Priceless Sensation

Raw Roulette

Tonight is a special 3-hour Raw where Raw Roulette comes back. Tonight's guest host is Chad Ochocinco from the Bengals. Last week some cracks were beginning to show in the relationship between Ted and Maryse. I had left a note in his limo before the show and basically Maryse found it, thinking it was for her from some else. We all knew the truth. But since tonight was a 3-hour show, we all were at the arena early, as in earlier this afternoon. I had the night off so I could just sit back and relax and watch the show for once.

"Gonna leave him another note?" Riss asks me amusedly.

"That was funny last week wasn't it? How she found it and thought it was for her from him."

"She's so stupid." Riss snickers.

"Right? She actually believed him when he said he was talking to his mom on the phone, when it was me."

"I know!"

"But that was so cute when he was talking to you." She adds.

I smile.

"I know."

"And it was funny how he just walked out of the room when she wouldn't stop talking in French."

"The look on her face was hilarious."

"I would walk out too."

"I think most everybody would."

"So I heard you have Justin to yourself all night until the end of the night huh? Unless a last minute backstage thing comes up."

"There's a promo and I have a match."

"Ooooh. Who's that match against?"

"Brie Bella."

"Oh god, not the cheaters."

"I know but they won't be doing their trick."

"How so?"

"He's coming out to stop them."

"Ooh, interesting."


"Oooh you get to spin the wheel to see what the match stipulation will be."

"Yeah I know."

"Should be fun."

"Yeah, I'm just hoping it isn't stupid like a pillow fight or something."

"You know those kinds of things are like so degrading. I mean sure they're fun, yeah, but that's not an actual match. Just something for the men out there to enjoy, by watching us in pajamas."

"Exactly." Riss nods.

"No one is allowed to see that on you except me." Justin cuddles with her.

"I knew you'd be like that." She laughs lightly.

"Because its true."

"I know."

The show then starts with a view of the Roulette wheel, and John and Randy standing in front of it when Josh shows up.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Raw Roulette. Where every single match tonight will be determined by a spin of the Raw Roulette wheel. Including our main event, John Cena vs Randy Orton. Gentlemen as you can see there are many categories on the Raw Roulette wheel. We could see Randy Orton vs John Cena in a Falls Count Anywhere match. Or...a Steel Cage match. Or even...a pillow fight."

"That would be hilarious."

"Hit him with a can't see me."

"John, Randy if you're ready, I know the WWE Universe is ready. I think it's time to find out the stipulation for tonight's main event." Josh finishes, going to spin the wheel.

"Easy Curious George. Get your grubby mitts off of that wheel. If we're gonna leave the main event of Raw up to chance, at least I'd like Lady Luck on my side."

That's when Eve appears and spins the wheel for the stipulation, which ends on a Tables Match.

"Tonight's main event will be a Tables Match between John Cena and Randy Orton. John I'm pretty sure the last time we saw you in a tables match, you lost the WWE Championship to Sheamus."

"Hey, thanks Josh. That was a...bad time in my life, I was really trying to forget about it, moving on. And uh...tonight's different. You know why? It's a new season of Monday Night Raw. Tonight we have Raw Roulette, tonight the WWE Universe stands divided. Team Orton, Team CeNation, who're you gonna choose? Wait, it. 'Cause tonight for some reason, I'm just feeling lucky." John finishes, looking at Eve before spinning the wheel and going off camera, that leading to the Raw intro.

No pyros this time and the show is introduced, before showing the cage suspended above the ring, ready for any match set for a steel cage. Then Justin Roberts introduces Chad Ochocinco, and he comes out for the opening segment.

"Not interested."

"Hey, welcome to the season premiere of Monday Night Raw. Hey, never ever, never ever has there ever been a guest star as handsome as myself. Hey tonight is gonna be exciting and it's gonna be a unforgettable night. Raw Roulette is back, and not only that..." He's cut off by Mike coming out.

"Get 'im Mike."

