Priceless Sensation

900th Episode Of Raw

"So, what's going on for tonight?" Riss asks Justin as she gets her things ready since she was already dressed to go.

"Just two things. An in-ring thing, involved The Undertaker and the main event match at the end of the night. Easy night again."

"That's good."

"I'm only needed once. Match with Air against LayCool tonight." She adds.

"Ah. That should be fun for you."

"Yes. Those bitches will never know what hit them."

Justin chuckles as she smirks evilly.

"Try to mess with Air...yeah...we'll see about that tonight."

"They're in for it."

"Oh yes."

She zips her bag as he comes up behind her and wraps his arms around her.

"Mmm. Ready." She murmurs, leaning into him and kissing his cheek.

"After you."

They seperate and grab their bags, heading out the door. When they head out the door and to the elevator, they bump into me as I'm heading in that direction myself.

"Hey Air."


"How has your day been?"

"Good. I'm actually pretty happy right now."

"Oh yeah? That's good."

"Yeah. Despite Ted having a Superstars match to tape before the show tonight and Cruella being out there with him, he said that he doesn't care what she says, he's gonna spend the rest of the night with me."


"I know." I smile.

"That's sweet."

"It's getting to the point where he could care less what she thinks. To her I'm a friend to him and friends are allowed to hang out with each other."


"But I can't wait to see this match before the show officially starts."

"Of course."

"Probably will start....." I trail off looking at the time. " the time we get there and get settled in."

"Well let's go then. We don't want to miss that."

"No." I shake my head and we finally step off the elevator and go through the lobby, out to our cars.

Once we get to the arena, we head for the locker room.

"So LayCool tonight. They're going down. Wonder what the offer is that I simply can't refuse is."

"Probably something stupid."

"More than likely."

"It is LayCool after all. They probably only have one brain cell between the two of them."

"Yeah, it seems so." I snicker.

"Maybe that's where they got the idea to split their title like that."

"Right? Because their besties and besties share everything. Gag me with a spoon."


Just a few moments after we get settled into the locker room, we see an aerial view of the ring area. Then Ted's music goes off and he walks out with her of course. This time she's wearing an even shorter, grey dress.


"Oh good lord. What the hell is wrong with her brain?"

"The bleaching of her hair killed it."

"Sounds about right."

"Oh look, she had enough sense to adjust it. But even that doesn't do much." I make a face.


"Wait a second, I remember that dress from somewhere...." I trail off thinking.

"That's it! She's an outfit repeater. Rosa wore that first."

"Wow." Riss laughs.

"She's not as perfect as she makes herself out to be...HAH."


Once his music faded, Goldust comes out.

"I just can't believe Cody's related to that. Weird...weird character."

"Uh yeah."

The bell rings and they circle. Ted waits a while before locking up with him. After a twist of the arm, Ted's pushed into the corner. The ref starts counting and Goldust moves away. But then he does his breathing thing, right in the face of Ted.



Goldust gets the best of him, and Ted dodges his arm and rolls out of the ring quickly. Maryse goes over, telling Cole and Jerry to not look at Ted.

"Really? Aren't they supposed to be paying attention the match and who's in it? And ohhh look, I'm looking at him. Nyahh."

Justin and Riss laugh. But now Ted has advantage of the match, but that doesn't last long. Ted kicks out of a pin attempt, but now Goldust works on the left arm. Maryse however keeps that hand motion going.

"What the hell is she doing that for? air in the arena has to talk to the hand? She looks ridiculous."

"Yes she does."

Ted eventually gets up and gets free of the hold, and soon gets knocked over the top rope. Goldust gets out and Maryse runs away. Then Ted's thrown into the barrier.

"Ow." I cringe.


Back in the ring they go, and Maryse has a smart moment. She grabs the foot of Goldust before he could get into the ring, letting go and running away. Ted taking advantage and knocking Goldust off the side of the ring.

"Oh look another smart moment."

"Le gasp."

After getting hit against the steel ring post, Ted throws Goldust into the steel steps. Maryse screams as she backs away.

"Well move away quicker you dumb broad."


So far Ted's taken control of the match and with the ref distracted, Maryse slapped Goldust. He tries to get back into the match, but Ted stops him. Then Maryse starts saying some things to Cole about talking about the match. Ted keeps control of the match even after another pin attempt. Goldust eventually gets out of Ted's hold, taking back control of the match. Ted just can't catch a break. Goldust hits the mat with his hands as Ted gets up. Ted counters and goes for Dream Street, but Goldust counters. Ted counters and goes for the cover, but Goldust kicks out at two. Ted counters a bit later, dropping Goldust on the top rope. A bit after the he hits Dream Street and wins the match.



After the replay of how Ted won, he and Maryse were already up on the top of the stage. she has her arms around his neck and then she just kisses him.


"If I were him, I'd either wash or boil my lips after that. Ugh."

"No kidding."

"Well he better do something if he plans on kissing me tonight. If not, my lips won't be touching his after that."

"Can't blame you."

"Now to wait."


"Oh after the first match tonight is our match. Just letting you know."


"Get it done and over with." Justin grins.



She laughs and kisses him.

"My lovable dork."

"Yup, all yours."


Riss looks amused before snuggling into Justin more. Before the show could start, there was a knock on the door. I already knew who it would be so I yelled for them to come in. Of course it's Ted so he walks in and sits beside me. He goes to kiss me, but I stop him.

