Priceless Sensation

Night Of Excitement

This Sunday is Hell In A Cell finally, tonight I have a night off, but I do get to see who I face Sunday for the title. Currently in the arena, where the show is going to start in about a half hour, I'm sitting in the locker room already.

"Easy night for you huh?" Riss comments.



"But hey all the better for Sunday though right?"

"Good point."

"Can't believe Hell In A Cell is Sunday already."

"I know right?"

"You must be excited."

"Excited and nervous."

"Your last Raw as the nice person."


"I'm gonna miss that."


"But that's okay. You'll do great as your new character."

"I hope so."

"You'll do fine Rissa." Justin says, coming out of the changing area.

"You're my fiance, you're supposed to think so."

"I say that because I know that you'll do just fine."


"But hey before your heel turn you get a a chance to become number one contender and face me Sunday. Oh wouldn't that be a way to turn heel. Face me and act all friendly and everything like we do in our matches and then just turn on me."


"But I think Stephanie wants that turn to go a different way." She adds.


"She wants me to be introduced as a new member of the group during a backstage segment Sunday, where Wade talks about John and how he'll be a member of the group after losing the match against him."

"Oh that's interesting."

"It's all going to be based off of our last promo tonight."


"What's gonna happen in this last promo?"

"I get to kiss her." Justin grins.


Riss laughs.

"I can sense that he'll make it last a long time too." She adds.

Justin smirks and I snicker.

"That should be fun to see."


The rest of the time goes by and the show starts and they show a video package of what's been going on between Mike and Daniel, including the beat down he and Alex gave him last week.

"He so deserved that."

"Yes he did."

Then the Raw intro and pyros went off before the usual introduction from Cole. They show the main event for tonight, Randy vs Chris and if Chris wins he'll be the #1 contender for the WWE Championship. That leads to Mike coming out first with Alex for their tag team match.

"Daniel Bryan has challenged myself and Alex Riley in a tag team match tonight."

"He's stupid."


"Daniel, didn't you learn your lesson last week? I mean I thought you were the smart one."

"Nope, not smart."


"You are like the guy that wins a hundred million dollars in the lottery, then thinks he's gonna win every single time he plays. Because, let's face it, it's Monday Night. And what happens every Monday Night? Daniel Bryan gets embarrassed by The Miz. And on tonight's episode of Daniel Bryan Gets A Beat Down, he's bringing along a tag team partner to join in on the fun. So come one, come all and watch a beat down! Because I'm The Miz.....and I'm...." Mike's cut off by Flight Of The Valkyries.

"" He continues as Daniel walks out.

Riss immediately cracks up laughing.

"That's your big interruption? You and your little Superman music? You have got to be kidding me. So Daniel Bryan who's it gonna be? Who's gonna be your partner tonight? Who are you even friends with, that would even know the first clue on how to compete with me?"

"That's Looney Tunes music!" Riss gasps through her laughter.

"Wait for it....kill de rabbit...kill de rabbit..." I sing.

Riss laughs harder.

"Because Daniel, you have to realize, that I'm The Miz....and I'm...." He's cut off again, but by Morrison's music.

"Ugh not him." I make a face.

"Always gotta choose him because of their history."

"Yeah." Riss says after she calms down.

The match starts off with Daniel and Alex, but Daniel goes right for Mike. Alex tries taking advantage of the distraction, but it doesn't work, as Daniel kicks him a few times. He goes to throw Alex into the ropes, but Alex reverses and sends Daniel into them instead. Daniel however hits Alex with a hard clothesline before going over to Mike to hit him, but Mike jumps down once more. Daniel turns and hits Alex with a knee to the jaw, covering him for the pin, but gets a two count.

"Come on Alex."

"Come on guys."