"From one Ohioan to another, welcome to Monday Night Raw Chad Ochocinco! The Bengals are your team and Raw is my show. It's nice to finally have a guest star that I can relate to. We both say what we want, when we want, because we can. You're a six-time, pro bowl, wide receiver. And I am Mr. Money In The Bank and the United States Champion. Actually I just realized we have nothing alike, because I'm a CHAMPION. And I will defend my championship at Night of Champions, while you will never experience a championship because you play for the Cincinnati Bungles."

"You know, I got...I got two words for you." Ochocinco retorts.

"What's that?"

"Child please."

"Child? Really?

"I think Ocho's the child if you ask me."

"Obviously, you haven't been to Cincinnati in a while. Because last time I checked, the Bengals won the AFC North Championship right? The Cincinnati Reds are going to the playoffs this year right? Not just...not just myself, but I got my boy T.O., and the rest of my teammates. We getting ready to go get a superbowl championship this year."





"That's funny because the only thing I've seen you and T.O. do together is leave the game just before half time, only for your team to throw a hail mary pass, and where are their star wide receivers? In the locker room tweeting! And you wear the jersey of 85. What does 85 represent? How many good passes you're gonna drop this season? Or...or maybe 85 represents how Carson Palmer moves like an 85 year old man. Either way, your team and yourself are overrated. Because I'm The Miz....and I'm....aweeesoo-" He's cut off by the anonymous GM chime.


"May I have your attention please, I've received an email from the general manager."



"And I quote. Enough talk. It's time to determine the Miz's match tonight. Please spin the wheel."

Alicia spins the wheel and it lands on submission.

"Submission match." Ocho states the obvious before the GM chimes in again.

"Oh what the hell now?"

"Now the wheel...the wheel determined what kind of non-title match Miz will have tonight. And the general manager says, for Miz's opponent, I'm going to place that decision in the hands of Chad Ochocinco."

"The nerd."

"Hey, it's really simple, it's like this. You want to know what 85 represents. 85 represents the number of ways this next opponent can tap you out. What better way to start a submission match, other than with my boy Daniel Bryan."

"Told you."

"Mike's not happy."


Ochocinco leaves as Daniel comes out, and as he's getting into the ring, the screen fades to the first commercial break of the night.

"This can't end well."

"Doubt it."

"So when's your match?" I ask.

"After Ted's. I checked."


"I'm gonna have fun with matter what kind of match it is."

"I'm sure you will."

After the break, the match had already started and Daniel had complete control. Also, Alex was now ringside for the match. Mike took control of the match when he moved out of the way, making Daniel hit the corner hard, and then he targeted the left leg of Daniel. But eventually Daniel tries for the Lebell Lock, but Mike is able to grab the ropes just in time. Mike rolls out of the ring and then all of a sudden hunches over. Alex goes over to make sure he's alright, but Mike pushes him away. He then grabs a mic.

"I think....I think I have a hernia. I think the title....yeah it's definitely a hernia. To ensure that I can defend my title on Sunday, I'm pulling out of this match."


"Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of this match by forf-"

"Hey! I didn't say I forfeit, I said I'm hurt. If Daniel Bryan, you want to compete tonight, you can go against my substitute. My apprentice Alex Riley."


"This should be interesting."

The bell rings and Alex goes right for Daniel. Alex too goes to work on the injured leg, but Daniel reverses and gets him in the Lebell Lock, making him tap out.


"Can that be your uniform?" Riss looks up at Justin.

"You'd like that wouldn't you?" He chuckles.

"Very much so."

"I'll think about it."

She laughs and kisses him.

Mike comes back into the ring really quick and starts beating up on Daniel Bryan.

"That's what you get."

Mike goes for the Skull Crushing Finale onto the title, but Daniel counters and gets Mike into the Lebell Lock, but the ref eventually gets Daniel to let go.

"Nerd." I mutter.

"Stupid nerd."

Then Jillian is seen backstage by the wheel.

"Are you ready? Are you ready? Here we go." She says excitedly before spinning the wheel and then singing 'You Spin Me Right Round' and Edge joins in and dances.

