Priceless Sensation

Welcome To The Family

It's the next morning and I had set my alarm to go off to make sure I was up in time to get my things packed back up and everything to get on the plane. I woke up to the alarm going off and I groaned in protest. I reach around for my phone where the alarm was coming from. I finally touch it and shut the alarm off, but I don't move. I lay there for a minute before reluctantly getting up. I grab whatever from my things and start to change. I then do my hair and makeup. Since I wasn't in a rush, I took my time. Once I was done, I had just enough time to pack the rest of my things up. I give the room a look around to make sure I'm not leaving anything. I don't see anything so I grab everything and head downstairs to check out. After checking out, I go out to my car and then drive to the rental place so I can drop it off. Once I drop it off, I call a taxi and it picks me up, bringing me to the airport. After I check my bags and get through security, I text Ted. He tells me where they are and I walk in that direction. I find Ted and Justin having a bite to eat but Riss is not there.

"Morning guys. Where's Riss?" I ask.

Justin motions to the nearby bookstore.


"You know her and bookstores." He says amusedly.

"Right." I laugh.

"How are you feeling?" I question him.

"I feel a lot better."

"That's good."

"Rissa gives amazing massages." He smiles.

"Well she learned from the best didn't she?"

He chuckes.


"Oh did she tell you? She's gonna be turning heel and joining Nexus at Hell In A Cell next month." I say to Ted.

"Oh really? Not long left."

"Nope, she's happy."

"Me too." Justin immediately adds.

"Get to beat people up together."

Justin and Ted snicker.

"Oh by the way, I never really got the chance to thank you for that note last Monday." Ted smirks.

You smirk too and Justin laughs.

"Well you leave me little notes here and there. I thought I would do the same."

"It was a nice surprise."

"I thought so. Didn't expect Cruella to find it but, her finding it made it amusing last Monday."

"Oh I know."

"Speaking of amusing...her dancing last night..." Justin adds.

"Oh my god, I know." Ted shakes his head.

"I would blame her for you losing."

Ted nods.

"Now, next dance and I'll sing."

"Alright." He chuckles.

Eventually Riss comes out of the bookstore and back over to us. She sets her bag on the table.

"Hi Air."


"Have a good sleep?"

"Yeah, you?"



Though once I get a good look at her, I realize she's not telling the truth. I decide that the airport isn't really the place to talk about it, so I save it for until we get to Ted's place. Before we know it, its time to go to our gate. We gather our things and head in that direction. We end up only waiting a short amount of time before we're able to board the plane. Of course you sit with Justin and I sit with Ted when we get on the plane. The flight is nice and smooth, landing in Mississippi with no trouble.

"Ah, home." Ted says as he looks out the window.

"Its pretty." Riss comments, looking.

"Oh wait until you see his house. Right on the lake and it's amazing."

"Sounds like it."

"Oh and wait until you see Riggs. Oh he's got to be missing us terribly."

"We'll get jumped on the second we get inside." Ted chuckles.


"That's cute." Riss laughs.

"Oh, if I'm not up in the morning. Either he'll come wake me up himself or Ted will send him into the bedroom to wake me up. Hence what happened the last time."

Justin and Riss laugh. Once it was okay to get off the plane, we grab what we carried onto the plane before getting off of it. We get our luggage and go to the parking lot where a car had been dropped off for Ted. We put the luggage into the trunk before getting into the car and head off to his place. Ted points out places to Justin and Riss along the way. Then we finally reach his place.

"Wow." Riss raises her eyebrows.

"Nice huh?"


Ted goes and unlocks the door, before we all grab our luggage and bring it inside. As predicted, Riggs is instantly all over me and Ted.

"Okay okay, down boy." I laugh.

He barks happily.

"Looks like someone missed you a bit more."

Justin and Riss laugh.

"He's so cute." She adds.

"Thanks." Ted chuckles.

"Well I show you to the guest bedroom while these two catch up." He adds.

"Alright." They agree laughing.

Then they follow him to where the guest bedroom is.

"This alright?" He asks, opening the door.

"Oh my. Ted, this is more than alright." She breathes.

"That's good to hear."

"I'll let you guys get settled. We'll probably go out for lunch when everyone is hungry." He adds.

"Sounds good."

