Priceless Sensation

King Of The Ring Tournament

"Can't believe that all the fun of the honeymoon is over and we're back to work tonight." Justin says from out in the room as Riss is in the bathroom getting ready.

"I know. Not exactly looking forward to it." She sighs as she puts curls in her ponytail.

"I know, me neither."

"Ugh." She makes a face.

"People I'd rather not see."

"I know."

She finishes with the curling iron and turns it off, unplugging it. She puts it aside and starts doing her makeup.

"So match tonight?" She asks.


"Tag with Wendy?"


"Good, if he screws the match up, I can bitch at him for it."

Justin laughs.

"Go for it."

"You know, sometimes I think he fears you." He adds.

"He should. He's an idiot."

"Maybe we should die his hair blonde then? Oh wait, he can't be Wendy if we do that."

Riss can't help laughing.

"He can be the blonde version of the Wendy's chick though."


"But oh god, remember when his hair was way longer than it is now?"

"Oh yeah. That was hilarious."

"Maybe we should suggest he grow it out again."

"He'd say no, remember how bad we used to burn him with jokes about his hair?"

"Oh the good times." He chuckles.

"I know." She giggles.

Once she finishes, she opens the bathroom door and walks out. She goes to where her shoes are sitting on the floor and slides them on.

"You look amazing."

"Thanks babe."

"You're very welcome."

"The shirt really highlights the tan you got from the honeymoon." He adds.

"Of course."

She turns around and ends up in his arms.

"Hi." She laughs.


"Can I help you?" She asks teasingly.

"I don't know, can you?"

"Depends on what you want."

"I think you know."

"Do I?" She asks innocently.

"You do."

"You want..."

He grins...before pressing his lips to hers. She laughs against his lips and then kisses back properly. She pulls away shortly after with a smile, her forehead leaning against his.

"Mmm. Love you."

"Love you too."

"All set to go?"


They both grab their bags and anything else they need, before heading out the door. Meanwhile, Ted and I are getting ready ourselves. I was all dressed, hair and makeup was done. All that was left was my shoes and such. So I walked out of the bathroom and over to my things to find a pair.

"Wow, you look amazing."

"Why thank you."

"You're oh so welcome."

Since my back was to him as I was looking for shoes, he walks up behind me and snakes his arms around my waist. I jump slightly and then lean into him.

"Kind of scared me a bit."

"Sorry." He kisses my neck gently.

"It's ok."

I find my shoes and slip them on.

"I wish we didn't have to go. Vacation was so nice and relaxing."

"I know. But even though we're not in Hawaii anymore, I can still make things nice and relaxing for us."


"Like what you're doing now?"

"Yes. That and more."

"So, night off for you?"

"Yup, you?"

"I wish."

"What do you have to do?"

"I have to team with Cruella again." I make a face.

"I'm sorry. That sucks."

"Wish I could avoid her."

"I know, me too."

"I can almost guarantee something will happen and we lose the match."

"I hope not but I guess we'll see."

"I promise not to blow up like the last time."

"It's fine if you do. I understand."

"Because you do know what I think when you're angry." He smirks.

"Yes I know." I laugh.

"Touche." I add.

"Are you ready? We don't want you to be late."

"Yeah, I'm ready."

Ted steals a quick kiss before I pick up my bag. The two of us link hands and head down to the car. It's not too long of a trip, and since my match wasn't until later, Ted was all happy that I didn't have to change out of my dress just yet. Once we sit in our locker room, he plays with the cut outs in the one sleeve of my dress.

"Now how did I know you would do that?"

"You know me."

"I do."

"I love you." He grins cheesily.

"I love you too." I laugh.


"You enjoy it."

"You know that all too well."

"Yes I do."

"But you know are too far." He adds, grabbing me and pulling me closer.

I squeal and then giggle.



In the meantime, Riss and Justin are in their own locker room for the tim being before they'll be needed in the Nexus locker room, which will happen at some point. Just so that she's ready ahead of time for her match, she heads into the changing area to get into her ring gear. Justin starts to follow.

"No funny business." She points at him.


"Good. You've been spoiled with being able to be super affectionate at any time. Gotta control yourself now."


He pouts slightly.

"Especially since we have to go back to sharing a locker room."

"Only when we're needed tonight."


"I need to change myself anyway."

"Of course."

"try not to stare....too much." He smirks.

"Same to you." She retorts.

"I'll try."

She laughs and starts to change. He opens his bag and does the same. He finishes first since he has less to put on. And of course that gives him more time to watch her get ready.

"Staring." She teases, lacing and buckling her converse boots.


"And you told me not to stare too much."

"I can't help myself."

She laughs.

"I know."

She finishes and gets up.

"All done."

"Aww done already."

"Ah but you'll get to watch again later."


"And now you have more skin to touch." She remarks.

"I do." He grins.

She brushes up against him flirtatiously and walks back out.


She laughs.

"Getting you back for that."


"You'll see."


"It'll be a total surprise."

"It usually is with you."

"That is true."

She laughs lightly as she sits on the couch. Soon the show starts the way it normally does with everything, and being introduced by Cole. Then they talk about the tournament that's going on tonight, before someone interrupts them.

"A-a-hem. Ahem." That person turns out to be Alex.

"Hide your kids, hide your wife, don't change the channel, this is Monday Night Raw and The Miz is WWE Champion!"

"Looks like he's dressed for court." Punk remarks on commentary, taking a jab at Alex's recent DUI arrest.


"You know I'm excited and honored to say that I got to be a part of one of the most ground breaking moments in the history of entertainment. Just like your parents will never forget where they were when Neil Armstrong walked on the moon, you and I will never forget exactly how we felt the night The Miz cashed in his Money in the Bank contract. So the way I see it, there's nothing left to do but party!"

"Ugh, this guy doesn't need anymore partying in his life." Punk remarks, again taking a jab at the DUI arrest Alex got.

Riss sighs and shakes her head.

"And if you've been paying attention to the internet lately, or CM Punk's god awful commentary last week, you'll know that Alex Riley ain't afraid of a party."

"God awful is the way he wrestles." Punk remarks yet again.

"Can I go punch him?" She asks Justin.

"Do you want to get in trouble?"

"No." She pouts.

"Then punching him wouldn't be a good idea."


"So tonight I plan on throwing The Miz one of the most exciting, over the top victory celebrations of all time!"

"It's a good thing a DUI's not security."

"Ass." Riss mutters.

"In other words, Monday Night Raw is all goin' A-Ry and it's gonna be awesome!"

The bell then rings for the first match of the tournament.

