Priceless Sensation

Bragging Rights

"You're taking too long." Ted says from out in the room.

"You're just too impatient." I call back, laughing.

"I can't help it."

"It takes time to look this good you know."

"You always look good no matter what."

"As you always tell me."

"It's the truth."

After a finish with my makeup, I put everything away and then walk out to put my shoes on.

" look great."

"And this is just before I compete tonight."


"I have to deal with LayCool again. Ugh."

"I'm sorry."

"Only because it's all about Raw vs SmackDown, so that applies to the other matches, not just the elimination match tonight."


"I'd rather be facing someone that I know it'll be a good match with."

"I know. You won't always get that unfortunately."

"Cause we all know how they like to book matches."

"You'll do great. You always do regardless." He adds.

"Thanks." I smile.

"I always get yelled at for cheering for you, by you know who....but I don't care."

"Awww." I laugh.

"My eyes never leave the screen when you're in a match."

"I feel special."

"That's because you are."

"Aww." I smile and kiss him.

When I do pull away, I head over to the bed to put my shoes on.

"You know, to make things quicker, I can help." Ted offers.

"If you want."

"You just like being touchy."

"True." He chuckles.

"Go ahead." I giggle.

He grins and helps me put my shoes on. Of course, like I said, he was a bit touchy. Once that's done he stands up and pulls you into his arms.

"Soon I won't have to let you go in public."

"I know." I smile.

"I'll be able to kiss you and hold you all I want."

"And many other things."

"That too."

"But being able to kiss me and hold me all you want, is the most important."

"Yes." He agrees.

"And once my match is over, I promise....I will be spending the rest of the night in the locker room with you." He adds.

"I like the sound of that."

"And at the end of the night....right back here with you."


"I really don't care what people think. They won't have to suspect anything."

I nod and snuggle closer.

"I think we should go before we're late."

"Yeah..." I say, pulling away reluctantly.

"Just one more thing before we get to the arena and we split off in different directions there...."

I look up at him curiously. He moves one of his hands to rest on the side of my face, before leaning down and giving me a lingering kiss, that will be sure to make me survive the wait until after his match tonight.

"Mmm..." I sigh happily as he pulls back. "That should last you until then." He chuckles.

"I would say so." I nod.

We grab our bags and head out. Justin and Riss in the meantime are also getting ready to go themselves. She's standing in the bathroom, dressed but barefoot. Her makeup is done and her hair is almost finished. She has a straightener in hand as she goes over sections of her hair to make them straighter.

"Tonight is going to be fun." Justin calls from out in the room.

"Yeah I know."

"You so have your match won already. I can see it all now."

"Anything can happen."

"Yes, anything. But you will win this."

"You're so confident."

"And you're not?"

"I'm trying to be cautious."

"Like I said, anything can happen." She adds.


"But I believe in you Rissa." He adds.

"I know. Thank you."

"And you know how I'm always good luck."

She laughs.

"Yes, you are."

"Especially the kisses you give me before each and every match." She adds.

"I know."

Once she finishes her hair, since everything else was done, all that was left was her shoes, so she walks out to grab those. She picks them up and sits down on the bed to put them on.

"You look....amazing."

"You always say that."

"Because it's true."

"You're supposed to think so."

"Because I love you."

"I love you too."

"I love you more."

"Nu-uh, I love -you- more."

"We love each other equally more."

"Alright." She laughs.

"And I'm done." She says as she gets the other shoe on.

"Gorgeous." Justin declares, looking her up and down after she stands.



She smiles softly.

"I know."

"And only for you."

"Better be." She says, stepping close and sliding her hands into the back pockets of his jeans.

"Cross my heart."

"Good." She murmurs.

She takes her hands from his pockets and wraps herself around him. She lays her head on his chest. He smiles and wraps his arms around her, leaning his head on top of hers.

"Love you." She says quietly.

"I love you too."

"I really don't want to move but we should probably go. We don't want to be late."


Justin keeps one arm around her as they grab their bags and leave. We all get to the arena at seperate times, heading to our respective locker rooms for the night. The show starts with this creepy video package, clearly advertising Kane vs Taker in their Buried Alive match tonight. That leads to the show officially starting with the theme and the pyros. The show's introduced by the usual announce team. Then they talk highly about Wade vs Randy, before showing the Bragging rights trophy. The show however starts off with the champion vs champion match. Daniel Bryan vs Dolph Ziggler.

"Excuse me!" Vickie says, coming out like always before Dolph does.

