Priceless Sensation

Fun In England

It's kind of a chilly morning in Manchester, England. The weather is horrible this time of year. Rarely sunny days. Today was one of those days, but it was still going to be chilly. There's a pang of chill in the air of the hotel room as the heat takes it time to come through the heating system in the room, so I snuggle under the blankets and move closer to Ted. He unconsciously pulls me in tighter. I start to stir a few moments after, looking up to see him still sleeping peacefully. I smile and kiss his cheek gently. Then I settle down and lay there, waiting for him to wake up. He finally does, his eyes opening slowly. He lets go of me for a second to stretch and rub the sleep from his eyes. That's when I know that he's awake.


"Hi to you too." He mumbles.

"Well it's true. You slept later than I did."

"Mmm." He wraps himself around me again, nuzzling my neck.


"Love you."

"Love you too." I say before I feel him placing a kiss to my neck.

I smile and let my hands run up and down his back. That's when I start to feel more being pressed, all over and I giggle at his affection.

"I'm so glad we don't hide anymore." Ted murmurs.

"I can tell just how happy you are about that."

"I am."

"I can do this all I want." He adds.

"Mmhmm." I giggle.

"And I wont have to hide any marks either."

Ted smirks against my skin.

"Well....unless they're huge."

He snickers.

"No huge ones. We're only days from Raw and huge ones will take much longer to go away."


He makes it seem like he's going to leave at least some mark, but moves to my lips and kisses me once, before leaning his forehead against mine. He looks in my eyes and just smiles.


"You enjoy it."

"Even more now."


"So anything planned for today?" I ask.

"No but we can look up some things to do."

"After breakfast though. I say we use the restaurant here in the hotel, I don't want to go outside just yet."

"Of course."

"Suppose I should get dressed then..."

"Darn." He jokes.

"You sound oh so disappointed."

"If I had my way, we wouldn't leave the room."

I raise an eyebrow.

"Oh really."

"Really. I love snuggling with you."

"And being affectionate and a distraction." I add.

"That too."

"Before you even decide to get up...." He trails off before pressing a quick kiss to my lips.

"Mmm. Love you too."

I get out of his grip and remove the blankets from me, sliding out of bed and over to my things.

I pick out my clothes and go into the bathroom to change.

"Aww you have to change in there?" He jokes.

"For now." I laugh.

"Sorry to disappoint." I add.

"That's alright. I'm just teasing."

"Just imagine if I had to take a shower and I forgot my clothes out there." I snicker.

"I won't lie, I would stare."

"Of course you would."

"Because you're gorgeous."


"Love you."

"Love you too."

It doesn't take me particularly long to get dressed and everything. I come out a bit later, all ready.

"Beautiful." Ted comments.

"As always."

He nods.

"Wanted to wait for me to finish before you got ready?" I ask, seeing that he hasn't moved from his spot on the bed.


"Aww how sweet."

I walk over and kiss his cheek.

"Thank you for being such a gentleman."

"You're welcome."

"Bathroom's all yours now."

He nods and gets up. He grabs some clothes and goes to change. In the meantime, I grab shoes and sit on the bed to put them on and tie them. Ted comes out and puts his clothes away. He gets his shoes on as well. We get what we need before going down to breakfast. Justin and Riss however are still sleeping themselves, not woken up yet. He slowly stirs, but she doesn't even budge. When he does wake up completely, he looks down to see her still fast asleep. He kisses her head. She still doesn't move. With his arm still wrapped around her, he runs his fingers along her arm. She gets goosebumps and moves her arm, mumbling. He chuckles quietly, moving his arm to wrap around her waist. She rolls into him more, burying her face in his neck.


He doesn't get an answer.

"I'll take that as a no."

He laughs a bit and lays there, content just to hold her for now. It isn't until much later, about an hour, when she starts to stir.

"Mmm..." She sighs as Justin eases her awake by lightly massaging her.

"Good morning."

"Morning." She mumbles.

"Sleep well I see."

"Mmhmm. You're a good pillow."

"I know."

"So what's on the agenda today?" She asks once she's a little more awake.

