Priceless Sensation

House Show & SmackDown

The following morning, Justin wakes up before Riss does and the sun is already starting to rise. It's still pretty dim in the room, considering how long the sun is taking to rise. He looks over at her sleeping form and smiles. He's still feeling some pain from last night, so he decides to get up and take a shower, hoping that will soothe any pain he has left. The sound of the shower going ends up causing her to wake up a bit. She opens one eye halfway and sees the bathroom door shut. She shrugs and closes her eye and snuggles into the warm spot Justin left behind. Once she was comfortable again, she immediately fell back asleep. After a while the shower shuts off and Justin walks out in a towel. Assuming she's still asleep, he goes over to his things and looks for clothes to change into. She watches him through half open eyes and smirks lightly. She eyes the towel and ponders whether or not to pull it off. She tries to make the decision quick, because once he finds clothes to wear, he'll be heading into the backroom. She ends up deciding and reaches out, pulling the towel off him.

"What the..." He trails off, and then looks behind him to see that she has the towel.

"Hi." She giggles.

"So you are awake."

"Partially." She yawns.

"Awake enough to take that...." He points to the towel.

"Mmhmm." She laughs lightly.

"Couldn't resist." She adds.

"Of course not." He chuckles.

"But don't mind me, go on and find clothes, like you were just doing."

He looks amused as he turns back. She tosses the towel into the bathroom before she watches him contentedly.

"How did I know I wouldn't get that back?" He chuckles as he hears the towel hit the floor in the bathroom.

"Because I never give it back." She grins.

"So true."

"You never give mine back either."

"That's also true."

He smirks at the thought as he gets his clothes.

"Looks like I'll have to do what you did to me, to you next time."

She laughs.


"Love you." He says before heading into the bathroom.

"Love you too."

He shuts the door behind him once he heads in, getting dressed and everything. She finally gets up and wanders to her bag, rummaging around in it. She decides on something and while Justin has the bathroom occupied, she changes in the room itself. He walks out and pouts seeing her already dressed.

"Aww you got dressed."

"You know what happens half the time when you watch me get dressed."


"Another day." She says, patting his chest as she walks over to the bathroom.

"Holding you to that."

"I know."

"So what do you want to do first? The usual?"

"Sure." She agrees as she starts to brush her hair.

He watches her as she brushes it and she realizes why. She laughs and hands him the brush. He grins and kisses her cheek before brushing the rest of her hair for her.

"Goofball." She teases.

"Loveable goofball."

"Mmhmm." She agrees.

"What can I say, I love brushing your hair."

"I know you do. You love my hair."

"Yes I do."

She gets the rest of her routine done before he stops brushing.

"Alright, have to get my shoes and then we can go."


She heads out of the bathroom and finds shoes to wear, sitting on the bed and putting them on. Then she grabs what she needs and so does Justin. He grabs her hand and she follows him out of their room. They decide to head down to the hotel restaurant because it's easier and quicker. They get their food and find a table. Justin finishes first and amuses himself by playing with her engagement ring.

"You love playing with that."

"Yeah I do."

"The first wedding is coming up soon. I can't be anymore excited." He adds.

"I know. I'm excited too babe." She smiles.

"It'll be here before we know it."


"You'll be mine forever."

"Sounds great to me." She giggles.

"And ever and ever...." He grins.

"I got it." She laughs.

"I just like saying it."

"It sounds good to my ears." She kisses his cheek.

"Of course."

She finishes eating.

"So now what?"

"That's totally up to you."

"I don't know if I want to go out in that." She looks outside to the gloomy, wet weather.

"Well we can stay in all day....make it a rainy day, movie day?"

"That sounds great." She agrees.

"Then we can order in lunch if want."


"After you."

They get up and wander back towards their room, holding hands like always. They get up and wander back towards their room, holding hands like always. They have no problems in getting there, and once they do, they both kick off their shoes and climb onto the bed, relaxing and finding movies to watch. She cuddles up to him and pulls the blanket over them.

"Mmm. Comfy."

"How it should be."


"But you know me, I'm a very comfy person."

"My personal pillow."

"Yes, your own personal pillow."

"Forever." She smiles up at him.

"Forever." He repeats.

Justin leans down and kisses her back. She kisses back, letting it go on for a while. When they do pull away, she snuggles back into him. He starts the movie and they watch quietly.

In the meantime, Ted and I are still in bed. He's been awake the whole time I've been sleeping and I still am. For a while he decided not to wake me. But seeing as I'm still sleeping after about an hour or so, he chooses to attempt waking me up now. He moves my hair away from my neck and kisses the back of it. I squirm a little, making a soft noise. I squirm again and mumble incoherently. That's when he moves from the back of my neck to the side of it. He would've gone to my shoulder but I was wearing a long sleeved shirt to bed to keep warm. He trails kisses up the side of my neck, up to behind my ear. I start to stir a bit, mumbling quietly, moving around a little as well. He kisses around my ear, chuckling softly.

