Priceless Sensation


"So we both have title matches tonight." Justin states as they both pack their things to go, since they both were ready.

"Yup." She nods.

"But are you sure you're able to compete tonight?" She asks.

"The trainer is supposed to check me over just to be sure. But I feel fine."

"Well good. I just want to know that you're okay enough to compete and you won't hurt yourself even more than last week."

"I'll be fine."

"Can never be too sure."

"I know, I know."

"In other news....are you trying to kill me with that outfit?" He adds.

She giggles.

"Who me?"

"Yes you."

"Not at all." She says innocently.


She just giggles again.

"If I'm told to take it easy tonight, then you'll be making things very hard for me."


"Well you can hope they don't tell you to take it easy then."

"I hope not."

"I'm ready to go if you are."

"I'm good." She remarks, inwardly surprise he hasn't put any moves on her.

"Don't forget a jacket. It's cold. But then again, all the better to cuddle when we get there." He smirks.

"You'd like that too much." She laughs, picking up a leather jacket.

"Yes I would."

She puts the jacket on and grabs her bag. She opens the door and glances at him.

"Coming lover?" She smirks.

"Huh? Oh yeah." He snaps out of his daze, grabbing his bag and walking over to her.

She laughs and walks out.

"Your fault for me dazing."

"Of course."

"What would I do without you?"

"Go crazier." She giggles.

"I would."

"I know."

Then they head down to the car, get in and head off to the arena. Meanwhile, Ted and I are finishing getting ready in our room.

"Our first tag team match tonight."

"I know. It's about time."

"And it's the first match of the night. Doesn't get any better than that."

"I know. Its about time."

"And it's the first match of the night. Doesn't get any better than that."

"Not really."

"Daniel and one of his little girlfriends are going down."

"Yes they are."

"The only thing we have to watch out for is Nikki. I'm sure she's gonna be there for the match and she'll try switching with Brie it looks like they're gonna lose. Cheaters."

"I know."

"I promise, I'll do the best I can in that match."

"I know you will. You always give your best."

"As do you."


I make sure I have everything, along with him.

"Trying to kill me before we even get to the arena?" He asks.

"Gotta keep you on your toes." I grin.

"But...the dress is disappearing....under this jacket for the meantime." I add, grabbing my jacket.


"Can't go outside without a jacket."

"I know." He pouts a little.

"But hey when we get to the arena and in the locker room....ring gear."

"True, let's go then." He grins.


"Yes I am."

"Well come on then eager boy." I laugh, as I head for the door.

Ted quickly follows me as I leave the room for the car. We arrive at the arena not too long after we leave the hotel. We head inside when we get there, heading to the locker room, where we both had to get ready right after we walked in.

"Ladies first." Ted motions when we get in the room.

"Why thank you."

"You're welcome."

I go in and change and once I finish, I walk back out.

"Your turn."

Ted steals a kiss and goes in.

The show starts with a video package of Mike and Jerry, Jerry criticizing the way Mike got the WWE Championship and then their match that was the main event of last week's show, where Mike worked hard and thanks to Cole's distraction, Mike retained. The show goes right to ringside where it's only Punk and Jerry, no Cole. The crowd is chanting 'Jerry'. Punk and him talk more until Cole interrupts.

"King...King. Can I have your attention please?" Cole walks out and stands on the stage.

"It is with the deepest remorse, that I come out here tonight and try to explain my actions of last week." Cole adds, going down the ramp.

"I've been wrestling with this all week long. I don't know why I did what I did. You don't understand. You people don't understand. You don't understand how traumatic last week was for me. The hate mail...the hate mail that I received. How could all of you write those hurtful...those hurtful things about me?"

"Because no one likes you."

"Nope." Ted agrees.

"But the one thing I will not do, I will not apologize for the way that I feel about The Miz. Because...listen listen...because when The Miz started in this company, I was the only one...the only one who supported him. And when The Miz won the WWE Championship, when The Miz won the title ladies and gentlemen, it was was like my own son had won the championship."

"That's a little weird."

"Just a bit." I nod.

"So Jerry...Jerry. Jerry last week, when all this was going on in the ring and there were tables and ladders and chairs everywhere, and Miz was down and you were climbing that ladder Jerry. You were...I got caught up in the emotion of the moment. I got caught up in the emotion of the moment. And Jerry, and Jerry, Jerry because of that, that's what I deeply deeply regret."

"You know Cole, I really expected you to come out here and apologized to me. I mean, you cost me the WWE Championship."

"J-J-Jerry what do you want me to say? What do you want me to say? Okay, I did. I regret that. I regret my actions of last week. Okay? You've never made a mistake before? You've never made one mistake? I made a mistake."

"Well, this may be a mistake, but I think I may have to come up there and finish what I started last week."

"Someone's in trouble." I snicker.


"Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa. Jerry wait! Jerry wait. Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait. Jerry wait. Listen. Let's talk about this like adults. Let's not be children here. Let's talk about this like adults. The way you just acted, the way that you just acted, it rang a bell up here. You know why? Because I believe the way that you just acted, I believe that you are as much to blame for what happened last week as I was. No, hear me out, hear me out, hear me out, hear me out. We're supposed to be broadcast journalists okay? We're supposed to report on the news. We're not supposed to make the news okay? Last week Jerry, you made the news. Last week you were the headline. You were the headline Jerry. You had to be-you had to be Jerry The King Lawler one more time. You had to be it one more time. You had to steal the spotlight. You couldn't let The couldn't let The Miz have his one moment. No, you had to steal it from him. So the more I think about this, I don't think I owe you an apology. I think you owe me an apology!"

"I'm gonna come and give you what I think I owe you."

"Now why-" Cole starts and the GM chimes in.

"Uh-I guess...I guess I'll handle this." Punk states as he gets up from commentary.

"Hello everybody. Sorry I'm a little nervous. I've always wanted to do this. I have received an email." Punk mocks Cole.

"The Raw general manager says...and I quote. I'm ordering a cease and desist on any physicality between Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler. Violation of this order will result in termination. What I would like right now is for Jerry to get in the ring and shake hands with Michael."

Jerry doesn't really like the idea, but he does get up onto the ring before getting into it, the mic still in hand. Cole start to reason with him, holding his hand out for the handshake, and Jerry doesn't shake his hand right away. He does after some time and when Cole goes to walk away, Jerry keeps his hold on him.

