Priceless Sensation

Survivor Series 2010

I had set my alarm on my phone to wake me up this morning since a photo shoot was scheduled for me. The sound of the alarm pulled me from my dream and I start feeling around for my phone. It's only a short time before I find it and shut the alarm off. I groan in protest of getting up at all, but I knew that I had to.

"What's goin' on?" Ted mumbles, slurring his words sleepily.

" an hour..."

His eyes pop open.

"Photo shoot?"


"I'm coming."

"I figured as much."

He moves from the bed first to start getting changed.

"Well someone's really excited."

"I get to oogle you in public without having to hide it."

"And I won't have to send you pictures on your phone."


"You should get moving too you know." He adds.

"Mmm I know."

"I don't need to spend that long getting ready. Just comfortable clothes." I add.

"Good point."

"Got an hour."


"You can get dressed though, no problem with that."

"Alright." He chuckles.

"I'll be right out." He says as he goes into the bathroom.

I lay there and try to wake up. It takes a bit, but I finally move from the bed, and stretch before heading over to my things and pick out clothes to change into. I decide to wait until Ted comes out to change so that he doesn't walk in on me changing. I yawn as I wait, but soon the door opens and he walks out, followed by me heading in to change. Ted sits on the bed, reclining against the headboard as he waits for me. It doesn't take me long. I leave the makeup off and most of the jewelry except for little things. I then put my hair up after brushing it and then walk out to grab my shoes and put those on.

"Breakfast downstairs?"

"Will we have time?"

"If we get something light."


We both grab our things and head downstairs. Once we get downstairs we head in where breakfast is and sit. We both order something easy.

"I wonder what you're going to be wearing this time." Ted grins.

"I don't know but I'm sure you'll like it."

"Always do."

"I know."

"Hope you get to keep it like the others."

"We'll have to see."

"You still look tired."

"I am."

"You can go back to sleep when we get back, I don't mind."

"I probably will."

"Early morning photo sessions kill me."

"Poor you." Ted kisses my head.

"I just want to be rested up for tonight."

"Right, of course."

"What about you? What are you gonna do for tonight?"

"I'll probably go to the gym while you're asleep."

"Ah, ok."

We finish breakfast and look at the time.

"Ready to go?"

"Yup, all set."

The two of us link hands and leave after paying. Then we head out to the car, getting in and putting our seatbelts on before leaving the hotel parking lot and heading to where the photo shoot is being held. We walk into the place and get greeted. I'm led to the changing area. I was given one outfit and changed into that, which was a sequined tank top and jeans cut off at the knee making them capris. Also with it was a jacket and heels. I then go to hair and makeup and get all that done. Ted grins as soon as I come into view.


"If Riss were here, she'd say the same exact thing...except more excited."

"She would." He laughs.

"If I get to keep this, she's sooo gonna want to borrow it."


"Well looks like I'm needed for the first set."

"Have fun."

"I think you're going to have the most fun watching."

"Yes I will."

"Try not to die on me." I laugh.

"I'll do my best."

I kiss him quickly before heading over. Ted finds a spot to sit and watch. I do each of the poses that I get told to do. Only two of them didn't have the jacket. The other four however did include the jacket. I have to bite back a giggle as I see Ted watching intently. Once enough pictures were taken, I was able to walk off the set and view them with the photographer on the laptop that was set up next to the camera, once the memory card was taken out and put into it. The photographer shows me which ones turned out the best. Then I wave Ted over so that he can see for himself.

"I love them all." He says after looking.

"Of course you do."

Ted hugs me.

"But of course what's picked out is what's used."

"Right. I know."

Once those get picked, I head back in to get into the next outfit for the last session. It was another sequin/sparkly tank top. Most of the things were the same except I had jeans on and gloves on my hands. Ted whistles playfully.

"Ohh you."

"You love me."

"I do."

"And I love you too." I add.

"I know you do."

"I'd give you a kiss but it'd mess up my makeup."

"Not even a quick one?"

"I really shouldn't."

"Awww." He pouts.

"Afterwards, lots of kisses. I promise."

"Holding you to that."

"I know."

"Now...enjoy this session too." I add.

"I plan on it."

I grin before heading back over to the set for the 2nd round of pictures. Ted goes back to his spot to watch me. All the poses for this one was easy, because I didn't have to kneel on the ground or anything like before. It was all standing. Since I can't look right at him, I see him out of the corner of my eyes with his phone pointed at me. On the inside I'm laughing. Finally that ends and I go over to view those pictures.

"I like all of these too." Ted comments.

"That's such a shocker." I tease.

"Right?" He chuckles.

"You are a natural at this though." He says.

"Why thank you."

"You're welcome."

"Alright, gonna have to let me go so I can change and we can leave."


He lets me go and I head back in to change into my other clothes. I did in fact get to keep the photo shoot outfits, since both were put into a bag and I walk out with it.

"Keeping them? Great." Ted grins.

"I'll wear them again sometime."

"Sounds good."

"Not tonight because I already have something picked out."


"You'll like's blue."

Ted grins at the mention of his favorite color.

"And it has something I like too...animal print."


"And you can't see it until tonight."


"You'll survive."

"I guess."

"You guess?"

"I'll live."

"I thought so."

The two of us walk out to the car. I put the bags in the backseat. Then we head back to the hotel where I go back to sleep, just as soon as we walk back into the room. Ted gets changed to head to the gym.

"I should be back in about an hour." He tells me since he knows I'm just on the verge of falling asleep, and I can hear him.

I nod and make an incoherent sound. He leans down and kisses me gently.

"Love you."

".......too." I mumble the first two words.

Then he heads out the door to the gym. In the meantime, Riss has just woken up and just then, Justin walks in with breakfast. She looks at him sleepily with her eyes half open.

"Oh good, you're up."


"I got breakfast."

"What'd you get?" She asks, almost mumbling.

"All your favorites."

"Everything I like?" She asks.


"That's sweet of you."

"Just for you."

"Like always."

He nods, sitting on the bed.

"So what's going on for today?" He asks.

"I have a photo shoot." She yawns.


"I know you love those."

"Very much."

"You like to oogle." She says as she starts eating.

"I do."

"Probably my first and last photo shoot as a DiBiase."


"You'll enjoy it." He kisses her head.

"Of course I will."

"Just a few days left." She smiles.

"I know." He grins.

"I can't wait."

"Neither can I."

"Add another ring to this finger." He says, rubbing her left ring finger.

"And put one on yours." She replies.

"Which I will wear all the time."

"You better."

"Unless I'm in a match of course."

"Right, I know."

"Other than that it will stay on."

She kisses his cheek.


"That's something you won't have to worry about."

"I know."

"So how's the food?"

"Its good. Thank you."

"You're welcome."

"How come you aren't eating?"

"I had something already."

"Oh okay."

"I'll probably have something else before we go."

She nods slightly, leaning into him as he plays with her hair.

"Again with the hair."

"I can't help it. Your hair is always so soft and silky."

"As you always tell me."

She finishes and sets the empty box on the nightstand.

"Suppose I should get dressed now..."

"Aw." Justin pouts.

"Do you really have to?"

"Yes babe."

"Oh alright."

"You can take it off later."


She picks something simple out of her bags and gets changed. He moves from the bed as well, grabbing clothes himself and getting changed. She goes into the bathroom and does what she needs to in there, which isn't much. After she finishes, she comes back out and grabs shoes to put on. She straightens up afterwards and glances at Justin. She finds him watching her with a look in his eyes.

"Save it lover boy. After the photo shoot."

"Oh darn." He says quietly.

"Now let's go." She says, picking up her purse.

