Priceless Sensation

NXT Athletes Hired Back, Ted & Maryse's Storyline

After a busy morning, we finally had the rest of the day off until having to leave before the show tonight. Since I didn't really have anything planned, Karissa decided to come to my room which was just down the hall and knock. I get up from the bed, after watching some TV and go over to the door opening it to find her there.

"Hey Air."

"Oh hey, what's up?"

"Not much. You?"

"Just trying to find ways to pass the time....not working out too well."

"I know the feeling."

"Well since you're not doing anything, wanna come to lunch?"


"Can't have you stuck in here the rest of the day." She laughs.

"Right." I laugh too.

I go around the room, grabbing what I would possibly need before shutting the TV off and heading out into the hallway with Riss.

"So how has your day been?"

"Pretty good...can't complain really."

"That's good."

"Been trying to keep my mind off of tonight...."

"I bet."

"Just think of that tag match we have tonight. We team with Nattie remember?" She adds.

"True." I smile.

"We get to beat up Tamina and LayCool...that's a bonus."


"LayCool....what a joke." Karissa scoffs as we head into the elevator.

"I know."

"How they became pros for the next season of NXT....I'll never understand."

"Me neither."

"I feel bad for the rookie who has them."

"Who knows, maybe they'll get a terrible rookie."

"I hope so." I laugh and Riss snickers.

"They'll have their work cut out for them big time."

"Oh yeah."

Then when we get down to the lobby and out to the car, Justin is already in the driver's seat, ready to go. Justin and I greet each other and Riss takes his hand, lacing her fingers with his. He then pulls out of the parking lot and starts heading off in the direction to head to the place where she and him had chosen to have lunch at. We go in and get seated, ordering shortly after. After ordering our drinks, I was busy looking at what I wanted to eat and since we were sitting in a booth, all of a sudden I felt the spot next to me sink in and I look over. I almost regret that I did, because there was Heath and I mentally curse.

"Hey guys!" He says cheerfully.

"Hi Heath." Riss says dryly.

Justin however greets him differently and they do a little handshake thing.

"Oh I'm great." Justin answers first.

"Not bad." Karissa continues.

"I'm okay." I continue.

"You?" Justin replies.

"I'm great as well."

"Good man, good."

Riss and I just exchange looks. Then out of nowhere his arm goes behind me and I scooched forward a bit so that he wouldn't end up touching me. Riss just laughs inwardly and shakes her head a bit before sipping at her drink. Justin and Heath are talking a mile a minute while we just sit quietly. I then motion to her for the bathroom just so I can get away from Heath for a minute. She nods and we get up, exiting the other side of the booth.

"Oh my god he's so persistent." I say after we walk into the bathroom.

"I know. He used to have a crush on me, remember?"

"I know. I really hope I don't have to end up giving him a ride back to the hotel tonight."

"I would say to ride with us but we both know Justin will let Heath in the car too. The bromance is going to get on my nerves, I can feel it already."

"Right. I mean I don't have a problem with giving him a ride but when there's awkward flirting on the way back...."

"I know."

"Unless you and I ride together and make those two go by themselves."

"True, let's just see what happens when the show ends. If he doesn't come asking me for a ride, I think I'll be okay."


"I hope to god when we leave here, he's not out there still."

"We aren't that lucky. Trust me. Those two don't shut up."


"I know." She rolls her eyes.

Then the door opens up and we look and see none other than HER walk in.

"Make that a double joy." I say quietly and sarcastically.

Karissa just rolls her eyes again.

"Suppose we should head back now."


We head out of the bathroom and back to the table, Justin and Heath chatting it up still. We both sigh and sit back down. Riss doesn't bother scooting back over against Justin. She and I are sitting on the edges, talking quietly in Italian. Our food finally comes and we have even more of an excuse to let them talk to each other. We take our time eating, occasionally look over at them and then shaking our heads.

"At least he's leaving me alone." I say quietly.


I eat to the point where I start getting full and sit back against the seat for a bit. Then I grab my things and ask Riss if she wants to go out to the car until they're done talking and Justin is ready to go. She nods and gets up, grabbing her stuff. Then we head towards the door, heading outside and waiting by the car. She sits on the trunk, sighing.



"I'm ready for a nap."

"I'm alright. Just annoyed."

"Heath can do that to people."

"Trust me, I know."

After a while however, Justin finally comes himself this time. We both sigh in relief.

"Have fun?"

"Of course." Justin says.

"Wonderful. Now let's go."

She hops off the trunk of the car and gets into the passenger seat. I get in the back and Justin looks confused for a minute before getting in the car. Then we head back to the hotel and I get out first, heading up to my own room, Justin and Karissa still in the car. She doesn't say anything yet, choosing to look out the window.

"Karissa....what's wrong?"


"I can tell that there can tell me."

"Nothing's wrong. Why don't you go hang out with Heath." She says before getting out of the car and practically slamming the door.