"Okay Cole. No physicality. But you know, I think there's someone in the back that may want to say something to you."

That's when Randy's music goes off and Cole's face is priceless when he sees Randy walk out and down to the ring. Cole still tries to get out of the ring, but Jerry never lets go of his hand.

"Uh oh."

After the music fades, Jerry lets Cole go and backs into the nearby corner to watch. Cole tries to reason with Randy and goes to get out of the ring, but Jerry stops him.

"Michael, I want you to send a message to your favorite superstar, The Miz. You see, I don't blame him for cashing in the Money in the Bank briefcase when he did. I don't. Because if the roles were reversed, I would've done the exact same thing. As a matter of fact, The Miz and I...are a lot alike. The only difference is that I've proven that I have the ability to back up what I say in this ring. So Michael, keep on rooting for The Miz, do it al you want, I don't care. Because injured knee or not, I'm going to take back the WWE Championship from The Miz....tonight."

"Good luck with that."


Then Mike's music goes off and Cole breathes a sigh of relief.

"Randy Randy Randy. You used to be so original. So willing to stand on your own. But now you sound like everyone else who underestimated me. This past summer, we both were in the very same Money in the Bank match. The only difference is, I won and you lost. Now you're left standing there in the middle of that ring, with nothing more than tough talk and an injured knee. While I stand on this stage the new WWE Champion! And as far as you winning back your title tonight, yeah that's not gonna happen. Cause the Raw GM already informed me that since I successfully defended my title last week, I don't have to defend it again until the Tables, Ladders and Chairs pay-per-view in two weeks against you Randy. So the good news is your knee's gonna be all better. The bad news is that it really doesn't make a difference because you're going to lose again."

"Great plan, great plan Miz. The only problem with that plan is where are the seven people who are gonna come down to the ring and beat me down before you face me? No no no no no Miz. Don't you look at A-Riley. Don't you even look at him, because he doesn't even count as one."

"That was mean."

"Randy can be that way. I know."

"Yeah that's pretty funny coming from a guy who's on one leg. And even though The Miz here doesn't have to lower himself by facing you tonight Randy, well...I got five minutes to kill. And there's nothing better that I'd like to do, than challenge you to a match and prove to you and the rest of the world that even Randy Orton can go A-Ry."

"I don't know what it is exactly you just said, but...I accept. You're on."

"That's good, but there's one more thing I have to tell you Randy. The GM also informed me that I get to pick the kind of match we are going to have at TLC pay-per-view. So I'm gonna think long and hard. Because decision is gonna be just like me. Awesome."

"Well Miz, I'm looking forward to that. I really am looking forward to your decision. Ah...and for anyone out there who thinks that I might be too injured to compete, there thing injured knee or not that I can still do very well." He then drops the mic and RKOs Cole.

"Oooh, scary...not."

Ted chuckles. From there it's the first break of the night.

"Looks like we have to get going."

"Right." He nods, getting up.

We lace fingers as we head out of the door and head down to the curtain. Since we were alone for the meantime, that allowed us to be all cuddly and for him to be affectionate. I giggle and snuggle into him.

"Always affectionate."

"Always. I love you."

"I love you too."

Ted squeezes me lovingly. After the commercial, they replay what happened to Cole, before playing Ted's music and then we head out. On the tron however, they show Daniel coming out of his locker room with Brie after Nikki almost knocks on the door. They walk away to head to the ring, and Nikki looks on in jealousy. After getting in the ring, Daniel hands off the title to the ref. Ted and I talk and he agrees that he'll face Daniel first and that if I want in at any point, I can feel free to tag myself in. I nod and step outside the ropes, and Brie does the same. The bell rings to start the match and they traditionally circle each other and lock up. Ted pushes Daniel away from him as they break the hold. Just then, Nikki comes strutting down the ramp to watch the match from ringside. I roll my eyes, but keep the idea of them using Twin Magic in the back of my mind and what I'm gonna do to them if they even decide to do it.

Ted and Daniel lock up again and Daniel twists Ted's arm, before getting him in a headlock. Ted powers out of it and twists Daniel's arm this time. But he's not able to twist it as far as he would like, because Daniel uses Ted to climb and sit on his shoulders and reverse the hold as she jumps back down to the apron. Daniel leapfrogs over Ted and Ted comes off the ropes, needing to jump over Daniel who drops to his stomach. Ted bounces off the ropes again and gets tripped and put in an arm hold. Ted gets to his feet and pushes Daniel into the ropes and sends him flying into the other side to get out of the hold. Ted is the one to drop to his stomach this time as Daniel jumps over him and when he comes back Ted catches him and lifts him up into the air and drops him.

He backs up into our corner and I tag myself in. I run in as Ted gets out and I go for a clothesline, but Brie ducks it and when I turn back around, I get hit with a dropkick to the face, followed by one to the chest. After coming off the ropes, I'm also hit by a clothesline. Brie goes for the cover, but I kick out. She goes to pick me up by the hair but I fight back, hitting her a few times before grabbing her and slamming her face first to the canvas. I grab her by the hair to help her up and I clothesline her. I go for the cover, but Brie counters and rolls me up for a pin attempt of her own. Ted comes in and pulls Brie off, breaking the pin. Daniel rushes in and dropkicks Ted into the corner and he rolls out onto the floor. The ref is distracted by Daniel and I'm getting to my feet. I was completely unaware that Brie and Nikki switched. I go to pick her up by the hair, except I get rolled up and then pinned. I sit there in shock of what happened. There was no way Brie was able to do that. That's when it dawned on me. Nikki and Brie switched. Plus the ref didn't help with the fast count. I turn to see Daniel and Nikki celebrating. The only way I know it's Nikki...the red flower was on the right side of her head and Brie's was on the left. I growl lowly before getting up and attacking Nikki from behind. Daniel backs up, not wanting to get involved, but Brie does. She reaches in and pulls me out of the ring by my feet and starts to get in my face. I shove her so hard she falls and I get back into the ring to continue my attack. The attack goes on for a while, before I feel a pair of arms around me, and I'm pulled off of Nikki.

"Calm down." Ted says soothingly in my ear.

"I'm not done with her yet..." I struggle to get free.

"Ariel. Let it go babe. They're cheaters and we already knew that."


"Cuddle time back at the room. Come on."

