Priceless Sensation

Hell In A Cell

"Tonight's the night."

"Mmhmm. Exciting."

"Everything changes tonight."

"I know. I'm kind of nervous."

"You'll do fine. And since you'll be in Nexus, everyone will fear you."


"Well....maybe not everyone but still."

"Yeah." She nods, sitting on the bed to put her shoes on.

"Nobody will want to mess with you, like the rest of us."


"It's just so exciting."

She giggles.

"I know."

"You're more excited than I am." She adds.

"Well it gets us more time together and we don't have to hide much."


She makes sure her shoes are secure before standing up.

"You know, I love that dress."

"Of course you do." She laughs lightly.

"I already know you'll be touchy." She adds.

Justin smirks. She smirks as he eyes her legs next her eight boosted by the Louboutins.

"You can be all touchy all you want when we get to the arena. You start now, we may never leave this room."

"That is a tempting idea but can't afford to get fired."


"Let's go now before we're late."

He nods and grab their bags heading out the door. I've already left my room and was getting into my car, heading off to the arena. I get there before they do, and wait. It isn't long before they arrive and get out. I grab my things and get out of my car as well, walking over to them.

"Hey." She smiles, hugging me.

"Hey. So excited about tonight?"

"Excited and nervous."

"I'm sure you'll do great."


We head inside, chatting as we walk.

"So we all sharing a locker room now or are you heading to the Nexus locker room?" I ask.

"Good question." She muses.

"I think we can all share one, but once it comes time for the induction announcement, we'll have to go to the Nexus locker room." Justin answers.


"In that case, would you want me to bring both of your things there or will you come back for your things?" I ask.

"We'll come back, don't worry about it."

"Alright." I nod.

We get to the room and go inside. Justin heads in to change first, so that he's all set for everything later.

"He is oh so excited about tonight." She laughs.

"Oh, I would assume so."

"He didn't want to leave the room though. He likes what I'm wearing."


"If he could have, I think he would've locked the door."

"He would."

"Mmhmm." She giggles.

"If I end up competing tonight because you know how unpredictable the GM is, I have brand new gear." She adds.


"You know me, I like to mix it up a lot. This stuff is Nexus themed though."

"So basically yellow and black. I can't wait to see."

She grins.

"I like it, it's fun."

"What is?" Justin asks, coming out.

"My gear for tonight."

"If I have a match or anything that is."


"Well I hope you do have one, because I wanna see this new gear of yours."

"Of course you do. Goof."

"Can you blame me?"

"No." She giggles.

Eventually the show starts and they play an opening video package before going to the ring with the usual introduction to the show for everyone watching at home. The opening match over is the Triple Threat Submissions Count Anywhere Match, Mike vs Daniel vs Morrison.

"I hope Mike wins."

"It's really hard for him since he's not a submission specialist though. He would have to win by submission which we all know isn't his best strength."

"I know but I can still hope."

Morrison comes our first, followed by Daniel and his superman music, as Mike called it.

"He doesn't deserve to wear that title."


Out last was Mike of course, but no Alex.

" Alex."


"This is ridiculous." Mike states.

"I couldn't agree more."

"I was the mentor of both of you! Neither of you would be anywhere if it wasn't for me. None of these people would know who either of you are if it wasn't for me! But without either of you, I'd still be a huge star in the WWE. Because I have IT. I have the star quality. And after tonight, I will be the United States Champion! And I never tap out, because I'm The Miz.....and I'm....aweeesooome!"

"This oughta be interesting at the very least."


The match starts after the bell rings. Mike goes right after Morrison, but he and Daniel gang up on Mike for the moment. Mike leaves the ring, frustrated. They work together again, leaving the ring and chasing Mike in and out of the ring. Mike's taken out of the match momentarily, leaving Morrison and Daniel to fight it out against each other. Daniel and Morrison roll out of the ropes, until Mike interferes, breaking Daniel's submission hold. He then rams Morrison kidney-first into the side of the ring, then throws Daniel into the barrier. He throws Morrison back into the ring, and it's down to them now. Morrison moves out of the way in the corner and catches Mike in a submission move, using the ropes as leverage. Daniel comes back in and dropkicks Mike, which causes Morrison to let go and fall out of the ring and Mike fall forward. It's down to Mike and Daniel now and it's not looking good right now. Mike starts struggling in Daniel's submission before they start kicking each other in the face, back and forth.