He watches as she storms off into the hotel, and he realizes what she was talking about. He sighs and gets out of the car, heading into the hotel himself. She gets up to their room and she violently throws a few things into a bag, deciding to go sit by the pool since it has a waterfall. Just as she's coming out of the room, he turns the corner to come down the hall to get to the room himself. She heads straight for the stairs, preferring to work off some of her anger. Then when she makes it downstairs, she heads straight for the pool. She finds an empty spot by the waterfall and lays on the chair. She stretches out on her stomach, her arms folded and her face buried in them. She closes her eyes and listens to the water. Before she knows it, she's dozed off because the sound of the water was soothing enough to do so.

Meanwhile, I made it to my own room and went to lay in bed.

But before I could even get comfortable, there's a knock on the door and I grumble before getting up and answering it. I open it to see Justin and he walks in.

"Ariel tell me what's wrong with Karissa...please."

"Well for completely ignored her at lunch in favor of talking to Heath."

"You two have only been reunited for a few weeks and you spent months apart. Justin, she missed you really really bad and you pretty much pushed her aside for Heath today." I add.

"I mean, I get were trying to keep him from talking to me, but I can handle myself. You don't ignore the one person you love. You'll be spending a lot of time with Heath because of this storyline with the group you're in. You don't need to push her aside whenever you're talking to him." I continue.

He hands his head and sighs.

"Best thing to do, let her cool down, I'm sure she'll talk to you when she's ready to."

He nods slowly.

"Just try not to worry about this okay?"

"I'll's just....I've had something on my mind lately and I don't want something like this to jeopardize it."


"Now this is just an idea, I've been thinking about it, no planning just yet, but....I'm thinking that I want to ask her to marry me."

"Awwwww! Justin, that's sweet."

"It's been on my mind a lot lately..."


"Well when you do decide to plan and you want to go ring shopping for her, you can take me...I can keep a secret, and I know what she likes."

"I'll keep that in mind. Thanks Ariel."

"Hey, what're friends for right? It's better than trying to pick out a ring yourself."

"Not that you would do a bad job or anything." I add.

"Right, always good to have a second opinion on stuff like that..."


"But like I said, don't worry about it...she'll talk to you once she's relaxed and calm."

Justin nods.

"Thanks Ariel." He says before hugging me.

"No problem. Now I wanna get a nap in before the show tonight, so if you would kindly leave...." I laugh.

"I know when I'm not wanted." He jokes.

" Ted hiding in the bathroom, is that why you're kicking me out?" He jokes again.

"Oh be quiet and shoo." I laugh.

"Ohhh so he is hiding in there." He laughs too.

"Justin." I laugh more, pushing him to the door.

"No one's in the bathroom, now go."

"Just giving you a hard time. Bye Ariel."

"Bye Justin." I laugh, shutting the door behind him.

I lock the door and head back to the bed. I instantly relax after kicking my shoes off and shortly after that I doze off. Down by the pool, about an hour has passed and Riss waks up. She rolls over and rubs her eyes, yawning.

"Well well well, look who we have here."

She looks up and sees one of the new NXT rookies standing there. She barely manages to keep from rolling her eyes.

"And you are?" She asks.

He looks almost insulted that she doesn't know who he is.

"You mean you don't remember me? We worked together."

"Can't say I do." She shrugs, sitting up.

"FCW...Michael...Michael McGillicutty, my father was Mr."

She pauses slightly and then shakes her head.


"Well, I remember you perfectly...Karissa. You've just gotten hotter since the last time I saw you."

She looks at him weirdly before rummaging in her bag.


"You're very welcome...beautiful."

She finds her phone and looks at the time.

"Alright, number one: you can stop hitting on me because I have a boyfriend. Number two: its time for me to leave."

"Aww so soon? I just got here."

"Does it look like I care?" She raises an eyebrow as she gets up.

"Feisty huh? I like that in a woman."

She rolls her eyes.


"Have fun by yourself." She says before walking off.

"Creep." She mutters.

"Denied!" She hears a voice say, followed by laughter.

"Shut it Riley!" McGillicutty retorts.

She laughs and looks to see Alex Riley doubled over laughing beside his mentor, Mike, aka The Miz.

"He strikes out even with a woman who's taken." Mike adds.

"Not many believed he existed. They know now." She says to him.

Then she makes sure to say 'bye' to both Mike and Alex before heading inside, laughing as Alex continues to rip on McGillicutty for striking out with her. She heads up to her room, giggling quietly. She takes out the keycard and unlocks the door with it. There she sees Justin with a thing of roses in his hand for her.

"Oh." She gives a little gasp and then sighs, smiling a bit.

"I just wanted to say I'm sorry for what happened at lunch today."

"Its just you two have always been kind of like that. You get in this bubble and forget there's other people. It bothered me bad today because we were apart for so long, I can't help wanting your attention." She explains.

"I know...Ariel explained that to me. I'm sorry I ignored you, I'm not gonna do it again. That's why I got you these, to show how much I'm sorry. And that I love you."

She puts down her bag and steps close, taking the roses and smelling them.

"Apology accepted and I love you too." She leans up, kissing the corner of his lips.

"Thank you for the roses too."

"You're welcome."

Thankfully there was a vase with other flowers in the room, so she took those out, replaced the water and put the roses in that.

"Mmm. Love the smell." She says, inhaling.

"I know."

Then she walks over to her bag to pick out what she's wearing. Then she changes right ther ein the room itself, before heading into the bathroom to do her hair and makeup. She leaves the door half open, knowing Justin likes to watch.

