Priceless Sensation

Late Thanksgiving

It's the next morning and we're up pretty early because we have an early flight home for the late celebration of Thanksgiving since we missed it last week. Ted was up before me, but he let me sleep in a little bit. So he got up and dressed for the morning at least and went around and packed our things. After that, he comes to get me up. I mumble in my sleep and shift.

"Ariel...come on love. It's time to get up." He shakes me gently.

"Already?" I mumble.

"Unfortunately yes."


I reluctantly sit up after stretching. I sit there for a while before moving from the bed and grabbing lazy clothes to change into for now. I get ready and then pack what little is left. Once we made sure we had everything, we head down to the lobby turn in the key cards. From there we head to the car and head to the airport after loading our bags and such into it. We get to the airport and check our luggage. Then we go through security before stopping to get breakfast.

"Can't wait to get home."

"I bet."

"What time is everything today?"

"Uh...I don't actually remember. We'll have to ask Mom."

"Ohh, ok."

"Not like it really matters too much anyway."


"We'll have plenty of time to relax though."

"Of course."

"Riggs will be happy to see us."

"Very happy."

"It'll be nice to see him. Its been a while."

"Wonder who he'll jump on first."

"Good question."

"I guess we'll find out."

"Yeah. Should be funny."

"I'm sleeping on the plane." I yawn.

"I figured you would."

"Early mornings...ick."

"It sucks, I know."

After waiting for a bit, we get onto the plan when the flight gets called. We find our seats and get settled.

"Time to sleep now."

"Wait until we take off okay? Let's not piss off the flight attendant."


I wait and once the seat belt lights go off, I get comfortable. It doesn't take long to drift off. Riss and Justin in the meantime are both awake, and get dressed before making sure everything was packed and ready to go. She rubs her eyes and yawns.

"We can sleep on the plane."

"I know."

Once they had everything, they leave the room and go down to the lobby, turning the cards in and going out to the car. They drive to the airport and go inside. They go through the usual process of checking luggage and going through security. After that they get a little breakfast and go sit at the gate.

"Hopefully we don't have to wait long."

"Yeah." She yawns and rest her head on his shoulder.

"Still tired."

"I can tell." Justin says, kissing her head.

"How are you feeling today?" She asks.

"I feel better."

"Good. That makes me feel better."

"I know. I definitely feel better than before."

"I could give you a massage when we get to the house." She offers.

"I like that idea."

"Of course you do." She laughs lightly.

"I always do."


After a while, the plane is finally at the gate, so they get up and walk onto it. They get settled in their seats easily. Once the plane takes off and the signs go off, she raises the armrest between Justin and her so that she can cuddle up to him.

"Much better."

He chuckles and holds her close. She dozes off, resting comfortably against him. The flight seemed to go by quick and before she knew it, Justin was trying to wake her up since the plane was landing. he wakes her with affection.

"Lovey." She says drowsily as she unbuckles.

"The best way to wake you up."

"Mmhmm." She giggles softly and gets up.

They exit the plane and once in the airport, they go over to baggage claim to get their things. They get everything and head outside.

"We need to get a car for here. And go shopping for the house." She yawns.


"I can't believe we actually have a house now."

"I know."

"We're married, have a new house...things are pretty good."

"I couldn't agree any more."

He smiles and kisses her head.

"Love you."

"Love you too."

"So go get a car first right? Or the house first?"


"Alright." He nods, as they go out to a waiting taxi.

The taxi takes them to a car dealer. From there, they grab their things and go looking around for a car. They argue a bit over what type of car.

"We can always get a second one at another time."

"True..." Justin concedes.

"So I think we should get my choice."


"Yayyyy." She says happily.

"You're the best."


She kisses his cheek before going off to get someone to tell them what car it is she wants. She shows them the car and then they go into the man's office to sign the papers and such. Once all the papers were signed, she got given the keys, and she goes out to the car to drive it home.

"I'm driving her pretty new car." She claps happily.

"You are." He chuckles.

She leans up and kisses him.

"Thank you baby."

"You're welcome."

They get in and she drives them to the house so they can drop off their bags. Once they get there and drops off their bags, they get back into the car to get stuff for the house. She drives them to a furniture store first. She parks and they head inside.

"Hmmm what first..."


"Of course you would pick that." She laughs.

"Yes I would."

