Priceless Sensation

Hawaii Wedding

The next morning we're all up extra early, we don't want to be, but we have to be up this early.

"Ugh. Tired." Riss mutters as she picks up her clothes.

"At least we can sleep on the plane."


"I'm sure the day will fly by."

"I hope so. I miss him already."

"I know you do."

Nattie and her take turns getting ready. When they both were ready, they make sure they head everything together and ready to go.



They both grab their bags and such and leave the room. They meet up with me and the other girls in the lobby. We check out and then pile on a bus going to the airport. Since most of us were mostly tired from being up so early, we sleep on the way to the airport. Once there, we go through the tedious process of checking our luggage and going through security. After that we get ourselves breakfast and any other items we need for the flight. Once that's done we head to the gate. Since the plane was already there, we were able to board instantly. We get settled in our seats and once the plane takes off, almost all of us fall asleep. The flight was long, but with us sleeping a majority of the time it did seem a lot shorter. Finally we land in Hawaii. We go get our bags and go out to find Melanie. She and Ted Sr flew in early so they could watch over the wedding and reception being put together. That's when we spot her and head over to the car where she is.

"Hi Mama." Riss smiles.

"Ohhh it's so great to see you again." She says hugging her.

"It's good to see you too." She hugs back.

"Ready for the day?"

"Of course!"

"I hope the time I have to wait, goes by quick." You add.

"It'll fly by but yet feel like its dragging." She says knowingly.

"I hate that feeling."

"I know honey. We'll try to keep you occupied."

"Oh I know."

We load up the car with our luggage and pile in, heading to the hotel. Since we were still tired, we ended up sleeping on the way there. We wake up at the hotel and unload before going to check in.

"Wait, I think I should wait for Ted. He is surprising me with our room afterall."

"You want to set your stuff in my room for now? The boys aren't coming for a few hours." Riss says.

"Yeah, it beats sitting in the lobby."

We all go to our rooms and put our bags down. Most of the girls change into outfits more suited for the warm weather.

"Still tired..." I mumble.

"Me too." Riss yawns.

"I think I'm going back to sleep."

"I'll come wake you girls in about an hour. We're getting massages before we get our hair done." Melanie says.

"Alright, sounds good."

She hugs us and leaves the room. Riss and I go lay down for a nap. Just as I lay down my phone goes off.

"I know who that is."

"Aww." Riss teases.

"He didn't want me to leave so early this morning. He wanted me on the plane with him."

"Sorry Marvin but I need my maid of honor."

"He can survive the flight without me for a few hours." I remark as I reply to him.


"I might not actually get any sleep now.."

"You do that." She shrugs, rolling over.

She falls asleep rather quickly, but I stay awake for a little bit until when I put my phone down for a moment and then I doze off. An hour later Melanie comes to wake us up. I sit up and stretch before getting out of bed and getting my things together to go. Riss does the same. Soon enough, we're on the way to the spa. We stay relatively close to each other, picking the same things to do. We talk and tell stories to pass the time. After we were done in the spa, we went to the salon to get our hair done. As her hair is being done, she makes sure her phone is in reach because she knows the boys will be getting off their plane soon.

"Should be getting off their plane any minute now."

"Oh you're right. Didn't realize it was that time already."

"Poor Justin has got to be going crazy."

"I know he is. We haven't been apart for this long in months." Riss comments.

"But at least it's only for a few more hours or so."


"It'll all be worth it."

"Mmhmm. It still feels a bit surreal that I'm getting married."

"Everyone feels that way at first."

"Of course."

"And just think. You get to do this all over again next month."

"I know. That will be just as special."


Right after that, her phone goes off. She reaches for it with a smile.

"And there he is."

She giggles.


"I bet he says he misses you."

"Yes he did."


"I know. He's being all cute."

"As always."


She replies to every text that he sends her.

"Okay what is that noise?" Nattie asks after a bit.

"That would be Riss' phone." I laugh.

"He's blowing up my phone. I can't help it."

"Aww." She laughs.

"He really really misses you then."

"He does."

"Of course it'll all be made up for tonight."

"Oh yes." She nods.

"Good luck with that." I snicker.

She blushes a little bit.

"Not that you're in for it any other night, but still."