" look beautiful."

She wrinkles her nose a bit, flashing back to McGillicutty calling her that.

"What's wrong? I saw that nose wrinkle."

"A new rookie was flirting."

"Which one? 'Cause I know them all."


"Ugh.." He says in disgust, walking into the bathroom and wrapping his arms around her waist from behind.

"Said I've gotten hotter since the last time he saw me and he called me beautiful."

He grumbles and his hold on her tightens a bit.

"Relax. I shot him down. I love you, nothing will change that."

"I know...I still don't like the idea of him flirting with you."

"I know."

"Alex made fun of him for striking out, it was hilarious." She giggles.

Justin snickers.

"He was still razzing him when I left."

"I missed's great he's on NXT this season." She adds.


"He better win too."


"You're gorgeous." He says as she finishes her makeup.

She blushes a bit.

"Even when you blush." He smiles, kissing her on the cheek.

She turns around and tries to hide in his chest.

"Quiiiiit." You mumble.

"Never." He chuckles.


"Because I'm only saying the truth."

"You make me blush too much."

"You blush easily." He chuckles, tilting her head up with his hands.

"And it's cute."

She blushes again and closes her eyes. Justin smirks because it gives him the opening he wanted. He then leans down and presses his lips to hers. It takes a second but she kisses back, moving closer. His hands move and his arms wrap around her, helping her move closer. She hikes up one leg, hooking it around his. Then he helps her with the other leg, before setting her on the counter top. She locks her legs around him and slides her arms around his neck. His hands go to her hair like always and he runs his fingers through it. She makes quiet noises in response. Then she feels him start to pull away from the kiss and she whines.

"We're going to be late." He murmurs.


"I know."

"Later?" She asks.

"Later." He nods.

"Okay." She agrees.

She unhooks her legs from his and he helps her down from the counter. She had to fix her hair and stuff a bit, but that's done quickly before they leave the bathroom. They grab their bags and start to head downstairs. Like always we meet at the arena, walking inside after meeting at the doors.

"Have a good nap?" Justin teases me.


Riss laughs lightly.

"He teased me about Ted being in my bathroom cause I was kicking him out of my room."


"But he was most certainly not there in my bathroom."

"If you say so." Riss giggles.

"He wasn't!"

"Calm down Air. We're teasing."

"Teasing about what?" We hear a voice as we walk into the locker room.

And once again...there's Ted but this time totally in his ring gear.

"Nothing!" I say immediately.

"That sounded suspicious."

Justin and Riss laugh.

"It's nothing."


"We were just teasing her about you being in her bathroom today, because she was kicking Justin out of her room." Riss blurts out.

I smack her arm.


"Hey you told me, don't shoot the messenger."

Justin's laughing as Riss hides behind him.

"See what you started?" I say to Justin.

"My bad." He snickers.

"Why didn't you call me? I would've gladly hid in your bathroom to help make him leave."

Justin and Riss laugh.

"I was tired and going to take a nap." I say.

"And you didn't want me to join you?"

"Of course I did but I figured you were busy with her."

"I was, unfortunately, but I'm just saying."

"I know."

"But anyways, what're you doing over there, you should be over here...."

Ted laughs and walks over. I hug him and mid-hug he picks me up, heading for one of the couches. I squeal and Justin and Riss laugh.

"A warning would be nice."

"But that's no fun."

"You know what else isn't fun? Not getting a kiss from you all day."

"I can fix that."

"Don't get too crazy with the PDA." Riss snickers.

I glare and she laughs.

"I think I have a right to." I point out.


"So shush."

Justin leans down and says something in Riss' ear that has her blushing. And Ted of course kisses me to fix the problem of not being able to all day. I decide to have a little fun with it and shift a bit in his lap. His hands grip my hips to keep me still.

"Oops." I giggle.

"Don't do that while I have trunks on." He says.

"I forgot."


"Don't worry, I'm done....for now."


We turn our attention to the screen where the show starts, the pyros going off and everything. Then Mr. McMahon's music went off and he walked out.

"Must be something important if he's coming out."


"Welcome everyone...welcome everyone to Monday Night Raw. Last night at our Fatal 4-Way pay-per-view, there was ultimate sheer chaos in one of our main events and as result of that, we have a new WWE Champion and his name is Sheamus."


"There's only one person to blame for that chaos. That one person's name is Bret Hart. I told Bret Hart that he was going to have to make some tough decisions as general manager. I didn't tell him he had to make bad decisions. And he made a bad decision last week when he fired Wade Barrett, he dismissed the entire former NXT group. That set off a whole chain of reactions. Bret was thrown in the back of a limousine and taken for a little joyride so to speak, and as result of that, Bret was shaken up a little. But that's no reason not to show up last night at Fatal 4-Way."

"In result of Bret not showing up where there was this chaos, Bret didn't even bother to hire extra security, he didn't bother to tip off other WWE superstars that something might be happening. This is all on Bret Hart...all of it. As a result of this chaos, as the Chairman of the board of WWE, I have no alternative but to relieve Bret Hart of his duties as general manager of Raw. In other words Bret, you're fired."