"Now that would give me a headache."

"No kidding."

Morrison climbs back up and hits Starship Pain on both of them. Mike rolls out of the ring while Morrison gets Daniel in a submission. Mike comes back in and breaks it up. Morrison kicks him out of the ring before launching over the ropes and hitting Mike, and now they fight outside the ring. Mike however sends Morrison out into the crowd. Mike climbs over the barrier and now he and Morrison fight in the crowd. He hits Mike with a right hand and the fight goes farther into the crowd, heading into the seats. Mike then uses the handrail for a possible submission. Daniel however comes out of nowhere but Mike kicks him away. Mike goes for the submission on Morrison again, only having to stop and kick Daniel down the stairs again, before giving up on Morrison and deciding to go after Daniel.

"I would just shove him down the stairs, not kick him."


"Be like...'oops, sorry'."

"Mmhmm." Riss laughs.

The fight between Daniel and Mike continues in the crowd, Mike using a garbage can as a weapon. Daniel then goes for an armbar, but Mike counters, now allowing Daniel to lock it in. Morrison comes out nowhere and goes after Mike now. He however lifts Morrison and drops him on the barrier, and now the fight with Daniel heads to the stage area. Morrison hits Mike from behind, sending Mike behind the lighting board by the stage, and now focuses on Daniel. Mike comes out with an equipment crate and pushes it into Morrison.



He grabs Daniel and drops him on top of the crate ribs-first. He then proceeds to push the crate so it hits the side of the ramp and Daniel goes tumbling off and onto the ramp itself.



Mike sees Morrison leaning against the stage using it to help him get to his feet. So he grabs the crate and pushes it in his direction, but he stops it with his foot and pushes it back to Mike. Mike grabs it, but Morrison uses is parkour style moves and slides onto the top and kicks Mike into the metal barrier. He goes for a modified triangle submission on Mike on top of the crate, but Daniel comes back and breaks it up. Daniel attempts another submission himself, but Mike counters and sends him crashing into the metal barrier. That's followed by a Skull Crushing Finale on Morrison onto the floor.

"Hah. Serves him right."

All three men are down, only Mike and Daniel moving. Mike goes after Daniel, throwing him back onto the ramp before stepping onto it himself. Daniel then tries for the LeBell Lock, but Mike reverses into the Skull Crushing Finale. Daniel counters and they both had the same idea and collided with each other in a double clothesline.


The crowd starts going nuts and then we see Morrison scaling the lighting wall board.

"Oh hell."

"He's a monkey."


He then gets over to the stage set up of a cage. Mike and Daniel get to their feet and Morrison jumps, hitting them both and now all three men are down again. Daniel is the first to move followed by Morrison and then Mike. Morrison grabs Mike as he start to crawl away. Morrison gets his legs and gets Mike into a variation of a Texas Cloverleaf submission. He successfully gets Mike on his stomach. Alex starts running out from the entrance to the ramp, grabs Morrison and throws him down the ramp.

"There he is."

"Oh good."

He starts yelling at him and then Daniel gets up and pushes Alex into a cameraman.

"He did not just do that."

"What a jerk."

Daniel then goes over to Mike and he kicks Daniel's feet out from under him. They crawl towards each other and Daniel gets Mike in the LeBell Lock, locking it in. Mike tries to hang on, but he has no choice but to tap.

"Damn." Riss sighs.


Riss nods in agreement. The screen fades out on Mike's disappointed face before showing John's new movie. Then ringside Cole was concerned about Mike, before talking about the next match, Randy vs Sheamus for the WWE Championship. A video package is shown, highlighting what's led up to tonight. The cage is then lowered before the match. Once it's lowered, Sheamus comes out first followed by Randy. Both guys go at it immediately. Randy clotheslines Sheamus into the cage on the floor outside the ring.