He turns us around so we're facing the ropes and he leads me out of the ring. I take the title that he left sitting on the side of the ring, before we head back up the ramp and backstage. He keeps an arm around me the whole way back to our locker room. When we get to the room, Ted sits me down on his lap as he sits, keeping his arm around me and not letting me move from that spot. He leans down and starts kissing my neck.

"You need to relax." He mumbles.

"They pissed me off." I grumble, tilting my head.

"I know."

He trails kisses all over my neck and shoulders, up around my ears as well.

" do know how to relax me." I say calmer than before.

"I know you." He smiles.

"You do."

"Feeling better?" He asks, holding me close.

"I am."


After the break they replay what happened last Monday on Raw. Starting with Truth calling Nexus out, and when McGillicutty got attacked by John. Then they show the match Justin and Heath had, John costing them the match, and giving Heath the AA on the announce table and fleeing before Nexus could attack. That's followed by when Wade was in the ring talking to John, and John's in the parking lot where Riss, Justin, Husky and Otunga attack. Husky, Otunga and Justin get attacked in return, followed by what John did to Justin. Riss cringes watching the replay. She turns and hides her face in Justin's shoulder.

"It's okay. You can look now." Justin says once the video ends and now Punk, Jerry and Josh are on the screen.

She moves her head so it's just resting against his shoulder.

Punk asks if Wade is there since he's appearing via satellite for an interview. However Otunga appears on the screen from the hotel.

"Wade Barrett isn't here. He's on the way to the arena for Gabriel and Slater's tag title match."

"Okay, well David Otunga we'll ask you what we were going to ask Wade Barrett. What is your strategy to stopping John Cena?"

"Now obviously I'm not gonna tell you what we're gonna do to Cena. Come on now. Barrett and I...we don't always see eye to eye, but Wade does have a plan. John Cena's trying to pick us off one by one. All we have to do is stay united and stick to our strategy. I'll tell you this. When John Cena enters that arena tonight..." He trails off when there's a knock on the door.

"...that's gonna be the last time you see John Cena. Now my food's here, so this interview is over."

He goes over to the door and is ready to fight just in case it is John outside the door. He opens it and the room service comes in.

"Where have you been?"

"I'm sorry sir, we're really busy."

"Yeah, I wanted this 40 minutes ago."

He sets it down and David takes the cover off, picking the food up and taking a bite.

"It's cold man. I'm gonna pay for that? Get out of here. Go on."

"Sir you've got to pay for this."

"I'm not paying for nothing. Cold food? Get out of here man." He kicks the guy out.

"Rude." Riss scoffs.

Just as David walks away there's another knock on the door.

"This guy..." He trails off, opening the door.

It's not the room service guy. Instead it's John.

"Hey!" John says all cheery with a smile before he issues his attack.

"Dumbass." Riss scoffs again.

"I think we realized that when he tried to run the group over Wade running it."


Husky comes out of nowhere and attacks John now. John takes the plastic food tray and hits Husky in the head with it. David takes this chance to flee, leaving John in the room with Husky. He turns to him and grabs him, throwing him head first into the picture that was hanging on the wall. John then leaves quickly and Husky is left on the floor, in pain.

"Oops." Riss shrugs.

"It's what he gets really."


"So when's your match?" Justin asks.

"After yours."


"I find that easier. We can just stick around instead of going to the back and coming back out."

"Good point."

"We can only hope the matches go well."


"I mean, I really don't know if we should be concerned about John getting involved or not."

"I don't know either."

"You think he would be done with you after last week."

"I know."

"The only people he hasn't gone after is me and Wade. He's bound to do something."

"He does anything to you and he'll be in trouble." Justin growls.

'"You don't have to worry about him touching me. He's not someone who would. I know that."


"The last thing we need is him doing something to you."

"I'm more worried about you than me." She says softly, leaning into him.

"I know you are."

"You were lucky to get cleared for tonight."

"I know, I know."

She shifts and adjusts the corset top she's wearing, pulling it up a little. That of course causes Justin to stare. She looks amused but doesn't say anything, just leans back against him. After a minute she laughs.

"I know you're trying to look down my shirt."

"You caught me."

"I know I did. You're dying over there, aren't you."


"You're actually behaving. I'm surprised." She remarks.

"You're making it hard to though."

"I know." She smirks, rubbing her leg against his.

"I'm trying to behave until after our matches..."

"I see. Good luck." She laughs.

"I'll need it."

She laughs again and leans up for a kiss.

"I think you can make it."

"I'll try."

"I can give some motivation..."

"A little motivation wouldn't hurt."

She giggles and pulls him into a passionate kiss. It takes him a bit to respond, but she pulls away before he could. He makes a noise of disappointment.

"More later...remember."

"...yeah yeah..."

Currently in the ring was David Hart Smith, ready to go. His opponent, is Tyson. He stops at the top of the stage and looks behind him and a much taller guy, comes out to join him.

"Body guard?"

"Looks like it."

"This doesn't interest me too much."

During the match there was a knock on the door.

"Want me to yell or do one of us have to get up?" Justin asks.

"Yell. I'm comfy." She leans into him.

"It's open!" Justin yells, and in walks Wade and Heath.

Riss doesn't say anything to Wade, still rather upset with him over choosing to confront John and get Justin hurt.

"Thought you two would like to know that we have a backstage segment after this match. Now instead of making you two come all the way to the group's locker room, I've decided to come here instead, make it easy on you two." Wade explains.

"Thanks." Justin says.

Riss stays silent. She takes off her rings and puts them away before taking Justin's as well.

In the end, it was Tyson rolling David up to pick up the win. After the match, David would attack Tyson on the outside of the ring, but Tyson's mystery bodyguard would attack David and lay him out with a vicious clothesline. The cameras then turn on in the locker room, the backstage segment being cued to start.

"You know what's happening. This is crazy. We're not safe anywhere. In the ring, in the hotel..." Justin starts to explain.

"..I mean, he took out Husky and we don't even know where Otunga's at." Heath adds.

"Listen guys, just calm down okay? This is exactly what Cena wants. He wants us to behave like scared children."

"Wade, I'm not making any excuses. I'm just saying. I'm not sure how well I can defend this title. Now my neck is still messed up from what a certain 'fired person' did to me last week." Justin explains.

Riss frowns and reaches up, rubbing his neck gently.

