Priceless Sensation

Raw Goes Old SChool

Since tonight was a three hour Raw, we all decided that it would be best to be at the arena early rather than leave some time before the show starts. We had everything we needed with us at the arena so we could just change there. Justin and Riss were the only ones in the Nexus locker room, so she spent all the time she needed in the changing area getting dressed for tonight's show. She gets dressed and stands in front of the mirror, doing her makeup.

"Can I see yet?" Justin calls from out in the locker room.

"If you want." She laughs.

"Here I come." He says as he gets up.

She laughs and continues with her makeup.

"You're sparkly." He grins.


"I love it."

"That's good." She says amusedly.

"All the blue. I love that too."

"I know." She smiles.

"Love you." He says as he wraps his arms around her from behind.

"Love you too."

She hears him inhale and a soft growl escapes him as he gets a whiff of the strawberries and champagne perfume she puts on.

"You're wearing it...."

She giggles.


"You know that makes it hard for me to control myself around you..."

"It's fun."

"For you."

"Yup." She laughs.

He inhales again and gets another whiff of the smell, another soft growl escaping. She smirks and finishes her makeup, putting it away.

"All done?"


"Cuddle time."

She smiles and follows him out to the locker room area. He sits back down and pulls her down onto his lap. she gets comfy and leans again him.

"You smell nice too." She remarks.

"Whatever that cologne is, you need to keep using it." She adds.

"I'll take note of that." He chuckles.

She nuzzles his neck and then leaves a kiss there.

"Now who's being cuddly?"

"Oh hush."

"Wedding's next week." He grins.

"I know." She beams.

"Week from tomorrow."

"Getting really excited."


"That'll be the best day."

"It will." He nods.

She kisses his neck again. He runs his hands along her legs in retaliation.

"Mmm." She sighs.



"That was the goal."


"Yes, that's me."

She rests against him contentedly as he keeps rubbing her legs. She hears noise and voices coming from outside the door, but thankfully they just pass by so she's still alone with Justin for now. She reaches up and pulls him into a kiss. She catches him offguard for a minute, but he starts to kiss back. His hand stops moving and rests on her leg. She slides as close as she can get as the kiss deepens. In response to that, she feel him gently squeeze her thighs. She moans softly against his lips. That causes him to smirk and do it again. He gets the same response. Then his hand starts to wander. She hums faintly. Justin nibbles on her bottom lip and gets the taste of strawberry creme from her lip gloss. That just sends him into a frenzy, and he goes crazy. She ends up laying on her back with him over her, kissing her hard before moving on to french kissing. Her hands move to his hair and she tugs. She leaves one hand in his hair, the other sliding down his back. He goes until the both of them have to breathe. When he does pull away however, he leans his forehead against hers, licking his lips from tasting the lip gloss. She lays there, breathing hard.

"Enjoy that I see." He chuckles.

"" She says weakly.

"That good huh?"


"Great." He smirks.

She licks her lips.

"I think you bruises my lips."


"Wouldn't be the first time."


"Won't be the last either."

"Nope." He repeats with a smile.

"Goof." She rubs her nose against his.

"Your goof."

"Yes all mine."


"Mmhmm." She agrees, brushing her lips over his.

Then he helps her back up so she's sitting back in his lap the right way. She snuggles into his arms and closes her eyes. Then of course the door opens and the rest of the group starts to file in. Justin greets them. She lifts one hand and waves without opening her eyes. They head into the changing area to get ready for the show themselves after greeting them both. She giggles softly as she feels her engagement ring moving back and forth. Justin kisses the top of her head, before holding her closer. Over in Ted's locker room, I've finished getting ready for the show myself and sat down next to Ted as we were waiting for the show to start. Ted puts an arm around me.

"Nothing planned for you tonight?" He asks.

"Nope. You?"

"Not really, just a couple things. No match."

"More time to be affectionate."

"It's like you read my mind."

I giggle and kiss him.

"Yes I read your mind."

"Feel free to keep doing it if that's the result."

"You would say that."

He grins cheesily.

"Speaking about reading minds....did you read mine about the whole wearing jeans thing? Hmm?"


"You just knew it was one of my favorite things on you, so you wore them tonight."


"You're killing me."

"You're killing me too with this blue dress."

"Oh....I know." I smirk.

"You look gorgeous."

"Well I've got to look my best if I appear on TV, which I'm sure I will tonight with whatever you're doing, but thank you."

"You're welcome."

The show soon starts, but totally different with an old school entrance video and song, even pyro and such. Cole and Jerry introduce the show like always, but somehow differently. Going to the ring Justin Roberts, the ring announcer has a wig on and a old style blue suit.

"Oh my god." I snicker.

Ted laughs.

He introduces Gene Okerlund, and he walks out and steps onto the platform set up.

"Ladies and gentlemen, tonight Raw goes old school. And what better way to kick it off than introducing my guest at this time, first WWE Hall Of Famer, Cowboy Bob Orton. And yes, his son WWE Champion, The Vip-"

"Gene, wait a second, Randy's not here yet. Uh, I think maybe he didn't know we were starting an hour early, but I talked to him on his cell and he will be here very shortly."