"Right." He nods, and then they both leave the room.

They walk down to the car and get in, driving to the place. It's not a particularly long drive, but after they get there, they park and head inside. She's greeted by a worked. She kisses Justin briefly and hands him her engagement ring to hold onto. Then she gets led to the dressing rooms and is given the first outfit. She puts on the long sleeved, short, white dress they gave her along with wedges that have white straps. She goes to hair and makeup next. Once she was done there, she heads out to the set. She stops in front of Justin and does a twirl. He blinks a few times, but is uttered speechless.

"Babe?" She giggles.


"You okay?"

"Oh yeah, I'm fine."

"Sure about that?"

"I'm pretty sure."

"If you're sure." She teases.

"I'm sure."

She giggles softly.

"That's good."

"Don't have too much fun now." She adds.

"I'll try."

Then she heads over to the set for the first set of pictures. She follows the instructions of the photographer and poses naturally. Justin walks over to get a closer look. She notices him and giggles softly. Other than that, she keeps her focus on the shoot. After a bit, the photographer stop. She goes over to view the pictures. She waves Justin over to see as well. He eagerly jogs over and puts his arms around her.

"I love them all."

"Why am I not shocked?" She laughs.

"Because you know me that well."

"I do."

Between the two of them, they manage to pick the best ones. After that, she's sent to change again.

"Be right back." She tells Justin as she heads there.

She's put in a pair of leather pants, a short, low cut yellow vest with a lacy black bra peeking out a bit, and a pair of tall heels. Her hair is pulled back at the top with the ends curled and her makeup is smokey and dramatic. When she walks back out, Justin's jaw literally drops. She stifles a laugh as he looks her up and down. She walks over and then closes his mouth for him.


"Damn..." He finally comments softly.

"I heard that." She giggles.

"Like this?" She asks teasingly.

"Uh huh..." He nods.

"I can tell." She laughs.

"I hope you get to keep that....."

"I do too, just for the look on your face when I wear it."

"Oh of course."

"And because I know this is absolutely killing you to control yourself."

"Yes." He nods.

She pats his cheek and giggles before walking onto the set. He of course follows so he can watch from a closer spot. She poses as she's directed, using the props she's told to. Justin's eyes are glued to her, and he starts. She fights back a laugh and focuses on driving him even more crazy with the posing. She even sees him bite his lip a few times as he watches. She can't help smirking slightly, knowing what will probably end up happening when they get back to their hotel. Just like before, when the photographer stops, she goes over and looks at the pictures that were taken. Justin is instantly there, sliding his arms around her. Again they both pick out the best, despite Justin liking them all. Once they do that, she's free to go so she heads to change. She comes back out all dressed in her normal clothes and a bag in her hand with the outfits. Justin's face lights up when he sees the bag. She just laughs and kisses him happily.

"Let's go back now." He says, dragging her back out to the car.

"Eager." She teases.

"Your fault."

"I know." She smirks.

"You're in for it when we get back."

"No marking me." She points at him.


"Good. We have work and then our wedding. I do not want to be trying to cover up love bites on our wedding day."

"Right right, I know."

"That's what the honeymoon is for."

He grins at the name.

"You still adamant about surprising me?"


"Not even a hint?"

"Somewhere tropical...that's all you're getting."


"I think you'll like it."

"Of course I will."

"I'm sure it'll be perfect." She adds.

"It will be, because it'll be just you and me." Justin smiles. "Awww."

He grins and kisses her briefly, before they get into the car. He drives to the hotel. They get out and walk into the lobby. They stop at the elevators and push the button. As they wait for one to open up, she steps into his arms and snuggles into his chest.

"Someone's cuddly."

"Complaining love?"


"I didn't think so."

Just then the doors open and they step inside.*

She stays close to him, playfully sliding her hands under his shirt.

"You're just asking for it aren't you?"

"Who me?" She says innocently.

"Yes you."

She drags her nails down his abs.

"Rissa...." He says as he tenses.

"Mmm?" She smirks.

Just then the elevator dings and the doors open on their floor.

"....our floor."

She reaches around and squeezes his butt playfully before dashing off to the room.

"Ohhhhh. That's it."

She laughs loudly as she runs past some of the co-workers. He runs after her, intent on catching her. She skids around the corner, bolting past Punk. She digs out the key from her purse as she runs.

"Whoa, where's the fire?!" He calls.

"Trying to catch me." She replies absentmindedly as she stops a few doors down.

Just then, Justin bolts past him. She squeaks and unlocks the door, running inside. The door shuts just as he reaches it and he digs into his pockets for his own key. Inside the room, she's gone and found something sexy to put on and quickly changed. He got into the room, unlocking the door. He looks around but doesn't see her. Then he sees the bathroom door closed and grins. She hears him so she opens the door enough to stick her head out and smirks at him.

"Whatcha doin?" He asks.

She shuts the bathroom light off and then reveals the rest of her body. He has to double take, before he's staring again and uttered speechless. He tries to speak, but no words come out.

"What was I doing? Surprising you." She giggles.

All he can do is nod at this point. She walks up to him.

"I think somebody has too many clothes on."

Almost instantly he starts to shed his clothes...doing all the work for her.

"Aww, you ruin my fun." She pouts.

"You've got me eager...even more than before..."

"Like I always say, I like to keep you on your toes."


Before she can try to help, he's already down to his boxers.

"Heyy....didn't want to wait for me to do that?"


"No fair."

"Too bad." He mutters, pulling her close.

"Next time."

"Sure." He agrees absentmindedly while running his hands over her body.

"I think we need to move to the bed...."

Justin lifts her up. She squeals a bit before wrapping her arms and legs around him. Then he walks over to the bed and drops her by the pillows. She pulls him down with her and nuzzles his neck. Then he instantly starts to tug at what she's wearing.

"I really got to you huh?" She teases, giggling.

"You did."

"Now you know how I feel watching you walk around in your trunks all the time."


"Showing these off." She drags her nails over his indents.

"Just for you."

"So I do what I do to return the favor."


"But enough talking." He says in a growly tone and a look in his eyes.

His lips crash down on hers and she gives in without hesitation. He goes back to tugging on her clothes at the same time. She's too distracted by his mouth so he takes that as an invitation to pull it off. He starts to pull it off while not breaking the kiss. Justin only breaks the kiss long enough for it to clear her head. His lips return to hers as he throws the material, not caring where it lands. She giggles against his lips at how he just threw it anywhere and at his eagerness. He just growls and explores the revealed skin. She tugs the coversheet up before going after his boxers.

The rest of the day went by fairly quickly. Before we knew it, we were getting ready for the show tonight and not too long after that, we all arrived at the arena.

"So what are you up to tonight?" I ask Ted.

"Title match that starts the show."

"Really? That's great." I smile.

"Mmhmm. The United States title too."

"Ooh you get to beat up the nerd."

"And you get to be there for me and watch as I beat him up."

"Even better."

"I have to go get ready, but I will be right back out."


He heads in to get ready for his match, while I sit out in the locker room itself and wait. It doesn't take him long and before I know it, he's back beside me.

"Ready to go?" He asks.


He offers his arm and I take it, walking out of the room. The show had soon started a few minutes after we had reached the curtain and it started with a video package about the history of Survivor Series and such, before highlighting the most important match of John's career and his decision as a ref will affect whether he stays or goes.

"I really don't want him to leave." I say.

"I know. It wouldn't be the same without him." Ted comments.

That leads to the opening of the PPV with the usual opening things. They hit Ted's music and we go out first. Once at the bottom of the ramp, he lets me walk up the stairs to get up onto the ring first, before he got up himself. He held the ropes for me and I got it, followed by him. Once he's done with his in-ring stuff, they play Daniel's music and he comes out.