"I know." She giggles, still blushing.

Shortly after that, her hair had been finished.

"Oh my." She breathes after looking in the mirror.

"I love it!" I exclaim.

"Honey it's perfect." Melanie smiles.

"It's so you." Nattie adds.

"Very you." Melina agrees.

"Between that and the dress, you're going to blow Justin away."

"I can't wait to put it on." She sighs happily.

"Seeing as I haven't seen it on you yet, I can't wait to." Melina adds.

"Me too." Nattie says.

"Oh, it's amazing."

We all thank the hair stylists and head back to the hotel. We did get the bridal suite to get ready in since the hotel owns the beach that the wedding ceremony is on. Melanie has arranged to have makeup people come to the suite. We only wait a short time before she lets them in after they knock. They get started on everyone else while Riss goes and takes off her regular clothes and puts on her bridal robe. Then she comes back out all ready to go. She sits in the chair and they start on hers. It doesn't take them long to do it, but when they were done, they show her.

"It's perfect."

She thanks them and moves from the chair. She grabs her phone and texts Justin while everyone else gets dressed before she does.

"You all look amazing." She says when she looks up from her phone for a moment.

"I love the dresses, they look great." She adds, smiling.

"I like it." I grin.

"Say bye to Justin dear, its time to get you dressed." Melanie says.

Gotta go love, time to get dressed. I'll see you in a bit.

Then Melanie comes over with her dress, handing it to her to put on. Melanie and I help her get into it and get it zipped up. Once it's all set, she turns around to show the girls who have not seen her in it yet. They all gush about how beautiful it is and everything. She's smiling widely. There's a photographer taking pictures and she has us pose for some. Then Riss does some by herself and what not. Then we all hang around until it's time to leave. We go down and everyone gets into place.

"Just minutes now."

"I'm shaking." She giggles nervously.

"That's normal."

Ted Sr hugs her.

"Take a deep breath. It'll all go away once you see him." He says.

"Trust me sweetheart, I see it every time I minister a wedding."

She nods and does as he says.

"You look so beautiful. I'm so happy that you came into our lives." He adds with a smile.

"I'm happy you accepted me into your lives."

"It honestly means so much to me. Thank you." She says, blinking back tears.

"You're welcome."

Then the bridesmaids start down the aisle one by one to soft tropical music. Once everyone goes through, it comes down to Riss. She takes another deep breath as the music changes to the bridal march, but yet with a tropical feel and then she steps out into the open with Ted Sr. He knows that she's still nervous so he pats her arm in re-asurement. She squeezes his arm gratefully. His eyes go wide and his jaw almost drops when he gets a look at her in the dress finally. She smiles widely and she giggles. They reach the alter and after letting Ted Sr go, she stands in front of Justin. Ted Sr takes her hand and places it in Justin's hand as he does the little giving away scene. Then he goes and sits down with Melanie. Riss hands her bouquet to me and then Justin and her turn to face each other. Once everyone else is seated, the minister officially starts the ceremony. They repeat what he tells them to until the vows. Justin and her take turns saying personally written vows. After the vows, it's the rings, then the 'I do's'

"I pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss your bride."

Justin grins as he holds both of her hands and leans in, pressing his lips against hers for the kiss. She lets go of his hands and throws her arms around his neck. Everyone erupts into 'awwws' and claps. He dips her back a bit, making them laugh. He brings her back up and pulls away from her lips. She smiles brightly at him with some tears in her eyes.

"You'll ruin your makeup." He chuckles, wiping the tears away that do fall.

"I'm trying not to. I'm just so happy." She giggle softly.

"I'm happy too."

"I love you."

"I love you too."

"I think it's time to walk back down the aisle."

She nods and turns, taking back her bouquet.

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lloyd Junior!" The minister says as they face everyone while they hold hands. Everyone then stands and claps as they walk back down the aisle. Everyone else heads to the cocktail area while the wedding party takes pictures.

"Almost forgot to tell you that you look amazing." Ted mutters to me.

"Thank you. You look good too."

"Oh I know I do."

I laugh.

"Confident much?"

"You know I am."

"Yes I know."

Then Riss motions for me to come over for some of the pictures.

"Be right back."

