Priceless Sensation

Sheamus' Night

Another week gone by, but it's almost the end of the month already. Justin's all set to go, he's just waiting on Riss to finish getting ready. She's standing in front of a mirror, doing her makeup. Like he always seems to do, Justin makes his way over and stands behind her.

"Hi." She laughs lightly.


"Having fun?"


"Me putting on makeup is fascinating?"

"It is. Even though you look beautiful with no makeup."



She turns her head and kisses the corner of his mouth.

"I can already tell you're gonna be touchy with me tonight." She giggles.


"Well lucky for you, I don't have a match tonight."

"And I'm only needed once the whole night."

"Ooh, so lots of quality snuggling time tonight."


"Sounds good to me."

"Almost ready?"

"Done." She declares, putting everything away.

"All I need are my shoes."


She moves away from him and goes over and grabs her shoes before sitting on the bed to put them on. She zips up the backs and stands up.

"There." She says, picking up her jacket.

"You have to wear the jacket? I mean I love it and all but, you have to wear it?"

She laughs.

"I'll take it off later."

"Alright." He grins.

She puts it on and grabs her purse.

"All ready."

He laces his fingers with hers and they both head out the door and head down to the lobby, out to their car. Once at the arena, they meet up with me by the door like usual.

"And yes I'm sharing a locker room with you again. Unfortunately Ted won't be sneaking in tonight. He already did back at the hotel."

"He almost didn't leave, but he had to. Cruella was waiting."


"He has a match tonight."

"Oh? Well hopefully he'll win."

"Yeah. He said it's part of Sheamus' whole deal with picking a number one contender for the WWE Championship. His match is a Triple Threat against Randy and Morrison."


"Yeah. Things can never go good when it's Randy."

"Uh no."

"I have a title defense tonight too."

"Jillian...the tone deaf, blonde, bimbo."

"Easy night for you then."

"Very easy night."

"Lucky for you."

"What about you?"

"I'm off tonight. Jussi has one thing to do tonight, that's it."

"It's an easy night for all of us."

"Except Ted."

"Right. I wished him luck. He's gonna need it."


"Can't help but be the least bit worried though."

"Of course."

We reach the locker room and take seats on the couch like always, while Justin goes in to change, so he's ready for when the only time of the night he's needed, comes up. Riss takes off her jacket and lays it over one arm of the couch.

"Ohh, Justin will be all touchy with you."

"He didn't want me to wear the jacket." She laughs.


"He's definitely going to be super snuggly and touchy." She nods.

"Oh yes."

Soon enough, Justin walks back out in his ring gear.

"Take a seat...cuddly."

Justin laughs and sits down. And of course he pulls her closer, being cuddly. She laughs and gets comfortable.

"You two are so cute."


"You're welcome."

"You and Ted are cute together too."

"We are aren't we?"


The show starts shortly after, replaying what happened last Monday with all the Nexus trial matches and the beat down on Darren, getting him exiled. Justin Roberts then introduces Sheamus, to start the show off.

"You know the one thing I've noticed about you Americans, is your children are spoiled brats! They're annoying, they're selfish, and they'll cry and cry until they get what they want. Take a look at 'em huh? Look at all these spoiled runts over here. Let's take a look." Sheamus says, getting out of the ring, going over to the kids.

"Oh good lord."

"Look at this fella, huh? What makes you deserve another ticket huh? Have you ever mowed the lawn, have you ever done anything to lift a finger in your house? You're a disgrace. And what about you huh? I bet you cried in the corner, soaked until your dad gave into ya'."


"That's mean."

"Look at this one right here. Who ate all the pies and I'm telling you now fella, none of you are deserving right here coming to watch me in the WWE."

"Then find a mirror and watch yourself."

"And there's an even bigger spoiled child in the WWE. Bigger than all of these kids, and his name is Randy Orton."

"He does act like a child sometimes...not gonna lie."