"I hope you won't think ill of me, but it sort of gives me a certain feeling. Bret I think you once termed it...closure. So now that brings us to a really really important announcement. And that would be, a new general manager is running things here. That new general manager prefers to remain anonymous. Quite frankly what will happen is, the new general manager will be issuing his instructions through this computer right here on the announce desk. Right there in front of you guys. Michael Cole, when you get an email you will stand up, grab a microphone and you will announce to this crowd what those wishes are."

"Anonymous? That's weird."

"Can't blame a general manager for wanting to remain anonymous. Now in this situation let's think about it. Bret Hart is...." He's cut off by this chiming noise.

"Excuse me sir uh...I believe this is an email...yes it is, an email has come in from our new general manager and it reads....sir by order of the new general manager, all seven members of from the former NXT group have officially been hired. And they will address the WWE Universe tonight."

Karissa gasps in delight, looking up at Justin.

"I didn't even know that was gonna happen. I'm just as shocked as you are."

She squeals and jumps on him, even though she's already in his lap. He chuckles, holding onto her. She leans her head back and kisses him hard.

"Oooooh." I snicker.

She reaches out with one hand and swats my arm.

"No teasing the girl." Ted chuckles.

"She does it to me all the time."

"Do I need to distract you from the teasing?"


"But then again, you're just distracting enough right now." I add.

"Good to know." He chuckles.

"You already knew that though."


"You purposely waited in here in your ring gear didn't you?" I ask and Ted smirks.

"You so did."

"You love it."

Then we look over to see that Riss has pulled from Justin's lips with a smirk on her face, since she knows that both her lips and his are basically bruised right now. He's a little dazed and she giggles, catching her breath.

"I think you killed him." I laugh.

"I know." She smirk.

She watches him, waiting for him to come back to earth. He finally does and she giggles.

"Welcome back to the living."


"You love it."

"Well things are certainly getting started off here with a bang, enjoy the show tonight everybody. Thank you very much."

And then Whitey himself comes out.

"I'm blind!" Riss jokes.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the new WWE Champion, Sheamus."

It takes a while before he finally starts to talk.

"Mr. McMahon....I'm sorry....but this is not the way I wanted to win the WWE Championship. You see more than anything, last night I wanted to prove that I belong at the top by defeating three top WWE superstars in the ring on my own. But that didn't happen. So I guess what I'm trying to say is...I don't deserve I can't accept this championship under these conditions."

Sheamus takes the title and holds it out for Mr. McMahon to take. But pulls it back and takes it back, laughing.

"And yet I will anyway! You see it doesn't matter how it happened, the fact is I am the new WWE Champion! What a glorious opportunity, what a glorious occasion. But before I get carried away, I'd like to send out a special message to the former NXT guys. Thank you."

"Oh shut up Whitey."

"But before the former NXT lads get carried away, I want you to know I didn't need your help. Everybody knows I could've won that Fatal 4-Way match all on my own. So you guys think you made a statement last night, but the fact is only one statement was made, and that was me winning my second WWE Championship!"

"Nobody cares."

"Thank you for interfering in my match last night. Thank you for taking out Bret Hart last week. Than you for jumping the WWE superstars in the back, and thank you for giving me the opportunity that I needed. And now that I have it, I will never let it...." He's cut off by John's music.

"Look at pasty over here, he's in a great mood!"


"Thanking everybody. Thank you thank you thank you, hell I could've sworn it was Thanksgiving! So allow me to join the party. I have some people I'd like to thank. Mr. McMahon...thank GM...anonymous, mysterious. I'm interested. Michael me a favor. Send a thank you via email to the anonymous GM for finally hiring the former NXT jimbrones. Because now I don't have to worry about if they're gonna show up, I know that they're going to show up. Which means it's a matter of time before I settle my issue with them."

Riss cringes.

"Thank human jar of mayonnaise."

We laugh.

"For winning the Fatal 4-Way. You see I went into that match the WWE Champion. That means I get a rematch. So last but not least, thank you Bridgeport. And I know you know why, 'cause I can't think of a better place for a WWE Championship match...Sheamus, John Cena...right here tonight!"

"Cena, you come out here and bark all you like. The fact is, I don't care what you want fella'...there'll be no WWE Championship match tonight. So Mr. McMahon, would you kindly ask him to leave or I'll do it me-self."

Mr. McMahon gets in the middle of them, stopping a confrontation and the GM chimes in again.

"Uh...if I could have everybody's attention...uh, I've received another email from the new general manager and it says, in tonight's main event...Sheamus will defend the WWE title...against John Cena."


"There you have it, it doesn't get any bigger than that. For the WWE title in the main event, Sheamus vs..." Mr. McMahon is cut off by the GM chiming in again.

"Uh...sir sir...there's another email. To ensure no one interferes, a special guest referee has been named. One that commands instant fear and respect. The referee of tonight's championship rematch will be...Mr. McMahon."

"Oh boy."

"That'll be interesting."


"I hate to do this, but I have to get going. The whole thing with me firing Virgil is coming up after the first match of the night." Ted says to me.


"I just got here though." I add.

"I know. I'll try and come back afterwards if I can."


Ted pulls me into a kiss. Then when he pulls away, I move from his lap, allowing him to get up and he leaves while I stay sitting on the couch. Riss pats me on the shoulder.

