Priceless Sensation

Mark Feuerstein Hosts

After just getting here to Charlotte, North Carolina yesterday, it's another Monday night and we have another guest host this week. Mark Feuerstein, also promoting the episode of his show 'Royal Pains' that's guest starring Big Show this week. Currently getting ready to go is Justin and Karissa, Karissa finishing up her hair and makeup after getting changed and Justin is waiting for her. She gets done and puts on her perfume with smells like strawberries and champagne.

"Smells good." Justin says as the scent comes to his nose.

She giggles and steps out.

"It should be familiar."

"Well of course it is. That is my favorite."

"I know."

"You know what that smell does to me."

She giggles.


"You go crazy."

"Really crazy." She adds as he pulls her in tight.

"Uh huh." He nods, taking in the scent even more.

"No getting carried away. We have work to get to."

"Awww." He pouts.

"Later." She kisses his lips, letting him get a small taste of the strawberry lip gloss she put on.

"Ohh, you're killing me here."

She giggles.

"All the more better it is to wait for."

He whines.

"But I don't want to wait."

"Sorry babe."

"Not fair."

She kisses him again.

"Will that hold you over for a while?"

"We'll see."

"Insatiable." She teases.

"Ready to go though?" She asks.

"I guess."

"You guess?"

"Right now I have the urge to go and lock the door but I know we should go."

"Aww poor you."

"Like I said. Later." She nips at his earlobe and then slides out of his arms to grab her bag.

He grabs his as well after standing there for a while, and then they both head out of the room and to the elevator, heading down to the lobby and out to the car where they then head to the arena. As usual, I'm waiting there since we always walk in together. We greet each other when you get to the door and then head inside to head to the locker room. Justin goes into an area in the locker room itself so he can change, because he said that he's going to be in the opening segment of the show.

"You know, you look so much happier." I say to Karissa.

"I am. I missed him so badly. He makes me so much happier."

"Awwwww." I smile.

She smiles too.

"That's good."


"Should've seen him before he left. He didn't want to leave. He wanted to lock the hotel room door, but we had to go."

"Ooooh." I tease.

"I wore his favorite perfume and lip gloss." She explains.

"Ohhhhhh." I giggle.

"Uh-huh. Not that he isn't insatiable anyway."


"Makes me feel wanted that's for sure." She giggles.


"At least my bruises faded."

"Yeah you had a lot last week."

"I know. He went crazy."

"I could tell." I laugh.

She giggles.

Justin comes back out, and sits next to Karissa, his arms wrapped around her.

"I can only sit here until the show starts. Then I gotta go meet Darren at one of the entrances in the crowd."

"Aww. Okay."

"But don't worry, we're not attacking anyone....well not in this segment."


"Yeah, the GM demanded that we apologize for our actions last week."


"Which we all know isn't gonna happen."


"Because you're the big heel and heels don't apologize for anything."

He nods. The time passes by quickly and soon the show starts, Justin having to leave. She sighs as he leaves.

"He'll be back."

"I know. Its just I've been so spoiled the past few days."

"But that's a good thing."

"I know."

"That's sweet how he spoils you."

"He is so sweet it kills me sometimes. I feel incredibly lucky."


"Air, I have honestly never been so in love with someone. He is my world."

"I repeat awwwwwwwww!"

She blushes, a happy smile on her face. The show starts with a video package of last Monday night, when Nexus attacked John, Punk and everyone around the ring, also destroying anything they got their hands on during John and Punk's match. The screen then faded to Wade standing in the middle of the ring with a mic in hand.

"For those of you who don't know me, my name is Wade Barrett. I am the season 1 winner of NXT. And the reason I'm in this ring right now, is because the general manager of Raw earlier today, demanded that I...come here and apologize for my actions last week. Well what want to do right now, I want to invite down the rest of the NXT athletes so we can do this properly. Gentlemen."

They don't come down the ramp, instead through the crowd. Justin walking with Darren, Heath and Otunga, and then Skip and Tarver. They get into the ring and line up. Cole, Jerry, Justin Roberts and a few other people decide to leave ringside for this.

"Can't blame them for being nervous." Karissa remarks, even though she's eyeing Justin.

"Heath Slater, please apologize."

"Absolutely not. I would do it again in a heartbeat."

"Justin Gabriel, please apologize."

"Never. I still have goosebumps from what we did last week."

Karissa laughs.

"Skip Sheffield, apologize."

"No apologies, no regrets."

"Michael Tarver, are you feeling apologetic?"

"The look of fear in everyone eyes last week, lived on the sweetest of all of my dreams. Why would I apologize when there's no one in the WWE who can make me?"