"Before you even think of that, did you clean your lips from the Cruella germs from that kiss out there?"

"I already took care of that." He pouts.

"Okay good...proceed."

He kisses me happily.

"Together again. How'd you get away from Cruella?"

"I plain out told her I'm spending the rest of the night with you."

"Bet she didn't take that very well."

"Not really, but I don't care. She doesn't control me."

"No she doesn't."

"If I could, I would rather spend every Monday night with you than her."

"I know."

"Especially..." He trails off, grabbing me and pulling me over onto his lap, making me squeak in surprise.

"....if you're gonna be a distraction with your outfits."

I giggle and snuggle into him.

"I do it for you."

"I know, and I love it."

Riss almost starts to tease me but Justin distracts her.

"No teasing her." He says quietly.

"Aww." She pouts.

"Let them have their moment."


"And you know, I may even stay the night in your room tonight. It's been a while, I think I owe it to you." Ted adds.

"Sounds good." I smile.

"Maybe some consequences for being distracting tonight too."

"Oh boy."

He squeezes me gently and I giggle. Soon enough the show starts, starting like always. The matchup for the main event, Nexus vs John, Chris, Edge, Randy and Sheamus is shown. But however the show starts off with Bret Hart coming out.

"Hello Boston, long time no see. Seventeen years ago a new show debuted called Monday Night Raw. I have to confess that even back then, I wondered if Monday Night Raw would even catch on."

"Looks like it did."

"But thanks to all of you, 17 years and 900 episodes later, it looks to me like it's doing pretty damn good! What do you think?! In fact, Monday Night Raw has the most shows in the history of prime time television. The history, since the very very beginning. I was there for that very first show. There's only one other wrestler that's still here and that was with me back then. And that's the Undertaker."

"So I thought it may be appropriate..." He's cut off by Kane coming out.

"Oooh scary....not."


"The Undertaker. There is no Undertaker...anymore. Thanks to me physically decimating him, and leaving him to rot in a vegetative state, the Undertaker is a phenom no longer. He's not any way. He's just a man. Just a man. A man that you once knew...Bret. He's like...well he's like you Bret. Weak, feeble, scraggly, over the hill, irreversibly damaged. The last time my brother was truly the Undertaker, was at WrestleMania when he ended the career of Shawn Michaels. Oh you must've loved that Bret huh? Seeing Shawn Michaels, a man you had seemingly made amends with. But who you utterly despised. How you must have savored seeing him finally laid to rest huh?"

"The only thing I'm gonna savor is when the Undertaker gets his hands on you and beats you like he always does!"

"Now you even sound like my brother Bret. You see the only thing that I've ever wanted, my entire life, the one thing I've wanted more than anything else, was to break out of my brother's shadow and to prove that I am the devil's favorite demon. The Undertaker, took out an icon in Shawn Michaels. That means I need to do the same. I need to take out an icon of my own. I need to take"

"Good luck with that."


Kane grabs him by the throat, but then Tyson and David come out and save Bret. Bret fights back, but Kane grabs him by the throat again. The lights then go out and the 'gong' sound goes through the arena.

"Oh please, we knew that was coming."


The lights come back on and Undertaker is in the middle of the ring, looking into the eyes of Kane. Kane laughs before exiting the ring, walking backwards up the ramp, telling him 'not yet'. But then the anonymous GM chimes in.

"May I have your attention please, I have received an email from the general manager. And I quote. I see this iconic moment taking place. And in honor of Raw's 900th episode and despite my reluctance in the past, well I've decided...we will have a main event befitting this historic occasion tonight. Bret 'The Hitman' Hart...vs the Undertaker!"

Taker and Bret look at each other, before the Raw theme goes off and Bret leaves the ring before a Raw moment is shown and then the first commercial break of the night.

"I really hate that stupid ding sound. This GM is lame."

"Right? And then not to mention Cole with...'And I quote'."

"That too."

"How about this...and I fist in your face."


After the break, Daniel, Kaval, Kofi and McGillicutty were in the ring, clearly waiting for their match to start. But it wasn't a regular tag team match. Mike's music went off and then he and Alex come out as the next opponents.


"Eww McGillicutty." Riss groans.

"At least he's out there and not back here."


It starts off with Alex, Daniel and Kofi. Daniel is too distracted with getting into an argument with Mike. So Alex takes advantage of that.

"Should've paid attention to the match and not Mike....loser."


At the end of a chaotic match, it looked like Kaval would pick up the win for his team after hitting the Warrior’s Way on McGillicutty. But Mike would come in and hit the Skull Crushing Finale en route to picking up the win for himself and Alex.



After the match, Alex got on the ring apron to distract Daniel long enough for Mike to come in and blast him in the face with the Money in the Bank briefcase.

"Awww, poor nerd....NOT."


"Serves him right."


"Well we should be getting ready for our match up next."

"Yeah." Riss nods.

"Aww you have to move." Ted pouts.

"I know but I'll be back before you know it."

"Same with me." Riss says to Justin.

He nods reluctantly. She takes her ring off and hands it to him.

"I'll keep this safe."

"I know you will." Riss smiles and kisses him.

I kiss Ted briefly before moving from his lap, grabbing my gear bag and heading into the changing area. Riss does the same after moving from the couch she's sitting on with Justin, heading into the changing area as well. A couple minutes later we walk out in our gear.