"Oh good lord. Not her."

"Excuse me! I said excuse me! Please help me welcome, a man who could choose any woman to date. But instead he chooses me. He is the Intercontinental Champion, ladies and gentlemen, Dolph Ziggler!"

So he comes out and gets into the ring, before Daniel comes out. At the end of an incredibly hard-fought match, it was Dolph Ziggler’s frustration over not being able to win that would allow Daniel Bryan to take advantage and lock in the LeBell Lock, ultimately forcing Dolph to tap out, getting a win for Raw's side so far for the night.


Dolph throws a tantrum with Vickie, about his loss.


Backstage in the locker room, Mike and Alex are both watching the screen, laughing at what just happened.

"You see, you see? Daniel Bryan was my rookie on NXT, taught him everything he knows, now Raw's off to a great start because of my leadership."

"You're right Miz, thanks to your leadership, Daniel Bryan is US-" He's cut off and pushed away as Sheamus enters the room.

"Your leadership. Who in their right mind would take orders from you? In case you've forgotten, I'm the former WWE Champion in this team. And I'm certainly not gonna listen to you."

"Really? Let me speak very...very slowly for you, so you'll understand. Miz, is Raw team captain, not you."

"Miz...." Punk trails off, appearing in the room now.

Riss grimaces at the sigh of Punk.

"'re barely Captain Crunch, let alone Raw team captain. I am Captain Straight Edge. And I'm sure you recall, last time we saw you, you were getting choke slammed and splashed and subsequently pinned by Rey Mysterio."

"And last time we saw you, you were getting speared by Edge."

"I'm not here to talk about the last time we...." Punk adds before everyone starts talking over one another.

"Gentlemen! GENTLEMEN!" Santino yells to get their attention, walking into the room now.

"Chillax. I'm here. Where's the rest of the team? And I was promised some snacks and beverages."

"I said there might be snacks and beverages." Alex states.

"We don't need to be talking about snacks and beverages, we need to strategize against SmackDown." Mike adds, before they talk amongst each other again.

"That is a great idea, it's the first one you've come up with. We do need to strategize. But I just came from SmackDown. I was there for a year and I was World Heavyweight Champion. I know them like the back of my hand, inside and out. If anybody's gonna be taking orders or giving orders, it's gonna be me."

"Ah, since we're taking orders, I would love some sunchips. I really like sunchips. Do it." Santino adds.

"What?" Alex says, confused.

"Or not, okay." Santino says, leaving.

"You know what Miz, I couldn't give a fiddler's begger strategy either. Because when I get out there, if anyone gets in my face, I'll kick their head off." Sheamus says, before leaving himself and Punk is laughing.

"Punk...." Mike trails off.

"Ahhh, he's gonna kick your head off." He says quietly.

"....Punk, I know we don't like each other, I know nobody trusts each other. But for one night, we need to unite. For one night, we need to be one. For one night, we need to be fighting for the same cause. Because we are Team Raw, and we are awesome!"

"Well..." Punk trails off, looking at Alex.

"...some of us are awesome." He finishes before walking out himself.

"Alex is awesome. Punk is not." Riss mutters.

"Look, forget about him. But honestly, you need to get this together okay? Santino thinks this is a cocktail party, the Keebler Elf is going off on wild tangents talking about whate-you've got to get this together. I mean you're the team captain, we gotta go out there soon. Come on." Alex goes off.

"Keebler Elf? Ahahaha."

"Calm down. Calm down. The team is exactly where they need to be. 'Cause where there's chaos, there's opportunity. Team Raw is ready to take down the blue team." Mike finishes and the screen fades to the city view.

"Good luck with that."

Back ringside, the next match starts. Cody comes out first, looking in his mirror on the wall, which projects to the crowd next to it. Drew comes out next, this clearly being a tag team match. Cody asks for mics and gets one for him and Drew.

"Bragging Rights. What an appropriate name for the evening because, who has more to brag about than the WWE Tag Team Champions, Drew McIntyre and myself Dashing Cody Rhodes."

"It was over a month ago, we became your WWE Tag Team Champions. And we have absolutely dominated everyone from Raw and SmackDown. Actually, seems pretty appropriate tonight to mention, they were pretty much all from Raw. Now we've got a little bit of a dilemma. Nobody wants to face us Cody. All the boys in the back are scared to death of us and I don't blame em'."

"You see you don't have to be...d-" Cody's cut off by the anonymous Raw GM.