He stops before watching the wheel spin, realizing how dumb he was acting and that led to the 2nd break of the night.

"She is terrible, ugh." Riss makes a face.

"Tone deaf."

"Really tone deaf."

"When are they gonna get rid of her?"

"Who knows."

Once the break was over, Edge went out to the ring for his match which is obviously next. His opponent comes out next and it's Evan. Then it was announced that the match stipulation was a body slam challenge.

"Uh oh."

"This won't be good."

"Not at all. That stipulation isn't fair."


"They should re-spin the wheel."


Evan put up a good fight but in the end was bodyslammed.


"Poor Ev."

Edge then hits Evan with a spear after the fact that he had won the match. That's when the GM chimes in.

"And I quote. Congratulations on your victory Edge. However since you blatantly took advantage of your opponent after the match, I would like to see you compete in a second body slam challenge against this man."

And then Mark Henry's music goes off.

"He's a dead man."

"Oh yes."

"Wah wah wahhh." I snicker.


Just like expected, Mark Henry easily body slammed Edge.

"Buh bye. You lose."


"Eh, another commercial."


"I think I'll just go get ready for the promo and match, since the promo is before the match anyway." She adds.

Justin pouts.

"I'll be back. Don't worry."


She kisses him briefly before moving from the couch, grabbing her bag and heading in to change. It doesn't take long for her to change. She walks out holding her converse boots in her hand.

"Oooh looks like someone has new gear." I giggle, seeing Justin's facial expression.

"I like to experiment." She shrugs.

"I think Justin loves it." I motion to him.

"Yup." She laughs.

She walks back over to the couch and sits back down in her spot next to him. She kisses his cheek and then starts to put her boots on. After a bit, he starts to get a bit touchy with her. She laughs.



Finally she gets them laced up right and scooches onto Justin's lap. Just as she did, the show came back on and there was Ted and Maryse making their way to the ring, Maryse removing the jacket she always wears. She does the usual hair flip for him and he pretends to enjoy it before getting into the ring as Truth's music goes off and he comes out with Eve. During the commercial, the wheel was spun and it had landed on song and dance.

"Oh god."

"Oh man."

Justin Roberts then introduces the type of match, the winner being determined by the crowd reaction. They play Truth's music for him and Eve to go first.

"No no no, not that one, not that one, no. Not that one. They heard that one. It's time is the right time to get buck. Hit the music!"

New music starts up and Truth obviously raps and Eve dances. But the look on Maryse's face was hilarious.

"God, I can dance better than her." I roll my eyes.

"This is stupid. This is ridiculous. I thought this is Monday Night Raw, not America's Got Talent. What is this? What did you just say? I didn't understand a word you said. They don't wanna hear you rap." Ted says after he gets a mic once Truth ended.

"Not really."

"You know what, you know what I should do? I should just forfeit this stupid competition and walk right out of here. But I'm not. Really. You know why? Because Maryse knows, I'm full of surprises."

"He is." I giggle.

"Oooh." Riss giggles.

"Get back. Can I get a spotlight please?"

The lights dim and he gets the spotlight, Maryse standing behind him, but next to him. Clearly Ted's going to sing and she's going to dance.

"Oh man. This should be good."

Ted starts singing 'My Way', and she starts dancing and almost immediately we crack up laughing. We can't even speak because we're laughing too hard. Once they finished the crowd wasn't too fond of the performance. Ted got frustrated and angry and started to go after Truth while Maryse went after Eve. Eve manages to shove Maryse away while Ted was busy with Truth. Maryse ran at Eve and she just clotheslined Maryse down hard before pushing her out of the ring.

"Ted was good but maaaaaaan, Maryse has no dance skills whatsoever."

Ted tries to go for Dream Street on Truth, but he counters. When Ted gets back to his feet, he faces Eve and she slaps him across the face.

"Ohhh that bitch."

"Uncalled for."

"As if I didn't really like her to begin with."

"I know."