"Well we'll be back."

Ted and Justin nod and give us kisses. We exchange 'I love you's' with them before heading out the door.

LayCool goes out during the commercial break, and Riss and I wait in the curtained area for their music to fade and ours to play. Once the break was over, we watch the replay of my match last Monday vs Jillian, including LayCool's interruption of my celebration for retaining the title.

"They are so stupid." Riss mutters.

I roll my eyes as we see them in the ring. But our music soon plays and go out. I see a piece of their clothing on the ground so I kick it away from us. Riss walks up to it and stomps on it a few times, wiping her feet on it before kicking it farther away.

Riss and I then get into the ring, ready for the match. I decide to let Riss have her fun with Michelle. Laya tries to distract Riss, but that doesn't work and she hits Michelle with elbows. Then she goes over and cheap shots Layla off the apron. Michelle however delivers a takedown, going for a pin attempt on Riss, her kicking out at one. Michelle holds Riss by the hair as she tags Layla in. Layla slams Riss' face into the apron. After getting her up, she tries to throw her across the ring but Riss blocks it and rams Layla into the corner. She then backs up a little and dropkicks Layla in the corner, making her slide to the apron. Walking over she helps get Layla to the top rope. Once she's there, she turns around and gets Layla on her shoulders. She steps away from the corner and Layla is waving her hands and screaming no. Riss just smirks evilly and drops backwards, making Layla go crashing to the apron. She then rolls out onto the floor to save her some time to recover. Riss spots her and waits for he to start moving and getting up. I spot Michelle trying to help her, so I get into the ring. I give her a look and we nod at each other. Then we use the ropes to launch ourselves over the top and down onto LayCool, knocking them to the floor.

When we get up, we do our special handshake. I help Riss get Layla back into the ring, before walking around and hopping up to my spot outside the ropes. Riss goes for the cover, but Layla kicks out at two. I reach my hand in to be tagged in, so Riss grabs Layla by the arm and drags her over, tagging me in. Riss sets her up as I climb to the top. She rests Layla across her leg, but he midsection hanging off. She holds her there until I jump and stomp on Layla's midsection. Riss gets out of the ring and I go for a quick cover, only getting a two count. I start to get frustrated, wondering what I have to do to beat her. I go to grab her but she scurries away to her corner, tagging in Michelle. I get ready and just as Michelle comes storming in, I dropkick her repeatedly. I then go to throw her in the corner, only she reverses it and sends me towards it. I however get enough speed to hop to the top and backflip over her as she charges at me. I then dropkick her so she lands face first into the turnbuckle. She turns around shortly after and that's when I grab her by the feet. She shakes her head and screams 'no' at me, but I give her an alley oop, dropping her hard. I pull her away from the corner and go for a cover, but no good. I grab her by the feet, going for a potention submission, but she kicks me away with both feet and gets up quickly. She ducks my clothesline, but when we both come back, I quickly roundhouse kick her in the face and I go for the cover. The ref counts it, one...two...three.

"Yes!" Riss cheers.

Riss and I leave the ring quickly however to prevent anymore confrontations. I'm handed the title back, and we head back up the ramp, watching Layla come in and attend to Michelle. After she gets her up, they both grab mics to say something to me obviously.

"Real talk."

"Real talk."

"It's not like that wasn't impressive Ariel, but in the end this whole little victory you just got tonight will be just like you....completely forgettable."

"Delusional." Riss mutters.

I motion to someone for a mic and I'm handed one.

"Oh Michelle she's gonna cry."

"It's okay, she always cries."

"She does. Well we think we need to find out who the real champion is in WWE."

"You're the champ."

"No you're the champ."

"No we're both the champs."

"So, here's our proposal. You tell em'."

"Okay here's the deal. We challenge you Ariel to a Unification Match at Night Of Champions."

"That's stupid."

"Here's the deal, one of us will face you Ariel. And when we win, we unify the Divas and Women's Championships."


"Is she serious right now?" I say to Riss away from the mic.

"I think so."

"You know, I should've expected this from you, since you're both brainless bimbos. Oops did I say that outloud? I'm sorry." I say sarcastically.

Riss laughs loud enough for the mic to catch it.

"Unlike others who may be afraid of a challenge like that, just because I just started breaking out here in the WWE, I'm not afraid of any challenge period. So I accept. But seeing as most of the Divas on the roster don't really like the two of you that much, I have a proposal of my own. We don't make this just any Unification match. We make this a Lumberjack match...or well in our case a Lumberjill match. And one more thing. If you lose, you vacate the Women's Championship and restore it back to it's original self."

"Ooooh." Riss smirks.

"Fine." Michelle replies.

"Fine." Layla repeats.

"Fine." Layla and Michelle repeat in unison.

"Great. And just so you know who you're dealing with...." I trail off before all the Raw divas appear on the stage with us.

"They're going down."

"Now I may not be too fond of many of the Divas up here on stage with us, but they don't like you and they'll make sure this title stays away from you. May the best woman win."

"In other words, you." Riss snickers.

"Yes." I nod.

Heading backstage, we see Nexus backstage, minus Skip this week. They're all talking amongst each other about something.

"Huh, must've been a last minute thing that Justin didn't know about."

"Guess so."