"And McGillicutty got it even worse. He's still out from what Cena did to him." Heath adds.

"Listen listen, okay? That stuff is just a set back. In the long run, everything is gonna sort itself-"

Just then David comes bursting into the room, out of breath.

"Guys guys guys. Did you see that?"

"Yeah, you okay?" Heath asks.

"Did you see what happened?" He ask again.

"You okay?" Justin asks.

"Husky's hurt man."

"Yeah no shit." Riss mumbles to herself.

"Wade, your plan didn't work."

"David I can see you're upset but, I don't think there was a problem with the plan. I think there was a problem with the execution of the plan."


"No, the problem is, is that we can get attacked anytime, anywhere.."

"Okay okay, Heath. Just calm it down okay? You three need to focus on going to the ring to defend your titles okay? You'll be fine out there, trust me. Good luck alright?"

"Come on, let's go." Justin states, him, Riss and Heath going off camera for the meantime.

"Match is after this, we can leave after the segment is over."

"Still need to change." Riss points out.

"I can do that once it's a commercial. I'm sure there'll be one."

"I should change too."

"You sure?"

"Well yeah, my match is after that. You just don't want me out of this outfit huh?"

"No." He smiles innocently.

She laughs.

"I'll put it back on after my match, okay?"

"Alright. I can deal with that."


David and Wade continue to talk for the segment.

"Now later on, I'm gonna go to the ring, and I'm gonna call out John Cena. I suggest you watch. Because maybe then you'll learn something about taking care of business."

"Look Wade, I'm gonna be straight with you. You better. Cause if you don't, you might have a mutiny on your hands."

Wade scoffs and walks off camera, leaving David there on camera and it fades out on his face.

"Time to change." Riss says, nudging Justin.

"You first."

She agrees and goes to do so.

"And now, I'm sorry, but the rest of you out of our locker room. Heath we'll meet you by the curtain."

Heath nods. He leaves, followed by Wade and David. Shortly after, Riss comes out from getting changed.

"Your turn." She states.

Justin nods and gets a kiss before going in. He comes out a few minutes or so after, ready to go. They link hands and leave the room, heading to the curtain. After the break, the match was set to go on. Out first, Santino and Kozlov. 2nd, The Usos with Tamina. 3rd, Mark Henry and Yoshi. They play the Nexus music and then Heath, Justin and Riss go out. Getting to the ring, Justin and Heath slide into it, after Justin gets a kiss from Riss and they hand the titles to the ref who raises them up. Justin strips his shirt and tosses it to Riss who's standing ringside. Riss gives him a look and laughs.

Everyone exits the ring except for Justin and Yoshi who are starting the match off. They circle before Justin goes after Yoshi's arm, stopping him from locking up with him. He twists it around his back and then Yoshi reverses it and twists Justin's arm behind his back, followed by a headlock. Justin gets out of it by pushing Yoshi into the ropes, and they match equal power when they both hit a shoulder block in the middle of the ring. Yoshi then bounces off the ropes and Justin goes to kick him in the face, but Yoshi ducks it and slaps him across the chest. Justin goes to hit him again, but Yoshi ducks it again and slaps him again. He does it a third time before getting reversed and thrown into the ropes. Yoshi comes back with a spinning heel kick and covers Justin for the pin. Justin kicks out. Yoshi helps Justin up and he kicks him before going over and tagging Heath in. Yoshi comes back immediately and takes Heath down every chance he gets, getting him down on the canvas and holding his arm in a way where it's a possible submission. Heath gets to his feet and Yoshi twists his arm now. He pulls him over and Yoshi tags Mark in. Heath backs up and tags one of the Uso brothers in, before quickly exiting the ring, making a smart move for once.

That Uso brother starts arguing with the other and they both jump down to strategize. Mark however comes over and lifts him back up into the ring by his hair. He's hit with a hard clothesline, and a headbutt. He tags Yoshi back in and he climbs to the top, hitting him with a chop. Yoshi twists the Uso brother's arm, but he gets Yoshi into his corner, tagging his brother in. They do the quick tagging and teamwork, and they take Mark Henry out of the equation. Heath takes the chance to tag himself in when one of the Usos goes against the ropes. Heath rushes up and does his neckbreaker finisher and covers Yoshi, getting the three count and eliminating him from the match.

However Jimmy Uso comes right in and attacks, bringing Heath into his corner and Jey tags in. He covers him, but Heath kicks out. Heath starts to fight back and gets reversed and double teamed. Heath gets covered, but Justin comes in and breaks the pin up. Heath fights back a few moments later after moving out of the way of Jey, but Kozlov made the tag on him. Heath gets distracted with him and Jey knocks him out of the ring.

"Idiot." Riss sighs.

Kozlov comes in and shoves Jey down then goes over and knocks Justin off the side of the ring. Jimmy Uso tries to come in to stop him, but Kozlov kicks him down. After one slam, Kozlov covers Jey and eliminates him, so the Usos have been eliminated. It's down to Santino and Kozlov and Justin and Heath. The Usos ask Tamina to leave with them, but she stays for Santino and Kozlov. Justin gets back up and goes after Kozlov's leg. The only way to take him down. He goes for the cover, but Kozlov kicks out. Justin gets him into the corner he and Heath are in before tagging Heath in. Heath gets headbutted and Kozlov tags Santino in and he takes advantage. He delivers a snap suplex, but that momentum lasts a short time before Heath takes control and tags Justin in. Justin kicks him in the face and covers, but Santino kicks out. Jusin uses the ropes to launch himself up and stomp on Santino. Justin gets him in a headlock and holds it for a while, until Santino gets to his feet and out of the hold, reversing it. Justin comes back with a heel kick and covers Santino again, but Santino kicks out. Riss grumbles and paces at ringside.

Santino's in the Nexus corner again and Justin tags Heath in. Heath argues with the ref as Justin does a sneak attack move. It was a break for those watching at home. During the break, Santino got Kozlov in and Justin was in total control. He now currently has Kozlov in a headlock, not allowing him to get up. He does eventually though and tries to get out of the hold, but Justin holds on tight. Justin gets to his feet and hits him repeatedly, until Kozlov comes back and tags Santino back in and he takes control of the match, hitting Justin with everything he's got. After a split to duck Justin's move, he hits Justin with a hip toss, followed by a flying headbutt. He hits him with a gut punch and a neckbreaker move and goes for the cover. Heath comes in and breaks up the pin. Kozlov comes in and goes after him, both men spilling out to the ring where the fight continues.

