Priceless Sensation

Darren Young Exiled

"So I hear we're teaming up with Melina to face Alicia, Jillian and Cruella." I say as we head towards the locker room.

"Yup. Should be fun."

"And all night there's Nexus trial matches. Whoever wins, stays in the group, whoever loses is out. Wade's gonna explain it in the opening segment." Justin adds.

"Oh boy."

"Yeah, I think through the night we find out who we face."

"I hope its someone easy." Riss frowns.

"Let's hope so."

She starts twisting her engagement ring around her finger. Then we get to the locker room, and Justin goes in and gets changed.

"Sharing with us again?" Riss asks me.

"Yeah. Ted's not scheduled for tonight and he said he would try his best to find the time to spend with me."

"Ohh. Okay."

"I guess we'll find out as the night goes on."

"Right." Riss nods.

After changing, Justin comes out.

"I should go meet them now. The show starts any minute now and we're going out after all the intro stuff."

She sighs and nods.

"Careful. I love you."

"I will be, and I love you too."

She gets a kiss and then he heads out the door.

"So...any talk about the wedding yet?" I ask.

"Not really. Its still sinking in." She giggles.

"Ah, right."

"Well we did decide on a few things when he first proposed." She corrects herself.


"We're going to have a second wedding in South Africa so any of his family that can't get to the first, can still see him get married."


"Another thing is I want to do something to honor his dad. They were really close so I wanted to do something like an empty chair with a rose on it."


She smiles.

"Justin was really happy about that idea."

"Well of course he was."

She nods.

"Other than that, we haven't really talked about it. I don't want to wait a long time though."


"I'm thinking maybe before the year is over, February at the latest I think."


After the WWE Intro and then the Raw intro and pyros and such, Nexus' theme was played and they all walked out to the ring.

"They say that, that doesn't kill us, will only make us stronger. Now Team WWE narrowly escaped with a victory last night. But the Nexus, we defeated 6 of the best that Monday Night Raw had to offer. And as you can see, rumors of our demise have been greatly exaggerated because we are still here, we are still united, and we are still ready to dominate the WWE."

"You see, everybody was so concerned with what would happen if the Nexus were victorious at SummerSlam, that nobody paid any mind to what would happen if we tasted defeat. Now unfortunately we did taste defeat and as a result, there are consequences to be faced and those consequences are very very severe for the roster of Monday Night Raw. Because there will be more suffering, more destruction and chaos, more pain and misery for anybody who gets in our way. And mark my words, for now on, no...." Wade's cut off by John's music.

"Oh jeez."

"I must say I'm impressed. No no no, it's it's its's because Wade Barrett he talks such a big game. I mean he has to, he's the fearless leader of Nexus. He's got the resolve of Winston Churchill. And he's as tough as Snooki from the Jersey Shore."

"Ohhh." Riss snickers.

"You see I...." John trails off, but can't stop laughing.

"Wade I only say that because last night you tapped out."

"Tis true."


"You tapped out...apparently all these people saw SummerSlam too. Well what happened tapped out, you caused Team Nexus to lose at SummerSlam, and now you're out here trying to talk about 'well the loss will make up bigger, it will make us stronger'. Wade it's a lie. Right now you're really thinking to hell with Stallone, Willis and Austin, the Nexus are the Expendables! And after that surprise last night, I bet you are kicking yourself directly in the fish and chips thinking 'why did I get rid of Daniel Bryan?'.

"I doubt they have remorse for that."

"Don't think so."

"You see because when Daniel Bryan joined Team WWE last night at SummerSlam, he eliminated half of the Nexus by himself. For weeks now the Nexus has been viewed as a group. An indestructible group, and after SummerSlam one thing was made are human, you can be beat. So tonight, tonight we're going to do something we've never done before. Instead of looking at you guys as a group, we're gonna look at you as individuals. And Wade you may want to pay close attention, because you may find some flaws and decide where you went wrong. We'll take David Otunga..."