"Superman music." I scoff.

Ted snickers.

"What? It is."

"I now. It's just funny."

Once he's in the ring and hands off the title to the ref, I kiss Ted quickly before getting out of the ring to stand ringside to watch. The ref raises the title before handing it off and the bell rings to start the match. They circle before locking up and Daniel is the one to get Ted in a headlock. Ted gets out of it, but Daniel twists his arm next. Ted reverses and does the same to him. Daniel does an innovative way of getting out of the hold, followed by a dropkick. The lights then go out after that and I'm looking around confused.

"What the hell?" I ask myself quietly.

The lights come back on and Daniel has Ted in an arm hold. Ted gets up and pushes Daniel into the ropes, then drops down so Daniel has to hop over him, and then gets up and goes to leap frog over him, only for Daniel to kick him in the gut so he goes crashing to the canvas. He rolls out of the ring and continues the fight from outside the ropes. He spears Daniel in the gut through the ropes, followed by suplexing Daniel out of the ring, over the top rope, and onto the floor. I point and laugh at him. Ted looks back at Daniel's crumpled form on the floor, before jumping down and going towards him. He picks him up and then slams his face onto the side of the apron. He lays him under the bottom rope and hits him with an arm to the chest. He does it again before walking up the steps and climbing to the middle turnbuckle. He jumps and then hits him with an elbow, making Daniel fall back onto the floor. I again, laugh.

Ted picks him up and rolls him back into the ring, before sliding in himself. From there he goes for the cover, but only gets the two count. He then picks Daniel up by the hair and Daniel fights back with an uppercut. Both of them stumble, before Daniel hits him with another. Then he kicks him in the side twice, before Ted grabs his leg and shoves him down to the canvas. He then starts throwing punches until the ref backs him off. Ted goes for the cover again, but it's a kickout.

I curse quietly.

He then gets him in a reverse chinlock and Daniel refuses to give up. Daniel starts to get to his feet, elbowing Ted in the gut, loosening the hold. Daniel goes for a clothesline but Ted counters with a back breaker over his knee. He holds Daniel at an arms length by the hair, and then follows up with a standing dropkick. He goes for the cover, getting a two count yet again. Another reverse chinlock and the crowd starts chanting Daniel Bryan and Daniel gets to his feet with the crowd's encourage.

"Oh my god....shut up people." I mutter.

He tries to get out of the hold yet again, but Ted knees him in the gut instead. Ted then goes for a suplex, but Daniel counters and locks his arms around him. Ted hurries to the corner and Daniel bounces off, somersaulting and when Ted turns around, Daniel dropkicks him into the corner and he hits it hard. I cringe. Both of them try to get to their feet and they do, Daniel kicks Ted in the leg, the chest, the leg again, the chest again, and then the leg again. Daniel then goes to throw Ted into the opposite corner, but Ted reverses and sends Daniel there instead. He jumps up and then flips, landing behind Ted and Daniel hits him with a clothesline after coming off the ropes. Thrown into the ropes again, Ted comes back and kicks Daniel in the shoulder and the impact of his foot on the shoulder was loud enough to hear throughout the arena.

"Ohhhh." I say.

Ted then goes to send Daniel out of the ring, but Daniel throws him out instead. That's followed by a suicide dive through the ropes and landing on Ted who was just getting up from the ground. But Daniel is clearly in pain since he's screaming in agony and holding his shoulder.

"Serves you right nerd." I mutter.

He goes back over to Ted and throws him back into the ring before climbing to the top rope. He stands and when Ted turns around, Daniel hits him with a missile dropkick. He goes into the cover again, and thankfully Ted kicks out. Ted gets to a sitting position on his knees and Daniel kicks him in the chest repeatedly. I wince everytime.

"Hey! Stop him!" I yell to the ref.

Daniel then backs up to get ready to kick Ted in the head, but Ted grabs his leg again and goes to shove him down like earlier in the match, but Daniel blocks it. Daniel then rolls him up and gets a two count. Daniel then goes for the Lebel Lock and I start to get worried. Ted however doesn't let him and comes back with a clothesline and then he drops and covers Daniel, only getting a two count. Ted then waits and gets frustrated and then gets Daniel set up for Dream Street, helping him to his feet as he goes. Daniel blocks Ted from delivering it and Daniel runs himself into the corner and rolls Ted up again, only getting a two count. Ted still has Daniel in position for Dream Street, he hasn't let the hold go. Daniel eventually gets out of it though, and Ted comes back with a Spinebuster. He goes for the cover, still getting a two count.

"Oh come on! That was three!"

I get mad and slap my hands on the apron. Ted gets even more frustrated and throws punches, but stops before the ref can get a chance to count. Ted then spears Daniel in the corner before lifting and placing him on the top turnbuckle. He punches him once before climbing up himself. Ted's now on the top rope and Daniel slides down through his legs and pushes him so he lands on the turnbuckle, in a not so good spot. I wince heavily.


Daniel then climbs up onto the corner behind him and gets Ted to a standing position on the top rope.

"Oh no. No no no no no no no."

I brace myself for what's coming next and as soon as Daniel and Ted fall to the apron, I cringe and look away. Daniel rolls Ted over and covers him, going for the cover. Ted thankfully kicks out. Daniel then slowly starts to put Ted into the Lebel Lock, but he can't lock it in. Ted counters and grabs Daniel's legs as he gets to his feet. He then falls back and sends Daniel flying face first into the corner, yet his face mostly hits the top of the ring post instead. Ted rolls Daniel up but he still can't beat him. Daniel then finally gets Ted in the Lebel Lock and Ted has no choice but to tap.

"Damn." I groan.

I sigh in frustration before glaring at Daniel, giving him the death glare before going over to make sure Ted was okay since Ted rolled out of the ring.

"Are you okay?" I ask, kneeling by him.

"Gonna need ice." He mutters.

"I figured. Let's go then."

I help him up and I let him lean on me for support as I help him get to the ramp and walk up it. We head to the back and go right for the trainers for ice bags for numerous spots on his body. After that, we walk to our locker room. I help Ted get settled as he lays across my lap.

"I can help you with your back whenever you want. I know getting suplexed off the top rope like that had to have made your back feel like hell."

"It did. I'll take a massage later. This is good for now."

"Okay...because I have special oil that will help you relax. Let's see I have one that'll not only help you relax but help you sleep better and one is for stress relief."

"That sounds really good."

"I'm always prepared."

"I'm glad you are." He smiles.

Just as we look on the screen, Daniel had gotten attacked by Mike from behind with the briefcase.

"He deserves that too." I grumble.

"Yeah." Ted agrees.

Mike and Alex then make their way down the ramp and get into the ring where Mike grabs a mic.

"Sorry to interrupt, because we all know how much I respect Daniel Bryan, but I have something to say."

Then the lights go out again.

"What the hell is up with the lights?"

"No idea."

"That's better." Mike states when the lights come back on.

"I am a proud citizen of Cleveland, Ohio. And it's fitting that I'm here in Miami, because truth be told, the Miami Heat are a lot like the Nexus. They're both arrogant, despised by millions, overrated, and in a word...the Nexus and the Miami Heat both are hopelessly mediocre. I think LeBron like the Wade Barrett of the NBA. Not that he's a leader, because we all know that LeBron is nothing more than Dwayne Wade's little sidekick. No the reason LeBron is like Barrett, 'cause they both feel that they're entitled to a championship. Well there is one important difference. Wade Barrett might become champion tonight, whereas LeBron will never be champion. LeBron has a commercial where he asks what should he do. What should you do? What should you do LeBron, what should you do?! You should go back to Cleveland and apologize to each and every one of us for what you did you traitor! And as for you Barrett, I don't care what happens to Cena. All you and Randy Orton need to know, is that I'm tired of carrying this briefcase. So, right now it's not a matter of 'if', it's a simple question of 'when'. Because I'm the Miz.....and you are all witnesses to the fact that I'm...." Mike stops as the lights go off again.