Daniel helps him up and twists his arm, tagging Morrison in. Alex pushes Daniel away and kicks and punches Morrison. He picks him up, only for him to slide off and behind him and when Alex turns around, Morrison hits him with a dropkick. He goes for the cover himself, but gets a two count. They get up and Morrison throws him into the corner, before twisting his arm himself. Again with the reversing into the ropes and when Morrison comes back, he kicks Alex in the shoulder. Alex stumbles back, but manages to catch him and drop him onto the top rope. He picks him up and gets him into his and Mike's corner, tagging him in and Mike takes control of the match. The ref's distracted with Mike and Alex takes advantage of it. Mike goes back over, grabbing Morrison's legs and dropping back, making him bounce off the bottom rope. Morrison however reverses a move of Mike's and goes for a pin, Mike kicking out. Mike goes back over and tags Alex in, Alex taking control of the match where Mike left off. Alex is finally able to lift Morrison up and drop him, before hitting Daniel with a cheap shot and bringing Morrison quickly back over to his corner. He tags Mike in and everyone starts changing 'You Tapped Out'. Alex holds Morrison in the corner and moves before Mike hits him with the corner clothesline move of his. He goes for the cover but Morrison kicks out. Mike then drives his knee into his back, pulling his arms back. But he gets to his feet and gets out of the hold before hitting the snapmare. He runs and jumps, hoping to tag Daniel in, but Mike catches him, keeping him away. Morrison tries again, but Mike grabs his leg, so now he's hopping on one leg.

"This never ends well..."

"No it doesn't."

And just like I predicted, Morrison turns and kicks Mike away and tags Daniel in. He goes right over and kicks Alex off the side of the ring and takes Mike out as well. A dropkick in the corner, followed by a cover, but a kickout at two. Mike elbows Daniel in the face, and then Daniel goes for the LeBell Lock. Mike doesn't let him get it locked in at all this time and he makes Daniel knock Morrison off the side of the ring before setting him up for the Skull Crushing Finale, and hits it. He covers him and wins the match for him and Alex.



Mike goes to leave the ring, but looks back at Daniel with a smirk on his face. Daniel's on his knees before Mike continues the attack. Morrison however comes in and starts going after Mike, even after they roll outside the ring. Then Daniel hits a suicide dive, hitting them both and goes after both of them, and now a fight ensues. The fight ends when the GM chimes in.

"Ah hell."

"Gentlemen, can I have your attention please? I have received an email from the general manager."

"I want to connect my fist with his face for being so damn annoying with that."

"I know, me too."

"And I quote. I've decided that this Sunday at Hell In A Cell, for the first time ever, Daniel Bryan will defend the United States Championship against both John Morrison and The Miz. But it will be defended in a match...that I just invented. A Triple Threat, Submissions Count Anywhere Match."

"Oh good lord."

"And Mike's not a good at Submission matches. Lovely."


Then we see Nattie, Eve, The Bellas, Melina and Gail on their way to the curtain for the Battle Royal up next. They pass by Alicia, Tamina Maryse and Jillian and those 4 give the girls a dirty look.

"Well looks like we all have to get going. You two have your promo and I'm ringside for the match to observe the competition and see who wins."


We all get up and leave the room. I walk as far as Riss and Justin have to go, before making the rest of the way towards the curtain myself. They get told where to be and go to their spots after a quick kiss. The commercial break is over and they cut to her, signaling for her to start making her way through the halls to head to the curtain to meet the other girls. But a hand reaches out and stops her, grabbing her arm. She turns around and finds Justin there.


"There's something I want to give you, before you go out there."

She raises one eyebrow.

"It can be a good luck charm if you want it to be."

She looks at him curiously.

"Something I've wanted to do since I saw you." He says, before getting closer.

She doesn't move, just watching him warily. As he gets closer, his hand that was on her arm moves so that it's resting on the side of her face. Then he leans in, and she knows what he's going to do, but she doesn't stop him, she lets him keep going. And finally his lips press to hers. She waits a moment before she starts responding to the kiss. The crowd of course starts going wild as they witness what's going on. Justin lets it go as long as he can before pulling away. He grins, before wishing her luck one last time and walks off camera. She blinks and touches her lips before walking towards the curtain.

Everyone went out after that promo. She headed out with everyone else after grinning at Justin. He chuckles and heads back to the room.