"Uh oh."

"You see David happens to be nothing more than a below average, male escort who clings to someone's arm on the red carpet."

"Ohhhh burn."

"So proud of you Dave, you've come so far. And Tarver. Well, to be quite honest Tarver looks like some sort of MMA bank robber who works late nights as a male stripper."


"Those trunks get any smaller, we're gonna change the rating of this show."


"And is that that Heath Slater? Or the chick from Wendy's?"

We both crack up, laughing hysterically. Then a picture comes up on the tron of the Wendy's logo with the girl, only Heath's head instead with the pigtails. This makes us laugh harder.

"I'll let you be the judge on that one."

Then a Wendy's chant starts and John cracks up.

"Oh my god." Riss gasps while laughing.

"This must be Monday Night Raw, we just got a Wendy's chant. That leads me to Darren Young. This one hits...this one hits a little bit close to the chest. You see, because the very existence of Darren Young has proved my mother true of all these years. I thought she was lying, but she actually did have a lusty affair with Buckwheat."


"Oh my god." I continue to laugh.

"Then there's Justin Gabriel. I don't...I don't know much about Justin Gabriel except he has an alternative way of thinking."

Riss immediately stops laughing.

"Did he just say what I think he said?"

"Alternative way of thinking?"

"Oh hell no. He did not just call my fiance gay."

"For those of you who don't get it, I'll be at the late show to explain. Skip you look like that was over your head. You didn't get it? Wait wait wait wait, don't even say a word. You see, you're easy. I took a mind reading course in college, I can read your thoughts. Right now you are thinking...meow meow meow meow, meow meow meow meow, meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow, meow meow meow meow, heat or jumbo, tugboat..." John goes off, blowing a raspberry.


"Like I said Wade, the Nexus is nothing more than human. The fear you have enstilled in the locker room is gone. Your psychological edge that you are some sort of indestructible group, see ya', bye! You lost last night Wade, and Staples Center, SummerSlam, will forever be known as the place where Nexus was history!"

"Cena, you don't know what you're taking about!" Darren interjects.

"No no no byproduct of a gallon of brandy and my mother's celebrity crush. YOU don't know what you're talking about."

"You see you tapped out too. As a matter of of fact, you gave up in under a minute. You want to cut to the chase, your name shouldn't be Darren Young, you're name should be the Weakest Link."

"You are the weakest link...goodbye."


Then the anonymous GM chimes in.

"Oh boy."

"Can I have your attention please, I've received an email from the general manager. And I quote, Nexus may claim they are stronger than ever. But those words are going to be put to a test. We are going to continue SummerSlam tonight. Each member of Nexus will compete against members of Team WWE, in a series of matches this evening. Outside interference by Nexus members will be met with swift and appropriate consequences."

"No no no. Now that's not a form of punishment, that after last night is an opportunity for redemption. It's also a chance for us to examine the Nexus."

"Apparently Wade, you're gonna need a whole lot of redemption after last night, because all these people know that you tapped out."

"Thank you very much for that interjection. It is a chance for us to examine the Nexus and see if there are indeed any weak links here. And believe me, if there are weak links, they will be weeded out. 'Cause let me tell you this right now. If anybody in the Nexus is not victorious tonight, they will be exiled from the group. And one way or another, at the end of tonight, the Nexus will be stronger than ever."

"Shoot that's fine by us Wade, but just know that also applies to you. If you happen to lose your match tonight, any one of us would be more than happy to take over."

Then the GM chimes in AGAIN.

"What the hell..."

"Not again."

"Regis Philbin with the emails Cole, what is it now?"

"I've received another email from the general manager."

"No shit, really?"

"Thanks Captain Obvious."

"One last thing Nexus. You can choose amongst yourself who faces which member of Team WWE. Except for Wade Barrett. Mr. Barrett will compete next against his former mentor from NXT, Chris Jericho."


"Should be interesting."


"And you know, I think Justin may have to be in the Nexus locker room to overlook the match with the rest of them."

