Priceless Sensation

Hawaii and Honeymoon Day One

The first official day of being on vacation and it could not be any better. It actually felt nice to sleep in and not get woken up. Even though getting woken up by Riggs is just adorable. I shift in my sleep, since I had moved away from Ted while sleeping last night. Once I bump into him as I shift, I immediately snuggle into his side. He wraps his arms around me, mumbling. I can sense the sunlight coming into the room through the slots on the sliding, wooden doors, so I hide my face in his neck, not wanting to even see the sunlight just yet. Ted shifts a little but settles down, still sleeping. Since I'm basically awake right now, I stay the way I am, but my eyes stay closed and I stay hidden in his neck. I start to unconsciously draw patterns along his skin with my fingers. He squirms a bit, grumbling softly. I decide to have fun though, since I'm more awake. Since my face is hidden in his neck, I press light kisses to his skin. He shifts, beginning to stir.

"Good morning to you." I mumble.



"You're like your sister." I laugh.

"Maybe I need to wake you up more..." I add.


I grin and kiss at his neck even more. His pulse gets a bit faster and his hands wander a bit.

"I think someone's awake now..."


Before I know it, I'm pulled on top of him.

"Well good morning to you too."

"Morning." He smiles, kissing me.

I hold the kiss for longer, not wanting to let go just yet. It goes on until we have to break away for air.

"Should wake me up like that everyday."

"You would say that." I laugh.

"Well duh." He grins.

"I'll think about it."

"Alright." He chuckles.

"You're not letting me move are you?"


"Thought so."

"Too comfy."

"Fair enough. So what's the plan for today?"

"I was thinking the beach, scuba diving, and then night golfing."

"Of course you would pick golf. Ooh that means glow in the dark golf balls."

"Yes it does."

"I think I'll let you have that fun of golfing in the dark, I'll watch."

"You sure?"

"I'm sure. Mini golf is more of my game, than regular golf like you."

"Alright but let me know if you get bored okay?"

"Glow in the dark golf can that be boring?"

"I'm just saying."

"I'm not gonna get bored. Golfing with you, is amusing."

"Alright then."

"I'll have fun, I promise."

"Good." He smiles.

Then I tuck my head underneath his chin and turn my face away from the doors since the sunlight is peeking in.

"I love you Ariel." I hear him say softly as he plays with my hair.

"I love you too Ted." I smile.

"The sun just has to rise in the spot where the sliding doors are." I mumble.


"I'm sure it'll go away eventually." He adds.

"I hope so."

"The sun is lucky I'm comfortable." I add.

"Right." He laughs.

"And you're being touchy at the same time."

"Of course."

"Being touchy leads to other things with you, most of the time."

"Not all the time though. I think we should get up in a bit and go get breakfast."


After a little bit of kissing and such, we get up and get dressed. After we were dressed, we grabbed what we needed before leaving. We find a nice beach side restaurant to eat at.

"I love how almost everything is by the beach."

"I know, its great. The views are amazing."

"But not as amazing as you." He adds.

"Awww." I blush.

"And that's true."


"Just because I love you."

"Love you too."

The two of us enjoy our breakfast and the nice scenery. Riss and Justin are currently still sleeping, still on the plane, but landing soon. It was getting towards after 1 in the morning, where Justin had planned on taking her for the honeymoon. The alarm Justin set goes off and she just rolls over, hiding. Justin rubs his eyes and sits up.

"After 1am..." He mumbles.


"You can stay sleeping if you want. I think we'll be landing soon though."

"I want to sleep but I think they make you buckle up." She mutters sleepily.

"Should get dressed and back out to our seats then."

"Unfortunately." She yawns.

"We can sleep out there I suppose."


She sits up and stretches.

"Want me to get you clothes or do you got it?"

"You please. I think the less moving I do, the better."

He nods and grabs a piece of clothing of his from off the floor, puts that on and then goes over to her bags. He picks out her clothes and brings them over.

"Thanks babe."

"You're welcome."

Justin steals a kiss before going to get dressed himself. After he's ready, he picks up all their clothes and puts them away. Then they brings the bags out with them, when they go back to their seats. Not long after that seat belt light goes on, they get buckled. She shifts a bit, biting her lip.

"Something wrong?"

She raises an eyebrow at him.

"The soreness right? My bad."

"Mmhmm. You're proud." She looks amused.

"Always am."

"Yes you are."

"Love you."