"Okay, who's messing with the lights?"

"It's not funny anymore."

".....aweeeesoooome!" He finishes, before he and Alex leave.

They stop at the top of the ramp until the screen change to a skyline view of the city off of the water. They then talk about what happened Monday with Sheamus, Santino and Morrison. Then showing him Brogue Kicking Morrison in the face backstage last week. That led to Sheamus backstage with Josh with a smile on his face.

"Sheamus what's your reaction to John Morrison calling you a bully?"

"Ah yeah, let's all give a hand to the heroic John Morrison, who stood up to the big bully Sheamus last week. What is this fella? Primary school? See none of this is about me being a bully. This is all about jealousy. John Morrison is jealous of the fact that I'm a former and future WWE Champion...and he never will be. That's what this has all been about. Heh, now if John Morrison doesn't like that, well I'm not gonna stick his head in the toilet, and I'm certainly not gonna shove him in a locker. But what I am gonna do, is I'm gonna break his will and break his body."

That cues Sheamus' music and he heads right out.

"Sheamus has a point. Mike always said that John was the Jannetty. And he has been jealous lately of people's titles runs because he hasn't had one since the Tag Team titles with Mike." Riss points out.

"You have a point." Justin agrees.

"I really don't think he's going to get another title."

"Doesn't look like it."

"So when's your match?" She asks.

"Not for a while."

"Okay." She snuggles into him.

"Yours?" He asks.

"After Air's. They're doing back to back Divas matches. Shocking I know."

"It is."

"That match won't take me long."

"Oh I know." He chuckles.

"Honestly she's like not even worth my time because she's such a weakling."

"Its because she's the John Cena of the divas, just not strength-wise."

"Maybe if she was...strength-wise....people would take her seriously and there would be decent matches."

"Too bad she's not."

"And she's supposed to be a role model for girls? Have you seen her past? All the skimpy clothing...the strip teases....I'm sorry, but I wouldn't want my daughter looking up to someone like that."

"I know I know."



So the current match was Sheamus vs Morrison and it wasn't really all that long and in the end, Morrison picked up an impressive win over Sheamus after hitting the Flash Kick, following up with a knee to Sheamus's face.

"He can win if he wants, he won't get his hands on a title."


"Oh well."

The screen fades to the trailer for Big Show's movie Knucklehead, but then goes right back to the show and John's in his own locker room, clearly with concern and worry on his face.

"Don't look at me like that. I know it's none of my business-" Truth starts to say before John cuts him off.

"None of your business? You know what, this whole deal from jump street has been none of your business."

"John we're boys, you're my friend."

"Yeah I get that so what's up? What do you want?"

"I may have a solution for all of this. Just hear me out."

"You've had solutions before. What do you got?"

"Nexus is banned from ringside for the championship match right? I'm not. Just remember that...I'm not."


"Since the only way to win is by pinfall or submission, now what's to say what's stopping me from coming down there, and something accidentally happened to Randy Orton? Accidents happen."

"They do."

"You get to keep your job, you get the 1 2 3, and it's guilt free."

"You know, accident. You come down by accident, Randy loses, Wade wins, I'm good, I'm still employed. But I wake up tomorrow and I CAN'T EVEN LOOK AT MYSELF IN THE MIRROR!!!! I'd be a joke. Do you realize that half the people around here can't even look me in the eye? I won't even be able to live with myself. I told everybody and made a promise to myself on Monday, I'm calling this thing down the middle, straight up."

"The middle?"

"That's the truth."

"Truth is, I'll believe it when I see it John." Truth states before leaving.

Going back to the ring for the next match which is for the IC title. Kaval comes out as Dolph's opponent, since Dolph is the IC title holder.

"Are you kidding me?"

"Him? Seriously?"

"I'm gonna laugh when he loses."

"He won't last long."

"Not really."

She shakes her head and fiddles with her hair. She bites back a smirk, remembering how long it took her to tame her hair.

"Whatcha thinking about?" He asks.

"How long it took me to get my hair fixed."

"I blame myself for messing that up." He chuckles.

"It's fine babe. It was worth it." She laughs and kisses his lips.

"You couldn't resist, I know."

He grins.

"Your fault for wearing what you did at the time."

"I know but I couldn't help it."

"Just wait until our honeymoon." She winks.

Justin groans quietly. She giggles.

"Just two more days."

"Definitely looking forward to it."

"Of course you are."

She feels Justin take over playing with her hair so she lets her hand drop and rest on his abs.

"Your hand....has to go...there..."

"I'm not even doing anything."

"Not yet..."

"I'll be nice."

"If you say so."

She actually does as she says ans leaves her hand there without doing anything teasing. At the end of a hard-fought match, it was Dolph rolling Kaval up and grabbing the tights to pick up the win and retains the title.

"Knew it."

"He was stupid to challenge him for the title so soon. He was so not ready for it."

"No he wasn't."

"Eww Dolph's nose is bleeding."


The screen fades to another city view, Ocean Drive and South beach. They then gives thanks to Hail The Villain for the theme song, followed by talking about the traditional 5-on-5 tag team match.

"I am joined by Team Alberto Del Rio per the All American American, Jack Swagger. And Jack, how does it feel to be a part of Team Del Rio?"

"Team Del Rio? Team Del Rio? Todd let me tell you something. As the only former World Heavyweight Champion on this team, it should be called Jack Swagger's All American Americans."

"Del Rio and Drew aren't American...dumbass."

"Which is important because we're not in America right now, we're not in Miami. This is Little Cuba. Jack Swagger don't habla espanol. Are you kidding me Todd?"

Cody then interrupts him.

"You'll have to excuse him Todd. See I know where all this animosity stems from. I caught our Jack Swagger last night trying to get into a club here in South Beach with the most busted, broke shoes I have ever seen."

"They were my grandfather's and they're vintage."

"Right. Listen I don't know what it's like to stand behind a roped entrance, unlike you, unlike you-" Cody's interrupted by Del Rio and he appears with Tyler Reks and Drew.

"I love it. I ws just talking with Drew and Tyler, and I bet then a dinner that in the moment that Jack Swagger starts talking, we're going to have a tray of interruptions. Ooooh you're nothing, I'm better than you, you're nothing. Come on guys, come on. That's boring. We're here to destroy Rey Mysterio, to destroy Rey Mysterio and his little friends. I want to see little kids cry. I want them to see their idols on the floor. I want tears. And if we do that, I buy the beers. Sounds good? Of course it does. And hey, come on guys. Don't worry, I'm your captain. Your captain is the one and only, Alberto Del Rio."

"Dorito Muffin Top." Riss scoffs.

"I hate to admit it, but he's good." Cody states before walking away.

Going back to the ring it was time for the next match which was the 5-on-5 tag team match. Big Show comes out first, followed by Chris Masters, Kofi, MVP, and finally Rey. Out next was Del Rio's team. First was Cody, then Swagger, Drew, Reks and finally Del Rio.

"Boring." Riss shrugs.

"But hey at least after this it's Air's match and then mine." She adds.

"Right." Justin nods.

"I suppose I should go get ready so I'm all set to go."

"Aww." He pouts, twirling some of her hair around his fingers.