"Wake up..." He says softly.


"Unless you want me to continue..."


"I'll take that as a continue."

He keeps kissing over any skin he can reach.

"....I'm awake..." I mumble.

"I know. You want me to stop?"

"I didn't say that...did I?"

"Just checking."

"But you know, I've got an even better idea..."


I carefully turn in his arms and press my lips to his, with a smile. He chuckles and kisses back, hugging me to him. I make sure to hold the kiss for a while, before pulling away and leaning my forehead against his.

"Morning love." Ted says quietly.


"Sleep well?"

"I slept perfect."


"I was with you, of course I slept perfect."

"Right." He smiles.

"I'm assuming you're making a gym trip today?" I ask.

"Yeah." He nods.

Then I happen to glance out the window.

"It's snowing....are you sure you want to go?"

"I usually don't miss a day but I think I could if you really don't want to go out."

"Well it depends on the driving conditions."

"You know what, I think the hotel has a gym." Ted says after thinking a minute.

"I think they do..." I nod.

"Use that instead?"

"That's easier, so yes."

"Sounds good."

"Hope not."

"So what time were you thinking about going to the gym?"

"In about an hour or so. I'm not in a rush."

"Good. I'm comfortable." I say, snuggling into him.

"Good to know." He chuckles.

"Not ready to get up yet."


"Just as long as you don't fall back asleep."

"I won't."

"As long as you don't do anything to make me fall asleep." I add.

"I'll try not to."


I snuggle for a while until I finally decide to get up and get moving. I figured I'd get something done in the gym so I change into workout clothes for now. Ted wears his workout clothes as well. I'm in the middle of putting my hair up when he of course snakes his arms around my waist.

"Still snuggly huh?"


"My bad for wearing this then." I snicker.

"That doesn't help, no. But I just like holding you."

"And I can't complain."

He smiles and nuzzles my neck.

"Maybe we should get going before we never leave? It always starts with you and the nuzzling."

He chuckles.


"Well you're gonna have to let me go in order for us to leave...or else we'll be walking awfully strange."

Ted laughs and does so.

"You can be more cuddly when we get back."

"Aw okay."

"Although I don't know how long you can last before we even come back."

Ted laughs.

"We'll see."

I then kiss him briefly before grabbing my bag. He grabs his and we leave the room, heading down to the gym in the hotel. We stretch together after getting in the gym before splitting off to do our own things. I'm only able to do my own thing for a while, and when I put the weights back that I was using, I turn around and get met by Swagger....again.

"Not again....what now?"

"So it was him huh?"

"You enjoy that little segment?" I ask, being amused by his jealousy.

"No because it wasn't me."

"Aww poor you." I laugh to myself, starting to walk away.

"You know you could do better with me." He calls.

"Yeah sure. Don't make me laugh." I call back.

I walk to the next workout I'm doing, shaking my head.

"So relentless."

I get going in my workout, already forgetting about Swagger being stupid. Once I finish with that one, I do a few more before using the treadmill to finish off, like always. I listen to music as I jog on the treadmill. I'm on there for a good amount of time, and that's when notice that Ted spots me and walks over. I see him coming and I smile, turning my music down. I take one bud out of my ear so that I would still be able to hear him and my music.

"Hey you."


"Good workout?"

"Yeah. Another Swagger confrontation though. He was all jealous of you." I giggle.

"He should be." Ted smirks.

"It's amusing to see him all jealous."

"Of course."

"What about you? You have a good workout?"

"Yeah, mine was good."

"You know I only make myself look this good for you." He adds with a grin.

"I know." I giggle.

"Too bad we went off in seperate directions...I could've watched you."

"Another time."

"But then again, you probably would've distracted me from my workout."

We both laugh.


"Ready to go back to the room?"

"So you can be cuddly?"


"Of course."

I turn my music off and step off the treadmill. Then with our bags in hand we head back up to the room. In our room, we take turns taking a shower. Then I change into my clothes I had picked out for the day before drying my hair.

"Now what shall we do?" Ted asks when I walk out.

"I'm all for relaxing for the rest of the day."

"Sounds good." He agrees, opening his arms.

"Probably the best thing to do after a workout anyway." She adds, snuggling into his arms.

"Yeah." Ted kisses my head and holds me close.

"Love you."

"Love you too."

While snuggled up to him, he can't help but to play with my hair...still fascinated by the color.

"I have to admit, I like this color on you." He says.

"Well that's good."

I start to feel sleepy as he keeps playing with my hair.

"You're making me sleepy...doing that..."

"You want me to stop?"

"No..I like the feeling."