"Love you too." She smiles.

Not too long after that, they start to land at the airport. The plane comes to a stop and the seat belt light goes off. They get off the plane and get escorted to a car that will take them to the hotel.

"So where are we?" She asks Justin.

"Can't really tell how beautiful it is here because it's still dark out due to it being after 1am, but we're at the Turks and Caicos."

"Isn't that in the Caribbean?"


"Once it gets lighter out, you'll be able to see everything."

She smiles and steals a kiss.

"I'm assuming you're gonna wanna sleep when we reach our hotel."

She nods and snuggles into Justin's arms. It's not a particularly long trip to the hotel. But they do stop eventually.

"Wow, this looks amazing." She comments as they get out.

"Just wait until you see the inside."

They go inside and Justin checks them in. They're handed the room keys and get help with their luggage, stepping into the elevator. They go up and are led to the penthouse suite.

"Ohh my." She says softly as they step in the door.

"Wait....have to do this right." He stops her before going any further, holding out his arms.

She looks amused and laughs quietly. She wraps an arm around his neck and lets Justin scoop her up.

"Wouldn't be a honeymoon if I didn't do that." He chuckles, walking inside.

"Of course."

Then he puts her down so she can look around. She wanders around in awe. Justin takes both of their things into the bedroom while she explores. She ends up on the balcony.

"Wow." She admires the view even though it's dark.

"Just wait until it's light out. The ocean is amazing."

"Oh I bet. You splurged on me again." She muses as his arms come around her.

"Only the best for you."

"Spoiler." She teases lazily, leaning against him.

"You deserve it."

She turns her head and kisses his neck.


"Should get some rest now in order to do all the things I have planned for today."

"Okay." She agrees without argument.

He keeps his arms around you as he leads her inside, and to the bedroom. They get undressed and climb into bed.

"Love you."

"Love you too."

They curl up together and fall asleep. Ted and I have been at the beach for a while now, going in and out of the water, despite him wanting to stay in the water the whole time.

"This is a great start to the day." I say.

"You know me and my great ideas."

"Yes I do."

"So staying here until lunch, having that and then going to scuba diving I'm assuming?" I ask.

"Yup." He nods.

"I thought so."

"Any word from Ducky yet?" Ted asks me.

"Nope. Not yet."

"Hope nothing went wrong."

"From what Justin told me, he's taking her to the Turks and Caicos. They're 6 hours ahead of us. By the time they left, when they landed, it was after 1am. Probably much later now."

"Ohh. Knowing them, they're probably asleep."

"Most likely."

"That makes me feel better."

"You honestly think something went wrong?"

"No but there are freak accidents sometimes. I'm not used to having a sister to worry about."


"I'm sure she'll send messages when they get up."

"Nothing to get worried about." I add.

"I know."

"But you can't help but to be worried, I know."

"Yeah." He nods, squeezing my hand.

I move from where I'm sitting, to sitting on his lap and snuggling with him to help him feel better about the whole situation. He wraps his arms around and nuzzles my neck.

"Thanks love."

"You're welcome. You're there for me, I'm there for you."

"I know."

"I'll call her tonight. I'm sure she'll be up by then."


We sit there for a while before taking one more swim in the water. After that, we dry off before heading to lunch. Lunch goes nice and easy, just the two of you talking and enjoying yourselves. After that we head right over to where the scuba diving is taking place.

"I can't wait to see all the fish." I say excitedly.

"Of course." He chuckles.

"It is very cool." He admits.

"Especially with everything else in the water."

"Of course. Its definitely an amazing experience."

"Well I can't wait."

"I know. I can tell." He laughs.

Once we go through the basics and such, we're able to get the suits and such, before going out on the boat. Ted is thoroughly amused by my excitement as I lightly bounce in the seat beside him.

"You didn't have sugar did you?" He chuckles.

"No. I'm just excited."

"That's obvious."

"Oh hush."

He just laughs and hugs me to his side.

"Don't ever change." He chuckles.

"I won't."

"Good." He kisses my head.

"Same with you."

"I won't. I have you to keep me grounded."


"Its the truth."

"Well I'm glad."

"Me too. I wouldn't change it for the world."

"Neither would I."

"That's good."

"I'm glad I met you when I started out on Raw. My first day."

"I'm glad too. You made everything much brighter."


