Priceless Sensation

NXT Season 4 Premiere

It's the next morning of another busy day and night. I'm still sleeping, but Ted is wide awake, thoughts running through his mind that are making it hard for him to fall back asleep. He watches me sleep while he's deep in thought. I shift in my sleep and snuggle into him for warmth since I had moved away from him during the night as I was sleeping. He chuckles quietly and wraps me in his arms, laying his head against mine. He lets me sleep in a bit longer, before deciding to wake me up. He massages my back while nuzzling my neck.

"Mmmm..." I mumble.

"Morning beautiful."


"Sleep well?"

"Very well."



"I slept good."

"That's good."

"NXT tonight."


"What are we doing until then?" I ask.

"Well I haven't really thought of anything yet."

"Oh okay."

"Breakfast is a must first though."

"Of course."

"We'll figure something out for after that."

"Alright. Sounds good."

"Wait until you see the dress I picked out for tonight." I add.

"I'm looking forward to seeing it."

"I think you'll love it."

"I'm sure I will."

"Having fun?" I ask, referring to him still nuzzling my neck.

"Mmhmm." He kisses my neck.

"Well someone's affectionate this morning."

"There a problem with that?"

"No, just stating the obvious."

"Ah. Yes, I'm affectionate cuz I love you."

"I love you too."

Ted holds me close.

"But I do think I love you a bit more." He mutters.


"I think so."


"Think what you want." He chuckles.

"I will." I say stubbornly but he knows I'm being funny.

"Haha very funny." He says, before placing kisses everywhere he could reach.

I giggle as he does it.

"Okay..okay that tickles."

"Sorry." He snickers.

The quick kisses then turn into lingering ones, stopping the tickling sensation from before.

"Mmmm..." I mumble.

"...remember, no marks unless they're coverable ones. We do have the show tonight." I add.

"I know. I remember."

"Just making sure."

"I know love."

"Now I think you should enjoy this wakeup call." He adds.

"Oh I am."


The two of us lay there for a bit, exchanging kisses and affection. A while after that, we decided to get up and get dressed for breakfast. We take turns using the bathroom to get ready. The only thing I had left to do was pull on my boots that I chose to wear, and I do so.

"Hotel restaurant or one in town?" I ask.

"Up to you." He shrugs.

"Hmmm, I don't think I'm quiet ready to face the cold air. So restaurant here."

"Alright." He chuckles.

"You look cute by the way." He grins.

"Thank you." I laugh.

"You're welcome."

Once we have what we need, we head down for breakfast. We find a booth in a more private area and order breakfast. In the meantime, Riss and Justin are still sleeping themselves. She feels a chill that gives her goosebumps all over so she burrows under the covers more and presses up against Justin for warmth. In his sleep, he wraps an arm around her to hold her closer. She sighs in content as she gets warm and returns to sleeping peacefully. It isn't until about an hour or so later when they actually wake up. She mumbles and hides.

"Morning to you too."


"Someone's sleepy."


"My bad. The night was a long one last night."

She giggles softly.

"It was worth it though."

"It was."

"Good thing we don't have work today."

"I know."

"I do have something planned later that I have to do by myself."


"Not telling you what it is either."


"You'll live."

"I'll try."

She opens her eyes and looks up at him.

"Oh stop being dramatic. You'll make it."

"I know I will."

"Just teasing." He says before kissing her.

"Silly." She murmurs after the kiss.


"Beth time I think." She remarks as she shifts a bit.

"I'll go get it started."

She kisses his cheek and moves enough to let him out of bed.

"I'll come get you when it's all ready."


"You just relax."

"Thank you babe."

"You're welcome."

He gets up and starts the bath water. He finds some bath stuff to go in the water and soon she smells the scent of it.

"I can smell that out here." She calls.

"Smells good huh?"


"I thought so."

Soon it's mostly filled so he comes and gets her. He walks over to her side of the bed and reaches down to pick her up. She wraps her arms around his neck and snuggles into him. When he gets into the bathroom he sets her down into the water.

"Oooh, this feels so nice." She sighs.

"It does." He nods, after he steps into the water, sitting behind her like always.

She shuts the water off and leans back into him.

"Much better."