Just then, John emerges from under the ring and quickly gets up and stands on the outside. Justin notices him and goes to attack him, and John jumps down and out of the way. John flees through the crowd just as Justin turns around and Santino hits him with the Cobra. Santino covers Justin and gets the win. Riss makes a loud frustrated noise, fighting the urge to curse. She goes over to Heath and Justin after Heath helps get Justin out of the ring while the title win celebration goes on with Santino, Kozlov and Tamina in the ring.

"Are you okay?" She asks.

"I'll be ok..."

"I'll be ok..."

"You sure? Your neck alright?"

"It's still sore, but I think I just need to sit down. I'll sit near the announce table for your match."


"I'll get you a chair." She adds.

She goes over and sets up a chair while Heath and Justin make their way over.

"I don't get a chair?" Heath asks.

"Get your own."

"Ouch, harsh."

"Shut up."

Justin sits and she makes sure he's as comfortable as he can be.

"Rest, okay?" She says.

"Promise." He nods.

"Good. Love you." She steals a kiss.

"Love you too."

She heads into the ring to wait. It took until after the commercial for the match to start. Kelly comes out right after the show came back on. Riss rolls her eyes as she flounces around. She gets into the ring and is all peppy and cheery and everything. Riss just stares at her blandly. Once she's ready, Riss hands her title over to the ref and he raises it for everyone to see before handing it off. The bell rings to start the match and they do the traditional circle around each other. While circling each other, Kelly claps to get the crowd behind her and they of course are. She stops when she and Riss lock up and Riss easily gets Kelly in a headlock, applying the pressure every chance she gets. Kelly starts to push her way to the ropes and sends Riss running into the opposite side. When Riss comes back, she hits Kelly with a hard shoulder block. Kelly gets right back up afterwards and Riss hits her with a clothesline. She then crawls on top of her and starts to slam the back of her head onto the canvas as many times as she could before having to let her go and move. She picks her up and throws her into the corner before choking Kelly on the ropes. She gets Kelly in a chokehold, dangling from the top rope, letting go before the 5 count. She goes for the cover, but Kelly kicks out. Riss picks Kelly up by the hair and whips her into the corner before running full speed and spearing her in the corner. She once again does the chokehold on Kelly, until she spots the crowd going crazy. She turns and realizes John is there again. She lets go of Kelly when John gets closer, getting ready to jump the barrier. Riss yells at Heath to go stop him, only because she told Justin to sit in the chair and rest. Heath listens so Riss goes back to Kelly, knowing Justin is smart enough to get out of the way if her needs to.

However when Heath goes after John right at the barrier, John takes him out. He then proceeds to jump the barrier, totally ignores Justin and walks up the steps, standing on the outside of the ropes. Riss doesn't notice at first, too busy beating up on Kelly. However when she turns around to bounce off the ropes, that's when she notices him. She freezes.

"What the hell?"

"Heath you idiot." Riss mumbles.

"What're you doing?!" She yells at John.

Then she realizes how close she is to him. Just then he reaches out, holding her face and he presses his lips to hers in a kiss and also a distraction. She's frozen in shock for a moment, but then she realizes what he's doing and pushes him off. Just then, Kelly sneaks up behind Riss and does her signature roll up. The ref starts the pin count and John jumps down from the ring and escapes through the crowd again, just as the ref hits 3. Kelly immediately lets go and starts jumping around happily. Riss screams angrily and punches the mat hard in frustration. Riss watches as Kelly celebrates happily, but Riss snatches the title from the attendant ringside as he tries to give it to the ref to give it to Kelly. Riss gets to her feet and waits for the perfect moment to strike. Her back is to Riss and Riss runs up and hits Kelly with the title from behind in pure anger and rage. Kelly crumples to the ground and Riss stomps on her a few times before throwing the title on her. Riss gets out of the ring and storms off up the ramp, disappearing backstage without Heath or Justin. Once Riss gets backstage, she starts to flip out even more, knocking stuff off tables, kicking stuff over, everything. She can't even speak due to intense anger so she just growls and screams.

It takes a while, but Justin finds her, after searching everywhere.


She doesn't acknowledge him, flipping more stuff. He finally reaches her to the point where he can reach out and grab her, which is what he does and he pulls her right to him in a tight embrace. She struggles at first. He leans down to her ear, whispering things to her in his native language to hopefully calm her down a little. She slows down until she stops struggling but she's still tensed up and shaking.

"I know, I'm not particularly happy with him myself. I wanted to get up and knock him out for putting his lips on you." He grumbles.

"He had no fucking right to do that and now MY fucking title is in the hands of that...that..whore!" She spits out angrily.

"And Wade said we'd be ok...."


"I wish he didn't have to come after you. And it's all Wade's fault because he's the one who fired him."

"Him and his fucking ego. This is the last straw!"

"So we're all on the same page. We're all done with this and Wade has to do something about."

Riss nods firmly, scowling.

"I think all of us have to come up with an ultimatum for Wade. I'm sure David already has that figure out after seeing what just happened."

"Yeah." Riss nods, still trying to get ahold of herself.

"Will a little revenge on Kelly help you feel better? I passed the makeup and hair station and I saw some hair dye." He says quietly.

"Maybe. I'm still getting the urge to flip and destroy things but ruining her hair will do."

"Maybe you can also throw her clothes all over the locker room. She'll have to search for her clothes to change."

"I'll be back." Riss says, freeing herself and walking towards the Divas locker room.

"I'll be back in our locker room okay?"

She waves to show she heard him. He heads back to their locker room. One the way to the Divas locker room, she sees the dye on the table where hair and makeup takes place. She picks it up and keeps walking. She reaches the locker room and looks around to make sure no one sees her. Then she walks in, finding no one there. She finds Kelly's stuff and digs through her bag, first taking her clothes and throwing them all over the room. She puts some of the dye in Kelly's shampoo and shakes it up. She puts it back in the bag. She smirks evilly, before leaving and heading back to put the dye back on the table. After putting the dye back, she walks to her and Justin's locker room. When she walks in, Heath, David and Husky are in the room, talking with Justin, clearly about Wade and his bad decisions lately. She ignores them and goes and sits on Justin's lap.