That caused Truth to kick him and roll out of the ring. Truth's now new music went off and the screen faded to a break.

"Hmph." I cross my arms.


"Looks like we have to leave for our promo." Justin points out.

"Yeah." Riss nods.

"Have fun."

"Oh we will."

She moves from Justin's arms and then the both of them get up and head out of the room, heading to where the wheel is for their promo. They get there and get briefed on what will happen. She goes to step in front of the camera but gets tugged back by Justin.

"What?" She asks.

"One kiss before this promo."

She laughs and sinks into his arms.

"Never enough hmm?" She teases.


No sooner after that, she was told to step in front of the camera for the promo with spinning the wheel. She moves out of Justin's hold and to her spot. She stands there waiting and she's being counted down to when the show comes back on the air and when the cameras will be turned on. They give the cue and she focuses her attention. She looks over the wheel at the choices, curious to what the results will be for her match against Brie coming up right after she finds out. She puts her hand on one of the pegs, getting ready to spin the wheel, when another hand appears on top of hers, stopping her. She freezes and her eyes move up the person's arm until she sees the Nexus armband. The armband lets her know exactly who it is and she frowns.

"I see that frown. Why?"

"You're touching me."

"Is that really such a bad thing? I mean it's not like I'm diseased or anything."

"I suppose."

"Allow me to spin for you." He offers.

"Why should I trust you?"

"Nothing bad can come out of me spinning for you, believe me. I know how these things work and I consider myself a bit lucky."

"Fine." She sighs.

He grins and spins the wheel for her. She watches the wheel, obviously trying to ignore how close he is. The wheel starts to slow down until it stops on Falls Count Anywhere. She looks slightly surprised, but pleased.

"Falls Count Anywhere....sounds like your kind of match." Justin smirks.

"It is, I suppose you are lucky after all."

"I told you." He grins before leaning in close by her ear.

"Just want to say...good luck...even though you won't need it." He adds, before pulling back.

Then she feels his fingers trail ip her arm and across her shoulder, lingering there for a while before retracting his hand and walking away. She gives a little shiver and bites her lip as it goes to commercial.

The camera goes off and Justin comes back.

"You seriously gave me the shivers." She laughs.

"You should know already that I'm good like that." He smirks.

"I do."

"Now let's go."

She nods, placing her hand in his.

"Wait...your ring. I can't possibly hang onto it. Go back to the room real quick and give it to Ariel to hold onto?"

"Oh, I didn't even notice."

"I didn't think so."

"My bad."

"Its okay."

They then head to the curtain where they wait. She cuddles with him as long as she can, not even caring that the Bellas are standing not far away. It's not long before the commercial break is over. They play the Twins' music first and they head out. Riss reluctantly pulls away from Justin.

"See you in a bit."

"Of course."

"Love you."

"Love you too."

She kisses him as he music goes off and she heads out. The crowd cheers more for her than they did the Bellas. She goes down the ramp, slapping a few fans' hands before getting into the ring. She ignores the twins as she hops up and poses on the ropes in the corners. She hops down as her music fades and the ref tells Nikki to get out of the ring so that the match can start. Riss taunts her a bit of course.

Nikki gets out of the ring and she talks with Brie a bit. Since the bell had already rung once Nikki was out of the ring, Riss went up and hit Brie from behind, which also sent Nikki flying off the side of the ring. Brie was leaning against the ropes, so Riss did the classic move of driving her leg into the back of Brie's neck, applying pressure when needed. The ref starts to count and Riss lets go before 5. She then backs up before running full speed and hitting her in the back with her knees. Brie falls back onto the mat and Riss goes for a quick cover, but Brie kicks out at one.

"Come on Brie!" Nikki screams from ringside.