We all wince.

Sheamus returns favor by whipping Randy back-first into the cell. Sheamus is grabbing the ringside steps to use as a weapon. Randy stops the attempt and winds up nailing Sheamus with the ringside steps himself. Back in the ring, Sheamus hits a huge shoulder-block on Randy, blasting him into the cell. Sheamus attempts a pinfall, but only gets two. Sheamus removes the top turnbuckle padding, exposing the steel from within it. He misses an attempt to slam Randy into it face-first. Turnbuckle padding remains off as the match moves away from that particular corner of the ring. Randy ends up dodging a Sheamus attack, resulting in Sheamus slamming himself into the exposed steel in the ringside corner.


Later on, the ringside steps come into play again, this time with Randy hitting a snap-slam on Sheamus onto the steps which were placed in the middle of the ring. Sheamus focuses his attack on the ribs of Randy and the shoulder. Sheamus hits the Brough Kick and almost gets the win off of that, but Randy managed to kick out at 2 1/2. Sheamus goes to the floor and pulls a chair out from under the ring. Sheamus nails Randy across the back with the chair repeatedly, setting up another nearfall. Out of nowhere, Randy hits the RKO on Sheamus. He goes for the punt kick, but Sheamus avoids it and counters with the Brough Kick. Sheamus goes for the pin but Randy again manages to kick out at 2 1/2. Randy avoids a Sheamus attack and hits an RKO out of nowhere for the pin.

"That was out of nowhere."

"Super Randy."


"Our segment is coming up soon, we have to go." Justin says to her.

"Oh boy." She takes a breath.

"You'll be just fine."

She nods a bit as they get up.

"I agree with Justin. You'll be just fine." I say.


"Have fun."

She hands over her ring and they leave the room. Justin laces his fingers with hers as they both head to where they need to be. She leans his head against his shoulder. They reach Wade and them, which was near the interview area, where the season 3 NXT divas were waiting to be interviewed by Josh. They acknowledge the other guys. She snuggles up against Justin. A commercial for the upcoming WWE Bragging Rights Pay-Per-View was aired. The Raw vs SmackDown theme was hyped, along with Wade delivering the 'Nexus or against us' routine. That led to Josh starting the interview attempting to interview the cast of NXT season three. Wade motions to everyone and they start to make their way over. Justin has Riss stay where she is until she's motioned to come over. Riss stays out of sight watching.

Wade says there's something in the air tonight. He promises John Cena will be with them after tonight, and showed off the Nexus armband they plan on giving Cena on Raw tomorrow night.

"And before I forget. We've successfully recruited another member into the Nexus. It's been a plan we've secretly been working on. And with the help of Justin Gabriel, the plan was a success."

Justin smirks and holds his hand out off camera. Riss puts her hand in his and he pulls her onscreen.

"We'd like to officially welcome, Karissa into The Nexus." Wade says, handing her the Nexus armband that was in his hand already.

She nods and smirks taking it and sliding it up her arm.

"So we have grown stronger and this proves that you're either Nexus or against us. John Cena will find that out tonight and he too will be one of us."

The rest of Nexus smirks. Justin's arm slides around Riss.

"And we're clear." The cameraman says.

"It was easy."

"I told you."

"And now I'm officially a member."

He grins and she laughs a little. Then out of nowhere they hear the GM chime in.

"Oh jeez, what does he want?"

Cole announces that the GM has sent him a email and he goes up to read it.

"And I quote. The Women's Championship has been vacant since Night Of Champions. To decide who will fill that vacant spot, there will be a series of matches which will go on for three weeks. 4 Divas will compete for this spot. The first match being tomorrow night on Raw. But in order to determine who these four Divas are, we will have a Battle Royal and the 4 remaining Divas will compete for the Women's Championship. And that next."

"Gotta go and change. I'll be back." She tells Justin.

He nods.

"I'll be by the curtain waiting for you."

"Alright." She steals a quick kiss and quickly heads to the room.

She grabs her bag as she walks in and heads into the changing area to change into her new Nexus-style ring gear. She comes out and sits on the couch to lace up and buckle the converse boots.