Ted smiles and steals a kiss. Soon we're out to the spot where we'll be diving into the water. We do as we're instructed and soon find ourselves under the water. I look around in awe of the beautiful surroundings, the different types of fish and such swimming around. I then lace my fingers with Ted's as we swim farther down. We point things out to each other, having conversations with looks and gestures. He does spot something in the sand, so he digs a bit and it turns out to be a really pretty shell, and he hands it to me. I admire it and smile at him, squeezing his hand to say thank you. Then we do some more exploring. I end up finding a shell for Ted while roaming. Before I know it, it's time to go back to the surface. When we come back to the surface, we take the goggles and such off, before getting into the boat to head back.

"You were so right. That was beyond amazing." I say, hugging Ted.

"I knew you would love it."

"You know me so well. Thank you."

"You're welcome."

"Now the rest of the day to ourselves until tonight."


"I know I'll sleep good tonight. That's for sure."

"Nothing like a busy day with lots of fresh ocean air to wear you out."

"Never fails."


"Save this shell to put somewhere whenever we get the chance to go home."

"And we should have the picture we took after getting out of the water printed and put in a frame. We can put the picture by the shells."

"That's a great idea."

"A great way to remind us of a great trip."

"I love it."

"Me too."

Then we start to head for shore, and Ted keeps his arms around me to keep me warm since, being in the water and the wind from traveling along the water in the boat got a bit chilly. Once back at the dock, we get out of the suits and return the equipment. And we do what Ted suggested. We get the picture we had taken, printed and framed. With that and the shells in hand, we go back to our hotel room.

"Relaxation." I sigh, falling back on the bed.

"Yeah." Ted lays beside me.

"You look tired yourself."

"Maybe you should rest?"

"As long as I get to hold you."


"Yay." He smiles.

"Just let me open these doors..." I trail off, moving from the bed and over to the doors, sliding them open. A nice ocean breeze moves through the room.


I then go back over to the bed and climb onto it, back next to Ted. He pulls me into his arms and we both get comfortable. Hours pass fairly quickly for Riss and Justin. She had woken up before him and it was finally light outside. She kisses his head lightly before getting up. She places her pillow in her spot, knowing he'll be reaching for her at some point. Then she walks to the bathroom for a shower or bath. She doesn't bother getting clothes, because she can get clothes when she comes out of the bathroom. She takes her time, relaxing in the luxurious bathroom. While she was doing that, she was right about Justin cuddling with the pillow. After a bit, she dries off and takes care of her hair. She then slips into the room, searching for some clothes. She starts with getting underthings on before rummaging through her bags. Justin mumbles and shifts in his sleep. She glances over her shoulder at him and smiles softly. Then she sees him grab the pillow and hold it close to him. She giggles and turns back to her clothes. Once she finds some, she begins to get dressed. After that, she tip-toes out of the bedroom, heading to the kitchen. She looks for stuff to make for breakfast, in the fridge and cabinets. She finds everything fully stocked and she happily starts making breakfast, humming softly.

The smell of the food is what wakes Justin up. He stirs and opens his eyes, seeing her not in the bed next to him. He then smells the food again and decides to get up and investigate. He gets to the end of the small hallway leading to the bedroom and sees her moving about the kitchen, humming as she cooks. He smiles to himself and decides to walk over. He comes up behind her, wraps his arms around her waist and kisses her cheek.

"Smells good."

She jumps, a short yelp escaping.

"Oh goodness, you scared me."

"Sorry, I tried to be more affectionate so I wouldn't scare you."

"I was off in daydream land I guess." She says as she leans into him.

"It's ok."

"Sleep well?"


"Good." She smiles, kissing his cheek.


"I did too."


"Why don't you go get dressed? This is almost done."

"Alright." He nods, heading back to the bedroom.

"Ah ah ahhh. I think you're forgetting something." She says in a light sing-song tone.

"Oh, right."

She stands there and waits, an amused smile on her lips. He turns and walks back, wrapping his arms around her and pressing his lips to hers. He dips her and she giggles against his lips. He holds her there for a bit, before bringing her back up so she's standing. He breaks the kiss and smiles.

"Much better. Now you can get dressed."

He grins before letting go and heading to get dressed. She goes back to finishing breakfast and gets their plates fixed up. She brings them to the table and shorty after, Justin walks back out.

"Looks good love." He says.

"I hope it tastes as good." She replies as she starts to sit.

"I'm sure it does."

She nods as she waits to see if she'll actually be able to sit in her own chair.