Riss helps get her up, but pulling her up by her hair. She takes her and throws her across the ring, before waiting for her to get up. When she does, she dropkicks her, sending her tumbling out of the ring. She backs up and watches Brie as she slowly gets to her feet. When she does, Riss runs and jumps over the top rope, landing on her, knocking her down once again. Now they're out of the ring, so Riss can use the objects outside the ring to her advantage. She smirks evilly as she goes back over to Brie and picks her up and goes to slam her face into the steel ring post. Brie blocks it however and elbows Riss in the gut, before tripping her, making her fall to the floor. She stomps on her back a few times before gloating about her dominance in the match so far. She took too long gloating, so Riss came up and hit her in the back of the leg, making her go down. Brie holds her leg where Riss hit her and tries to get away as Riss stalks her. She just pushes her down onto the ground with her foot, before grabbing the already hurt leg and dragging her over to the steel ring post first. From there she takes the leg and hits it against the post. She drags her over to the barrier and hits her leg against the barrier as well. She helps her up and leans her against the barrier before backing up a bit and running at her, clotheslining her over the barrier and into the crowd. She slowly get to her feet and limps away from a determined Karissa, hot on her heels in pursuit. She allows her to get as far as the stage and the ramp before grabbing her and using the ramp and stage to her advantage, even the WWE logo on the stage.

She drags Brie down the ramp by her hair, literally. But Brie manages to get free and she kicks Riss' legs out from under her while they were on the ramp. She makes Riss look at her and when she does, she slaps Riss across the face. Little did she know, that makes Riss angry and the last thing Brie saw was Riss getting up and spearing her into the ramp, throwing punches left and right. She goes for a cover on the ramp, but Brie kicks out. Riss sighs in frustration, trying to figure out what it's gonna take to beat her. So she grabs Brie by the hair again and drags her back down the ramp. This time they make it to the ring and Riss rolls her back in. She quickly goes for another cover, but Brie kicks out. Riss sighs again. She picks Brie up and puts her in one of the corners, her foot to her throat. She holds it until a mere second before 5 and then starts arguing with the ref. Nikki then tries to get Brie out for Twin Magic, but then Justin runs out and grabs Nikki, stopping Twin Magic from happening. Riss looks at him in surprise.

Then he yells for her to watch out when Brie lunges at her. She ducks and uses the ropes to launch herself into the air and kick Brie in the face. Nikki is strugging in Justin's grip as Riss goes for the pin, the ref counting to three. Riss gives a sigh of relief when the bell dings. Justin lets Nikki go and she rushes over and drags Brie out of the ring to head back up the ramp. They glare at Justin on the way by, and he just stands there ringside an satisfied grin on his face. She does a little celebrating, glancing at Justin out of the corner of her eye occasionally. After a while, he finaly walks backwards up the ramp, but slowly with his eyes on her. He disappears backstage and she finally heads that way herself after doing a few things for the fans.

"You did amazing!" Justin exclaims, hugging her once she gets backstage.

She laughs as he spins her around.

"Goodness, you're acting like it was a title match."

"So I'm a little more happy than usual...sue me." He chuckles.

"My goof." She teases as he covers her in kisses.

"Love you too."

"You know I love you."

"I know."

"Alright, lets go relax now."


"We can't walk with you wrapped around me like this."

"Unless I carry you."

"Why do I have a feeling you're going to no matter what I say?"

"Because you know me so well."

"I figured."

"So, hold on tight."

She loops her arms around his neck as he scoops her up. Then he heads back to the locker room. She lets her eyes close and she snuggles in close with her face buried against his neck. He reaches the door and knocks with his foot. I get up and open the door, letting them both in.

"I'm fine. He insisted and he's comfy." She says, muffled from her face being against his neck.

"Awww, cute."

She lazily half-swats at me playfully without looking.

"What? It is."

She giggles as Justin walks to the couch and settles them down comfortably.

"You okay love?" He murmurs in her ear.

"Mmhmm. Super comfy."

"Alright, just making sure."

"I know."

"Here's your ring Riss." I say, handing her the engagement ring.

She just holds out her hand without moving.

"Thanks Air."

"You're welcome."

She slides her ring back on and lays her arm right back where it was. The break was finally over and Edge was pacing back and forth in the locker room. That's when Zack shows up.

