last one." She giggles.

"You can have it."

She starts eating it, giggling more as he starts kissing along her shoulder.


"You love it."

"Too true."

"Ready to get out?"

"Uh huh."

"I'll get you a towel, so don't move yet." He says, getting out of the tub first.

She watches him as he dries himself off before getting her a towel. She steps out and gets dried off. She kisses him afterwards and the towels are forgotten on the to bed for a long night of celebrating.