"The following is the opening contest of the 2010 King of the Ring tournament! Introducing at this time, Alberto Del Rio's personal ring announcer, Ricardo Rodriguez!"

"Pft, nice black eye."

A Rolls Royce pulls into the arena and Del Rio steps out. After he gets to the ring, out next comes Daniel Bryan. The bell rings and they lock up. Del Rio takes it to the corner and hits a cheap shot. He begins the attack, taking Daniel into the other corner and beating him down. They're on the mat now and Del Rio gets a nearfall. He knocks Daniel down with a shoulder block and mocks him. Daniel leap frogs and dropkicks Del Rio, followed by a pin attempt, getting a two count. Del Rio hits a spinebuster but Daniel goes for the LeBell Lock. Del Rio gets to the ropes and flees to the floor as a commercial break comes up.

"Boring." Riss sighs.


She scooches over and sits on Justin's lap.

"Someone's cuddly." He chuckles.



"Of course not."

"I like when you sit here."

"I like that too." She smiles and snuggles into him.

"I can tell."

He puts his arms around her. His right hand covers her left and he plays with her rings.

"I love playing with these."

"I've noticed." She giggles.

Back from the break and Del Rio has Daniel on the mat in a headlock. Del Rio continues the assault and gets a two count. He stomps on him and gets another two count. He goes for another headlock and Daniel fights out of it, but Del Rio beats him back down and slams him. He goes for a splash off of the second rope, but Daniel moves. He hits a roll up for two, and then tries it again, getting a two count. There's lots of back and forth action, and Daniel hits a suplex and bridges for a two count. Del Rio kicks him in the face, but Daniel responds with a big kick and knocks Del Rio down. He dropkicks Del Rio into the corner and gets a two count. Del Rio ends up on his knees and Daniel kicks him in the chest repeatedly. Del Rio catches him with a back suplex and holds it for a two count. He goes for another splash on the ropes, but Daniel moves, making Del Rio go through the ropes and landing on the floor.



Daniel dives through the ropes in a suicide dive and lands hard on the barrier. He screams and holds his shoulder.

"Dumbass." Riss scoffs.

They go back into the ring and Daniel misses a move off of the top rope. Del Rio takes advantage and locks the armbar for the submission and the win. Justin snickers.

"Oh boo hoo. The nerd lost."

"Poor thing."

"He'd make a terrible king anyway."

"Very true."

They then show the bracket. Del Rio advances to the semi-finals, and he'll face whoever wins between Morrison and Cody to get into the finals. So Cody and Morrison need to compete, Zeke and Drew, and Kofi and Sheamus. That's followed by a video package of others who have won King of the Ring. That led to the next commercial break. But after that however, Truth came out and started with the singing. After he was done, he did the usual 'what's up' introduction.

"I'll tell you what's up. Last week, John Cena was forced to quit WWE. Truth be told, I don't care what nobody says. He's still my friend, and he went out like a champ! Truth is, when all this started, I...I tried to get John to quit this on his own terms. But he wasn't having that. John had to pay the piper too many times and it cost him. It cost him what he loved and cherished the most. And that's you, you, you and you, the WWE Universe. Nexus may have won the battle, but the war, it hasn't even started yet! I challenge any member of Nexus to come down and go one on one with the Truth!"

Switching to backstage, it's Josh Matthews and McGillicutty comes out of the Nexus locker room.

"Excuse me gentlemen..."

"Shut up."

Wade pats him on the shoulder before going back into the locker room.

"I heard R-Truth. He wants to issue challenges? He wants to be...a hero? Well I'm about to show him what happens when you issue challenges to somebody from the Nexus." McGillicutty states, before going down the hallway.

He turns one corner, stops and his eyes go wide. The camera moves wicked close to him and falls to the ground. He's then shown being thrown into the wall and getting kicked repeatedly, by someone in jean shorts and sneakers....John.

"Oops." Riss says nonchalantly.

He then gives him an AA onto the floor and then waves his hand in front of the camera and McGillicutty's face in the 'You Can't See Me' motion. He walks off as McGillicutty and writhing in pain, the screen fading out on him in pain.

"Serves his ass right." Riss scoffs.

"He must be going after every member of the group...."

She tightens her grip on Justin.

"I don't want anything to happen to you..." She says quietly.

"I know." He replies, holding her close.

"And I don't want anything happening to you, even though I know John wouldn't dare touch you.

"No, that's not like him at all."

"I'm not sure if I want you too close if we do try attacking him."

"I'll be fine." She shakes her head.

"Alright, but if anything happens, you're getting to safety first."

"We'll see."

After the break it was time for the 2nd semi-final match of the night. Cody vs Morrison. Cody goes out first, followed by Morrison. The bell rings and they lock up. Morrison takes control first, but Cody comes back and takes it to the corner. He misses a charge in the corner and runs into the turnbuckle pad and then Morrison slaps him across the face. He gets frustrated and throws a fit, going to the floor.

"What a child."

"Throwing a hissy fit. How mature."

"Well he does think his face is a gift from god."

"He's not THAT pretty."


"I prefer you." She kisses Justin's cheek.

"Of course."

She reaches over and twists his wedding band a bit.

"Love you."

"Love you too."

She lays her head against his shoulder.

Morrison brings him back in and hits a clothesline on him. Cody fights him back into the corner and goes to work. He gets a two count after a pin attempt. He hits him with a knee to the gut and a leg sweep for another two count. He then goes for a submission and Morrison fights out with a series of right hands and kicks. He beats Cody down in the corner and hits two clotheslines. He hits him with a big heel kick and gets another two count. Cody counters and rolls him up for a two count. They both bounce off the 2nd rope, but Morrison hits his kick. He hits him with a knee to the head, pinning him for the win.

So now Del Rio will face Morrison in the first round of semi-finals. And to crown the King of the Ring winner, Miss USA Rima Fakih is the special guest.


"Ugh, not another airhead."

"At least she's not blonde like Maryse or Kelly."

"She probably should be."

"Because she's just like all...tee hee and everything."

"Good point."

"Let's hope she says no words."

"Hopefully we'll be spared."

"So when's your match exactly?" Justin asks.

"Before Mike's big celebration thing."


"So you can be out there with me and still be able to do your entrance for your match which will be later of course."


"And before any attacks happen."

"I sure hope so."

After the break it was time for the next semi-final KOTR tournament match. Drew vs Zeke. The match wasn't too long and as expected, but in a surprising twist, it ended in a double count out.


"Looks like the winner of Sheamus vs Kofi automatically advances to the finals."

"Not really fair but oh well."

"It happens."

Backstage Daniel is icing his shoulder and a towel is resting over his other shoulder. That's when one of the Bella Twins comes up, concerned.