"So I think we all agree that Wade's actions as of late aren't doing the group any good." Otunga states.

Justin knows Riss will say something really mean so he covers her mouth.

"I've come to the decision after all that's happened, the ultimatum we give Wade, he either hires John back or he's out of the Nexus. If John's hired back, he has no need to come after us anymore."

Justin nods while still covering Riss' mouth.

"I know Wade's gonna call John out when he goes out there to confront him. He's obviously gonna call us out to attack. You know what we're gonna do? Nothing. We'll all walk to the back, ignoring his orders. Enough is enough."

Everyone agrees.

"Why are you covering her mouth?" Otunga asks Justin.

"Because she's still really pissed off and is liable to snap."


"All that stuff flipped over and thrown around backstage was her." Justin adds.



"So I wouldn't really say anything to her that'll set her off." Justin adds.

"Okay then."

"I think we'll leave you two alone now until that point in the night."

"That'd probably be a good idea." Justin agrees.

They all get up and leave the room, Riss and Justin being alone. He takes his hand off her mouth.

"You owe me. I could've gotten your hand off." She states.

"I know."

She shifts on his lap to get comfortable.

"I still want to flip and destroy stuff."

"I don't blame you."

"I need to go wash my mouth off." She mutters.

"Alright." He nods, letting her go.

"I'm debating if I want to change..."

"You don't have to if you don't want to."

"Well I do but we're gonna have to go out there and should I be in this or...?" She trails off.

"You heard Dave...we're not doing any attacking, no matter how much Wade demands us to. Tonight was the last straw."

"Mmm. I think I'll change then."


She gets up and goes into the changing area. She changes into her regular clothes and then washes her mouth off. Then she walks back to Justin, sitting back on his lap. Due to everything, they missed the whole coronation of Sheamus being King of the Ring, but right now it was another Divas match, Natalya coming out first and LayCool is ringside and on commentary.

"Eh. Don't care." Riss shrugs.

Melina comes out as her opponent and it was hard to concentrate on the match with LayCool's big mouths.

"Oh my god, can't they shut up?" I groan.

"They don't know how?" Ted remarks.

In the end, it was Natalya locking in the Sharpshooter on Melina, forcing Melina to tap out. After the match, LayCool would enter the ring and attack Natalya while Melina continued to walk away.

"God, I'm glad I don't have to face them anymore."

"Yeah, they're annoying."

"I'm also glad they weren't brought back for NXT tomorrow night."

"I know, thank god."

"But you know, I just can't believe what John did to Riss tonight. Costing her the title. She just got that."

"I know and kissed her despite knowing she's married."

"I really don't know what to say about that."

"Me either. I wonder how she is."

"Probably not too good."


"I know I wouldn't be."

"I know."

"If the roles were reversed, you'd wanna kill him."

"Hell yeah. I still do because that's my sister."

"She's married and you just don't do that to a married person, unless you're the one married to them. And he's not married to her." He adds.

"Right." I nod.

After the break it was time for Alex's match against Randy he requested. So currently, ready to go in the locker room was Alex, talking to Mike.

"He thinks he can beat me? On one leg? And on top of all that, I'm your apprentice. You're the WWE Champion and I would never-"

"Listen listen listen listen listen. Let me make one thing clear to you. You're representing me out there. I'm the most must see WWE Champion in history. The entire world is obsessed with everything I do. ESPN, MTV, TMZ, US Weekly, have all been talking about how I won the WWE championship. Not to mention, they're treating it as the turning point in the success of this company. You need to beat Randy Orton tonight."

"I will beat Randy-"

"No listen to me. Look into my eye. You need to beat Randy Orton."

"The only way Randy Orton makes it out of Louisville, is on his hands and knees."

"Good, 'cause after that, I'm not gonna tell Randy what kind of match we're gonna have at the pay-per-view. I'm gonna show him. Get my title, let's go."

Just as Alex does so, the screen changes back to the ring where Randy comes out first.

"I really think it was a bad idea for Alex to challenge Randy."

"Yeah, he's not really one to mess with."

"Right, and you should know because you've been there multiple times in the past."


"I remember those days very well, because I never missed a show." I grin.

"I feel special." He chuckles.

"That's because you are."

"You're special too."


Ted smiles and kisses me. Alex comes out with Mike shortly after and the match starts when they get to the ring and Alex gets ready. It was a hard fought match, but in the end Randy looked ready to hit the RKO, but Mike would enter the ring and catch Randy from behind with the Skull Crushing Finale.


He then takes his suit jacket off and whips it before getting a mic.

"I'm gonna show you what kind of stipulation match we're gonna have at the pay-per-view." Mike states before exiting the ring and looking under one side.

Not finding what he wanted, he goes to the other side and then pulls out a table.

"Table match."

"Oh man."

"Don't know if that's a good decision or a bad decision."

"Could go either way."


He gets the table in the ring before getting back in himself. He sets the table up before and he scares the ref away. He stands over Randy and helps him up, bringing him over to the table. He goes for a Skull Crushing Finale on the table, but Randy reverses and picks Mike up. Mike flees, avoiding getting thrown through the table, backing towards the ramp and away from the ring, the title on his shoulder. That's when Randy slowly turns to look at Alex.

"Oh no."


He goes over to him and helps him up, bringing him over to the table. It doesn't take long before he powerbombs him through. I cringe and hide my face in Ted's shoulder.


"Is it safe to look?" I ask.

"It's safe. Wade's heading to the curtain now."

"He's in trouble."

"He is. I'm even a little ticked off that he would let everything escalate to the point it has tonight."

"Yeah, it's gone way too far."

"He must be really proud of the title losses tonight."


"I have a feeling the rest of the group isn't going to listen to him tonight."

"I can't blame them."

It was a quick commercial break, before the show came back on the air. The Nexus music goes off and Wade walks out alone.

"Now I'm about to admit to something, that I've never had to admit to before in my life."

"That you're a horrible group leader?"

"I got it wrong. You see I assumed that John Cena was a man of his word. But we all know the stipulation from Survivor Series. It was free or fired. Not free or turn up at Raw whenever you like. Not free or turn up and attack The Nexus at will. Free or fired, and John Cena was fired. You see if John Cena had one ounce of honor or integrity in his body, he'd never show his face here again. But that's not how things have turned out. Cena, you can attack the rest of Nexus as many times as you want. The problem with that plan, is that the rest of Nexus cannot get you rehired. The only person who can do that, is me."