"Oh yes."

"Always look forward to this."

"Me too. I love spending time like this with you. Just the two of us, no real commitments...just relaxing."


They chill in the tub for a while before deciding to get dressed so they can go get some breakfast.

"Let me guess. Hotel restaurant so you don't have to go out into the cold right now." Justin guesses.

"Damn you're good." She laughs.

"Yes, yes I am."

She takes the time to do her hair, putting it up. Justin sits on the bed and waits for her to finish everything you were doing. She walks out after she's finished.

"I have a feeling you love the cleavage of this shirt." She says to him.

"Maybe." He smirks.

She looks amused as she picks up her purse.

"Alright, let's go."

He grabs what he needs before lacing his fingers with hers and they leave the room to head to breakfast. They find a mice spot in the hotel restaurant and sit together on one side of the booth. They decide on drinks first and order those, before looking for what they want to eat. The drinks come and they order their food. While they're waiting, Justin plays with her rings.

"You enjoy that, I know." She giggles.

"Yes I do." He smiles.

"I think you like playing with my rings more than I do."



"Okay so I do." He chuckles.

"I thought so."

Their food comes and they start to eat, occasionally stealing bits from each other's plate.

"So any plans for tonight?"

"I think we should go out."

"I like that idea."

"I figured you would."

"Anything in particular?"

"Dinner at least I think."

"Okay sounds good. Haven't done that in a while."

"I know. Not since the honeymoon."


"Ah the memories." He smirks while thinking of the honeymoon.

"Yes, the lovely memories." She giggles.

"Too bad we couldn't have stayed longer."

"I know."

"We can go back another time though." He adds.

"That's true."

"I would love to go back."

"Me too."

"One day."

"Right." She nods.

After they finish eating, Justin pays the bill and they get up and leave the restaurant.

"What now?"

"Well what time do you have to go do whatever it is you have to do?"

"A little bit."

Just then her phone rings, and when she looks at the screen she sees that it's Ted.

"Hold that thought."

"What can I do for you Marvin the Martian?"

"You're not busy are you?"

"No, just got done with breakfast. Why?"

"I need your help with something. I can't really give any details, because Ariel and I are still at breakfast. But we're almost done. Meet you in the lobby in about 10?"


They both say bye to each other after he thanks her, and then they both hang up.

"Sorry lover. Marvin needs my help with something and I'll have to leave for my thing afterwards." She tells Justin.

"Aww, well that's okay."

"I'll see you in a while." She leans up and kisses him.

"Love you."

"Love you too."

She goes to turn around but he stops her and she gets pulled into a heated kiss.

"Mmm, what was that for?" She asks, dazed slightly.

"Just for the time I'm gonna miss you and not be able to do that until you come back."

"I'll miss you too Lover Boy."

"I'll miss you more."

"Mmm, we'll see."

He gives her one last kiss before letting go. She heads to the lobby and picks a comfy chair by their fireplace. Justin heads up to the room, and after Ted and I finish breakfast, he pays and we leave the restaurant.

"I have something I need to go do, think you'll be alright by yourself for a while?" He says to me.

"I should be fine."

"Alright. I love you." He gives me a kiss.

"Love you too."

I head up to the room while he goes to the lobby. Ted goes through the lobby looking for Riss. That's when he sees her near one of the fireplaces in a chair.

"Hey Ducky." He greets as he gets to her.

"Hi Marvin." She replies, getting up.

"So what's this thing you need help with that you couldn't tell me in front of Air?"

"I need help picking out a ring." He says simply.

"Is it the kind of ring I think it is?" She asks excitedly.

"Engagement? Yeah." He laughs at her excitement already.

"Yayyyyy." She claps happily.

"So, any idea on when you're proposing to her? I want details Marvin."

"I'm thinking Christmas."


"That's so sweet." She adds.

"I've been thinking about this a lot lately." Ted says as they head out to the car.

"I figured as much."

"Ever since you were really quiet the day I had my dress fittings, I've known something was up."

"I'm that easy to read?"

"Only to some."

"But I'd love to help you pick a ring out for her."

"Thanks." He smiles.

"Anytime Marvin." She smiles back.

They get into the car and then head off to a jewelry store to find a ring.