"Darren Young, please apologize to the world."

"Not a chance. I had the time of my life last week."

"David Otunga, you're the final one, please save us all, just apologize."

"Apologize? For what? After the way we were treated? Shoot, they need to apologize to us. You know what I'm saying?"

"Well well well, it looks like it's unanimous. You see the problem with NXT was, we were treated like dirt. We were treated like animals, and when you treat people like animals, sooner or later...they're gonna start to behave like animals. Now we were made to change in a locker room no bigger than a broom cupboard. We were made to compete in ridiculous challenges. We were at the mercy of overzealous WWE pros. And then worst of all, we had WWE management, who saw fit to change the rules on us at a moment's notice."

"They are good for that."

"Too true."

"Who eliminated us on a whim. And who to be quite honest tried to make an international joke out of all of us. Well last time I looked, jokes were meant to be funny and didn't see anyone laughing after Raw last week. Because we destroyed this ring, we beat the living daylights out of the WWE Champion, and we impressed everybody who was watching us."

"I think I can argue that statement."

"So let me assure everyone right now...." Wade's cut off by the GM's music, Bret Hart.

"Uh oh."

"This isn't good."

"You guys look pretty proud of yourselves. Where I come from, 8 guys on 1 doesn't make you tough. To me, that makes you more cowards than anything else. Last week you attacked John Cena, you attacked CM Punk, and you beat up the Straight Edge Society, you beat up a bunch of security, you roughed up a ring announcer, roughed up a time keeper, and you manhandled a hall of famer."

"You know it's funny you should say that, 'cause we had another member. I member by the name of Daniel Bryan. And strangely enough he felt exactly the same way as you did. He actually had some remorse. So let me assure you right now, you will never ever see Daniel Bryan here again. Now what's your point Hart?"

"Well my point is, despite everything, John Cena will be the championship pay-per-view for the Fatal 4-Way next Sunday whether you like it or not."

"John Cena eh? John Cena. This has nothing to do with John Cena. You see this has got nothing to do with the people in this arena. This is between us and WWE management. You see the truth be told, aside from a few overzealous ex-NXT pros, we haven't got a problem with a single person in the WWE locker room. You know the simple fact is this. We can stay out here all night arguing, but I think we need to get down to business. And the way I see it right now, the business is this...I've got a WWE contract. I've got a WWE title opportunity at a pay-per-view of my choosing. But this group of men behind me, they've got some demands of their own."

"Oh yeah? What would those be?"

"Like Wade Barrett, we ALL want guaranteed WWE contracts. We want our own private dressing rooms, no more changing in closets and hallways. And of course we want first class travel accommodations all the way around." Otunga answers.

"Now if you fail to comply with even one of our demands, hahaha...well last week Hart, was just the beginning."

"Now then, before you say another word, let me remind you of this. Two weeks ago, Mr. McMahon informed you that as general manager of Raw, you would have some very very difficult decisions to make. I assure you right now, this one, this isn't a difficult decision, this one's easy. Because what I have behind me is a group of men, who are highly polished young athletes. These men could be the future of this company. They're dressed, they're here, they're ready to fight. All they need is a contract. You could change history by giving them that contract."

"Well you're right about that, it is my job to go out there and search and find new, fresh talent. But with that in mind, my answer for you is no."

"I'm not gonna sign any of you guys. As far as I'm concerned..."

"Well let me assure you, you are making a very very big mistake here."

"You are the one that's making a mistake my friend. You've already made a mistake when you attacked Cena on Raw last week. You made the biggest mistake of your life. I'm not gonna sign any of you guys. The truth is, on account of your actions, you're no longer the new superstar, next breakout star for WWE anymore. And no more, you can forget that idea for having a championship match at any pay-per-view of your choice. It's not gonna happen anymore. And you wanna know why? Because you're fired!"

"Uh oh...."

"Now as for the rest of you guys, you can get the hell out of that ring right now, or you don't leave me any choice but to call the police and have you physically removed for trespassing, so get out! You're all through, you're done. Whether you like it or not."

Karissa bites her lip.

"Air....." She trails off as the screen fades to a commercial break.

"I know."

She sits there worried about what's going on and what's going to happen. And a bit after that, the door opens and Justin walks back in. She jumps up and goes straight for his arms.

"I don't want you to can't leave."

She keeps repeating that, clinging to him.

"Hey...calm down. Let me explain what's going on."

She's not paying attention yet.

"I'm not leaving."

She sniffles a bit.

"'re not?"