"Hold on man. Listen. Hold on fellas, people are talking. People are talking. They're saying because we kicked out Darren Young and because Skip Sheffield broke his ankle, our matches aren't the same anymore. They're saying we're weak now." Tarver interrupts.

"Whoa whoa whoa. Now all we did was trim the fat. I mean do you think we're weak?" Otunga interrupts himself.


"Because if you do, you might as well go right now."

"Hey hey hey. The fact is, later on tonight, we are going to beat five of the biggest superstars in WWE history. And in three weeks time, I'm gonna become WWE Champion. Does that make us sound weak? Anyone?" Wade asks and they all answer 'no'.

"Good. But to remove all doubt whatsoever, tonight we need to do something unforgettable. Something that is gonna keep people talking forever. And I know exactly what that is." Wade finishes and the screen fades on his face.

"Oh boy."

"Wonder what that could be."

"Probably something with the Taker match."

"Oh yeah...probably."

"Oh well. Back to the room."

We head back to the room, and we end up passing Nexus' locker room and Justin walks out.

"Hey you." She says.

"Hey." He says back, wrapping an arm around her and kissing the top of her head.

She slides her arms around him.

"Where ya going'?"

"Back to our locker room."

"Oh good." She smiles.

"Oh, you know who should be getting impatient then. He didn't want me to leave because he was being all cuddly." I snicker.

"True." Riss giggles.

"Left all alone in that locker room....poor him."

"Well let's get you back to him then."

"Right." I nod and we continue on our way back.

We get to the room and go in. I sit on Ted's lap while Justin and Riss curl up together on the other couch.

"You missed me too much, I can tell." I giggle.

"Uh-huh." Ted agrees, kissing my shoulder.

"Consequences for being distracting?"

"Just a sneak peek..."

"I see."

"You know I save any of that stuff for when we have our privacy."

"Of course."

"Here...anyone can walk in. Hotel one really can without a key."


"So little things for now."

I nod.

After the break, another Raw moment was shown from 2009. Bob Barker being the guest host. Then Chris was backstage, not looking too happy.

"Chris you've been a part of many memorable moments here on Monday Night Raw. What would you say the future holds for-"

"Stop. Enough of your useless platitudes Josh. Let me ask you a question. When I say that I'm the best in the world at what I do, I don't say it as a gimmick. I don't say it as a catchphrase that I want to put on the back of a t-shirt. I say it because it's true. I say it because it's real, sometimes I think I'm the only one who still believes that to be the case. So, it's time for me to take matters into my own hands. See I had an epiphany. An epiphany inspired by my confidence in my abilities of being the greatest performer of this generation or any other. And that's why I'm making a promise. If I don't win the WWE Championship at Night of Champions, then that's it. Jericho's gone. It's the last you'll see of Chris Jericho in the WWE."

"Well then just go. If you don't want to be here, just say so." Riss rolls her eyes.

"He whines and complains too much."


"Chris to be honest, you've been kicked off or threaten to leave Raw at least a dozen times by now so-"

"You think I'm joking? You want to see how much confidence I have in my abilities? You want to see how much confidence I have knowing that I'm gonna be the champion? I want you to watch what I'm gonna do tonight. I'm gonna prove to Nexus and to all the hypocrites watching that I am indeed exactly what I say that I am. The best in the world at what I do."



Out next was John Morrison, his first partner being Truth, before going to a commercial break. After that break, Cody came out, then Drew was his partner. The winners of this match will end up being the number one contenders for the Tag Team titles.

"Cody and Drew? Odd team."


The match barely got underway, before it got broken down as both teams battled it out, which left the ref no choice but to call for the bell and rule the match a no contest, so there are no #1 Contenders for the Tag Team titles.


"Since that's over, the Taker vs Bret match is up next. I think you know what that means." Justin says.

"Aww." Riss pouts.

"Shouldn't be long though. Wade's gonna interrupt before the match can even take place so the match technically won't start."


"I'll be careful, don't worry."

"You better."

"I'll try."

"Love you."

"Love you too."

He gives her a brief kiss before getting up and heading out the door.

"Oh, Riss. I have your ring." Ted says.

"Justin had me hang onto it when he left the first time." He adds.

"Oh okay. Thanks."

She gets up and takes it from him, slipping it back onto her finger, before sitting back down on the couch.

"Feels better to have it on now. I've gotten used to it." She remarks.


She smiles and plays with her ring.

"That reminds me, since we couldn't really ask you at the costume party last week. Your mom....being a wedding planner on the side. I mentioned it to Riss and Justin."

"Ohh. You want her number? I'm sure she'd be more than happy to help you guys." Ted says.

"That would be great."

"Here, I'll put her number into your phone."

She taker her phone over to him. He takes it and puts his mom's number into it, handing it back.


"No problem."

She sits back down. That's when the commercial break was over, Bret Hart in the ring already. Then the lights go out and Undertaker comes out. He takes his usual time getting to the ring and such. They were both ready to go, but before the match could start, Wade comes out.

"Hold your horses gentlemen. Now this match is not gonna happen."

"Of course not."

"We didn't think it would."

"'Cause when people talk about the 900th episode of Raw, they don't want to talk about two legends, they want to talk about the future. And the future is Nexus." Wade says, walking down the ramp.