"Bro, what's the general manager's problem? He's got it in for you. Listen, we go way back so you can let me know. Did you steal his girlfriend or something?"

"How can I steal his girlfriend you tool, I don't even know who he is."

"Bro...bro, I told you I'm not a tool okay? I'm not a tool, but I will drop the hammer."

"What does that mean? All I know is that when I win the WWE Championship, I'm gonna stage a hold out. Yeah, me and the WWE Championship will go MIA."

"Did I hear you right fella'?" Sheamus asks, coming into the room.

"Did you say you're gonna win my championship and hold out?"

"That's exactly what I said."

"If I were you, I wouldn't hold my breath."

"Burrrrn. Haha." Zack interrupts and they look at him funny before he leaves.

"Was that actually a burn? I don't think so."

"Not really."

"Ohhh Zack." I facepalm.

"I want you to pay attention closely to what I do to John Morrison next."

"Okay. Maybe you should try holding your breath." Edge says after he walks away, waving a hand in front of his face.

Then Morrison is seen warming up to take on Sheamus in a Falls Count Anywhere Match of his own. Then he runs through the backstage area, jumping and hopping over everything. He reaches his fur coat and glasses, putting both on, before walking to the curtain for the match, where Sheamus goes out first.

"Morrison's a dead man."

"Uh yeah."

After the break, they replayed last week's match between Morrison and Chris. Chris lost and he was taken out of the six-pack challenge for Sunday's Night Of Champions PPV. That led to the match at hand, where Morrison came out next. In an incredible Falls Count Anywhere Match, John Morrison looked to be closing in on a major win after diving off of the top of the lower big screen on the RAW set onto Sheamus only to get a near fall, but after getting the near fall, Chris Jericho would come out and blast Morrison on the back with a steel chair, allowing Sheamus to pick up the win and keep Morrison out of the Six Pack Challenge for the WWE Title at Night of Champions.

"Poor you."

"Wah wah."

Chris then goes to the ring and sits in the middle of it in a chair before there's another commercial.

"Hmm he doesn't look too happy, should be interesting what we hear from him."

"Yeah." Justin agrees.

The break wasn't long and Chris was still sitting in the middle of the ring, a mic in hand.

"I'm not going anywhere until I get exactly what I want. I will sit here in this chair, in the middle of this ring all night long if I have to, until I get the restitution that I deserve. Do you understand what I am saying to you right now? I'm gonna sit here until we get an email from our esteemed general manager at that computer over there. An email that states that the six-pack challenge this Sunday is back on, and I have been reinstated into the match."

"Taking me out of that match was stupidity. Expecting John Morrison to replace me was lunacy. I want justice. I demand justice and I am going to have it tonight. And if I don't get what I want Mr. GM, well then I quit."

"Whiney much? What a child."

"I will go home and watch as the entire WWE burns up in flames, laughing every step of the way. And if you don't think I'm serious, just try me. This time is for real. If you don't give me what I want GM, I'm outta here. So what's it gonna be?"

"Alright GM, but I gotta warn you before I leave I am going to track you down, I will find you and expose your identity to the entire world. Try me!"

"Come on!"

The GM chimes in and Chris smirks in triumph.

"Can I have your attention please-"

"Of course you have an email you idiot just read it!"

"Hahaha." I snicker.

"And I quote. Jericho, I really don't like ultimatums. There's no chance that's going to work. No chance in hell."

"Tricking people again."


Jericho just laughs.

"Okay Mr. GM, you expect me to believe that you're Vince McMahon himself? Hmm? No. Mr. McMahon is a lot of things, but he is not a coward. He has courage, he has guts and if he had orders to be barking, he'd be doing it out here face to face, man to man, not hiding behind a nameless, faceless computer screen. And more importantly Mr. McMahon would realize that his most important, valuable asset needs to be in the pay-per-view Sunday. So uh-uh, try again GM. Come on."

The GM chimes in again.

"May I have your attention-"


Justin chuckles more when he feels me laughing.

