Priceless Sensation

Wade's Homecoming

The first Monday Night Raw where I can finally not worry about a thing and be seen with Ted backstage. We were all at the arena already. I had to get ready since I'm going to be involved in a tag team match, kind of ticked off that I have to team with Maryse. Justin and Riss follow the rest of Nexus to the locker room, because Justin had to get ready, since there would be a Nexus segment that would open the show. When Ted and I walk into the locker room, hanging up in the room was an outfit, a soccer outfit with my name on it. I walk over to get a closer look and I realize it's supposed to be for my match.

"Ugh, I have to wear that?"


"I'm already not pleased with having to team with Maryse, now I've got to wear the same thing as her? Uh uh."

"Not wearing it then?"

"No. I'd rather stick out then dress like HER."

"Of course."

"And I'm not going out with her to her stupid music either. I'll go out to my own. You're coming with me right?"



He smiles and kisses me.

"Now I'll be back. Match is the first one of the night after the opening segment, and I have to get ready."


I kiss him quickly once more, before heading in to change. I walk out after and sit on Ted's lap until it's time for me to go.

The show starts off, John in the ring with a scroll, standing at a podium....a Nexus podium.

"It is my distinct honor, to introduce you to the man that has promised the winds of change and delivered. He is the leader of the most devastating, dominant, and revolutionary force that has ever stepped foot in the WWE, known as The Nexus. In two weeks at Survivor Series, he will be your WWE Champion. Please welcome your hero, making his long awaited, triumphant return home to Manchester, England. Wade Barrett."

The Nexus music goes off and for now, Wade walks out on his own. The rest of the group follows shortly after.

"John, thank you very much for that outstanding introduction. I could not have said it better myself. But then again I did write it for you. Ladies and gentlemen, the prodigal son has returned. And what better way to celebrate my upcoming championship reign, than by having a preview of the championship celebration right here tonight. That's right Manchester. There's going to be big, big party and you're all invited. But before the Nexus hoists me victoriously upon their shoulders, before we get ahead of ourselves, there is some business I need to take care of. There are a couple of issues that occurred last week that I need to look into. Roll the footage."

The footage rolls, showing last Friday on SmackDown. With David bringing the group to SmackDown and lose the match for the group.

"Someone's in trouble." Riss mutters to Justin.


"David Otunga, step forward. David, next time you decide to undermine my authority as the leader of the time you decide to take the Nexus to SmackDown...without my permission, just make sure you're successful in your venture. Do you understand me? Now get back in line, I'll deal with you later."

"Because right now I want to deal with John Cena. Now Cena, last week you had the opportunity on Raw, to showcase to the world what you were going to do at Survivor Series during my match with Randy Orton. But instead John, you chose to do this..."

The footage rolls of Raw last Monday where John got distracted by Randy, not seeing the tag Wade made, getting him out of the ring and Randy attacks, Truth and him winning, followed by John and Wade arguing.

"Explain yourself."

"That's a pretty good question. Actually it all started as a joke. I rapped by accident on a SmackDown Thanksgiving Day episode. Then before I know it, my hat's turned backwards, there's a steel chain around my neck, I'm waving my hand in front of my face, I'm invisible. You know-"

"Stop it right there. I'm talking about that match. What happened?"

"You guys lost."

"Don't test me Cena. You're lucky I'm in my hometown. I'm not gonna let you or anybody else ruin what's gonna come around later on tonight. This is my celebration. You see the simple fact is Cena, in two weeks time, you're either free of the Nexus or you're fired. You either raise my hand and award me the WWE title, or I flush your entire career with WWE down the toilet. It's up to you Cena."

"You know Wade, I'm glad you're home. I'm glad your country people embrace you. I just hope you remember what I told you last week. Free, fired, when that match at Survivor Series is over, I'm gonna give you and anybody else that wants to interfere the beating of a lifetime."

"Yeah, but you know that I hold your destiny in my hands. And at the end of it all, at Survivor Series, you're gonna do exactly what I tell you to do. And I think at this point in proceedings, we need to have ourselves a little practice of what's gonna occur immediately after the match at Survivor Series. See, I want you to make an announcement. And I want you to do it right now in front of the world. I want you to tell the world that Wade Barrett is your new WWE Champion. Say it right now."

"You haven't won anything yet."

"This is a practice Cena. Tell the world, just like you will at Survivor Series that I'm the new WWE Champion."

"Whatever..." John says, before Randy's music cuts him off.

"Oh great." Riss mutters.

"Last time I checked, I was still WWE Champion. Now Wade it's true you have John Cena under your thumb right now, but Cena's not fighting me for the title, you are. And there is no doubt in my mind that I can beat you, no matter who the referee is. Now in two weeks time John Cena is either free or fired. But I don't care. All I care about is making sure you Wade Barrett, never ever ever have this." Randy says raising the title.

"You know it's funny you should say that Orton, because last time I checked, I had an army of man stand behind me at my beck and call. I don't recall you having anyone stuck behind you."

That's when the GM chimes in.

"Can I have your attention please. I have received an email from the anonymous Raw general manager. And I quote. Wade Barrett's championship celebration preview has been officially cancelled. Also, to ensure there is a decisive victor, the WWE title match at Survivor Series must be won by pinfall or submission only. And furthermore, I am officially announcing that the remaining members of Nexus will be banned from ringside!"