"And the leader of the Nexus? Well that's me, Wade Barrett. And I said earlier today that I was gonna do something unforgettable. Something that people would be talking about forever. And I'm gonna do that right now, by delousing Bret Hart and proving to the whole world that the Undertaker is indeed a dead man." Wade finishes, dropping the mic and sliding into the ring.

"No, you're a dead man."

He goes right after the Undertaker, which wasn't a smart move since he gets basically destroyed and knocked out of the ring. The gong then goes off and out go the lights. When they come back on, Bret is gone and Kane's in the ring with Taker. That leads to them fighting each other. The lights then go out again as Undertaker grabs Kane's throat. The lights come back on and Kane is gone.

"Oh man."

Nexus' music goes off and then Justin, Heath, Otunga and Tarver go out to attend to Wade before surrounding the ring. They storm the ring and Taker seems to take out every one of them. The lights go out again and when they come back on, Wade has Taker on his shoulders and delivers Wasteland.


Kane's at the top of the ramp watching as they drag Taker over to the corner as Justin climbs to the top. Justin takes a while before hitting the 450 Splash on Taker. They look on as Taker lays there in the ring. Taker tries to come back like he always does, but can't. Kane however stands at the top of the ramp and laughs and the screen fades out on his face.

"Time to go change." Riss remarks.

"You go ahead. I think I may change later. Cuddly here seems to be having too much fun with my ring gear."

Riss laughs.

"Good luck with that." She laughs before getting up and going to change.

She walks out a couple minutes later with her gear bag. Just as she walks out, Justin walks back into the room, taking his seat on the couch, where she joins him. She slides on his lap and snuggles into him.

"All mine until the end of the night."

Justin chuckles and kisses her head. After the break, they replay what just happened in the ring with Nexus, Taker, Bret and Kane. Then Swagger comes out with a mic in hand.

"Ew." I make a face.

Ted glares.

"All hail a returning, conquering, American hero. When I left Raw, I was an all American American American. Now I return a former World Champion."

"Yeah...FORMER as in no longer."

"Now I can understand why Johnny Damon might not wanna come back to Boston. But I promise you I have no problem bringing a little swagger back to Monday Night Raw."

He heads to the ring as Evan comes out.

"Yay, Evan."

It's not a very long match, because mid-match, Alberto Del Rio from SmackDown comes out and interrupts.

"This loser from SmackDown?"

"He looks like a creeper."

He comes out in a fancy car and has his own Spanish speaking announcer.

"Um...English please?"

"We need the English button."

The match however still goes on as Del Rio heads down to the ring. Evan misses Air Bourne and Swagger applies the ankle lock, making Evan tap out.

"My name is Alberto Del Rio!!! But already know that."


"We wish we didn't."

"Thanks to me, that little Chihuahua Rey Mysterio, is not gonna be here tonight. In fact, the only place where you can see Rey, is in the hospital. What I did to Rey last week, was phenomenal, just phenomenal. Incredible! But I'm going to be totally honest with you. I'm not completely happy. Because you, my audience from Raw, didn't see it."

"Your audience?"

"He honestly thinks WE'RE his audience?"


"You didn't see what I did to my little amigito, to Rey Mysterio. So this is what I'm gonna do tonight. I'm gonna recreate that magic moment. Just for you, right here, right now! But with a different Chihuahua. With Evan." Del Rio says quickly at the end before putting the mic down and grabbing a steel chair.

He pushes the ref away and puts the cross arm breaker on Evan's arm before letting go finally. Taking off his suit jacket, he continues the attack, Evan rolling out of the ring. He picks up the steel chair and leaves the ring, putting Evan's arm in the chair. That's when Mark Henry's music goes off and he comes running down the ramp to the aid of Evan. Del Rio thinks he can get the best of Mark with the chair, but Mark just punches it out of his hands. Del Rio goes back up the ramp, shaking his hands off from the chair being punched out of his hands.

"Foiled, haha."

Del Rio just has a smile on his face before winking. That leads to a video package of some of the superstars and such in China for the first time ever before the next break.

"Wish we went on that trip."

"That would've been fun."

"Be one of the first time ever trips for us."


"I'm sure there'll be other trips like that." Justin says.

"Of course."

The break wasn't long and after it was over, Punk came out with his crew...the SES.

"Oh lord." Riss rolls her eyes.

"I agree with Cole....they are a buzzkill."


"Do you know who I'm better than?"


"The Rock."

"Psh, yeah okay."

"I don't drink, I don't smoke, and I don't make crappy movies like The Tooth Fairy. Do you people like The Rock? Do you people miss The Rock on Monday Night Raw? I don't miss The Rock, and I'll tell you why. It's because The Rock optimizes this septic tank of a show that is Monday Night Raw. 900 shows is a milestone, I will give you that. But for 900 shows, Raw has been promoting poor family values. Don't believe me? I got two words for ya. Katie Vick. And if you don't get it, that's fine. Just YouTube it, it will drive you to drink and then you can come see me, and I will save you."

"I'd rather not and stay the hell away from you."

"Amen to that."

"Tonight I have taken it upon myself to show you people four of the worst, most atrocious acts committed on Monday Night Raw, but Raw superstars. They're not pretty. And tonight I am Raw's judge jury and executioner, and I give you exhibit damage."

A clip is shown back in 2009 when Triple H, broke into Randy's house and attacked him, ending it with throwing him out his window and then Triple H got arrested.

"Not his real home, but cool nonetheless."