"Lead the way lover boy."

He grins, lacing his fingers with hers before heading to where the bedroom is. They walk around and look at the different bedroom sets.

"I like that one."

"I do too. It looks really nice."

"So this one then?"


"Okay, I'll make a note of this so we can come back with an employee for it."

"Alright. Sounds good."

"You can pick where we go next."

" room. We can do the big things first and then the easier stuff."

"Alright." He nods, and then they both head there.

"I want microsuede. Its nice and soft. I hate leather furniture. You get stuck to it and that's super annoying."

"Oh, I know."

They find a really nice, comfy set.

"I love this. What color should we get?"

"Well what color do you think is good?"

"Either tan I think."

"Hmm, navy."


"Kitchen now?"

"Sure. We can always do the other bedrooms and such at another time. I think we should get what we need to be functional and worry about the rest later."


They get things picked out for the kitchen and bathroom as well as outside. Once they have what's functional for the house, they get an employee to tell them what they picked out. They order everything and they arrange for it to be sent to the house. They pay and then head back to the car. From there it's off to the grocery store to get not only groceries, but bedding stuff to entertain themselves.

"First night in our new house tonight."

"I know." She smiles.

"Just you..and me...all alone.."

She swats him.

"I know where your mind is and I don't think so mister. You were just injured!"

"I know, I know. I'm just saying."

"Mmm, sure. Like I believe that."

"Can't help myself sometimes. You know that."

"Oh I know. Insatiable."


They pay for the stuff and head to the house to get it all put away.

"Isn't there a late celebration of Thanksgiving from last week today?" Justin asks.


"I thought so. Just making sure."

"No we can't just hide out here together in bed trying to sate your appetite. Trying to be sneaky, I don't think so."

"We can after everything though...whenever we get home."

"Nope." She shakes her head.


"Don't give me that. You are recovering and were told to take it easy."

"But cuddling is taking it easy."

"Sure but control yourself."

"I have no choice but to."

"No you don't." She agrees.

"I will control myself."


They reach the house and bring everything inside.

"Now to put things away..."


"Let's do this." She claps and steals a kiss.

He chuckles.


They start putting things away although they get sidetracked at times by kisses and affection.


"Can't help it."

"Of course not."

While they were doing that, the furniture truck comes. They show them where they want everything placed.

"House is coming together."

"I know." She smiles.

"I love it."

"Me too."

After a some work, everything is unloaded from the truck and is in the house. They leave and they finish putting everything away.


"Yayyy. This is awesome babe. This is our home." She says happily, hugging him.

"Our home." He grins.

She beams and reaches up for a kiss.

"Love you."

"Love you too."

"Hmm, now what should we do?"

"Hmm, good question."

"How about we get some snacks and a movie and go to the theater room?"


"That sounds really good." He adds.

She smiles and kisses his cheek. She lets go of him and starts to head for the kitchen. She picks some snacks and he picks some snacks, then they pick a movie and head to the theater room. She lets him set up the movie while she gets drinks and a light blanket. She comes back and picks a seat to sit in.

"You aren't going to sit with me?" Justin pouts.

"What's stopping you from making me?" She giggles.

He laughs and pulls her out of the seat. He sits and places her on his lap.

"Better?" She asks.

"Muuuch better." He confirms.


He starts the move as she snuggles in and gets comfortable. She lays the blanket over them.

"Even better."

"Mmhmm. Perfect."

"Perfect like you."

"Oh stop."

"What? It's true."

"Forever the Romeo hmm?"


She looks amused and gives him a kiss. Then she turns her attention to the movie. After a bit, she feels Justin's breathing change. She looks up and see he's fallen asleep. She smiles and kisses his cheek softly. She turns to continue watching the movie. Before she knows it, she ends up dozing off herself. Meanwhile at Ted's house, the two of us are curled up together in front of the fireplace watching a movie on my laptop.

"If you start to get tired, you can sleep."

"I think I'll be alright."

"Just letting you know."

"I know how you get when you get you are now." He adds.

"True but right now, I'm fine."

"But I know someone who's tired..." I look over at Riggs as he's laying in front of the fire, sleeping.

"Haha yeah. He likes that spot."

"Hey, when's the next time you're doing target practice? I mean I know you like the hunting and everything. I'd like to see that....the target practice."