"Ooooooh I love that."


"I'm gonna miss not having the same locker room as you after tonight."

"I know." She agrees.

"But hey, look at it this Ted can sneak in here all he wants and you have way more privacy." She adds.

"True..." I giggle.

"I'm sure he knows that too. I wouldn't be surprised if he shows up after I leave. Because we all know Maryse is gonna be in this match so he'll be free to do what he wants."

I grin happily and she laughs.

"See you later." She says amusedly as she gets up.

"Good luck."


Then she heads out the door to head to the curtain, and of course along the way she passes Ted and she knows where he's going. She finally reaches the curtain where the rest of the girls start showing up and she walks over to Justin.

"Tada." She declares, doing a spin to show off the new gear.


"Glad you like."

"I don't like...I love."

She laughs.

"I'm also coming out with you for this match."


"Best part, I can give you a kiss for luck before the match now....on camera."

"You are so excited about that."

"I am." He grins.

"My goofball."

"I love you too."

"Oh you know how much I love you." She giggles.

"I do."


Kelly was the last person to show up, but she would be the first person going out, so she had to make her way through the group of girls to do so. On her way through, she eyes Justin briefly before moving to the front of the group.

"Ohh she did not just do that."


"She was eyeing you."

She scowls in the direction she went.

"Now that you mention it, she didn't even have a look of fear on her face of you."

"Oh she will." Ross glowers.

Her music goes off first as she's the first person to head out for the Battle Royal. Riss growls a little bit. Out next is Tamina, followed by Beth and then the Bella Twins. Riss waits her turn with Justin massaging her shoulders as he stands behind her.

"You've got this." He reassures.

She nods without saying anything. The last one to go out was Jillan. They faded her music before playing the Nexus music and then Riss and Justin go out together. *Instantly there's booing but she just blocks it out. They get to the end of the ramp, outside the ring. Justin of course gives her a kiss for luck before walking around to stay by commentary to watch only. She gets into the ring, smirking slightly when some of the girls step back a bit. The bell then ring and it's a few moments before utter chaos ensues in the ring. Immediately Riss goes after Kelly for eyeing Justin before the match. She makes sure to get her good too. Then she had the nerve to reach out and slap her across the face. That just pisses her off so Riss tackles her and starts wailing on her. Mid-attack, someone her and when she gets up and turns around, it's Eve.

"Want some?!" She taunts.

Then she hits her few times before grabbing her by the hair and her shorts, throwing her out of the ring, and she tumbles to the floor. She turns around and searches for Kelly again. She's lost in the sea of chaos so she sets her eyes on a new target....Michelle. She goes up behind her and grabs her, slamming her down on the mat. In the midst of going after Michelle, Rosa, Maryse and Nikki were eliminated. Riss ad gotten Michelle outside the ropes and dropkicked her off of the side. Riss gets hit from behind but she locks onto the ropes. She looks up to find Jillian trying to eliminate her. Once she's safe, she grabs her by the hair, pulling her over the rope, and then she quickly slides into the ring before Jillian could take her down with her. Kelly, Tamina, Beth, Brie, Gail, Tiffany, Alicia and Layla were left. Beth and Tamina were going at each other. Layla was busy with Tiffany and Gail. Kelly and Brie were going at each other. That left Alicia all alone, therefore being her next target. It doesn't take her long to eliminate her, and she ends up on the floor.

At the same time, Layla had eliminated both Gail and Tiffany. Beth had eliminated Tamina and then Kelly did a sneak attack and sent Beth over the top rope and to the floor. The ref signaled to ring the bell. Riss looks around seeing that it's her Layla, Brie and Kelly who will be moving onto the series of matches. They all eye each other. Riss is the first to leave the ring, making sure to give Kelly the evil eyes while Justin came around to meet her to head back.

She follows, then Brie, and Layla brings up the rear. Not even a minute after we get backstage, Riss ends up squealing as Justin spins her around.

"One step closer to having that title."

"I know."

Of course he doesn't stop there as he sets her on her feet. He dips her and kisses her.