"Can I have your attention please. I have just received an email from the anonymous Raw General Manager. And I quote. Actually, there is a team on Raw, worthy of facing you tonight for your Tag Team Titles."

That's when Nexus' music hits and Wade walks out.

"This is going to be the greatest night in the history of the Nexus. For very soon, I will be crowned the new WWE Champion. But now, please welcome one half of the next WWE Tag Team Champions, David Otunga. And his partner, a man who I have told....ordered under no circumstances to bringing home the Tag Titles this evening. Fellow Nexus member....John Cena. Now before John comes out here, I have one more title match that I'm happy to announce. Fellow Nexus member Karissa has a match for the Women's title, which she will win tonight as well."

She smirks from her usual spot beside Justin. He grins and brings up their laced hands, kissing the back of her hand. John's music hits and he runs out instantly, not waiting for Otunga. In the end, it was a shocking result as John would lock in his STF on Cody and would force him to tap out, meaning that John and Otunga have become the new Tag Team Champions. After the match, David Otunga would celebrate with both tag title belts before handing one to John and with his orders to win the WWE Tag Team Titles fulfilled, he was free and albeit for a moment, and delivered an AA to David Otunga.

"Well we have gold regardless now."


"You're the next one." Justin grins.

Riss nods and giggles lightly.

The screen fades on Otunga's face for a break, showing Big Show's new movie. Back ringside with Cole, Jerry and Striker and they talk about Ted and what he's been going through the past few weeks. They show what happened 3 weeks ago, when Goldust revealed himself as the person behind the messages, and attacking Ted, before taking the Million Dollar title. Ted's then backstage with Maryse for an interview with Josh.

"Excuse me guys. Ted, we're just moments away from your match with Goldust. How do you plan on getting back your Million Dollar Championship?"

"Well I-" Ted goes to talk but Maryse stops him and answers for French.

"Dumb broad. Speak English!"

"Maryse, please. He asked me."


"Let me tell you something Josh. Goldust does not belong in the same ring as me. He doesn't even belong in my tax-bracket. None of these people do. You know, Goldust is weird and I don't like him. I'll give him credit, you know with...he was clever and tricky with his little mind games, his cryptic messages and stealing MY property right out from under me. But I'm gonna do him a favor. I'm gonna be very...very direct. Tonight, I'm gonna beat Goldust. And then I'm gonna take back MY Million Dollar Title. And then, I'm gonna have his fake, NXT girlfriend deported."

"Yeah..." Maryse says in English before going off in French again.

"Exactly." Ted pretends to agree with her like he knew what she was saying.

That led to the match, and Ted's music goes off first, him and Maryse walking out since they were like right near the curtain so they could go right out. She of course does her hair flip for him, before they get into the ring. Once his music fades, Goldust comes out with Aksana. Once his entrance was over, finally the bell rings and the match starts. They lock up before Ted gets the better of him for the moment, sending him stumbling into one of the corners. He kicks him repeatedly, before punching him repeatedly. The ref has to pull him away and when Ted goes back, he's met by a slap to the face and Goldust takes control before sending him outside the ring.


Maryse goes to check on Ted, but as soon as Goldust gets out of the ring, she scurries away. Ted's then thrown into the barrier, before throw into the ring. Goldust goes to the top rope, but took too much time so Ted goes and hits him in the face, making him fall to the apron. Ted then goes after him, taking control of the match, hitting a dropkick. He goes for the cover, but Goldust kicks out.

"Damn." I sigh.

Maryse then starts trash talking Aksana, calling her a Maryse wannabe. Ted keeps the control for a while, before Goldust gets out of the hold that Ted had him in and gets to his feet. But Ted comes back with a clothesline. He goes for another cover, but Goldust kicks out again. Ted then hits him with fists and knees, but the fans are not cheering for him, they're cheering for Goldust. Goldust comes back, until Ted counters with a backbreaker. He goes for a third cover, but Goldust kicks out. Another cover, and another kickout. Ted gets him to the apron again, his arm wrapped around his neck. Aksana hits the mat, Goldust gets up and gets out of the hold, reversing. Both men are down and the ref starts counting to 10.

"Shut up! I'm talking!" Maryse yells at the ref as she's trying to encourage Ted to get up.

"She is such an idiot."

Ted starts moving and gets to his feet first, followed by Goldust and the fight continues, followed by a clothesline by Goldust. It's not looking good for Ted, as he gets hit with an Inverted Atomic Drop, followed by a Running Bulldog. Goldust goes for the cover.

"Teeeeeed!!!!" Maryse screeches before he kicks out.