"No. Wade just talked to all of us and said we're not leaving. But we do have to do more attacking tonight. We have no choice but to attack the GM."


"They may make it look like they left the arena and come back later, but I'm not going anywhere."

"Good." She burrows into his arms more.

"I would never leave without you."

He kisses her head and she smiles. Then she pulls back a little and leads him to the couch. She makes him sit and then she sits on his lap.

After the break, they replay what Bret just told Wade and the rest of the NXT athletes from Season 1. After some commentary from Cole and Lawler, the first match of the night starts. It's a Fatal 4-Way match for the United States Championship. First to come out was the United States Champion himself, R-Truth. Then out next was Morrison, followed by Zack Ryder and finally Mike.

"Well this is a no-brainer on who to cheer for."


The match was a pretty decent match, but in the end, it was John Morrison and R-Truth left alone in the ring and Morrison managed to hit Starship Pain on R-Truth, but then Mike pulled Morrison out of the ring and pinned R-Truth to win the United States Title.


"Yes." I cheer.

"Good for him." Karissa smiles.

Then backstage in Randy's locker room, he's zippering up his bag when Josh Matthews comes in for an interview.

"Excuse me Randy. Randy can we get an update on the status of your shoulder, considering you'll be competing tonight and this Sunday at the Fatal 4-Way event?"

"Josh anything can happen in the Fatal 4-Way match. I think that was just proven out there tonight. But I'm predicting that this Sunday, another title will be changing hands. And as far as any questions regarding my shoulder, just wait, watch and see what happens tonight when I face Sheamus."

"Randy I've got to ask, what your reaction to what took place last Monday Night Raw as we went off the air, and what transpired here earlier tonight?"

"You know Josh, part of me has got to respect what the NXT group did. If anyone knows anything about making an impact, about doing something sick and twisted to get noticed, to make a point, it's me. But an even bigger part of me thinks that they're nothing but a bunch of punks. Now if you're asking my opinion, I think they either deserve to be fired or they deserve to have their brains beaten in."

"Try and avoid him please?" Riss asks Justin.

"I'll do my best."

"That's all I ask, thank you."

"You're welcome."

"Don't need you becoming one of the victims to his punt in the head."

"Or an RKO."

"Right, even though the punt in the head is a lot worse." I add.


"But don't worry about it."

"I'll try not to."

Back from the commercial and there's a view of the city right now, before going to a behind the scenes thing of Big Show on the set of Royal Pains. That leads to Mark Feuerstein being backstage with the Bella Twins.

"Oh my gosh Mark Feuerstein..." They say in unison.

"...we love you in Royal Pains."

"Flirting much?" I say in disgust.

"Ugh. Airheads." Karissa glares.

"Aw thanks guys, well this Thursday night at 10 o'clock, on USA, Royal Pains has none other than The Big Show. That's right, and I'm looking at you guys, you're so cute, you'd be great on Royal Pains. I play a private physician for hire to the rich and the not so rich in the Hamptons and my practice is called Hank-Med and I was thinking you guys could be the Hank-Med twins. You know, you say if you're in pain, 'we'll soothe you, if you don't use Hank-Med, we'll dropkick you'."

Then the Bella Twins show looks of disgust as Ted comes into the room.

"Looks of disgust? Really? Well I get looks of disgust whenever I see you."

"Hey Mark."

"Hi Ted. How're you doing?" Mark says quietly.

"Good. So know, there possibly could be a brand new, shiny car...of your choice obviously waiting for you in the parking lot after the show. make me co-guest host tonight."

"Wow that's really nice Ted. Well unlike some people in this room, I have integrity. The answer is no Ted DiBiase, no way."

"Mark...I'm not asking."

"You think I'm scared of you Ted? You think I'm scared of you...okay I'm a little scared of you. Big guy, you got big pecs right there..."

I giggle and Karissa laughs.

"But look, I love the fact that I am guest hosting Raw tonight, and while I would love to let you co-guest host with me..." Mark trails off and sees Show standing behind Virgil now.


"...the fact of the matter is there that is no chance I'm gonna let you do that, you spoiled little daddy's boy. Wah wah, I'm Ted DiBiase and I want to co-guest host Raw with Mark Feuerstein...not gonna happen. I was a wrestler in high school pal. New York state champ, they called me Main Event Mark, don't make me show you why Ted DiBiase, don't make me show you why."

"And what's up with you sidekick, pipe up."

"Virgil handle this."

Big Show clears his throat and they all look at him.

"What're you doing Teddy?"

"What do you want man?"

"You looking for trouble?"

"How do you like me now Ted?"

I can't help but giggle at the way Mark said that. Riss snickers and Justin chuckles.