"Well that...that...that is...that is good news. Do you think coming up this Sunday at the Survivor Series, he will walk out as the WWE Champion?"

"Let me let you in on a little secret here Gene. Randy's always been able to do what Randy wants to do. He's always been able to get what he wants. He knows how to deal with adversity. Heck I used to sit at home, get a phone call from school, had to go to a parent teacher meeting, and I'd sit there and they'd go, Bob the teachers are afraid Randy's gonna beat em' up. And I said, I don't care. I don't care if John the special referee. And I don't care about John Cena's career. If it ends, that's fantastic. But let me tell you something e-"

"Sooo not cool."

"And I don't care if Randy gives Barrett the RKO, turns around and gives Cena the RKO, take Cena by his limp wrist, counts three on the mat and raises Randy's hand in victory. And baby I'll tell you something. Randy will walk out of there still the champion-" He's cut off by the Nexus music and Wade goes out.

"Wait a minute, hold the phone, whoa."

"Listen very carefully old man. Your prediction about your son's chances is about as phony as that cast you've got on your arm. I'm gonna defeat Randy Orton, and when I do, I will achieve something that you were never capable of doing. I'm gonna become the WWE Champion. You see as far as I'm concerned, I don't owe anything to the old school. You guys never paved the way for me. I got here through my own hard work and the initiative. And everything I've ever done is gonna come to fruition at Survivor Series on Sunday when John Cena raises my hand and awards me the WWE title. And I'll tell you something else. The only reason I didn't bring the Nexus out here with me and have them beat you to a pulp, is 'cause I want you fully conscious on Sunday to witness everything I do and everything I achieve. And that goes for you as well Okerlund."

"Hey give a break would ya'?"

That's when Mike's music goes off and he walks out with Alex.

"Really? Really? It's just that simple is it? Last week when I told Randy Orton that I would be on his team, he didn't thank me. He just stared me down with those squinty, Orton eyes just like those." Mike says, directing the last part to Randy's father.

"And that was a bad move. Because I sent a message right back to Randy. And I changed the landscape of the 10-Man Tag Team main event, just like I can change the landscape of the entire WWE by cashing in my Money in the Bank contract! And maybe, just maybe I might do it when Randy arrives here tonight. That would change things wouldn't it Barrett? Then at Survivor Series, you and Randy...well, you wouldn't be able to fight for the WWE title now would ya'? And I guess John Cena, I guess John Cena would have to be in the Nexus forever."

"Good thing for them, but bad for John. Let's not have that happen."

"So if I wanted..."


"...I can clearly alter.."


Alex and him turn around and on the tron is John.

"Hey! You've got this weird gift of just ruining every single thing you touch. I don't know how you do it, it's fascinating actually. But I'm gonna make sure you cash in nothing tonight. At Survivor Series, I've been told over and over and over again that I'm gonna either free or fired. And if I'm putting myself on the line like that, the stipulation will stay. Wade, tonight I know I'm usually supposed to follow your orders but I'm gonna protect you. Trust me, it's not for you, it's for me. Miz will cash in nothing tonight, because I challenge The Miz to a match right here tonight. Now now now, I know the normal Miz, is probably looking to Alex Riley, his personal assistant like..." John trails off, making a face.

"You're going to whine, he's going to complain. Well Miz if you are as awesome as you say you are...simply say, 'I accept'."

Alex starts whispering in Mike's ear a strategy.

"No no no no no, this is my time, this is my time. I got the Money in the Bank, I make the decisions around here."

"Do you accept?!"

"I accept!"


"Folks there you have it, The Miz, John Cena tonight. Raw is old school. Hang onto your hats."


"I know.

"But you know what commercials mean....we don't have to pay attention to anything...." I trail off.

Ted then grins and kisses me. He then starts to tug me closer in his direction. I make it easier for him and break the kiss, moving to his lap.


"Much." He agrees before moving back to my lips.

I giggle into the kiss and rest my hands on his neck. I then unconsciously drag a nail across the skin. He growls softly and squeezes my hips. I however pull away, in favor of nuzzling the crook of his neck, but still keeping my hands resting on the back of it. Ted leaves kisses up and down my neck. He decides to do that, I retaliate with my own along his neck.

"You're not the only one who can do that." I mumble.

He chuckles.

"I know there's certain spots that I hit, that get to you."



He gently nips at a spot and I can't help moaning softly.


"You love it."

"I do, and I can be just as evil right back."

"I know you can."

"But that may have to wait...." He motions to the TV.


"Darn." I pout.

"Don't worry. Each commercial break we'll focus on each other."


So currently the first match of the night started. Dolph had come out first with Vickie.

"Their just....ew."

"I know. Awkward and disgusting."

"Especially since she looks like she could be his mother." I shudder.


Then his opponent was Mark Henry, but it was his 'Sexual Chocolate' gimmick.

"Ewww." I make a face.


"I don't wanna see. Ewwwww." I cover my eyes.

Ted chuckles.