"Ah hell."

"But Wade, that's at Survivor Series. As for tonight, since Wade Barrett has an army behind him, Randy Orton is going to have one as well. Team Barrett comprised of Nexus will take on Team Orton in a 10-Man tag team match. I the general manager will personally choose the members of Orton's team later. But I do know this, the special guest referee for this match will be....John Cena!"

John just goes and pushes the Nexus podium over. Justin keeps Riss behind him just in case, and when David goes to approach John, he shoves him down before exiting the ring and leaving. All Riss can do is snicker at the look on David's face from John shoving him. Justin nudges her and she stops.

"Sorry." She giggles.

It takes a while but they finally start to leave the ring, heading to the back. Once backstage, she cuddles under Justin's arm and wraps an arm around his waist.

"Couldn't help but laugh to myself out there."

"I know." He chuckles.

As they're heading out of the curtained area, Eve and the Bella Twins start to walk towards the curtain for the tag team match.

"Ugh, I wouldn't be caught dead wearing that." Riss makes a face.

"You'd make it look good though because you're beautiful." Justin says.

"Awww, always the charmer."

"Just for you."

She kisses him quick before following the rest of the group to the locker room.Shortly after, Ted and I headed to the curtain as well, Ted stood there waiting with me. Eve and the Bella Twins go out first to Eve's music. Maryse and Alicia show up a bit after that and I roll my eyes at them, especially how Maryse looks and if I decided to wear the uniform, I would be matching them. Ted chuckles at me rolling my eyes. Then they start whispering to each other, thinking I can't her them.

"Um, I can hear you. Yes, I'm not dressed like you two. Aside from you Alicia, I'm not gonna dress like a whore." I say, making sure to look right at Maryse.

Both their jaws drop.

"Truth hurts doesn't it?"

Ted has to try really hard not to laugh.

"Oh looks like you're up to go out there, I'm not joining you. I'll go out by myself thank you." I say when Maryse's music goes off.

I scoff when they give me that look and they go out before me.

"Babe you make a great heel." Ted finally lets out a laugh.

"Why thank you."

"You're very welcome."

Once they were done with their entrance, I head out next with Ted to my music, wearing my gear and not the stupid little uniform. My arm is linked with his and I just grin at the look of jealousy coming over Maryse's face. He lets me go after quickly kissing me, letting me get into the ring. He sits ringside to watch. It starts out with me and Eve. We circle a bit before locking up and I shove her into the corner. I have to let go however and I back up. I go back and slap her in the face, before kicking her in the gut. I then grab her arm, going to throw her into the opposite corner, but she blocks it and kicks me in the gut instead. Getting out of the corner, she goes to throw me into the ropes. I reverse it and when she comes back, I dropkick her. I go for the cover, but Eve kicks out. I grab her by the hair and drag her over to my corner. Maryse tags herself in and she comes in, kneeing Eve in the gut and I leave the ring.

She goes over and for the cover, but Eve kicks out. She grabs her by the air and slams her face to the apron. Picking her up by the hair, she does her hair flip mockingly before throwing her down. She then executes a crossface submission, but Eve starts to get to her feet and Maryse screeches. Eve gets out of the hold before kicking her in the head. Normally I would encourage people to get up, but not Maryse. I just laugh.

One of the Bella Twins get tagged in and then Alicia gets tagged in.

She's hit with a dropkick a couple times, followed by a clothesline. The Bella twin executed a counter into a pin, but Alicia kicked out. We hear that it's Brie in the ring, since Nikki is encouraging her. After a faceplant, Brie goes for the pin. Since Maryse wasn't smart enough to break up the tag, I went in and broke it up. But that's when Eve dropkicked me and I rolled out of the ring and she followed. I'm being fought with outside the ring, Nikki and Maryse get involved in the ring. The ref is distracted with Nikki so Maryse hits the French Kiss on Brie before back up when the ref turns around. Ted pulls Eve off of me and I look up in time to see Maryse backing up and getting out of the ring. Nikki rushes in and the Bellas do Twin Magic, switching places. Alicia goes for the cover, but Nikki rolls her up and gets the pin.

"Are you kidding me. SHE cost the team the match. I won't stand for that." I growl, before storming over to Maryse and turning her around.

"You! If you hadn't gotten involved, they wouldn't have won!" I scream, getting in her face.

She of course starts arguing back with me in French. That's when I reach out and slap her, and slap her hard so that she falls to the ground. I then jump on her and grab her by the hair and hit her head against the mat on the floor a couple times before shaking and moving her head around, messing her perfect hair up in the process. I'm able to go at her for a few good minutes or so, but I'm suddenly pulled off of her.

"Calm down." Ted says in my ear.

Almost instantly I listen, not struggling to get free.

"Come on." He sets me on my feet and gives me my title.

The cameras then switch to backstage of the Nexus locker room.

"M-m-m. Can you believe what happened out there with Cena tonight? Man he tried to punk us. Nobody punks us, we're the Nexus. Know what I mean? We gotta-" David starts to say but Wade walks in so he stops.

"Oh...hey Wade. I was just uh...telling these guys they need to step it up tonight."