"Let me give you a little trouble. Main Event Mark and the Big Show vs Virgil and Ted DiBiase in a tag team match. Game for that?"

"You and him?" Ted asks.



"See you out there."

"I'll see you on the mat Ted DiBiase." Mark adds, trying to act all tough again.

"What a goofball."

"Main event Mark?" Show adds after Ted and Virgil leave.

"Alright so I wrestled a little, but I was really an ice skater."


Then he shows Big Show what he used to do before jumping into his arms.

"Nice, that was good."


"Oh...hi Bella Twins."

They look at him and then each other before walking away.

"I can break dance too."

"Cool...uh bye Mark."

"Oooh denied."

"Big time."

Then John Cena is walking through the backstage area, and he'll be heading to the ring soon to see how he's feeling since last week's attack. During the next break however there's a knock on the door.

"I'll get it." I say, getting up.

I go over to the door and open it, just in time to hear a voice tell Virgil to guard the door. As soon as I heard it, I knew it was Ted and I pulled him inside before shutting the door. Then I immediately hug him, cause I haven't seen him all day.

"Missed you too." He chuckles.

When I pull back from the hug, I playfully smack him on the arm.

"Couldn't text me and tell me you were coming here?"

"I like to surprise you sometimes." He shrugs.

Then Karissa turns her head to look over at us.

"Hey Ted, was wondering when you were gonna show up." You grin.

"You were in on this too?" I ask.

"Maybe." She giggles.

"It was so hard not to tell you."

I swat at Ted again but he just laughs.

"You two are sneaks."


"I'll stay here with you until I have to head back to get ready for that tag team match. Sound good?"

"It's perfect, considering I spent no time with you today."

"I know."

Then we head over to the couch and sit down on it, and I do the same thing Riss did, sitting on his lap as we wait for the show to come back from the commercial.

"And before I forget, I wont be able to stay the night in your room tonight. Maryse wants to go out after the show."


"I know, I don't like it either."

"Poor you." Riss remarks.

"I'd say ditch the broad but, you have that storyline next week starting." She adds.

"Unfortunately." Ted sighs.

"I'm so sorry."

"Thanks." He says amusedly.

"Is she really that bad?" Justin asks.

"Oh my god yes."

"As if her ranting off in French wasn't bad enough."

"She's stuck up, obnoxious, in love with material objects and money, she's so fake..."

"I wanna rip those extensions off in her hair too."

"Oh I know."

"That day she did her hair flip and it hit me in the face, I almost did rip them out."

"I know, I saw the look on your face." Riss laughs.

"You got so angry...." She adds.

"....and it was hot." Ted continues.

I blush and the rest of them laugh.

"Hush..." I tell him.

"Just being honest." He grins.

"Maybe you should get angry more often Air..." Riss snickers.

"Shush Riss."


"It's fun to tease you."

"For you."


"But hey, it's not like you don't tease me."

"Good point."

"So it's only fair, I tease back."


"You got me good over my various marks so now its my turn." She says.

"Oh boy..."

"Marks?" Ted asks.

"Bruises and the like. Left by lover boy here." Karissa explains, poking Justin.

"Ohhh so he went a little rough on you huh?"

"Yep." She nods as Justin smirks.

"Couldn't help myself."


Then after the break Jericho came out for his match, which was against Evan who came out next.

"This can't be good for Evan."


Chris looked to have the match won after hitting the Codebreaker on Evan, but after he kicked out, Chris lost it and attacked Evan and even shoved and threatened the referee, which led to the referee disqualifying him. After the match, Chris looked to continue to take out his frustrations on Evan, but he fights back and hits Air Bourne on Chris.

"Ohhh. Nice one."

"Poor Chris." I snicker.

"That has to hurt."

"Think it hurt Evan than it hurt him."


"I mean when you do your 450 splash, doesn't it hurt sometimes?" She asks Justin.


"And you have to be careful too, you can land wrong doing that kind of thing."

"You be careful yourself. You do those moves too."

"I know...."

"I'm as careful as I can be."


There was a short break and after that, John Cena had come out to address what happened last week.

"Doesn't look too happy."

"Yeah no."

"I was given the night off tonight, I would like to thank Bret Hart for having my best interests in mind. But quite frankly after what happened to me last week, I firmly believe that it's in my best interest to stand in this ring right now and handle things the only way I know how. I'd also like to thank Bret Hart for not caving into the ridiculous demands made by this new group of...quite frankly this group of radicals."