"Feel free to nap if you want."

"I think I'll end up doing that. Even though you did let me sleep in earlier."


"You'll know it when I'm asleep."

"I know." He chuckles.

"My pillow."


I snuggle into him more as I start to feel more and more comfortable, the feeling of him playing with my hair, making me even more sleepy than before. Before I know it, I'm out. Ted smiles at me and kisses my head. The rest of the day passes by awfully quick with the napping and relaxing. Thankfully the weather died down and the driving conditions on the roads wasn't too bad. Riss yawns as Justin and her walk into SmackDown.

"Still a bit tired?" He asks.


"Well hopefully the night will go quick."

"I hope so."

"The only problem we'll have is David. Wade's not here because he's going to be part of the live event."


"Well if he even thinks of ordering me around, he's got another thing coming." She adds.

"I know." Justin chuckles.

"He's not the leader, Wade is. But whatever. I can't wait to see him screw up tonight."


Then they reach where the Nexus locker room would be and they walk in. Justin heads in to change, but she doesn't have to worry about changing because she really doesn't have anything to do tonight. She walks over to the couch and waits for Justin to come back so she can cuddle with him. It doesn't take him too long and he's back out and he sits on the couch next to her. She slides up to him and finds a spot that's comfortable, snuggling in.


He chuckles and rubs her back.


"Mmm." She hums contentedly, closing her eyes.

That's when the door opens and the rest of the group, minus Wade of course walks in. Justin greets them. I'm too comfy to say anything.

"We've got the opening segment to do, just to let you know. Interrupt Edge." David announces.

Justin nods. Then they all head in to get into their gear as well. She grumbles quietly, knowing she'll have to move.

"I know, I know."

"I'll make it up to you." He says in her ear.

Then a smile forms on her face and she nods.

"I figured that'd make you smile."

She laughs a little.

"Always does."

He kisses her head. Soon everyone comes out of the changing area, and they only get to rest for a bit before having to head to the curtain to wait, since the show is starting soon and they're gonna need to be by the curtain for their cue to go out. She walks beside Justin, waking herself up.

"You gonna be okay?" He asks.

"I think so."

"Will a kiss wake you up?"

"Maybe." She giggles.

He grins, before he stops walking. He turns to face her, takes her face in his hands and presses his lips to yours. She responds, holding onto his wrists. He puts as much passion into the kiss to wake her up. She melts against him, knees getting weak. He pulls away from the kiss and moves his hands to her hips so she stays standing after the kiss he just gave her. It takes a minute to recover.

"I'm up."

"I would hope so."

"More later." He adds, kissing the tip of her nose.

As always she wrinkles her nose and he chuckles.

"That's still so adorable."

She sticks her tongue out and nudges him so they start walking again. They finally reach the curtain and stand there and wait since the show would be starting any minute now. David is giving a lecture on what is going to happen and Riss rolls her eyes.

It's only shortly after that when the show starts and they show what Wade was talking about with David last week about his losses and how he needs to lead a victory tonight on Raw against Edge. That's followed by the SmackDown intro and pyro, and the introduction to the show. After showing two of the biggest matches, one of those being David's, edge comes out to start the show.

"I gotta be honest with you. I don't know about the rest of you, but I am a busy guy. I really am. I looked at my agenda for the next few months. It's's packed. I'm gonna start backwards, I hope you don't mind, and if you do too bad. Here's the thing. I'm gonna start with hoping that all of you have your tickets for Atlanta and WrestleMania. Yeah you see, because I am going to walk into WrestleMania as the World Heavyweight Champion. I've main evented at WrestleMania before, and I plan on doing it again. Now I know you're probably asking yourself the question, you're probably saying, Edge...that means you have to go through Kane. And I will admit, that's a tough task. Some might say it's impossible, but trust me like I always do, I have a plan. The end of that plan sees me walking out of Miami, walking out of Survivor Series as a ten time...god I gotta say it again because it sounds so good. Ten time World Heavyweight Champion."

"Which brings me to my agenda tonight. David Otunga."

The whole arena boos.

"My feelings too. Mister A-List. The guy who thinks he's gonna walk through me so he can stay in Nexus. Otunga, I really hope you keep depending on your wife. I hope she keeps making movies, because while she's walking the red carpet, you're gonna be walking the unemployment line."

That's when David motions for that to be their cue. The music hits and they all walk out. They all circle the ring, but since Riss isn't in her ring gear, she can't really do much right now. Justin makes sure she's safe just in case. David motions for them to get up onto the ring and they all do so.

"Hold on, hold on gentlemen!" Vickie stops everyone, walking out.

"Oh god, not her." Riss mumbles.