"So what ideas do you have?" She asks as they step into the store.

"Well something unique would be good."

"Of course."

"Something she hasn't seen before too. Not just any kind of ring, nothing that's too typical to use."

"Right. Well let's see what we have here."

"We'll split up and if we find something, we'll call each other over."


She walks off to one area of the store, and Ted goes off to another part. They both look for a bit until she stumbles on a ring that catches her attention.

"Hey Marvin, come here."

He nods and walks over.

"Found something?"

"This one." She points.

"That's a different kind of ring for sure. Are you sure she's gonna love it?"


"This one it is then." He grins.

They call over the employee and Ted gives them all the information they need. hey take the ring and get it re-sized and everything, before putting it in a box and bringing it back.

"Have fun hiding that." Riss teases lightly.

"I think I can pull it off."

"I know. I'm just teasing."

"Now I can't wait until Christmas." She adds.

"I know." Ted grins.

"Marvin's gonna get married." She grins.

"I like the sound of that."

"You deserve a hug. I forgot to give you one back at the hotel before we left."

He chuckles as she hugs him. He hugs back.

"Now, you have the ring. You think you can come with me somewhere?"

"Sure. What do you need?"

"I need somebody for moral support. I'm getting a tattoo."

"I would've asked Jussi, but I want to surprise him."

"What are you getting?" Ted asks curiously.

"A set of wings right here." She reaches over her shoulder and places her fingers at the base of her neck where her neck meets her shoulders.

"Ah, interesting."

"This way I have a little piece of Jussi with me forever. Not just have the last name and the rings. I would have my angel with me always."


She blushes.

"That's sweet."

"I've been thinking about it for a while but it took a long time to find the right style of wings."


"So you'll come with me?"

"Of course."

"Thank you." She hugs him.

"You're welcome."

They leave the store and head for the tattoo place.

"So what're you up to tonight?" She asks Ted as he drives to the tattoo place.

"Ariel and I have NXT to go to."

"Ohhh, fun."

"Yeah, our rookie was a bodyguard."

"Ohh. Big guy then."

"I believe so."

"Well good luck."

Soon they pull up to the tattoo place. They get out and head inside.

"Oh by the way, the artist doing my tattoo is a big WWE fan so be prepared." She laughs.

"Oh boy." He chuckles.

She checks in at the desk. They start prepping the station and then she gets called over. Ted follows as she gets up and heads over to the station.

"Christine, I'm sure you know how this is." Riss pats Ted on the arm.

"Oh my gosh, yes."

"Its not really a widely known fact but Ted's my brother so he's here for my moral support." She says as Christine gives him a spot to sit.


"Since the tattoo is a surprise for my husband after all."

"Oh, and who's your husband?"


"You know....the one in the Nexus with her." Ted adds, so she's not confused.

"Oh my gosh, really? You two are so cute together!"

"Thanks. Of course it's not widely known that we're married as I don't wear the rings onscreen."

"Oh of course." She nods as she starts prepping the site of her tattoo.

"Maybe one day I'll wear them, just not right now."

"Right. Don't want to throw off the storylines and such."


She has her look at the placement of the stencil drawing and she okays it. She gets comfortable and reaches for Ted's hand. He reaches out himself and grabs it.

"Alright, here we go." Christine says as she starts the machine and begins the first line.

Riss feels a bit of a sharp pain as she does so and that's when she squeezes Ted's hand. She hisses a bit.

"It's okay...just squeeze my hand as much and as hard as you feel you need to."

Riss squeezes a little harder until she gets used to the sensation. Once she gets used to the sensation, she lets up on the squeezing of his hand.

"Not so bad anymore." She murmurs.


"So why angel wings?" Christine asks.

"Well back in FCW, his gimmick was Justin Angel. So with me getting these wings, its like having him with me all the time." Riss explains.

"Awwww, that's so sweet."

"That's why he isn't here, I want to surprise him with this."


"He's so curious as to what I'm keeping from him."

"Oh I'm sure."

"I can't wait to see what he thinks."

"I'm sure he'll love it."

"I hope so."

"I'll make sure it's perfect."


"You're welcome."

They talk as she finishes the outline of her tattoo.