"I won't be long...promise."


She gets up and goes to change. Just like she said, she wasn't long and like always, she comes out and sits on his lap and puts her boots. on. He's touchy as usual but it's more of a soothing, loving touch than a teasing, sensual touch.

"You enjoy this."

"Yes. Its a nice tradition you started." He says.

"Good to know."

She gets done with her boots and shifts on his lap, snuggling in. The first elimination would take place when MVP would go for a suplex on Drew, bringing him back into the ring from the apron, but when MVP would lift him up for the suplex, Del Rio would take the legs out from under MVP, allowing Drew to fall into the pin while Del Rio held MVP’s feet down, keeping MVP from kicking out. Shortly after this, Del Rio would lock in the cross armbreaker on Chris Masters, forcing him to tap out. Later on in the match, Del Rio would face Big Show, but would tag Drew into the match and would taunt Big Show over tagging out and Show would respond by laying Del Rio out with the Knockout Punch, leading to WWE officials having to assist Del Rio to the back.


"Oops." Justin chuckles.

Big Show would later follow this up with another Knockout Punch, this time laying Cody out en route to eliminating him. The next elimination would see Kofi Kingston popping out of the tree of woe to deliver to feet to the face of Tyler Reks before securing a roll-up on Reks to eliminate him. Shortly after this, Swagger would even the odds by forcing Kofi Kingston to tap out to the ankle lock. Rey would score the next elimination by hitting the 619 on Swagger before leaping off of the shoulders of Big Show in a high-altitude splash to eliminate him. Rey would then hit the 619 on Drew McIntyre before Big Show plants McIntyre with the chokeslam en route to pinning McIntyre and winning the match for Team Mysterio with Big Show & Rey Mysterio remaining.

"Boo hoo Del Rio, your team lost."

"Wah wahh."

"Tonight overall so far has not been that bad."

"No. Hope it stays that way."

After Show and Rey go to the back, there's a TLC promo video. Ted and I are currently waiting by the curtain. He was feeling better enough to come out with me for my match.

"Are you sure you okay?"

"I feel much better." He assures me.

"What you need to focus on is your match. I'm fine, I'm out there with you for support." He adds.

"Okay. I just can't help worrying about you."

"I know and I appreciate the concern."

"Focus on your match and then you can fuss over me all you want."

I nod and relax into his arms as they're wrapped around me from behind.

"Well I can't fuss over you for being all sweet now can I?"

"Nope." He chuckles, kissing the side of my head.

"Awwwww, you two are so cute." Nattie comments as she gets to the curtain as well.

"Thanks." I giggle, smiling.

"Meant to tell you that I love your hair."

"Oh thank you."

"Reminds me of when I started out. Had hair almost that color, a little more red though."

"I remember." I nod.

"Out there in the match tonight, give me everything you've got." I add.

"Oh I will." Nattie grins.

"I'd shake your hand and everything out there but I can't since I went heel." You say.

"Right." She nods.

"Instead I'll just give you a look that only you and I can understand."

"Works for me."

"You're coming to Riss' wedding in a couple days right?"

"Of course. I can't wait." Nattie smiles.

"It's amazing how fast it's coming up."

"I know, time flew!"

"We all need a girls day before then. Like tomorrow even."

"That sounds great. I could use a nice day like that." Nattie agrees happily.

"Will you be okay being away from me for most of the day?" I ask, looking up at Ted.

"I'll be fine. Justin and I can amuse ourselves." He chuckles.

Then we watch as Randy is backstage in the locker room.

"Excuse me Randy? Randy I don't mean to interrupt but, with all the talk concerning John Cena tonight, you ha-"

"Josh, there it is...there it is. John Cena. You want to talk about John Cena. Well you know what Josh, I am sick and tired of talking about John Cena. Now sure I...I feel for the guy and all, I really do but uh...John Cena did this to himself. So no Josh, I am not thinking about John Cena. I'm thinking about Wade Barrett. Im thinking about how I'm going to beat Wade Barrett tonight and retain the WWE Championship. Now John, he knows me. He knows me well enough to know that being fired is the best situation for him to be in. Considering if he screws me over tonight, what I would do to him. Now I don't care about Wade Barrett. I don't care about John Cena. And I certainly do not care about The Miz. All I care about is walking out of here tonight, WWE Champion. So as far as I'm concerned, tonight it isn't about John Cena free or fired. Tonight's about Wade Barrett, punt to the skull or RKO."

With that, the bell rings and Justin Roberts announces the match. They play my music first since I'm the champion and I go out with Ted. I lace my fingers of one hand with Ted's as I hold the title up with my other as we both go down the ramp. He lets me go to allow me to get into the ring and do my in-ring stuff. He follows me in and kisses me for good luck. Once I was done, Natalya comes out and I'm going to give her a fight indeed since it's her last chance at the title. After her in-ring stuff, I hand my title off to the ref and he raises it before handing it off. The bell rings and Ted kisses me quickly before getting out of the ring. Even though we are different characters now, I still respect her so I give her a smirk that tells her to give me her best. She gives a slight nod as she stares me down.

We circle and lock up and the power is equal. She ends up pushing me into one of the corners. The ref then starts counting and she lets me go and backs away. She comes back after a few moments and I hit her with an elbow to the face. I then quickly hop to the top rope and jump, hitting her with a missile dropkick. I go for an early cover, but she kicks out. I help her up and hit her with an uppercut. I start getting more into my character and taunting her, and that causes me to become distracted and she grabs my legs, and drops me, getting ready for the SharpShooter. I struggle and wiggle around until I'm able to spin her halfway across the ring. I help her up and elbow her in the face a few times before dropkicking her out of the ring.

I then slide out and grab her, throwing her back in and I go for the cover, but she kicks out. I then help her up to a sitting position and I drive my knee into her back while pulling her arms behind her. With the help of the crowd, she gets to her feet fairly quickly and she gets out of the hold. She then kicks me in the gut and puts one of my arms around her neck, grabbing the top of my pants for support and she lifts me into the air, holding me there, and doing the squats like she does for that every time. She then falls backwards and I go crashing to the canvas. Ted is right there ringside, encouraging me to get up.

"Come on Ariel get up! You can do this!"

Natalya then comes over and pulls me away from the ropes, going for the cover herself. I kick out at 2 and 1/2. I lay there for a while until Natalya sets me up for the SharpShooter. This time she gets it locked in and I'm reaching for either side of the ropes to grab onto. I reach and reach, as I'm screaming in pain. I then start to crawl my way over and after a lot of effort, I finally grab the bottom rope, Natalya having to let go. I hold my lower back with my free hand and help myself get to my feet. Right now Natalya is in control of the match, hitting me with everything's she's got. At one point she threw me into the ropes and when I came back I began to clothesline her a few times. The last time she gets up, I grab her and hit her with a Spinebuster. I cover her, but she kicks out at 2 and 1/2. Since she was near the ropes, I do get up and go over to them. I look behind me to make sure that she's still laying there and she is. So I use the ropes to launch myself into a moonsault, only for her to move and for me to crash to the canvas again. I get up holding my stomach and next thing I know, I'm hit with a clothesline from Natalya. She picks me up after and gets me into the corner, lifting me up so I'm sitting at the top and she begins to climb herself. She sets me up for a suplex off the top rope as she gets me to a standing position. Ted's watching in concern, because this could be it for me if this move is delivered.