"There'll be more of that...all the time now."

She giggles and steals another kiss before he brings her back up.

"Now we need to go get our things before going to our new locker room."

"A roomful of guys. Oh boy,"

"But you know them all, it's not like they're strangers."

"I know."

"Oh, and when we get back to get our things, we're gonna have to knock first this time..." She adds.

"Of course."

Then they start to head back to the room. They get there and knock. They hear me say that they can come in, and they do so.



"You did great." I comment.


"So changing locker rooms now I'm assuming."


"I'll get our things." Justin says, heading in to get them.

"What did Kelly do by the way? You looked like you wanted to beat her into the ground." Ted says to Riss.

"She was eyeing Jussi."

"Right in front of you?"


I just shake my head.

"So yeah, I was a little pissed."

"Don't blame you."

Justin comes back out with their bags.

"We'll see you later. Don't have too much fun." Riss teases.

"Oh shush."

She laughs and hugs us before following Justin out.

"As if we would have too much fun."

Ted chuckles.

"You never know..."

"Kidding...just kidding."

"Better be."

"We can never have too much fun."


Next was an in-ring segment with Del Rio, Edge, and Swagger. Del Rio comes out to the ring in street clothes, gets on the mic and says that this is his PPV debut and he wants to make it special. He shows a shot of the dog her had in a Rey Mysterio mask on SmackDown, and says that he's richer than Mark Cuban and more handsome than Tony Romo. He tells the crowd he is better than they are. Edge's music hits and out he comes. He mentions that he's not here to defend Mysterio, Texas or Christian, he's here to fight against stupidity. He says Del Rio's dog mask is stupid. Del Rio and Edge square off, but are interrupted by Jack Swagger's theme music. Swagger complains that Edge roughed up his mascot on Smackdown. Edge says he'll pay for the mascot's medical bills. Edge attacks Swagger, but Swagger and Del Rio team up and begin the two-on-one beatdown of Edge. That's when the GM chimes in for the 2nd time tonight.

"Not again."

"Can I have your attention please. I have received an email from the Raw general manager, on a new upgraded computer. And I quote. Edge, Edge, Edge. Tomorrow night on Raw, you will issue a live, in-ring apology to me. In the meantime you're going to be in action. Get a referee down here, because Edge you are going to face Jack Swagger right now."

"Wah wahh."

The ref comes down and the match starts. Early on, Swagger is bleeding from the mouth from an Edge attack. Edge sends Swagger to the floor. From the floor, Swagger grabs Edge by the leg and attempts an ankle lock from the floor. Edge ultimately escapes and flips Swagger into the ringside steps in the process. Crowd dug that. Edge goes to the top rope, but Swagger quickly leaps to the top rope and suplexes him down below, ala Kurt Angle. Swagger attempts a Swagger Bomb, but Edge blocks with a kick to the gut. He follows up with a DDT and a big spear. One more spear shortly thereafter and Edge secures the pinfall for the victory.


After a break, Justin, Riss, Heath, Otunga and Tarver were in the hallway outside the Nexus locker room.

"We need to stick to the plan, I just..I'm not sure if this is gonna work."

"I agree with Justin, just because this....Wade..." Heath adds.

"Calm down, calm down." Otunga continues.

"Wade..." Heath starts to say again.

"Calm down, listen to me. Look man, I trust Wade, I do. I mean after all he's brought us this far. But we need to be absolutely certain that tonight isn't the end of Nexus. Now I know I didn't get a chance to go over this with you, but it'll work and we won't get disqualified. Ya'll trust me right? Ya'll trust me right? Come on, I'll explain on the way." Otunga finished and they all follow.

"Wonder what he's planning." I say.

"Whatever it is, it definitely pertains to John's match."