"Just people acting like animals. I give you exhibit B...irresponsible and reckless behavior."

The next clip was from 2006, when Edge and John Cena were in a street fight, which ended with John throwing Edge into the Long Island Sound.



"Ladies and gentlemen, I for one would never throw another competitor into any body of water...ever. That's just...just poor sportsmanship. But I digress and I give you exhibit C...trespassing."

The third clip was from 1998 when DX invaded WCW.

"Ohhh DX."


"Ugh. And last and certainly least in my humble opinion, I give you exhibit D for dumb. Excessive use of alcohol via fire hose."

And of course with that being said, the clip obviously involved Stone Cold. Back in 1999 when he crashed the corporation party and then in 2007 when he hosed Santino down with beer.

"Ahaha. I love Stone Cold."

"Yeah I can't even find the words to describe you. The shame I feel for you people. How irresponsible it is of you people to cheer a man like that. I don't put it past any one of you. You would all line up, empty your pockets, take out a second mortgage on your house and pay your good, hard earned money just to see Stone Cold Steve Austin walk down that ramp and spray CM Punk with beer via a fire hose."

"That would be awesome."

"Hell yeah."

"That's the kind of mo-" Punk's cut off by Stone Cold's music and he freaks out.


After a while, the freaking out turns into a sly smile and then a laugh once the music ends, and he rolls on the apron laughing.

"Did you fall for it? You fell for it obviously. I see it on your faces."

"What an ass." Riss shakes her head.

"Ohhhhhh.....booooo. Are you disappointed Boston? Huh? Do you feel empty inside? Are you upset with me? Well good! Because that's how empty inside I feel. That's how disappointed I always feel. When I come here and I see each and every single one of you."

"And I'm not sorry I made you feel this way. I'm happy you're disappointed. And I'm gonna show you one more clip, and leave on a high note. This a clip from a really really good show. It's called SmackDown. Let's roll the footage."

The footage rolls and it's from 2003, when the ring collapsed after the suplex off the top rope from Brock Lesnar to Big Show.

"You see, that's everything I could never ever be. First of all, it represents being criminally obese."

"And I don't know who the other guy was, but Big Show's so big that he breaks an entire ring." Punk's interrupted by Big Show coming out.

"Why do I always get interrupted?!"

"Because no one wants to hear your big mouth?"


"900th episode of Raw baby woo!"

"Wait, how disappointing. You people get Stone Cold Steve Austin's music, you get no Stone Cold. We play the Big Show's music, and we get Captain Insano."

"Good movie...the Waterboy."

"Hahaha. You know see that's the thing with you Punk. You really surprise me. You try to embarrass me and you go go with a fat joke? I mean seriously. The fat joke? I mean I've lost weight. Okay, I found it. If you want to embarrass me, you should talk about...bring up something really embarrassing. the time Eddie Guerrero gave me that tainted burrito and I had the chronic diarrhea for like five days. That was embarrassing."

"Ew." I make a face.

"Oh that is gross. We didn't want to know about that."

"Or the time I had 40 yards of silk wrapped around and up everywhere, when I was you know, doing the sumo wrestling thing for know, that was embarrassing."

"Sounds like it."

"I mean if you really really really wanna bring up something really embarassing, you should bring up you know...when I got caught Vickie Guerrero."

Riss and I both gag.

"But a fat joke? Punk, entertaining...I love entertaining, I love to make people laugh. I do impersonations, it's what I do. I'll do an impersona-...I'll do an SES impersonation. Ready? And we'll mix it in with somebody else. Let me tell you something brother. That SES dudes, they're running wild brother. You gotta say your prayers, take your vitamins. I get what you're saying brother, Straight Edge Society dude. High five."

"I thought you said something about being entertaining, 'cause that was boring you're not funny and nobody likes you."

"That was mean." Show states.

"You want mean? What did you say earlier? High five? There's nothing high about the Straight Edge Society and that is what makes us better than you."

"I'm not high, I'm just tall." Show says before slapping Punk across the chest.

"Hah!" Riss laughs.

Then Show goes after Luke Gallows while Punk and Mercury are up on the stage and Punk is flipping out. Riss can't help but keep laughing at him.

"Aww the baby's throwing a tantrum."

"This is so funny."

"Ohh that was great." I laugh as the next break comes up.

"Yes it was."

"Well look at that. The main event is coming up soon..."

"That means you have to move." Riss looks up at Justin, pouting.



"There's only a short segment before the match involving Edge and Sheamus and then I'll have to go."

"Okay." She pouts.

"You know you have the cutest pout ever. Gets me every time."

She sighs and looks amused.


He steals a kiss and she can't help but smile.

"Love you."

"Love you too."

"Awww." I say.

After the break a moment from Raw is shown before Josh introduces Sheamus to the stage.

"Sheamus in three weeks time at Night Of Champions, you'll defend your WW-"

"Let me stop you right there. One event, 900th episode of Raw and everybody celebrates. Everyone except one man Triple H. And he's not here because of me. And I'm afraid to say, he's never coming back. So I guess that's why I'm being punished by having to defend my championship against five different opponents at Night Of Champions. So tell me, how is that fair huh?! Do you think that's fair?! Why do I bother asking you anyway. 'Cause you're all just a bunch of plastic patties."

"Somebody watched a little too much Spongebob."

Ted, Justin and I snicker.