"Damn." Riss pouts.

"I'm sure he'll tell you if he has to or not."

"I know."

It's a commercial break and Justin comes back. She moves her legs for him to sit down. He walks over, sitting down next to her. She slides close and snuggles up to him.

"Not needed in the Nexus locker room?"

"Not right now."

"I think they can do without me for one match at least. I'll be needed throughout the night of course."

"Right." Riss nods.

After the break, Wade was in the ring and ready. Then Chris came out and the bell rang for the match to start. Nexus....minus Justin was seen watching backstage, keeping in mind the stipulation to the match. In the end, it was Wade countering the Codebreaker into the Barrett Wasteland en route to defeating Chris Jericho in an impressive win to secure his status in The Nexus.

"Hmm impressive."

That led to another commercial break and during the commercial break, my phone rang.

"I know who that is." Riss giggles.

Justin snickers and I laugh, picking up my phone.

"Hey Ted." I say when I answer.


"I miss you, couldn't make it here?"

"Oh, I'm closer than you think."

"Really?" I ask, getting excited.

"Yeah, go to the door and open it first."

I giggle and go as he says. First thing I see sticking out from the doorway, out in the hall, is roses.

"Awww." I smile.

"Told you I was closer than you thought." Ted says, appearing in the doorway.

I pull him into the room. Once the door shuts, I kiss him.

"Ooooh." Riss teases.

I wave my hand at her and she laughs.

"What did he get youuu?"

I pull away and show the roses.

"Ooh pretty!"

"You're amazing." I say to him.

"Not as much as you." He says.

Riss manages to stifle the 'aww' that wants to escape.

"You're just in time. I get to beat up Cruella tonight. I'm gonna have fun with this, and rub it in her face that I have the title and she doesn't."

"Sounds fun." He laughs.

There's a knock on the door shortly after and it's Wade.

"Karissa I'm..."

"Yeah yeah I know Wade."

She rolls her eyes and slides away from Justin so he can get up.

"Just a quick little backstage segment. I'll have him back before you know it."


"I'll be right back." Justin says, before kissing her.

She nods in response, smiling as he gives her engagement ring a quick twist. Then he walks towards the door, following Wade out to head to the Nexus locker room.

After the break, Justin Roberts introduces tonight's guest hosts. From the upcoming film Going The Distance, Justin Long, Charlie Day and Jason Sudeikis appear to introduce the Unified WWE Tag Team Champions, The Hart Dynasty as Tyson Kidd, David Hart Smith, & Natalya come out and shake hands with the three actors before Long, Day, & Sudeikis exit the ring. With Nattie, David and Tyson in the ring, the GM chimes in.


"Oh jeez."

"I have received another email from the general manager."

"Thank you Captain Obvious."

"No shit Sherlock."

"He's gonna get on my nerves with that."

"And I quote, from this moment forward, the unified tag team titles will officially be known as the WWE Tag Team Championships. And here to present the new championship titles, WWE Hall of Famer, Bret The Hitman Hart."

"The titles look like pennies."

"Yeah they do."

Bret gets into the ring and hands Tyson and David the new titles. Interrupting the celebration is Wade and he's shown on the tron with the rest of Nexus.

"Bret Hart, the Nexus have chosen your opponent for the evening. Justin Gabriel."

Justin then appears on the screen to say something.

"Bret, you may have experienced a lot of different things in your career. But you'll experience one more thing. My 450 Splash."

"Okay they all look like creepers in the background. Freaking me out a bit."


The screen fades out on Bret's face. Justin made his way back to the locker room, and he was quick about it, only because the locker rooms weren't too far apart from each other. She curls up against his side once he sits down by her.

"Mine." She mumbles.

"Yours." He chuckles, kissing her head.

After the break, it was time for the next Nexus trial match. Tarver goes one on one with Daniel Bryan.

"Stripper." I snicker.

Riss giggles.

"I think we have new names for everyone."