He nods and watches me go. I get to her and we do the pictures that I'm needed for. Justin and Riss finish taking pictures with everyone and then they start taking ones with just them. The rest of us were able to leave and go to the cocktail area, while they both were doing the pictures. Finally they finish and walk to the reception area to get a glimpse before everyone is let in. Then they wait until it's time for them both to go in. She snuggles into his arms as they wait to be announced.

I missed you."

"I missed you too."

"We're married." She smilse up at him.

"Yes we are."

"I love it."

"So do I."

She raises up and kisses him. Then she snuggles into him more when she pulls away.

"Together forever and ever now."

"I know. I'm so happy."

"I can tell."

"How do you feel?"

"I couldn't be more happy."

"I feel like I'm on top of the world and nothing can bring me down." He adds.

"Me too." She smiles.

"And in just hours, we're off to the honeymoon spot I chose."

"I can't wait to see where we're going."

"I can't wait to see your reaction."

Then they hear their names being called.

"Well time to go in."

She nods and steps back. They link hands again and walk into the area. They're met with claps and cheers when they walk in. Justin and her smile widely and show off a bit. Then they head to the table where they're going to sit. It's decorated uniquely from the other tables but yet fits into the theme.

"Oh I love this."

"I know, it's amazing."

Before taking their seats, she sets down her bouquet. Justin pulls out her chair for her to sit. She kisses his cheek and sits, letting him push the chair in for her.

"You're so sweet."

"Just for you."

"Of course."

He then sits and scooches his chair as close as he can get to hers. He laces his fingers with hers and kisses her cheek. She nuzzles his cheek in return. They sit and relax, talking to one another, until the food starts coming out.

"Ooh this looks good."

"It really does."

Everyone gets to eating. Justin and Riss feed each other occasionally and sneak a few kisses here and there.

"Next month we do this all over again."

"I know. I'm looking forward to it."

"As am I."

She smiles and kisses his cheek, nuzzling it gently.

"And the rest of the week, it's just you and me...up until Monday."

"Mmhmm. I can't wait. Its going to be relaxing."

"Yes it will be."

They finish their food and focus on each other, kissing quite a bit. They stop when it's time for the toasts.

"Oh man. I hope they don't say anything embarrassing."

"I'm sure they won't."

"I can see Marvin doing it."

"He would."

The first to give a speech are Ted Sr and Melanie. They talk about how great it is to have her in the family and to see their first ever daughter's wedding. She smiles tearfully and blows a kiss at them. Ted eagerly wanted to go next, and I laugh at his eagerness.

"Try not to embarrass her too much."

"I'll try."

He gets up and talks about how he loves having a sister to protect and tease, making a reference to a baby picture of her in a tub with a rubber duck and lots of bubbles. She instantly hides in Justin's shoulder. Justin laughs and pats her arm.

"I'm sure you were very adorable."

"Jussi." She whines, swatting him playfully.

"I'm sure it's true."

"Yeah yeah yeah."

"Love you too."

"But in all honesty, I'm lucky to have you in my life. I love you sis, the best of luck and happiness to you guys." Ted finishes

"I love you too." She mouths to him with a smile.

"Of course you start by embarrassing her and then you get all sweet." I shake my head amusedly.

"I can't help it." He grins.

After him more and more people stand and give their toasts. Once that is over, its time for cake.

"Come on, it's cake time." She says to Justin, pulling him out of his chair.

"Slow down, sweet tooth." He laughs and teases her.

"When there's cake, you never tell me to slow down."

He laughs again and lets her pull him to the cake table. After getting to the table, they grab the knife and both cut the first piece.

"Oh, you have something your nose." Justin says, while having a glob of frosting on his finger and when he touches her nose so does the frosting.



She swipes frosting and smears it across his lips, using it as an excuse to kiss him.

"Oh would you look at that." She giggles.

"Oops not all gone." She laughs, kissing him again.

*Of course everyone goes 'awww'.*

They break away and clean each other up before the cake is served. Then they head back to the table with the pieces that they had already cut. They sit down and feed each other again.

"Mmm. Its so good."

"I agree."

Justin steals a lingering kiss.

"You taste good too." He smirks.

She giggles.

"Of course."

"Still looking forward to having you alone." He murmurs in her ear.

She blushes slightly, biting her lip

"I kind of figured."