"Scar me for life."

"I know."

"Tell me when it's over."


The match was actually pretty decent, when it looked like Mark was gonna win, Dolph hit him with the Zig Zag and applies the sleeper hold. The ref checks him and tells them to ring the bell and Dolph wins.

"You can look."

"Thank goodness."

The camera cuts to backstage where Tyson Kidd and David Hart Smith are walking through the halls.

"You know Tyson, my dad and Dynamite Kid, they didn't always see eye to eye. They still became one of the greatest tag teams of all time."

"Absolutely. That's why tonight we go out there and we prove-"

"Guys...." Tony Atlas appears as he stops them.

" I know you can work it out." He adds before he keeps rambling on and David and Tyson walk away and he keeps rambling on.

"Another commercial break..." I grin.

Ted smirks and kisses me intensely.

Justin, Riss and Heath however are making their way to the curtain because they have to go out during the commercial break for Justin and Heath's match which is coming up after the commercial.

"I hope this will be quick."

"I know, you wanna get back to cuddling."


"But hey, I get to strip my shirt off in front of you out there." He smirks.

She grins and giggles.

"And it gets handed to youuu."

"Oh I'm special." She laughs.

"So you can smell that cologne of mine throughout the match." He winks.

"I like the way you think."

"I'm smart like that."

"Yes you are." She kisses his cheek.

They get into character and head out during the break to the ring. Everyone basically boos, but that doesn't phase them. After getting into the ring. they wait a while for the show to come back from commercial.

After waiting in the ring for a while, the cameraman is up on the ring and zooming in on Justin, Riss and Heath. Their opponents, just so happen to be Tyson and David. Justin and Heath strip off their shirts, Justin handing his to Riss before he kisses her quick and holds the ropes for her to get out. Tyson and David pose on the corners closest to the ramp before hopping down. Justin gets outside the ropes, Heath being the one to start off...or so he thinks. But Justin gets back in and he's starting off against David. They circle and Justin immediately kicks him in the leg. They lock up and David gets him in a headlock and takes him down. Justin counters by wrapping his legs around his neck, but David kicks out of the hold awfully quick. David takes him down again and the previous routine repeats. Once both of them get back up, Justin kicks him in the leg once again. He follows up by kicking him in the chest. He goes to kick him in the head but David grabs his leg and shoves him down, going for the Sharpshooter...or so it seems. Instead he grabs Justin's feet and stomps on his stomach.

Riss winces. He punches him in the head, making him go into the corner, leaning on the ropes for support. He does it again in the corner, and throws Justin into the opposite corner. He then follows up with a belly to belly suplex not once, not twice, but three times. He goes for the cover, and Heath thankfully breaks it up. David got distracted with Heath so Justin was able to kick him once before tagging Heath in. Heath's hit with a scoop slam however. The plan backfiring. He's then hit with a legdrop and covered. Heath kicks out. He crawls into the corner and clotheslines him in it. He picks Heath up and goes to slam him down, but Justin tries to stop him, only to get hit with a cheap shot and sent falling to the mat below. Riss yells angrily and slams her hands on the apron. Then she goes to check on Justin to make sure he's okay.

"Are you okay?" She asks, checking him over.

"As long as I get ice after the me up...please."

She helps him, looking concerned.

"I'm fine...honestly. I'll just be sore. Nothing's broken."

"Okay. I'll give you a massage too."

"That sounds even better."

"I promise. Now go kick some ass okay?"

"Will do."

Heath however takes advantage of the distraction. With the help of Riss, Justin was able to get up and back into the match. Heath had David in their corner, and he tagged Justin in as soon as he climbed back up onto the ring. They double team and Heath gets out of the ring, Justin tagging him back in and they double team him again, isolating him from his corner. Heath goes for the cover, but David kicks out. He throws him into the corner, but David moves as soon as Heath runs at him and Heath's face collides with the top turnbuckle and he bounces off.

"Idiot." Riss mutters.

David gets up and then starts crawling to Tyson. Tyson however avoids the tag and kicks David in the head. Justin was tagged in and as Tyson is walking away, Justin climbs to the top of the corner and wastes no time in hitting the 450 Splash. He covers David and gets the win for him and Heath. Riss claps and cheers. She grabs the titles from the ringside attendant and then slides them into the ring before she gets in yourself. She hands Justin and Heath each title before raising their hands in victory, of course to a bunch of boos. Then they get out of the ring and head backstage.

"You won." You say happily as you hug Justin.

He smiles and hugs her close.

"Now to get you some ice." She remarks.


"What about me? I was teaming with him, I won too." Heath remarks.

"Were you the one who pinned David? I don't think so. And Justin wasn't the one to bounce his face off the turnbuckle."

Justin stifles a laugh.

"He moved! Not my fault."

"It could have easily been avoided."

"Now, excuse us. We're going to get ice." She states, pulling Justin with her.

"You're awesome Rissa." Justin chuckles.

"I know." She smirks.

They get to the trainers and get a bag of ice for his neck from where David hit him with the cheap shot. He holds it there as they walk back to the locker room.