"Except you." Riss pokes Justin in the side.


"Made me mad he said that about you." Riss murmurs.

"Which is why I laughed it off."

"I know but still."

Daniel Bryan was in complete control of Michael Tarver during the match when Mike and Alex come out and distract Bryan long enough for Tarver to catch Bryan with a roll-up en route to keeping his spot in The Nexus.

"Oops. Nice."

After the match, Daniel Bryan dived out to take Mike down before Alex and Tarver grabbed Daniel and held him as Mike speared him into the ringside barricade before planting Bryan with the Skull Crushing Finale on the Money-in-the-Bank briefcase.

"I have to ask....why damage the briefcase. By the time he cashes it in, it'll be all beat up."

"Who knows."

"Well my match is up next...." Justin says.

"Want me to walk with you?" Riss asks.

"Sure, of course." He smiles.

They get up together and link hands.

"Be back in a bit."

"Alright." I nod.

They head out the door and down the hall.

"Be careful out there alright?"

"I'll do my best, honest."


She lays her head against his arm. Justin lifts their hands and kisses the back of her.

"I can't wait until you're in the group."

"I know, me too."

"I think you're gonna look so good in the shirt." He smirks.

"Of course you do." She laughs.

"Hopefully that'll happen soon."

"Yeah, hopefully."

The break was soon over, as they heard the replay going on about what Mike and Alex did to Daniel Bryan, causing him to lose his match.

"Bryan is a nerd."

"He is."

Then looking on one of the monitors, Alex and Mike are making their way through the backstage area, before being stopped by Josh Matthews.

"Miz, obviously there's a history between you and and Daniel Bryan, but do you care to explain your actions from out there just now?"

"Explain my actions? From the moment Daniel Bryan arrived at NXT Season One as my rookie, the WWE Universe heckled me. They said that he was better than me. That Daniel Bryan should be my pro. Then last night at SummerSlam, every single superstar begged me to be on Team WWE. Only for me to go out there and what happened? They put me on the backburner in favor of Daniel Bryan, how dare everyone?! You all think he's so special, huh? Everyone thinks Daniel Bryan is so special, well how special is he now? You want someone who's special? You want the next WWE breakout star? Then look no further than Alex Riley."

"Look Josh. Tired, boring, old Daniel...." Alex starts, before pretending to yawn.

"....Bryan, alright? Never appreciated The Miz. and I'm not some overrated, underdeveloped nerd that's lucky enough to even have a job here in the grown man's company the WWE. Okay, what I am, is the next winner of NXT and I owe it all to my pro the Miz."

"A nerd indeed."


Then Nexus is seen backstage talking amongst each other.

"Fellas, I got something to say." Darren Young interrupts.

"I've decided who I'm facing tonight. I want John Cena."


"Yeah. Last month he brutally attacked me. Tonight, I'm taking him out."

"Good luck with that...Weakest Link."

"Psh, he wishes."

"Tonight is all about redemption. I mean last month John Cena beat you within an inch of your life man. You know the consequences, and you're still stepping up. Man, I respect that."

"And he'll lose....Weakest Link."


Then they play the Nexus music.

"Well that's my cue."

"I love you."

"I love you too."

She reaches up for a kiss. He gladly kisses back, before heading out through the curtain. She decides to find a spot close by and near a monitor to watch. The match starts after the break, and after the music stops, the GM chimes in.

"Oh no."

"I have received another email from our general manager."

"No, really?" Riss says sarcastically.

"And I quote, Justin I'm sorry. But Bret Hart will not be competing against you tonight."

"I don't like Bret Hart. I've never liked Bret Hart. I don't want to see him compete on Raw ever again. I don't care what anyone in the audience or watching at home thinks. I have decided to make this last minute substitution. And your new opponent is on his way to the ring right now."

That's when Riss sees Randy pass by, heading for the curtain.

"Oh hell." She says in her head, the color draining a bit from her face.