After a bit, they get called to have their first dance.

"A whole song to ourselves, yay." She jokes quietly.

"But it's our song."

"I know." She smiles.


"Forever." She repeats as he helps her up.

Then they go out into the middle of the dance floor to dance along to their song. He holds her left hand in his right and rests his left hand on her hip. She drapes her right arm over his shoulder, lightly cupping his neck with her hand. They sway and lightly move in a circle to the music. Neither of them are paying attention to anything but the music and each other.

"Awww." I say quietly.

"I'm happy for her. Those two are made for each other." Ted says, holding me close.

"Just like us?"

"Exactly." He smiles and kisses my forehead.

"How did you last without me this morning?"

"It was a little tough but I just reminded myself how pretty you'd look and that we'll have time to ourselves while they're honeymooning."


"And you do look very pretty."

"And everything was done by other people. Not myself this time."

"Beautiful either way.

"I can't wait until I see the room you booked us. It's killing me."

"You'll love it. I promise."

"I think you can last a few more hours." He adds.

"I guess so."

"You guess so?"

"It's hard." I whine. "I wanna know."

"I know you do. But the time will fly on by once we start having more fun."


"Like....this..." He trails off, grabbing some leftover frosting from his plate.

"Don't you dare..."

He taps my nose and snickers. I grab some of the leftover frosting from his plate myself and smear it on his cheek, smiling innocently. He laughs and puts some on my cheek too.

"You better be planning on getting that off of my face."

"I will."


Ted kisses and licks the frosting off me, making me squeal and giggle.

"Tastes good."

I do the same to get the frosting off of him.

"I couldn't agree more."

I kiss him and then snuggle into him. Soon Riss and Justin's song that was playing, ends. Everyone claps and cheers. Justin and her kiss one more time before the music changes to something upbeat and fun. That's when everyone starts to go out onto the dance floor to dance along with them. After a little while, she decides to take a breather while Justin dances with someone else. She walks around and talks to people who aren't dancing at the moment. Then she sits down at her table, sipping at some champagne. Since I wasn't really doing much, I got up from my table and came over to her.

"Heyyy." She smiles.

"Heyy." I greet back, taking a seat next to her.

She hugs me with one arm.

"Now we really are sisters."

"We are. Officially whenever Ted and I get married, but yeah."

"Oh please, I don't think it'll be too long. He's crazy about you."

"Oh I now he is. He agreed with me that we were made for each other just you and Justin are."

"It's true." She nods.

"I'm waiting for the day he asks me to come along for ring shopping like Jussi did with you."

I smile at the thought.

"Well it's only thoughts for now."

"For now."

"I can see it now. Something somewhat small at his place." She adds.

"It would be pretty." I nod.

"Right on the lake..."

I daydream a little until she giggles.

"Someone's having thoughts...ooooh."

"Oh hush."


"Its too cute." She laughs.

"Where would you go for the honeymoon?" She asks.

"Um, I kind of had that already planned out a long time ago..."

"Oh really? Do tell."

"Well the place in his movie is an actual resort, and it's so beautiful there, and he knows the area really well, so I was thinking that, and he knows that."

"Oooooh yeah, that was so pretty. That sounds like a perfect spot for you guys."

"I wanna like, travel through the caves that lead to the back of the resort. That looked so cool, leading a private beach and everything."

"Oh yeah."

"So yeah, that's been in the back of my mind for a long time now."

"I'm sure it'll happen."

"Well he knows I want to go there so I know it'll happen."


"But lucky you. I don't know where me and Jussi are going. All he will tell me is that it's somewhere tropical." Riss pouts.

"Awww. Not long left to wait now." I point out.

"But you know what, I think Justin can't wait to remove that garter." I nudge her.

"He keeps giving you looks."

She turns red.

"He's been extra flirty. We haven't had nighttime activities since the night before we had that girls day because I wanted tonight to be special."

"He's having withdrawals." I snicker.

"Yes. It shows huh?"

"It does."

She giggles, still red.

"You know what's gonna be funny? If you catch the bouquet when I throw it." She says, changing the subject.

"That'd be a coincidence wouldn't it?"

"It would be."

"You're jinxing it, aren't you?"

"Maybe." She smirks.