"Oh my god, shut up woman. You and your god awful screeching. Its a wonder anyone can still hear!"

Into the ropes and then Ted ducks as Goldust jumps and Goldust goes tumbling out of the ring. Ted recovers for a moment as Goldust gets to his feet. He goes through the ropes and goes to pull Goldust up, but gets hit in the face with another slap. Back up onto the apron, and Goldust drops Ted onto the top rope as he jumps down. He climbs back up and onto the top rope. Maryse hits the apron, encouraging Ted to get back to his feet. He does and when he turns around, Goldust jumps, but Ted hits him with a dropkick in mid-air. Ted goes for the cover, but Goldust kicks out.

In the corner and Ted hits him once before sending him into the opposite. Ted runs right into a scoop-slam by Goldust and he goes for a cover, Ted kicks out. Goldust hits the apron repeatedly with his hands in frustration.

"Come on!" He screams.

He goes to send Ted into the ropes, but Ted reverses and gets him into position for Dream Street. He goes to deliver it, but Goldust reverses and sends Ted tumbling away. Ted however comes back and hits a Spinebuster, going for a cover, but there's another kickout. Back into the corner again and Ted throws punches. He throws him into the opposite corner, but he kind of jumps up and turns, hitting Ted with a shoulder. Both men are down now, and then Maryse out of nowhere attacks Aksana and a fight ensues, before she throws her into the ring. Aksana looks like she's crying, and Goldust goes to check on her and help her out of the ring. This allows time for a distraction and Ted takes advantage of it, hitting Ted from behind and then hits him with a DDT. He covers Goldust and this time he gets the pin, winning the match.

"Yes!" I exclaim loudly.

Maryse goes and grabs Ted's title, getting into the ring to give it back to him, but Aksana gets into the ring and jumps on her, attacking her. Maryse rolls out and Aksana grabs the title. She turns and sees Ted, before smiling. She fixes her hair before starting to be all flirty and everything. She puts her hand behind his head and entices him to kiss her. But she pulls back, and Goldust is up and he's hit with the Final Cut.

"That bitch!"

I grumble as I watch that part of the replay. But my match is up next so I have to get ready. I sigh and head in to change. I get changed and walk out, sitting on the couch to lace up my boots. Just as I had finished and stood up, grabbing the title, and starting to head out, the door opened and Ted walked in like he said he would after his match.

"Hey you." I smile, dropping my title to go hug him.

I know he's probably still hurting from the match, so I hug him carefully. Ted hugs me back with a sigh of content.

"You okay?" I ask.

"I will be."

"I would love nothing but to stay here and help you feel better, but unfortunately my match was scheduled for after yours."

"Good luck even though I know you won't need it. Love you."

"I love you too."

He gives me a kiss and lets me go. I pick up my title and leave the room. By the time I got to the curtain, LayCool had already gone out, and they had mics to talk...lovely.

"Cut the music. Hey Chelle, I bet Ariel's really excited to defend her title here in Minneapolis, Minnesota."

"Uh why?"

"Because you know, she'll fit in. She'll be right at home with all these stupid people."

Then they start talking all dumb and everything before they get into the ring.

"Seriously though Lay, I don't think that being in Minneapolis is even gonna help Ariel. Uh-uh, she's gonna need more help than that. I mean LayCool's gonna beat her faster than...well...faster than we can delete all those text messages that we keep getting from Brett Favre."

"Real talk, ewwww. Stop."

"But can you blame the guy, you can't blame the guy because the two of us are...."


I shake my head and go out to my music when I tell them to play it.