"Good, I'm glad you feel that way David. 'Cause you also need to step it up tonight. Except you wont be stepping it up as a part of Team Barrett, because that's reserved for myself and these men. Of course Karissa being in our corner."

"Always." Riss remarks, sitting in Justin's lap as usual.

"You'll be stepping it up in a match against the other member of the Nexus, John Cena. Now what is it you said last week? Oh yeah that was it. You said that you were the most talented member of the Nexus. I suppose tonight we're gonna find out whether or not that's true. Oh yeah, and I'm sure I don't need to say this, but I want you to give it everything tonight. I want you to take it to him, do some damage, give it everything. And just so we're clear, I'll be telling Cena the exact same thing."

After the break that was after that segment, they replay what I had Michelle go through last week with Natalya. Natalya won the match and earned another chance at the title. She comes out with Tyson and David for the guys' tag team match. Out next was the Usos as their opponents. At the end of a dysfunctional match, it was Jey Uso hitting the Superfly Splash on David Hart Smith en route to picking up the win. Then it's being shown that there's going to be a tea time with Sheamus and Santino, and also John vs Otunga, before going to a quick break.

"Tea time with Santino?"

"That will either be really funny or end up in a fight. Maybe both."

"But entertaining to see."


After that break, Striker is seen backstage.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I'm here with the WWE Champion, Randy Orton. Randy, any idea who the anonymous Raw general manager might choose to be your partners tonight?"

"Matt, how could I possibly know the answer to the question? What do you want me to say? That I don't care? Because I do. I do care. And do you wanna know why? Because I need to worry about five members of Nexus and one John Cena. So my team had better be the best of the best be-" Randy stops himself and the camera pans out to reveal Mike with a smirk on his face.

"Oh lord. This should be good."

"I just heard from the general manager. So I can tell you that at least one member of your me. But there's no need to worry about whether you're going to get the best, because as of right now, your team is awesome." Mike grins before walking away.


"He says everything is awesome."


During that whole thing however, Ted was busy getting ready, because his match was up next. I was ready before then, because of the tag team match before, gave me time to get back into my dress. It doesn't take him too long before he's back beside me.

"Before we head out, did I tell you how much I love this dress on you?"

"You like it because it leaves more skin for you to be touchy with."

"Yes I do." He grins.

"Save it for later. You have a match to win and I have a family title to try harder than Maryse did to get back for you."

"Right. I know you'll do your best. She just didn't care enough to try hard."

"No she didn't."

He nods and kisses me lightly. "I can trust you."

"I know." I smile.

"Love you."

"Love you too."

While heading to the curtain, it was another backstage Nexus segment. Riss, Justin and Heath were talking about their tag team titles, while Husky and McGillicutty were talking about something else.

"Hey guys what's up?" David says, coming back into the room and they all look at him, not saying anything.

"What's going on? Awwww, now don't tell me Barrett's got you all worked up. Look, when I said I was the most talented member of Nexus, I was talking about Cena, not you guys. You know that right? That's not how a leader handles it. You want to see how a leader handles things? I'll show you tonight. I'll beat Cena and I mean I would think you guys would all be out there having my back since we're a team right?"

"That's great Dave but uh...does Barrett know about this?" Justin speaks up.

"We don't have to ask Barrett for permission. Come on man. I know you haven't forgotten our bond. We started together, we're Nexus. You're either Nexus or you're against us. And as far as I can tell, everybody here is Nexus."

Riss stands beside Justin and gives David her 'I think you're stupid' look.

"It's all good. So I'll see you guys out there." He finishes, patting Justin on the shoulder before walking out.

"It's all good?" Heath mocks.

"Idiot." Riss rolls her eyes. "He's asking for trouble, doing this without telling Wade."

"I'm listening to Wade, I don't know about you guys. I don't want to be the one to get in trouble."

They nod a bit and Riss re-adjusts her title on her shoulder.

The rest of them talk quietly before the screen fades to another break.

"He really is stupid isn't he?" I laugh as Ted and I are watching from within the curtained area.

"Yeah he is." Ted chuckles.

After the break it was time for his match. They replayed the wedding from last week, Ted's interruption and then our relationship revealed. Then also Ted's dad coming out to be the minister and Aksana slapping Goldust instead of kissing him. Goldust then goes out first and does his entrance. They hit Ted's music and we head out next. He lets me go after a quick kiss when we reach the ring and I walk around to stand ringside to watch.

The bell rings almost instantly and they instantly lock up. Ted pushes Goldust into the corner, but Goldust spins them around so Ted's in the corner. The ref starts counting and backs Goldust up. He goes back and goes to do his breathing thing but Ted slaps him in the face. Ted takes control back in this match, only until he comes off the ropes and gets hit with a hiptoss, earning Goldust the advantage in the match. That's followed by Goldust knocking Ted out of the ring and to the floor. I stay where I am because Goldust heads out of the ring to go after Ted. But Ted gets up and gets back into the ring before Goldust could do anything. Coming off the ropes, Ted's caught and hit with an Inverted Atomic Drop, but Ted comes back with a clothesline after coming off the ropes again.