The bell rings and Randy closes in on Justin, giving him the evil eyes. Justin appears not scared and shoves Randy away. Randy pushes him into the corner after giving him an even worse evil eyed look. Randy goes to punch him, but Justin ducks and kicks Randy in the leg. But that seems to only make Randy even more angry. Riss bites her lip, starting to fiddle with her ring nervously. They lock up and Justin gets Randy in a short headlock before being thrown into the ropes. He flips over Randy's back and kicks him in the leg twice. That barely did anything and Randy evilly smirks before kicking Justin and throwing him into the ropes. Missing a clothesline and Justin slides under him, he goes to kick Randy, but Randy grabs his leg. Justin tries to get free, but he can't and Randy clotheslines him followed by a scoop slam. Randy is fired up now and Justin rolls out of the ring. Randy picks him up and kicks him, suspending him from the 2nd rope, delivering a DDT, before getting into Viper mode. Randy however starts to slowly turn around and there's Sheamus making his way down to the ring. He quickly rolls out and goes at it with Sheamus, forgetting all about the match. The ref starts counting, and finally he's been counted out. Justin winning the match. Riss sighs in relief a little. Randy however, hops the barricade, gets back into the ring, turns Justin around and RKOs him before getting out of the ring and grabbing a steel chair.

"Oh no, please no."

He doesn't use it on Justin, instead uses it on Sheamus, repeatedly until he throws it on the ground and walks away.

"Oh thank god." Riss sighs.

The refs make sure that Randy leaves, while Sheamus is getting to his feet. Randy turns around and runs over to Sheamus and RKOs him too. His music plays before he finally decides to leave. They replay the RKO on Justin, followed by the chair shots to Sheamus, and the RKO to him as well. Then the screen fades on Randy's face to a break. Riss watches for Justin, wanting to make sure he's okay. Randy comes through first, walking by and finally Justin makes his way through.

"Are you okay?" Riss immediately asks as she goes to him, touching his cheek.

"I'm gonna need ice...for my neck."

"Ice or a massage?"

"Both...but ice first."

She nods and they head for the trainer.

"You wait here, I'll get the ice." She says once they get there.


She heads in and asks for some ice and waits a short time before getting handed a bag of it. She walks back out.

"Back to the room so you can relax." She says handing him the ice.

"Right, and for you to get ready for your tag team match coming up after the next Nexus Trial match." He nods.

"That too."

Then they head back to the locker room.

"You go sit and relax. I'm gonna get ready and then when you feel up to it, I'll give you a massage." She tells him.


He sits on the couch and she heads for the changing area.

"That means me too." I tell Ted.


"And we'll be leaving a bit early to meet with Melina too."


"Apparently they want us on camera heading to the ring like they do most of the time to everyone."


"So I'll be back." I say getting up.


I too head in to change myself.

"That was sweet of him to bring you roses." Riss says while we're getting ready.

"I know." I smile.

"Too cute."

"He's always doing things like that."

"Good, he should be. Jussi is the same way."

"We chose the best guys."

"Mmhmm." Riss smiles.

"I just hope for me, the sneaking around ends soon."

"I hope so too."

"Sneaking around is fun, but still."


Once we were all set, we walk back out to sit and watch some of the Nexus trial match before we had to go. We end up on Ted and Justin's laps.

"Well looks like two people are cuddly like always."

"Yup." Riss laughs.

"Well you two are only here for a short time until the match...." Justin says.

"We know."

We watch most of the match until the time came to leave.

"Gotta go." Riss turns on Justin's lap and hugs him.


"Love you." She kisses him.

"I love you too. And aren't you forgetting something? The ring?"

"Oh right." She nods, sliding it off.

"I will keep it safe...of course."

"I know."

"Do what you do best out there." He grins.

"I will." She laughs.

"Alright, so I shall be back after the match." I say to Ted.

"Have fun and be careful."

"I will."

"Love you." He says after kissing me.

"Love you too." I reply.