"You would."

"Yup." She snickers.

"Uh oh...Justin's coming back...still showing signs of withdrawals." I nudge her again.

She swats me, going red again.

"Shall I leave you two alone then?"

"Sure. Later Air."

I hug her before getting up, heading back to Ted, passing Justin on the way, and Justin sits back down next to her.

"Why are you red?" He asks curiously.


"Laughing too hard at a joke Air told." She adds.


"Don't worry about it."

"If you say so."

"But you know what it's almost time for?" He grins.

"Yes I know. You're oh so excited."

"I am."

"Bouquet toss first though."

"Of course."

"Today has been perfect." She smiles.

"It has." He nods.

"It's a relief to finally be married."

"I know right?" He grins.

"Karissa Lloyd." She muses, testing out her new name.

"I love it."

"Me too." She smiles as she leans into him.

"It's perfect."

She nods, burrowing into his arms.

"Just like you."

"I'm not perfect babe."

"To me you are."

"You're too sweet, you know that?"

"As you always tell me."

She leans up for a kiss.

"I love you husband."

"I love you too wife."

Then she cuddles into his side. Soon after that she gets called for the bouquet toss. She kisses Justin and gets up, grabbing her bouquet. She walks to the dance floor. Then the floor fills up with all the girls who are eligible to participate in it. She turns her back and smiles at Justin before throwing the flowers behind her. And what do you know, I catch it.

"She did jinx it."

She turns around, sees me with it, and she cracks up.

"You so jinxed this!" I laugh.

She laughs harder. The floor starts to clear and she walks over to me.

"Yes I did jinx it."

I stick my tongue out at her and she snickers.

"We'll really be sisters in no time."

"That'd be nice."

Then a chair is put out in the middle of the dance floor....for Riss.

"Well look what's up next." I point to the chair and snicker.

"Oh god."

"Have fun." I nudge her, before going back to the table Ted and I are sitting at.

She blushes and walks over to the chair. Before she sits, she looks over at Justin who has a smirk on his face.

"Ohhh boy." She mutters.

He moves from the table and comes walking over to her.

"Behave." She threatens as he gets close enough.

She just raises an eyebrow.

"It's me you're talking to, afterall."

"Good point."

"I'll try my best to behave."

"You better."



"Now I believe you have a chair to sit in."

She rolls her eyes slightly but does as he says. Some music is put on for the mood, and a few people here and there cheer for him. She of course is already turning red. He kneels in front of her, smirking as he reaches for the bottom of her dress. She can't help but to hide her face in embarrassment. Justin laughs. His hands slip underneath the dress and he starts to go searching. She tries not to squirm, biting her lip.

"Aha." He grins, having found the garter.

"Congrats." She mutters around her lip.

He then begins to pull it off her leg. He makes sure to tease her with his touch the whole way down her leg and she really struggles to keep still.



"I'm trying to sit still..."

"Oops." He smirks.

She groans and bites her lip a little harder. He soon gets it to her foot and removes it. Everyone cheers and laughs. He then stands up and kisses her briefly.

"Payback tonight." She says quietly, nipping his jaw lightly.

"I know."

Then Justin goes to do the garter toss while she gets up and fixes her dress. After it gets caught, Justin comes back over to her. Music starts again and he pulls her into his arms. she lays her head against his shoulder.

"So much payback tonight." She mumbles.

"Oh yes." He smirks.

"Looking forward to it."

He agrees, nuzzling her neck.

"Just another couple of hours."




"The most excited you've ever been."


"Even though the wait of finding out where we're going is killing me..."

"I know." He chuckles.

"I want time to go faster."

"Try to enjoy the rest of this, we only have one first wedding."

"...I know."

Justin distracts her with a kiss. He makes sure to hold it longer, lingering a bit.

"That should help."

"Mmm..." She mumbles weakly.

"And I'll keep doing it until we get to leave."

She straightens up after and pushes her lips back to his.

"Aww. You know she jinxed me catching the bouquet." I remark.

"Yeah?" Ted chuckles.

"Either that or I was just lucky."

"Could be."

"I have to ask something. With all this wedding stuff going on, has it been on your mind lately? I mean now that I think of it, Riss' last dress fitting for this wedding, you were awfully quiet that day."