"Daniel, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Quick question. What was the deal with you coming down during my entrance last week?"

"Oh, well you know I've just been seeing you around and I just really wanted to..."

"Hey stud, miss me?"

"Nikki, he's hurt."

"Um Brie, he's tough, he's fine...and handsome."


"Ahem." Alex interrupts them.

"What're you two doing flirting with this nerd? I told you, you were supposed to be in charge of the 50 dancing girls I had set up for Miz's celebration. You know what, hold on. Champ! Yeah, yeah how're you doing? Yeah big night champ, big-are you sure? No the whole thing's set-alright, alright. You know, that's why you're the most awesome champ in WWE history okay. Alright, no...alright I'll talk at you.Uh, you two are un-needed at this time. And you. Look at you. Missed out on the biggest opportunity of your life. Having The Miz mentor you on NXT. Now what do you have? Nothing. All this, this...this could've been yours."

"He wouldn't know how to handle it."


"Well, I'm doing okay I think."

"Yeah, he's doing just fine."


"Didn't I tell you two to leave?"

"And you, watch and learn. Welcome to MizFest 2010. It's all going A-Ry." Alex finished before waking away.

"A-Ry? Is he serious?"

"What does that even mean?"

"Really? Oh good lord. I thought they were stupid before but that is a new level of idiocy." Riss shakes her head.

"Maybe they need to dye their hair from brunette to blonde."

"I think so."

"Well they must be pretty dumb anyway to think Daniel's handsome."

"That too."

"And you know what time it is? Kelly beat down time." She smirks, moving from his lap.

Justin chuckles and gets up too.

"Rings off though."

"Right, right."

They take off their rings and put them away. Then they head out the door to the curtain where Kelly was already waiting. Riss just ignores her, distracted by Justin's teasing touches.

"Quit." Riss giggles.

"Why?" He chuckles.

"It's ticklish."

"That's a good thing."


"Uh huh."

"Nu-uhhhhh." She sticks her tongue out.

"You know what I can do with that."

She blushes and swats him.



"Stop it."


Kelly goes out first like always. And she's just super pissed off and has this real bitchy look on her face. The Nexus music goes off and Riss comes out with Justin in tow. Kelly stands there in the ring, a scowl on her face, and her arms crossed over her chest.

"Somebody's grumpy." Riss snickers at the look on her face while raising her title.

"Could be many reasons."

"True that." She agrees as they walk down the ramp.

The bell rings and Kelly steps up and gets in Riss' face like she always does. She starts the smack talk and Riss gives it right back. That leads to Kelly shoving her, and Riss shakes it off that one time, walking back to the middle of the ring where Kelly was. Kelly starts the smack talk again, shoving her away once more. Once was okay and Riss could shake it off, but twice and that's when things change.

"You're really gonna wish you never did that." She growls.

"Why? You took my man away from me. I think the shove was justified." She gives Riss a snotty attitude.

"Your man? Hah, honey he's been my man since before you knew he existed." Riss scoffs.

"You're just jealous. Jealous that I'm better than you and that I actually have a man that hasn't left me....which isn't the case for you. You have boyfriends and you break up after just months of dating. What they can't handle you? I don't blame them." She adds.

Kelly starts to get red with anger as they lock up and try to push each other down.

"Oh, and guess what? He's really mine now. I have his last name and his heart." Riss taunts.

"I'm sure you stalked his twitter account and saw the pictures."

She starts to growl.

"Oh did I strike a nerve, I'm so sorry...NOT." Riss says as she trips her.

"Have a nice fall? How's the nose by the way?" She smirks, kicking her.

That's when Kelly screeches and grabs her, pulling her down to the apron where she was so she could attack her from there. She shoves her off and smacks her hard. She shakes her hand off because it stung a bit afterwards. Since she is laying on her back and more occupied with holding her face where she smacked her, she stood up and stepped on her midsection, using her as a stepping stone. Kelly yells and Riss laughs.

"Oops, my bad."

Then Riss stomps on her midsection for good measure after she steps off of Kelly. Then she backs up and baseball slides, kicking Kelly in the side, sending her tumbling outside the ring. Justin backs up, so the ref doesn't accuse him of interfering and ejects him. Riss yells for Kelly to get up as she takes her time doing so. She goes to get out of the ring, but the ref backs her up as he continues to count. Kelly gets to her feet eventually and Riss pulls her up onto the ring by her hair. Kelly fights back, making Riss stumble backwards after Kelly makes her hit the top rope. Justin winces. Kelly gets back into the ring and starts to kick Riss a few times before sending her into the ropes. Riss reverses however, sending Kelly into the ropes and when she comes back, Riss hits her with a clothesline. Riss goes for the cover, but Kelly kicks out. That's when Riss picks Kelly up and applies a facelock, making sure to stretch where she needs to. Kelly screeches in pain however, and Riss can't stand it, yelling at her to shut up. Kelly does manage to get to her feet and fight out of the hold, but Riss comes back and knees her in the gut, making her go flipping over and landing hard on her back. She takes the chance and applies her submission finisher to Kelly, making sure to apply it in a way where she can't get out of it. After so many seconds of screeching coming from Kelly, she finally taps and the ref signals for the bell to ring. The Nexus music goes off, the ref grabs the title belt and hands it to Riss, and raises her hand in victory. The ref lets go and she holds up the title as Justin gets into the ring. He comes up and engulfs her in a hug like always.

"Amazing love." He says, lifting her off her feet.

"Piece of cake really. But thank you."

He kisses her and then sets her down.

"Now let's go relax before my match."

She agrees and they leave the ring.

"I really don't know why Kelly keeps trying to mess with her." I shake my head.

"She's stupid, that's why."

"So stupid that she actually thinks Justin would give her the time of day."

"Yup, she's stupid."

"Speaking of Justin I really hope if John ends up attacking him, that he doesn't get severely hurt."

"I hope not. Ducky would flip." Ted frowns.

"She would. You know, it's technically Wade's fault that all this is happening. She'll have someone to blame for Justin getting hurt if he does."


"But you know if you think about it...there's McGillicutty and Husky who actually cost John his freedom, and if John goes too far tonight, then he's to blame too. So there's three others." Ted adds.

"That's true."

The break was soon over and a video package was shown about Randy's match against Wade last week, and how Mike cashed in on Randy and beat him to win his very first WWE Championship. Cole is applauding that video package, at how Mike won the title. Then Mike is introduced and he walks out with Alex in tow. Cole is again applauding, a standing ovation and then he's jumping up and down going 'woo hoo'.