"Alright, outline is done. I'll give you a little break before starting the colors." She declares, wiping her neck off.

"Alright." She nods.

Riss gets up and stretches. She gets a drink from her water.

"How's it look?" She asks Ted.

"It looks amazing."

"Great." She smiles.

"It'll look even more amazing when it's done."

"I'm excited."

"I can tell."

"You'll have to take pictures when its done. She's going to have to cover it up afterwards and I won't be able to show Jussi."

"I will. Promise."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

"So how do you think he's holding up without you by his side?" Ted chuckles.

"I don't know. Probably going a little stir crazy." She laughs.

"Should've told him he could've hung out with Ariel, then he wouldn't be alone. Neither one of them would be."

"Mmm true. Oh well."

"They should be fine anyway."

"Yeah you're right."

After the break, Christine comes back over to continue working on the tattoo.

"I warn you, shading will probably hurt more."

"Okay." Riss grabs Ted's hand again.

Then she starts on the shading of the tattoo. Riss grimaces, squeezing his hand. The more she shades, the pain level increases a small bit. Riss continues to squeeze Ted's hand.

"Man that's really uncomfortable." I hiss.

"I can only imagine..." Ted adds.

Riss focuses on blocking out the pain, letting up on Ted's hand. After a while, before she knows it, she gets done with the shading. She cleans off all the excess ink.

"All done." She says cheerfully.


"I got it." He says, getting up and taking Riss' phone to take pictures.

He takes a few before Christine covers the tattoo.

"You can take a look in the mirror before I cover it."

She gets up and walks over to the mirror on the wall. She turns and sees the beautiful wings splayed out towards her shoulders, centered at the base of her neck. She gasps and admire them, the purple-ish blue hue mesmerizing.

"Oh my gosh. That is beyond amazing."

"Why thank you."

"I absolutely love it. Thank you soooo much." She walks over and hugs her.

"You're welcome."

She then covers up the tattoo and makes sure Riss has the paper that explains how to care for the tattoo as it heals.

"I thank you again."

"You're very welcome. Thank you for letting me be the one to do it."

"Well I know who I'll be coming back to if I decide to get another tattoo."

"I'm flattered." She smiles.

"You did an amazing job. I would love to come back."

"You have my card, feel free to call when you're ready."

"I'll do that."

"Thanks again."

They go to the front desk and Riss pays, giving her a good tip. Then Ted and Riss go out to the car.

"Back to the hotel."


"Was it worth the pain?" He asks as he drives.

"Hell yeah. I love how the tattoo came out."

"Yeah it is pretty cool."

"I really appreciate you going with me."

"You're welcome."

Soon they get to the hotel and go up to their floor. They say bye to each other and split off to their respective rooms. When Ted walks in, I'm sitting on the bed and focused on the TV.

"Hey you." He smiles.


He kicks his shoes off and takes off his jacket before joining me on the bed.

"Missed you." He gives me a quick kiss.

"Missed you too."

"Everything okay?" I ask.

"Yeah, everything went great."

"What'd you do?"

"The first thing, I can't say. The second thing was for Ducky."


"She got a tattoo."

"Oooh interesting."

"She got a pair of wings at the base of her neck."


"A surprise for Justin."


"It really looks cool. Its this purple-ish blue color."


"You'll have to get her to show you on her phone. The real thing is covered up right now."


Ted slides closer to me. He pats his lap, silently inviting me to sit there. I grin before moving, sitting there. He makes a content noise and wraps his arms around me.

"I think you missed me more than I missed you." I giggle.


"You so did."

"...alright, guilty."

"Thought so."

"Love you."

"Love you too."

"So I'm assuming we're taking the rest of the time we have until we have to get to the arena, for alone time aren't we?"


"Would I ever deny you that?"

"I don't think so but it doesn't hurt to ask please, does it?"

"No, not at all."

"Alone time is fantastic though."

"It is."

"So...what are you watching?"

"Oh I'm just flipping through channels really."

"Ohhh. I see."

"But I don't think I need to do that now."

"No, not really." He smiles down at me.

"You're back and can entertain me."

"Glad I can help." He chuckles.


He pokes me back.

"I think I'm gonna win this."