"Demands such as theirs should never be put up for negotiation. There is a portion of me that admires what those young men did last week. I'm reminded of an old saying that desperate times sometimes call for desperate measures. This group was desperate and in the final hour they believed that they needed to make a statement and to make a statement they needed a target."

"Which was everyone and everything."

"Nobody wears a bigger target than the WWE Champion. Quite frankly, I'm used to it. Their plan was almost brilliant. Almost brilliant, because their genius was blinded by their ignorance. You see this group's problem was with WWE management. WWE management. How did they decide to solve it, by taking Monday Night Raw away from you the WWE Universe? That is a very bad move gentlemen, you just made yourself five million new enemies."

"Minus a few." Riss says.

"And what did they do next, they destroyed a WWE ring. That is considered sacred ground! Which simply means that every WWE superstar now wants their head on a plate."

"Again, not everybody."

"Wade Barrett was fired tonight. A very bold decision, but a decision that will not fix this problem. Ladies and gentlemen consider this. If this group was lawless enough to stop a broadcast of Monday Night Raw, quite frankly getting arrested for misdemeanor is the least of their worries. They've been thrown out of the arena tonight, and I know they're not here but I am. I am still here standing in this ring and I hope...I hope and pray that they are watching. Because I am going to the Fatal 4-Way to defend my WWE Championship, I will be on the Raw after the Fatal 4-Way. And I will stand in this ring each and every night, and demand them to come out here and finish this!"

Then the door opens and Virgil says that Wade and them are waiting outside the room, because Wade has just come up with a plan to interrupt John.

"Aww, you have to go again?" Riss pouts.

"I'll be back." Justin says soothingly.

She sighs and gets up.

"Before I go..." He says, leaning in and kissing her.

" you."

"Love you too."

He leaves and she sits down.

"Gentlemen if you're listening, all of you are fired, none of you work for the company, they have nothing to lose. And all I have is my word, and my word is that I will not press charges."

"You see..." John says and then all the guys are seen walking through the crowd again.

" see, you people thought I was a target?! You thought I was a target?! You make a target out of me?! Do you know what these gentlemen did last week? They took the target off my back and you put it on your head!"

Justin climbs over the barrier first, followed by Tarver and Sheffield and they stand there for now. Lawler gets up from commentary and slides into the ring now, followed by Evan, Regal and Truth.

"You want to make a statement, make it right now!"

Then Santino slides into the ring next.

"Make it! Come on!"

Justin and all of then slide into the ring and chaos breaks out in the ring. Karissa keeps her eyes on Justin the best she can.

Mark Henry is now in the ring, coming to the aid, followed by Randy. And Justin was the first thrown out of the ring, by Randy no less.

"As long as he isn't punting..."

"Right...that's the good thing."


John throws Otunga out and next thing we know, Edge comes out of nowhere and spears Wade outside the ring. Sheamus now joins everyone in the ring to help as well, and with a steel pipe, and then Justin and them retreat to the back. Evan, Santino and Mark chase all of them out into the parking lot, except Justin...he makes his way back to the locker room after hiding. Karissa sighs in relief.

"I honestly thought you'd were gonna get chased out with the rest of them." She says when he comes back over and sits on the couch.

"I hid."

"Ohhhh, smart."

She slides onto his lap and snuggles into him.

"But remember, I have one more time that I have to leave...that'll probably be during the main event again."


"But that's not for a while so we have time."


By this time the break that came on after everyone else was run out of the arena, they replayed it and then Sheamus was interviewed backstage, talking about how he'll still beat John in the Fatal 4-Way match this Sunday. Then there was a WWE Rewind, and it was of the Battle Royal we had last week. Showing highlights of the match, and up to the point where it came down to me and Maryse in the end. Showing me putting up a fight, but getting eliminated by Maryse so she won.

"She got lucky." I grumble.

"Yeah she did."

Then Eve comes out first, followed by Gail. It's revealed that Eve, Gail, Alicia and Maryse are gonna be in a Fatal 4-Way match of their own for the Divas Championship. After Gail was Alicia and then followed by her was Maryse.

"Whyyy?" I grumble again, not pleased with seeing her again.

"No fair."

In the end, it was Alicia Fox accidentally kicking Maryse off of the ring apron that led to Eve Torres hitting a swinging neck breaker on Alicia Fox to win the match for her team

"Ahahahaha!" I crack up.

"I feel better now."

"In your face Frenchie." Riss laughs.

"I would've just pushed her, but kicking her in the face works."

"Kicking her is funnier."

"It is....ohhh...that means you're gonna have to help her feel better." I say to Ted, looking back at him.

He makes a face.

"So not looking forward to that."

"Can't blame you there."