"Ice helping?"



They get there and walk in, reclaiming their couch. She cuddles on his good side while he holds the ice to his other side on his neck.

"Let me know when you want a massage." She murmurs.

"How about when the ice melts?"


It's after the commercial break and Justin Roberts introduces Howard Finkel for the next match. He introduces the Brooklyn Brawler and he lays out a challenge to anyone who is 'new school' and the challenge is answered by Ezekiel Jackson. Just like his career, he would be dispatched of with ease as Zeke picks up the win after planting him with the Book of Ezekiel.

"Well so much for that match."


During the break, a cameraman came into the locker room because there's going to be a segment involving the whole group.

"Aww I have to move don't I?"


She pouts and reluctantly moves from his lap and they both stand with the rest of the group. Soon the camera turns on and the segment begins.

"Alright listen. Last Friday I came this close to being ex-communicated by Nexus. But I stepped up. Now it's time one of you guys did the same. R-Truth is becoming a real problem. I think it's time somebody sent him a message. Now being the leader here, I say-" Otunga starts to say.

"Hang on. Since when were you the leader of The Nexus?" Wade stops him, coming into view of the camera.

"Whoa whoa whoa, I said I was 'A' leader."

"No, you said 'the'." Riss corrects.

Otunga gives her a look and she gives him a look back.

"What? It's true." She states the truth.

"As I was saying....Wade, I did beat a former World champion last week."

"You know what, you make a very good point there. Someone does indeed need to deal with R-Truth. And that somebody, is gonna be you."

"That's fine with me. Sure, bring him on. I have no problems with that. Yeah, we've had a beef since NXT anyway."

But then the GM chimes in and it is heard in the locker room as well in the arena itself.

"Can I have your attention please. I've just received an email from the Raw General Manager. And I quote. Barrett, David Otunga will not face R-Truth. As Otunga will compete in a special match later on tonight. As for R-Truth, he will be in action tonight against you Wade Barrett. What a better way to prove to everyone, that despite who the referee is this Sunday, you are truely WWE Championship material."

"Interesting. You know what, the GM raises a very good point there."

"And you know we have your back Wade." Husky states.

"Thank you Husky, that's uh...that's exactly the kind of loyalty I look for in the Nexus. But it ain't gonna be necessary. See everyone seems to think that my only chance against Randy Orton, lies with John Cena. But I'm gonna go out there and I'm gonna prove that I can beat anybody on the Raw roster on my own."

Wade looks off and there's John standing next to Riss.

"What do you want?"

John just smiles mockingly before approaching Wade.

"Just wanted to make sure you've got a grasp on your whole meltdown here, and maybe a thank you for uh...taking care of The Miz tonight."

"You get no thanks from me. Listen, you two...I want you to follow John Cena to the ring, just in case Randy Orton tries anything."

"Easy Hasky, don't move MacliCutty. You see, Randy and I we have history. He knows I'm a simple man. If he wants to find me, no problem. If he wants some, he can come get some." John finishes before leaving.

A few seconds later, they're given the clear and Justin sits back down, Riss going back onto his lap. She checks the ice bag and it's melted so she goes and gets rid of it.

"Alright, turn so I can massage your neck." She tells Justin.

"I have a better idea. You sit first." He says.

She does so and then lays on his stomach with his head in her lap.

"That works." She remarks, starting to rub his neck.

"And more comfortable."

She laughs lightly.

"I'm sure."

"Just don't fall asleep." She adds.

"I'll try not to."


He lays there as she continues and manages to not fall asleep.

"Better?" She asks him.


"Good." She smiles.

She switches from a massaging touch to a gentle, playful touch."

"I can feel that."

She giggles quietly.

"I know."

She lets her fingers trail up into his hair. Then she lightly runs her fingers through it. She twists some of it around her fingers, gently tugging.

"Having fun?"

"Of course."

"You always do."

"Yes. I know you'd like to switch places but remember I have a short dress on." She says quietly.

"...I know..."

"Maybe later."

"Holding you to that."

"I know." She giggles.

After the break it was time for John's match against Mike. John had went out of course, and after doing his routine he goes over and fixes the wigs on Justin and the ref. Mike's music then goes off and he goes out with Alex, a mic in hand.

"You always think you're one step ahead of me, don't you Cena? You're thinking if you take me out right now, that I won't be able to cash in my Money in the Bank briefcase against Randy Orton tonight. And then your precious free or fired stipulation will remain intact at Survivor Series. You're thinking if you take me out right now, you'll have one less thing to worry about this Sunday. But there's one thing you're forgetting Cena. The GM never officially sanctioned this match, YOU did."

"Tis true." I nod.

"Good point."

"So if the GM doesn't have a problem with it, I can make a substitution."

"Looks like the GM doesn't have a problem with it."

"Doesn't seem like it."

"I guess the GM doesn't mind. So tonight I won't be competing against John Cena. Instead taking my place in this match, is my apprentice, Alex Riley!"

"Yayy." I grin.

"Good luck to him. He'll need it."

"You think he can't beat him?"