He nods and then leaves the room. Justin puts their bags against the wall. She flops on the bed.

"Comfy?" He chuckles.

"It is."

"It looks like it."


"Something wrong?"

She shakes her head.

"Really? You've kind of been acting different since we left the airport."

"I'm fine."

"If you say so. Just know you can tell me anything."

"I know."

"You want to get more rest? Since we had an early morning?"

She gets up and shakes her head. She drops her jean jacket on her bag.

"You get some rest, I'm gonna go outside for a bit." She murmurs.

"You sure?"

She nods.

"Alright well, I'll be here if you need me."

"I know."

He goes over to the bed to rest, while she makes her way out. She lets herself outside quietly and walks down to the dock of the lake. She picks up her skirt and sits with it pooled around her thighs as she dips her feet in the water. As Ted's bringing our things into the bedroom, he glances out and notices her out there.

"Hey, is Karissa alright?"

"Why do you ask?"

"She's sitting out on the dock by herself. I didn't even notice her go out there."

"I know something is bothering her. She's acting like she's fine so we won't worry about her." I sigh.

"You wanna go talk to her? I mean you can if you want. I can put our stuff away and such in the closet and whatever."

"You sure you don't mind?"

"I don't mind at all."

I kiss Ted quickly before going outside. I walk over to the dock and sit next to her, my feet also dipping into the water. She doesn't say anything but I hear a small sniffle.



"What's wrong?"

"" She mutters.

"What about family?"

"I don't have any. Its been almost 10 years since they turned their backs on me Air and it still hurts."

"That's what was bothering you back at the airport..."

"It had me up last night. We're going to have to talk about wedding attendance, seating charts, all the details...and dress shopping..."

"Well we can always see if Ted's mom can come with us. Her being a planner and all, she could help."

"That's fine but Air, I should have a mom...and I don't."

"....I know. I wish I could change that, I really do."

She sniffles and sighs, wiping her cheeks even though it doesn't help. I frown and hug her.

"You never did tell me the whole story." I say.

"Basically my family is..was...great until I graduated high school and started getting into the wrestling scene. In their eyes it isn't proper for a woman to fight and especially improper to do it wearing what we do." She sighs.

"They felt that it was just a little hobby and I'd come to my senses and settle down with a real career. When they realized I was serious, they told me that as long as I continued this path, they weren't going to be in my life." She adds.

"That's horrible."

"Most of the time I don't regret it because I love what we do and its my dream but times like hurts so bad."

"Have you told Justin?"

She shakes her head.

"Maybe you should tell him."

"I don't want him to feel guilty. His family is amazing. I've always just managed to avoid giving straight answers about my family."

"He's gonna wanna know."

"I know..." She sighs.

"You tell him when you feel comfortable. He'll understand."

She nods silently.

"Even Ted was concerned about you."


"Yeah, he saw you out here and asked me what was wrong."


"So he said he didn't mind if I came out to see what was wrong."

"That was nice."

"Well I would've done it anyway, I mean I care about you. You're like a sister to me."

"Back at you." She squeezes me.

"You always will be."


"So you can consider me family."

"Thanks Air."

"You're welcome."

She lets me go and starts wiping her face. Then out of nowhere, Riggs comes running out of the house and over to us on the dock. He's on the other side of her, staring before he licks her. He's trying to help her feel better, since he knows she's upset.

"Riggs!" She laughs.


She giggles, petting him.

"He's the best for cheering people up."

"I can see that."

"Looks like he made a new friend."

She smiles as he moves to lay in between us. She scratches between his ears.

"He'll grow on you for sure."

"Already is."


She laughs lightly.

"Feeling better now?"

"Yeah, thanks Air."

"That's what I'm here for."

We turn the conversation to lighter subjects, forgetting about the guys being inside. We didn't realize that we've been outside for a few hours now. We hear footsteps on the dock and we turn around. The only sign of Riss' emotional breakdown being the slightly red rim around her eyes. When we turn, we see both Ted and Justin.

"Oh hey."

"Do you know you've both been out here for hours?"

"Really? Oops."

"Just got caught up in talking."

"Mmhmm." Riss agrees, still petting Riggs.

"Well we can go out for lunch if you both want to."