After repeatedly punching him in the head, Ted brings him over to the corner, takes him out, and sends him into the ropes, hitting him and knocking him down. He goes for the cover but only gets a two count. He does it again, another two count. He hits him in the head before getting him in the ropes, letting go before five. Ted goes back over, only to get headbutted in the gut. Ted fights back, getting him in a submission. But Goldust gets to his feet and fights back, Ted countering with a backbreaker. He goes for the pin, but Goldust kicks out.

"Damn." I mutter.

While Goldust is down, Ted has me go get the title, so that we can take it with us when he wins. I nod and do so, walking over to the ringside attendant and taking the title from him. Cole tries to say hi to me, but I ignore him for now as I walk back to stand ringside. By the time I got back, Goldust was back to his feet and fighting back with an Uppercut and a Running Bulldog. He goes for the cover and Ted kicks out, but Ted kicks out at two. Back into the corner, Ted reverses and sends Goldust into the opposite side. Goldust however hits Ted with a Scoop Slam and goes for the cover, Ted thankfully kicks out at two. When I take a glance at the ramp that's when I see Aksana running her way ever so gingerly down the ramp because of her being in heels and a dress. I know what she's coming to do and that's when she starts to tug at the title in my hands. Goldust comes over and gets distracted and he tells me to let go. I start arguing with him, getting distracted myself, only to be slapped by Aksana and she scurries away back up the ramp with the title in hand. By the time I could run to get her, she was already too far gone. Ted tries to take advantage of the situation, but Goldust steals a win with rolling Ted up.

I start cursing under my breath. Goldust leaves the ring, confused at why Aksana would just run away like that and he heads after her. I get into the ring, holding my face where she did slap me and slapped me hard, going over to Ted.

"Sorry babe." I sigh, helping him up.

"I tried..." I add.

"That's alright. You okay?" He asks.

"I should be fine."

"Good."He nods and

"I'm not bleeding or anything am I? I swear she scratched me too."

No, I don't see any blood." He says after looking my cheek over, touching it gently.

"Alright good. Let's go then."

He nods and we head backstage.

"Ice?" He asks me.

"I'm tough, I think I'll be okay without it. But thank you for offering."

"You're welcome. I have to make sure my water fairy angel is taken care of."

"Awww, of course."

He smiles and kisses my head. As we're heading back to the locker room, we pass Riss and them, since Otunga vs John is next. She drops back for a moment.

"You two okay?" Riss asks.

"We're fine. My face stings a bit, but that'll subside soon."

"That slap looked nasty."

"Oh it was horrible. She scratched me too, but not enough to draw blood."

"Well that's one good thing."

"If she did end up drawing blood....oh she's be dead right now."

"Of course." She gives a small smirk.

"So how's Heath taking the news of me being with Ted? I'm sure he watched last week. I know Swagger isn't taking it well."

"He sulks."

"Aww poor baby."

"I know." She laughs.

Then she hears Justin calling her.

"Oops, gotta go."

We say bye to each other before going off our seperate ways. She gets back to Justin's side and tuks herself under his arm.

"Sorry 'bout that. Stayed behind and talking to Air and Ted for a minute."

"It's fine."

"She okay?"

"She'll be fine."

"Oh, that's good."

"Mmhmm." She agrees, snuggling into him more.

"So do you have a match tonight?" Justin asks.

"Dark match after the show." She mutters.



"She gets beat down...again."


"I'll be there....ringside for you...don't worry."

"I'm not worried."

"My champion." He grins, kissing her cheek.

She smiles soflty and leans into his touch.

"Just like you're mine." She adds.

"Of course." He agrees.

"Love you."

"Love you too.

"Wish we could just go back to our hotel room already." She murmurs.

"I know, I do too."

She leans into him, her head falling against his shoulder. After the break, John was the first to go out. After he was done, the Nexus music goes off and they all walk out behind David. He gets into the ring while they all stand at the bottom of the ramp. Wade then orders them to head to the back, not supporting David in this match. Riss is the first to go, since she didn't want to do it in the first place. Justin follows her, and then is followed by everyone else, Wade being last. He can't believe what's going on as they all listen to Wade and head to the back with him. Wade stops and looks behind at him with a smirk before heading to the back himself. The bell rings for the match to start and David tries to run. So John runs after him, chasing him down and using what he cane on the stage before bringing him back into the ring. He hits him with a clothesline and it's a total beat down by John. John however misses at one point and hits the steel ring post shoulder first, allowing David to take advantage. The fight goes to the outside before David goes for the cover in the ring and John kicks out. But in the end, it was John picking up the win over him by forcing him to tap out.

"Idiot." Riss mutters.

"Hmph." Wade adds, arms crossed over his chest.

"I didn't bother trying to tell him not to. He won't listen to me, thinks I'm here to be eye candy." Riss remarks.

"Which isn't true." Justin says.

"I would hope not." Riss says dryly.

"He's right. You've been proving that since we've met you." Wade agrees with Justin.

"Thanks. Its hard to be a woman in this business. A lot of people don't take you seriously."

"Well hopefully you can change that."

"It's a hard job with bitches like Kelly and Maryse around." She rolls her eyes.

"They plain out suck in the ring, therefore giving us who actually HAVE talent a bad name."

"Sorry to go off on a tangent but man, they piss me off."

"We don't blame you."

"I'll take out my frustrations on Kelly in a bit."

"Good. You should."