"What a loser Cole is." I shake my head.

"A kiss ass is more like it."

"That too."

"I had a huge celebration that was planned for tonight, but in the end, I didn't need it. I didn't need the balloons, I didn't need the streamers, I didn't need the pyro. Because I found something that summed up the worldwide reaction to me winning the WWE Championship. I found something that summed up the feeling of the WWE Universe. First there was shock."

A picture come up on the screen of a little girl with a look of shock on her face.

"Boo hoo. Then there was anger."

The picture changed to her giving the evil eyes with a scowl on her face.

"I remember that last week."

"Yeah me too."

"They say pictures are worth a thousand words, but those two images are worth a million celebrations. That little girl will forever be known as the Miz girl, and I want to thank her. I want to thank her...for reminding me of the struggle I had to go through to get here. Reminding me of everyone that ever said anything about me that I wouldn't make it. All the people at MTV that said I would never be a WWE Superstar. Then when I got here, all the WWE fans and every superstar in that locker room said I would never amount to nothing! To the JBLs, John Bradshaw Layfield. To the Triple Hs, to the John Cenas. I say this. The Miz is WWE Champion! And what about the former champion Randy Orton? Randy isn't here tonight due to an injury. A knee injury. Knee injury. Yeah, right. The only thing injured on Orton is his pride. Because I personally embarrassed him last week when I won the WWE championship. And now he is ashamed to show his face. But he shouldn't be. Randy Orton is simply the first in the long list of people I'm going to demoralize. Because when I say I'm going to do something, I accomplish it and mark my words I will be the longest reigning WWE Champion in history!"

"I hope so. He deserves it."

"He's worked hard." Ted acknowledges.

"He has. Just you have. Hopefully you'll win a title someday."

"I sure hope so."

"If you remember anything about this speech, if you take anything with you from this speech, take this. If anyone ever says you can't do something, if anyone ever says you can't live your dream, believe them. Because YOU can't. It takes an exceptional person to prove everyone wrong and I did just that. I am nothing like any of you, or any of you watching at home. I am nothing like you people. You people live your lives without ever accomplishing your dreams. But I'm, but me, I'm one in a billion. Because I actually have achieved my dreams. You know two weeks ago, Rowdy Roddy Piper came here and stood in this very ring. And he said in his generation, they went out and they made things happen. They made things happen! Roddy never made anything happen. In this book...hold it up. In this book the rich history of the WWE Championship, Roddy Piper isn't in it. Because he never won the WWE Championship. Ricky 'The Dragon' Steamboat isn't in that book because he was never a WWE Champion. And the list goes on and on, so called hall of famers, so called legends that never won the WWE Championship."

"Miz Miz Miz Miz Miz Miz." Jerry interrupts.

"And it begins."

"Miz, as a person who's name is on that list, let me just say this. Congratulations are in order. You're the new WWE Champion. But let's face it, you beat a guy that'd already been attacked by seven other people before you won the title."

"Other briefcase holders took advantage of situations like that too before."

"Yeah they did."

"I guess no one ever remembers that."

"Not really."

"Now that may make you clever, that may make you an opportunist, but in my book and I think in everybody's book here, that doesn't make you awesome."

"Really. See that sounds like ramblings of a bitter, old man. Who fought for 4 decades and never did what I did in one night."

"There may be some bitterness and jealousy there."

"Just a bit."

"King will you stop please? Will you please stop?" Cole asks. "Come on, just stop. I mean it's bad enough that you've been out here downplaying The Miz's victory all night. I mean you even at one point called it a fluke. So this is Miz's night. It's his celebration. So can you just come down, sit back down, relax and let him have his moment?"

"That's too easy."


"You're right, you're right. I'll do that. But you know what Miz? If you're the champion that you say you are, you would call somebody out here that hasn't already been beat down by seven people and give them a title shot."

"King, King. You gotta stop. If you don't stop, Miz may end up making an example out of you. You may be that guy."

"Hey Miz, did you hear what Cole just said? You know what, some people that are on that list of names that you were talking about, that never became WWE Champion, are on that list because they never had a championship opportunity. And to be honest with you, I've been here since 1993 and I've never had a WWE title match. So you know what, if you're the champion that you say you are Miz, what about giving me a title shot here tonight."

"Cole, you big mouth."

"Yeah that's a great idea Jerry. But I'm not interested in defending my title tonight."

"Well Miz I think you verified exactly what I was saying. You may be a champion, but you're not awesome. You're...a coward."

"How dare you. You sit there week in and week out and you criticize everyone. All you are is someone that has been here for 40 years in the business and has never gotten anything. You have never done nothing, you are a shell of a hall of famer..." The GM cuts him off with the email chimes.

"And there's the match made official." I sigh.

"Of course."

"Can I have your attention please. I've just received an email from our general manager. And I quote. Congratulations Miz. What you did last week was impressive. But that was last week, and this is tonight. So while you may not be interested in defending the WWE title, I am. Therefore I'm making our main event The Miz vs WWE Hall of Famer Jerry 'The King' Lawler....for the WWE Championship tonight!"

"Not fair."

"No but when has the GM ever really been fair?"


"But wait there's more. In three weeks there's a pay-per-view known as TLC. Tables, Ladders, and Chairs. And I can't think of a better way to kick off the countdown to the pay-per-view, than by making our main even tonight not just a championship match, but a tables, ladders and chairs match."

"Stupid GM."

"I guess I can be glad the GM is fair to me....for now."


"Still a long time until my match."

"Good. More time to cuddle."

"Your favorite thing to do."

"One of a few, yes."

"In that case...." I trail off, moving from cuddling into his side, to sitting on his lap and cuddle into him that way.

Ted chuckles and readjusts his arms to hold me better.

"Better?" I ask.


"Good." I kiss him quickly.

"Just a quick one?" He pouts.

"Oh you want more hmm?"


"Oh alright. Can't resist the pouty face." I giggle, kissing him again.

"Works everytime." He grins after I pull away from the lingering kiss I give him.

"It's too cute."

"Too cute to resist." I add.

"Good for me." He smirks.

"Just like you can't resist being touchy." I refer to one of his hands resting on my legs.


"You purposely cause that sometimes you know."


"I think you know how. Lack of a shirt sometimes does it."

Ted smirks.

"Which happens a lot because you know it affects me."

"Yes I do."

"What can I's fun to drive you crazy." He adds.

"And I feel like that about you too." I giggle.

"How well we both know."


After the current break, it was the next semi-final match of the tournament. Whoever wins this automatically goes to the finals due to Drew and Ezekiel both losing and getting counted out. Sheamus vs Kofi. It was a decent match, but in the end it was Sheamus winning. So he advances to the finals and faces either Morrison or Del Rio to see who becomes King of the Ring.