"Whatever you want to do."

"Hmm...I guess we'll see."

He nods.

"I'm good for right now." She murmurs, nuzzling his neck.

"Of course you are." He grins.

"Touchy already?" She giggles lazily as his fingertips wander.


"Maybe?" She raises an eyebrow.

"Okay so I am."

"That's what I thought."

"Can you blame me?"

"No baby. I can't blame you." She laughs softly.

"I like being touchy."

"I know you do."

"Just like you love being cuddly."

"Mmhmm." She giggles, squeezing him gently.

"Especially in chilly weather."

"Definitely. You're always warm."

"As you always tell me."

"Because its true. You're hot, looks and body temperature." She laughs.

"Good to know." He chuckles.

She leans up and kisses him, lingering a bit.

"So, I'm assuming we're getting breakfast first?"

"Yeah." She nods.

"Whenever you feel like it. No rush."

She kisses him again and slides out of his arms. She gets out of bed and shivers before stopping in the bathroom doorway.

"Shower's big enough for two..." She trails off suggestively.

"I'm coming." He says before quickly getting out of bed.

She laughs loudly and goes in, turning the water on to let it get warm. She shuts the curtain and turns to him.

"Well, going to stand there all day with clothes on?"

"Is that the way to talk to your future wife?" She raises an eyebrow, fighting back a laugh at his eagerness.

"You love it anyway." He smirks.

"Is that so."

"I know you do."


"Do I have to take them off for you?"

"Eager much?"

"Your fault."

She can't help laughing.

"I know. You're so fun to mess with."

"So anyways....clothes?"

She starts stripping, giggling at his face.

"You know this goes for you too mister. Even though you do have less on than I do."

"Let me enjoy the view first." He murmurs.

She blushes and giggles.

"Oh of course."

He gets undressed and pulls her to him. He brushes her hair out of her face.

"You're so beautiful baby." Justin says quietly while tucking her hair behind her ear.

She blushes even more.

"I think the water's warm enough now."

He chuckles.


"After you." He adds.

She slips in first and sighs happily at the warmth. He follows shortly after. She faces him and slides her arms around his chest.

"Much better."

"Yeah, this is nice."

After a bit, they both go through the normal routine when they sharer the shower. They get out after a while and slowly get dressed. After getting dressed and ready for the day, she grabs her coat and Justin does the same before they both head out and down to the hotel restaurant for breakfast, not wanting to go out into the chilly air outside just yet. They get their food and find a more private booth in the corner.

"So maybe we can just drive around, find stuff that way."

"Yeah that's true."

"Easier than going back up to the room and looking stuff up."

She nods in agreement.

"Road trip."

She laughs.


Once they were all done eating, they threw their trash away before heading out to the car. They get outside and instantly, she snuggles tightly under Justin's arm.

"Too cold."

"I know it sucks."

"We'll be out of England before you know it."


"Stay here for Raw and then we can leave."

She nods.


Then they reach the car and get in, Justin starting it to get the heat running. Soon the car is warm and he drives off. "So bowling and indoor golf it is then."

"Sounds like fun to me."

"I'm so gonna kick your butt." I laugh.

"We'll see about that." Ted chuckles.

"I mean I know you play golf all the time, but I think I can take you in that game."

"Golf and mini golf are a bit different."

"Hey I've had my fair share of regular golf. I don't play just mini golf....all the time."

He snickers.

"I just prefer mini golf over golf itself. Mini golf is way easier."

"That's true."

"But I'm sure I can beat you regardless."

"Bring it on babe."

"You're so on."

We leave the hotel and head to the first place. The first place we head to is bowling. We get our bowling balls and shoes before going to our lane. We put our names in and I go first.

"You're so going down in this game."

"We'll see."

"This one's gonna be a strike..."

"You hope."

"Doubting my mad skills are we?"

"Just go, would you?" He laughs.

"Okay okay okay."

I go up and take my turn. Ted breaks out into a amused grin when I don't get a strike like I said I would.

"You were saying?"

"Oh hush."

"Your turn." I say, after getting a spare.