"Sounds good to me." Riss nods.

"I figured I'd go ahead and invite my mom too, so you and Justin can meet her."

"Oh okay."

"Once I told her about you two and the weddings, she was all excited." He chuckles.

She smiles a bit.

"That's why the last time I was here she asked if you had thoughts about marrying me." I laugh.

"Yeah. That would thrill her so much to plan my wedding."

"Well of course."

"She especially likes you so that makes it even better to her." He adds.

"Awwww." Riss giggles.

I blush a bit and smile as Ted offers his hand to help me up. I take his hand and move, taking my feet out of the water so I'm standing on the dock.

"Let's get your feet dry so we can get going." He says.

I nod and follow him inside. Riss looks down at Riggs who is still enjoying the scratching on his head.

"We should get your feet dry too before we go." Justin says.

He moves first, allowing Justin to help her up. She holds the skirt of her dress so it doesn't get wet. Then they head inside. Justin brings her a towel and her shoes and has her sit down in a chair while he does everything for her.

"You don't have to do everything."

"I want to."

"You're too good to me."

"You deserve it."

She kisses his cheek.

"There, all set."

"I just need to get my purse and sunglasses." She says.

He nods and she gets up to get them. She grabs her purse and slides her sunglasses on, hoping to hide the leftover redness around her eyes. Riss and Justin head out of the room to wait for me and Ted, which isn't very long, since Ted and I come out of our bedroom shortly after. We walk out to the car and pile in, Ted driving off. The drive is mostly quiet. We arrive at the restaurant and Ted notices a car.

"Mom beat us here."

He parks and then we all get out and head inside. He locates his mom and leads us over to the table. The first thing he does of course is hug her.

"Its so good to see you!" She smiles, hugging him tightly.

"It's good to see you too."

"Hi Ariel." She greets me next, also with a hug.


"This is my best friend Karissa and her fiance Justin." I introduce her to them.

After she pulls away from the hug with me, she greets them. They greet her in return. Then we all sit down at the table. We order drinks and food before starting a conversation. Justin and Riss get to know Melanie better before the subject of their weddings comes up. They talk about that, while Ted and I talk to each other.

"Have you been dress shopping?" Melanie asks.

"No." She shakes her head.

"I was actually thinking of going while we're here. Its just going to be me and Ariel."

"Well I'd be happy to go too."

"That would be great, thank you."

"You're welcome."

They make plans to discuss the plans in more detail later and then she can show her the notebooks and magazines. Then we all have the lunch that we had ordered. After we eat and pay, Melanie insists that we come to dinner at the 'big house' as they called it. We all agree and make our way to the car to go back to Ted's house until dinner time.

"Tonight should be fun."

"Yeah." Ted agrees.

"But hey, you'll get to meet the rest of the family." I say to Riss.

"Yeah that's true."

"They're really nice."

"I'm sure they are."

"Did you know his dad's a minister?"

"Really? That's nice."

"Probably another reason why his mother mentioned a wedding for us. Probably has it all planned out in her head."

"I'm sure she does." Ted chuckles.

"I can see it now. She'll probably plan it at one of the houses." Riss laughs.

"Which wouldn't be a bad thing, your house is beautiful Ted." She adds.

"I know, it'd be perfect actually."

Ted smiles at the thought.

"Yeah it would be."

"Something small considering the size of the yard and everything."


"But it's a nice thought anyway."

"Of course."

"So what now?"

"Well, we could go swimming, watch a movie..."

"....relax in the bedrooms..." Ted trails off, giving me that look.

I blush and playfully swat him.

"Ooooh." Riss teases and laughs.


"It was funny, sorry."

"Of course it was."

She giggles, holding Justin's hand as he slides his hand between hers.

"That's tempting, but I think swimming would be good for right now." I say to Ted.

"Alright." He chuckles.

"Then the movie. We can save the bedroom stuff for later...after we get back from dinner at your parents' place."


"Mr. Eager." I giggle, poking him.

"Your fault."

"And how is it my fault? Hmm?" I try to hide a grin.

"You're beautiful and tempting."

"Oh, I know."

"Good, you should know that." He says.

"So what do you think? Swimming?" I ask Riss.


"Well let's go then..." Ted says, almost dragging me along to the bedroom.