"I won't lie. It has been."


"Very much so."


"I love you."

"I love you too."

The rest of the time spent at the reception is mostly dancing and such and socializing. Before we all knew it, the party was ending and everyone started to clean up. Justin and Riss start saying goodbye to everyone.

"I'm gonna miss you all week." I say, hugging her.

"I'll miss you too."

"You too Marvin." She says to Ted.

"I'll miss you too...Ducky." He teases.

She switches places with Justin and hugs him, while Justin hugs me.

"Have fun here in beautiful Hawaii okay?"

"We will."

"Bye guys."


Justin and Riss' last goodbye is with her parents.

"I think I'll miss you the most."

"We'll miss you too."

"You enjoy wherever you're going."

"We will. He won't tell me though."

"Because it's a surprise."

They laugh as she pouts.

"I want to thank you for making today one of the greatest days of my life." She tells them seriously.

"You really deserved it."

She smiles softly.

"Today has really been amazing. Mama you took the vision in my head and made it so much better."

"That was the goal."

She hugs both of them tightly.

"Wait until you see the wedding next month."

"I'm excited for that. I really am."

"As am I." Justin adds.

"We should be going though. I'll send you a text when we land okay?" Riss says.

"Of course."

"Bye, love you."

"Love you too."

Then they make their way out of the reception area and to a waiting car that had all of their things already in the trunk and ready to go. It's off to the airport.

"Your dad made arrangements for a private flight." Justin tells her.

"Ohhh sneaky. This plays right into your plans of keeping the location a secret."

"Yes it does." He grins. "And if you want, you can get changed on the plane too."


"But we're on our way now."

"Mmhmm." She kisses his jaw.

It's not a long drive to the airport and soon the car pulls up to it. It doesn't take them long to get on the plane since they dno't have to go through security and such. Once all their luggage is on the plane, it goes to the runway to take off. They get into the air and after a bit, the seatbelt sign goes off. She unbuckles and turns to him.

"So how long will this flight take to get to where you're surprising me with?"

"Almost 11 hours." He says reluctantly.

"11 hours?!" She exclaims.

"Jussi, where the heck are we going?"

"It's tropical. It just happens to be really far away."

"It's worth it." He assures her.

"How're we gonna sleep?"

"Well don't private planes have bedrooms or something like that?"


"Wanna go see?"


They both get out of their seats and go searching for the bedroom. They go down the small hallway and open the door. She stops and gasps softly as she takes it in.

"Well looks like there is a bedroom."

She doesn't say anything, just taking in the flower petals strewn around the room and the soft romantic lighting.

"So it looks like the payback you have for me will be on this plane. Unless you want to wait the 10, almost 11 hours."

"No but I can't say I expected my wedding night to be on a plane." She says after a moment.

"Always a first for everything."

"True." She acknowledges.

"So as soon as it gets dark...." He grins.

"It's already starting to. We should make sure we eat dinner though."


She shuts the door and they head back out into the main area. Sitting back in their seats, she presses the button for a flight attendant. She comes out of the front area.

"Yes sir?"

"We'd like to know what's on the dinner menu please."

She tells them and they pick what they want. Then she goes to get the food prepared. Justin turns to Riss and tugs her closer. He dips his head down and kisses her neck.

"I have to say, I've never seen you look so gorgeous." He remarks.

"Jussi..." She starts to blush.

"I'm just being honest love."

"I know."

"You look good too. I think this suited this wedding more than a suit would have." She says.

"It does feel more comfortable."

"That's good." She smiles.

"Great to wear for the first wedding. Seeing as I'll probably, most likely be in a suit next month."


After a while, the food was all set and the attendant brought out both plates. She also gets them drinks and they thank her. She disappears back into the front. Back in Hawaii, after we helped clean up, Ted and I were heading to where we were staying.

"What about my stuff?"

"Already taken care of and in our room."


"Yes, yes I am."

"I wouldn't have you any other way." I smile.

When we start to get close to where we were staying, he has me close my eyes to be even more surprised. I make a face but do as he asks and shut my eyes. Ted leads me into the room. He stops me and then turns me so I'm facing in a different direction.

"" He tells me.