Ted steals a kiss from me, before getting up. He takes his turn and on the first try, knocks down about 3 pins.

"And you were making fun of me huh?" I tease.

"Oh shush."

He sticks his tongue out.

"Right back at ya'."

His second try knocks down 4 more pins.

"Three more left."


"I'm still winning." I grin.

"For now."


We keep bowling, teasing each other playfully.

It came to the last turn for both of us. We did get a few strikes here and there, a few spares, etc. But it all came down to this moment. I went up first to take my last turn of the game, and what do you know, I get a strike.

"Ohhhh what now?" I tell him.

"I'm gonna wiiiin." I sing.

Ted looks amused.

"You'll see."

"I get a strike, I win, because I'm ahead in points." He adds.

I blow a raspberry at him.

"Take your turn, Mr. Confident."

Ted chuckles and gets up. He grabs the ball and takes his time to line up everything, before rolling the ball down the lane. He got lucky, he got a strike too.

"Aha!" He says triumphantly.

Then he turns around and starts to do a little victory dance. I laugh at him.

"Maybe I should YouTube this huh?" I snicker.

"Noooo. Let's not." Ted stops.

"But it's so funny."

"Only for you to see."

"But yet at the house shows overseas, when you still had your family title, you danced in those dance offs against Goldust. And I wasn't the only one to see that. The whole town saw that."

"And that's on YouTube." I add.

"True...but this one is private."

"Okay okay. It's private."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome. All danced out now?"


"Now I say it's onto the arcade."

"Yes." He nods.

"Gonna win me something?"



We put away the bowling balls and return the shoes. Then we walk into the arcade. In the meantime, Riss and Justin have pulled up to this museum place. But it wasn't just a museum, there was an aquarium too. They go in and pay admission before getting a map.

"Aquarium first." She declares.

"Sure." Justin chuckles.

When they get there, they find out that there's a wide range of fresh water fish from as far wide as Peru, Burma, Borneo, Vietnam, Brazil, Venezuela, Madagascar, Africa and Egypt.

"Oooh. Look at the fishies!"

Justin points out one that after reading the information in the tank.

"Giant Green Knifefish, found in Venezuela. Eyes are tiny and barely functional, to the point where it can probably only tell light from dark. At night it hunts using electricity to navigate and can detect tiny electrical signals given off by other living things. It's fed on cockles, mussles and small dead fish."


"Ooh look at this catfish. The Adonis Catfish. Incredibly spiny and comes from the Amazon."


"Enjoys fruits and vegetables, but also prawn or mussels if it can get to one before any other fish. Territorial and aggressive, makes it impossible to keep more than one in anything but an extremely large aquarium. It can cause nasty injuries to hands if handled, and needs to be handled with care, since it has spines covering it's body and fins."


"Don't wanna be the person who has to touch that fish."

"Me neither."

"Red Bellied Piranha. According to legend, anyone brave or foolish enough to enter the waters where the fish are found in the Amazon region, runs the risk of being devoured in seconds. Psh."


"Them and their urban legends."


"This is far from the truth, since they only very rarely are a threat to humans. They eat other fish, fruit, or larger animals in distress. Teeth are extremely strong and sharp, jaw muscles are powerful, which allows them to quickly bite off large pieces of flesh and retreat."

"People are crazy."

"Oooh look at this one! It's so tiny!" She says, glancing at the next tank.

"Wow that is little."

"Pygmy Glass Danio, one of the smallest fish in the world. Found in rivers and streams in Myanmar, nothing known of how they breed until we were able to create correct conditions in 2006. Since then we have bred a large number, and the original young are now having their own babies."

"Its cute, the little itty bitty thing."

"The babies have got to be like really really tiny."

"Oh I bet."