"I know Alex has a lot of talent love, but remember this is John Cena. He's a very tough opponent. Especially for someone who isn't used to this level of competition." Ted explains.

"He'll get there....eventually."

"Eventually yes. I just wouldn't set your hopes on him winning this one."

"I can still hope."

"Nothing wrong with that, just don't be surprised if he doesn't, that's all."

"Right, I know."

Ted kisses my head.

"What's the look in your eye Cena? You want to face me don't you? You want to face me don't you? Well you'll have to wait 'till WrestleMania after I become WWE Champion. Because I'm The Miz....and I'm.....aweeeesooooome!"

To start off, John was getting the best of Alex and Alex was getting frustrated. Alex gets the ref distracted and Mike gets involved, and hops back down before the ref could notice. For now, Alex has control of the match, until John fires back, but that's only for a short time.

"He's putting up quite a fight..."

"That much is impressive."

"But these matches make it hard to cheer for someone because I like them both."

Alex does end up tapping to the STF.

"He put up a fight, that's all that matters."

"He did well for a newer guy." Ted remarks.

"And technically he's not an official member of the Raw roster. He's under a personal services contract to Mike."


Randy then comes running out and attacks Mike. McGillicutty and Husky then run out and go after Randy, but he clears them from the ring and he's standing face to face wth John. Randy's ready to fight, and John starts it. Refs come in and try to break them up. Then more officials including John Laurinaitis comes out and they seperate them...until the GM chimes in.

"Here we go again." I roll my eyes.

"And I quote." I mock.


"And I quote. It's obvious that John Cena and Randy Orton have issues they need to work out prior to Survivor Series. Since this is old school, I can't think of a better form than in this very ring. With a man who isn't afraid to ask the tough questions. Cena, Orton, later tonight both of you will be guests on Piper's Pit."

"Oooh should be interesting."


"So when's your first segment tonight."

"Not for a while."

"How much longer do we have to wait?"

"Well there's a segment coming up, then a match, another match, and another backstage segment before mine."

"Ohh. Plenty of time to ourselves them."

"Yes, which I'm very happy about." He smirks.

"Of course you are." I giggle.

"Touchy." I add as his fingers of one hand lightly move across one of my legs.

"I can't help myself."

"And I suppose that's my fault?"

"Kind of. Just because you're that beautiful."

"Aww, I feel special."

"You are." He kisses beneath my ear.

"As you are to me." I smile.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

"More than you'll ever know." I add.

"Same for me about you." He assures me.

"I think I have a pretty good idea about how much you love me."

"Oh really?"


"How so?"

"You always go out of your way to show it."


"And it's sweet that you do that."

"You deserve the best."

"And I always get it. You spoil me even though you don't have to."

"I like spoiling you."

"I know you do. It's more like you love spoiling me but yeah."


"So, what're you gonna spoil me with next? Or is that a surprise?"

"Surprise of course."

"You'll never see it always." He adds.

"Aww okay."

After this break, former WWE World Tag Team Champions and WWE Hall of Famers Iron Sheik and Nikolai Volkoff make an appearance and sing the Russian national anthem. Santino's music however interrupts them and he comes out with Kozlov.

"Please excuse me, I apologize for interrupting. But you see, my tag team partner Vladimir Kozlov would love the honor of singing the Russian national anthem with you. Do you mind? You don't? Guys take it away!"

He starts over, after a USA chant and Kozlov sings with him and it's not very good.


"Kozlov overpowers that guy with his voice. Oops." I snicker.

"Ted snickers too."

Santino stops them however, laughing.

"That was how you say uh...crushingly terrible. Excellent. I'm sorry but there is one song I would like everybody here to hear. And it's going to blow the roof off this place. It's pretty much the story of my life. But to help me sing it, I need to introduce the following person. The doctor of style, Slick!"

After singing their song, Santino then asks The Iron Sheik about their song and the always outspoken, but rarely understandable, Hall of Famer says that, without him, there would be no “Hulkamania” and that Russia and Iran are “number one” and telling the fans to stop chanting “USA” and telling them to “shut up”. After The Iron Sheik’s mic was silenced, Jey & Jimmy Uso would come out for their #1 Contender’s match against Santino & Kozlov, but the manager of The Usos, Tamina, would be joined at ringside by her father, Hall of Famer Jimmy “Superfly” Snuka.


There was a quick break before the match had started. In the end, it was Santino striking with the Cobra Strike en route to picking up the win and becoming the #1 Contenders for the WWE Tag Team Titles.

"Oh wow."


"You know with Kozlov I can actually see them becoming the new champions. Of course nothing against Justin, I'm glad he's tag team champion...with Heath nonetheless."

"I know."

"Speaking of Heath, I'm glad we don't have to deal with him anymore. He got annoying."

"Yeah I agree."