"The only real Irishman in this city is me. And in spite of the six-pack challenge, tonight I found out that I have to tag with four...four of my pay-per-view opponents. One of which includes Randy Orton! Randy Orton, a man who tried to put me in a hospital, a man who tried to end me career! Never...never in the history of Raw has a champion been treated so poorly, so disrespectfully. This is discrimination! I've been discriminated against-" Sheamus is cut off by Edge coming out.

"You''re giving me a headache there fella'." Edge mocks Sheamus's accent.

"Booooooo that was a terrible imitation."

"You see here's the thing. I came out to inform you that since I've debuted on Raw, episode 265, that I've been thrown in the Long Island Sound, I've had psychopaths break up my weddings, I've had deranged ex-employees rush through the crowd, attack me. Hit with chairs, thrown through tables, I've experienced it all. But here's the key. You see as many atrocities as I've had done to me over the years, I'm proud to say that I've given back three times as many. I've won 29 championships here in the WWE. I've won the Royal Rumble, the King Of The Ring, I'm the very first Money in the Bank winner. And you know what? I'm gonna add one more onto that list of accolades. I'm gonna win the six-pack challenge. can go back to the lab with Dr. Bunsen Honeydew. You got that Beaker? Meep meep meep meep meep meep meep. Meep meep meep meep meep."

We all start laughing at the Muppet reference.

"Me? I'm gonna become the new WWE Champion." Edge states before going down to the ring, before a commercial break.

"A little full of himself."

"Just a tad. Well I'm gonna go get changed out of my gear, so I don't have to later."


"Awww." Ted pouts.

"Oh you'll survive."

I kiss him quickly before moving from his lap and heading into the changing area. Ted watches for me to walk back out. Riss laughs silently at the cuteness but stays quiet, absentmindedly twiting her ring around her finger. I soon come out, dropping my gear bag by the couch and sitting back down on Ted's lap. He immediately wraps his arms around me, nuzzling my neck.

After the break, there was a WWE Rewind from Last Monday, talking about the 4 other superstars challenging Sheamus for the title, until they all ganged up on Wade before getting each other. Going back to the ring, Edge and Sheamus were both already in it. Edge's music fades and Chris comes out next. His music fades and out next is Randy. And of course out last was John.

"I don't know how this team is gonna get along."

"They won't."

After John, Nexus comes out. That leads to another break.

"Another commercial? Come on."


"Get to the match already."

"Yeah, come on."

The commercial finally ends and it starts off with Tarver, while Chris and John argue, but finally let it be Chris vs Tarver. He starts yelling at him and he circles, stops and leaves the ring, heading up the ramp. Chris starts to think and run back, but stops and goes back, laughing. And he's been eliminated. So now it's five on four in favor of Nexus. So Edge comes in next, ready to go. But then he shoves the ref and that's automatic elimination.

"I told you." Riss shakes her head.

Edge leaves, so now it only leaves 5 on 3. He too leaves with a smile on his face. John comes in next to face Tarver. And John just keeps the hits going, getting Tarver into his corner and he tags in Sheamus. Tarver can't get a break, but after kicking out of a pin attempt, he crawls over and tags in Heath, who is knocked down hard by Sheamus. He gets Heath out of the ring and then rolls him back in. Heath crawls over and tags in Otunga. Eventually the power goes to Nexus and Otunga tags Heath back in. After a bit of an attack for himself, Heath finally tags in Justin.

Riss sits up straighter, paying close attention. He picks up with the attack, before tagging Wade in shortly after.

"Aww, he wasn't in long."

Riss pouts. Wade then tags Heath in after his own attack, and Heath tries to wear Sheamus down. Sheamus manages to get up, and Sheamus takes the control back. Sheamus lifts Heath up, getting ready for his signature move, when Justin grabs Heath's foot, allowing Heath to get down from Sheamus' shoulders and follows it up. Back in the corner, after hitting everyone else with a cheap shot, Justin making sure to avoid Sheamus, when the chance came, he kicks Sheamus in the head and Heath hits his finisher and eliminates Sheamus. John comes in and is fired up, hitting Heath with everything he's got. He turns to Nexus before hitting Heath with the five knuckle shuffle, getting him on his shoulders and hitting the AA, pinning him and getting him eliminated. That's when Wade rushes in and attacks John before throwing him out of the ring. The ref is distracted so the rest of Nexus attack John before getting back up onto the ring. Wade goes out and grabs John, hitting him off the announcer's table before throwing him back into the ring. He goes for the cover, John kicks out. Back in Nexus' corner, Wade tags Justin in and he kicks John in the jaw. The ref is distracted with Justin, leaving Wade to make a sneak attack. Justin drags John to the middle of the ring, going for the pin.

"Come on babe." Riss bites her lip.

Unfortunately he only gets a two count.


John rolls over into the corner, Justin runs and hits him right as he stands up. He falls to the mat going for another pin, only getting a two count. From there he tags in Otugna. He goes for a suplex, only for John to reverse it into one of his own. Otunga gets up and hits Randy with a cheap shot before helping John up. However, John trips him and gets him in the STF. Otunga taps.

"Ugh. Of course he had to tap."

It's now 3-2 and Justin has climbed to the top rope in the corner. He hits the 450 Splash on John, going for the pin and he eliminates him.

"Wooo, go Jussi!"