"I know he won't make it back 'cause she'll be stuck to him like glue."


Then I get up, grabbing my bag.

"I'm getting ready for our match...whenever that may be." I say, the tone in my voice not a happy one.

"I'm coming." Riss says, picking up on my tone.

I head into the little area that's in the room, Riss following and shutting the door behind us. She reaches over and pulls me into a hug.

"She ruins everything."

"I know."

"I wish she was in the ring tonight in our match...."

"You'll get your chance at some point."

"And now that they have a storyline together, that means valeting, tag matches....ugh..."

"I know hun."

"The day she pushes him too far and he reveals me to her..oooh..."

"I hope that isn't too far in the future."

"I hope not..."

"You're strong, you can make it."

"He still makes efforts to see you. Remember that." She adds.

"I know."

"He texts you like crazy and is romantic, he sends you gifts and lets you know he's thinking about you. That's your man not hers, no matter how much she thinks he is."

"Don't let any of this bother you."

I nod against her shoulder.

"If you want, take out your anger in the match tonight. Remember he thinks it's hot how you get angry like that." She giggles and I giggle as well.

"His eyes will be glued to the screen, he'll forget all about her for that time."


"But let's make sure we're dressed for the match."

"Right." Riss nods.

"Just gotta get my bag first." She adds, heading out of the little room and back into the locker room itself to get her bag.

She grabs it and walks back in. I'm already getting ready when she walks in, she takes her things out and starts to get changed herself. Soon enough we're both ready and we walk out to sit back on the couch. We come out in the middle of the first match of the night, which was Chris vs Evan in a rematch, who last night beat Chris at the pay-per-view. At the end of another hard-fought match, Jericho was finally able to hit the Codebreaker and defeat Evan Bourne to keep his career intact. After the match, it looked like Chris was going to help Evan to his feet and congratulate the high-flyer, but instead shoves Evan down before leaving the ring.

"Poor Ev." Riss remarks, shifting as Justin keeps moving his hands.

He makes a noise of protest every time she moves.

"You keep touching ticklish spots." She says to him.

"I'm loving all the bare skin." He grins.

"I noticed."

"You need to wear this gear more often."

She laughs.

"We'll see."

He makes a noise of agreement. Still to come, everyone from NXT season 1 will be making their statement, and then of course John Cena vs Sheamus with Mr. McMahon as the special guest referee. During the break, Justin keeps being all touchy with all the bare skin left exposed to him from Riss' gear. She keeps squirming slightly.

"Ticklish spots...." She says again.

"Sorry." He chuckles.

"It's okay...just letting you know."


Back from the break, and a replay of what happened earlier in the night with the match stipulation for John vs Sheamus was shown. Then backstage Mr. McMahon was on the phone, talking to we assume is the general manager, because he's talking about giving whoever it is complete authority. He grabs the ref's shirt and the screen changes to Virgil in deep thought backstage.

"Here we go." I sigh.

Riss swats at Justin to make him stop and she grabs my hand.

"What's up Ted?" He asks, as he stands up and Ted walks into the room.

"Look, I asked you to meet me here, because I wanna talk."


"Virgil, we've known each other for a long time right?"

"Ted, I've known you ever since you were a little kid."

"Exactly. That's why I wanted to apologize for my actions last week. I embarrassed you in the ring, and for that, I'm sorry. That being said, your services will no longer be needed."


"See I've decided to...upgrade. Come on in." He calls, and Maryse walks in all smiles and wraps her hands around his arm.

Riss and I both glare at her.

"I've found someone who actually appreciates the..power of money."

Then Maryse says something in French that we don't always.

"English you broad."

"Man I can't stand her."

"But Teddy, you're gonna need me. What're you gonna do for protection?"

"Go to the drug store."

"I would use protection with that whore."

"Dude...that's totally an insult!"

Riss cracks up laughing.

"Go Teddy!"

"See you Virgil."

"Au revoir." Maryse adds, waving mockingly with a smile.

"You're fired." Ted says to a confused Virgil.

They stare at each other before Virgil walks out and she all smiles, still clinging to him.

"Whore." I glare.

"Did anyone notice that you can see her bra through her dress?"

"Wasn't looking." Justin says.

"Good. You shouldn't."

"I know. That's why I didn't."

"That ain't PG....." I shake my head.

"Nor is it something anyone wants to see."

"Well none of us anyway...some of the male fans however..."


Then there's a knock on the door and we're being called to head out for our match.

"Time to go." Riss says, turning to face Justin.

"Awww so soon?"



"It won't last horribly long. You know how Diva matches are."


"Good luck out there." He adds.

"Thanks babe."

"One thing before you go...." He trails off, leaning in and giving her a kiss, also for good luck.

"Mmm. Love you." She smiles at Justin when he pulls away.

"Love you too."

She pats his cheek before getting up from his lap.

"Ready Air?"


I get up and then we head out of the locker room, meeting Nattie who's also with Tyson and David, who are clearly going to accompany all of us to the ring.

"Hi guys."

"We're sorry about your Uncle Bret last week. That was horrible. We hope he's okay."

"Thanks." Nattie smiles.

"You're welcome. Your debut match, and you get to team with us. Exciting." Riss adds.


"Have to say it's an honor to team with you Nattie."