Since that was basically it for fish, they moved onto the next thing, Hall i' th' Wood Museum. As they enter that, she grabs Justin's hand and laces their fingers together. There was a guide who told all the information about the building. It was a former cow shed, but also is the launchpad for one of the most important inventions in Britain's industrial history. Samuel Crompton's family lodged in the building and it's where he invented the spinning mule and had spun unheard quantities of fine cotton thread. After some time, the hall was bought by Lord Leverhulme for the people of Bolton and opened as a museum in 1902. It was originally built as a half-timbered hall in the early 16th century. During the mid 17th century it was owned by a family of wealthy yeoman and merchants, given a grand Jacobean style stone extension. Later years, the building was split into several rented dwellings, and living in one of them was Crompton and he invented the Spinning Mule there. It was the first multiple spindle machine capable of fine yarn production. The hall was inhabited until the late 19th century and after that it fell into disrepair. Lord Leverhulme bought the building and it was saved from ruin and the much-needed repairs were undertaken.

From there they go walking around at all the rooms and such that are there, seeing the old furniture and such.

"I think the fishes were better." Riss mutters quietly.

"Not too much into history are you?" He chuckles.

"I am, just not...this."

"Wanna move on to the next thing?"

"Yes please."

He nods and they leave the building, walking the grounds to get to the next place, Smithills Hall.

"What's here?"

"Well from what I'm reading here....they have weddings here."

She looks up at him and giggles.

"And also...ghost stories."


"Must be haunted."

"Nice." She comments, looking around.

They head in and walk around, looking at all the rooms and such. That took quite a while, before they finally left.

"What next?" She asks.

"Well all that's left here is archives. Sounds boring, so find somewhere else to go?"

"Yeah." She agrees.

They leave that and head back to the car, getting in and driving off to find something else of interest. She lays her head against Justin's shoulder as he drives. Normally they would hold hands as well but since they're in England, and the driving is different, they aren't. After a bit of driving, Justin sees this museum, and from what they're advertising, it looks pretty cool. He heads in that direction. She don't really notice since she's closed her eyes. He finds the parking lot and finds a spot, pulling into it.

"We're here." Justin states.

She opens her eyes.

"Hm? Oh. What's this?"

"A more interesting place, a museum."

"Oh okay."

"I'm pretty sure it'll be much more fun than the other place."

"I sure hope so."

When they walk in, they don't have to pay because it's free entry. They head to information for a map. Looking at the map, they find that Fossils, and Rocks & Minerals are on the current floor.

"Ooh, let's go look."

He nods and they go towards the Fossils first. Once there they're met with the the structure of bones, put together to form what's named Stan the T.rex.

"Haha they named him Stan."

"It's huge. To think these actually lived before we did."

"I know, its crazy but still really cool."

"I think I like modern times too much." She giggles.

"I love my electronics." She adds.

"That's true." He laughs.

The next fossil they came across after leaving Stan, Percy the Plesiosaur.

"Percy? Hah."

"Percy and Stan."


"Makes you wonder where they come up with these names."

"First thing I think of is Harry Potter." She comments.

"Name-wise. And London is the birthplace of the series afterall." She adds.

"Good point. My smart girl." Justin smiles, kissing by her ear and making her giggle.

Once they're done with the fossils, they move onto the rocks and minerals.

"Ooooh." Riss says.

They walk around to all the displays, where all the rocks and such were.

"Look how pretty." She points out a particularly sparkly rock.

"I found a purple one." He points out.

"Of course you did." She giggles.

"If there was a gift shop down here for these, I would so find one for you."

"That's sweet babe." She smiles, kissing his cheek.

"Always thinking of you."

She smiles more, snuggling under his arm happily. After they were done with the exhibit, they went up to the next floor where they had Living Worlds, Nature Discovery and Ancient Egypt.


First was Living Worlds. Basically it explores the connections between all living things, including us, and shows how we can all shape the future by the choices we make. The gallery revealed a lot of the building's original architecture, but also stuffed animals, which included the Sperm Whale skeleton, Polar Bear and Tiger, all displayed with the help of European art and fashion show producer, Villa Eugenie.

"Polar bear! Awww."

"It's so cute!"

Justin chuckles. After moving through that exhibit, next was Nature discovery, but that was more themed for 4-7 year olds, so they moved onto Ancient Egypt. She lights up at this section, reading the descriptions intently. The first area, was all about the daily life in Egypt, using objects from three important sites to look at different aspects of everyday life, as well as technologies. Justin watches as she gets totally engrossed in learning. He hasn't seen her act this way very often.