"Bring it on."

"Oh it's on."

A massive poke war ensues. But he pokes me in the side, where I'm most ticklish. So I squeal and almost jump out of his lap. He laughs loudly and does it again.


"But its funny..."

"And it's a major ticklish spot."

"Hence why it's funny."

"Well I wasn't expecting that poke. I'll be expecting them now you goof."


"Your plans have been thwarted." I snicker. "Poor you."

"I'll just find a new one. Mwahahaha." He laughs evilly and begins poking me again.

"Ahh! No!" I start squirming.

He sucks in a sharp breath as I squirm in his lap.

"Oops." I give him an innocent look.


"Love you too."

Ted gives up on the poking and kisses me instead. I smile into the kiss, and make sure that it does linger a while because he was gone for a long time.

"Mmm. Missed you too." He murmurs afterwards.

"I can tell."

"I know."


"Only with you."

"Of course."

Ted moves so he's laying back against the headboard and I'm leaning against his chest.

"Alone it."

"Me too." He smiles.

"Probably gonna have to be at the arena early tonight right?"

"Yeah." He nods.

"Figured as much."

"I'm still looking forward to what you're going to wear."

"Of course you are."

"You always look amazing."

"Only for you."

"And I greatly appreciate it."

"And you're very welcome."

"I say we just relax here and do whatever comes to mind until its time to get ready."

"Sounds like a plan. I don't feel like moving right now anyway. Too comfy."

"Good to know." He chuckles.

"Like I always say, you're comfy."

"Glad I can be a pillow."


He chuckles and kisses my head. Then I snuggle into him, his arms wrapping around me to hold me close. Meanwhile, Riss gets to her room and uses her key to get in. When she walks in, she finds Justin laying on the bed, but he seems to be sleeping, cuddling with one of her pillows.

"Awww." She giggles.

She puts her things down and walks over to the bed where Justin was. She leans down and kisses his cheek. Then she grimaces as he neck twinges. To save herself from any further twinges, she kicks her shoes off and climbs onto the bed next to him. She reaches over tot he nightstand and grabs the water bottle sitting there, along with the small bottle of advil. She takes two advil and replaces the bottles in their previous spots. Then she carefully takes her pillow out of Justin's grip, replacing the pillow with herself. He latches onto her and snuggles in close. She giggles quietly. She leans forward and kisses his lips quickly. Then she rests against him and waits to see if he wakes up. That's when he start to mumble incoherently in his sleep. She listens and laughs silently.

" you..." He mumbles.

"I love you too goofy."

After a bit of still being asleep, that's when he starts to stir. She smiles and watches him wake up, waiting for him to notice she's back. He notices that the pillow isn't in his arms anymore, so he moves his hand along, checking out what is in his arms in place of the pillow. He squeezes and she squeals a little before giggling.



"You're back."


"I'm glad."

"Of course you are. Touchy." She teases lightly.

"Missed you."

"Missed you too."

"So, what'd you do?"

"You gotta sit up with me for a sec then."


They sit up and she turns, showing him the bandage covering her tattoo.

"Rissa, that's amazing."

"You can't even see what it is." She laughs.

"I have an idea though."

She grabs her hone and pulls up the picture. She hands him the phone.


"Do you like it?" She asks shyly.

"It's amazing. What's the meaning behind it?"

"You. Its my way of having you with me all the time." She says softly.


She nods bashfully.

"That's so sweet."

"It took me a while to find wings that I liked. But I love these because it looks like there's a heart in the middle. The blue and purple color is because we love those colors."

"Right." He grins.

"So what do you think?"

"I love it."

"I'm really glad you do."

"It's a great surprise."

She clears her phone and turns the screen off, setting it aside. She snuggles back into him.

"Just to warn you, its sore so be careful."

"I promise I will be."

"Thank you. I can't go swimming and baths aren't a good idea for a few weeks until this heals up."

"So no rough nights then."

"Well we can, I just can't submerge my neck."

"Well I can make sure you don't."

"Right. I just need to be careful. I have a paper describing how to take care of it."


"Next time I get one, I'm taking you with me."

"I would love that."

"If I hadn't planned on surprising you with this, I would have brought you with. I wasn't alone though."