Then Riss and I both get up and head out of the room.

"Should be fun." Riss says.

"Yes." I nod.

"You get to piss off Frenchie."

"Best part of the night."

"Of course."

Then we meet up with Melina where we'll start walking to the curtain once the current Nexus trial match is over.

"Hi Melina." We say.

"Hey." She says back and we each hug her.

"Ready to kick some ass?"

"As ready as you are."

"Air is more than ready." Riss snickers.

"I can't wait to rub it in Maryse's face that I have this title and she doesn't."

"I bet. Congrats by the way." Melina laughs.

"Thanks. I know you were planning on getting this back because you technically didn't lose it, you had to give it up. But maybe later down the road you and I will be fighting for it."

"Sounds like fun. A worthy opponent." She says.

"Just like your match against each other last night." I say to her and Riss.

"That was a good match." Riss nods.

"It was."

Then we get the signal to start walking. They cut the cameras as we get to the curtain and there we wait for the break to be over before having to go out. After the break, Melina, Riss and myself go out to my music after they replay picture highlights of my win last night over Alicia and what I did to LayCool. We do our ring entrances, Melina being last because of her split. Once my music fades, Alicia's plays and she walks out with Maryse and Jillian. Alicia is the first in and she tries getting in my face. I shove her away and we all start getting into a small fight.

The bell rings and it's me and Maryse against each other first. She starts being all pushy before I shove her away. I give her a mocking look and she runs at me before a trip her, making her fall face first. I then hit her with a leg drop and pick her up, going to throw her in the corner. But she throws me into it instead and I hop to the top rope and back flip so she runs into the corner and stops. I then quickly spear her in the corner and pick her up, placing her on the top rope and she screams and struggles. I then wrap an arm around her neck and pull her away from the top rope a bit before hitting her with a neck breaker from the top rope. I quickly go for the cover after pulling her away but she kicks out. I look over and Melina wants in so I drag Maryse over and tag her in. Melina get her in the middle of the ring and hits her a few times before getting her up. That's when Maryse gets some momentum and screams, pushing Melina into her corner. While the ref is distracted with Maryse, Melina takes some cheap shots to Alicia and Jillian. But Maryse goes and kicks Melina in the back, knocking her down. Maryse goes for the pin, screaming again, but Melina kicks out. Maryse grabs Melina by the hair and tags Alicia in. Alicia hits the Northern Lights Suplex, but Melina kicks out.

Riss and I are both reaching for a tag, but Alicia grabs her before she can make it to either of us. Alicia hits a snap mare before digging her knee into Melina's back, wrapping her hands around her neck. Melina gets to her feet and counters. Alicia tags in Jillian and Melina makes it over to us, tagging Riss in. Running right in, Riss dropkicks Jillian a few times before clotheslining her. She then goes over to the ropes and uses them to launch herself to the top before moonsaulting and landing on Jillian. She goes for the pin, but Alicia breaks it up and pushes her off. Melina comes in and takes care of her. That's when Maryse comes in and goes after Riss, but before she could do anything, I take her out and I pull her out of the ring as well. Jillian takes short control over the match when she throws Riss into the corner. But Riss comes back with using the ropes to dropkick her once again and she makes sure she's laying still before climbing to the top and when she's ready she jumps. Jillian never moved and Riss jumped and flipped, landing on her, the ref counting to three.

"Yes!" Melina and I cheer.

We get into the ring after dealing with Alicia and Maryse and we celebrate a bit before I'm handed back the title and I make sure to rub it in Maryse's face that I have it. She's pissed but it just makes us laugh. We wait until those three head backstage before we do. We miss the backstage interview with Edge and Josh where Heath interrupts, because we saw them finishing up as we were walking in their direction. That's when Heath saw me and waved to me before waiting for us to get to him.

"Wendy alert."

"Oh lord." Riss snickers.

"He's been trying to flirt with me." I explain to Melina.


"Becoming quite annoying actually...especially since I'm already with someone. Not many people know about that."