After the match, Sheamus would run out with the intent of getting his hands on Santino, as Sheamus would deliver the Brogue Kick to Vladimir Kozlov as well as one of the Usos before John Morrison would run out and attack Sheamus, sending Sheamus packing from the ring. Morrison then reveals why he has been interfering in the rivalry between Santino and Sheamus by saying that Sheamus is a “bully” and he has learned that if you confront a “bully” then they will back down. Morrison then challenges Sheamus to come into the ring and face him and Sheamus does what Morrison eluded to as Sheamus would opt not to fight Morrison and would back away from the challenge.


Ted agrees, scoffing.

"Two more things before your first segment." I grin.


"And I almost forgot to tell dad's involved in it."

"Oh that's why he said he'd be here?"

"Mmhmm. I guess the title is finally coming back to the family. Goldust and him and Cody's father, along with Kelly are gonna trap Aksana and get it back. Dad will try and give back to me, but I'm not gonna take it."

"Why not?" I ask curiously.

"Gonna go after an actual title for a while....not telling you which'll find out later tonight."


"Well I can't wait to see which one it is."

Ted chuckles and kisses my cheek. After the break, Otunga was in the ring for his match and his opponent was Kofi.

"Psh, good luck."

During the match, Hall of Famer George "The Animal" Steele, wanders out to the ring, and makes his way to the ring corner and enjoys eating apart the turbuckle pad.

"What the..."

"Oooookay then."

"That's um....yeah...that's a mess." I say as all the cotton or whatever was in the tunbuckle pad, is all over the ring.

"Uh yeah..."

"...but hey, we have to get going and get to where we have to be for that backstage segment."

"Aw okay."

"It's short so don't worry."

As we start to get up, Otunga is confused as to what's going on and he's distracted. Kofi hits him against the exposed turnbuckle, hitting Trouble in Paradise and wins.



"Riss says that all the time. Because he is one."

"Yes he is."

I then lace my fingers with his and we leave the locker room, heading to where we have to be for the backstage segment. Ted squeezes my hand. When we get there, we have to wait, because it was a commercial break afterall. We talk quietly, since we listen for when the segment starts. Ted and I are waiting in our spot as we watch what's going on for the segment.

"Hooooooooo!" Hacksaw exclaims when Aksana walks his way with the Million Dollar Title.

"Excuse me? What did you just call me?"

"A ho." I say quietly to myself, trying to hold back my laughter.

Ted snickers.

"Oh nothing sweetheart, I just want to let you know Aksana that you've got a special visitor. Your mom and she's right over there. Oh and by the way, you've been stealing my bit. USA! USA! USA!"

"My mom from Lithuania?"

She rounds the corner and thinks that Cody's dad is her mom because of the blonde wig on his head.

"This should be good."

"Oh yeah."

"Mother, you lost weight."

"I ain't yo momma. Hah, Kelly Kelly drop it."

She's up above and drops a net on Aksana.

"No, you can't do this to me. Let me go, I will beat you with shovels, let me go."


Goldust comes up and lifts the net only enough to take the title back.

"Give me that young lady. This is not yours. You have been a naughty girl, you realize that? This has cost me more grief than it's worth. It's time we do the right thing and return this to it's rightful owner."

Ted's dad and the IRS man come up and Goldust hands it back to him.

"This belongs to you."

"Don't worry Ted. I'll find a good tax shelter for that." The IRS man states and Ted Sr. does his signature laugh.

That's when Ted and I walk up.

"Actually, this belongs to you son. I gave it to you, it's yours. Take it."

"No why don't you keep it. There's actually something else I want that's....not a hand me down." He simply states and pulls me away as he walks away.

"Well that didn't end far from....dashing." Cody states.

"No kidding right? Hey, how about we go over there and you teach me some of your grooming tips you know?" Goldust asks and goes to breathe, but Cody puts his fingers over his mouth and stops him.

"Don't breathe on me." He states and walks away.

Riss has to lean against Justin for support since she was laughing too much.

"Oh my god." She gasps for air.

"Wait, help a brother out."

"Man I raised some weird kids. Mmm."

"I got an idea. Hit the music." He states and it's his old entrance music.

Tatanka comes in and dance and then Hacksaw, followed by Ron Simmons and the music stops, but they keep dancing.

"Wait for it...." She trails off.


"I love that." She laughs.

"You look like you're about to die laughing." Justin chuckles.

"Almost." She giggles.

"Don't breathe on me....ohhh my god...Cody's hilarious."

She finally calms down.

"All good?"

"Uh huh."

"Okay good. Because I can't snuggle with you if you're shaking with laughter."

"Sorry." She giggles.

"It's alright."

"I wonder what Dad'll do with that title." She muses softly, not being heard by anyone but Justin.

"Probably keep it home and safe."

"Good point."

"I'm more or less wondering about what Ted has his sights on now."

"Guess we'll have to wait and see."

"But what I can't believe is that Santino and Kozlov are the number one contenders for the tag team titles that you and Heath have...."

"I know."

"I don't want you losing to them."

"I don't want to either."

"That's the one thing I'm going to be worried about."

"Try not to worry too much okay?"

"I'll try."

"Just think about the wedding next week."

She smiles widely.

"As long as you keep that in mind, you shouldn't worry."

"Right." She nods, running her fingertips along his jaw.