"Now Orton couldn't beat me for the title at SummerSlam. So what does he do? He attacks me after the match, and then assaults me the next night on Raw!"

"Boo hoo."

"And everyone in the WWE Universe loved it. You all chanted, you cheered for him hitting me with the chair, time after time, chanting RKO, RKO!"

"Because that's what we do and we don't like you."

The crowd then chants RKO just to mock him.

"Well I'm gonna burst your bubble right now. Because despite what Orton did, he is not the WWE Champion, I am!"

"Not for long."


"Now meself and the general manager haven't been on the same page as of late. But in four weeks time, one of the most prestigious pay-per-views is coming up, the Night Of Champions. I urged the general manager not to give into the spoiled child Randy Orton. He shouldn't be rewarded for what he did. He should be punished, he should be locked up, he should be put in prison!"

"Psh, you wish."

"He should never get another opportunity at my title, not now, not ever!"

That's when the GM chimes in.

"Can I have your attention please? I've receieved another email from the general manager."

"No shit."

"Another? Did he receive on prior to that one? I don't think so."

"And I quote. Sheamus believe it or not, I have no problem with you. You have found a way to retain your WWE Championship, and I feel YOU should be rewarded. Therefore tonight I am going to do something unprecedented. Gentlemen will you please bring out the throne?"

"Throne? Oh good lord."

A throne is brought out and placed on the stage.

"Sheamus, I'm not going to decide your next challenger, you are. Tonight there will be a series of matches. You will watch them, observe them, and see who impresses you the most. At the end of the evening, you will come to the ring and announce to the world your opponent for Night Of Champions."

"Seriously? A night about Whitey? Oh this is going to be a long night."

"Save us now."


"Finally! Finally some justice in the WWE for me! Thank you general manager, I'm really gonna enjoy myself tonight."

"Sheamus there's other thing. The first of these matches begins...right now."

Edge's music goes off and he comes out first. Edge and Sheamus stare each other down as they pass each other on the ramp, before Edge gets into the ring before the first break.

"Man this is going to drag on and on."

"Tell me about it."

"Ugh." Riss wrinkles her nose.

"The night will be over before you know it." Justin tries to reassure.

"I hope so."

After the break, Edge was ready in the ring, and out next was Truth as his opponent.



At the end of a hard-fought match, it was Edge hitting the Spear on R-Truth en route to picking up the win.

"You know Sheamus, you can sit up there on your stupid little throne." Edge begins, getting out of the ring and heading up the ramp towards him.

"Brag about all the people that you've beat. But until you beat a nine-time champion...until you beat the man who led Team WWE to victory at SummerSlam...until you beat the Rated R, haven't beaten anybody." Edge finishes, staring at Sheamus until he goes backstage.

"Hmph, he wishes he was that important."

Then we see that John's gonna be facing Mike tonight.

"Oh boy."

"Poor Mike."

That leads to the 2nd break of the night.

"Well I think I'm gonna get ready. My match is the third one in."


It doesn't take me too long to change, and once I am changed, I come back out to sit and relax to see the 2nd match of the night before I had to go. After the break, Khali comes out first, followed by Chris.

"Oh jeez."

After working over the injured knee of The Great Khali throughout the match, Chris Jericho would shockingly make the 7’3”, 420 lbs. tap out to the Walls of Jericho to pick up the win.

"He was injured. Not exactly fair." Riss shrugs.

"Did you see that Sheamus? Huh?! I hope you weren't taking what Edge said to heart. Because he's not the first undisputed champion in the history of this business, I am! He's not the man, who just made a giant tap out. And most importantly, Edge is not the best in the world at what he does, I am. So it's automatic that you choose Chris Jericho to be your next opponent for your championship. Do you understand what I'm saying to you right now?"

"No he doesn't, you speak another language." Riss says sarcastically.

Chris then turns to see Khali on his feet and standing behind him.

"Uh oh."

"Someone's in trouble."