"I didn't know that." She says.

"Trying not to tell a lot of this point."

"Understandable. Not much of our lives are private."


"You should prepare yourself though. Now that you're champion, you'll be having more interviews and they're bound to ask you about that type of thing." Melina warns.

"Oh yeah, well I'll find ways to answer that, so it doesn't give it away."

"Have fun with that."

"You're anxious to know who it is, aren't you?"

"Maybe." She giggles.

"After we get rid of Wendy. I don't want him finding out."

She nods.

"Heyyy Champ." Heath says as he starts to move forward with arms open, clearly for a hug.

"What're you doing?" I stop him.

"Giving you a hug?" He looks at you in confusion.


"Its called personal space." Riss remarks.

"I'll let you know when you can hug me....Wendy."

Heath's face turns red. Melina and Riss can't help but laugh.

"We have to get going, but um...nice talking to you Wendy." I say again, trying not to laugh so much.

He tries to make a smooth reply but we just laugh at him and walk away.

"Alright, so you want to know who it is that I'm dating..." I say to Melina when we're out of hearing distance with Heath.

"If you want to tell. I am curious but its your relationship."

"I can tell, as long as you keep it to yourself."

"Of course."

"Okay know who Maryse is dating right?"

"Yeah...oh my god, really?"

"Yup. See he's tired of her being all rude and having him buy her everything. I came along and well we've secretly been dating behind her back."


"And we're going to keep secretly dating until the moment presents itself where he can dump her and reveal the relationship between us. He can't do it now because of their current storyline."

"Right, of course."

"So that's why we sneak around and only certain people know about us. Because if it got back to her, oh things would be bad."

"Yeah that's very true."

"I can't wait until all of this is over."

"I'm sure. It must be hard to hide it all the time."

"It is, but we're really good at it. See around her or anyone else that doesn't know, we act like friends."

"Of course."

Then we finally reach our locker room.

"Well we'll talk to you later." We say.

"Yeah, bye girls."


"You won." We instantly hear when we walk inside.

"Yes we did." We laugh.

"I apologize ahead of time if Cruella starts complaining when you go back to her tonight."

"Its alright. I'll just tune her out." Ted chuckles.

"Like always."

"Pretty much."

Heath's match was up next and he was already in the ring waiting. The match would spill to the outside where Edge would set up for the Spear, but Heath Slater would roll into the ring to avoid the Spear as the referee reached his ten count, meaning that Heath Slater defeated Edge by count-out to remain a part of The Nexus.

"Psh he got lucky."

"Wendy..." I snicker.

Ted, Riss and Justin snicker too. After the match, Edge retaliates by laying Heath Slater out with the Spear.

"Haha." I say.

"That's what you get for trying to hug me." I add.

"He did what?" Ted asks.

"Calm down, she stopped him cold before he even got near her." Riss says amusedly.

"Then I called him Wendy."

Ted snickers.

After that, Justin Long is seen backstage with Khali. And then the rest of the guest hosts start laughing about Khali's girlfriend's picture. Khali snatches the picture back, making those two run away. But then Khali says she's ugly, before the Bellas come into view being flirty and leave with him.


"They get around don't they?"


Since that was over with, all the SummerSlam weekend events were shown, from the Axxess to the parties, before going backstage where John was, well it was a backstage guy wearing one of his shirts and John walked up and noticed it before nodding and heading towards the ring.

"I still have to have a talk with him." Riss mutters.

"About that comment?" Justin asks.


"Well I can almost guarantee Darren will lose. And we're obviously make sure he gets a proper goodbye from the can walk with us to the curtain and stay there until he he comes through and you talk to him about that comment."

She nods in agreement.

"Alright, I'm gonna go get changed back into my dress and such. Before the night is over." I declare.

"Yeah me too." Riss agrees.

"Don't take too long."

"We won't."