"I'm not sure but I'll let you know when I decide to."

"Alright." I nod.

"Maybe I can even teach you a thing or two if you'd like."

"As long as it's just like shooting a can or a target or something. I wouldn't have the heart to actually hunt like you do."

"I know." He says, kissing my head.

"But I would love for you to teach me a thing or two sometime."

"Alright, sounds like a plan."

"I wonder if Riss and Justin are finally in the house they bought."

"I would assume so."

"That actually would explain the furniture truck we saw enter the neighborhood."


"The fire was a good idea, considering how cold it is outside. You and the good ideas." I grin.

"I know." He grins too.

"I say we do it again tonight, after we get back home from your parents'. Just the fire though."

"Sure. We can do that."

"Oh before I forget, I have good news. Guess who's been chosen as a pro for the next season of NXT next Tuesday?" He adds.

"You did?! Ted that's great!" I beam.

"Finding out who my rookie is sometime this week. I want you there by my side during the season."

"Oh of course. You know I'm there."

"We both get to be pros now."

"Sounds like fun to me."

"The other pros, I heard was Truth, Masters, Ziggler, Daniel, and Del Rio and Ricardo."

"Eh, boring..."

"....not really looking forward to seeing Del Rio. I've been noticing things about him backstage. He's been giving me looks, and Riss looks for that matter."

"Relax. We don't have to worry about him right now."


"Just thought I'd let you know."


"Do I need to help you relax? I still feel that you're not quite there yet."


"Hmmm...." I trail off, unconsciously running my nails across the back of his neck.

A shudder runs down his back and he sighs.

"Oh bad." I retract my hand, a small smile on my face.

"Minx." He chuckles softly.

"But you love me." I smile innocently.

"I do. Very much."

"And I love you too. Very much."

Ted smiles and kisses me. When he pulls away, I lay my head on his shoulder and cuddle closer to him. His arms tighten a bit around me. Then we go back to watching the rest of the movie. By the time the movie was over, we looked at the time and saw that it was getting close to the time where we had to get ready to head over to his parents' house.

"We should go get ready." I remark.

"We should." He nods.

We get up and put the stuff away, putting the fire out. then we head to the bedroom to get changed and such.

"I know you like to be cuddly, but I do need to change you know." I laugh when Ted comes up behind me and wraps his arms around me.

"I know. I'm just stealing moments when I can." He chuckles.

"Of course."

He lets me go so I can get changed. After finding clothes, I head into the bathroom like always to change. I don't take too long and soon come out of the bathroom, ready to go. Ted is ready as well.

"Beautiful." He says to me.

"As always."

"Yes." He agrees.

The only thing I have to do is my shoes, so I grab them and sit on the bed to put them on and tie them. Ted gets his on as well. Then we both grab our jackets and put them on. Instead of leaving Riggs at home, we bring him with us. We open the door and he runs to the car, waiting for the door to be opened for him.

"Aww." I laugh.

"Oh, he loves car rides."

"I can tell."

Ted locks the door, and then we head to the car. He unlocks that and I get in, while he opens the door for Riggs and he jumps in. Ted then gets into the driver's seat. He drives to his parents' house and soon you walk up to the door. He doesn't knock, he just opens the door and we walk in.

"Mom, Dad! We're here!" He calls out.

"In the kitchen!" Melanie calls back.

Ted laces his fingers with mine and walks to the kitchen. When we reach the kitchen, we receive hugs from Melanie and Ted Sr.

"Its good to see you."

"It's good to see you too."

"Anybody else here yet?"

"Not yet, they're on their way though."

"Oh okay."

"Do you need help with anything?"

"If you want to." Melanie agrees.

"I would love to help."

Ted and his dad leave the kitchen while I wash my hands and help Melanie. In the meantime, Justin and Riss had woken up in the theater room where they fell asleep. She looks at the time and sees that it's almost time for them to leave. She stretches slowly and then looks at Justin. She shakes him gently.

" have to get up."

He just tries to roll over.

"'re not in the're in a chair."

She rubs his chest a bit and kisses his jaw.

"Time to get up sleepy head."

He shifts and mumbles. She kisses up to his ear.

"Babe, time to wake up."

He mumbles again before stirring. She nips his ear gently.

"Hi sleepy."


"We need to get up, its time to get ready."



"Alright, I'm up."