When she goes to deliver the suplex off the top rope, I block it. I then start getting out of the hold, and she teeters for a bit, before I hit her one last time and she falls to the apron. I then jump and hit her with an elbow, but I don't go for the pin just yet. She rolls away from me and I wait for her to get up. She slowly gets to her feet, and when she turns around, I hit her with my roundhouse kick finisher and then I quickly drop for the cover. The ref then counts to three, my music blares through the arena, the bell rings and I'm announced the winner. He holds it for a bit longer than expected and I can't help but giggle a bit when he pulls away. I raise up my title for a moment before I head to the back with Ted. But before we could even get the chance to leave the ring, that's when Beth's music goes off and she comes out and starts walking down to the ring.

"Ted...." I say as my eyes never leave her coming down to the ring.

"I see her." Ted says, holding me protectively.

As soon as she gets to the bottom of the ramp, she stares for a moment. That's when she rushes into the ring and Ted and I quickly get out before she could do anything. We back up the ramp and pause at the top, holding up my title.

"Come on....let's go." Ted says, tugging me away.

I follow him to the back.

"I either need ice or you can help me with my back. It's killing me." I state.

"I'll help you." Ted says, lifting me into his arms.


"Sorry." Ted apologizes, holding me carefully.

As he's carrying me back to our locker room, we go to pass Riss and Justin in the hallway.

"You okay Air?" She stops us.

"My back hurts."

"How bad?"

"I'll be alright once Ted helps."

"Alright, congrats on the successful title defense."

"Thanks. Good luck against Kelly...not that you'll need it but yeah."

"Thanks anyway." She giggles.

"You're welcome."

"Oh by the way, Nattie and I are having a girl's day tomorrow, you wanna go?" I add.

"Sure that sounds great!" She smiles.

"Have a girls day before the wedding."


"Good. I'll text you in the morning."

"Alright." She agrees.

She lets Justin lead her while she focuses herself on what to do to Kelly.

"That's all you need to do...focus." Justin encourages.

She nods absentmindedly. And of course, Kelly shows up. Riss is too focused on her thoughts to notice her at first. She totally ignores Riss and goes right over to Justin, greeting him all cheerful and peppy. He just gives her an unimpressed look.

"A lot of us are going out after the show tonight, and I was wondering if you'd like to go with me." She offers, starting to be touchy with him in an attempt to flirt.

"Number one, I'm not in the mood to go out somewhere. Number two, why would I go with you? I have a fiancee, who is standing right here you know. And stop touching me."

"What she doesn't know, won't hurt her."

"Excuse me?" Riss says from behind him in a dangerous tone. "Who the hell do you think you are, hitting on a man that is engaged?"

"Oh, he won't be for long."

"Hmph, that much is true since he'll be married in a few days." Riss smirks.

"Oh not because of that. Because once he goes out with me and sees how much fun it is, he'll forget all about you."

Riss growls and before she can make a move, Justin locks her in his arms.

"Save it for the match." He whispers in her ear.

She struggles against him while swearing, seeing red. Kelly just laughs and walks out as they play her music. Riss is still struggling and he does the one thing that calms her down, he whispers in her ear in his native language. It slowly brings her down to a simmering state of anger.


"I know." She says with an edge of anger.

"Not wasting any time in getting down to that ring." She adds.

"I know, I know."

"" She says as she hears the group's music.

Justin lets go and she storms out there. She wastes no time in going down the ramp, pointing at Kelly and yelling at her. She does make sure to censor herself because despite how mad she is, she knows better than to swear on camera and in front of children. She slides into the ring quickly, drops her title and literally attacks Kelly right then and there, before the bell could even ring.

"Think you can hit on my man?! I don't think so!" She growls, slamming her head against the mat.

The ref lets her go after her for a bit, before pulling her off of Kelly because the bell hasn't run yet.

"Ring the damn bell!" Riss snaps.

The bell rings and just as Kelly had gotten up, Riss knocks her back down and does what she did before the bell had rung. She smacks her harshly a few times as well. The ref yet again has to pull her off of Kelly, to keep her from getting disqualified. Wouldn't matter though, because Riss keeps the title anyway if that happens. She stops and waits a moment before kicking her. Then she grabs her by the hair and slams her face first onto the apron and she makes sure to do it hard enough to really hurt. She's screaming and shrieking in pain, trying to struggle but not getting anywhere. She does let her go and when she finally sits up, her nose does seem to be bleeding just a little bit. Riss smirks slightly. The ref keeps her away as he checks on Kelly to make sure she can compete still. She keeps nodding, saying that she's fine and gets helped to her feet. Her back is to Riss and she storms over and grabs her by the hair again, pulling her away from the ropes. That's when she wraps an arm around her neck and hits her with a neckbreaker and then goes for the cover. Kelly however kicks out. She growls and gets up, stomping on her. Then she pulls her towards the corner, setting up for her finisher. She kicks her in the side for good measure before climbing the corner and reaching the top. She waits a few seconds, making sure she's not moving and that's when she jumps from the top and lands on Kelly below. She goes for the cover again and this time she gets it, Kelly too weak to kick out. She gets up on her knees as the bell rings and the Nexus music plays. She leans over Kelly.

"He's mine." She says icily before she stands up.

She's handed back the title and she does a short celebration before leaving the ring and meeting Justin at the bottom of the ramp. Riss sees Kelly starting to sit up and she smirks, turning toward Justin. She grabs his shirt and pulls him down into a hard kiss. She took him by surprise and she pulls away before he could respond. She turns to look at Kelly and she's glaring at her, while holding her nose. Riss waves mockingly, wiggling her fingers. Then she heads to the back with Justin.

"Dumb bitch." She mutters under her breath as they walk out of the curtain area.

"I hope I broke her nose too."

"She should learn not to fuck with me." She grumbles.

"She's blonde, she'll never learn." Justin remarks.

"Ugh." She rolls her eyes.

She tries to calm herself since she's lightly shaking from anger and adrenaline. Justin stops her from walking, pulls her close to him, wraps his arms around her and then mumbles in her ear in his native language to help calm her down, since he knows how angry she still is. She closes her eyes and leans into him. She tilts her head as she feels his lips against her jaw.

"I'm trying."

"Think about the wedding in a couple days..."


"Think about the honeymoon. You, me, alone in a tropical place with no interruptions..." He says softly, nipping her ear.

"Alone time every day..."

She sinks into him, drifting off in her thoughts. He nips her earlobe and she can't help moaning softly.

"Go back to the room?" He asks.

"Do we have to?"

"Unless you're a big fan of PDA."

"Its PDA in there too."

"They're not even in there right now. I told them to just wander the halls because I wanted my time alone with you."


He scoops her up and she wraps her arms and legs around him.

"They listened surprisingly."

"Well good because I do get tired of sharing a room with them all night."

"I'll try and get us our own room next week. It's been hard, I've been told no a lot."

"It's okay. As long as we get a little alone time, I'm fine. Kicking them out of the room for a while serves the purpose."

"Well that's good."

Justin carries her to the Nexus room. She leans down, opening the door. Then he walks in and shuts the door behind him with his foot. He goes to the couch and sits with her on his lap.

"Now, where were we?"

"Oh yes." Justin grins, leaning forward to catch her earlobe with his teeth.

She moans softly, holding onto his shirt. He lets it go for a second before catching it again with his teeth. She makes the same sound, squirming slightly on his lap. He places a hand on her hip and holds her there, so she's not moving. He lets go of her earlobe and eyes her up, thinking of what to do next. She tries to steady her breathing.

"Hmm, how to make you go crazy next...."

"No marks." She reminds him.

"I know."

Without warning his lips are on hers in an intense kiss. His hands wander along the skin exposed by her ring gear and she's completely distracted, still clutching his shirt. At times during the kiss she feels him nip at her bottom lip, but he does it once and goes back to the intense kiss, keeping that routine constant. One of his hands ends up in her hair, the other moves to her butt as he squeezes playfully. She squeals softly into his mouth and he chuckles.