"Marrying you will be the best thing ever."

"Marrying my best friend." I smile softly.

"Wouldn't have it any other way."

"No. This is perfect."

"I couldn't agree more."

"Still comfy?" She asks since he hasn't moved from laying on his stomach, head in her lap.


"Well aren't you lucky."

"You're not comfy?"

"I'm teasing you. Though it would be nice to move."

"We can move....I don't have a problem with that."

"I just figured you were comfy. I didn't want to bother you"

"You wouldn't have bothered me, it's ok."

He gets up.

"You can choose how we sit." She tells him.


She gets up and stretches in the meantime. He lets her stretch before pulling her down onto his lap like before, wrapping his arms around her waist, holding her close. She turns herself sideways and slides her arms around him, laying her head against his neck.

"Comfy?" He asks.



She sighs contentedly.

"Love you."

"Love you too."

She kisses him gently. Before the break, Eve and Truth were heading to the ring. But the break is over and they go out first.

"Ugh....I can see a total wardrobe malfunction happening."


"Ew is right."

"I don't want to see that." Justin grimaces.

As soon as his music ended, the Nexus' went off and Wade walked out since he was his opponent.

"You don't have to either."

"I can look at you." He grins.


He dips his head down and nips at her neck.




"You love it."

"I do."

He does it again and she tilts her head, giving him better access. Of course he smirks against her skin when she does that. She growls softly. He chuckles and does it again. She bites her lip.

"...remember....we're not alone...." She mumbles.

"I know."

"You don't care do you?"

"Didn't think so."

She gives up on paying attention to the TV. She leans into Justin and lets him have his fun. Of course since he's already left enough love bites before, he decides not to leave any this time, hence why the nips are gentle along her neck. Neither of them notice McGillicutty watching jealously.

"Hey....what's up with you?" Heath snaps him out of it.

"Huh? Nothing."

"Not polite to stare you know."

"Just wondering if they ever stop being all over each other."

"Trust me, I've asked that myself and I was called jealous."

McGillicutty pretends to scoff when he really is actually jealous.

"I don't think they'll ever stop being all over each other."

"Doesn't seem like it."

"I wouldn't really worry about it, or pay attention really."

McGillicutty nods slightly. The sound of the groups theme music caused him to look in the direction of the TV, seeing that Wade had beaten Truth in their match. Riss glances at the screen.

"Hmph, unsurprising."

"As Wade says...we're the most dominant force in the WWE." Justin adds.

"No one can stop us."


"Let's hope it stays that way."


After that there was a quick break. But after that however Ricardo was in the ring and he went to introduce Del Rio, but gets interrupted by Tito Santana and he introduces him instead.


"Gracias, Hall of Famer Tito and Chavo Classic. My name is Alberto Del Rio! But already know that. So Hershey, Pennsylvania. The home of chocolate."

Then he says something in Spanish.

"That's fat Americans."

"Well excuse you."

"I eat chocolate all the time and I'm not fat." Riss sticks her tongue out.

"And he has a muffin top. I bet he eats chocolate and tons of it." Justin adds.

"For those of you, who don't speak Spanish. Hey hey hey hey, I'm here, right here in the heart of the nation. A heart that soon will be stopped by the rising levels of cholesterol and obesity."

"You're the one with the muffin top."

"Anyway anyway anyway anyway, I know we're here because we should be celebrating the old school. But I think, the older legends, should follow Tito and Chavo's example, and pay me. Alberto Del Rio."

"Respect? You? HAH."

Coming out now however, Sgt. Slaughter.

"Shut your hole puke and listen up."

"The look on his face." Justin snickers.

Riss giggles.

"There's two things you don't mess with. And that's legends, and America. You say you want respect from someone? You want us to pay you respect? How 'bout you earn it by facing me right here, right now. You scum, you slime, you maggot."

"Ooooh. Hahaha."

Del Rio tells him to bring it and demands a ref. Despite an impressive effort by the Hall of Famer, Alberto Del Rio would hit an enziguiri on Sgt. Slaughter en route to picking up the win. After the match, Alberto Del Rio would lock in the cross armbreaker on the Hall of Famer before MVP would rush out and run Del Rio off.

"Another coward."


Once Del Rio heads to the back, there's a video package for the tickets being sold for WrestleMania. Then Gene Okerlund was back out by the Raw set.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please put your hands together and welcome WWE Hall of Famer, Mae Young!"

The Bella Twins help her out and over to Gene.

"Mae, you know uh...there are so many unforgettable moments here in the WWE and your story/career. We don't have time to go through all of them but let's take a look back and revisit just some of those moments."

Then a video package of her antics was shown.

"She's crazy."


But while Gene was talking after that, LayCool's music goes off and they both walk out.


"Oh lord."

"Mr. Music Man, cut our music. I said cut our music, helloooo. LayCool's here. Are you serious? Mae Young?"

"Not." They say in unison.

"Help us out here Gene because we're a little confused. Is this old school Raw or like Jurassic Park?"

"Chelle look, I brought my fossil brush."

"You're so smart, dust her off."