Right before the match starts, they hit my music and I head out. Maryse, Jillian, Tamina and Alicia all glare at me of course, watching me as I walk down the ramp and walk around the ring, heading over to commentary. The bell rings as I'm greeted by Cole and Jerry. I decide not to have a headset on, just to watch the action. Everyone starts going at each other. One of the Bellas and Melina go after Jillian, Eve and Karissa are going after Maryse, Natalya and the other Bella are going after Tamina. Chaos ensues in the ring everywhere. Karissa is close to getting Maryse eliminated but not close enough. Melina however is the first eliminated by Tamina. Gail almost eliminates Tamina, but she hangs on. Maryse leaves Karissa and goes after Gail. Gail and Tamina fight outside the ropes before Gail goes after Maryse. Tamina and Gail go at it and then Maryse goes back over ad fights with Karissa. Nattie comes over and she tries to help Karissa eliminate Maryse. Gail's eventually eliminated by Tamina. Eve goes after Tamina while Karissa is still trying to get Maryse eliminated with the help of Natalya. Tamina tries to eliminate Eve, but Tamina gets eliminated. Maryse manages to get Karissa away and goes after Eve. Eventually The Bellas get eliminated, with the help of Natalya, Karissa gets Maryse eliminated. Karissa then eliminates Eve, but little does she know, Alicia's waiting in the wings. When she leasts expects it, Alicia dropkicks her out of the ring. It's down to Alicia and Natalya and Jillian now. Jillian and Alicia work together and double team Natalya. They go to eliminate her, but she hangs on. Jillian turns on Alicia, but Alicia eliminates Jillian. She rushes over, trying to push Natalya out, but she hangs on tight. I look on watching intently to who's going to win. In the end Natalya wins.

I smile forms on my face. I get up from where I'm sitting and I get into the ring, standing before Natalya. I talk to her, only audible for me and her to hear. I hold my hand out for her to grab and shake, and she does. We then raise our hands in the air and I hug her, congratulating her on winning. She hugs back happily. We exit the ring and head back up the ramp and backstage.

"Nice one Nattie." Riss says, having decided to wait for us.

"Thank you."

The three of us walk down the hall, talking about various things. Once we get back to the locker room, we stop outside the door. We say bye to Nattie and go inside. Riss sits back down next to Justin and I sit back down on the other couch. She snuggles up against Justin, kissing his jaw. The commerical break was over and Ted was backstage with Maryse and she looked completely pissed off.

"Haha. Nice face."

"Did you see? Did you see what just happened? Karissa just cost me the Battle Royal. Can you believe that?"

Riss laughs evilly.

"Maryse, I don't care about the Battle Royal. You cost us the victory last week against Eve and R-Truth."

"She failed so bad." I laugh.

"Okay...what are you talking about?"

"You got pinned in the middle of the ring, 1...2...3."

"Wah wah wahhh." I mock.

"You..." Maryse trails off and there's a knock on their door, and a note is slid underneath it.

Ted storms over and opens the door, looking down the hall.

"Ooh, another note?" Riss looks at me.

"Not from me."


"Hey, who's there?" He says before picking up the note, bringing it back inside.

Maryse grabs it out of his hands, and opens it.

"What's it say?" Ted asks.

"La semaine prochaine, vous serez à moi."

"English Maryse."

"Dumb broad." Riss and I both say.

"Next week, you will, be mine."


She shoves the note back into his hands before walking off with an annoyed look on her face.

"Haha. She's mad."

"Psh, good."

"Let her stomp off like a child and go pout in a corner."

"Right? It's mostly her fault that their relationship is failing."


"Too bad for you."


Sheamus comes out next and speaks. He states that he is willing to “cut off” his own hand to regain the WWE Title before proclaiming that he is going to have the time of his life facing Randy inside Hell in a Cell. He would then lay out an open challenge for anyone in the locker room to face him and the challenge would be answered by Khali.

"Oh man."

"He so asked for it."

"Yes he did."

The match would spill the outside where Sheamus would attack The Great Khali with peaces of the announce table and a couple of chairs, resulting in a disqualification. The Great Khali would fight back with a chop, but Sheamus would blast Khali with not one, but two Brogue Kicks.


"Anger issues."


Once that was over, we see that up next it's The Cutting Edge with the special guest, the anonymous GM.

"Oh boy."

"I hope to god Cole isn't reading any emails outloud...or reading any at all."

"Yeah, that would be horrible."

The break wasn't too long, and back on the show when Edge comes out, the ring set up for his show. The GM podium with the laptop is in the ring.