Chris drops the mic and goes to get away, but Khali hits him in the chest and he goes tumbling out of the ring and onto the floor. Then they play a replay of what happened with Daniel, Mike, Alex and Tarver last week, with Mike's attack on Daniel after he had lost the match to Tarver before going backstage to Josh.

"Ladies and gentlemen please welcome my guest at this time, John Cena. John I just want to get your comments, can you please mention what happened last week with Miz on Raw?"

"It was petty and classless, plain and simple. You know I do not regret choosing Daniel Bryan over The Miz for Team WWE. Anybody who saw SummerSlam knows that Daniel Bryan did fantastic. It was Miz that almost cost us the match. He put his ego before everyone else. Showed his true colors last week again by attacking Daniel Bryan for no reason. Ever since Miz has won his Money-in-the-Bank challenge, he's got an even bigger mouth and an attitude problem. So tonight, I shut it with an Attitude Adjustment."

"I thought Bryan deserved it really." Riss shrugs.

"So did I."

"Well looks like I'll need to be going now."

"Have fun."

"Oh I will."

Justin and her laugh. Then I get up and make my way to the curtain. After the break, Jillian was in the ring, with a mic on her.

"I have been Divas champion before, and I'm about to do it again tonight. Because...." She trails off before singing....terribly like always...butchering Eminem's 'Not Afraid'.

"Oh god, make her stop!"

Thankfully my music goes off, stopping the dreadful, ear bleeding singing.

"Thank you Air."

I go out and get into the ring, doing my usual stuff. I hand my title off to the ref who holds it up for all to see. The bell rings once he hands it off. We circle and lock up before I'm pushed into the ropes. Jillian breaks away and we have a brief staredown before she cheap shots me with an elbow. She gloats about it and when she comes back to me I roundhouse kick her in the head. I go for a quick cover, but Jillian kicks out at the last second. I pick her up and send her into the ropes and when she comes back I dropkick her. She slowly gets to her feet and I wait for the right moment and hit her with a vicious neck breaker. I go for the cover, but Jillian kicks out. I go to throw her into the corner, but she throws me there instead. But I jump up to the top rope and flip backwards so I land behind her. I duck a clothesline and superkick her in the face. I pick her up once more and set her on the top in the corner. And like I did to Maryse last week, I pull her away a little bit and deliver a neckbreaker off the top rope. I pull her away from the corner, going for the cover. The ref hits three and I've won the match.

I get up easily since I didn't use up much energy. The ref hands me my title and raises my hand. During my celebration however, LayCool appeared on the tron. I growl glare.

"Ariel. Ariel. Hey we're up here. Ariel."

"Hey girl. "They say unison.

"Hey we haven't seen you since we embarrassed you at SummerSlam and..."

"...that was so good."

"That was good, but I kind of feel bad Lay."

"No, why?"

"No, I'm just joking. I don't feel bad at all Ariel. There is a reason we did it though."

"There sure is."

"Mhm, a good one."

"Chelle tell her."

"Okay look, here's the deal. Next week is the 900th episode celebration of Raw and LayCool's gonna be there."


"You can thank us later but that's not it. Not only will be be there, but we have an offer you simply can't refuse."

"And it's..."


I roll my eyes before leaving the ring and heading back up the ramp and backstage. But as soon as I get backstage, I'm engulfed in a hug and I know exactly who it is.

"Hi to you too." I laugh.

"1st successful title defense. You know what needs to happen now don't you?"

"Of course."

"But are you sure it's a good idea?"

"She'll get over it."

"We'll go out as friends to celebrate the 1st successful title defense, just in case she sneaks along just to keep eyes on me. She does that from time to time."


"Ted?" We hear her voice from down the hall.

"Ugh, always ruining a moment. I'll see you at the locker room after the show's over."

"Sounds good." He agrees.

I start to walk away to head back.

"Oh and again, good luck tonight." I add, before turning to go back, but end up bumping into Maryse.

"Watch where you're going Cruella."