"Well looks like we need to move again." Justin says.

"Aww." Riss pouts.

"I know, I know."

She gets up reluctantly.

"I'll try to make the match as quick as it can be."

"I know."

"I like having you out there with me though."

"I know and that's why I do it."

"Even though I know I don't need luck, you're always the best good luck charm for me." He grins.

"Aww." She giggles.

"Always have been."

She smiles and kisses his cheek.

"Just like you're a good luck charm for me."

"Right." He grins.

Soon they get to the curtain and Heath is there again like always, but this time he says nothing. Having learned from the last two times. Justin and Riss exchange amused looks. Currently in the ring was Yoshi and Mark Henry, waiting for Justin, Heath to come out, accompanied by Riss. The Nexus music soon goes off and they walk out, reaching the ring. Justin kisses Riss quickly before getting into the ring with Heath. He and Heath pass the titles off to Riss to hold. She hands then to an employee to hold onto so she can focus on the match.

The match starts off with Yoshi and Justin, Yoshi taking control early. He goes for an early cover, Justin kicking out. Justin reverses a move of Yoshi's and tags Heath in. They double team him before Justin gets out of the ring. Heath continues in the corner before tagging Justin back in. They double team again and Heath gets out. Just picks Yoshi up and tags in Heath once more. He holds Yoshi while Heath comes in and punches him. All of a sudden the crowd goes wild, and who other than John to get everyone's attention as he walks through the crowd. Heath stops what he's doing to watch as John comes through the crowd. Justin stops what he's doing outside the ropes to watch too. Riss as well looks over to see John coming down through the crowd.

"Oh no, he better not."

Heath then continues as John comes through the crowd, tickets in his hand. Heath tags Justin in and Justin kicks Yoshi in the face. John reaches ringside and sits down to watch the match, interacting with the fans around him. Justin tags Heath back in and they double team him again before Justin exits the ring. That's when John gets up from his chair and cheers for Yoshi and Mark. That gives Yoshi the momentum and tags in Mark. Heath just keeps getting knocked down. Mark goes for the cover, but Justin breaks up the three count. Yoshi comes in and both he and Justin go tumbling to the outside. That leaves Heath to fend for himself right now and he does a good job for now. However, after jumping to the middle rope in the corner, he turns and mocks John and when he jumps, Mark catches him. Mark hits him with the world's strongest slam and loses the match for him and Justin.

"Damn." Riss grumbles.

John then jumps the barrier, takes the cover off of the announce table, along with the monitors and everything. He then pulls Heath out of the ring and gets him on his shoulders. That's followed by an AA through the table, in which Heath gets given. David and Husky run down, hoping to catch John but no luck, since John flees. Riss sighs a bit and goes around to check on Justin. By the time she goes over to Justin, he's on his feet, clearly okay.

"I'm okay."

"I'm glad you were over here or you probably wouldn't be. Heath got AA'd." She says hugging him.

"Two down..."

"I know."

"Better go check on him I suppose."


Then they join the rest of the group to check on Heath.

"Very mature. He spilled my diet soda!" Punk adds about John.

"Oh you poor thing." Riss rolls her eyes.

"Go buy another." She adds.

They get Heath up and start to head backstage. Riss makes sure to grab the tag team titles before they do.

"I really don't like where the night is going Jussi..."

"I know. I don't either."

They all help get Heath to the trainers before heading to the Nexus locker room to regroup and find out what they're gonna do to deal with this. That turns into a backstage locker room segment which would be after the commercial break.

"I don't know about you guys, but I don't like where this is going." Riss states.

"I agree with her." Justin says.

"Granted, John wouldn't do anything to me, because he's not that kind of person, but still. McGillicutty and Heath have both been attacked. Who knows, who's next."

The rest of the guys nod.

"...I'm not gonna stand here and wait for this all night." Husky states.

"This is a mess. I mean John Cena is supposed to be fired. Well all it's done, is make things worse! The guy's got no restrictions. He took out McGillicutty, you just saw what happened to Heath. We're sitting ducks." Otunga points out.

"Basically." Riss nods.

"No." Wade states, walking in. "Listen, Cena's fired okay? That means there's no restrictions on what we do to him. You know what, I've had enough of Cena's games. We're gonna end this tonight. In fact, I'm gonna go out there and I'm gonna call him out. When we get our hands on him, we end this on our terms and not on his."

Riss gets a bad feeling but chooses to keep it to herself in hopes that she's wrong and things will be okay.

"Can we go back to our locker room now?" She asks.

"Of course."

She laces her fingers with Justin's and they leave, heading back to their locker room. She tucks herself under his arm, leaning into his side.

"I can sense you're more concerned about my safety tonight more than before." Justin remarks.

She nods silently.

"I don't want you seriously hurt." She says quietly.

"I know what John can do and that scares me." She adds.

"I may not like McGillicutty and I may not be able to stand Heath, but look what he did to them..."

"I know." Justin sighs.

"I hope so too." He kisses her head.

They then reach the locker room and they head inside. As soon as Justin sits down, he pulls her down onto his lap and holds her close. She snuggles in tightly, locking her arms around him. Now it's the semi-final match where Del Rio faces Morrison, and whoever wins will face Sheamus to be King of the Ring. The bell rings and they go at it. Morrison hits a dropkick early from the top rope for a two count on the attempted pin. Del Rio uses the ropes on Morrison's arm and takes control. He works over Morrison's arm now, but he fights out of the hold. Del Rio however takes control back quickly. Morrison then hits a heel kick and covers Del Rio for 2. More back and forth action and Del Rio still works on the arm and gets another two count. He hits a running kick in the corner. That's when Del Rio's car horn starts going off. This causes a distraction for Del Rio and Rey's inside. Rey taunts Del Rio when he hangs out of the sunroof. Morrison takes advantage and hits a spin kick, pinning him for the win.

"Kudos to you, but you'll never beat Whitey."

"Doubt it."

Wade is then shown walking through the backstage area, heading to the curtain to call out John.

"I think we're needed to find John, wherever he may be."

She clings to Justin a bit, not really wanting to go.

"I would say you don't have to go, but I know you want to."

She nods, sighing.

"Let's go."

She reluctantly lets go of Justin and gets up. As they leave, she makes sure to hold onto him tightly, not wanting to let go at all. He squeezes her hand reassuringly. After the break and a replay of last week, Wade comes out to the ring like he said he was going to do. He grabs a mic as soon as he gets into the ring.