"Have to...keep you on..your toes." He mumbles.

She growls a bit but keeps her lips against his. Justin leaves his hand there to make sure she doesn't move around on him. But unfortunately the moment was cut short a while later since Justin's match was up next, since Edge's had ended. He reluctantly pulls away.

"My match is up next."

She groans in disappointment.

"Worst timing ever."

"I know....but we still have the hotel and our room to finish this...."

"Let's get this over with." She grumbles, moving off his lap.

"We can hope it's over quick. Then it's Wade's match, and then we can go back."

She nods, fixing her hair and her skirt as well as the short shorts underneath.

"I did that huh? Oops." He chuckles.

She looks amused.


"My bad."

"You enjoyed it." She remarks as they leave the room.

"I really did."

"I know."

Then they head back to the curtain to wait, finding Heath already there and waiting for them.

"Where have you been? I've been waiting here alone for like 5 minutes!" Heath says.

"Oh you poor baby. Shut up." Riss rolls her eyes.

"Yeah Heath, just calm down."

He looks like he's going to whine more but she give shim a look. She's still fairly worked up from the fight with Kelly as well as the moment she was having with Justin so the last thing she wants is to deal with a whining Heath.

Before the match could even begin, back in John's locker room, he's still there and Wade walks in, placing a chair next to John's where he's sitting and sits himself.

"Do you remember this building John? Because I do. June the 7th, 2010. You were WWE Champion at the time. This is where the Nexus chose to make their mark on history. We came down to the ring during your match, and we gave you the worst beating of your entire career. We left you a broken, battered shell of a man. And how strange that we're now back here for this to all come full circle. I mean did you ever think that one day, you were gonna be part of The Nexus? And did you ever think that one day, you were gonna be instrumental in helping me become WWE Champion. And make no mistake. The only reason I didn't fire you after that last stunt you pulled on Raw, was because I chose not to. You just need to do your job tonight, you need to do the right thing and then you're gonna be free of the Nexus forever. But if you choose otherwise John, I promise you, it'll all be over for you. Do I make myself clear?"

"I do remember this building. Yeah. I remember that night. I remember every single thing that Nexus has ever done to me. I just think you need to remember this. Tonight, no matter what happens, when the time is right..." John starts, standing up and Wade stands up with him.

"...I know exactly what I'm doing." He finishes with a nod and leaves the locker room.

Just then, Otunga, McGillicutty and Husky walk up to Heath, Justin and Riss.

"Oh joy." Riss mutters.

"Just what I need." She grumbles.

After a view of the city again, it was time for the match. They hit the group's music, they all walk out, minus Wade of course. Everyone gets into the ring and then Heath and Justin stand up in the corners like always. They hop down and the music fades, Santino's going off next and he comes out with Vladimir. Soon the group leaves the ring, Riss kissing Justin real quick before he strips his shirt off and hands it to her, and then she leaves the ring to stand ringside with everyone else. She lays his shirt over her shoulder and makes sure she's not standing near McGillicutty.The ref takes the titles and holds them up, before handing them off. It starts off with Heath and Santino. The bell rings and they circle. Heath starts taunting him and Santino throws a punch, Heath moving away. Heath does more taunting and points his finger at him, only to get flipped over.

"Oh my god...idiot...." Riss facepalms.

Heath scrambles over to the corner and Justin tags himself in. Santino does some goofing around, before Justin first tries kicking him in the head....doesn't work. Then he tries sweeping his feet out from under him...doesn't work. Santino then flips him, his arms around his neck in a sidelock. Justin gets to his feet, but Santino still has his arm and he goes to his corner where Kozlov tags in. Santino twists Justin's arm, but Justin gets out of it, but punching Santino. He goes to hit Kozlov, but he just blocks it and shoves him across the ring. He then throws him into the corner....literally, and kicks him in the chest, sending him back down to the apron. He lifts him up and lays him over one shoulder, Justin wiggles and gets down and hits the back of Kozlov's leg, taking him down. Justin then comes off the ropes and Kozlov gets up a bit and just literally shoves Justin in midair, him going crashing down to the apron.

Riss cringes and squashes the urge to run over.

Justin rolls out of the ring, but not out onto the floor. Riss' instant reaction is to go over to check on him. But just as she got to him, Kozlov came over and grabbed Justin by the hair and lifts him up. Justin however reverses and jumps down, making Kozlov's neck bounce off the top rope. Justin instantly gets back into the ring and delivers a neckbreaker before tagging Heath in. Heath kicks him and hits him with a knee before going for the cover, Kozlov kicks out. He's now in the Nexus corner and Heath tags Justin back in. They double team before Heath gets out and Justin tags him back in and they double team some more. They do it again a 2nd time, Heath tagging Justin back in and they double team again. Santino comes in protesting, the ref distracted, so Heath takes advantage.

Kozlov starts reaching, but Justin won't let him get the tag at all. He starts to get out of the hold, but Justin comes back and kicks him in the head, goes for the cover, kickout at two. Justin keeps him there again as he reaches for the tag, but he starts pushing and getting closer to Santino. Justin tries his best to keep him away. Heath however comes in and hits him with a cheap shot, not allowing a tag that may or may not have happened. Santino gets into the ring so that causes another distracted and then both Heath and Justin take advantage of that. They drag Kozlov back over to their corner, Heath gets out, Justin uses the ropes to jump up and stomp on the back of Kozlov's neck. Justin tags Heath in now and does the same thing Justin was doing earlier to Kozlov. He however was using his power to get back, but Heath stops him and gets him into the corner, Kozlov comes back however with a clothesline. Both Justin and Santino were reaching for a tag. Kozlov tagged Santino in and Heath was just losing the match right now. Santino covers Heath after he gets fired up, Justin comes in and stops it, Kozlov comes in and then he and Justin tumble through the ropes to the outside.

Santino then sets up for the cobra, but Otunga hops up and causes a distraction, Santino going after him. McGillicutty does the same thing. And then Heath hits Santino from behind with a neckbreaker. He goes for the cover and gets the three count. Justin and Heath retain.

"Thank goodness. He can do something right." Riss mutters as she goes to check on Justin.

"You okay?"

"I'll be fine. The tumble out of the ring wasn't too bad." He nods.

"Good." She says in relief, kissing him gently.

"Now let's get in that ring to celebrate." She grins.

He laughs and they both get into the ring. Mid-celebration the GM just had to chime in.

"Ah hell." Riss grumbles.

"Can I have your attention please! I have just received an email from the anonymous Raw General Manager. And I quote. As a reminder, in the upcoming WWE Championship match, Nexus is banned from ringside! If any member of Nexus attempts to interfere in this match, the entire group will be indefinitely suspended. Therefore I advise Nexus to leave this ring immediately."

"Off we go." Riss tugs on Justin's hand.

Heath however goes to get out of the ring to go over to Cole and the computer.

"Oh no you don't!" Riss yells, letting go of Justin and storming over and grabbing Heath by the ear and pulling him in the opposite direction to leave.

She twists his ear a bit and he yelps.

"That way!" She points to the ramp.

She has to let him go in order to get out of the ring, but as soon as they both were out of the ring, she grabs his ear again and drags him up the ramp, just to be sure he doesn't try anything stupid. She can tell the rest of Nexus is trying not to laugh.

"Ow ow ow ow ow!" He complains once they all get backstage.

"Hurts huh? Good!"

"Wasn't gonna have your stupid ass cost us our jobs." She adds.