She says something angrily in French. I roll my eyes and mock her with her hand motion before walking away. Ted saw obviously and he couldn't help but laugh a little.

"You think that's funny?!" I hear her snap as I turn the corner.

"Actually I do a little bit, yeah."


"Because you think that no one will stand up to you and she did. She does all the time."

"You're supposed to support me, I'M your girlfriend!!!" She yells and that's the last thing I hear as I pass out of hearing range.

"He doesn't love you." I say to myself, shaking my head amusedly.

"Delusional bimbo." I mutter.

I then reach the locker room and walk back inside, sitting on the couch to rest for now.

"Good one." Riss says to me.

"Thanks. You know I think tonight is a good night to go celebrate. Not only my winning of the title, but my 1st defense."

"Oooh true."

"Ted already said we should anyway...."

"You up for it?" Riss tilts her head to look at Justin.

"Sure, I'm not in any matches tonight so I won't be too tired out."


"Unfortunately I can't be all cuddly and stuff with Ted because of the situation. That and he said Maryse spies on him sometimes, making sure he's not doing anything."


"So it's acting like friends tonight."

"Well at least he gets to go."


"Darn, up next is the Nexus segment. I have to get going." Justin remembers.


"More cuddle time when I get back, because I'm not needed the rest of the night after this."


"Love you."

"Love you too."

He kisses her before getting up and heading out the door. She stretches out on the couch.

"Oh you should've heard the argument Cruella and Ted got into. See when I had started to walk away and come back, I purposely bumped into her and told her to watch where she's going."

"Hah nice."

"She went off in French so I mocked her hand motion and walked away. Ted was laughing a bit. But she went off on him, about him laughing."


"She told him that he's supposed to support her, because she's his girlfriend. Psh, he doesn't love her."

"Of course he doesn't."

After the break, Sheamus is back in his throne for the next match that he gets to observe. But Nexus' music goes off and they all walk out.

"Alright lads. How're ya'? What do I owe the honor huh?"

Before anyone has the chance to answer the GM chimes in.

"Ladies and gentlemen, can I have your attention please, I've received ANOTHER email from the general manager."

We roll our eyes.

"And I quote. I requested Nexus come out here to let them know, I was highly impressed with their performance last week. As for the ban that says Nexus can no longer compete for titles...that ban has been lifted."

Sheamus has a worried look on his face and Wade walks over to him.

"Consider our truce...over."

Nexus walks back through the curtain and Sheamus sits back down in pure fear since Nexus can attack whenever they may please, before fading on the faces of Mike and John since their match is next and they're heading to the ring. Riss shifts on the couch, knowing Justin is coming.

"That was really quick."

"Yeah, I know."

"That makes things better for you."


Shortly after the door opens and Justin walks back in, taking his spot back on the couch next to her. He opens his arms and she snuggles in happily.

"Awww cute."

Riss giggles and Justin kisses her head. After the break came time for Mike vs John. Mike goes out first, looking at Sheamus and making sure he sees the briefcase. After getting into the ring and doing his entrance John comes out. He's the usual goof that he is, not paying any mind to Sheamus, and going down to the ring, sliding in.

"Whitey got ignored." I snicker.


In the end, it was Mike sliding to the outside and was prepared to walk out of the match, but Daniel Bryan would come in from behind and throw him back into the ring. Despite Mike winning by disqualification for Daniel Bryan’s interference, John Cena would plant him with an AA before letting Daniel Bryan get a measure of revenge on Mike as Bryan would synch in the LeBell Lock on, forcing Mike to tap out.


"A vegan nerd."


Since it's a break, I decide to get up and go back into the changing area and change back into my regular clothes. Riss giggles as Justin starts being all affectionate.

"I can't wait to marry you."

"I can't wait either."

"We need to decide on dates soon."

"I know."

"We need to have a big talk about this stuff. There's so much to plan."

"Just take a day, sit down, talk about our ideas."