"Oh Cena. You must think that I was born yesterday. I see through your plan John, because it is very very transparent. I've had word from the Raw GM, that I am the only person on this planet with the power to get you back your job. So in your mind, you're gonna turn up on Raw uninvited. You're gonna cause havoc, you're gonna attack the Nexus, you probably even gonna try to attack me at some point. And you're hoping this gets me so mad, so angry, so frustrated, that I have you re-instated, just so I can seek my revenge on you. Well hard luck John. I promised you, you will never ever work in WWE ever again. Cena, the one thing you've had over the Nexus this evening is the element of surprise. Well guess what? The element of surprise has now left. We are gonna get our hands on you, and when we do I promise you we will deliver to you the worse beating...."

"Wade Wade Wade Wade Wade." John stops him as he's seen in the parking lot.

"That's where he is...let's go." Otunga states, since Riss and Justin met up with him and Husky.

Riss forces back the fear that gets stronger at the mention of confronting John but she knows it has to happen for the show so she goes along with it.

"You got it all wrong. Business as usual. It's not about keeping my job. It's about keeping my word. I got fired because I kept my word. But I made another promise before I got fired. I said I would take out each and every single one of ya! That's all I'm here to do. Job or no job."

"Well I can't be the only person that's seeing this. John Cena is clearly in the parking lot, security why don't you do your job-"

"Wade Wade Wade Wade Wade Wade, surely you can't be serious. WWE security. The same WWE security you guys beat the hell out of your first night here? They are in no rush to get rid of me. I guess that means it is open season....on the Nexus." John finishes as he looks to his left in front of him and starts to back up.

That's when David, Husky, Justin and Riss surround him.

"Oh Cena, looks like you've got it wrong once again eh? I didn't want the security to apprehend you. I wanted them to protect you from the Nexus."


"Nexus, do your worst."

"Hold on, hold on. Guys wait wait. Before you do anything foolish, I need to remind you of one thing. I'm not the only enemy you've got around here."

That's when a whole group of superstars come and attack David and Husky once all four of them turn around. John goes after Justin. The first thing he does is throw Justin into the door of the car, his head hitting the glass of the window and it shatters. Riss gasps, horrified. She starts to run over but she gets grabbed around the waist. John then picks Justin up and throws him into a pile of steel chairs. He proceeds from there, delivering an AA to Justin onto the hood of the car. The windshield cracking from the impact of his feet that are the only parts of his body that hit it. She struggles against the person holding her.


"Hey Wade, this does not stop until I get my hands on each and every one of ya! That means I'll see you next week." John states before walking off.

"Let go, let go!" Riss yells, anxious to get to Justin.

After a bit more of struggling and when most of the group walks off, the only one left was Darren since he had been holding Riss there to watch the whole thing. He finally lets her go and she turns around and punches him hard, shaking her hand off afterwards and then going over to Justin still on the hood of the car.

"Oh my god...Jussi..." She chokes back a sob, touching his cheek.

"I knew something bad was going to happen. I just knew it. I really wish that feeling was wrong."

"How hurt are you?" She fights to control herself and keeps back the tears.

"Head...back...." He starts to say before coughing a bit. "...and neck." He finishes, grimacing.

She bites her lip hard, torn between staying with him and going to get help.

"Can you walk or no?"

"Wait don't answer that. I don't want you to move your neck yet. You could hurt yourself more." She corrects herself.

"I think I'll go get help. Just don't move. Please."

"Okay." He grimaces.

She leans over and brushes her lips against his.

"Be right back. I love you." She says, trying to keep her voice steady.

"I love you too."

She dashes off to get a medic or trainer. She keeps biting her lip to keep it from wobbling and she's still fighting back the urge to burst into tears. Along the way she spots Wade. Her expression changes. Thank god she wasn't that far from the trainer's office, because anger towards Wade ran through her veins for the moment.

"Wade! This is part your fault!"

She storms over and smacks him as hard as she can.

"If you didn't have to make the stipulation at Hell In A Cell that if John lost his match against you, he would join the group, then Husky and McGillicutty wouldn't have gotten involved and caused him to lose. Then if you hadn't have made the stipulation for him to be fired if he called Randy the winner of that title match....John wouldn't be on this revenge rampage....and NONE OF THIS WOULD'VE HAPPENED!!!"

By the end, she's yelling at the top of her lungs at him while he clutches his face.

"You just better hope he's not seriously hurt." You growl before shoving him out of the way and going into the trainer's for help.

They follow her to Justin and she tries to stay out of the way as they check him over. They carefully get him off of the hood of the car and on the ground, leaning up against the car, checking the severity of results from the attack. Riss stands fairly close, not looking away for any reason. They find that nothing is severe, but how he did hit his head off the glass of the car door window, he's going to have to take it easy, just in case. Relief floods through her.

"Okay. Thank you." She says, her voice wobbling just a bit.

"Let's just get him back for ice and something for the pain."

She nods and they help him up, supporting him as they head to the medical room. When they get there, they get the ice bags set for him and give him some pills for the pain. She stands by the table silently as she watches him.


He looks at her and it isn't until he takes her hand that she realizes how bad she's shaking. He frowns and holds his free arm out, telling her that she can carefully be engulfed in his arms. She hesitates, not wanting to make his pain any worse.

"It's okay...just be careful is all."

She nods slowly and sits by him on the table. He lets her hand go in favor of wrapping his arms around her and she snuggles into him carefully, not wanting to cause any more pain than he's in as it is. Before she can even stop it, tears spill over and run down her cheeks.

"I felt so helpless Jussi. I couldn't even get to you the whole time. I was held Darren."

"I tried so hard. He wouldn't let go." She sobs.

"He had no right to touch you....who does he think he is?"

She shakes her head, sobbing quietly.

"Rissa....I really hate it when you cry. It makes me want to cry."

"I can't help it."

"Maybe we should take the rest of the week off. Will that help you feel better?"

"Maybe." She mumbles, tears still rolling down her cheeks.

"I think we should do that."

She nods a little.

"Where would you like to go?"

"Mom and Dad."

"We'll go there."


"I'll book a flight when we get back to the hotel tonight and we'll leave tomorrow."


"We can do things that don't require to do much. So I can take it easy."

"You better." She says, her voice shaking a bit.

"I promise. Nothing extreme this week. Not until I'm ok."

She nods and lays her head against his chest lightly. She listens to his heartbeat and tries to get ahold of herself.*

"I'll be okay." He says quietly, rubbing her arm, trying to calm her.

"That really scared me." She says softly.

"I know."