"Very well. The general manager says, there's something you should know Jericho. I will make this six-pack challenge match again, a six-pack elimination challenge. It'll start with six men, then when someone is eliminated, it'll go down to five and continue until there's a sole winner. I'm telling you this because I've decided to put you back in the six-pack challenge. However...."

"Whoa whoa whoa whoa. Give me my moment Cole. GM, a deal's a deal, I'll let your show continue. And thank you for finally admitting that Chris Jericho's the most valuable, biggest, brightest star in your company. And to show that you made the right decision, now that I'm back in the six-pack challenge, I guarantee I am walking out of the arena on Sunday night the new WWE Champion."

"Good luck with that."

The GM chimes in a third time.

"The general manager says, don't ever interrupt me again. The general manager continues. As I was saying, I am going to put you back in the six-pack challenge providing you win your match tonight. That match will take place right now. And since you are...since you are the best in the world at what you do Chris, you're going to compete in a handicap match. Against the WWE Tag Team Champions the Hart Dynasty. Oh Chris Chris, one other thing. This going to be contested...inside a steel cage!"

"Ouch. Sucks for him."

After the break, the cage was lowered all the way and Chris was getting double teamed by both Tyson and David. After David Hart Smith successfully escaped the cage, it came down to Chris Jericho and Tyson Kidd in the steel cage and, despite putting up a good fight, Tyson Kidd would ultimately tap out to the Walls of Jericho, placing Jericho back into the Six Pack Elimination Challenge Match for the WWE Title at Night of Champions.

"Well I'll be damned." I remark.



"Watch him lose Sunday and then he'll whine and complain again."




"Well at least the night's almost over."

"Yeah, that's true."

Then my phone dings, a text message comes through.

"Ooooh." I say as I read it.

"What?" Justin asks.

"Ted's invited not only me to have another mini vacation at his place in Mississippi with him again, but he's invited you and Riss too."

"That would be great, we can talk wedding plans with his mom in person." Justin says as he rubs her back.

"What do you think?" He asks her.

"Sounds good to me." She mumbles.

I nod and text him back telling him we're all up for it. He texts saying he'll get us all the flight info and everything once he's away from Maryse.

"Alright once he gets away from Cruella, he'll get us the flight info and such."


The break is over and the show is back. Goldust is in the ring with a wig on and a singlet. He and Regal have to trade places for their match. So Goldust is Regal and Regal is Goldust. Regal came out with a wig, facepaint, wresting suit and feathered robe.

"Oh my god." I snicker.

Justin laughs.


"He pulls it off though."

After taking off the robe, some people cheer and he covers himself up.

"Ohhh how embarrassing." I laugh.

He takes the wig off and he couldn't look anymore ridiculous. The uniquely entertaining match was a short one, however, as Goldust would pull a trick out of William Regal’s playbook by, unbeknownst to the referee, putting on the brass knuckles and laying Regal out with a loaded hand en route to picking up the win.


And now it's finally time for the main event, since John and Randy are seen heading to the curtain.

"Rissa, you're gonna have to move because I'm needed for the main event."

He gets a muffled groan.

"I know, I know...I'm sorry."

She reluctantly moves out of her spot.

"I'll be back after, we can change. I can tell you're getting tired so we can rest when we get back to the hotel. I'm sure we'll need to get up early anyway."

She nods, stifling a yawn as she slides off him.

"Love you." He says, before kissing her briefly.

"Love you too."

Then he gets up and heads out the door to meet Wade and the rest of the group. She curls up and yawns again.

"I'm with you there. It's been a long night."


After the break the next city where we'll be is revealed and that's Indianapolis, the night after Night Of Champions. Then they show the matches that will be happening Sunday night. Kane vs Taker, Mike vs Daniel, Big Show vs CM Punk and finally the six-pack challenge for the WWE Championship.

"You know I wish LayCool would pick who should face me. This waiting is ridiculous."

"Yeah, I bet."

"But you know I really don't think that matters."

"No, not really. Although Layla has that shriek."

"Right. I don't know who's shriek is worse. Vickie, Layla, Kelly or Cruella."