"And you won't do that."

"Doubt it."

"Cena, with that being said, I want to invite you out to this ring right now from wherever it is you're hiding. Because there's something I want to get off my chest. Come on Cena, don't be shy."

Then he appears in the crowd again, making his way down to the ring.

"Security we have a jumper. Security." Punk comments.


Just then the rest of the group comes out onto the stage. Justin, Riss, Heath, Otunga and Husky.

"Oh yea, she's still pissed." Ted comments.

"Don't blame her."

"Me neither."

"Cena, I've allowed you out to this ring. Make no mistake. You put one foot out of line, you even so much as threaten me, The Nexus...they're gonna come down to the ring and they're gonna beat you within an inch of your life. Cena...they can cheer for you all they want Cena. It doesn't help at all. I know you have real problems understanding me John. So I'm gonna say this very very slowly and if you like, you can read my lips. not work. I will never rehire you."

"Of course not."

"He's going to wish he had."

"Ahhhhh Wade. Wade you're just so stupid." John laughs.

That's followed up by mocking his words, in a funny voice.

"Dude, being fired, it's actually not that bad. You know technically technically I'm not a WWE superstar anymore. But I'm part of the WWE Universe! And and and and I still have a lot of friends who are WWE superstars, we keep in touch. And I can buy a ticket to every show and tailgate with the WWE Universe! And these guys are crazy! And the best thing of all of this, I got so much time on my hands that...really all I think about every day is...making the lives of Nexus a living hell. Like....hey hey hey. Hey uh uh uh uh, Justin...Heath. guys-I cost you the tag team championships. That had to sting a little bit right?"

Riss squeezes Justin's hand.

"You know what though? At least you guys didn't lose to Santino. No no, wait wait wait. At least you didn't lose to the Cobra. Anyway-oh yeah and then Heath, Justin and Maclicutty who's not even here because I whipped his butt so bad last week. How were those beatdowns last week? Were they okay? Were they okay? Oh and David and Hasky, how was the room service call? Did you like me showing up at the hotel?"

"And I also cost Karissa the Women's championship. The only way that I could without physically hurting her, because I'm not that kind of guy."

Justin growls and Riss glares.

"You see Wade, I'm out here to tell you that I'm perfectly content with staying fired, buying a ticket to every single Raw, and making the lives of every Nexus member miserable! So Mr. Barrett, you don't want to hire me? Read my lips. I could care less. Are we done here? 'Cause I got to go party with these guys."

"Hey. Cena, you might be able to intimidate the rest of The Nexus, but you can't intimidate me. But I'll tell you what. For once I'm gonna indulge you. Let's say...I did decide to rehire you. What assurancies could you give me that these attacks are gonna stop?"

"Oh Wade, you rehire me, I do like so many things in the WWE. It would be like taking twin beds and making them bunk beds. I'd have so many-so much room for activities! I could...I could compete in matches, I could make my own talk show and have a...wonderful carpet and a lounge chair. Or here's a brilliant idea. Never thought of this one. Ding ding ding. I could compete for the WWE Championship."

"The reason you never thought of it, is because you don't have the WWE Championship. But here's the problem Wade. You keep me fired, and all I have to do...every week, is buy a ticket, and ruin your lives. But I'm gonna be straight with you young man. If you got the guts to hire me back, my attacks on them...they may stop. My attacks on you, will not."

"I deserve payback, and payback is what I will get. If you were a man of honor, if you were a man of integrity, if you knew the first thing about respect, you'd rehire me on the spot, we'd settle it like we should, in this ring tonight! And if you don't, I'm gonna get ya'. Here's the sad thing for you. You'll never know when I'm gonna get ya, you'll never know where I'm gonna get ya, but I'm gonna get ya. And it's not just gonna be once. I won't stop. that Wade Barrett is in the WWE, I make it my promise. Your life will be a nightmare!"

"Well now who's stupid eh? That to me sounded like a threat. Nexus, come down here and extinguish this man."

They don't move.


They still don't move.

"Come down to the ring now!"

Again, they still don't move. Then one by one they start to leave, starting with Husky.

"What on earth are you doing?! Come back!"

Heath leaves next.

"Turn around! I am ordering you to the ring!"

Justin and Riss are the next two to go.

"Gabriel...Karissa, back here now!"

Justin moves his arm and wraps it around her shoulders. She leans into him as they walk backstage. And finally David leaves.

"Otunga! That is a direct order!"

John then takes advantage and begins his attacking on Wade, no Nexus to bail Wade out. After whipping him into the steel steps, John pulls the steps over to the side of the announce table. He goes back over to Wade and whips him into more stairs. John then starts ripping the table apart. He grabs Punk's soda and hands it to him, but Punk drops it on the ground anyway. He then goes and picks Wade up onto his shoulders and starts to walk up the steps. Wade gets up and flees, John in tow, but John stops at the end of the ramp. John celebrates in the ring and Wade is still fleeing through the backstage area. He finds the group standing around, talking.

"What the hell was that?!" He screams before spinning David around.

"What was that?! There's a problem here! When I give an order, you follow it!"

"Wade, you may not be giving orders around here anymore. Consider this an ultimatum. Next week you either hire John Cena back, or you're out of Nexus." David retorts.

"What? Are you kidding me?"

That's when Heath, Husky, Justin and Riss step up behind David, agreeing with him, standing united. They all stare him down before walking away. Wade just watches them with his jaw dropped as the screen fades on his shocked face.

"Are we done?" Riss asks quietly.

"We're done."

"We can go to the hotel?"


"Great. Let's go."

"Just have to get changed first." He states.


They make their way to the locker room, and when they walk in, she puts her rings back on as Justin heads in to change.

"Much better." She mumbles, twisting her rings until they sit just right.

Shortly after, Justin comes back out, bag in hand, ready to go.

"Today was horrible." Riss sighs, picking up her own bag.

"I know. I wish it wasn't."

"How are you feeling?" She asks.

"Emotion wise or physical wise?"


"I'm feeling better actually."

"I have an idea then." She says as he walks up to her.


"Maybe we can make this day end on a good note. You did get cleared after all..." She looks up at him through her eyelashes.

Well the outfit has been tempting me all night..."

"I know." I giggle.

"...I like your thinking."