I know this match won't take me very long, because it's Layla afterall. I hand the title off and the ref raises it. Layla and I circle before locking up and I shove her to the mat like she's a ragdoll. She tumbles and scurries into one of the corners. She glares at me before getting up and charging at me. But I bend back like Melina taught Riss and I, so I avoid a clothesline by Layla. I then stay that way and when Layla turns around I lift my leg and kick her in the face. I stand back upright and elbow her in the face. I then take her out of the corner and send her against the ropes. When she comes back, I clothesline her hard to the apron. I go for the cover, but Layla kicks out. I grab her around the waist and she screams, reaching the ropes, so I have to let go. She then grabs me and throws me out of the ring. I get up and go to get into the ring, changing my strategy when Layla comes for me. I grab her my the hair and drag her out of the ring, tumbling to the floor. I pick her up and slam her into the side of the ring before throwing her back into it. Michelle tries to get involved, but I grab the boot of her healing foot and I slam it down before dropkicking her into the barrier. Layla comes to and grabs me by the hair, but the ref backs her off. I climb up, only to be brought back down by Michelle, hitting my head, but not too hard at least. Just hard enough to hurt. Layla comes back out and throws me back into the ring and she kicks me in the back, followed by a cover. I kick out however. I crawl to the ropes, to help me get up and Layla helps however when I get there. This did give me some time to recover, and it was enough to avoid another clothesline from Layla. I hit her with a couple dropkicks, before running and jumping to the top and hitting her with a cross-body. I don't go for the pin right away, as I pick her up and hit her with a neckbreaker. Michelle is right by the ropes I need to use to do the different version of my finisher on Layla after she gets up. Michelle gets involved of course. So I hold onto the ropes and dropkick her off of the side of the ring, hitting the barrier again. I manage to get back into the ring, inside the ropes, just in time to duck a move from Layla. When she turns around, that's when I hit her with the roundhouse kick, normal way of doing the finisher. I pull her away from the ropes and cover her, getting the three count.

The bell rings and I get ip. The ref hands me my title and I raise it up. I don't bother staying in the ring for any extra time than I need to. I do hold my neck and stuff from the way I landed when I got knocked out of the ring during the match, but other than that I'm okay. The screen fades out on me as I head to the back. As soon as the door of the room shuts behind me, Ted has me scooped up in his arms.

"Are you alright?" He asks as he sits with me on his lap.

"I'm getting a headache, and my neck hurts a little bit."

He reaches up and gently massages my neck.

"Feeling better?" He asks after a few minutes.

"Mmhmm." I mumble, leaning into his touch.

"Just don't make me too relaxed. You know what happens when I get too relaxed. I want to watch Riss' match against Kelly. I can't miss that." I add.

"Of course."

"I think I'm gonna need my headache pills too. I can feel it building."

Ted slides me off his lap and gets up. He finds my pills and a bottle of water, bringing them to me.

"Thank you. I wasn't expecting to hit the ground so hard."

"Nobody really ever is."

"But at least it's nothing serious."


"I don't know what I'd do if you got seriously hurt." He adds.

"Let's hope we don't have to find out."

"Right, but hey...Strike Two. Even closer to finally being out in the open."

"I know. I'll be glad when its over."

After the Survivor Series promo featuring Wade, it's back to the show. Josh being in the grave that will either hold the Undertaker or Kane at the end of their match.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it's a bone-chilling feeling standing inside this grave, where tonight either Kane or the Undertaker will be buried alive. But the rules to a Buried Alive match are simple. There are no pinfalls, there are no disqualifications, there's no count outs. The objective is to incapacitate your opponent so much so, that he can be dragged into this desolate grave. And with that point, either the devil's favorite demon or the deadman, will take this cold and dark dirt, and bury his opponent alive. It has been a dark saga of lies, betrayal and vengeance. But tonight, the final chapter of the Brothers Of Destruction, will be written when one man is buried alive."

That leads to a video package, hyping the match.

"Well I think I should get match is after this one." Riss says.

Justin pouts slightly since he was enjoying cuddling.

"I'll be right back." She giggles softly.

"Better be."

She laughs and untangles herself from him, going into the changing area. Just like always, she comes out after changing and sits back on his lap, putting her converse boots on. She gets done and snuggles into him.

"Much better." He grins.

She giggles.

"You just like the exposed skin." She says quietly.

"Very true."

She gives a small shiver and gets goosebumps as Justin trails his fingertips very lightly down her back.

"And I like seeing your reaction to that stuff."

"Careful lover boy. We're not alone." She says softly.

"I know."

His touch changes to a more massaging feel and she leans into sighing. At that time, Wade comes into the room after coming from catering, and he announces that the group will be getting involved in the current match, but not until later. Everyone gives him a response except Riss. Wade looks at Justin and her with amusement.

"I expect you to keep her from getting hurt out there when we do get involved. Afterall she does have a title match after." He says to Justin.

"Done." Justin nods.

The match had then started, Taker coming out first, followed by Kane. The match went on for a while, and before they knew it, Wade was motioning for them to head out. Justin nudges her and she gets up.

"Don't worry, I'll keep you safe." He says.

"I know. I trust you." She smiles.