"Stop right there. I have a huge announcement. Teddy Long has been detained by the customs and he is not able to be here tonight. Which means I'm in charge! Now Otunga since I'm in charge, if any of your Nexus members step into this ring, you will lose your match tonight. And you know what that means. You will be ex-communicated from Nexus. Now ladies and gentlemen, I have a huge show planned for tonight. Tonight you will see The Big Show vs Kane. And David Otunga vs Edge. Now I do not want a repeat from last week, and I'm not gonna be somebody like Teddy Long who loses control of his show. I know that Nexus wants to be involved really really bad, and I am going to allow them to surround the ring tonight. Don't worry Edge, because they will be joined by the entire SmackDown roster."

"Aw shit." Riss sighs.

"Now excuse me Edge know I just want to let you know that since we are in Manchester, I think it's proper that we start this night with the both of you shaking hands like fine Englishmen. Otunga get in the ring while the rest of Nexus get on the floor now. Or Otunga, you will forfeit your match tonight."

Heath is closest to Riss other than Justin so she goes up and yanks Heath down form the apron while motioning for the others to get down. They listen while David gets into the ring, and they all gather on David's side, near commentary.

"Now gentlemen, your match will now be a Lumberjack match so, if ya'll can make peace and shake hands, then we can get on with this night."

David holds out his hand but Edge refuses.

"Um excuse me sweetheart. If you do not shake Otunga's hand, I am going to replace you with someone in your title match at Survivor Series."

David holds out his hand, and Edge walks forward, shaking it and not too pleased. Otunga starts to leave the ring, and Edge stops and turns around. Justin knows what's coming so he grabs Riss and gets both him and her out of the way as Edge then spears David and he falls into the group. Just Husky and McGillicutty and they tumble to the floor.

"Thanks babe." Riss says him quietly.

"You're welcome." He says back just as quiet.

She stands back up straight, eyeing Edge warily.

Justin and Heath then storm the ring and Edge leaves before they could get to him. He heads to the back, Justin and Heath leave the ring, Justin comes back over to you. She hugs Justin lightly.

"Let's go." He says, as David, Husky and McGillicutty get to their feet.

She nods and grabs his hand. Then they all slowly make their way to the back.

"Back to snuggling." She tells Justin.

"Yes, back to snuggling."

"Do you two ever stop being affectionate?" Heath complains after Justin and her curl up on the couch together.

"Nope. Get used to it." She states.

"I think he's just jealous because he doesn't have a girlfriend."

"True." Riss snickers.

"Given up all hope on girls since Air doesn't want you?" Riss teases.

"Shut up." Heath sulks.

"Should I?" She asks Justin with an amused look.

Justin just laughs.

"Totally up to you."

"Hmm, I'll give in for now."

It's not too long before the first match of the night begins. They play Del Rio's music and he drives out, honking the horn. Riss looks at the car and then turns back to Justin, nuzzling his neck.

"Ugh would he knock it off with the horn? We get it."

"Apparently he thinks we don't."

Then of course Ricardo introduces Spanish.

"Hey, we're in England...not Mexico...speak English."

Then briefly after Del Rio gets into the ring, they show a fan sign that says 'Alberto Dorito'.

"Haha Dorito." Justin chuckles.

"Dorito Muffin Top." Riss declares.

"Muffin Top?" Justin asks her with a raised eyebrow.

"Yup. He has a muffin top, look at his waist above the trunks!" She points.


"Exactly! Its disgusting. You don't have that." She says, lifting Justin's shirt to poke him above his trunks.

"Because I'm at the gym every day. I never see him at the gym every day."

"You're not there every day but I get your point."

He grins and kisses her cheek. He gives her a look and she knows they're both thinking the same thing so she ends up blushing. Then she hides her face in his shoulder, trying to let the blush subside. Justin laughs.

"Adorable." He says in her ear.

She swats at him half heartedly.

"Love you too."


"You love it."


Del Rio's opponent turns out to be Kofi. The match was pretty decent, but the end it was Del Rio assaulting the arm of Kofi, utilizing the steel ring post to soften the arm enough to lock on the cross arm breaker, forcing Kofi to tap out and Del Rio picks up the win.

That's when Rey's music cuts into Del Rio's and he comes walking out and then runs down to the ring sliding in. He hits him with the 619 and he rolls out of the ring and out of harms way. The cameraman is in the Nexus locker room, Riss still sitting on Justin's lap.

"Guys, I don't think this is such a good idea." McGillicutty states, clearly about this whole Otunga situation for the show tonight.

"I say we completely change the game plan all around." Husky adds.

"Yeah I agree man."

"I agree. I mean, Edge is crazy. I mean obviously you've just seen what happened to us out there. And if it was just Nexus, just us down there, Dave could win no breeze, easy. But get this, we've got sixteen other superstars, sixteen. They hate us, so listen to this. I'm not willing to go down there, risk my car-" Heath says, but stops when Otunga walks in.