"They're all terrible."

Chad Ochocinco is now back in the ring.

"Ladies ladies, ladies and gentlemen. Ladies and gentlemen, I want to introduce to you a special ring announcer for tonight. The lovely, the handsome, Esteban Ochocinco. Hey, hey, hey tonight's next matchup is a tables match. The only way an opponent can win, is by putting his opponent through the table. Introducing first, the Viper Randy Orton."

Randy comes out, and then Chad introduces John.

"Hey and his opponent, from Newbury, Massachusetts. John Cena."

"It's West Newbury you dumbass."


"There's a big difference between Newbury and West Newbury. Jeez get your cities right."

In the middle of the match, fellow challenger Wade and them would rush the ring and attack both John and Randy.

"And it begins."


But Randy was able to fire back and hit an RKO on Tarver. John would also fire back, hitting the AA on David Otunga before hurling Heath over the top rope and all the way through a table to the floor outside.

"Oops bye Wendy."

However, Wade would then catch John and lay him out with Wasteland. He sets up a table with the intent of Justin putting John through it with the 450 splash, but Randy would shove Justin off the top and through a table on the outside. Riss shoots up to a sitting position, the color draining out of her face. Almost within an instant, Riss gets off the couch, takes her ring off and hands it to me...more like tosses it and I manage to catch it and she's out the door in a flash. She rushes down the halls, hoping to find Stephanie. Thankfully she was just coming out of a room when she spots her.

"Stephanie!" Riss calls.

"Karissa..." She says when she approaches her.

"Would it hurt the storyline if I went out there to check on him?" Riss bites her lip.

"Well since your character is starting to be nicer to him and he helped you in your match, I don't see why it would hurt the storyline. The plan is to have to join Nexus at the next pay-per-view anyway, Hell In A Cell, which is next month."

"Oh okay. I'm going to go then. I'm a little worried. I'm sure you understand."

"Oh yeah, I completely understand. I'd be a little worried if I were you too."

"Thanks Stephanie." Riss says before she jogs off to the ramp area.

At this point, Wade too has been put through a table and then Riss runs out from the curtain and down the ramp, going over to Justin. She kneels down by him.

"Are you okay?"

"What're you doing out here?" He grimaces.

"Checking on you." She replies.

"I checked with Steph, this actually helps the storyline." She adds quietly.

"So...are you okay?"

"Sore." He groans.

"Need any help getting up?"

Justin nods so she helps him up.

"You're lucky you're not seriously hurt."

"I know."

"Want help getting to the back?"

"Gotta make it believable." Justin mutters.

"Of course."

"Let's go."

He nods and they head backstage with him leaning on her to exaggerate the soreness he really feels.

With the match still going on, Randy and John would continue the match, but it would then be interrupted by Edge and Chris who attack Randy, but Randy was able to sidestep a spear attempt by Edge, resulting in Edge spearing Chris instead. Sheamus would them come out and lay Randy out, but John would attack Sheamus and lay him out with an AA on the arena floor. John would then re-enter the ring and was prepared to deliver an AA to Randy through a table, but Randy would counter in the middle of the move and hit the RKO to send John through a table and winning the match. Meanwhile, Riss takes Justin to the trainers so they can check him out. After they were done, all they gave him was ice bags for the sore spots, seeing no injuries or anything of that nature.

"I'll give you a massage back at the hotel." She promises as they leave for the locker room.

"Good." He nods.

"I appreciate it very much." He kisses her head.

"I know and you're welcome."

They get back to the locker room and then they both head in to change. Once they change and walk out, she goes to me for her ring.

"Sorry for running out on you like that." She says.

"It's ok."

She slides her ring back on.

"Stephanie says I'll be in Nexus at Hell In A Cell." Riss remarks.


"So not long left now." She smiles at Justin.


"Alright lover, let's get you to the hotel so you can get your massage and some rest."


We all gather our stuff and head out.

"So see you in the morning?" I ask.


We all get into our respective cars and head back to the hotel.