I open my eyes and gasp. Beyond the bed and stuff which I can see, the doors are slid open which shows a perfect view of the beach and the ocean.

"Oh wow. The view is amazing."

"I knew you'd like it."

"I love it."

"Only the best for you."

"Aww. That's sweet."

"And it's true."

I turn around, giving him a kiss and hug.

"And I've got another surprise for you. I've made dinner reservations, and I think you'll love where I made them."

"Oh? Where?"

"It wouldn't be a surprise if I told you would it?"


"And it's the perfect time, since the sun is going down. You can change into something more comfortable if you want. That's what I'm doing."

"Okay." I nod.

I pull away from his arms and find my things, digging through them for something to change into. Once I find something, I head into the bathroom. I take my hair down and brush it out before changing. When I leave the bathroom, Ted is already changed and standing by the doors as he watches the ocean. I smile to myself before putting my shoes on and walking over to him. I lean my head against his shoulder. He smiles and lays his head against mine.

"I'm ready to go."


He shuts the doors before grabbing the room key and we head to dinner. Since I don't know where we're going, I follow him. The sun is still setting and we're talking to each other when we walk. We walk over this hill, and he keeps walking, but I stop when I see tables everywhere on the beach. He realizes I stopped so he stops.


"I words for this..."

"That's good, it means I really surprised you."

"You did." I nod.

He grins and takes my hand, leading me to one of the tables. Then we sit and are given menus to look at. It doesn't take long before we give our orders and then we talk as we wait.

"I have to send Riss a picture of this." I say as I take out my phone.

"I'm sure she'd love it."

"I know she would."

"I can't wait to see where Justin took her." I add.

"I know right?"

"She said its some place tropical but that's all he would tell her."

"Well wherever it is, I'm sure she'll love it."

"Of course."

"Just like this place."

"Definitely. I see why they liked it so much here."

"I don't think anyone could not like it here."

"I agree."

"And after we're done here, we have the rest of the night to ourselves."

"That sounds really good."

"I thought so."

"I thought so."

"We haven't had too much of that."

"No, not really. Been busy. But we have a whole week full of it."


"Something we deserve." I add.

"Very much so." He agrees.

"I just hope this week doesn't fly by. The day already did."

"Well we were busy today. We'll have more time to enjoy this alone time."


"I love you."

"I love you too."

After we finish dinner, he pays of course and instead of going back to our room the way we came, we walk along the beach to head back. He wraps an arm around my shoulders and I put one arm around his waist. I also had removed my shoes so that it'd be easier to walk through the sand. I sigh happily and lean into Ted. He holds me tighter and kisses my head. We take our time going back, enjoying the time alone. By now it's gotten completely dark, but we did get back to our room just fine. Once inside, we both get ready for bed. When I come out of the bathroom, he's right there waiting outside the door.

"Couldn't wait?" I giggle.

He gives me a sheepish smile.

"You're not gonna let me walk....are you?"

"Nope." He scoops me up.

"It's not that far though."

"Can't I spoil you?"

"Of course you can. You spoil me every day after all."

"I'd give you the world if I could." He says as he walks to the bed and places me on it.

"You are my world and having you is just enough." I remark.

"I feel the same about you." He smiles.

"I'm glad."

Ted gets into bed and pulls me into a kiss. He holds it for longer, making up for the hours we lost this morning. When he breaks it, we lean our foreheads together.

"I love you so much." "I love you just as much."

"I don't think you even know how much I do love you."

"I can imagine can't I?"

"You can."

We kiss again. After that kiss, I yawn widely.

"Bedtime for you I think."

"For once I agree with you."

We both lay down and get comfortable.

"Night." Ted says, kissing my head.

"Night." I smile.

Riss and Justin have just finished dinner and the sun had set pretty quickly for them, being ni the sky on the plane and everything. The dishes and such get cleaned up and then she gets up. She leans over Justin and gives him a lingering kiss with passion. She breaks the kiss after a moment and walks towards the bedroom, giggling.

"Ohhhh, you're so in for it now."

"I think we established that." She laughs.

"You know what I mean."

"I know." She smirks as she disappears into the bedroom.

"Let me change into something...even though I know it's not lasting long." She adds.

"It won't." He agrees.

"Still want to change though."


"I'll wait out here." He adds.