The sites provide a wide view of the society in Egypt. Kahun, a pyramid workmen's village; Gurob, a royal residence town and Tell el Armana, the capital of Egypt under the king Akhenaten. The next part of the exhibit was about death and the afterlife. It covers the subject of Egyptian funerary beliefs and customs through historical and thematic approaches. The collections are rich to enable development of these subjects to be traced from predynastic times to the Roman Period. She's absolutely fascinated, soacking up the new information. Mummies are displayed, together with their coffins and funerary goods, and there are special sections that deal with funerary masks, tomb models and figurines and animal mummies. Justin follows her quietly, not wanting ot disturb her. Unfortunately the mummies were the last of the exhibit.

"Awwww." She pouts.

"I was having so much fun."

"I could tell."

They however had to head up to the next floor. This one had Live Animals, Birds and Insects, Money, and Archaeology.

"Insects...there better not be spiders."

"We can avoid the insects part if you want."


"Of course."

"Thank you."

The live animals were all reptiles, called the Vivarium. The displays show live reptiles and amphibians that are cared for in naturalistic environments. There are tiny frogs, whose bright colors warn that they are deadly poisonous, lizards that run on water, and huge snakes that find their next meal by tasting the air.

"Froggies! Awwww!"

"Let me guess...poisonous or not....they're so cute."


The Spurrell's Leaf frog has fully webbed hands and feet, that enable them to glide over long distances. Toe-pads help them climb and stick to smooth surfaces, such as the glass of the tank.

"Looky." She giggles, pointing to one that's sticking to the glass.

"Looks like someone wanted to do some climbing."


"I can so see you having frogs as pets."

"That'd be fun." She laughs.

The desert display shows adaptations reptiles and amphibians make to dry environments. Most amphibians living in the desert display are yellow, yellowis-brown or reddish in color, to match the soil where they live. Many burrow, and have a horny spade on each hind limb to help them shuffle backwards into the ground. They can remain under the ground for long spells by retaining moisture within their bodies. Reptiles are the most successful animals in the hot, dry, deserts. The hot conditions help regulate their body temperatures with very little effort. Monitor lizards constantly flick their long, forked, tongue 'tasting' the air, and it can even detect underground prey. The head and body are covered with patterned skin, which is highly sout after, and using it in trade remains a major factor in the decline of these animals. Now onto the snake exhibit. There's a Green Tree Python, which lives in trees and lays eggs, but the Boa Constrictor lives on the ground and gives birth to live young.

"Yikes. I don't really like snakes..."

"Move on then?"


The Archaeology wasn't much, just about our relationship with the past, how we know about it through wide ranges of archaeological techniques and how our understanding is colored by the world today. Moving onto Money, all it was about was coins and such from the years and eras. They head up to the last floor where there's a Resource Center, Greenhouse, Life Lab, Play and Learn and a Picnic Area. As they're wandering that floor, she fights off yawns, trying to hide that she's tired.

"Someone's tired."

"Hmm? No."

"Are you sure?"


"We can leave and head to lunch if you want....not much left to see."

She nods in agreement. They press the button for the elevator and when the doors open, people come out and they go in. Then they hit the button for the ground floor, where they came from. It's slightly crowded in the elevator so she happily snuggles into Justin to conserve space. Once they get to the ground floor, they step off the elevator and head back out to the car. They get in and Justin drives off. As he drives, she finds herself struggling not to doze off.

"You're struggling not to fall asleep. How about we just order something from room service back in our room at the hotel? That way you can nap right after."

She nods and gives up on fighting it for now. She was semi-asleep when Justin went to wake her up when they got back to the hotel.

"Mmmph." She mumbles incoherently as he shakes her gently.

"We're back Rissa."

She opens her eyes halfway and unbuckles herself. She gets out of the car clumsily.

"Need help?"

She leans into him wordlessly.

"I'll take that as a yes."