Jerry, Cole, and Striker talk about the next match which is Wade vs John. A video package airs about what's happened since Nexus has debuted on Raw, leading up to tonight. The bell rings and Justin Roberts announces the match and the stipulations. Nexus' music hits and Wade walks out first. John comes out next. John and Wade are both in the ring, and this match with big repercussions is underway. John goes for an AA early on, but the rest of Nexus that does include Riss, run out and hit the ringside area to distract him. John gets distracted particularly with seeing her, shocked that she would join them. Wade gets out of the AA following the distraction. He hits him from behind, making him roll out of the ring. Wade gets out of the ring, yelling mostly at the guys, before getting calm and making sure that all of them know that if they touch John, he loses and Nexus disbands. Riss tugs Justin back a bit, calling to the others.

Wade throws John into the barrier, before throwing him back into the ring and getting back in himself. He goes for the cover, John kicks out at two. Wade has firm control of the action, until John begins making a comeback as Nexus surrounds the ring during the set up of his Five Knuckle Shuffle. That's when Big Show, MVP, Daniel Bryan, the Hart Dynasty, Dolph Ziggler, John Morrison, Goldust, Kofi Kingston, Evan Bourne and Chris Masters come out running. Justin was near Riss, so he was able to grab a hold of her hand and get her out of there before they all get to the members around the ring. The WWE guys head backstage. John signals to Wade that it's one on one now and smiles big. John goes for an AA, but Wade again avoids it and hits his own finisher. He attempts a pin, but John kicks out. But out of nowhere after a bit, John hits the AA on Wade. He goes for the pin, but Wade kicks out at 2 1/2. That's when he locks in the STF, trying to get Wade to tap. That's when someone from the crowd climbs over the barrier and slides into the ring. The ref however stops him before he could get any farther.

"Wait a minute...that was McGillicutty." I point out.

"Uh-oh, I don't think Riss is going to like this much." I add.

John lets go of Wade and watches the action going on with the guy who tried to get involved as security pulls him from the ring. Another person comes from the crowd and nails John in the head, knocking him out, before running away back into the crowd.

"And that was Husky!"

"Oh man." Ted remarks.

Wade covers John and gets the pin. The crowd is in shock. Everyone from Nexus come back through the crowd and slides into the ring. They all hug Wade and raise his hand in victory. Then Otunga and Tarver lift Wade onto their shoulders for more of a victory celebration. Riss stands beside Justin, holding his hand.

Posing in the corners like Monday night and such, Wade leave first, and then the rest of them follow. Everyone is celebrating Wade's victory on the stage. John is awake and discouraged about the outcome of the match, looking like he feels like he let everyone down. Riss fights the urge to frown seeing the look on his face, because she has to stay in character and be happy that Wade won. She manages to hide that emotion and act happy. They head backstage, but John is still in the ring, clearly upset. The fans are just shocked and don't know how to respond. John gets to his feet and he gets applauded and his name chanted. They replay what happened with McGillicutty and Husky's involvement. He goes over to the fans and hugs a few before heading up the ramp to head to the back. Riss chews her lip, wondering if she should say anything to him.

"Go ahead. Back here we don't have to be our characters. You're safe." Justin encourages.

She reaches up and kisses Justin right by the corner of his lips. Then she lets him go and walks over to John.


He looks at her.

"Sorry I couldn't warn you about the heel turn."

"It was supposed to be a surprise to everyone." She adds.

"Definitely was a surprise." He nods.

"I know what you're feeling. It wasn't your fault that you lost. You didn't let anyone down. You tried and that's all that matters. The fans will stick by you no matter what. Whether you're in Nexus or not."

"Thanks Karissa. I think I needed to hear that."

"You're welcome. And I apologize ahead of time for anything I may have to do to you or what Wade makes you do. You'll find a way out of this...eventually, I know you will."

John nods.

"Try not to stress out about this whole thing."

"I'll do my best."

"So I'll see you tomorrow night then."

"Yup. Bye John."

They hug, before she goes back to Justin and they head back to the locker room. Josh is walking through the backstage area, obviously looking for someone. It's all dark and purple and Paul Bearer appears with an urn in a doorway and walks over to Josh.

"Paul Bearer, after a six year absence, you've returned. Why now?"

"My son Kane might think that he's the only one that has a master plan. But for six long years, I've been biding my time very patiently. Developing my own master plan. Waiting for the time to make my presence felt. And while Kane may be the devil's favorite demon, he will never, never be the father of destruction's favorite son."