Justin rubs her back and murmurs soothing phrases in his native language. Just like always, it helps her relax. She finally stops shaking and her tears start to slow. She recognizes a phrase he keeps using as 'I love you' and she smiles a tiny bit. "I love you too." She says quietly.

Then he says 'always and forever' in his language.

"Always and forever."

"I think I'm ok to head back to the locker room now. If you are."

She nods a bit and picks her head up. She lets him go so that he could move from the table. After he's standing, she wraps an arm around him once more and they start to leave. She supports him as they walk to the locker room. When they get there, she helps him sit and then she sits next to him, carefully cuddling into his side. He kisses her head.

Since my match was coming up, I had gotten ready during the commercial. But unfortunately this time I wasn't allowed to go out to my music seeing as they were making all three of us, me, Tamina and Maryse go out as a team to Maryse's music. I sigh. Ted squeezes my hand soothingly.

"Her music is so annoying." I make a face.

"I know." He agrees.

"Good thing I'm good at tuning things out."


"Might as well get this over with."

"Kiss first." Ted grins, pulling me to him.

"Oh of course." I grin myself, before pressing my lips to his.

I make it lingering yet passionate.

"Now let's go out there and hope we win the match."

"Right. Love you."

"Love you too."

I make sure I'm all set and I have everything before we head out. As we walk down the hallway, he has an arm around my shoulders and I snuggle into his side.

"Its so nice to not have to hide anymore." I say.

"I know."

"I can't wait until we tag team. I know that'll be awesome."

"Oh yes."

We get to the curtain and Tamina and Maryse are already there. I try my best to ignore Maryse, despite the scowling looks she keeps giving me because Ted's all cuddly with me. She glares as Ted kisses my neck and shoulders.

"Affectionate." I say quietly.

"Cuz I love you."

"I love you too." I make sure to say loud enough for Maryse to hear, just to rub it in her face.

Ted snickers as Maryse fumes.

They hit Maryse's music and we all start to head out. Ted and I exchange amused looks at how angry she is at us.

"Ohh someone's jealous." I sing.

"Well good for her." He smirks.

I try to keep my distance from her as Ted walks alongside me down the ramp, fingers laced. Maryse looks over and gives me a scowl before we all continue down the ramp to the ring. He lets me go and kisses me quick, allowing me to get into the ring. I keep my distance from Maryse, letting her and Tamina talk to one another about Tamina's encounter backstage with Santino last week. I can't help but laugh. Natalya's music hits and she comes out with Melina and Gail, them being our opponents. Once her music fades, the bell rings. Maryse of course starts the match, and starts against Melina. They meet in the middle of the ring and get in each other's faces. Maryse shoves her away by her face and Melina comes back with an elbow and Maryse loses her balance and falls. I have to hide my amused expression on my face. Maryse starts screeching for just seconds each time Melina tries to get her. Out of the ring they go and Maryse runs away and slides back into the ring. Melina grabs her by the hair and Maryse screeches even more until she makes Melina hit the top rope. Maryse pulls her back into the ring by her hair and then goes for the cover. Melina kicks out at 2 and 1/2. She grabs her by the hair again and drags her over to our corner. I tag myself in, instead of Maryse tagging me in herself. I come in and kick Melina in the side. I then apply a crossface submission, but Melina was close to the ropes so she was able to grab the bottom one and I had to let go. I go back over to Melina and she shoves me away. When I go after her again, she bends backwards and I miss her. She goes for the tag, but I thankfully stop her just in time. I stand above her and start stomping on her midsection and she stops me, holding my legs still while she bends her legs. She then pushes me and my back makes contact with her knees.

I grimace in pain as I hold my lower back and barely move. Ted watches in concern, frowning. That's when Santino is heard singing and playing the guitar. We all look to see him coming down the ramp. Tamina turns around and slowly walks down the steps and over to Santino. Maryse too gets down onto the floor. Tamina gets touchy with Santino and wraps an arm around his neck as they escape. I'm getting up and get distracted, clotheslined hard after Nattie gets tagged in, and then she goes for the Sharpshooter. Maryse however comes in and surprisingly saves the day. Gail comes in however and takes her out and they go out onto the floor. I've gotten to my feet and I try to do something at least, but Nattie trips me and then finally sets up for the Sharpshooter. The pain in my lower back getting more and more severe with the stretching of it. I have no choice but to tap out to avoid getting seriously hurt. As soon as I'm free, Ted is right there helping me slide out of the ring. He carefully picks me up.

"Ow, ow, ow."

"I know, it hurts. I'm sorry."

I grimace and hide my face in his neck as he carries me to the back, when pain shoots through my lower back. He takes me to the trainers for ice.

"You hold the ice there, I'll carry you back." Ted says once we get there and I'm given an ice bag.

I nod in agreement and do so. He carries me back and when we do get back, he carefully lays me down on the couch and I move my hand so that I can lay on the ice bag. He moves my legs and sits down, laying them across his lap. He massages my legs gently.

"I wish I could do more to help."

"You're helping out just fine." I tell him.

"You carried me out of there, you brought me to get ice...."

"...and now you're giving me a massage. You're doing great, thank you."

"Anything to help you feel better."

"I know." I smile.

"That's one of the reasons why I love you."

"I love you too."

"How much?"

"More than you can imagine."

"I think I have a pretty good idea, but okay."

"You mean the world to me and I'm serious about that."


"I feel the same about you. Honest."

"I don't know what I would do without you." I add.

"I know the feeling." Ted smiles.

"I'd sit up to kiss you, but I don't want to hurt my back."

"I know. Its alright."

"Until we get back to the hotel, will this hold you over?" He asks, taking my hand and kissing that for now.

"Maybe." I giggle.

"How about now?" He does it again.


"Almost there."

He kisses my hand repeatedly, trailing up past my wrist a bit.

"Persistant, aren't you?"


"Then in that case it's working."


"I'll be able to reach your lips later." He grins.

"Sounds good." You grin too.

Then Husky and David are shown backstage, sneaking around, looking for John.

"Man this has got to stop. John Cena just took out three of us in one night. Wade ain't ever gonna give him his job back. But until he does, no one from the Nexus is safe. Besides Karissa."

"I know. Look I got a plan. I think I figured out a way to put an end to all this. Yeah."

"I hope so."

"Like his plans work." I scoff.

"You know, I hope Justin and Ducky are alright." Ted says.

"I hope so too. She was just so upset. And Darren deserved that punch to the face for preventing her from getting to Justin."

"Yeah he did."

"I'm sure Justin was told to take it easy all week. I hope he didn't suffer a concussion from that glass."

"Hopefully not."

"Hopefully we'll find out tomorrow. We're going home for a late celebration of Thanksgiving right?"