"Don't worry, you can sit in your own chair.....for now."

She looks amused.

"For now?"

"Yes...for now."

They start to eat.

" amazing. You should cook more often."

"I will if you want me to." She smiles shyly.


She nods.



She gets hugged and then kissed thoroughly.

"Wow, I didn't think my cooking was THAT good." She says afterwards, a bit dazed.

"Oh it is." He grins.

"Good to know."

"Even though your cooking is just as good." She adds.

"Well thank you."

"You're welcome."

Once they both finish eating, Justin offers to wash the dishes, since she cooked the food.

"Alright, if you insist." She remarks.

"I'm going to go on the balcony okay?"

"Alright." He nods, kissing her quick.

She walks over to the balcony doors and goes out, admiring the gorgeous view. Justin starts the dishes, happy that the floor plan of the penthouse is very open which allows him to watch her as she's on the balcony. He takes all the dishes and goes over to the sink. He occasionally looks up to see her admiring the view from the balcony. She takes her phone out of her pocket and realizes she hasn't called or texted anyone. She starts doing that, assuring everyone that they're safe and enjoying themselves. Once she was done with that, she uses her phone to take a few pictures of the view. She sends a few to me. Then she puts it away and continues to admire the view. Before she knows it, warm arms settle around her. She leans back and sighs happily.

"This is"

"I knew you would love it."

"I really do. This is the perfect relaxation paradise from everything."

"I'm glad."

He dips his head and starts kissing her neck lightly. She tilts her head as usual.

"So what are we doing today?"

"Well there's tons of things we can do. Dolphins, caves, snorkeling, the flow rider, the Hole..."

"The Hole?" She asks curiously.

"It's a 10 foot hole and you can be lowered down 80ft into it to a swimming hole."

"You would pick something like that." She laughs.

"I would."

"I really want to do it." He adds.


"What do you want to do though?" He asks.

"Well, I'd like to go to the beach."

"We can do that."

"Good." She smiles before biting her lip as he brushes the love bite he left.

"One of many lovebites I've left." He chuckles.


"I think they'll be gone before we go back to work on Monday."

"I hope so."

"Don't worry, they will be."

"Okay." She murmurs absentmindedly.

"They're tiny ones."


"Well some are."

"I thought so."

"Not bad as they normally are though."


"So what would you like to do first? The beach?"

"Sure." She agrees lazily, reaching up to tug gently on his hair.

"Just not right now." She adds.


"Comfy and relaxed..."

"...and private time is sounding nice." She continues, tugging his hair again as she reaches back and snaps his waistband flirtatiously.

"Didn't have quite enough last night, did you?" He chuckles, after tensing.

"Nope, we're on our honeymoon so I have an excuse to want more."

"Well then...." He grins.

She squeals as she gets thrown over his shoulder and carried to the bedroom.

"Jussi!" She giggles and he just laughs.

"You want private time again..." He trails off.

"So I decided now. Afterwards, we can go to the beach." He finishes.


"I can get another outfit. You liked the one from last time." She offers.

"I did."

"Want another?"


"Gotta let me down."

He nods and sets her down.

"Any preferences?" She asks.

"Surprise me again."

"I can do that." She giggles.


She walks over to her bags and searches for what she wants. Once she find something, she heads into the bathroom to change. She makes him close his eyes before she walks out. She sets her clothes by her bags and steps over to him.

"Okay. Open."

He does so and takes in her image, staring.


"Never cease to amaze me..."

He makes a circle with his finger, wanting her to spin. she giggles and turns in a circle.

"Has to be one of my favorites now."

"I'm glad you like it so much."

"Glad you got it."

She moves closer and leans up, kissing beneath his ear. She trails kisses down his neck while reaching for his shirt. He gladly allows her to remove it for him. She gets his pants too before allowing their lips to meet. He wastes no time in picking her up and carrying her over to the bed. Justin lays her out on the bed. She pulls him down over her.

"Round two..."

She giggles.


"If I had known this was gonna happen, I wouldn't have gotten dressed at all..."

"Oh well."

He presses his lips back to hers, and instantly goes under the blankets, not wanting to take any more time. Afterwards they rest for a bit. Then they get up and gather stuff for the beach. It wasn't a far walk, seeing as the beach was right there. They find a spot and set up their stuff. she takes off the coverup she put on, showing off her black bikini with 'Just Married' on the back of the bottom and two linked rings on the right cup of the top.

"I love that." Justin grins.