"I love you so much." Justin grins, taking her hand and kissing her finger by the engagement ring.

"I love you too." She smiles.

I come back out just in time for Santino's tag team match. He and Kozlov come out and their opponents were The Usos with Tamina. In the end, it was Vladimir Kozlov hitting the Iron Curtain on Jey Uso en route to picking up the win for himself and Santino Marella. After the match, Jimmy Uso seemed set to attack Santino Marella, but Tamina would step in and prevent the attack before helping Santino to his feet and would later blow a kiss to him.

"Hah, flirty."

"It's cute."

"Kind of."

Then we see that Ted's match is up next.

"Yayy." I grin.

"Go Ted."

The match like all the others was after the commercial break, Sheamus back in his throne. Ted's music goes off first, and he walks out with HER lke always.

"Oh my god...another short dress." I facepalm.

"Whore." Riss sings.

"I at least dress more sensible than THAT."

"Way more sensible than that."

"If I ever wore a dress like that, it'd be a bit longer on the legs."


Morrison was the 2nd out, leaving Randy for last. In the end, it was Randy Orton catching John Morrison with the RKO en route to pinning John Morrison for the win! After the match, Ted tried to attack Randy Orton, but Orton would dodge the attack and lay Ted out with the RKO as well. I cringe.

"I hope he's alright to go out tonight."

"Some ice and a massage, he'll be alright." Justin says.

"Well I'll have to do that before we leave then. Here is the only place I can."


The screen fades from Randy's evil, smiling laugh to Sheamus backstage.

"Sheamus, you just walked out on this triple threat match, Randy Orton won, so does this-"

"I don't need to see anymore of Randy Orton. 'Cause I've already made my decision. And in just a few minutes I'm gonna announce it to the entire world, out there in that ring."

"Woo hoo." I say sarcastically.


Back in the ring and there's Sheamus to announce his decision.

"You know I've been tinking about it for a while now, and despite what happened last week, I am still a warrior. The Celtc Warrior. Ohhhhh, and I have a huge announcement tonight. You see I'm not gonna wait until Night Of Champions to defend my title. 'Cause I'm gonna defend it right now. So get me a referee in here, please. I've seen a lot of great competitors tonight. A lot of superstars who are worthy of a championship match. But the only reason I became WWE Champion, was because of opportunity. You can't succeed without opportunity. So despite what I've seen tonight, I've decided to go left field. I've decided to make a new number one contender, a superstar who has never had a WWE Championship match before. A man who has never had an opportunity, a man who could be the next biggest WWE Superstar. So my next opponent is...Zack Ryder."

"He's choosing Zack because its easy." Riss scoffs.


"Sheamus...bro, I appreciate the offer but, you just made the biggest mistake of your life. Everyone all over the world knows that they're looking at the next WWE Champion. Woo woo woo, you know it."

The match wasn't very long at all. After the bell rang, Zack suffered the Brogue Kick to the skull, Sheamus pinning him, retaining.

"I told you."

"Poor Zack."

"So there you have it. Another successful championship retain for the Celtic Warror. I know how impressed you all are at that."

"Not really."


"But now I'd like to take the time to reference some WWE rules and regulations. See I don't have to defend my title now for another tirty days. That means at Night Of Champions, this champion is taking the night off. You know, when I take the night off, I think I'll even take the whole month off. You know what, I may even go back to Ireland, visit the family, take the car out, enjoy meself..." Sheamus is then interrupted by the Nexus' music.

Wade is the only one who comes out however.

"I don't think this is good for Whitey."


"Sheamus. You're right. Legally speaking, you don't need to defend your title for another thirty days but the fact is, I was the winner of Season One of NXT."

"So what?"

"Is he stupid?"

"Guess so."

"So what. SO, that means I get a title opportunity at a pay-per-view of my choice. And I'm choosing to take it against you, at Night Of Champions."

"So much for that night off, hah."

"So Sheamus, your next title defense is against me."