"Aww thanks."

"Hope to be teaming with you a lot."

"That would be fun." She agrees.

"Your ring gear is so cute. Love the pink."

"I love your ring gear too." She replies.

We're the first ones out with Nattie to her music, followed behind by Tyson and David Hart Smith. We slap the hands of a few fans before getting into the ring, waiting for Tamina and LayCool to come out. Eventually they do, after we watch the footage of the NXT athletes hurting Bret, and we hug Nattie in comfort once it ends. We all decide that I'll start off with Michelle McCool. We circle each other before locking up and I push her into the corner. The ref starts counting and I let go before 5, and then take a cheap shot and back up away from her. I taunt her a bit as she looks on at me in shock. She runs at me and I duck, quickly grabbing her with my arm around her neck and hitting her with a neckbreaker. I quickly go for the cover, only getting a two count. I bring her over to me, Nattie's and Riss' corner, tagging in Riss. She gets into the ring and I hold Michelle by her hair, letting Riss get a shot at her. Once Riss hits her, I let go and I climb out of the ring. Riss then lifts her and slams her down onto the apron. From there she climbs the corner and waits for Michelle to get up. When she does however, she scrambles over to her corner when she sees Riss at the top rope and tags in Tamina. Layla hops down outside the ring to make sure Michelle is okay. Riss hops down from the top rope and stands face to face with Tamina. She then dropkicks her legs out from under her and drops an elbow into her back. Then she uses the ropes to launch herself in the air and flip, landing on Tamina full force. She helps get Tamina up and tags in Nattie to deal with her now. Tamina is able to recover and Nattie takes a beating from her big time. But after being thrown into one of the corners, she moves and Tamina hits it. Then she comes off the ropes and clotheslines her hard. She goes and helps her up before lifting her and slamming her down onto the apron. Natties goes to come off the ropes again, but gets distracted by the Usos, causing Tamina to gain control over the match.

"Come on Nattie!" We scream from our corner.

Tamina gets Nattie on her shoulders for the Samoan drop and she manages to slide down, going for the sharpshooter, and then we see Wade and them walking to the ring.

"Riss, what's going on?" I ask.

"I have no idea."

Tyson and David slide into the ring to protect Nattie, while Jimmy and Jey pull Tamina out of the ring and ditch.

"Alright listen Harts, Karissa and Ariel. We've just come out here to apologize. Nice and simple. I know what's happened..." Wade starts to say and then Tyson and David start to go after Wade and all of them.

Riss sighs.


Chaos erupts ringside, and we decide to leave with Nattie for our own safety...even though we know they won't do anything to us...we just have to act and stuff. They all get into the ring and Otunga takes the mic from Wade, this must be their apology that was talked about. We stop backstage and decide to watch from there.

"On behalf of our entire group, I'd like to apologize for our actions the past few weeks. You know, we did what we did for one reason, one reason only. Our love for WWE. We love WWE so much, we'd do anything to be here, anything to get noticed, we would do anything for those contracts. Yeah, we had to resort to desperate measures. But now that we got those contracts, things can resort to normal."

Then he hands the mic to Heath and I roll my eyes.

"We're trying to say we're sorry. We have no problem with the WWE locker room, we have no problem with the WWE Universe. The attacks the last few weeks, has been nothing personal. And there are a few individuals we want to single out and apologize to."

Justin steps forward and takes the mic from him now.

"First off, we'd like to apologize to Bret Hart. Bret, you painted us in the corner. You wouldn't sign us, and then you fire the only connection we have to the WWE, Wade Barrett. We would just like to let you know, that whatever we did, we are sorry. And we hope that you're doing okay now. Secondly, we'd like to apologize to Tyson Kidd and David Hart Smith. Guys, I know you're angry...but we had to defend ourselves tonight. And from here on forth, I hope that we can all co-exist peacefully."

"That would make it easier for us." Riss says.

Darren steps forward now as Justin hands the mic to him.

"We would also like to personally apologize to John Cena. It's nothing personal. I remember when I was on NXT, people used to call me the black John Cena. But to be honest, we needed to make a statement, we needed to make an impact, and what better way to do so than by attacking the top guy here in the WWE. So guys, I represent everyone here and I say that John Cena, you will get your title back."

Skip steps forward, taking the mic.

"We all here as a group, want to apologize to you the WWE Universe. Personally speaking, back on NXT, all you good people supported me. You all joined in saying 'yup yup yup, what it do'. So how about it, right here, right now just like old times, we do it again. Yup yup yup....what it do. And for all you youngsters out there that we scared, and the parents watching, we hope...we truly truly truly hope you can find it in your hearts to forgive...and forget."

"Okay okay, from a single parent's perspective, I know all about the struggles of life. I used to be homeless. You know what, before I say anything else, I got to apologize to my children. Kayla, Ty, Dominic, Christian and Anthony back home, for everything you've seen your father do on TV, Daddy is sorry. I raised you better than that, but that's the reason when you have an opportunity to go after your life's dream, you gotta do whatever it takes legally to grab it."

He goes on and on until Wade takes the mic.

"Ain't he a chatterbox.."

"Just a tad."