I laugh and let him pull me.

"Us too." Justin says, pulling Riss along as well.

"Goof." She says amusedly.

"Love you too."

"Such impatience." She says as she ends up in front of their bags.

"You know me and your swim suits."

"I know."

"I'll let you pick this time." He says.

She laughs and picks a zebra print bikini with red lace around the hips and cups. Then she heads into the bathroom to change. She gets the swimsuit on and then makes sure her ponytail is secure before walking back out.

"You make it so hard to control myself."

She laughs and kisses Justin lightly.

"You'll live."

"Oh I know. I can try."

"Good." She pats his cheek before getting their towels and sunscreen. Then they head out of the bedroom and go right outside.

They've beaten me and Ted outside surprisingly. She puts down the towels and holds the sunscreen.

"Alright, you first." She says.

"Shouldn't we get the easy reach spots first?"


She takes some sunscreen to get the easy to reach spots for herself, before handing it off to Justin to do the same. Once that's done, she starts to cover his hard to reach spots. Then he does the same for her.

She kisses him and squeezes his butt teasingly before jumping in the water.


"I couldn't resist!"


"You're so fun to tease."

"So are you."

"I bet."

"Coming in the water or what?"

He chuckles and jumps in himself. Just as he jumps in, that's when Ted and I walk out.

"Well took you long enough." Riss teases.

"Would've been out here sooner if someone wasn't all touchy."

"Ooooh." Riss laughs.

"Couldn't help myself." He smirks.

"Of course."

"Yes, we all know you don't see this too often....touchy." I add.


Then we are the next ones in the water. We swim around and have fun. We spend a few hours outside before deciding to dry off and come inside, change and watch a movie. Riss decides she's not really into the movie and chooses to stay in the guest bedroom, looking at wedding magazines.

"Watching the movie Justin? Or going with her?" I ask.

"I think I'm going to go with Rissa. She's been acting weird all day."

I nod, and he heads to the guest bedroom as well.

"Is she alright? I figured she would be better after your talk." Ted asks.

"She'll be better once she tells Justin." I reply.

"What did you talk about anyway?"

"Her family." I sigh.

"What about her family?"

"They don't support what she does."

"That's terrible." He frowns.

"You think that's bad? They told her as long as she does this, they aren't being a part of her life."

"She has no family Ted." I add.

Ted looks almost outraged.

"That's horrible!"

"That's what I said."

"She's been great to me since we met, especially after you and I got together."

"Well I told her that she can consider me family. Makes me think about how great she's been to you since we got together. Maybe she thinks of you as family too. We're the closest thing she has to a family."

"Yeah I've been feeling like she's kind of my sister the more time we spend around each other. Wait until Mom finds out about Karissa's family. She'll be an instant mom in a split second."

"You know I think that'll make her feel much better."

"I hope so. Well let's go watch this movie. Everything will fall into place on its own with the family."

"Right. And let me guess what movie you picked out. It's definitely gonna be one I like, and one that you know I like because I told you after we met. Your movie."

"You're good."

"I know you."

"Yes you do."

"Don't you find it weird watching yourself in a movie?"

"It is weird." He agrees.

"But you're awesome in it."

"Why thank you."

"Well let's go watch it then."

He leads me to the living room and we cuddle up under a blanket. Riss however is flipping through the magazines when Justin comes in.

"You could've watched the movie." She says once she notices him.

"I didn't want to."


"I want to be with here."

"Okay." She smiles a bit.

"So, what're you doing?"

"Looking through more magazines."

"Need any help?"

"I'm just flipping through." She shrugs.


He climbs on the bed beside her. He looks on as she flips through the pages. She can feel there's something he wants to ask but he doesn't speak up.

"Alright, you want to ask something. Ask it." She sighs.

"Any reason why you haven't really been yourself today?"

"Thinking about family." She sighs.

"Something happen?"

"No, not that I would know if anything happened. I know I've never told you much at all about my family and there's a big reason for that."


"My family doesn't like what I do for a living."


"They don't believe its proper for women to fight and especially to do it wearing what we do. They don't think its a proper career. They basically told me that as long as I do this, they aren't going to be in my life."

"That's just really horrible of them."