"He creeps me out." I say when I come out of the changing area.

"Yeah." Ted agrees.

"But I have to get going now...match is next."

"Alright. Good luck kiss?"

"You know I can never pass that up."

He grins and stands up, pulling me into his arms. He leans down and kisses me, and makes it go for quite some time. I had to pull away however, so that I wouldn't be late getting to the curtain.

"Gotta go. Love you."

"Love you too."

After a reach the curtain, it's shortly after that when they play my music and I head out first. I enter the ring and do my usual stuff before they play Natalya's music. I get ready for the match as she comes out. I hand over the title and the ref raises it for all to see. Natalya and I meet in the middle of the ring and shake hands for sportsmanship. The bell rings and we circle a bit before locking up. Natalya quickly wraps her arms around my waist and trips me. I get to my feet and grab her arm and twist it behind her back. She reverses it and wraps her arms around my mid-section again. I struggle because she is putting pressure on it. I manage to slide out of her grip and underneath her, using my feet and pushing her away. We just have a little laugh about and smile at each other, because this is gonna be fun. We circle again and lock up, this time I get her her a headlock and after applying a bit of pressure she pushes me into the ropes. So I let go and launch off them and when I come back, she shoulder blocks me down to the apron. She goes to launch off the ropes and I quickly get up. I duck one move and when she comes back, I dropkick her. I go for a quick cover, she kicks out at one. I quickly move and wrap my legs around her midsection, which applies pressure in itself. But she manages to pick me up and slams me into the corner. She goes for a roll up, but I reverse it into a roll up of my own and she kicks out. I get up quickly and clothesline her back down to the apron. I drop to my knees, help her to a sitting position, grabbing her arms and pulling them back while I drive my knee into her back. She manages to get to her feet and reverse my hold. She kicks me away and then spins and clotheslines me hard to the apron. She goes for the cover but I kick out. She then grabs my legs, getting me set up for the Sharpshooter. I struggle and struggle but she gets it locked in and I'm reaching for the ropes, dealing with the imense amount of pain going through my lower back. I slowly crawl my way to the ropes and grab the bottom one, Natalya having to let go. I hold my back as I recover. Natalya comes over and helps me up, throwing me into the ropes. She bends over and when I come back, I kick her in the shoulder. I then turn her around and hit a neckbreaker, going for a cover. Natalya kicks out at 2 1/2.

I head over to the ropes and look back at her, making sure she stays put. When I think she's still, I use the ropes to hop to the top and I backflip off of the top rope, hoping to hit Natalya, but she moves at the last second, my stomach making contact with the apron below. I clutch my midsection, but let go when Natalya covers me for the pin. I can't lose this title...not now, so I kick out with all my strength. She tries for the Sharpshooter again, but this time I quickly roll out of the ring. That's when she comes after me and I slide back into the ring with her hot on my heels. The adrenaline is pumping now and when we run at each other, I clothesline her down, and I keep doing that a few times before delivering another neckbreaker. I decide to not go for the pin right away. I start to think about how I can makem y finisher different this time around. Looking around I see the ropes...that's it. I get up and head over to the nearest ropes. I wait for her to start moving and getting up herself. Thankfully her back was to me so she couldn't see what I was doing. I stood on the bottom rope, before stepping up to the second. I look behind me to see that she's turning around. I meet her when she turns around with a modified version of my roundhouse kick, this one being hit from the top rope. She goes down once my boot comes in contact with the side of her head. I cover her quickly and the ref counts to three.

I grin happily and get up. The ref retrieves my title and hands it to me before raising my hand. Natalya comes to, moving around. I walk over and drop the title, before helping her up.

"Great match." I say.

"Hope I didn't kick you too hard."

"I'll be alright. Maybe a headache but I've had worse." Nattie replies.

I nod, picking the title up. I then grab her hand and we raise our hands in the air, before hugging and leaving the ring. We split and go separate ways backstage. I walk back to the room and go inside. I'm almost instantly engulfed in a hug.

"I knew you could do it!"

"Ow ow ow...careful."