"I plan on it." She says before sighing as Justin massages her neck while standing behind her.

"Oooooooh." The rest of the group says in unison at David being in trouble.

Riss can't help laughing. They all laugh too, but despite the laughter, McGillicutty can't help but start to get jealous of what Justin's doing.

"That feels really good." She mumbles, her head lolling to the side.

"It usually tends to." He chuckles.

"Don't make fun of me." She lazily swats him.

"Do you want me to talk in my native language again? Cause I will."

"Nooo. Not now."

"Alright, just making sure."


David's then shown on the screen, holding an ice bag to his neck/head. That's when Wade appears.

"David. Let me get this right. Last week on Raw, you got pinned in our tag team match. And then you decided to march the Nexus to SmackDown, and you got pinned again. And then tonight in my hometown, you just go out there and embarrass me. But you know what, I'm gonna give you a chance to redeem yourself. 'Cause I want you to take the Nexus back to SmackDown this week. And I want you to have a match with Edge. And if you don't beat Edge, you're done. You won't have to worry about being Nexus anymore, 'cause you'll be against us."

"We have to go to Smackdown? Aw man, that means having to leave the room tomorrow." Riss whines.



"Probably won't have to stick around all night, but we'll see."

"Okay." She pouts.

"Come on, let's get back to the locker room so you can be ready for when the show is over and when your match comes up."

She nods and reluctantly opens her eyes. Then they both head back to the locker room, McGillicutty watching until turn the corner...still jealous.

"Uh...I think I'm gonna head back too." He says to Heath and Husky.

They acknowledge him and he slinks off after Justin and Riss. The two of them are walking slow, his arm around her shoulders and hers around his waist. They make it to the locker room, and she grabs her bag before heading in to change.

"No sneaking in." She calls teasingly.

"I'll try not to."

She giggles and finishes changing. She walks out with her boots in hand as usual and sits on his lap. It's not too long after that when the door opens and McGillicutty walks in, sitting down on one of the benches. She rolls her eyes but doesn't move other than to start putting her boots on. She makes a soft grumble, having planned on getting some intense kisses from Justin until McGillicutty walked in. McGillicutty makes sure they're both not paying attention, so he starts to stare. He completely forgets that there's no wall behind him, so when he goes to lean back with his hands behind his head, he falls backwards and off the bench. They both look over and she laughs.

"Did you fall asleep over there?"

"No." He snaps, face red with embarrassment.

"Well then Mr. Grumpy Pants."

She scoffs and finishes with her boots. Her next action is to snuggle really close to Justin. That's when the door opens, just as McGillicutty is getting up from where he fell, and he's given weird looks. Riss snickers quietly.

After the town hall view, back to the ring and it's time for the Tea Time with Santino. He comes out with Kozlov in traditional Englishman attire, suits, hats and umbrellas. They replayed last Monday with what happened with Santino and Sheamus and JoMo, before going to the ring where Santino and Kozlov were.

"Oh good evening Manchester! As you can see, me and my friend Vladimir Kozlov, we like to blend in everywhere we go. And coming here to the UK, we were very very 'cited. And we started studying British culture three weeks ago. We watched all the James Bond movies, the Austin Powers, Mr. Bean, Benny Hill. And now I pretty much think we know everything about the culture. But the only thing is that everytime I cross the road, I almost get killed. I look this way but a car comes this way. Tomorrow morning everybody, just for me, please drive on the other side, it's so easy. Speaking of almost getting killed, the reason I have this today, is because I want to make peace, make friends, bury the hatchet with um...a superstar from Irishland. That's right, I'm talking about Sheamus. And he was very anger to me so we're gonna sit down with this old style, classic tea party and everything's going to be okay. I'm pretty sure."

"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest Sheamus."

He comes out surprisingly and goes down to the ring and gets into it, shaking Santino's hand.

"Hi Sheamus. Uh..please have a seat. Welcome to my tea party. I love parties. Uh...first of all I feel that you and I, we got off on the wrong foot. And I want to be on the right foot. So we are going to have a tea party. Now we have green tea, we have ginger tea, oh...."

"Haha, ginger joke."

"Uh...sorry sorry. But we also have an autographed picture of Mr. T."

"You know what Santino, I think I got ya' all wrong. But you're not a bad fella, I think you're just misunderstood. You know it's funny...I knew a fella just like you back home in Ireland. And just like you, he only had one friend. And that friend was a donkey."


"The thing about this fella was...well he was...well let's just say, everyone in the town called him the village idiot."

"You see that? That bothers me so much. How could these people call the donkey the village idiot? It's a donkey. You know, maybe these people should lower their expectations from a donkey. Anyway, you know what? I think it's time for some tea. Now do you take your tea dark or milky? Oh.."


" No...I'm no...I am not trying to be smart at all. I apologize. I'm not referring when I say milky to the fact that you have no pigmentation. No people, you're not helping. Um...don't make him anger please. I don't like it when he's anger. You know what, speaking of anger Sheamus, you must admit that you have some rage and anger inside you. And I did some research studying some psychology. And I found out that there's only one of two reasons why you could have such rage inside you. The first reason is that you have been overexposed to Gamma Rays."