Sheamus starts to argue but the GM chimes in.

"Ladies and gentlemen, can I have your attention please. I've received another email from the general manager."

"Ah hell."

"The general manager of Raw, would like everyone to know that he has upheld Wade Barrett's request. And I quote. Sheamus will defend against Barrett at Night Of Champions. But, that's not all. Earlier tonight Sheamus, you spoke of opportunity. Well, I'm giving an opportunity to not only Wade Barrett, but to four other deserving superstars. That means at Night Of Champions, Sheamus will defend the WWE Championship, in a six pack challenge. Sheamus will not only face Wade Barrett. He will face Chris Jericho...." Cole trails off, Chris coming out first.

"Ohhh Whitey is in trouble now."

"....Randy Orton...Edge....and John Cena!"

Everyone seemed to be surrounding Sheamus until he shoves Wade into the middle of them, and now they're surrounding him.

"Uh oh."

John starts the attack before they all join in. Sheamus throws him right out of the ring, before hits the Codebreaker on him, Edge its the spear on Chris, John hits the AA on Edge and Randy hits the RKO on John, Randy standing tall in the ring.


"Alright, the end of the show. Where are we going to celebrate? Figure this out before we leave."

Justin suggests a nice club nearby.

"Sounds good." I nod, before hearing arguing outside the door and I realize it's Ted and Maryse.

"Oh boy." Riss remarks.

"Looks like I'll handle this..." I say, getting up.

"Be careful, we don't need you getting clawed."

"Oh don't worry. I've got that taken care of...just watch."


"Okay stop! You..." I point to Ted.

" here." I say, pulling him inside.

"And you..." I point to Maryse.

"....go the hell back to the hotel, he's spending time with friends and celebrating my successful retain of this..." I hold the title in her face.

"Now do you have this? Are you the one celebrating? No. So back the hell up, and I'll have him back whenever." I finish, stepping back and slamming the door in her face.

Riss hides her face in Justin's chest, shaking silently with laughter.

"One more thing...." I say before opening the door to see her still there.

"....if I find you spying on us tonight, the next time we're in the ring together, I won't hesitate to rip every little extension out of your hair. Have a nice night." I finish, slamming the door once again in her face.

I find Justin and Ted looking at Riss with amusement as she gasps for air, laughing to hard to make a sound.

"I think you killed her Ariel."

"She's not even making noise." Justin laughs.

"Oops. My bad." I laugh too.

"That was awesome." He snickers.

"Why thank you."

"That's my girl." Ted chuckles, kissing my head as he puts his arm around my shoulders.

"So how're you feeling? Okay to go out?" I ask.

"I'm alright." He nods.

"Okay, that's good."

"I've learned how to minimize the impact of the RKO."

"Right, that makes sense."

"Ohhh. the look on her face." Riss finally says after calming down.

"She speaks!" Justin jokes.

She laughs and swats at him.

"They thought I broke you." I laugh.

"I'm sorry, the look on her face was hilarious!"

"It was." I nod.

"But anyways. Let's get everything so we can go."


We do so and head out to our cars.

"So, we're going out to a club...." I explain to Ted.

"Sounds fun."

"And you know, I really don't care if anyone sees us dancing. Our word against theirs."


"Plus who says 'friends' can't dance together." I say, putting air quotes around friends.

"Right." He agrees, smiling.

We all get into the cars before heading off to the nearby club. Once we get inside, we find a nice private table to claim. We sit for a while, waiting for a good song to play. Finally one does and we all go out to the floor to dance. Of course while dancing along to the song we all sing along to it as well. Ted and I make sure to keep ourselves in check, not really wanting to give out clues that we're more than friends. We have to do that for the next few songs or so....until the song changed and it was more of a slow song than anything, so we decided to go back to the table. We get drinks on the way back and sip them while talking a bit.

"So far, this is fun."

"Yeah, its nice here."

"To winning my first title, my first successful defense and many more to come."