She nods slowly. To help her get inside better, he picks her up to carry her inside. She cuddles close and hides her face in his neck. Once inside, it's not a long wait for the elevator. He steps inside and presses the button for your floor, the doors closing and they head up. He can tell by her breathing on his neck that she's fallen asleep again. He chuckles quietly. When they reach their floor, he heads to the room and carefully opens the door without waking her. The door shuts behind him and he walks over to the bed, laying her down. Justin takes off his jacket and shoes before going to take off hers. He manages to do so without any problems. He then grabs the blankets and pulls them over her. She burrows down under the covers in her sleep. Justin laughs softly when she grabs his pillow and snuggles with it. He soon crawls onto the bed, moving his pillow, replacing it with himself. She unconsciously snuggles into him. And after that, she was finally completely asleep. Justin is content just to watch her sleeping. In the meantime, after finishing up with the arcade, Ted and I went to lunch. After that, we went to indoor golf.

"I'll beat you this time." I say stubbornly.

"You sure now?"


"And yes I know you're the pro at it. Indoor or outdoor." I add.

"But still."

"We'll just have to see." Ted chuckles.

"Yes we will." I say as we head in.

Admission is paid and we get our golf clubs and golf balls.

"You can go first since you're such a pro at this." I offer.

"If you insist."

"Oh I do."

He looks amused but does as I say. We decided it would be the best of 8 courses. He steps up and takes his turn, and for him the ball goes far after he hits it and the real ball bounces off the wall and rolls back.

"Nice shot."

"Still have to reach the hole where that flag is."


"Pay attention to the Par."

"I will."

He does manage to get finished with the course on par. He steps off, handing the club to me, for my turn.

"That's yours goof." I laugh, waving my own club in his face.

"Well I just thought we could share." He chuckles.

"Thank you for the sweet idea but yours is longer because you're taller."

"Now, let's see how I can do at this." I add.

"Good luck." He teases.

"I don't need luck, but thank you."

"You're welcome."

I take my turn and like him, I finish the course on Par.


"See? I'm not that bad."

"I never said you were."

Then he goes up for his next turn. It's like that for a bit, and it's coming down to the last two courses. On the second to last course, the ball kept landing in the water instead of flying over it, so that's what made me go over par. Ted can't help laughing at my frustration.

"I'm gonna lose, and I blame that body of water."

"I'm sorry babe." He snickers.

After so many tries, it finally makes it over the water. I make it to the flag, but I'm way over par by now. Down to the last course and after we take our turns, I was right...I lost at this...because of the second to last course with the annoying body of water that was just in the way.

"Don't be annoyed babe, its just a little game." Ted hugs me to his side.

"Will the bear make you feel better?" He asks, grabbing the bear he won me, and holding it up in front of him, talking in another voice to make it like the bear is talking.

I try not to laugh but he keeps making it talk so I end up giggling.

"You're a goof." I laugh, taking the bear from him and holding it under my other arm because of how big it is.

"Your goof."

"That I love."

"I love you too."

I then give him a quick kiss, before we return everything and decide to head back to the hotel.

"Cuddle time?" Ted asks me.

"Would I say no to that?" I giggle, as I set the bear down in one of the chairs in the room.

He grins and once we shed our jackets and shoes, he has me on the bed in his arms.

"I think we should spend the rest of the day and night here."

"Sounds good to me." I giggle.

"So that would include room service and movies tonight I'm assuming." I add.

"That alright?"

"That's perfectly alright with me."

"Great." He smiles.

"A relaxing night. Just what we need after all the fun we had today."


"Just soon as Monday comes along, if you have a match...I can finally come out with you."

"No more sneaking around either."

"Nope...people finally know, and on top of all that, I can finally be in your locker room with you."

"I'm definitely looking forward to that."

"Oooh and my title can come out with me now too."

"That's true."

"Natalya winning the match against Michelle that I set them up with, earned her another shot at the title. So that's who I'm facing at the next pay-per-view."

"At least you know she'll be a good opponent."

"Right. Too bad I have to play the bad person towards her. I should warn her ahead of time of what I may have to do."

"That would be nice."

"Me either babe." Ted agrees, kissing me.

Then I snuggle into him more, getting comfortable.

"Love you."

"Love you too."