"Look guys I get it. There can only be one leader of Nexus and it's Wade. Well Wade's not here tonight. So this is our task. This is the biggest night of my life. Come on guys, put yourselves in my shoes. What if this was you? All my hopes, all my dreams, everything I've worked hard for is on the line and it could all go up in smoke. What would I do if I didn't have Nexus? Man, I'll have to start over again from the beginning."

Riss is giving him a 'yea, and?' look.

"Look how far we've come together though. We've always been about the team from the beginning. We're Nexus man. All for one and one for all. If I fail, we all fail. And if you fail, I mean think about it. Which one of you guys is next? So forget about the lumberjacks, we're Nexus. You're either Nexus or you're against us. Look at everything we've accomplished. We need to go out there tonight, show the world why we're the most dominant force in the WWE. We need to go out there tonight, and we need to beat Edge." David finishes before walking out.

A few seconds later, the camera shuts off and they're in the clear.

"Stupid." Riss mutters.

"When we're out there, I want you to be somewhere safe okay?" Justin asks.

"I'm not fragile."

"I know, but you know how lumberjack matches are. I don't want you caught in the fray and end up getting hurt."

"Commentary or on the stage." She sighs.

"I say commentary."


"I'm sorry if I'm too concerned. After seeing what happened while we were in FCW, you almost getting seriously injured, I don't want to see that again."

"I know."

"I still think it's my fault, and you know that. If I hadn't have brought you out there with me...." He sighs.

"It wasn't your fault. I'm a big girl and I do make my own decisions. Accidents happen. Just remember that things won't be injury free. We can hope we don't end up injured but its likely we're going to deal with something down the line. You should prepare yourself for that."

"I know...."

She sighs and places his hands on her stomach, remembering that skin contact tends to soothe him.


"Mmhmm." He mumbles, burying his face in her neck.

"I'm gonna be with you ringside during that match. I'll just knock whoever bumps into me or whatever out."

He sighs and nods.

"I'll be fine."

"You'll see." She assures him.


She reaches up with one hand and runs her nails gently along his scalp in a soothing motion. He sighs in content, nuzzling her neck. She smiles and kisses the side of his head.

"Love you."

"Love you too."

She keeps doing the thing with her nails, only paying half attention to the tv.

It's not too long after that when Natalya comes out for the next match. After her, Layla comes out as her opponent. The bell rings and they circle, and Natalya takes control early on. She goes for a cover, but Layla kicks out. That's where Layla takes control of the match, screeching everytime she hits Natalya.

"Would she shut up?"

"I wish."

In the end, it was Natalya forcing Layla to tap out to the Sharpshooter that would earn her the victory.

"Good for Nattie."

In the meantime, Ted and I were in the middle of the house show in London that we had tonight. Mark Henry had beat Zack to start the show off, and that was followed by Kozlov and Santino beating the Usos. Alex had just lost to Ezekiel Jackson, sad really. And up next was Ted's match against Yoshi. We were currently heading to the curtain, and waited once we got there.

"This shouldn't be too hard." I say with a smile.

"No, not really. Shouldn't take too long either."

"Good good."

"Too bad my match isn't until much later. I would love to get out of here after your match." I add.

"I know but we'll still have time to cuddle and everything." He remarks.


Ted leans over and steals a quick kiss. It turns out to be not so quick, because when he goes to pull away, I put one hand behind his neck and hold him there for a few extra moments. He chuckles against my lips.

"Ugh, get a room." I hear someone say, and I can tell the distinct French accent, so I take my free hand and flip her off.

She huffs angrily.

"Enough good luck for you for the match?" I ask Ted after finally pulling away.

"Hmm..." He jokingly pretends to think.

"...maybe, maybe not."

"Oh really." I look amused.

"It's your lip gloss that's got me wanting more."

"Ohhh." I laugh.

"You like the caramel hot chocolate don't you?" I add with a grin on my face.

"Yeah, I do."

"Well I don't want you taking it all off right now..."


"Maybe I'll put more on if you can wait until I have my match and we go back to the hotel."

"I'll try."

"As long as you do that."

"I will."

"Good, because what you got a taste of, is all you're getting for now."


I then purposely rub my lips together to let the aroma of the lip gloss into the air, and he gets the scent of it. I giggle to myself quietly at his reaction. Ted groans, whining.

"No fair."



"You love it."

"Because I love -you-."

"And I love you."

He smiles and hugs me to him. Just to get me back for the gloss thing, his hand starts wander.

"Heyy, hand. We're not in private right now."


"After your match and when we're back in that locker room."



"Just for you."