"Yayy. I mean Mae, how does it feel to know that the two of us, have had something that you've never had in your 100 year career?"

"A championship." They say in unison again.

"That's rude of them. If I could, I would go smack them in the face."

"Real talk Lay, let's show some love for the woman that's old enough to be Betty White's grandmother. That is impressive."

"And she's alive."

"In the flesh. Oh, what'd you say Mae?"



"What? Oh, you want a drink of ensure?"

"Thirsty? Oh no no no no, what was it? She needs her adult diaper changed."

"Ewwww. Well Chelle it depends."

"Twins help her out please."

"Mae, do you have anything to say to them?" Gene asks.

"I'll tell you what I've got to say. I want you to give me a match with these sluts."

"Ohhhhh! BURN!"

"Are you asking for a no disqualification?"

"No disqualification. You little bitches, let's go!"

Riss is sitting there laughing her butt off.

They burst out in laughter, but shriek in fear as Mae comes after them. They start screaming and making fun of her even more. But however, Melina, Eve, Nattie and Gail come out to back up Mae. They walk forward and attack them, throwing Michelle into the railings. Melina and Eve drag Layla over to Mae and she slaps her before Nattie takes her out. Mae puts her foot on her and the ref counts to three.

"Ohhhh that's fantastic."

"Oh did they get embarrassed."

"Yes and I enjoyed it."

"I could tell."

During the break, Ted told me that we were going to the curtain to watch the next match, Daniel vs Swagger. I was confused but I joined him anyway.

"So why are we watching the match from here?"

"You'll see." He grins.

"You've got me curious."

"I know." He smirks.

"It's only a matter of time."

I nod and Daniel walks by just as they hit his music to go out since the break is over. Swagger walks by next and gives me a flirty look despite Ted being there. Ted steps in front of me and glares at him. He just gives a smirk before his music goes off and he heads out.

"You know, I hope Daniel kicks his ass....this is the one time I'm rooting for the nerd."

"Yeah." Ted scowls.

"Just focus on what you have planned....whatever that may be."

He nods and sighs when I rub his neck a bit.

"Remember....I love you."

"I know. I love you too."

I smile and kiss him briefly before we turn our attention to the monitor. The match was decent, with tons of close calls. But in the end, Daniel delivered a kick to the skull of Swagger, earning him the win.

"Good. The creep deserves to lose."

But when I look to where Ted was standing, he wasn't there.

"Ted?" I call.

That's when I hear Daniel's music cut short, Cole, Jerry and JR freaking out over what's going on in the ring. I look at the screen and see Ted in the ring, beating Daniel up. That's followed by Dream Street.


He then leaves the ring and goes over, taking the US title from the ringside attendant before getting back into the ring. He stands over Daniel and looks at the title as his music goes off. He then lays the title across Daniel's waist before getting out of the ring. I smile to myself, now knowing what he's gonna go after. I then decide to go out there, meet him halfway. When he reaches me, I lace my fingers with his and he has an evil smirk as he looks on at Daniel laid out in the ring from Dream Street and I can't help but laugh myself. I lean up and kiss his cheek.

"So, that's what you're going after." I say when we get backstage.

"Yup." He nods.

"I like your thinking."

"Why thank you."

"You're welcome."

"So now what?" I ask.

"Well since I'm not needed the rest of the night, we could head back to the hotel."

"Sounds good. Wanna go find your dad and say goodnight?"

"Of course."

I keep holding his hand as we walk the halls, looking for his dad.

"Oh there he is." I point out.

We walk up and he smiles.

"Hey you two."

"Hey" I greet for us.

"We came by to say goodnight, we're heading to the hotel." Ted tells him.

"Oh you are? Alright, well I'm in town for a couple more days if you want to do something. If not then we'll definitely see each other again for the wedding next week."

"Of course. See you soon."

Ted and I both hug him. We say our goodbyes before heading back to the locker room to grab our things and then head out to the car to head back to the hotel. There's nothing else for Justin and her to do so he gets changed and they leave for the car. As they're heading for the car, they end up spotting Ted Sr.

"Dad!" She calls, smiling.

Of course the rest of the Nexus group was just trailing behind them because they were leaving too. Also around, Punk...and Kelly. They of course hear her and watch as she walks over and hugs him.

"Hey sweetheart." He says, hugging her.

"Have a good time tonight?" She asks.

"I did. Got one more segment to go before I get to leave."

"Ohhh. Jussi and I are done for the night."

"Oh, well did you have a good time tonight as well?"

"It was pretty good." She nods.

"More excited for next week." She adds.

"Of course you are." He chuckles.

"Can't stop thinking about it."

"It's your wedding, its only natural to think about it a lot."


"Your mother is excited too. She's very intent on making it perfect."

"Of course she is."

"Alright Daddy, we're gonna go. If we don't see you in the next day or so, we'll see you next week." Riss says.

"Oh, definitely."

She hugs him and then he and Justin do a man hug thing.

"Bye, love you." She smiles.

"Bye, love you too sweetheart."

Then she and Justin continue on their way, out to the car.