Taker and Kane are fighting by the grave and they all head to the curtain to get ready to run out to attack. Justin squeezes her hand reassuringly and she squeezes back. The Undertaker was able to lock Hell’s Gate on Kane, leading to Kane being rendered unconscious, allowing The Undertaker to put Kane in the grave, but as The Undertaker looked to put Paul Bearer in the grave as well. But, that's when Wade motions for them all to go out and they all go after Taker. Justin goes after him first, but is unsuccessful. So he gets back up and protects Riss, by keeping her behind him. Just until things can be on their side. Heath goes flying, and it's not looking too good for the group. Everyone else tries to go after Taker, but he keeps taking them out. He finally get's Wade by the throat, but Heath hits him from behind.

"Now." Justin says, and then they all rush and attack Taker.

Kane's crawling out of the grave as the attack on Undertaker continues. Kane has the urn and Justin and Otunga hold Undertaker while Kane hits him with the urn. He drops it into the grave and then Heath and Wade bury the Undertaker for Kane. Kane goes over to Wade and Heath, and says to everyone to go away. Kane does his signature thing and more dirt falls from where it's being held, burying the Undertaker completely. The lights go out and a bolt of lightning comes from nowhere and ignites the stone, before the Undertaker's symbol shows up on the screen. Jerry, Cole and Striker speechless.

Then Josh is backstage for an interview.

"Ladies and gentlemen please welcome my guest at this time. He is the WWE Champion, Randy Orton. Randy last week you were attacked by the Nexus, while a distraught and reluctant John Cena was forced to watch from ringside. Are you concerned that tonight, John Cena will cost you, your WWE Championship?"

"Josh, John Cena's torn right now between being a member of the Nexus or a part of WWE. If he interferes in my match, I'm gonna make his decision for him real simple. By dropping him right in the middle of the ring."

"Match is up next." Justin says.

"I know." She nods.

"You so got this."

She laughs lightly.

"Thanks for the confidence."

"You're welcome."

"Goodball." She teases.

"Love you too."

He grabs her and she squeals before bursting into giggles as he covers her in kisses.

"Tons of luck."

"Okay okay I get it." She laughs.

"As if you being out there isn't luck enough."


"I wanted to give you more." He adds.

"I can tell."

Then while she's waiting, she feels someone bump into her.

"Excuse me." They say rudely.

That's when she looks to see the familiar blonde hair, the one she's facing...Kelly. She scowls and a deep growl builds in her throat. Her music goes off and she heads out first.

"Excuse me my ass, she purposely bumped into me. She knew damn well who she was bumping into."

"Oh I am going to enjoy beating her down." She glowers.

"I think we're all going to enjoy it."

Nexus' music plays next and Riss calms herself, walking out confidently. Not soon after she walks out, the rest of the group follows. She smirks as Kelly gets a nervous look on her face upon seeing the guys with her. When she gets to the ring, she gets a kiss from Justin real quick before he and the rest of the guys walk around the ring and go stand by commentary. She gets into the ring, locking eyes with Kelly and giving her an evil look.

The Women's title is raised and the bell rings. Kelly starts getting in Riss' face. The first thing Kelly does is shove her. She barely moves back. She scoffs and gives her a really hard shove, knocking her off her feet.

"Oh, did I shove you too hard? I'm sorry." You say sarcastically.

"Come on honey, where's the fight?" She mocks her.

She takes a bit to get to her feet, but when she does, she gets in her face again, this time resulting in a slap to her face, which she always seems to do lately. She backhands her in response, a loud crack echoing through the air. She can hear the crowd go 'oooh' in response and even Justin and the rest of the group make faces at it. That's when the match actually begins, and she quickly jumps on her Riss first and she quickly blocks any hand of hers that she tries hitting her with repeatedly while screeching of course. She shoves her down to the mat yet again and taunts her more.

"Shut up!" She yells before grabbing her by the hair and throwing her out of the ring.

She gets out and walks after her as she crawls on the floor. She kicks her a few times before throwing her back in the ring. She slides back into the ring and go for an early cover, but she kicks out. Since she's already on the apron, she sits her up and gets her in a painful submission. She either has to get out of it or give up. The whole time she's screeching in agony, while Riss is telling her to give up.

"You think you can have anything you want, well guess again honey. That man over there and that title are mine." She hisses at her.

Kelly starts struggling more and more until she's able to get both of them to their feet. She then shoves Riss into the ropes and when she bounces back, Kelly tries a rollup, but is not successful. She kicks Kelly hard and she crumples to the mat with a screech.

"Give up now, while you're still ahead." Riss says to her darkly, once she gets close to her.

"No!" She screams.

"Fine. We'll do it the hard way then."