We head back into the changing area and get changed back into what we wore when we got here. We walk back out and sit in our spots. And almost instantly we're snuggled into Ted and Justin. They both chuckle and put their arms around us.

"So....I sort of have a photo shoot for being the new champion, tomorrow...." I trail off, sparking Ted's interesting awfully quickly.

"Oh really..."

"Mmhmm." I giggle.

"You'll send me pictures right?"

"Of course I will."

"Good." He grins.

"Let me guess, because you have to spend the whole day with Cruella right?"


"I'm sorry."

"It's alright."

"I love you." I smile as I lean my head on his shoulder and look up at him.

"Awwww." Riss grins.

"Shush." Justin chuckles.

"Let them be."

"But it's cute."

"I know it is. Just like us."

"Mmmhmm." She smiles.

"So we like our moments just like they like their own."


It's now time for the last Nexus trial match. Darren was already in the ring and John was the next to come out. Just like Justin had guaranteed, despite a valiant effort by Darren Young, it was John Cena locking in his STF that forced Darren Young to tap out and forcing Darren Young out of The Nexus.

"Oh look. You were right." Riss says to Justin.

"That's because he's a weak link." I comment.


"Probably need to start heading out there right?" She asks.

Justin nods.

"You should let them hold onto my ring. You can't hold onto it wearing that and I can't put my ring on since I might get caught on camera or something." She tells him.

"Right." He nods, before getting up and handing the ring to me.

"We'll be back."

"Alright." I nod.

Justin takes Riss' hand and they walk out of the room. They start heading towards the curtain, meeting up with the rest of Nexus along the way. Once they get there, she kisses Justin's cheek and moves off to the side. He and the rest of them head out through the curtain and go down to the ring, and surrounding it. They then get up on the apron, making it seem like they're going after him. John is able to leave though, no harm done to him and he's in shock a little bit. Nexus gets into the ring and they surround Darren. They then start the attack him. Skip hits him with a vicious clothesline, followed by Wade's finisher. Wade drags him over to the corner, setting him up for Justin's. Justin climbs to the top, getting ready, before hitting the 450 Splash on him, finishing him off.

"Ouch." Riss murmurs.

By this time John has come back through the curtain, and Riss spots him.

"Hey Cena." Riss calls.

"Huh? Oh hey Karissa, what's up?"

"Nice win. Nice insults to them earlier too. Except for one." She says, watching what she says as she sees the camera out of the corner of her eye.

"Thanks, and what one would that be?"

"I doubt Gabriel has that alternative way of thinking."

"I mean, if he did, he wouldn't really be flirting with me would he?"


"Just wanted to clarify that, you know?"

"Yeah. Listen, you need to be careful around them. You've seen what they're capable of." John says, looking serious.

"I know but you honestly think any of them would put their hands on the Divas?"

"I don't know what to think anymore. Just be careful."

"I'll try my best."

"Let me know if you need anything."

"Will do."

He walks away, just before Justin and them come walking through the curtain.

"If only you knew..." She says quietly to herself.

She leans against the wall and waits for Justin to walk over first. He finally does and she steps away from the wall. She smiles softly when he takes her hands and pulls her to him.

"All done?" She asks.

"Uh huh." He nods.

"Good. Time to head back to the hotel and get you a nice massage."

"Great, because I need it."

"I know. I can tell."

"Let's go so you can change and we can head back."

He nods and they start back on their way to the locker room. They reach the room and walk in, Justin heading in to change and I hand her back her ring. She slides it back on her finger.

"Now I feel normal."

"How long do you think you're gonna have to hide the engagement from everyone?"

"Who knows?" She shrugs.

"Well I think I can get going now."

"Yeah. Thanks for holding that."

"You're welcome."

She says bye to both Ted and myself before letting us say a private goodbye since he won't be able to sneak into my room tonight. He leaves first before I leave and we head to our cars, leaving at seperate times. Riss makes sure her stuff is together before Justin and her leave. Once he's all ready to go, he grabs his stuff and they head out and go to their car.