"Next time use your brain!"

"Are you....ow....gonna let go....ow....of my ear now? Ow."

She lets go and walks over into Justin's arms.

"I can guarantee his ear will be red very soon." Justin chuckles.

"Good. Idiot."

"One more match and then it's nothing but privacy for us."

She nods.

"Mmm, I know. I'm so ready to get out of here. I'm still hyped up."

"I know."

"I really hope I broke her nose."

"It looked like you wanted to."

"Wanted to hurt her more than that."

"But I'll settle for a broken nose."

Justin chuckles.

"I hope it heals crooked." She scoffs.

"That'd be funny."

"She'd just get it fixed with plastic surgery, I'm sure she's no stranger to it."

"Probably not."

"I mean please, no woman has boobs like that naturally." She rolls her eyes.


"Who wants to deal with those anyway? Yours are real and better." He smirks.

"You're damn right they are."

He notices her eyeing the TV screen nearby and knows she's getting impatient.

"Soon." Justin nuzzles her neck.

Of course the usual video package is shown, hyping up the match. John was the first to come through since he was the ref and he was going out first. Riss reaches out and pats him on the shoulder sympathetically. He turns and gives her a nod, but stops and holds out his arms for a hug. She moves from Justin's arms and gives John a hug.

"Just try and focus on being a ref. Do what you have to do. Remember the fans loves you no matter what you do tonight."

"And be able to live with yourself afterwards." She adds.

"You go out there and ref the hell out of that match." She tries to make him laugh, because he looks so down.

He can't help laughing.

"Aha, I made you laugh."

"Thanks Karissa."

"You're welcome."

With that, his music goes off and he lets go of the hug and heads out first. She goes back to Justin, looping her arms around him and laying her head against his chest.

"I really feel bad for him. I didn't think it'd come down to this. Really not fair."

"I know." Justin kisses her head and rubs her back soothingly.

Wade comes through next, just as they start the group's music and then he goes out next. Then of course after Wade, that left Randy. So he walked through next and out he went to his music.

"I hope this is fairly quick." Riss mumbles.

"Let's hope so."

She steals a kiss and gets comfy, leaning against Justin. After a long, and hard fought match, in the end it looked like Wade was going to win the title after hitting Wasteland on Randy. But Randy would grab the bottom rope to break up the pin. This sparked a confrontation between John and Wade, to the point where Wade shoved John.


This causes John to shove Wade back, right into an RKO by Randy. John then would reluctantly count to three, allowing Randy to retain the title, but also meaning that John is fired.

"Oh man." Riss sighs.

"Match is over...we can go out there now." Heath states as he and the rest of the group start to head out to the aid of Wade.

Riss reluctantly pulls away from Justin and they follow. As they head out, the group goes to attack, but Randy and John would fight them off before John would go to the outside and grab the title, handing it to Randy before hugging him. During the scuffle, Riss and Justin had gotten Wade out of the ring and backstage to safety.

"At least that's over." Riss mutters.

"What now?" Justin asks.

"Um, back to the hotel?" She gives him a look.

"Right. Didn't know if you wanted to stick around because of John you know?"

She sighs.

"I do but yet I don't. He knows how I feel about this so I don't think there's anything left for me to say."

"Alright, well let's go back and get changed and we can leave."

A couple minutes later, they're in the changing area.

"Plus I'm still pretty keyed up." She murmurs, letting her hands roam over his back while he gets his jeans on.

"Well maybe getting back to the hotel will help you relax. Get away from here."

"You finishing what you started."

"That too."

She pouts as he puts his shirt on.

"It'll come off.....when we get to the hotel."

Justin turns around and pulls her close.

"Relax." He says softly, cupping her face before kissing her gently.

"It's a short drive to the hotel, won't take us long."

She nods, relaxing a little. They finish getting dressed and grab their bags. They leave the arena without any trouble. Once there, they grab their things, head inside, get onto the elevator and once on their floor, they head to their room. They drop their bags.

"Clothes. Off." She tells Justin.

"So demanding." He chuckles.

"Your fault."


She growls and he starts to get undressed.


She moves and trails her fingers over his skin.

"Much." She murmurs.

"Good." He grins.

She slips off her heels and kicks them aside. Then she steps closer, her lips brushing against his neck. She instantly hits the spot that she knows makes him go crazy, and when she does he tenses, holding her closer. She stays on the spot, relishing in having the upperhand for once. After standing for a while, she starts to push him backwards, heading for the bed. His legs hit the bed and she pushes him down on it. He looks up at her and she smirks, climbing on him to straddle his hips. Then she presses her lips to his in an intense kiss, kissing him hard. He groans and grips her hips, kissing back. He doesn't even bother to try and roll them back over, because he's just too lost in the kiss at the moment anyway. After a bit though, he realizes she still has her dress on. He moves his hands from her lips slowly , going to her back to unzip the dress. Justin starts taking control of the kiss, distracting her from what he's doing with his hands. He gets to the zipper and slowly starts to move it down, unzipping the dress. He fully unzips it and then starts to pull the top down her arms. Once he gets her arms clear, he flips them over so she's on her back with him over her. The kiss of course has not been broken and he gets more and more touchy.

He reluctantly breaks away, intent on getting her dress the rest of the way off. He leans his forehead against hers as he starts to inch the dress lower. He gets it off and tosses it, returning to cover her body with his. He goes to kiss every inch of her skin that he can reach, keeping in mind also to not leave any marks. She shifts under his lips and touch, making noises. Once he got every inch of skin that was exposed, he trailed back up to her lips. She yanks him down, crushing their lips together. She kisses him heatedly while wrapping her legs around him to hold him in place. Since he can't move really, the least he can do is have his hands wander, which is what he does. He slips them beneath her and fumbles around, trying to find her bra clasp. When he finds it, he makes a noise of triumph, and when he gets it unclasped, he makes another noise of triumph. She laughs and takes it off, dropping it on the floor. He pulls the blanket over the both of them, before they both start to reach for each other's underthings.

Meanwhile Ted and I are changing for bed in our room. I come out of the bathroom after changing and since he was up for the massage because of his back, I went into my bag to grab what was needed. Since we'll be going to sleep after this, I grabbed the oil that was made to help with sleeping after.

"Alright, this is guaranteed to help you sleep better, especially after tonight."

"I really appreciate you doing this love." Ted says as he lays on his stomach.

"Oh you're welcome."

I set the oil and a towel on the bed by him and then straddle his hips. I pour some oil into my hand and then warm it by rubbing my hands together.

"Now I know this enhances sleep, but if you get sleepy, let me know and I'll stop and clean up so we both can go to bed."


I start up by his shoulders and neck first, before moving lower every so often. Ted groans happily.

"Glad to know it's working." I say with a smile.

"It is soooo working."

"I have plenty of this stuff so...whenever you want to feel better from the pain from a match or whatever, let me know. I'm always up for helping."

"Mmm, thank you."

"You're very welcome."

I get to his waist and he shifts.

"Getting sleepy." He mumbles drowsily.

"Alright. Can you stay awake enough for me to put everything away and clean up before I get into bed?" I nod and ask.

"I think so."

"Okay. I'll be quick just in case."

He mumbles a response. I use the towel to clean my hands and to clean up any excess oil. I get off the bed and put away the towel and the oil. I then turn off the light before climbing into bed. Ted rolls over and opens his arms. I slide over and snuggle into him.

"I'll sleep perfectly tonight, thank you." He mumbles.

"You're welcome. Love you." I smile, kissing him.

"Love you too."

With that, it's only moments before he's snoozing. I look up and laugh to myself at how adorable he looks, before dozing off myself.