"Now these gentlemen behind me, they all did what they had to do. But what about me, you might ask. I was the only one who had a job. I had a pay-per-view title shot. Why would I align myself with these desperate men? Well the answer is this, one word loyalty. You see, we decided a long time ago that no matter what, we were going to have some fun on NXT, but we were gonna stick together and by the end of it, we were all gonna make sure that we had contracts. Because that's what loyalty is all about. You see, no longer were we gonna allow WWE management to dictate our careers."

"You know NXT finished about a month ago, yet these men here, individuals with apparently no common link, have formed a Nexus. A bond that I promise you will never be broken. And I'm pleased to report that not only has my contract been reinstated by the new general manager, but my pay-per-view title shot has been reinstated too."

"He's more of talker then the rest of them."


He finally stops talking and music plays, which seems to be their theme music and finally that segment is over.

"I doubt things will go that peacefully." Riss says.

"Yeah, they're just saying what everyone wants to hear."


Then while we were waiting, they all came through the curtain. Justin stopping when he reaches Riss and of course Heath stops when he reaches me. I roll my eyes and start to walk off.

"Don't bother her. She's not in a good mood today so just leave her alone." Riss tells Heath firmly.

"I can cheer her up, I'm good for that."

"Heath. Don't." Riss says, almost growling.

"Unless you want a good punch in the face." Justin adds.

"Which I'm tempted to do right now." She states.

"Oh no you don't...come on let's go..." Justin says, pulling her away from him.

"No. I need to know that he's going to leave her alone. The last thing she needs right now is him bothering her." She pushes away.

"So...are you gonna leave her alone tonight or not?"

She stares straight at him with a look on her face that says she's dead serious.

"Or do you want another broken nose like last time?"

Heath gulps.

"Okay okay, I'll leave her alone." He says, putting his hands up in defense, protecting his face.

"You better. I swear that if you don't, I will beat the shit out of you." She threatens.

"And I mean it." She adds, before turning on her heels to head back to the locker room.

"I'd listen." Justin says to Heath before jogging after her.

Once he catches up to her, he slows his pace, walking with her. She doesn't acknowledge him, too annoyed over Heath.

"Karissa? Hey...calm down...please?"

"Riss, baby...come on." He coaxes, pulling her to a stop.

She lets him wrap her up in his arms. He starts ti rub her back, hoping that it helps calm her down. She lays her head against his chest, listening to his heartbeat. He starts softly talking in her ear, using his native language. She starts to relax more and he feels it. She leans into him, lazily wrapping his arms around his waist.

"Want me to carry you back?"

She nods, moving her arms up around his neck instead. He picks her up and then starts heading back the rest of the way to the locker room. She closes her eyes and relaxes. Since Justin knows that I'm in the locker room already when he gets there, he kicks the door, to knock on it. I get up and open the door, letting both of them in.

"What's with her?"

"She threatened to break Heath's nose if he didn't leave you alone. I calmed her down."


He walks in and goes right for the couch, sitting down with her in his lap. She snuggles up to him and I sit back down. After the break, Morrison came out with his NXT rookie Eli Cottonwood and after they were in the ring, Ted came out with Maryse, a mic in hand. I grumble and glare as I see her still clinging to him.

"Whore." I mutter.

"Morrison, I know we had a match scheduled here tonight but, as you can probably see I...have better things to do."

"But don't worry, I found a suitable replacement for you."

Then Zack's music goes off and he walks out with his rookie Titus O'Neil. I sigh and I know that what he said shouldn't be getting to me, because it's not true, but it gets to me just a tad.

"Air, he's fibbing. Don't let it get to you." Riss mutters.

"......I know." I say after some silence.

"If he had his choice, it would be you out there and not her."

I don't really say much...just nodding.

"Trust me, as soon as he can ditch her, I'm sure he will in an instant."

" think I'm gonna head back to the hotel early..."

"I think I'm with you. I've had enough today."

"Thing is though....Wade says we're getting involved in the main event again tonight." Justin adds.

She sighs.

"You can always go back to the hotel, and you know I'll be back right after everything."

She nods.

"Do that then?"

"Yeah. Normally I wouldn't care to stay but its just been too much today."

"Alright." He nods.

Riss and I get up and go change. I'm barely talking, being really quiet. And once we're done, we walk out into the room. She walks over to Justin.

"I'll see you in a while."

"Alright, love you."

"Love you too." She says, before kissing him.

"I'll ride with Air, so that you can drive the car back when you're done."

He nods.

"Hey Air, try not to let this bring you down." He says to me.

"Yeah...I'll try."

He gets up and hugs me.

"Remember, anything he says isn't true."

I nod. Then I pull away from the hug, we all say bye to each other and then she and I head out to the car. I'm still quiet even when we reach the car and we throw our things in the back and I get in, but she waits outside. She takes her phone out and decides to call Ted and tell him what's going on.


"Hey Ted, its Riss."

"What's up?"

"I think you need to find a way to get to Air's hotel room tonight. What you said out there with Maryse....I think it's affecting Air more than we all thought. She hasn't really talked much since then."


"We've been telling her to ignore it but I think its best that it comes from you."

"She knows that whatever you say isn't true when you're with Maryse, I think it's just getting to her a bit."


They say bye and hang up. She gets in the car and we head to the hotel. Once there, we do the usual of going in and going up to our floor and etc.