She then grabs her arms and pulls them back, while standing on her back. She lets go eventually and her face bounces off the mat, and she holds her nose. She drops her knees onto her back, slamming her face back into the mat. She grabs a fist full of hair and drags her over to the corner where she spears her a couple times, before putting her foot to Kelly's throat and holding it there, letting go before five. She argues with the ref a bit, but stays focused. She goes back over to Kelly and hits her a few times before lifting her up onto the top rope. She gets Kelly on her shoulders and walks her away from the corner. Kelly's screaming and trying to get free, but it's not working. Riss then drops Kelly face first yet again as she falls backwards. She goes for the cover, but she still can't get the three count. She starts getting frustrated. That's when Wade motions to Justin to cause a distraction as Kelly's getting up. Justin nods and jumps up onto the side, distracting the ref. Wade comes around with the Women's Championship and slides it into the ring towards Riss and motions to her to use it. She nods and looks between the ref, Justin and Kelly....making sure Justin keeps him distracted. She gets up and when she turns around, Riss hits her in the face with the title. She then throws it out of the ring and back to Wade who keeps it ringside and out of sight. Riss then climbs to the top, getting ready and then hits her finisher on Kelly. Justin at this point has gotten down and Riss went for the cover. The ref counted...1....2.....3. Riss jumps in delight, grinning.

Justin practically rushes into the ring and engulfs her in a hug. She clings to him as he spins her around. Then the rest of the group gets into the ring, Wade with the title in hand to give it to her. He hands it over and she grins, holding it up proudly. Of course many of the people are booing her, but she doesn't care. After the celebration, they all leave the ring and head to the back. They get to the back and she looks at the title as it sinks in.

"I knew you could do it!" Justin says, hugging her tight once again.

She just smiles and leans into him.

"I just can't believe this is mine now...."

"But it is. Let's go get your name put on it."

She nods and grins, walking with Justin to get her name put on it.

"This feels so surreal." She says, touching the new name plate.

"Now I know how Air felt." She adds.

"Yeah I bet."

"To think....after all the other divas to hold this in the past, I now hold it."

"I know. You're the best one though." He says, kissing her neck.

"Celebration tonight?" She giggles.

"You know it." Justin chuckles.

"Well at least the show is almost over."


"Wish we could go now..." He adds.

"I know you do." She giggles.

"Just two more matches."


"We'll let's head back to the locker room now."

She nods and cuddles up against him as they walk. In the meantime it was time for the SmackDown vs Raw elimination match. Mike and Alex coming out first for Team Raw. Out next is Punk, followed by Morrison, Ezekiel, Santino, Truth and finally Sheamus. Out next is the SmackDown team. First Show coming out first because he's the captain with Hornswoggle. Out next is Rey, Swagger, Tyler Reks, Kofi, Del Rio and finally Edge. To little surprise, Team RAW member Santino Marella was the first eliminated as Tyler Reks would hit the Reks Factor en route to eliminating Santino and leaving the odds 7-6 in SmackDown’s favor. The next elimination would even things out for RAW as Sheamus would hit the High Cross on Kofi Kingston en route to eliminating Kofi. During the match, returning personal problems would cost Team SmackDown as a confrontation between Rey Mysterio and Alberto Del Rio would lead to Alberto Del Rio throwing his own teammate, Rey Mysterio, shoulder-first into the barricade, leading to Rey Mysterio being helped to the backstage, taking Rey out of the match. The next elimination would come after John Morrison hits Starship Pain on Jack Swagger to eliminate Swagger. Tyler Reks would be the next to go as Reks would knock John Morrison off of the ring apron, allowing Sheamus to take advantage by hitting the Brogue Kick on Reks en route to eliminating Reks. This would spark a brawl between Big Show and Sheamus that would escalate after Sheamus knocked down the mascot of Team SmackDown, Hornswoggle, on the outside, Big Show and Sheamus would then find themselves both counted out as the referee would reach his ten count mere seconds before Big Show could get back into the ring.