Just then they play his music and I grab his arm when he offers it to me, and we head out first. I giggle to myself as Ted proudly shows me off. We get down to the ring and we walk up the stairs, and he lets me into the ring first, before he gets in and does all his entrance stuff. Once his music fades, that's when Yoshi's goes off and he comes out full of energy like he always does. Once he gets into the ring, I get out and soon the bell rings. Ted was right about the match, it wasn't very long, but a decent amount of time passed by. I caused a few distractions and the last one I caused allowed Ted to hit Yoshi with Dream Street and pin him to win the match. Once the bell rings, I climb into the ring to celebrate with Ted. The first thing I do is hug him. He hugs back and then kisses me. Then we proceed to leave the ring and head to the back, and back to the locker room.

"Just let me change into my ring attire and then you'll have even more skin to be all touchy with."

He grins and agrees, sitting on the couch to wait. It doesn't take me particularly long, and to save him the trouble, when I come out, I immediately sit on his lap.

"Beautiful with whatever you wear." He remarks after kissing my cheek.

"Like always."

"Always." He agrees.

I nod in agreement as start to get carried away with running my nails across any part of his skin that I can reach, which is basically almost everywhere. He muffles a groan before retaliating and touching my bare skin. I make a quiet noise myself.

"Couldn't help myself with you." I giggle.

"I know the feeling." He laughs.

"You have less on than I do, I think you win there. You're just lucky that I haven't done...." I trail off before my fingers down towards his abs and indents, before pressing my fingers into one of the indents.

That causes him to make a quiet groan and he grabs my hand and removes it.

"Let's not do that."

"Aww why not?"

"Wandering into dangerous territory babe. We aren't in a totally private place."

"But it's fun to see your reaction."

"That's nice for you but save it for another time."

"Awww, ok."

"You can find other ways of having fun."

" mean like this....?" I say, taking out the tub of lip gloss, dangling in front of him.


"To put more on or not....hmm...."


"Well okay, but only because you asked so nicely." I laugh, taking the cap off and the scent fills the room again and he goes crazy already.

I put it on and as soon as I get the cap back on, he kisses me. I have to pull away eventually because he was on the verge of taking it all off again.

"Now I think you've had enough for now."

He immediately whines.

"I'm gonna run out if I have to keep re-applying it, because you keep taking it off. Do you want me to run out of it?"


"Then go easy with it."


"Wait...what if buy you more?" He asks.

"Well...maybe. I do have other kinds too."

"How well I know, I like them all."

"Of course you do."

"But I think you'll last until after my match. You've had enough to last."

"I guess."

"Am I hearing some disappointment in your voice? I guess?"

"I can last." He mutters, burying his face in my neck.

"Are you sure now?"


"I can distract myself anyway." He mumbles into my neck.

"No marks." I warn.

"I know, don't worry."


He then starts to place kisses everywhere he can reach, which causes me to squirm in his arms due to the ticklish feeling.

"Ticklish?" He teases.

"Just a bit."

He presses a little harder so they aren't so ticklish but I still squirm from the feeling.

"Still making me squirm."

"But is it ticklish?"


"Okay then. I was trying to not make it ticklish."


"You should know why I'm squirming anyway."

He snickers against my skin.


"You love it."

"I do. And let me guess, you're gonna keep that up until my match aren't you?"


"Now how did I know that?"

"Because you know me."

"All too well."

"Love you."

"I love you too."

Ted just keeps up with the affection until it's time for my match. It ended up being a tag team match and thankfully I was not teamed up with Maryse this time. I was teamed up with Tamina, and we were facing Eve and Melina. Ted and I were waiting by the curtain since he was going out with me, and the rest of the girls were there too. Melina and Tamina and myself were all talking, Eve just like ignored me, and at times gave me a dirty look. I scoff inwardly and don't let it bother me since I never liked her in the first place.

Before we know it, it was time for the match. Eve and Melina go out first, followed by Tamina, Ted and I. With all us in the match, it was going to be a good one actually. It started out with Tamina and Melina and that went for a while before Eve was tagged in. After a long fight between them, Eve had hit me with a cheap shot, knocking me off the side of the ring. My whole attitude changes and I slide into the ring and the ref stops me, telling me to get out. I argue with him as Eve and Melina gang up on Tamina. I sigh in frustration as I return to the outside.

"Keep your cool." Ted tells me as he stands near my feet.

By this time Melina was tagged back in and Tamina really didn't have a chance to fight back. I saw her going for her Sunset Flip Powerbomb, so I rush in. That's when Eve comes in and catches me before I could even stop the finisher, and we end up rolling outside the ring. Melina hits it and ends up pinning Tamina to win the match for her and Eve. I growl and start wailing on Eve, pissed off at losing. I wail on her as much as I can, until I'm pulled off and dragged away.

"You can get her back another day." Ted says in my ear.