"You want company?" She asks.

"For a little while....yeah."

"Okay. Just let me drop off my bag."

I nod, opening my door and waiting in the door way for her. She goes and drops her bag off in her room. She makes sure she has her phone and room key before shutting the door and going to my room.

"Keep telling yourself that it's not true....over and over again."

"I'm trying to."

"It's helping, but only a bit."

She sighs and hugs me.

"I called Ted....he's gonna try and make it here. I think you should hear it from him that whatever he says, he doesn't mean."

I look at her and nod.

"I....I think that's what I need."

"I figured."

"I mean, he never told me that he was gonna say these things he didn't mean. He could've prepared me for that."


A few minutes or so later, there's frantic knocking, which has to be only one person.

"Looks like he was able to make it."

She opens the door and sure enough, Ted is there.

"Take care of her." She tells him.

He nods and then she leaves, heading back to her room. Ted steps in and lets the door shut. He goes straight to me and wraps me in his arms.

"You never told me you were gonna say things you weren't gonna mean."

"I know, I should have. I'm really sorry."

"The drug store comment was fine, because that was an insult to her. The other thing I wasn't prepared for."

"I'm sorry."

He pulls back and makes me look at him.

"For now on...whatever I say when I'm around her, or whatever happens....I don't mean it. If I had a choice, it wouldn't be her with me out there."

"That's what Riss said."

"Because it's true. I'd drop her in a heartbeat if I could."

"I want you. Not her." He adds.

"And it's always gonna be you."

I smile a bit and lean into him.

"There's that smile...."

I giggle a bit as he squeezes me gently.

"Stay the night?" I ask.

"Of course."

"But unless you wanna sleep in the clothes you wore tonight, I suggest you change." He chuckles.


"Same goes for you." I add.

"Hey, I can just strip everything off and sleep in what I have on underneath."


" could too..."

"Ted!" I reply, smacking him playfully.

"Sorry." He snickers.

"As much as you'd love that, I'd rather change thank you."

He chuckles and lets me go. I shake my head amusedly as I go over to my things, grabbing pajamas and heading into the bathroom to change, take all the jewelry off and wash all the makeup off as well. By the time I come out, Ted is down to his boxers and has sprawled out in my bed. I almost die at the sight, but shake off any thoughts, as I throw my clothes next to my things, walking over to the bed.

He opens his arms up and I climb onto the bed, laying in his arms.

"Just so you're distracting right now."

"I know."

"I better be able to sleep."

"You will."

"Yeah, 'cause you have that special way of helping me fall asleep."

"I know."

"Which I will be putting into" He adds, running his fingers through my hair.

"Mmm." I sigh in content.

I then close my eyes as the feeling is relaxing, and it soon puts me to sleep. Ted smiles and kisses my head before dozing himself. Riss in the meantime had gotten ready for bed herself, before climbing in under the blankets and waiting for Justin to come back. She grabs his pillow, pulling it close and inhaling the lingering scent of him. Then when she looks at the time and sees that the show should be over by now, her phone rings. She frowns and reaches for her phone.


"Hey, it's me. Just wanted to let you know that I'm on my way back now. Should be there in about 5 minutes tops."

"Oh, okay." She smiles at the sound of his voice.

"No rush or anything." She adds.

"I know."

"How did things go with Air? She okay?"

"Yeah. I called Ted and he's with her now."

"That's good. And looks like I'm back sooner than expected. I'm pulling into the parking lot now."

"See you in a minute." She smiles softly.

"Uh huh, I'll be right up."

They hand up and she puts her phone aside. She lays back in her spot, watching the door, waiting for him to walk in. After a minute or two she sees the doorknob turn. The door then opens and he walks inside.

"Hi love." He smiles. "Hi."


"A little but I'm okay."

"Well let me just change and I'll be right there with you."


He walks over and leans down, kissing her quickly before going over to his things to grab clothes to change into.

"No shirt." She says.

"I know, I know." He chuckles.

She giggles and enjoys the view. At one point she couldn't help but whistle playfully. He just laughs.

"Couldn't resist." She giggles.

"I know."

He finishes changing and comes over to the bed, climbing under the blankets next to her. She lays on him as he slides up close.

"Mmmm." She sighs.

"Much better." She adds.

"Yeah." He agrees.

"Comfy..." She mumbles.


"Don't move..."

"I won't."


"I know, it's been a long day and night." He nods.


"I'll let you sleep in, in the morning."

"How about we both sleep in?" She suggests, drawing patterns on his chest.

"Hmm, that sounds even better."

"Then maybe when we wake up..." She trails off.

"...what?" He asks.

She raises an eyebrow.

"Ohhhh....I like the sound of that."

She giggles.

"Looking forward to it."

"Of course you are." She laughs.

"Well the quicker we get to sleep, the quicker it'll be morning."

She laughs more.


"As you always say."

"You always prove me right."

"Of course I do."

She leans up and kisses him.

"Love you."

"Love you too."

She settles back down, snuggling in. Then he starts to rub her back before playing with her hair. It doesn't take long before she's fast asleep. He smiles as her breathing changes as she falls asleep. He kisses the top of her head, falling asleep himself shortly after.