"Well tonight folks we have a first. Tonight as my guest on the Cutting Edge, we have the anonymous Raw GM. Now despite our acrimonious relationship, I actually do appreciate the GM agreeing to appear as a guest on my show. And I understand that this computer has been electronically transmitting this voice, so that's what it will continue to do, so as to keep this person's identity a secret. Now with that being said, I think it's time to ask the first question. I need to ask you exactly Raw GM, why...are you such a spineless coward?"

"Why are you such a moron?" The Raw GM retorts back, the electronic voice reading what he puts through.

"Ohhhh. Burn."

"I remain anonymous to protect my identity. If people knew who I really was, it would change everything."

"Okay first of all, that's the worst voice ever. Second of all, I thought you were Stone Cold Steve Austin or I thought you were The Rock or maybe Shawn Michaels or Bob Barker. Judged by your decision making, you're Lindsay Lohan after another bender. The only thing I know is, is that whoever you are, you are a big fat liar."

"Seriously Edge, you hurt my feelings. Why do yo have to hate yo? I try to make peace with you. But you clearly don't want that. You want a confrontation. Why? Why do you despise me so?"

"Cuz your emails and dinging noise are annoying?"

"Why do you despise me? Why do you keep interferring in my business? Why...why am I arguing with a computer? We've gone from Stone Cold stunning Mr. McMahon on Raw, to Edge arguing with a computer."

"You know what, that's it. I'm just gonna go ask Chris Jericho exactly who you are."

"Jericho is bluffing, he knows nothing. However I know a lot of things. Like your opponent right now. Haha haha haha."

"Wah wahhh."

"Haha...I don't have an opponent tonight. You know what, I talk to people. I'm sick of talking to an overgrown speak and spell. I'm out of here." Edge says, leaving the ring and going up the ramp.

"But wait, you do have an opponent tonight Edge. I have scheduled a match right now. Between you and...this man."

Then John's music goes off.

"Someone's in trouble." I sing.


Before the match could even happen there was another commercial.

"My match is after this one." Justin says.


"Teaming with Heath."


"Facing Evan and Mark."

"Oh boy." Riss winces.

"I'll be careful. I promise."

"Please. I don't want anything to happen to you."

"I'll try my best."

Riss nods and holds him a little tighter.

The match soon starts since the break was over. In the end, it was Edge hitting the Spear on John and, despite his foot being under the bottom rope, the referee would make the three count.


The GM however would chime in.

"Edge, you need to play by the rules. John Cena's foot was clearly under the bottom rope, see for yourself. Therefore this match will continue."


The match would then continue and John would catch Edge in his STF, forcing Edge to tap out. Edge is pissed off and he stares at the GM computer with an evil look in his eye before getting out of the ring. He slowly walks over to the computer.

"Edge, you lost fair and square. Don't look at me like that."


He nods his head a little.

"Just walk away."

He doesn't however, turning back to the laptop.

"What're you doing Edge? You've got the crazy eyes."

"I'm warning you..." The GM says before Edge pushes the podium over, the laptop falling to the ground.

Edge then takes a steel chair, walking over to the computer.

"Cole! Stop him Cole!" The GM yells.

Edge picks up the laptop and breaks it in half across his knee. He then takes the steel chair and hits the screen part and punches it repeatedly, followed by taking the keyboard part and hitting it against his head a few times as well.

"Good lord. Okay, we get it."

He then just simply walks away heading to the back.


"I'm gonna have to get going now." Justin adds.

She sighs and reluctantly pulls away.

"Again, be careful."

"I'll do my best."

"Love you."

"Love you too."

She gets a kiss and then he leaves.

"I'm sure he'll be just fine out there."

"I know. I can't help but worry."

"Right. I don't blame you."

After the break, they replay of what Edge did to the GM computer. That's followed by all of Nexus coming out and they all get into the ring. Then Mark and Evan come out next to face Justin and Heath. They stay in the ring while the rest of Nexus exits, standing ringside. The bell rings and it starts off with Heath and Evan. They lock up and Heath gets the best of Evan, tagging Justin in. He goes for a early cover, Evan kicking out. Justin then tags in Heath, quick tags going on. Heath goes for the cover but Evan kicks out. Evan gets to his feet and gets out of Heath's hold before kicking him twice. Evan takes advantage of the situation, and then starts crawling for Mark. Heath tags in Justin and Evan tags in Mark. Justin's taken down by a clothesline and then a few punches. He's literally thrown into the corner before Heath tries to get involved and he gets taken down. Mark then lifts Justin in the air before dropping him. Mark pulls him into position and tags in Evan. Evan climbs to the top and Heath comes in, hitting Mark with a cheap shot, distracting Evan. Justin takes out Evan, making him fall off of the top, before climbing to the top rope himself and jumping, going for the 450 Splash, Evan moving and Justin missing it.