"The second reason, is probably when you were growing up, you were excluded from activities with the other kids because you're a ginger. I uh...I'm not...oh you're very generous people, but you're not really helping me right now. Um...I'm not that person Sheamus. I'm not gonna exclude you from activities and fun. Look I invited you to my part-this is our party. It's not just your party. I'm not gonna treat you like you're a ghost...oh...."


"No...come on that's not funny. Everyone knows that ghosts are not this white, come on. No, no no no no..."

"You're a very funny fella aren't you Santino huh? I'll tell you what, you have me laughing so hard, I forget why I hate you in the first place."

"Exactly. I think you and I have the potential to get along famously Sheamus. You know, I can't remember why you hate me either."

"Sheamus hates you because you beat him." Kozlov states.

"Ahaha, I don't know what he's talking about."

"Yes you did. You beat Sheamus. It was the biggest upset in WWE history...ever."

"Thank you very much Kozlov. Your memory is so good. know what? Uh...oh you're low on tea. I don't like the way you're looking at me.'s some tea here. I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Sheamus picks up the cup and Santino ends up dropping the entire thing of tea on Sheamus.

"No! No! No! No! Ohhhh! No! No. Noooo. was....I'm so sorry."

Sheamus gets even more angry and flips the table.

"Oh! Oh! Oh! Sheamus! Sheamus!"

Then the GM chimes in.

"Could I have your attention please? I've received another email from the Raw general manager. And I quote. The time for tea and crumpets has come to an end. It's now time for action. Clear the ring. And clear Vladimir Kozlov from ringside as well. Because Santino Marella is going one on one with Sheamus."

After the break, the match had started. Santino was still in his suit, but he took his tie and shirt off to reveal his ring gear. Sheamus goes right after him and he moves through the ropes, screaming like a girl and the ref has to back Sheamus up.

Santino tries to call for time out, but that won't work. Santino leaves the ring, worried about this match. He goes to get into the ring, but Sheamus goes after him and he jumps back down. Then Sheamus chases him. He's in the crowd, Sheamus is in the ring and the GM chimes in.

"And I quote. Santino Marella, you have two choices. Get back in the ring and compete, or be immediately suspended."

"Ouch, harsh."

He listens to the GM, and tries to fire himself up. But he gets laid out and it's not good for Santino right now. He does get his moment however and gets disqualified for a low blow to Sheamus.

"Hah, nice."

"Ooh." Justin winces.

She laughs and pats his arm.

Santino starts celebrating. But when he turns around, he gets hit with a Brogue Kick and Sheamus takes out his anger on him. He picks him up and goes for the Irish Curse, but Morrison comes running out and comes to Santino's aid again. He helps Santino to the back. But then John is shown backstage watching a WrestleMania video promo. After the promo, the screen shows John again and also Wade. John has a smile on his face until he turns to see him.

"WrestleMania eh? Grandest stage of all. Showcase of the Immortals. The music, the lights, the crowd...just imagine never being able to experience that again John. But all you have to do is the right thing. In two weeks time all you've got to do is raise my hand and award me the WWE Championship. Then you can experience WrestleMania as many times as you want. And the Nexus, it's gonna be nothing but a distant memory to you. Now do your job and do it right. Or your career with the WWE, will be nothing but a distant memory." Wade says, shoving a referee shirt into John's hands before walking away.

"Poor John."

"I oughta hit Wade again for being so mean." She adds.

"He's just playing his part like we all are." Justin says in her ear.

"I know, I know..."

"I just feel bad for John."

"I know you do."

She snuggles into Justin and nuzzles his neck.

The screen fades on John's face and up next was the big tag team match.

"We're gonna have to move."

"Booooooo." She whines.

"I know, I wish it wasn't next either."

She reluctantly gets up. Once she moves, Justin moves and they lace their fingers before following everyone else out of the locker room.

"I hope this is over quick." She mutters.

"We can only hope."


Before the match, the usual Stand Up For WWE video package is shown. Randy was the first one to come out for his team. Out next, obviously chosen by the GM, first was R-Truth. Second, Daniel Bryan. Third, Mark Henry. And last but not least, Mike accompanied by Alex. Mike gets into the ring while Alex goes around the ring. Cole gets up, taking the headset off before man-hugging Alex and giving him a double high five.

"Dorks." I laugh.

Once Mike's music fades, the Nexus music goes off and Wade walks out first before motioning for the rest to follow. Justin, Riss and Heath lead the way, followed by McGillicutty and Husky and finally John who trails behind. He gets into the ring right before it goes to a commercial. The break wasn't that long and the match will start off with Daniel and Justin.

The bell rings and they circle each other they lock up before Daniel gets into a facelock. Justin manages to get over to the ropes and pushes against them, causing Daniel to let go and go running. When he comes back, Justin drops so Daniel jumps over him. Justin goes to leapfrog jump over Daniel, since he's coming back from the other side, but Daniel hits him with a dropkick instead. Riss glares at Daniel.

Daniel helps him up and twists his arm and throws him into the ropes. Justin dodges Daniel's fist by sliding underneath him and then he kicks him in the gut. He tags in McGillicutty next and almost instantly McGillicutty is taken down. Daniel has his arm, but he gets to his feet. Mike tags himself in and gets McGillicutty from behind as Daniel gets out of the ring. So Mike has control and hits his corner clothesline move, going for the cover but McGillicutty kicks out. He twists his arm and goes over to his corner and tags in Randy. They work together for a short time before Randy takes control where Mike left off. He throws McGillicutty back into the Nexus corner and demands that Wade get tagged in because he wants to face him.