"I figured you would." She laughs.

"I love everything you wear."

"I know."

"Touche." She adds.

"But this, this lets these other guys that check you out know you're taken and mine." He smirks, holding her close.

"They better get the message loud and clear then."

"Yes they better."

"Including one particular person...."


"Well two, but we don't need to worry about them."

"I know. They're just annoying."

"Like flies. Hit them with fly swatters."

Riss laughs.


"Whack...ow!" Justin snickers.

Riss laughs harder.

"Do that all night."

"Oh my god that would be hilarious."


She kisses him and sits on her towel. She fishes out the tanning oil.

"I'll help with that." Justin states.

She giggles and hands it to him. He gets her back and such where she can't reach. She gets what she can.

"You want some?" She asks.


She pats the spot in front of her. He sits and she massages the oil into his back. He almost completely relaxes into the feeling.



"Don't forget to get your front."

"Right." He nods.

He does so and then they lay side by side in the sun.

"Love you."

"Love you too."

After a while, she hears a click noise.

"What was that?"


"You're taking pictures aren't you."


"Why don't I believe you?"

"Oh I don't know.."

"I can still hear you taking pictures."

"No you can't."

"It clicks when you take a picture love."

"You can't prove anything." He chuckles quietly.

"What happens if I check your twitter?"


"That's what I thought. What'd you put?"

"Try and guess."

"I don't want to guess."

He hands her his phone for her to read.

"Beautiful view with a side of sexy? You're a goof."

"Love you too."

"Making stalkers jealous without being there."


She laughs and sits up.

"Water now?"


He puts his phone away and gets up with her. She swats his butt and runs into the water, laughing.

"Ohh, I'm gonna get you for that."

"Bring it."

"Oh it's on."

She swims away from him, still laughing.

"You're not getting away that easy."

"I'm winning."

"Not for long."

He does a sneaky move and grabs her. She squeals.


"Aha, I've got you."


"You can never escape me."

"I don't really want to."

"Of course not."

She snuggles into him. Then they float around in the water.

"This water is so pretty."

"I knew you would think so."

"You chose well." She kisses his cheek.

"Thank you."

"I think that we should come back again some time."

"I think we will."

"Good." She smiles.

"In the near future."

"Sounds like a plan."

"Wish we could stay here forever."

"I know. Its relaxing."


They goof around in the water. After goofing around in the water for a while, they decide to head back onto the beach. She sits between Justin's legs and leans back against his chest. He wraps his arms around her and holds her closer, as they enjoy the view from where they're sitting. She lays her arms on his.

"I wonder how Air and Marvin are doing. I hope they're having fun."

"I'm sure they are."


"I know they were having fun last night, from the pictures she sent me." She adds.


"Yeah, they went scuba diving."

"Last night Marvin surprised her with dinner on the beach too."

"Ohh. Sounds nice."

"The view was amazing from what I saw."

"Of course."

"So I guess they are having fun."


"So are we."

"Oh yes." She smiles.

"Tons and tons of fun."

He kisses a love bite on her neck and she laughs.

"More fun to come the rest of the week too."

"Of course." She giggles.

"It's going to be a week you'll never forget."

"I know." She smiles.

"It's already unforgettable." She adds.

"Good, that's what I planned on."

"You've succeeded."

"Great." He kisses her neck.

"Everything is perfect."

"Yes it is." He agrees.

"But not as perfect as you." He adds.

"Charmer." She blushes.


He keeps complimenting her and being flirtatious.*

"Always have to make me blush don't you?"

"You're cute when you blush." He grins.

"You always say that."

"Because it's true."

"Whenever you want to go do that Hole thing, we can go."

"Alright. In a few minutes or so. Not ready to get up just yet."

"Okay." She giggles and snuggles against him.


"I'm your personal pillow huh?" Justin chuckles.

"Yes you are."

"You should know that by now."

"I know, I know."

"Love you."

"Love you too."

They sit for a bit longer before getting up. They gather their stuff and go back to the room. From there they get changed and everything to head to The Hole. They get there and they explain the whole process to them. She eyes the large hole with a hint of nervousness.

"You don't have to do this if you don't want to." Justin reassures her.

"I want to do this with you. I can't help being a little nervous though."

"Right. That's normal."

"You go first, so I know you're waiting for me."

"Alright. See you at the bottom."