I grumble quietly before nodding. I grab my title and walk with him. As I walk by the crumpled form of Eve, I can't resist giving her one last kick in the ribs. Of course that earns me tons of boos and such but I don't care, and walk to the back with Ted.

"Let's go get changed and we can get out of here."

I nod and we head back to the locker room and get changed back into our normal clothes, before grabbing our things and heading back to the hotel. Once at our room, we put down our bags and get changed for bed. Ted pulls me into his arms afterwards and kisses me.

"Relaxed?" He asks.

"I am now."

"Good, you should be. Can't have you being all tensed up and stressed out."

"Mmm." I agree faintly as he rubs my back.

I then try to stifle a yawn that I feel coming on.

"To bed with you." Ted chuckles.

"I'm fine."

"No you aren't. Your eyes are drooping already."

"Because you're rubbing my back...."

"Trying to keep you relaxed."

"You are, and making me sleepy at the same time."

He scoops me up and puts me in bed before getting in himself. He reaches over and shuts the light off before grabbing me and pulling me closer to him.


I give in and snuggle down into a comfortable spot. It only takes a few moments for me to fall asleep and when he realizes I have fallen asleep, he kisses the top of my head and quietly says 'goodnight' to me, before going to sleep himself.

Right now it's time for David's match, so Nexus is at the curtain right now as Edge goes out first.

"This won't turn out well." Riss sighs.

"You never know..."


"...I mean, Dave could surprise us all and pick up the win."


"Not really getting my hopes up though."

"I know."

Once Edge's music fades, the Nexus music goes off next and they all follow David out to the ring. David gets into the ring while each one of the others stand on each side of the ring. The SmackDown theme goes off and the roster comes out to be the rest of the lumberjacks. They all walk around the ring, causing the group to back up, all the way around the ring and to the bottom of the ramp. That's when the bell rings and the match starts, the roster circling the ring to be the lumberjacks. So far it's not good for Otunga and he gets knocked out of the ring. The group prevents the roster from attacking him, yelling at them to not do anything, and the roster throws him back into the ring. David tries to escape but there is no escape for him. Eventually he gets thrown back out of the ring by Edge, and he gets attacked, the group not being able to do anything at all, before he's thrown into the ring again. Edge goes for the cover and gets a two count.

Edge ends up getting thrown out of the ring and Del Rio was the one to attack before Edge is thrown back into the ring, David now taking control of the match. David goes for a cover, but Edge kicks out. Edge gets to his feet and out of the hold David has him, but that momentum is short lived. Another cover, but Edge kicks out.

"This isn't fair, we can't even be part of the match." Riss grumbles.

"I know."

"I know how to get up there....." She trails off.


"Watch." She says, pulling away from Justin and storming over to where Cody was standing next to the ring.

"Hey pretty boy....MOVE." She demands, grabbing him by his jacket and pulling him out of the way.

"Hey!" Cody says indignantly.

She snaps her head in his direction giving him the evil eye.

"You really want to go there with me pretty boy?"

He steps back a bit.

"Thought so." She states before turning her attention to the match.

David goes for another cover, another kickout. After a suplex, David goes for another cover, but Edge kicks outs. Then he gets him in a potential submission, but Edge gets to his feet and out of the hold. This is where Edge starts to fight back, knocking David down every chance he gets. After a neckbreaker, Edge goes for a cover, but David kicks out at two. Into the corner now and then Edge rolls him up and David kicks out. David tries to come back, but fails. Edge then out of nowhere dropkicks Del Rio in the back and a fight ensues with the lumberjacks. Edge then hits a DDT and David is struggling to get to his feet. Edge backs up into the corner, setting up for the spear. McGillicutty goes running around the ring and slides in, only to be taken down by Edge.

"Stupid." Riss mutters.

Edge backs up again, but then Kane comes out of nowhere and chokeslams Edge and then leaves. David takes advantage of the situation and gets the pinfall, winning the match and staying in Nexus.

"Well what do you know. He actually did it."

Riss helps the rest of the group, pull David out of the ring and away from everyone else and they try fighting off the rest of the roster before making it up to the stage.

"Crazy people." Riss says quietly.

"They all hate us, of course they'll come after us."

"I know."

"On the brightside, we can head back to the hotel now, once I get changed." Justin says as they all head to the back.

"True." She smiles a bit.

"Early night for us."

She laughs.

"Sleep in tomorrow too."


"You may need one of those baths. It's going to be a long night for you."

She giggles and squeals slightly as Justin slips one hand into her back pocket and squeezes flirtatiously.

"You may have to change fast if you can't wait too long."

"I'll be quick." Justin smirks.

"Don't be too quick that you forget to put something on." She giggles.

"I won't." He chuckles.

"Just making sure."

"I know."