Heath tags in instead and Randy just destroys him. Randy tags in R-Truth and he picks up where Randy left off. And Irish Whip into the corner, Truth does his fancy moves, going for the cover. Justin goes in and breaks up the cover. That makes Randy's team get into the ring and the rest of Nexus gets into the ring as well. then they all go at each other, John's letting them all go at one another. Randy's team cleared the ring and now David starts to walk out to the ring. It was another commercial break, but it was a brief one. It's now Justin in the ring with Truth. David is ringside like Riss and she keeps her distance from him, for obvious reasons. Justin and Truth lock up and Justin tries to push Truth into the corner. He manages to do so, but Truth spins them around so Justin is in the corner instead. Justin starts to fight back after Truth lets him go. He clubs him over the back a few times before kneeing him in the head. Truth then starts to fight back, move after move after move. Thrown back into the ropes, Truth bends over and Justin flips over his back and when Truth turns around, Justin spins and kicks him in the jaw. He goes for the cover, but Truth kicks out at one.

Justin goes over and tags Husky in and he gets out of the ring. Truth starts to fight back. Husky reverses and throws Truth into the ropes and he holds on. Truth then tags in Mark Henry. Husky tries his best, but gets knocked down almost instantly after a few attempted punches that do no damange to Mark Henry. Right now it's not good for Husky. Mark then goes to jump and land on him, but Husky moves. He then tags in McGillicutty and they work together, only for Mark to destroy him as well. He hits him with a headbutt before tagging in Daniel. Daniel hits him with a couple uppercuts before kicking him in the chest repeatedly in the corner. He then shows off his athletic ability in the corner by jumping up and flipping off the top and then hits a suplex on him. Daniel then backs up and dropkicks him in the corner. He goes for the cover, but McGillicutty kciks out. Eventually McGillicutty goes against the ropes and Husky tags himself in. Daniel goes for the Lebel Lock, but it's not legal since McGillicutty is not the legal man.

Wade gets tagged in finally and he takes care of the problem that is Daniel Bryan. He goes for the cover, but Daniel kicks out. He throws him in the corner before hitting a backbreaker on him. He goes for the cover again, but Daniel kicks out. He then drives his knee into the back of Daniel, pulling his arms behind him, and then replaces his knee with his foot. Daniel gets to his feet and reverses. But that's short-lived because Wade sideslams Daniel. He goes for the cover, Daniel kicks out. Wade tags in Justin now, and Justin picks up where Wade left off. He then tags in Husky and they team up. Husky tags in Heath and he continues. However when he throws Daniel into the corner, Daniel moves so he bounces off the turnbuckle. Heath gets up and takes out Mike but Daniel kicks him in the face. Everyone's starts screaming for a tag on both sides. Both men crawling. Wade gets tagged in and Randy gets tagged in, with Randy in complete control. He then hits Wade with the DDT off the 2nd rope. He then goes to the place where he hears the voices, Viper Mode. Wade however fights back and gets him on his shoulders for Wasteland. Randy gets out of it and counters with a backbreaker. He goes for the cover but McGillicutty breaks it up. Truth comes in and takes care of him. Justin comes in and kicks Truth in the jaw. Mark comes in and delivers the world's strongest slam to Justin and he rolls out of the ring over near Riss and she immediately checks on him.

"You okay?" She asks worriedly.

He grimaces, holding his back, not saying anything right now. She bites her lip hard.


She massages him gently, keeping one eye on the match.

Husky and Heath both go after Mark and they get him out of the ring. But Daniel gets them both with a double missile dropkick. It's down to Wade and Randy now. Wade gets Randy on his shoulders but Randy gets down and hits Wade with another backbreaker. David then tries getting into the ring and John gets him out. Mike however gets into the ring, gets Randy in the Skull Crushing Finale and delivers it after Alex hits Randy in the gut with the briefcase. Mike quickly rolls out of the ring and Wade takes advantage of the situation and covers Randy. John counts to three and Nexus wins. John's more concerned with Mike and Alex. Riss helps Justin into the ring and the rest of the group follows, raising each other's hands in victory.

That's when they leave the ring and walk back up the ramp. Husky and Otunga lift Wade on their shoulders in victory and the show ends there. They get backstage and immediately Riss is looking Justin over.

"Are you sure you want to be out there for my match?" She asks, concerned.

"You don't look good babe." She frowns as she cups his cheek.

"I want to be out there to support you."

"It's just a dark match and I won't take long. It's Kelly."

"I know. But I like being out there to support you. Dark match or not."

"I know you do but I'm worried about you."

"How about you stay back here, ice your back...okay?"

He starts to protest.

"Please?" She asks, giving him a look.


"Thank you." She kisses his cheek.

Kelly then walks by, giving Riss a look and once again looking Justin over, before they hit her music and she goes out first.

"I'm gonna smash her." Riss growls.

"Do your worst." Justin chuckles.

"Oh I will. Love you."

"Love you too. Just so I don't miss anything, I'll stay in the trainers after getting ice and watch."