"They'll probably take the whole week off for him to take it easy."


"But we won't have the chance for the week off this time, I know."


"That's ok though."

"It happens. Just part of the job."


"At least we'll have each other."

"That's the best thing about it."

"I think so too."

"Now anyway."


Up next it was time for the finals for the King of the Ring tournament. Miss USA, was the guest ring announcer and she introduced both Sheamus and Morrison.

"Sheamus has this thing in the bag."

"Pretty much."

"Then he'll be King Mayo. King of the Keebler Elves. I can go on."


It was a long match, but in the end, Sheamus did win and he walked right out of that ring, up the ramp and to the throne. The robe was put on him, the crown and he grabbed the scepter.

"Woo hoo." I say sarcastically.

"He looks pretty stupid."

"I'd like to hit him off the head with the ball part of that scepter. Bonk."

Ted laugh.

"Be like...oh did I hit you? I'm so sorry." I laugh.

"Oh that'd be hilarious."

"Then run. Hit and run."

"Right." He snickers.

As soon as his speech as king is over, Mike and Alex are heading to the curtain, as well as Jerry for the TLC match.

"Should be a good match."

"Yeah, decent at least."

After the break it was time for the match. Mike and Alex go our first, followed by Jerry. The bell rings and they lock up and Mike backs Lawler into the corner and he gives a clean break. Jerry punches Mike and then they circle each other. They lock up again and Mike slams Jerry. Jerry returns the favor with a slam of his own. Mike hits him with a kick and punch followed by kicks and another punch. Mike throws Jerry out of the ring and to the floor. Mike grabs a chair and hits Herry in the back with it a few times. He rolls Jerry back into the ring and sets up a few chairs in the center of the ring. Mike punches Jerry and then tries for a suplex onto the chairs but Jerry blocks it and Mike avoids the chairs as well. He hits a neck breaker combo using the chair and hits Jerry with kicks to the back as he tries to wear him down. Mike then has Alex bring a ladder into the ring, but Mike doesn't see Jerry recover and he hits Mike repeatedly in the back with a chair. Alex tries to stop him, but Jerry punches him and then he brings a ladder into the ring and fights over it with Mike, which ends up with Jerry hitting Mike in the chin with the ladder. Jerry brings the ladder into the ring and misses Mike when he runs it into the corner. Mike hits a forearm to the back and then they avoid the ladder in the corner until Jerry back body drops Mike onto the ladder.


"No kidding."

Alex then sneaks up and clotheslines Jerry from the outside. He tries to suplex him to the floor, but Alex takes a punch from Jerry and he falls through a table below.

"Oh my gosh."


Jerry sets up the ladder in the center of the ring and he starts to climb, but Mike pushes him off. Mike hits him with a boot to the head, followed by a suplex onto a chair as he works on Jerry's back. Mike grabs the chair while Punk is telling him to climb the ladder to win the match. Instead, Mike hits Jerry again with the chair. Mike goes to the top turnbuckle but Jerry makes him fall and he lands in the spot that always hurts. Jerry tries for a superplex but Mike hits him with a head butt and Jerry crashes to the mat. But Jerry ends up knocking Mike off the apron and Mike goes through a table below him. Jerry is the first to stir, but Cole gets up from his chair and tries to help Mike. Jerry starts to climb the ladder and is a few feet from the title. Cole rushes into the ring and grabs his leg, stopping him and Jerry wonders what the heck is going on. He gets down and asks Cole what he's doing, and Cole starts apologizing. They circle the ladder and Cole wants to hug it out, but Jerry punches him instead. He's distracted with Cole and Mike takes advantage and climbs. They're at the top fighting for the title. With one last hit to the head with the title, Jerry falls and Mike unhooks the title from the rope, and he retains.

"Oh thank god."

"He got lucky."

"If it wasn't for Cole...he probably wouldn't have retained. Cole was smart for once. Le gasp."

"I know."

"Well, the show's over....I suppose I should go change.."

"Are you going to be alright changing?"

"I think so. If I need your help, I'll call for you. Okay?"

"Okay." He agrees.

I sit up a bit, just to get the now melted ice bag away from my back. I go to sit up the rest of the way and Ted watches me to make sure I'm alright to go change.

"I'm alright." I assure him.

"You sure?"

"Yes I'm sure."

"The sooner I change, the sooner we can leave and get back to the hotel where I can get the rest I need." I add.

"You're right." He nods.

I go into the changing area and get back into my dress. Then instead of the heels, I grab more comfortable shoes I packed in my bag and slip those on. I pack up my things in the bag and walk out.

"Okay, ready."

He nods and gets up, and then we head out the door and leave the arena, going to the car. Ted drives to the hotel of course. When we get there, we head up to our room. Once in our room, I go over to the rest of my things and drop my bag by them. Both of us change into pajamas and slide into bed.

"How's your back now?" Ted asks.

"Not as bad as before, I think rest will help more."

"Alright, good. Love you." He kisses me gently.

"Love you too."

I snuggle in close and drift off to sleep. In the meantime, Riss and Justin go in to change to go back to the hotel as well. She helps him change first before making him sit as she quickly changes. Once they were changed, they both grabbed their bags and headed out of the changing area and then the room, going out to the car. She takes the car keys and makes Justin go to the passenger seat instead.

"You rest, I'll drive."

"Okay." He agrees, knowing not to fight her on this.

She starts up the car and then heads back to the hotel. The drive is easy and it isn't long before they're up in their room.

"Pajamas and bed." She points at him.

"I know, I know."

"I'll worry about the flight tickets and all that."


He changes and climbs in bed. She changes and grabs her laptop, making the arrangements to get to Mississippi. Once the flight is booked and everything is all set, she closes everything out and shuts the laptop off, putting it away. She goes around the room and pick up things they've left out, putting them away. Once she gets everything put away, she climbs into bed next to him.

"How are you doing?" She touches his cheek.


"Good." She says in relief.

"Rest should help."

She nods and leans in, kissing his cheek.

"You need plenty of it."

"I know."


Justin nods and settles down.

"Love you."

"Love you too."

"Before I sleep, come here." He coaxes.

She scooches over and he pulls her down until he can press his lips to hers.

"That's to let you know I'm okay."

She nods slowly, looking a bit teary-eyed.

"I wish I could go back in time and stop tonight from ever happening."

"I know." She says softly.

"But what's happened, happened."


"And I'm okay. You're okay. We're both okay."

"Right." She sighs.

"Remember...week off."


"Now I think we both should sleep."

She nods and carefully curls up beside him.

"Night Rissa. Love you."

"Night Jussi. I love you too."