He waits outside the bedroom patiently as she changes. She puts her dress in the bag after she changes.

"Alright, I'm ready. You can come in now."

Justin eagerly comes in. Once he sees her, he stops in his tracks, staring. She giggles and poses for him.

"Are you alive over there?"

"Uh...yeah..I think."

"You're speaking so you're alive."

She steps close to him.

"Someone has too many clothes on."

"I think we need to fix that..."

"Yes we do." She agrees, reaching for the buttons on his shirt.

While she works on the buttons of his shirt, he reaches out to touch the fabric of what she has on. Then he gets distracted by the fact that she took her hair down and there's curls tumbled over her shoulder. He moves his fingers to play with the curls now. She giggles and gets his overshirt piece off before pulling up his orange wife beater.

"You just look.....amazing."

"It's just for you."

"Of course it is."

She drops his wife beater on the floor. She drags her nails down his chest.

"Thought I was the one who was going to be torturing you." He grins, leaning his forehead against hers.

She laughs and brushes her lips against his.

"Remember last time you were too eager and I didn't get to do this."


She traces his abs.

"Let me have my fun before you have yours."

"...okay..." He stifles a groan as she brushes over his indents.

"Glad you agree." She smirks.

She runs her fingertips along his waistband. He tenses like always and hides his face in her neck. She giggles and starts to undo his pants. As she does that, he presses kisses to her neck while his face is hidden there.

"Mmm." She hums and she tilts her head to give him room.

One of his hands rest on her hip, while the other is tangled in her hair. She pushes his pants down and he steps out of them, kicking them away. Then on instinct, he can't help but start walking her back towards the bed. She lets him, holding onto his sides. He stops when he gets there, because he opens his eyes to see how close they are. He picks her up and she wraps herself around him. He lowers her onto the bed, and he follows, hovering above her and his lips move from her neck to her lips instantly. She kisses back eagerly and roams her hands. To mess with him, she moves them down to his indents. He groans into the kiss and she giggles. Then she catches him offguard when she presses her fingers into them. He growls deeply. She smiles at his reaction and decides to do it again. She gets the same reaction and laughs against his lips. She goes to do it again, but he grabs her hands and pins them to the mattress. She whines.

"There's only so much I can take...."

"No fair."

"Is it fair to say that I want this outfit off of you already?"

"I know. Not yet."

"Patience Jussi."

He whines, pouting. She reaches up and nips at his pushed out lip. He then proceeds to rest his forehead against hers as he lets her continue to do that. She does that while clenching her hands since he still has them pinned. They then switch places and he begins to nip at her bottom lip. She squirms a little. He decides to let her hands go in favor of running his down her sides. She rests her hands on his chest. As his fingers move along her skin, they leave goosebumps from the light touching. She squirms, shivering a little. Both of his hands then make their way to her thigh and when she least expects it, he squeezes gently. She moans, digging her nails into his skin a bit. He smirks and does it again, earning an even louder moan from her. He chuckles. Then he stops nipping at her bottom lip and presses his lips to hers, kissing her hard. She reaches up and holds his head in place. One of her hands then goes through his hair, occasionally tugging at it. Then she starts french kissing him. His grip starts to get tighter on her thighs. She squirms more and whimpers into his mouth. He moves one hand however to the fabric of her outfit, playing with it. She grabs his hand and moves it to the bow holding the front together. He grins at being able to finally get it off of her. He tugs on the bow and undoes it. Once it's undone, he's able to remove it, after moving the straps on her shoulder. It hits the floor and his hands wander over the newly exposed skin. Until he decides to move to the bottom part that goes with what he just tossed to the floor. He breaks his lips away and trails kisses down her neck. She bites her lip while trying to pull the cover sheet up. With every hit to the sensitive spot, it makes it harder to pull up the cover sheet. Finally she just gives up and clings to him, moaning softly. He smirks as he continues on the spot, set on leaving a mark. She whimpers, digging her nails in. He pulls away to see what's forming for a mark. He grins when he sees a decent sized one forming on the skin. He then proceeds to kiss around where the mark is. She tries to catch her breath, having gotten breathless with pleasure. She also takes this time to try and pull the cover sheet up once more. She gets it pulled up and they enjoy the rest of their wedding night.