"Its been almost 10 years. Most of the time I don't regret my decision because I love what we do but there's times like now when we're planning our wedding when it really hurts that they've chosen to do this."

"Oh Rissa..." He frowns, wrapping his arms around her in a tight hug.

She snuggles into him, holding him back just as tight.

"I'm so sorry."

"Don't be. Its not your fault."

"I know, but still."

"Mmm." She sighs.

"It's not right."

She just stays quiet.

"Everything will be okay. I'll make sure of it."

She nods. He presses his lips to her forehead and leans into it.

"Always remember that I love you, more than anything in the world."

"I love you too. So much."

"How about we nap or something. Relax."

"Sounds good." She agrees.

He helps her put the magazines away before they both lay back against the pillows. She cuddles up against him, her head against his neck. He keeps an arm around her while leaning his head on top of hers. He runs a hand up and down her back. Since she didn't get a good sleep the night before, she's almost instantly out like a light. He watches her as she sleeps, smiling to himself. Hours go by and its time for us to get ready for dinner at Ted's parents' house.

"Hmm, I'm having trouble picking something to wear..." I say as I'm looking through what I had in the closet.

"Need help?" Ted asks.


Ted comes up behind me and looks through what I have.

"What about this?" He questions, showing me a pink dress.


"I think it'll look great on you."



"Pink it is."

He kisses my head and goes to pick his own clothes. I grab the dress and head into the bathroom with it to get dressed. Ted gets ready and sits on the bed to wait for me. It doesn't take me long, and I come out shortly after, everything done.

"Beautiful." He smiles.

"As you always say."

"It's true every time."

"I know."

Ted stands up and walks to me. He hugs me and then kisses my lips.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

He leaves one arm around my shoulders as we go out to the living room to wait for Justin and Riss. She had just pulled on her dress and started working on her hair and such. Her hair takes the longest since she's curling a majority of it.

"Absolutely amazing." Justin says.

She just smiles a bit.

"You know just how to amaze me...every time."

"Casanova." She laughs lightly.

"Love you too."

She finishes curling and unplugs the curler. She carefully pins back part of her hair, making sure it isn't too poofy looking.

"There." She mutters before pulling her makeup bag over.

"I love it."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

She works on her makeup as he keeps sneaking closer and closer.

"I can see you, you know." She giggles.

"Trying to be all sneaky." She adds.

"I don't know what you're talking about."


"I see you inching closer and closer."

"What? Never." He says innocently.

"Uh huh, sure."

The last thing she does is put her lip gloss on.

"And you won't have to worry about taking that with you. I'll behave."

"You're saying that because Ted's dad is a minister." She laughs.

"Yes and no."

"Why else?"

"Because we're gonna be around his family in general, have to behave to some extent."

"Mmm, true." She agrees.

"I'll live."


"There...all set." She says as she finishes.

She puts all her makeup away and then does a spin for him.

"Love it." He grins.

"I'm glad." She smiles.

"Well no matter what you chose to wear and such, I'd love it anyway."

"I know."

"Ready to go?"

"Just need my bag."

He nods and they both leave the bathroom, and she grabs her bag. They meet Ted and I by the living room. Then we all head out and get into the car. Ted drives to his parents' house which isn't far away. Once he parks and everything he leads us inside. After going in, assuming everyone's in the kitchen, that's where we head. Instantly Ted and I are greeted by everyone. Then Ted introduces Riss and Justin to everyone else besides his mom, who has already met them. She sticks by Justin, feeling kind of shy. They all greet her and Justin and they greet them back. They get congratulated on their engagement and they thank them. Then everyone goes off in different directions. All the guys go off together into another room, and Ted's mom has us help her with last minute things for dinner. Melanie and I are chatting while Riss just listens.

"Are you alright Karissa?" Melanie asks after noticing she's quiet.

"Hmm? Oh, yeah I'm fine."

"Are you sure? You're awfully quiet."

"Just not really used to family dinners." She says quietly.

"Oh. Why's that?"

She takes a deep breath.

"I haven't had a family in 10 years."


"Are they..."

"Dead? No. They don't like what I do for a living."

"And it's hard with all this wedding stuff." She adds.

"Oh honey." Melanie says sympathetically, reaching over to hug her.

She hugs her back.