With Team RAW up four Superstars to SmackDown’s two, Edge would bring the numbers closer to manageable as Edge would deliver the Spear to R-Truth to eliminate R-Truth and would follow it up with a Spear on John Morrison to eliminate Morrison as well. The next elimination would come from CM Punk as Punk would use a backslide to eliminate Alberto Del Rio. Following Del Rio’s elimination, Rey Mysterio would return and attack Del Rio before taking his spot back on the ring apron as Rey was never officially eliminated. Rey Mysterio would ultimately hit the 619 on CM Punk and follow it up with a splash en route to eliminating CM Punk, leaving the match even with two Superstars for both teams. Rey Mysterio would then follow that up by doing the same to Ezekiel Jackson to eliminate Jackson and leave SmackDown with a two-to-one advantage. With only Mike left for Team RAW, Rey Mysterio would go for the 619, but Alex would jump in and take the shot for Mike, but Rey would ultimately tag Edge in and Edge would hit the Spear on Mike en route to Edge pinning Miz and earning the Bragging Rights trophy for SmackDown for the second year in a row.


"I think my neck's feeling better by now, you can stop massaging it." I tell Ted.

He stops and kisses my neck gently.

"I think I should go get changed now."


"I think you need to get changed too. You're still in your gear as well." I poke his chest.

"I was planning on it. Just being a gentleman and letting the lady go first."

"Aww, well thank you."

"You're welcome." He chuckles.

"Now you just have to let me go."

He kisses me first and then lets me up. I then head into the changing area to get back into my dress. I finish quickly and Ted takes his turn getting changed.

"You have to walk out with no shirt on?" I say, jokingly of course when he finishes and walks out.

"Just for you." He smirks.

"One big distraction."

"I know."

"I so can't wait to go back to the hotel. I'm getting tired."

"I can see that." He remarks as I yawn.

"We don't have to stay you know....if you don't want to anyway." He adds.

"True. Alright, I think we can go then."

I slip my shoes on since I left them off after I had gotten back into my dress. I grab my bag, and leave with Ted since he already had his in his hand. Before long, we're at the hotel ans safely in my room.

Backstage is John in his own locker room, sitting and waiting for Wade's match. A video package is shown then of what happened at Hell In A Cell, and what's happened since then, including this past Monday. The Nexus music goes off and Wade walks out with John, followed by Randy with the title. Before the match gets underway, Wade grabs a microphone.

"And just so we're clear, if I don't win this match, I fire you tonight." Wade says to John before the match starts.

During the match, the referee would get inadvertently get knocked down, which would lead to Wade ordering John to get on the ring apron, but Randy Orton would shove Wade into John, knocking him off the apron. With the referee down, Justin, Riss, Otunga and Heath all rush out, engaging in a four-on-one assault to Randy. John would enter the ring however and rid the ring of only Slater and Otunga, because Justin got out of the ring with Riss before John could do anything. John did it to keep the recovering referee from seeing them, which would've ended up costing Wade the match. In the end, it was Randy Orton setting up for the RKO on Wade Barrett when John Cena would come in and deliver the Attitude Adjustment to Wade Barrett, meaning that Barrett would technically win the match, via disqualification, but Orton would still be WWE Champion; ensuring that Cena kept his job, but also kept Barrett from winning the WWE Title from Orton.

After the match, John would grab the WWE Title belt and was set to hand it Randy, but he would strike with the RKO, leaving John laid out; a fate which would also await Wade as Randy laid him out with an RKO as well. By this time, Nexus had went to the back and to the locker room. Justin allowed her to change first, before he went in to change, so that they could head back to the hotel. She steps out fully dressed, her bag in hand and sits down on the couch to wait for him. She puts her engagement ring back on and plays with it as she waits. She admires her ring, making it sparkle in the light. Soon enough, Justin emerges from the changing area, all set to go. He smiles when he sees her admiring and playing with her ring.

"I'm really glad you love that."

She looks up, a little startled. Then she smiles softly.

"I do, very much. Its perfect."

"I knew it would be the day I saw it."

"I'm glad."

"And then Ariel said that you would love it, I had to get it."

She giggles a bit.

"Of course."

"Ready to go?"

"Mmhmm." She gives him a sultry smile as she gets up.

"You are so in for it when we get back." He smirks.

"Oh really? I'm looking forward to it."

She reaches out and smacks his butt playfully before dashing out of the room, laughing.

" in for it now!"

She laughs in response. He dashes out the door after her. She runs down the hall giggling. She makes it to the car before he does. He arrives and grabs her, pinning her against the car. She can't help but laugh.

"You little minx." He laughs.

"You love it." She teases.

"I do, very much."

Just kisses her and she drops her bag in favor of grabbing handfuls of his shirt. Before he could respond, she pulls away, and moves to the passenger side of the car, getting in.


"Now you're really in for it!"

She laughs loudly. He gives her a loo before getting into the car. She just smirks wickedly. And then he starts the car and they're off to the hotel for a very very long night.