"Okay. I'll swing by after I'm done." She nods, reaching up for a kiss.

"Have fun out there." He says after pulling away.

"I plan on it." She smirks and then swats his butt lightly before walking off.

"Youuuu...." He calls.

"Love me!" She calls back, finishing his sentence and laughing.

He chuckles to himself before heading off to the trainers. Since it wasn't too far he wouldn't miss much. They hit the Nexus music and Riss goes out by herself. Kelly smirks from inside the ring because she doesn't feel intimidated since the rest of the group isn't with her. Riss scoffs inwardly since she thinks she doesn't have anything to worry about. But oh how wrong she is. She gets to the ring and hops up, making sure to keep a close eye on Kelly just in case she decides to do a sneak attack before the bell could even ring, which is something she'd do. This time though she waits until the bell to storm up and try to smack her. Riss catches her wrist and twists it.

"Uh uh." She shakes her head.

She tries with the other hand, shrieking. She grabs that hand as well and then slams her down. Riss tries for an early cover, but Kelly kicks out. She then sits on her, locks her hands under her chin and pulls her up so she bends back, applying pressure on the lower back. She shrieks like always as she keeps applying the pressure.

"Give up Kelly! Give up!"

She says no and starts to crawl towards the ropes, still shrieking. She unfortunately grabs the bottom rope and Riss has to let go. She lets go at 4, almost getting disqualified. So she backs up and sees Kelly struggling to get up. So what does she do? Well she backs up against the ropes and kicks her out of the ring, earning quite a number of boos from the crowd. The ref starts counting and Riss doesn't want to wait so she gets out of the ring and helps Kelly up. Kelly however shoves her away, almost hitting the steel steps. Riss stops herself just in time and when Kelly gets the strength to do anything, she screams and runs at Riss and she moves out of the way, throwing Kelly into the steel steps. She smirks in triumph and helps Kelly up once more, throwing her back into the ring. She climbs up herself and gets into the ring. She goes over and kicks Kelly for good measure before going back over to the ropes. She has her back towards Kelly and she looks behind her before hopping up to the top and moonsaulting, landing on Kelly. She covers her and Kelly basically has no strength at this point, so Riss picks up the win.

"Keep eyeing him and this will happen every time." Riss hisses in her ear before she gets up.

The ref hands her back her title and raises her hand in victory. She celebrates for a few moments before leaving the ring and heading to the back. She heads straight for the trainers office to get Justin. She gets there and walks in, seeing Justin sitting comfortably in a chair, leaning back against a bag of ice.

"Feeling better?" She asks, stopping beside him.

"Much." He nods.


"When you're feeling better enough to move, we can go get changed and leave."

He nods again and she moves to sit by him.

"Impressive out there by the way."

"Thank you."

"Always amaze me in your matches, no matter what."



After a bit, he gets up and they go to get changed.

"Oh look we've got the locker room to ourselves now. Everyone else is gone."

"You just got out of the trainer's office and that's where your mind went?" She laughs.

"My bad." He makes an innocent face.


"Go get changed. I can wait."


He heads in to change first and when he was done, she went in to change. They grab their things and go to the hotel. When they get there, they head inside and into the elevator. They head up to their floor and to their room. After walking inside, they both drop their bags by the door. She feels hands on her hips afterwards and a little amused smile comes across her face.


"Yes." He grins.

"Don't get ahead of yourself mister. You got hurt."

"I know..." He sighs.

"I know you want love time but I don't want you to hurt more."

"Right, right."

"We'll see how you are tomorrow okay?" She asks as she turns in his hold.


She reaches up and gives him an intense kiss to hold him over. She however pulls away before he could respond and she pulls from his hold to go find something to change into for bed with a smirk. He whines loudly. She giggles and changes.

"Just giving you something to hold you over through the night."

"That was so unfair!"

"Love you too."

She slides into bed and watches him, giggling softly.

"Well are you gonna get changed or not?"

"Yeah yeah yeah." He grumbles.


"Your fault." He sticks his tongue out.

"Sure sure."

She enjoys the view as he gets undressed, even whistling playfully.

"I know you love this." He grins.


Once he changes, he climbs into bed net to her, after turning the light off. She slides close and snuggles in comfortably.

"Love you."

"Love you too."

They fall asleep easy. Ted and I were already at the hotel and back in our room for quite some time now. He finally let me go, to let me go change after being all touchy as soon as we walked in the door. We both change and then as soon as I'm in bed, Ted's arms are around me again.

"Extra cuddly tonight."

"Is that a problem?"

"No it's not, I'm just stating the obvious."


"So what's the plan for tomorrow?"

"Well, Karissa and Justin have SmackDown to go to, we have a house show to do."


"Don't know the matches yet, we'll find out when we get there."

"Okay. Hopefully nothing big so its an easy night."

"We can stick around for either just my match if I have one, your match if I have one, or both."

"We'll see I guess."

"I'm gonna like these shows better because I'm with you finally."

"I know, I feel like that too."

"Oooh that means I get to be there for those dance offs if you do anymore." I giggle.

"Hah. I'll dedicate it to you, how about that."

"Well don't I feel special."

"You should."

"And I do."

"Good. I love you."

"I love you too."

I give him a kiss before drifting off to sleep in his arms.