Then Mark and Big Show are backstage now, all set for the match against Ted and Virgil, the match being next.

"Awww, you have to go now." I pout.

"I'll come back if I can afterwards, okay?"


Ted kisses me. I try to hold it as long as I can, enjoying the moment while it lasts. He reluctantly pulls away. Then I move so that he could get up, and then he leaves. Riss pats me on the shoulder when I sit back down.

"Things would be so much easier if SHE wasn't in the picture."

"I know."

"But hey think about it...if he comes back for a bit after the match...he's gonna be in his ring gear." She teases.

I blush and she laughs.

"Ooooh, I know what you're thinking."



Justin just chuckles at the teasing she does to me. She eventually stops teasing and relaxes against Justin. The break was soon over and the first to come out was Big Show, he introduced Mark who came out next. Then Virgil and Ted come out and Karissa playfully pokes me only once. I swat her hand and she just laughs.

"Don't drool too much."

"I'm not."

"Then what is that?" She points.


She cracks up.

"I'm only kidding."

"You are so fun to mess with."

"You just love messing with her don't you?" Justin asks.


"Oh and another'd so tap that."

She yelps as I smack her arm.


"Sorry." She laughs.

"But it's trueeee."


"Alright alright. I'll stop."

"For tonight."

She snickers and Justin chuckles. It starts off with Ted and Big Show and it basically doesn't go well for Ted. Show gets him into the corner and hits him with a big slap across the chest.

"Oooh." I wince.


He does it a second time, and I cringe again.



Into the other corner and he goes to go it again, but Ted pokes Show in the eye and gets a short momentum before Show picks him up and drops him. That's when Ted tags in Virgil, rolling out of the ring. Virgil is looking at him like he's crazy and Show grabs Virgil by the head and lifts him up onto the side of the apron before throwing him into the ring. It doesn't go well for Virgil either, and after Virgil tried to escape facing Big Show, Mark Feuerstein did his part in the match by throwing Virgil back into the ring, which led to Big Show planting Virgil with a chokeslam before tagging in Feuerstein, who pulls off the vintage “Worm” maneuver before dropping an elbow drop and pinning Virgil for the win.


"Ted's not happy."


He leaves Virgil laying there in the ring after Show and Mark leave. Then he grabs the Million Dollar Title belt and goes to leave but stops himself. He drops the belt and goes over to Virgil, pulling something out of his boot and it's revealed to be a $100 bill. Then he takes it and puts it in Virgil's mouth. He picks the belt back up and stops himself from leaving again, walking over and taking back the $100, wiping it off and sticking it in his trunks.

He leaves the ring before the screen fades to another commercial.

"You know what he just did reminds me of?" Riss asks.

"Don't say it..."

She buries her face in Justin's chest, laughing.

"I couldn't resist, I'm sorry."


"You should ask him to do that for you one day."

"Oh my god...Riss!"

"Alright, that's enough from you." Justin says to her laughing.

"Awwwww, you're no fun."

"You've embarrassed the poor girl enough tonight."


"Thank you Justin."

"You're welcome."

But of course I find myself thinking about it. And I'm so lost in thought that I don't hear the locker room door open. Riss looks over and then looks at me, giggling quietly because I'm basically clueless right now. Ted looks at me curiously and Riss just laughs.

"That look means she's thinking about you."

"Ah." He smirks.

"I'd tell you what about, but she'd probably kill me."

"Yes she would." Justin says.

"Yoo hoo." He says, waving a hand in front of my face.

I snap out of it and blush instantly.


"Hi." Ted chuckles.

"Made it back with no problems I see."


"And you were just thinking about me." He grins.

Riss can't help snickering.


I move and let him sit.

"How long are you staying?" I ask, resuming my spot from earlier on his lap.

"Until the end of the show."

"Really?" I say, extremely happy.



He chuckles and kisses me. The next match of the night is Santino vs William Regal, the guest referee being Kozlov.

"Oh jeez."

"Oh lord."

"Now this should be funny."


In the end, it was Santino rolling Regal up and hooking the tights that led to Kozlov counting the three for Santino to win the match.


Then Bret Hart's music goes off again and he walks out.

"Hey...I want you three guys to come up here and stand up here on stage with me. I've asked every single WWE Superstar to come here and stand on this stage, because I refuse to let history repeat itself again. Not on my watch. Come up here on the stage."

"Except for me, I'm staying back here with you. They can do fine without me out there." Ted explains before I could even say anything.

"Aww." Riss smiles.