"So Jussi and Ariel have been my only semblence of family I've had. I feel like Ted's part of that now that he's been around more."

"That's a good thing."


"He's good for that."

"Yeah he is." She smiles a bit.

Then we all talk to each other about different things. Finally we get done and go in by the men. Riss goes back over to Justin and I go back over to Ted, sitting next to them as they're all talking about things. Justin takes her hand and plays with her ring. After a while of talking and such, the food was finally done and we headed out to the table to eat. Of course with Ted Sr being a minister, we say grace before eating. After that, we all eat, talking amongst each other. Riss just sits quietly, snuggling up under Justin's arm. Even after we're all done eating, Riss sits there snuggled up under Justin's arm, quiet.

"You okay?" He asks softly in her ear.

"Mmhmm. Just not used to the whole family thing." She replies.

"Oh, right."

He kisses her head and rubs her arm reassuringly.

"It's ok."

She smiles a bit and nods.

"Maybe if this happens often when we're here, you'll get used to it."


"But you're having fun right?"



She leans up and kisses his cheek.

"Love you."

"Love you too."

She lays her head back down against his shoulder and sighs contentedly. After we all finish eating, we all bring our dishes to the kitchen and put them into the sink. Ted stays and helps Melanie with them, the rest of us going back into the other room where everyone was before dinner. I joke around with Ted's brothers while Ted Sr. strikes up a conversation with Justin. Riss is also helping with the dishes, putting them away once they're washed and dried.

"You've been quiet all night. That's unusual for you." Ted says to her.

"It's because I'm not sued to being in a family setting. I'm sure Air told you what happened." She replies.

"Yeah she told me. But I think something good is gonna come out of this. You told my mom right?"

"Yes she did." Melanie says.

"Well I was explaining to Ariel that as soon as you found out, you'd be an instant mom to Karissa."

"If that's what Karissa wants. I won't force it on her." Melanie looks at her.

She loses her ability to speak as she gets emotional, tears welling up. She manages to nod shakily. Melanie smiles and offers a hug. She walks over and hugs her. She still can't speak yet, but Melanie says 'you're welcome'. Ted gives them a moment before he says anything.

"Group hug!" He grins, coming over and throwing his arms around them.

This of course makes Riss laugh a bit.

"Yay she laughed." He jokes.

"You're being a goof." You reply.

"I know but you're my sister now so you love me anyway." He says with a cheesy grin.

"Tis true."

"Thank you both. From the bottom of my heart." She adds.

"Everyone deserves a family of some kind..blood related or not. You're welcome."

They seperate and get the dishes done. Once they were done, they all headed out into the other room. Riss of course looking way happier than before. She grabs her bag and sits beside Melanie. She takes out her wedding stuff and starts to show her everything.

"She looks much happier." I say to Ted.

"That's because I was right when I said my mom would be a mom to her in an instant."

"That's great." I smile.

"'ve got a sister now." He says to his brothers.

"What? I'm confused." Mike says.

I start to explain what you had told me about her family. Ted finishes with telling them what went on in the kitchen with the three of them.


"But I have to warn you...never mess with her...she'll kick your ass." I laugh.

They laugh.

"I think I'd be able to take her." Brett adds.

"You really think so huh? I wish you luck with that."

"My money's on her." Ted chuckles.

"Ohhhhh." I snicker when he gives Ted a look of disbelief.

"Sorry bro."

"You haven't seen her when she gets angry, she's scary."


"I think I can still take her." Brett says stubbornly.

"Sure thing little brother."

"We'll see about that."

"Next time we're all in Florida...because you know me and FCW. I challenge her to a match." He adds.

"I'll tell her." I say amusedly.

"When we go back home. Let her do the wedding stuff with your mom." I add.

"We know better than to interrupt Mom when she's in wedding mode." Mike remarks.


Then we all talk about random stuff, Justin's still talking with Ted's dad and Riss is going over stuff with Melanie for the weddings. After a while, she can't help but yawn.

"I heard that." Justin chuckles.

"Shush." She blushes.

"Someone's tired."

"...a little."

"We can head home if you want." Ted suggests.

"We can finish talking tomorrow honey." Melanie pats her leg.

"Alright." She nods.