"Marvin was with me."


"I'm glad he was because I think I would've freaked out by myself."

"Ah. I'm glad he was there with you too."

"The girl going my tattoo was a big fan."

"No kidding." He chuckles.

"Nope. I told her we were married and she was all excited. Said we're so cute together." She giggles.

"Well it is true." He grins.

"I know."

"She's the one I'll be going back to if I get another tattoo." She adds.

"I don't blame you. It looks amazing in the picture. I can't wait until you take the bandage off so I can see it in person."

"Of course."

"I'm very touched you did this. A permanent mark on your body and you made it about me." He says, kissing her head.

"Because I love you with all my heart." She smiles.

"And I love you with all of my heart." He adds.

She smiles more and pulls him into a kiss. He wraps his arms around her waist and holds her close as he kisses back. She climbs onto his lap as the kiss heats up. his hands move and slip under her shirt. She makes a quiet noise in response. He smirks and she nips his bottom lip. This earns a quiet growl from him. She giggles softly. She does it some more, earning louder growls from him. She giggles more and lets her hands wander over his chest. He's not wearing his shirt anymore so she assumes he took it off before he laid down.

"No shirt..."

"It was warm in here so I took it off." He mumbles, moving his lips along her jaw.


"You know that no shirt and wearing jeans kills me." She groans softly.

"Oh...I know."

She whimpers as he sucks gently on a spot beneath her ear. He stays there for a bit, before moving to another spot on her neck.

"Careful." She manages to say.

"I know, which is why I'm being gentle."

"You're fine as long as you keep away from the bandage. The advil I took is kicking in anyway."

"Right, but still. I'm being gentle."

"You're too sweet." She kisses his neck.

"Because I love you."

"I love you too."

He makes his way from her neck, along her jaw and back to her lips. She kisses back eagerly. His hands wander, along with hers as they continue. They only break when they absolutely need air. Both of them are breathing hard.

"Its getting to you that you have a permanent mark on me isn't it?" She smirks, still catching her breath.


"Maybe?" She raises an eyebrow.

"Okay it is."

"I knew it would." She laughs.

"But I love it."

"I'm glad you do. That was important to me."

"I know." He nod.

"I think the next one will be something about family."


"I have research to do for that one."


"But this is good for now. So...what are we doing until dinner?"

"Whatever you want to do."

"Hmm...snuggle?" She suggests

"I love that idea."

"I can tell." She giggles.

He moves so he's against the headboard. She stays in hi slap, leaning on his chest. She turns on the TV and as she's flipping the channels, his mouth finds that spot beneath her ear again.

"You're gonna leave a lovebite." She groans, biting her lip.

"That's the goal."

"You're lucky we don't have work for a few days." She mumbles.

"Which is why I wanna leave one."

"...fine. You insatiable scruffy husband of mine."

"I win." He grins.

"This time."


Justin returns to what he was doing. She tries to resist making noises while flipping channels on the TV. He knows she's resisting so he tries harder to get her to react. She bites her lip hard.

"Don't resist..."

She shakes her head slightly.

" know you want to..."

She shakes her head again.

"You'll crack and not resist anymore." He chuckles.

She shakes her head yet again, looking stubborn.

"We'll see."

He returns to her neck. She fights back the noises. She manages to succeed until he squeezes her thigh and her butt at the same time. She lets out a pretty loud squeal and moan. He smirks in triumph.

"Cheater." She pouts.

"But I win again."

"Cuz you cheated." She sticks her tongue out.

"You love me anyway."


"I'll let you relax now."

She finally finds something worth watching and pays attention to it even though he nuzzles the lovebite he just left every now and then. The rest of the day seemed to pass by fairly quick, and before we knew it, Ted and I were getting ready for NXT. He's waiting impatiently out in the room while I finish up in the bathroom.

"I wanna seeeeee...." He whines.

"I'm almost done. Patience."

"I'm bad with patience when it comes to you."

"How well I know."

"Can't I come in?"

"Just a few more seconds and I'll be out."


I finish up my hair since I had everything else on, and then I slip my shoes on, before opening the door and finally coming out of the bathroom.

" You are so beautiful."

"Oh, I try. Even though I know I don't have to."