I smile too and snuggle more in his arms. Obviously the wall of superstars is to prevent Wade and the rest of the NXT athletes from getting involved. They wait there until Edge comes out first for the main event match, followed by Sheamus. Their opponents coming out first, Randy and then John.

"This match isn't gonna really happen is it?" Riss asks Justin.

"Not really."

"Be careful."

"I will, not leaving yet, but when I do, I have to make it look like I'm coming back in with everyone else from outside."


The bell rings to start the match, and it's gonna be Sheamus squaring off against John first. About halfway through the match Justin said that he had to go meet Wade and them so that he'd be ready to attack Bret Hart when needed. She pouts but moves anyway.

"I'll be back....again." He says, before kissing her again, this time longer than the last time he had to leave.

" you."

"Love you much."

She smiles softly. He kisses her once more before heading out the door to meet the rest of the guys to take out this attack on Bret Hart.

"I hope he doesn't get hurt." Riss mutters as she sits.

"I'm sure he won't. I mean they're only going after Bret, that's what 7 guys on 1?"

"I know but who's say the rest of the locker room won't get involved?"


While John was getting the momentum the lights go out and everyone from NXT was destroying the backstage area, while Wade and Skip were dragging Bret Hart into a nearby limo. The limo backs up full speed and crashes into numerous cars in the parking lot before stopping.

"Oh jeez."

They open the door and start yelling about the contracts again. The limo goes again, backing up full speed into a car. After that they get Bret out of the limo, demanding they get contracts by Sunday. Wade and the rest of them run off as the show fades to an end on a hurt Bret Hart.


"That's making another statement."


"Sunday should be interesting."

"For sure."

"We can hope Justin gets a contract. He's just here on his own free will apparently."


"Well I suppose I should head back and get changed now, Maryse is probably looking for me."

"Sadly, that's probably true." I sigh.

"I'll text you as soon as I can, alright?" Ted says to me.

"Of course. If I'm still awake. I'll probably go right to bed when I get back."

"Okay." He says before kissing me.

Then when we're by the door, he takes one look around before saying 'bye' to me and slipping out into the hall. I sit on the couch and Riss reaches over, hugging me.

"I can't imagine how tough it is to watch him with her."

"It bugs me...not gonna lie. Even though I can hide that feeling pretty well. I'm not gonna like next week when this storyline starts."

"I know. I'll do what I can to help you two get some time together okay?"

"Awww, like you did tonight?"


"You're awesome."

She just smiles. The door opens once again and this time it's Justin who's come back. She gets up and goes to hug him.

"I'm glad you're okay."

"Told you I'd be careful."

"I know."

"Now why don't you get changed so we can go?"


"Another kiss though..."

She kisses him quickly.

"Get dressed."

"That's all I get?" He chuckles.

"For now."


"Hurry up."

"Okay okay, hurrying." He chuckles, going to change.

"You can head out if you want Air." Riss says.

"Alright." I nod, getting up. "Tell Justin I said bye."

"I will. Goodnight."

"Night." I say, hugging her before heading out.

She sprawls out on the couch, waiting for Justin. He doesn't take too long, coming out with his bag over his shoulder.

"Oh, ready?" She says after glancing up.

"Yup, you?"

"Yeah. Never had to change tonight. No match."

"Maybe you will next week."

"Who knows."

Then she gets up from the couch and walks over to Justin, lacing her fingers with his before they head out of the room. She lays her head against his shoulder as they walk. They take their time walking through the backstage area to get to their car. I have made it to my car, taking my time unlocking it and such.

"Ariel...we finally see each other again." I hear Heath's voice.

I groan inwardly, knowing he has a crush on me.

"Heath." I acknowledge.

"How have you been?"

"I've been pretty good."

"I'm glad to hear that."

"So, what's up?

"I was wondering if I could get a ride back with you? I don't have a ride back.

"Why not?"

"They all left without me."


"Oh come on...please?"

"Fine." I sigh.

"Get in..."

Heath happily gets in.

"This is gonna be a fun ride." I mumble to myself before getting in myself.

The whole way to the hotel Heath is awkwardly flirting with me.

"What did I get myself into?" I ask myself as we finally pull into the parking lot of the hotel.

I get out and of course he follows me. He follows me inside and then onto the elevator. Thank god we pushed different floor buttons. I get off first, narrowly avoiding an awkward kiss on the cheek.

"Night Heath." I say before walking off to my room.

"Night Ariel!" He calls.

"Oh my god..." I say to myself, before finally reaching my room and walking in.

"What I nerd." I mutter.

Then I kick my shoes off before heading into the bathroom to shower before going to bed. When I come out, I see my phone blinking. I smile cause I know it's Ted. So before changing into clothes for bed, I sit on the edge of it and read the text.