Me, Ted, Justin and Riss all get up and start to say our goodbyes to everyone. After hugging Melanie and everyone, we head out to the car and make our way back to Ted's place.

A few days later we're all up having breakfast. Today is a big day since Riss and I are going wedding dress shopping with Melanie.

"Today's gonna be fun."

"Yeah." Riss smiles.

"All the dresses."

"I know. That's going to be a little overwhelming."

"But with Melanie, it shouldn't be too hard in finding the perfect dress."

"I hope not."

"You talked to her about what you like, showing her all these pictures so..."

"Right but just because I like the pictures doesn't mean it will look good on my body."

"Right. But it shouldn't be a problem finding the right one."

"You'll be fine. I know it." Justin reassures her, kissing her head.

"I know."

She feels a little calmer after he reassures her.

"Wish I could go with you, but I know, I can't."

"Nope. That will be a surprise." She says firmly.

"I know, I know."

He's pouting so she kisses his cheek.

"You'll live."

"Yeah yeah..."

"Love you."

"Love you too."

"You know, I can almost guarantee I'll be trying some on myself. She's not gonna let me just sit there and not try any on." I laugh.

"Oh you will be." Riss laughs.

"You take pictures." Ted urges.

"I will."


As we're finishing breakfast, the doorbell rings.

"I'll get that." Ted says as he gets up.

He answers the door and it's his mom, he lets her in and they both walk to the kitchen.

"Good morning." She says to the rest of us. "Morning."

"Ready for an exciting day?"

"Yeah." Riss smiles.

"We know you are." I say to her.

"Well I have even more of a reason to be excited now. I have a daughter." Melanie smiles.

This makes Riss smile too of course.

"We're just about done here." She says.

She nods and we talk with her while we finish.

"We'll clean up, you girls go ahead." Ted says once we're done.

"You sure?"

"We're sure." Justin agrees.

"Alright, we'll be back later then."

I say goodbye to Ted while Riss does the same with Justin. Then we leave with Melanie, heading out to her car. We see someone in the front passenger seat so we look at Melanie. She urges us to keep heading towards the car and when we do we see that it's Ted Sr.

"Is he going?" Riss asks.


She smiles again. After we get in the car, she leans up and hugs him from behind the seat.

"I'm happy to come along." He smiles.

"I'm happy you're coming."

"We knew you would be."

She beams and we get buckled so Melanie can drive to the bridal salon. We soon get there and head inside.

"Melanie! How are you?" A guy says happily upon sighting her.

"Oh I'm great."

"Who do we have today?"

Riss steps forward and introduces herself.

"We've adopted Karissa as part of our family." Melanie explains.


"This is my maid of honor, Ariel." Riss motions to me.

"Hi." I greet.

"Nice to meet you two." The man smiles.

"So we're here for a dress for the bride of course."

"Two dresses actually." Melanie says.

"I'm having two weddings." She adds.

Ohh. Any particular reason?" He asks as he leads us to a more private area.

"My fiance is actually from South Africa and we're having a small wedding there so any family that can't make the other wedding can still see him get married." She explains.


"Alright so tell me what you're looking for." He says.

"I'm actually very open minded. My only requirement is nothing too poofy. I don't want to be overwhelmed with this big huge dress."

"Hmm, okay."

"Budget?" He adds.

"Oh that doesn't have to be something that we have to worry about." Ted Sr. speaks up.

Riss looks over at him in surprise.

"Budget won't be a problem because I'll be paying for it."

She walks over and hugs him, teary eyed.

"You're welcome."

She stands up and wipes her eyes.

"I'm okay."

"Alright, you three stay here. Melanie, come with me to pick out some dresses."

She nods and goes with him. Riss sits down beside Ted Sr with me on the other side of him. While we wait, we all talk about random things. Finally Melanie and the guy come back with dress bags in hand.

"That's a lot."

"Oh boy." Riss mutter.

"Don't worry."

"Alright, let's go missy." Melanie smiles.

She stands up and heads into the change room after Damien puts the dress choices in there. Melanie and Damien go in with her to help get the dresses on.

"Alright, coming out with dress number one." Riss calls.

"Okay." I grin.

The first one she comes out in is a short, strapless dress with beading on the waistline.


"That one's pretty." I add.