"Exactly." He nods.

"You're not looking too bad yourself. Trying to kill me are you? What with the tight shirt and the jeans."

"Just for you babe."

"Just like all for you."

"Good." He smiles.

"Although, Del Rio may think it's for him too. Ran into him today when I came back up here after you left."

"He hit on you?" Ted growls.

"Tried, but failed miserably. I couldn't even understand him. Spoke no English to me."

Ted snorts.


"So I just walked away."

"Haha that's my girl." He snickers.

"Just wasn't gonna stand there and be confused by his language."

"Of course not."

"So are we ready to go?" I ask.

"Yep. All ready."

We grab our jackets and anything else we would need, and head out of the room, down to the car and then to the arena. Once there, we're directed to a meeting room. When we walk in, the room is full of people. All the pros and the rookies.

"Lots of people."

"Yeah no kidding."

Once everyone was there, the pros were introduced to the rookies, each one of the pros' rookies being pointed out to them.

"Whoa, okay. We were right. Big guy." I say quietly after they point out Brodus.


"Bodyguard is definitely a fitting job."

"Right. When I did read his information, he wasn't just any bodyguard. Apparently he was the bodyguard for Snoop Dog."

"I could see it."

Once we're all acquainted with our rookies, we were sent out of the room to get ready for the show which would be starting shortly.

"The only uncool thing is not having privacy to be like we normally are." I say softly.

"I know. Have to control ourselves." Ted chuckles a bit.

"You mean you have to control yourself."


"You are the one who's touchy." I snicker.

"Hey now, you can be too."

"Oh I know."

"So yes you have to control yourself too."

"I can do that."

"Okay then."

"Can you?"



The show starts and we're all standing backstage in the curtain area with the rookies. The normal WWE intro plays, followed by the new NXT intro. Pyros follow, and an introduction from Todd. And then it's thrown to Striker in the ring like always.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to NXT Season 4! Please welcome your brand new WWE Pros!"

Out first was Truth and he starts rapping.

"I'll tell you what's up. This guy is the hottest thing since grits, and you all should know this. Allow me to introduce to you my rookie, Johnny Curtis."

"Hottest thing since grits? No." I laugh.

Ted snickers. They then play Ted's music and we head out next.

"Allow me to introduce to you the biggest, most intimidating powerhouse to ever be featured on NXT. I give to you, Brodus Clay."

Once he comes out, we all head down the ramp now and get into the ring, just as Chris Masters comes out.

"What's going on WWE Universe?! Okay, so my rookie, he's brash, he's cocky, he's a bit full of himself. Now he might not exactly be a masterpiece, but he's pretty close. Ladies and gentlemen, Byron Saxton!"

"Aka, Carlton Banks." I snicker.

Ted can't help laughing. As they're heading to the ring, Dolph comes out next.

"The Intercontinental Champion, Dolph Ziggler."

"I'm really awesome at what I do, and hopefully if my rookie listens to me, he'll be almost as good as me. Jacob Novak."

"Aka, Big Nose."

He takes his time coming out and follows Dolph down the ramp, and Daniel's music goes off next.

"The United States Champion, Daniel Bryan!"

"Ladies and gentlemen, my rookie is manly. So manly, oh so manly, his name is Derrick Bateman."

"You're more manly than him."

"Yes I am." Ted smirks.

"More manly than both of them combined."

He smirks proudly. And finally, Ricardo comes out and introduces Del Rio, who comes into the ring area with one of his many expensive cars. He then motions to Ricardo, who introduces Conor O'Brian, Del Rio's rookie.

"He looks like a rat. A human rat."


"Alright rookies, welcome to NXT Season 4. Each of you have an opportunity here to do what some people can only dream of. And that's becoming a WWE Superstar. Over the course of this competition we're gonna test your body, your mind, and your spirit. And each week we're gonna test your agility and your desire. But you guys gotta remember one thing. Everything you say and do from here on in will be under a microscope. The WWE Universe is watching and your pros are watching as well. 'Cause the Universe will vote on, your pros will vote and collectively one of you will become the WWE's next breakout star. The winner of NXT will earn a championship match. The competition begins now, we're gonna start with some introductions. You have 30 seconds to introduce yourself to the world. Johnny Curtis, you're up first. 30 seconds begins now."