She moves the blanket and gets up. He also removes the blanket from himself and gets up. She stretches again and then heads for the bedroom. He follows behind her to the bedroom. She sways her hips lightly, teasing him.

"Really? Have to kill me now?"

She giggles.


"I'll get you back for it."

"Of course."

They reach the bedroom and she goes to her things to find something to change into. She rummages around before finding a soft pink sweater and jeans. From there she heads into the bathroom to change and do everything else. She doesn't bother to shut the door because she knows Justin will sneak in anyway.

"Hi." He peeks his head past the doorway.

"Hi." She laughs softly.

"Love what you're wearing."

"That's good."

"Love the color."

"Yeah me too. Its the softness that I really love though."


He comes up behind her and runs his hands up and down her arms.

"Very soft." He agrees.

"Glad you agree."

His hands move to her hips as she does a little makeup.

"You know you look beautiful even without makeup."

"You're supposed to think so." She leans back and kisses his cheek.

"It's true."


"Always." He grins.

She giggles softly.

"And forever." He adds.


"Love you."

"Love you too."

She finishes and puts her stuff away.

"All done."


"Thank you."

"You're very welcome."

She turns around and slides her arms around his chest.

"You're not looking too bad yourself."

"Why thank you."

"You're welcome."

They both then come out of the bathroom, but Justin keeps his hands on her hips as she does so. She picks out some shoes and slips them on.

"I'm ready." She states.

"Me too." He agrees.

They grab what they need before leaving. She drives them to the parents' house and park by Ted. Justin and Riss walk into the house.

"We're here!" She calls.

She hears Melanie's response from the kitchen and Ted Sr's from the living room.

"Go have your man time. I'm going to go help in the kitchen." She nudges Justin in the direction of the living room.

"You sure?"

"Yes. Go relax."

"Alright." He nods.

She steals a kiss and then heads to the kitchen.

"Heyy." She greets Melanie and I.

"Heyy." I reply.

"Hi honey." Melanie adds.

"All moved into the house?"

"Kind of. We got enough stuff to make what we needed functional."

"Well that's good."

"I love it though."

"Well I can't wait to see it." I grin.

"You'll love it. Its amazing."

"How is it living in your own home together?"

"Its great. I love having a house that is ours and not having to share, you know?"

"Of course."

"The house has everything you could ever really want."


"Pool, nice backyard, great rooms, a home theater..."

"Ooooh, I love it already."

She laughs.

"Of course."

"I'll probably love it even more when we visit."

"I'm sure you will."

"How's Justin by the way?"

"Doing better. I'm making sure he gets plenty of rest."

"Well that's good."

"I think he's a little frustrated but I can't help being overprotective."


"I know he'll do it to me if I get injured."

"Of course."

"Remember that time back in FCW?" She reminds me.

"I remember." I nod.

"What happened?" Melanie asked.

"I twisted my ankle really bad and Jussi wouldn't let me do barely anything by myself." She explains.


"It was sweet but a little over the top."

"He was just being protective over you."

"I know."

"Just imagine how he'll be when you decide to have kids." Melanie points out.

"Oh boy."

She blushes.

"That isn't for a while Mom."

"I know. I'm just saying."


"Can you imagine little versions of Justin running around? Gonna have to watch them carefully. May take after him and start jumping off of things." I laugh.

"Oh god."

"Then you'll have your hands full in that case."

"Oh yeah."

"But it's a cute thought."

"Mmm yeah." She agrees, biting her lip a little.

"You're thinking about it, I can tell."

She blushes.

"I would actually love to start now but the problem is my career is at a really good point right now."


"And I've put in so much hard work to get there that I hate to put it aside."

"Of course."

"Maybe next year some time."

"See where your career takes you."

"Right." She nods.

Soon we finish up with helping Melanie and everything gets put into the fridge for now.

We head into the living room to join the guys. Riss and I sit next to Ted and Justin on the couch. They instinctively put an arm around us. We all sit and talk until the rest of the family shows up. After that us ladies go in and get the food ready to serve.

"Everything looks so good."

"It really does." She agrees.

Once everything is set, we call the guys out to the kitchen. Everybody comes in and starts loading their plates. We say grace and start to eat.

"Tastes good."


"Just wait until dessert."


"That's what I was helping with when Ted and I got here." I remark.