"Here here." Riss, Justin and Ted say as we clink our glasses together.

"And don't forget rubbing it in Cruella's face that I have what she couldn't get a 2nd time."

"That too."

"I will beat her record of longest reigning champion in history. No way I'm letting her have the record."

"Good luck with that."

"It's possible."

"It is but who knows with this GM."

"And now with LayCool bugging me...."

"That too."

"An offer I simply can't refuse....okay then."

"Yeah. Those two are rather....special."

"Uh yeah."

"Riding the short bus."

"Just a bit, yeah."

"I hate that 'flawless' thing. Its so annoying." Riss remarks.

"I know right? And is it necessary to talk in unison and repeat one another?"


"And let me 'real talk' fist in their mouths."

Riss, Justin and Ted laugh and agree.

"Another month already gone. Where do the days go?"

"I know, its crazy."

"And 900 episodes of Raw already."


"And NXT's almost over. Alex is still in it..."

"Oh I hope he wins. The other guys are boring."


"So bland and have no personalities."


We continue talking for a while. Riss smiles when she feels Justin playing with her ring.

"You just can't stop playing with that ring can you?" She teases him quietly.


She laughs softly.


"Your goof."

"All mine."

"All yours."

She smiles and kisses right below his ear.

"I think I'll definitely be tired after all this." I say.

"I bet."

"I'm so sleeping in tomorrow."

"Sounds fun."

"What about you?"

"Might sleep in, who knows."

"I can make sure of that." Justin grins.

Ted can't stop himself from laughing. Riss blushes and swats Justin's chest.

"Awkward." I laugh.

She hides her face in his shoulder.

"So what're your plans for tomorrow?" I ask Ted.

"I think I have some media stuff."

"Ooh fun."

"And Maryse wants to go shopping again." He makes a face.

"Aw, poor you."

"I have an idea that'll make that much better though." I add.


"You should bring me along. It'll be fun to irritate her and tell her the clothes she tries on make her look ugly."

"Hilarious but a bad idea. She'll flip out and attack you in public which will get us all in trouble."

"Oh darn."

"A nice thought though."

"Hmmm....I got it. You can send me pictures and I can tell you secretly that she doesn't look good in whatever she's wearing. It'll make you laugh and get you through the horrible shopping trip."

"Now that works."

"Just make sure you're laughing when she's not looking or paying attention or changing. Can't have a repeat of tonight of her yelling at you can we?"

"Yeah, I know."

"Oh and by the way, that dress I was wearing in my photo shoot last week....I forgot to tell you....I got to keep it."

"Mmhmm and I know. Maybe I'll wear it tomorrow and send you pictures to also get you through the horrible shopping trip."

Ted grins.

"You'll have to wait and see."


"I say we go dance some more. Before I start getting too tired."

"Okay." He agrees.

Ted and I head back out onto the dance floor, leaving Riss and Justin at the table.

"Did you have to say that in front of them?" Riss asks him.

"Sorry." He chuckles.


"I said I was sorry."

"I know."

"But it's true."

"I know it is."

"I can make sure you sleep in tomorrow, maybe I will make sure you will."

I can't help blushing.

"You'll never know." He chuckles.


"You love it."

"Mmm, 'cause I love you."

"I love you too."

"A few more songs and then I think I'm done."


Justin hears a song he likes and pulls her out to the dance floor with him. They dance along and at time his dancing is crazy. She just laughs at him when he's all crazy. They dance to a couple more songs before deciding to leave. Ted and I leave not long after, finding a private spot to say goodnight before separating to go to our rooms. Riss and Justin decided to get some rest since it was really late when they got back. They both were already changed and in bed, ready to sleep. She stifles a yawn as she slides into bed.

"Someone's tired."


"You get some rest, I'll let you sleep in tomorrow."

She nods against his neck as she snuggles in sleepily.

"Night Rissa."

"Night Jussi." She mumbles.

He kisses the top of her head, before she ends up falling asleep before he does.