She reaches up and kiss him hard.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

She watches as he gets lowered down. After a bit, he finally reaches the bottom. Then it's Riss' turn. She hangs onto the rope tightly with her eyes closed.

"It's okay, I'm right here!" Justin calls as she gets lowered down.

She doesn't open her eyes until she feels his touch.

"You did it."

She sighs in relief and lets go of the rope, latching onto him.

"Most scariest thing I've ever done in my entire life."

"One of them anyway." She corrects, still holding onto him.

"Maybe we'll leave the extreme stuff to you yeah?" She adds.

He laughs.


"I'll stick to rollercoasters and such for adrenaline rushes."

"That's fine."

"This is cool though, now that I'm down here."

"Isn't it?"

They swim around and explore. They goof around a bit. She squeals as he tosses her. He laughs and then jumps in after her. She dunks him when he pops up.

"That's what you get for tossing me." She giggles.

"Touche." He laughs.

Then he splashes her.

"For dunking me."

She splashes back and laughs. This then starts a splashing fight. They calm down after a little while and she swims into his arms, snuggling into his chest.

"The day has been really fun."

"I agree."

"What else is planned for the rest of the day?"

"I have a surprise planned tonight."


"You'll love it."



"Awww come on."

"You'll survive without any hints."

She pouts.

"It's a surprise."


"Like I said, you'll love it."

"I know, I trust you."

"So wanna head back now?"

"Yeah." She nods.

"I'm assuming we get pulled back up..."

She nods again as they go to the rope.

"You first." Justin offers.

"Okay. I love you." She says before getting a kiss.

"Love you too."

She gets pulled up and she makes sure not to look down. After she gets back to the top, she gets help getting back onto solid ground, and then they drop the rope down for Justin. She bites her lip, watching for him. It takes a bit, but he finally gets up to her. He gets off and she hugs him happily. He kisses her head to reassure her. The workers offer to take their picture. They also get a picture looking into the Hole. After that, they start to head back. On the way, her phone rings and it's me.

"Hello?" She asks.


"Heyyy. How are you?"

"Good, and you?"

"I'm great. Calming down but great."

"Calming down? Why?"

"We just got done with this thing called The Hole. Its this 10ft wide hole and you get lowered 80ft and you can go swimming."


"It was pretty crazy."

"Sounds like it."

"How's Hawaii?"


"I told you."

"I don't ever wanna leave."

"I know the feeling."

"But we have to unfortunately."

"I know. Ugh."

"Hopefully the week doesn't go by too fast."

"I hope not. I wish I could've been there when Kelly saw what Jussi put on twitter earlier."

"Oh I'm sure she's throwing a big hissy fit."

"Good. Wish someone would tape it." Riss snickers.

"I would've."

"I know."

"So, what're you up to?"

"Heading back to our room. Though it isn't really a room. Its a freaking penthouse." She laughs lightly.

"Oh he spoiled you again didn't he?"

"Oh yeah. Big time."

"We're both being spoiled."

"They always do."

"Because we deserve it."


"What else do you have planned?"

"He has a surprise planned so I don't know." She says amusedly.


"I know right?"

"I'm sure it'll be amazing."

"Oh of course, it is Jussi after all." She giggles.

"Of course."

"What about you and Marvin?"

"Well when it's completely dark...night golf...glow in the dark golf balls and everything."

"Oh that sounds like fun."

"Which is why he picked it."

"That and he likes golf...a lot."

"It's either that or hunting. Can't tear him away from any hunting games."

"That too." She laughs.

"What would I do without him right?"

"You'd be lost." She says lightly but with a serious undertone.

"Probably would be."

"I feel the same about Jussi." She glances at him and smiles softly.

"And now you're married to him."

"Mmhmm. It's surreal but it feels amazing to know that we're together for the rest of our lives."


"You'll see one day."

"One day."

"I can't see you or my brother marrying anyone else."

"Wouldn't want to marry anyone else."

"Aw. That's cute."

"I'm sure he feels the same way too."

"I'm positive."

"I do." She hears him in the background.

"Awww. Cute Marvin."

"He just loves being all sweet and everything."

"Because I love you." He says, kissing my cheek and Riss laughs softly.

"I love you too."

She teases me by making kissy noises.

"Oh shush you."

"Couldn't help it."

"Of course not."

"Ted was all worried about you until you sent that text earlier." I add, changing the subject.

"Oh? What for?"

"Because freak accidents can happen and all that."

"Ohh the long plane ride. I would've texted when we landed but I was really tired."