"I think it turned out good."

"It looks good."

"Hope it tastes just as good."

"I bet it will."

Once we all were done with the dinner, the dessert is brought out.

"Oh man, it is good." She says after taking a bite.

"Why thank you."

"You're welcome."

"I think I'll have more later."

"Me too."

"For now....I'm full."


"You go relax, I'll take care of your dishes." Ted offers.

"That's sweet. Thank you." I kiss his cheek.

"Anything for you."

"I know."

"I'll do the same for you." Justin says to Riss.

"Thanks babe." She smiles, stealing a kiss.

"You're welcome."

The two of us get up and head into the living room. We then sit on the couch to relax. Melanie joins us and we talk girl stuff. After a while into the conversation, I yawn and feel myself wanting to fall asleep, but I keep myself awake the best I can.

"Someone's sleepy." Riss remarks.

"Just a little."

"Maybe you should get Ted and head out."

"I wanna stay. No rush to leave."


"I think he'd be okay with it if I fell asleep anyway."


"Yes I would."

"I'd just carry you out." Ted says as he sits beside me.

"You would." I nod.

He also nods and he puts an arm around me. I cuddle into his side and rest my head on his shoulder. He kisses the top of my head. It's not too long after where Justin comes out into the living room as well. He sits and Riss scooches onto his lap.

"Much better."

He chuckles and wraps her in his arms.

"Love you."

"Love you too."

She nuzzles his neck and kisses his jaw. Then she snuggles into his arms.

"You four are so cute." Melanie smiles.


We all sit around and talk for a while. Then she starts to yawn, but tries to hide it.

"Ah, sleepy." Justin remarks.

"I'll be okay."

"If you say so."

"If I get too tired, I'll let you know."


"If you don't pass out by then."

"True." She acknowledges.

"Same goes for you, remember that. I know how you get when you start getting tired." Ted says to me.

"I know, I know."

"I've almost fallen asleep numerous times anyway."

"You sure you don't want to go?" He asks.

"Maybe in a few."


"But I appreciate the concern."

Ted kisses my head.

"Of course."

It actually isn't that long before I do doze off, but end up passing out.

"And she's out." Ted chuckles.

"Knew that was gonna happen." Riss snickers.

"I know." He agrees.

"Suppose you're leaving now or no?"

"Yeah I think so."

"Alright. So see you later then."

Ted says bye to everyone before picking me up and taking me out to the car. I mumble and cling to him as he carries me.

"You're alright." He assures me.

He sets me down on my feet and I'm still clinging to him as he opens the door for me. He then picks me back up and sets me down in the seat, buckling the seat belt for me, before shutting the door. He then opens the back door and whistles for Riggs. He comes running over and jumps into the backseat. Ted shuts that door and then gets into the driver's seat himself. He starts the car and drives back to his house. Since it wasn't far, we arrived back at the house shortly. Ted gets out and goes to unlock the front door first, before coming back to the car. He lets Riggs out first and he runs inside, before getting me out of the car and carrying me inside. He locks the car before getting too far. Then he takes me to the bedroom. He sets me down on the bed, before trying to wake me enough so that I could change for bed. I grumble and whine but eventually wake up enough to change. After doing everything I needed to do, I come out of the bathroom and instantly climb into bed. Ted changes and gets in with me. I snuggles close.

"Night love."

"Night." I mumble.

In the meantime, Riss manages to stay away so far. Although now she's fighting back yawns more often.

"Someone's getting more and more tired."

"Mmmph." She hides against him.

"Would you like to go now?"

"Mmm." She nods a little.

"Carry you?"


While getting up from the the couch, he picks her up to carry her. She holds onto him and says bye to everyone. Justin too says bye to everyone, before heading out the door and to the car. He puts her in and gets in himself. Then he drives them home. When he gets there, he takes her out of the car before pressing the button to lock it. He carries her to the front door and unlocks that and walks inside, heading right to the bedroom. He sets her on the bed. She kicks off her shoes and starts to get her clothes off. While she does that, he changes for bed himself. She crawls up the bed and gets into her spot. Justin turns and looks to see her in her spot. He chuckles to himself before turning off the light and climbing in next to her. She immediately snuggles up to him.

"Love you Rissa."

"Love you Jussi."

"Night." He says after kissing the top of her head.

"Mmm, night."