Randy's the only one left and he slides into the ring and when Justin turns around, hits him with an RKO and pins him to eliminate him.

"Damn it!"

Tarver comes in and suffers the same fate. Wade comes in however and Randy suffers the fate of Wasteland and gets eliminated. Nexus wins.


"Justin should've won the match for them."


"Well show's over...." Ted trails off as he gives me a look.

"Eager." I tease.


"Alright, let's go then." I say.

I move from his lap once again and grab my bag. He's actually the first one to the door.

"Bye guys." Riss remarks.

"Don't have too much fun." She teases.

"Riss." I scold, and she laughs.

"What? I can see the look on his face."

I blush and give her a look.

"Okay okay. Have a good night you two." Riss says amusedly.

"We will." Ted grins before we leave.

Riss laughs to herself and relaxes to wait for Justin. Ted and I make it to the cars peacefully. He was planning on going back with me since Maryse had the car keys to their car. But just as we were ready to get into my car, she just had to come walking out, calling his name. I curse inwardly.

"I'll be waiting in the car." I tell him, before getting into the driver's side.

He nods and goes to talk to Maryse. I purposely leave my door open so I can eavesdrop.

"What Maryse?" He asks.

"What do you think you're doing?"

"Getting a ride from a friend."

"But we came here together..."


"We leave together..."

"Tell me where it says that people who are dating, have to leave together."

"Nowhere. You can't control me Maryse. We might be dating but that doesn't mean you get control over what I do." He cuts her off before she can say anything.

"Now I'm getting a ride back with a friend. You don't like that, that's your problem, not mine." He adds, before walking away from her.

I laugh to myself and then wait for Ted to get in.

"You amaze me sometimes." I say as he gets in.

"Thanks." He chuckles.

"You're welcome."

Then I pull out of the spot I parked in and head off back to the hotel. Once there, I head to my room. Ted goes to his own room first before sneaking into mine. I'm just finishing up getting ready for bed. I was already dressed and I was just washing all the makeup off and brushing out my hair. I hear movement out in the room and I glance over to see Ted fixing the blankets and what not on the bed.

"Of course." I say to myself quietly before finishing up.

I walk out and he looks up, smiling at me.


"Uh oh."

"Its alright. You're worth anything and everything I go through."


"And I'm very serious when I say that." He tells me as he pulls me into his arms.

"Oh, I know."

"I love you." Ted kisses my head.

"I love you too."

I lean up and get a kiss from him. It's a few moments before I manage to pull away.

"You're lucky I decided to not do the consequences yet. Otherwise you wouldn't have been able to pull away." He smirks.

"I know." I giggle a bit.

"I was kind of expecting it anyway." I add.


"Because those consequences.....are"

I squeal as he scoops me up, walking around the bed to lay me against the pillows.

"No warning?"


"Oh yeah, that's right. Warnings don't make it fun."

"Exactly right."

"See? I know you so well."

Once we were both ready, we left the room once again to head out for lunch.

"Yes you do."

"But now you're in for it." He adds.

I giggle as he leans down and kisses me. In the meantime, Justin had come back with an ice bag across his neck after stopping by the trainer's for it. She sees the ice and she frowns.

"You okay?"

"Just sore like the last time this happened."

"Come here." She says, patting the spot in front of her.

"I'll take care of that before you change."

He walks over and sits. She takes the ice bag and sets it aside. She puts her hands on his neck and starts a light massage.

"That's helping a lot."


"Between this, the ice and sleep when we get back, I should be fine in the morning."

"I'm glad."

"Maybe we should spend the whole day in bed tomorrow."

"You think so?" She laughs lightly.

"Yeah. It could be fun."

She laughs more.

"We haven't done it in a while."

"Mmm true."

"Order in for food when we want. Just relax all day."

"Sounding better by the minute."

"I thought so."

After a few more moments she can tell he's relaxed by the way he's leaning against her.

"Alright lover, I think we should get going."

"But I'm so relaxed....and comfortable."

"We can't stay at the arena love."

"I know, I know."

"You get going and I might let you pick what I wear to bed." She coaxes.

"Say no more...." Justin trails off, getting up and going to change.

She laughs.

"I knew that that'd get you moving." She says loud enough for him to hear.

"Love you too." He says loud enough back.

She giggles and makes sure everything is gathered up. After a bit, Justin comes out all ready to go. She's standing there waiting.

"All ready."

"After you."

They leave and before long, they're heading up to their room. They reach the room and head in, dropping their things by the door after it closes. Immediately his eyes meet hers and she stifles a laugh. She motions towards her bag and steps out of his way. He grins and goes over, searching through it. She sits on the bed and watches him. It takes him a bit, but he finds something.

"Interesting choice." She remarks.

"I like it."

"Of course." She laughs lightly as she takes it.

Then she goes into the bathroom to change. She hears him whine and she laughs.

"It won't take me long."

She manages to change quickly and while she's in the bathroom, she takes off her makeup and jewelry. She brushes her hair out fairly quick, before leaving the bathroom. She finds Justin already in bed waiting. She walks over to her side and slides into bed. He almost instantly grabs her and pulls her into him.

"Hi to you too." She giggles.


"Yours." She agrees, kissing his jaw.


"Forever." She repeats.

She cups his cheek and kisses him gently.

"As much as I'd love to have some fun, I think you need rest."


"So goodnight and I love you."

"I love you too."