"He never misses that."

Evan climbs to the top once more. He goes for Air Bourne and hits it. He goes for the cover and goes for the pin. Heath however reaches in and pushes Evan so Justin ends up covering Evan and then he and Heath pick up the win.

"Ooh sneaky."

"But woo he won."

"Yayyy." Riss smiles.

Wade, Tarver and Otunga then proceed to attack Mark, before getting into the ring and going after Evan, ending with Wade delivering Wasteland. They then pull Evan near the corner and Justin climbs to the top, this time successfully hitting his 450 Splash.

"Give me a mic." We could hear Wade through the camera audio.

"Now we've said from the very beginning, that you're either Nexus, or you're against us. Well after Hell In A Cell John Cena will no longer be against us. Because when I beat him, he will become property of The Nexus. Oh it's not like we need him, 'cause we certainly don't. But John Cena is gonna serve a purpose for this group. John Cena is gonna take us to the upper echelon. John Cena is gonna help us demoralize the entire WWE. And just to show John Cena that being a part of The Nexus isn't all bad, we've decided that we're gonna take a little trip."


"That's right. 'Cause this Friday, we're invading SmackDown. But unlike Raw, we're giving all the superstars over at SmackDown a fair warning. So consider yourselves warned." Otunga adds.

"And the bad news is, WE ARE THE BAD NEWS!!! Whether or know what, forget a warning. Because none of you, NONE of you, can stop us!" Tarver ends before they all pose in the corners, leaving Wade in the middle of the ring.

That led to Cody and Drew walking through the backstage area. Cody stops when he sees a mirror, looking at himself before a commercial break.

"He is way too in love with himself."

"Any logical girl would be dumping him. Seems like he'd take longer to get ready than the average girl."


During the break, Justin came back to the locker room. Since he wasn't needed the rest of the night, he went in to change.

"I should get changed myself..." Riss muses.

"And I think I'll head back early. Not really needed the rest of the night. Not much really happening the rest of the night."

"No, not really."

"So I'll see you tomorrow then?"

"Yup. Bye Air."

"Bye." I say, getting up and hugging her.

I then grab my things and head out the door, stopping short when I find Maryse standing outside the door, ready to knock.

"What do you want?" I give her a look before starting to walk down the hall to get to the parking lot.

"You sent that note didn't you." She snaps.

"Note? What note? I didn't send any note."

"You expect me to believe that?!"

"Oooh someone's jealous. How cute."

She starts ranting in French of course, as she always does when she gets mad.

"Look. If I wanted to send a note. I'd deliver it myself. And plus, if it was me, don't you think you'd hear me walking away when Ted opened the door. My boots do make noise walking down the halls you know."

That shuts her up and I roll my eyes.

"That's what I thought. Next time, don't blame me for your relationship issues. Ted and I are friends. Not my fault your relationship is failing." I finish before turning and continuing down the hall.

She makes an awful screech and stomps off angrily. She slips into the room with Justin and slaps him on the butt before walking to her bag.

"You just love doing that."

She giggles.


"Couldn't resist." She adds.

"Of course not." He chuckles.

"We can head back to the hotel if you want. Not much left of the night."

"Sounds like a plan."

"Have all week to prepare for Sunday. This is exciting."

"We'll get to be together even more." She smiles.

"Beat people up together."

"That too." She laughs.

"Get to be all cuddly when we can onscreen..."


"I can kiss you when I want...."

She squeals and laughs when he grabs her, spins her around, and kisses her as he dips her back.

"Like that." He grins.

"Goof." She laughs.

"Love you too."

"I do love you." She smiles, cupping his face and kissing him softly.

"I know." He smiles.

"Alright, let's get finished and go back to the hotel."


They finish changing and pack up their stuff. Then they leave for the car and the hotel after that.