They reach the locker room and he heads in to change. She sits on the couch, picking up her purse. She brings out her engagement ring and slides it back on. She doesn't have to wait long, Justin coming out just minutes after. She stands up and he grabs her hand. He gives the rest of the guys a brief goodbye before dragging her out of the room. They get back to the car fairly quickly, and get in. After that, it's off to the hotel. She's giggling as they pass by some of their co-workers in the lobby of the hotel. They make it to the elevator and make the trip up to their floor. She unlocks the door and they walk in. She sets her purse down and starts taking off her jewelry after getting her shoes off. Once she has all that off, he comes up behind her and wrap[his arms around her waist.



"You want something?" She teases, running her fingertips down his arms.

"I think you know."


" I?"

She acts like she doesn't know because she loves driving him crazy.

"Rissa...." He whines.

"What?" She giggles.

"You're killing me."



"I'm sorry."

"You love doing it."

"Yes I do."

"Thought so."

She turns around in his arms and her own arms go around his neck.


"Not quite." He says, eyeing her hair which is still in a ponytail.

"Go ahead." She giggles.

He reaches up and carefully takes her hair down.

"Better now?"



Justin tosses the hair things on the table before running his fingers through her hair.


He chuckles then puts his hands in her back pockets, leaning down to press his lips to hers. She responds to his kiss, moving closer to him. That's when he starts to move her backwards, not breaking the kiss. Her legs hit the bed and Justin lowers her down gently as he follows. He of course has to remove his hands from her pockets and rests them on her sides instead. It doesn't take long though for his hands to slip beneath her shirt in favor of touching bare skin. Then he wastes no time in tugging at the bottom of it, wanting it off. She doesn't give him much of a response so he starts sliding her shirt up, exploring her body as it's uncovered. When he gets it high enough, she has no choice but to break the kiss in order to get it off. The shirt gets tossed away and she tries to pull Justin back to her lips but he avoids it, making her whine softly.

"I'll go back there...don't worry."

She pouts, trying again anyway. He only kisses her quick before moving to her skin. He trails up to her ear and nips at her earlobe. She makes a muffled sound as she bites her lip, arching up slightly. He smirks and does it more, because he knows it gets to her. She tightens her grip on his shoulders, fingers digging in as she tries to stay quiet. He knows that she's trying to stay quiet, which is why he keeps doing it more and more.



"No fair."

"I like the noises you make."

"I knowww."

"I'll keep doing it the more you hold back."

She whines softly.

"All you have to do is not hold back."

"Can't help it."

"I know."

Justin moves from her to her neck. She once more holds back on the noises that she can sense will be coming from her. At least until her moves to his favorite spot. She can't help but make any noises she lets out, loud and clear and he smirks against her skin, on the post as she does so. She digs her nails into his shoulders, arching up against him. He makes sure to keep on the spot until a decent mark is made. Once he feels that he's done enough, he pulls away to view his work and grins in triumph. She slumps back down, trying to catch her breath.

"It's coverable..."


"Don't worry, I'm telling the truth."

She nods.

"But I'm not even done yet."

She groans.

"You know what I have planned....remember?"


"Then you know that the rest of your clothes need to come off..."

"You're wearing just as much." She mumbles as he goes after her pants.

"We'll deal with my clothes after."

"No fair."

"I could always take them off now..."

"I want to help." She smirks.

"Have at it."

"Just let me get these off." He adds, tugging on her pants.

She gets them undone and helps him take them off. he tosses them aside once they're off. She pulls him down and rolls them over so she's straddling him.

"Weren't expecting that were you?"

"Not really." He chuckles, holding her hips and rubbing his thumbs on her bare skin.

"I'm sneaky like that."

"I know."

"Your turn."

He chuckles. She leans down and kisses him gently. She does pull away in order to get his shirt off. Once that's off, she lets her fingers and lips wander, intent on making him squirm. After a bit of that, she's successful and he tries to stop her.

"Nu uh." She giggles.

"Whyyyy?" He groans.

"You tortured me, now its my turn."

"Is it too late to take it all back?"



She laughs and keeps him squirming.

"I'm gonna get you back for this..."

"I'm just paying you back." She shrugs.


She giggles and moves up to his neck, nipping gently. As she goes, he tenses. She smirks against his skin, especially when she hears noises come from him. She picks a few spots and leaves little marks. While she does that, she starts working on getting his pants off. She leaves his neck and climbs off him, getting his pants completely off.

"Only the little things left."

She gets on the bed and climbs up by the pillows. She stretches out and waits for him, giggling softly.

"Looks who's just ready to go." He chuckles.

"Hey I'm just getting comfy. You're the one that was all grabby in front of the other Nexus guys."

"Can you blame me?"

She shakes her head as he turns over and moves up by her.

"Don't forget the blanket...."

He grins and tugs it free, pulling it up. The next thing that happens is the rest of what they both were wearing starts to come off, like always.