"I figured you would." She smirks.

"I always do."

"Mmhmm." She leans up to him and kisses his jaw.

"Well let's go then."

She agrees and they start walking to the car. Once they get in the car, they head to the hotel. Once in the safety of their room, they drop their bags and take off their shoes and jackets. She turns and finds herself wrapped up in Justin's arms. She smiles up at him and cups his jaw with both hands.

"I'm curious...why the scruffy look lately?"

"I just haven't really wanted to bother with shaving right now."

"I see." She muses, a giggle escaping when he nuzzles her hands.

"Who knows, I may even just keep it for a while longer."

"If you want."

"We'll see."

"Okay." She agrees, gently scratching his scruffy jaw before retracting her hands.

"You're having fun with that aren't you?" He chuckles.


"You so are."

She laughs.


"I knew it."

"You're just that good at reading me."

"I am."

She rests her hands on his chest and tucks her head under his chin.

"Love you."

"Love you too."

His hands sneak down into her back pockets and he squeezes playfully. She squeals and he laughs.


"I know." He grins.

"I think you may have to have a soak in the tub tomorrow after tonight." He adds with a smirk on his face.

"I figured as much. You've been having withdrawals." She says amusedly.

"Too many withdrawls."

"I know but I wanted to make sure you were okay after what John did."

"Right, I know."

She picks her head up and wipes her mouth.

"Still feels funny." I mutter.

"Of course."

"I don't like other guys kissing me. I want your kisses."

"And you should only be getting mine."

She nods in agreement.

"You'll be getting mine and only mine from here on out."

"Good. Those are the only ones I want."


"I want one."

"You know you don't have to ask. Just go for it." He grins.

She glances over and sees how close to the bed they are. She tackles him to the bed and crashes her lips against his. He chuckles at her eagerness and his arms go around her to hold her tight. She grips his shirt in her hands and focuses on the feel of his lips. His hands move to her hair and he runs his fingers through it, keeping his hands busy. She moans softly against his lips. He grins into the kiss and continues to run his fingers through her hair. She squirms a bit on top of him, moaning again before nipping at his bottom lip. He then manages to roll both of them over, so that he's on top now. She squeals against his lips, moving her hands to his back and wrapping her legs around him. His hands also move, moving down her sides and resting on her hips. He breaks the kiss and moves along her jaw. She giggles due to his scruff tickling her.


Justin chuckles.

"More so now than before."

"I know." He grins.

"But you love it." He adds.

"I do." She laughs softly.


She grabs the bottom of his shirt and tugs it up. He lets her go and sits up a bit, bringing her with him, allowing her to remove the shirt. She throws it to the floor and runs her fingers over his muscles. He starts to play with her corset top, not wanting to wait to get that off, wanting the amount of clothing shedded to be almost equal between the two.

"This top has been making me crazy." He mumbles.

She giggles and places his hand on the hidden zipper.

"I have more of these." She smirks.

"Oh god. You're gonna kill me."

"But you'd die happy wouldn't you?" She teases.

"Tis true."

She laughs as he takes the corset off. He whines at seeing a strapless bra underneath.

"You were expecting to see nothing underneath weren't you?" She giggles.

"I was hoping." He pouts.

"I wasn't about to take the chance of having a wardrobe malfunction and being exposed completely." She explains.

"Good point."

"The only one I want seeing these is you." She says, putting his hand on her bra clasp.

"Which is how is should be."

"Right." She agrees as he pops the clasp open and throws her bra off the bed.

He presses his lips back against hers as his hands wander down to her pants. He gets them undone and then starts to work them down. He struggles to do that while still kissing her due to the fact that the jeans are pretty tight which is making them hard to get off.

"You may have to help here." He mumbles.

She breaks away and laughs.


"Yes." He pouts.

"The jeans are a little too tight for me to get off by myself." He adds.

"Oops. You like them though right?"

"Love them."

"You look fantastic in them. Though you always look fantastic but these are sexy." He adds.

"Well you'll be happy to know I have more"

"Damn woman. You really are going to kill me."

"Again, you'll die happy."

"Uh yeah."

She laughs and works her jeans down over her hips. Then he gets the rest, from where she can't reach anymore. Justin throws the jeans. When he gets back into reach, she goes after his jeans.

"Lucky for me, these are easy to get off of you." She grins.

"Yes, lucky." He chuckles.

"You know how I don't like making things hard for you, especially when it comes to this." He adds.

"I know." She says as he steps out of his jeans.

"Because your eagerness and the urge takes control sometimes."

"Yes." She blushes.

"Can't blame you though."

"Of course not."

"But now there's only limited clothing that's stopping us from forgetting all about tonight."

"Mmhmm." She nods.

"We need to fix that."

"Yes." She agrees, as she scoots up the bed towards the pillows.

He smirks as he follows, bringing the blanket with him. She giggles and pulls him down over her, sighing at the skin contact. He presses his lips against hers as he brings the blanket over the both of them to finish the night. Meanwhile, Ted and I have reached the hotel and are going to our room.

"So any news on your rookie for tomorrow night? Well I should say..our rookie." I ask.

"Mmhmm. Brodus Clay, former bodyguard to Snoop Dog."



"Must be a big guy."

"To be a bodyguard, most likely."


We reach our room and walk in after he unlocks the door. After walking in, I remove the jacket I was wearing and hang it over the chair before taking my shoes off. Ted takes off his jacket and shoes as well. Then I go and sit on the end of the bed for now.

"What a night." Ted comments.

"Crazy night."


"Hopefully tomorrow is much better than tonight."


"But for once I am tired."

"I can grab you some pajamas." Ted offers.

"You're so sweet."

"Just for you."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

He then goes over to my things to look for pajamas for me to wear. He picks some out and brings them to me. I thank him again and kiss him quick before heading into the bathroom to change. He's in his pajamas by the time I come out. I put my dress with my things before heading over to the bed where he was. Ted holds up the blankets for me as I slide into bed. I smile as I slide into bed and crawl under the covers as he lets the covers go. He opens his arms and I snuggle into him.

"Much better."

"I agree."

"Never get tired of holding you." He adds.

"Aww. I never get tired of you holding me either. I feel so safe and secure in your arms."

"As you should."

"Right. I know."

"Love you."

"Love you too."

"Night." Ted kisses me.

"Night." I smile when he pulls away.