Hope you're still up, miss you.

I'm up. Took a shower. Miss you too.

I then get up and grab the same clothes I wore to bed last night and start getting changed into those. I hear my phone go off, and I finish changing before reading and replying again, telling him about how I had to give Heath a ride back to the hotel with me and the awkward flirting. The replies you get are jealous and possessive, making me giggle.

It's cute how jealous and possessive you're sounding.

Well you're with me, not that he knows that...but still.

It's still cute.

Good to know.

He's had a crush on me ever since we worked together down at FCW...just so you know.

He needs to look somewhere else.

Hey, you have nothing to worry about. Oh before I forget, I narrowly escaped an awkard kiss on the cheek by him. Thank god I got off the elevator first.

My smart girl.

Something you can't say to Maryse, 'cause she's not smart lol.

I know.

How're you holding up with her right now anyway?

I'm dealing.

I'm sorry. Hey to make it through the night, just think about me.

I know. Trust me, I am.

Good. Well I just yawned, so I think I should get to bed.

Alright. Sweet dreams.


I put my phone away and slide under the covers. I reach over and turn out the light, before snuggling into the mattress and blankets and pillows, falling asleep shortly after. Meanwhile, Justin and Karissa are getting to the hotel, having stopped for a quick ice cream.

"This is good, the ice cream idea was a good one." She says, finishing hers.

"I figured." Justin chuckles.

"You're welcome." He adds.

She giggles and kisses his cheek.

"Great thing for a summer night."

"Mmhmm." She agrees.

Then they get to the hotel and they both get out of the car, Justin grabbing his bag before they both head inside. Their fingers are laced as they walk across the lobby. They step onto the elevator and head up to their floor.

"Oh, you've got some ice cream still..." He motions to her lips.

She blinks and licks her lips.

"Nope still there, let me get it." He grins, and it seems like he's going to wipe it off, but instead he presses his lips to hers.

She realizes his game and laughs against his lips. The elevator dings however, signaling they're on their floor. She pulls away and slips past, giggling.


"Come on lover boy. Can't make out in the elevator you know."

"It was worth a shot."


"Of course I am. He chuckles, stepping off the elevator.

She gets to the door first and uses her key to open it. He follows shortly after, using his key to open it. She's already picking out what to wear to bed, having already taken her dress off. When he walks in, he stops in his tracks and his eyes wander over her. She looks at a few things, trying to choose.

"You're killing me Karissa..."

She glances up and then giggles.


"I can only resist for so long, you know that."

"I know."

"It's fun to torture you."

She giggles and changes into boy shorts and pulls on a wife beater that used to be his. Justin whistles playfully and she laughs.

"So you prefer this over what I wore last week?"

"Well...I like it better on the floor." He smirks.

She laughs even more.


"Love you too."

"You should get ready for bed instead of standing there, staring." She giggles.

"Right." He nods.

She goes into the bathroom to take off her makeup and lets her hair down among other little things. He manages to change fairly quickly and then goes over to the bathroom, leaning on the doorframe watching her. She unravels the braiding she did and lets the waves tumble down over her shoulders.

"So wavy."


"I love it."

"I know." She giggles.

"So soft."

"You aren't even touching it." She laughs.

"So...doesn't mean it isn't soft."

"I know."

"You look beautiful."

She raises an eyebrow.

"Amazingly beautiful."

"I have no make up on, messy hair, a wifebeater, and no pants."

"Still beautiful to me."

She picks up her hairbrush and starts to brush her hair.

"Can I do that?"

She laughs quietly and holds out the brush. He grins and walks into the bathroom, taking the brush and brushing her hair for her. She quietly watches him in the mirror. When he's done, he puts the brush down, wrapping his arms around her and kissing the top of her head. She lays her arms over his and nuzzles his neck.

"How about we go to bed now?"

"Mmkay." She agrees.

He unexpectedly picks her up and carries her out of the bathroom and places her on the bed. She starts to pull him down onto the bed with her. Then once they're under the blankets, she instantly cuddles into him.


"I know I am. You say so all the time."

"I know."

"Because it's true." She adds.

He chuckles and kisses her.

"Love you."

"Love you too."

Then she tries and stifle a yawn, but fails.

"Time to sleep."


"You're tired."


"You yawned."


"Time for sleep."


"You know that if I catch you yawning, it's time for bed."

"I know." She sighs.

"I won't fall asleep until you do."

He gives her back a light massage and before she knows it, she's out. He chuckles before kissing the top of her head, dozing off himself.