"I figured as much."

Justin snickers and Riss starts blushing. She swats at him. He continues to snicker, giving her an innocent look.

"Oh stop it with the innocent look." She scoffs.

"Love you too."

"What's he doing?" I ask.

"Making me blush and acting all innocent about it."


She sticks her tongue out at him

"So what are you and Marvin up to?"

"Just enjoying the view from our room right now."

"Ooh? What's the view like?"

"Its beautiful. Palm trees and the water...I'll send you some pictures after we hang up."


"I'll send you some of the penthouse and our amazing view then." She adds.

"Alright well we've reached our hotel. I'll talk to you later. Have fun and tell Marvin not to worry so much."

"I will."

"Bye Air."

"Bye Riss."

With that, we both hang up. Justin and Riss go up to their suite. She takes pictures for me with her phone. Once she got the pictures that she wanted, she sends them to me. She sets her phone down afterwards.

"What do you want to do now?" She asks Justin.

"Hmmm...relaxing sound good?"

"Mmm, sure. Cuddling somewhere or jacuzzi?"


"Okay." She giggles.

"You get it started up then."

She nods and goes to the jacuzzi, figuring out the controls. After playing around with it for a bit, she gets it turned on and started. She dips her hand in and sighs happily at the warmth. Since she didn't really need to change much, she stepped right in as she waits for Justin. She leans on the side and admires the fantastic view of the vivid blue waters of the ocean. After a while, Justin comes out to join her. She doesn't even notice until he puts his arms around her and kisses her neck.

"Oh Jussi...its so pretty here. Do we have to leave?"


She sighs, pouting.

"I know."

"Make most of the time that we have." She murmurs.


Justin sits and she climbs on his lap, making herself comfortable.

"Much better."

She gives him a long, lingering kiss.

"That should hold you over for now."

"For now."

"Yes for now."

"I love you."

"I love you too."

Then they continue to sit there and relax. Meanwhile, Ted and I have gotten ready for the night golfing.

"This should be fun."

"I know." He grins.

"Are you sure you just wanna stand back and watch?" He asks.

"Yes. I'll be fine, honest."

"Alright, just making sure."

"I know." I smile, kissing his cheek.

"Ready to go?"


After making sure we head everything we needed, we headed out. At the place, Ted pays for his time and such. We walk to his assigned area. He sets up the ball and everything, getting ready. I sit on a bench and watch with a smile.

"The grass is glowing from all the golf balls."

"I know. It looks really neat."

"Have to take a picture of this."

"Of course."

"During the day I'm sure it looks like snow with the millions of golfballs."

"Hah, probably."

"Oh trust me, I'm sure it does. I've seen places like that."


"Oooh how far is that going?" I ask as I watch the ball he hit.

"Far I think."

"See you're much better at this than me."

"I've had lots of practice."

"You play more than me."

"Yes, that's true."

"Mr. expert."

"I wouldn't say expert. Its a fun hobby."

"Relaxing hobby."

"Yes." He nods.

"I think that just being with you relaxes me."

"That's true too." He agrees.

"I'm sure the same goes for you."


"That's why I love you."

"I love you too."

I then continue to watch as he golfs. We start flirting back and forth, teasing each other lightly.

"Don't make me come over there." He chuckles.

"Try it." I stick my tongue out.

"I'm warning you."

"Bring it."

"I take that as a challenge."

"What if it is?"

"You're gonna lose."

"I don't know about that."

"I think you will."

"We'll see."

"May have to show you."


"Don't test me." He chuckles.

"And what if I do?"

"I think you know what will happen."

"Oh?" I say innocently.





"Are we gonna do this all night?"


"Well I'm done with the golfing...."

"Oh okay."

"And we have a long walk know what that means...more than enough time to plan...."

"Oh boy."

All he does is smirk.

"Hence the reason why I didn't come over to you right now."

"Uh oh."

"Uh oh is right."

I get up and follow Ted back to the booth. He turns in the clubs he rented and then we leave. We head back to the hotel, hand in hand.

"Do you really need all this time to plan?"

"Not really."

"I just like to say that." He adds.

"Dramatic." I tease.

"You'll soon find out what I have going on in my head."


We soon get to our room and get settled, getting ready for bed and everything.

"Mmm, I wish it could always be like this." I say, cuddling up to him.

"Even when it can't, we make the best of it."

"I know."

"Today was fun."