"Are you okay?" Ted asks, pulling away and looking me over with concern.

"Sore. You saw the hard hits and the misses I endured out there."

"Of course. I'm just happy you won."

"I know."

He kisses me gently. When he pulls away, he leads me to the couch and brings me down so I'm sitting on his lap.


"I love you."

"I love you too." I smile, snuggling into him contentedly.

"So, need a ride back to the hotel or no?" I ask.


"Staying the night in my room or can I stay in yours?"

"Whichever you like." He smiles.

"Well I haven't been able to stay in yours.....until now. Yours it is."

"Okay." He chuckles.

"You know all that's left is Kane vs Undertaker. We could go back now...."

"Sounds good to me."

"You're gonna have to let me go so I can change."

Ted nods and lets me go. I quickly change and the two of us head out to the car. Riss and Justin were just finishing up getting changed themselves, because they didn't need to stick around really either. She keeps giggling quietly as Justin touches her teasingly.

"Quit it."

"I can't help myself."

"We don't have the locker room to ourselves anymore so quit."


"Normally I don't have a problem with you being touchy but its a little awkward when there's people out there. I'm not close to any of them so its awkward unlike when we share with Air and everything." She explains.


"So save it for the hotel room lover boy."

"Oh, alright."

"It'll be worth it you know."

"Oh I know."

They get done and grab their bags. They go out into the room itself and say goodbye to the rest of Nexus. Then they leave the room, and then head out of the arena and to their car. Justin drives them to the hotel and they go to their room.

"So you probably want me to change first right?" She asks.

She laughs as he smirks.

"I'll take that as a yes then."

He nods and she walks over to her bag, rummaging around for something to put on. She finds something after a bit and heads into the bathroom to change. Justin gets changed himself while she's gone. After changing, he climbs into the bed to wait for her. She walks out and drops her clothes with her stuff. She looks up after and sees Justin staring. She does a little spin. He's still staring when she looks back at him. She giggles softly as she walks to the bed.

"Liking what you see hmm?"

He nods. She picks up the blanket and slides into bed. She moves right over to Justin, straddling his hips.

"You're killing me here."

"Good because you were making me crazy with those touches earlier."

"Was I? Oops."

"So on purpose." She remarks, tracing patterns on his chest with her fingertips.


He moves his hands towards her hips but she grabs them and sets them beside him.

"Ah ah ah. No touching until I say so."


"Patience." She laughs softly.

She leans forward and brushes her lips against his.

"You know me and patience..." He mumbles.

"I know." She giggles.

She moves her lips along his jaw, up to his ear.

"You're gonna tempt me aren't you?"



"But you love me."

"I do."

She nips at his earlobe gently.

"You're so gonna be in for it, if you keep doing that."

She smirks and alternates between nipping and lightly sucking on his earlobe while tracing his abs. It gets too much for him and next thing she knows, she's laying on the bed with him above her. She squeaks and then giggles.

"I told you."

"I know."

"I somehow have a feeling you won't be wearing that for much longer. You've tempted me enough."

She smirks and leans up to nip at his jaw. He wastes no time in trying to remove what she's wearing. She teases him a little before letting him. She shifts so she can take it off, and he tosses it away. It's not long after that when the rest of what they both were still wearing came off as well. Meanwhile Ted and I have gotten settled in his room.

"I'm gonna have to be up early in the morning....." I mention.


"Media stuff....the usual."

"Ah, I see."

"I really don't want to, but I have no choice."

"It's part of the job."

"Right, I know."

He kisses my head.

"Should probably get some sleep then I suppose."


"But that won't be a're comfortable." I say as I snuggle into him more.

"Good to know." He chuckles.

"I'll make sure you're up in the morning." He adds.

"Thank you." I smile, and kiss him.

"You're welcome."

"If it's not too much trouble, maybe I'll be able to go with you. As the "friend" of course."

"That would be nice."

"I mean I have nothing planned for tomorrow....besides going to the arena with Maryse. But that's not until later in the day."


"But right now you need your sleep."

I nod and get one last kiss.

"Night Ted."

"Night Ariel."