"It does look very nice." Ted Sr agrees.

"I thought so too." Melanie adds.

She gets up on the pedestal and turns different ways to look at the dress in the mirror.

"It is pretty."

"Possibility for one of the two dresses you need?"

"I think so yeah. Its the first dress though so who knows."


"Back in we go."

She heads back in and get out of that dress, getting handed a longer one to try on. It was floor length with lace shoulder straps and beading. She picks up the skirt a bit as she walks out.

"Now that one's amazing."

"I do like it. I'm not sure I love it though." She muses as she looks in the mirror.

"Onto the next then?"


The next one she changes into and comes out in, is another short one with a sweetheart bodice, ruched dropped waist and a gathered skirt.

"That's interesting." I remark.

"What are your thoughts?" I ask.

"Its pretty but I would rather have some sparkle."

She heads in and changes and the next one was a floor length one, with a ruffled bodice and shiny beading on the straps and waist.


"It does have sparkle."

"It does. I like it. It feels kind of beachy."

"It looks like it could be."

"More, more." I joke with a small laugh.

The next one was a tea length dress with cap sleeves, straps and a sweetheart neckline.

"Oh that's nice." Ted Sr says.

"Yeah, it's pretty." I add.

"It is." She agrees.

"Just three more to try on."


Next was a satin, tea length dress with box pleats, a draped bodice, with a brooch at the waist that adds a touch of sparkle.

"What do you think?" Ted Sr asks.

"I feel like its a little plain."

"So definitely not a choice then."

"No." She shakes her head.

She then tries on another long one, which has cap sleeves as well, but lace.

"I see a bigger smile." Ted Sr grins.

"I really like this one."

"We can tell."

"One more before making decisions."

"Actually no....there's two more."


The next dress was another long one, with pockets. She comes out laughing.

"I know its plain but I kind of love this for one reason."

"The pockets?"

"Yes! I love the pockets."

"It's something different that's for sure."

"I know."

The 2nd to last dress is another floor length and it's covered in sparkles.

"Ohhhh my gosh Riss." I breathe.

"You look so pretty."

"Beautiful." Ted Sr smiles widely.

"We would definitely pick that to be one of the two dresses."

She admires it in the mirror.

"She's quiet." Damien says.

"That's a good sign really." I laugh.

"Let's get a look at the last dress before making any decisions."

She nods and goes back in. The last dress was a short one like the others with a beaded belt.

"Oh that's really pretty."

"It is." She nods.

"I really love this out of the short ones." She states.

"A lot to choose from."

"The long ones I'm a little confused."

"Well if I had to choose one, I'd go for the really sparkly one." I suggest.

She chews her lip.

"I think I need to try that lace one on again. Just to be sure."

She heads back into the room and puts that one back on. She comes back out and looks in the mirror thoughtfully.

"What do you think?" She looks at Melanie and Ted Sr.

"I say the one with all the sparkles." Melanie says.

She turns to Ted Sr.

"Definitely the sparkle one."

"I think so too. That one I can see myself getting married in."

"So just one more to choose. Long one or short one?"

"Both. I like the short one for the second wedding. I want the long one for the first. Is that okay?" She bites her lip as she looks at Ted Sr.

"That's perfectly fine." He nods.

"Whatever my daughter wants, she gets." He adds.

She sighs softly and smiles.

"Thank you."

"Do you know what short one you're getting?" I ask.

"You'll see. We have to get her measurements while its on her." Damien says.

"Let's just get the measurements for the other dress first."

She nods and goes back in. She gets back into the other dress and comes back out, measurements being taken.

"You definitely look like a bride." Melanie smiles.

"I feel like one."

"It feels real now. I'm seriously getting married..."


"You two are so great for each other though." I smile.

"I know."

She smiles to herself as she thinks about marrying him. Then she heads in to get the short dress on to get measurements on that.

"Ohh that one." I say when she walks out.

"I had a feeling you'd pick that."

"I liked the material and look of this one better."


"It looks great on you."

"It really does."

She smiles widely. After the measurements were done, she heads back n and changes into her normal clothes.

"One less thing to stress over." She remarks.

"Which is good."


"So now what?"

"Let's go for lunch."

After saying goodbye to Damien, we all leave to head to lunch.