"Yeah it was. A lot of fun."

"More fun tomorrow."

"Yup. Lots more to come."

"Can't wait."

"Me neither."

"Surprising me again tomorrow?"

"But of course."

"Always love your surprises."

"Well good. That's what I want."

"And that's how it's gonna be forever."

"Aww." I smile.

"And that's the truth."

I kiss him.

"Sounds good to me."

"You're too sweet sometimes, you know that right?" I add.

"You love it." He smiles.

"I do."

"Love you."

"Love you too."

I then cuddle into him more, resting my head on his chest.

"Night love." He kisses my head.


The two of us doze off, curled up together. Meanwhile, Riss and Justin are getting ready for the surprise he had planned for her.

"No hints?" She asks as he zips up the turquoise dress she picked for the night.


"Aww." She pouts.

"It wouldn't be a surprise if I gave you hints."

"I know." She sighs lightly.

"Don't worry about it though."

"I'm not. I'm curious though."

"Curious is good."

"Of course." She says, squirming as he traces one of the openings on the back of her dress.

"I like this dress."

"I figured you would." She laughs lightly.

She steps out of hi reach to get her shoes. He pouts and quietly goes 'awww'. She glances at him amusedly.


"You moved away."

"I have to get my shoes on silly."

"I know."

She gets her shoes on and moves back to him.

"You can resume...if you want."

He grins and pulls her close. She giggles.


"Can't resist you."

"I can tell."

"Won't we be late for your surprise?"

"No, I made sure to give us extra time."

"You would."

"I'm allowed to be extra touchy. Its our honeymoon."

"I know."

"Didn't say you couldn't be."

She loops her arms around his neck, leaning on his chest.

"I know you're going to love the ending to tonight."

"I'm sure I will. You always plan great things."

"I do." He nods.

"So modest." She teases.

"Very." He chuckles.

"You know I haven't seen this in a while." Justin touches the angel necklace she chose to wear.

The angel is made up of two different color blue gems. He gave her the necklace on one of their previous anniversaries as a cute play on his Justin Angel gimmick.

"I know, I haven't worn it in forever."

"You look an ocean angel." He says, looking her over and she starts blushing.

"I know, I know but I can't help it."

"I know."

He kisses her cheek and as he does, he smells the strawberry lip gloss and the strawberry and champagne perfume.


She giggles.


"Love it."

" I know you do. That's why I wear it."

"Of course."

"Shall we go then...mister cuddly?"

"Yes, let's go."

She pulls away and grabs her purse. They link hands and head out. Where he was taking her was within walking distance, and since they had plenty of time, it allowed them to enjoy the scenery as they walked.

"Gosh its so pretty here."

"Especially at night."

"Yeah, for sure."

"You picked a great place." She adds.

"I'm glad you love it so much."

"Well of course I love it."

"You picked it and you know I love tropical places."


She smiles when he kisses her head. She kisses his cheek in return. After a bit, he stops walking.

"We're here."




"After you."

She walks in with him behind her. He gives them his name and the host takes them to a table out by the water.

"Oh, this is amazing."

"I thought it was perfect."

"It is, it is."


They put in their drink orders and then look over the menu for food choices. While they do that, they talk here and there. The waitress brings their drinks and takes their meal orders.

"If you thought today was fun, just wait for the rest of the week."

"Oh I know. You always plan fun adventures." She smiles.

"I do."

"I can't wait to see what's next."


The rest of the dinner is spent talking and flirting. After they were done, they stick around for a bit, Justin paying the bill. When they leave, they take their shoes off and take the beach way back to the hotel.

"So pretty."

She sighs happily and leans into Justin.

"Good idea picking the beach way back."

"I know. This is very relaxing."

"What better way to end the night right?"


"Couldn't ask for anything better."

"No, this is perfect."

"Just like you."

She blushes.

"Oh stop."


She swats him playfully.

"Love you too."

"I love you, you Romeo you." She giggles, kissing his cheek.

He grins as they continue the rest of the way back. They get to the hotel and go up to their room. Once inside, they get changed for bed. Once they climb into bed, he pulls her close.


"Yes, yours." She smiles.

"Forever." She adds before he could say it.

"And ever."

"Couldn't be happier."

"Me either." He agrees.

Once they get comfortable, she snuggles into him.

"Goodnight beautiful wife."

"Night sexy husband."

He grins before leaning down and kissing the top of her head, before the both of them doze off.