"Hi everybody I'm Johnny Curtis and uh...instead of coming out here and making the generic please cheer for me interview, I would like to take this opportunity to uh make a couple shout outs. First I'd like to make a shout out to the WWE Universe, thank you guys for your support. Yeah. And uh, secondly I'd like to make a shout out to my 4th grade gym teacher Coach McIntyre. Thank you coach! And remember, vote for Curtis. A vote for me is a vote for freedom!"

"Thank you Johnny Curtis. Fall back in line. Big Brodus Clay, 30 seconds."

"Striker's scared of him." I snicker quietly.

"I know." Ted snickers too.

"WWE Universe, recognize Brodus Clay. I'm coming at this competition lemon juice and razor blades you dig? So marinate on this. NXT's next breakout star, Brodus Clay. And if you're not cool with that, there's two things you can do about it. Nothing and like it. And you do know that."

"Thank you Brodus. Byron Saxton. 30 seconds, introduce yourself to the world."

"It's Byron Saxton and what I'd like to let everyone know here seriously, is that I look forward to building a bond. A bond of importance, a bond of strength and together you...and I will become WWE's next...breakout starrr!"

"He must still think he's a broadcaster like he was on commentary in FCW." I shake my head amusedly.

"I think you're right."

"Thank you Byron Saxton. Jacob Novak. 30 seconds, go."

"I wanna ask the Universe something. Did you guys grow up playing any board games like checkers or chess? You see my board game of choice was Monopoly. I like that game 'cause you got to own your competition. And that's what I'm gonna do right here on Season 4 of NXT. I'm gonna own the entire board."

"Thank you Jacob. Back in line please. Derrick Bateman please step forward. 30 seconds Derrick."

"Now before I say anything, I would just like to mention how honored and privileged I am to be debuting in my home state, the greatest state in all of the union. Ohio! Now today is a day that will live in infamy. Because it is NXT Season 4, and I am Derrick Bateman, the superstar that is mantastic. Just the way you like it."

"Mantastic?" I make a face.

"He's weird."

"Alright Derrick Bateman, thank you very much. Last but not least, Conor O'Brian. 30 seconds Conor, go for it man."

"Dayton, Ohio heeeyyyy. Now that I've got your attention, you know all my life I've been made fun of for the simple fact that I look like a rat."

"See, I knew he looked like a rat."

"I know."

"But you see, rats are sole survivors. They lurk in the shadows, waiting to strike on the opportune moment. My friends here in Dayton Ohio, now that....that takes the cheese. See."

"Alright thank you very much Conor O'Brian-"

"Hey hey hey, Chamaco, Chamaco. If you're gonna be my rookie, you have to do a better job. Because you're boring. You're just're just like him." Del Rio states about Daniel.

"Ohh burn."

"You're just like Daniel Bryan."

"Wait a second, wait a second, wait a second. Don't listen to him. You did a great job, even though you do look like a rat. It's okay. He's just a little bit jealous, because even though he has his own ring announcer, and his own car, he's never won a championship." Daniel retorts.

"Listen, you don't talk-" Del Rio trails off as he almost starts a fight with Daniel, but Striker breaks them up.

"It looks like, hey hang on. It looks like later tonight we have the makings of our first main event for NXT Season 4. Alberto Del Rio and his rookie Conor O'Brian vs Derrick Bateman and his pro Daniel Bryan!"

They play the NXT theme music, and that's basically our cue to get out of the ring, except for those who will be competing first. Ted is his usual gentleman self and helps mr out of the ring. After we're both out of the ring, we head up the ramp, but we don't head backstage yet, because we're needed onstage to evaluate the first match. But it's only Ted and I and Chris who will be sitting on the stage right now. Ted pulls my chair close to his and the two of us sit. He draps one arm across the back of my chair.

"Chair too far from yours?"


"You're a goof." I kiss him quick.

"Your goof and you love me."

"I do."

"I love you too."

As we sit and wait, there's a introduction video for Byron. But in the ring, as soon as it was over, was Johnny and Jacob, with Truth and Dolph on the outside to do the coaching. Curtis with a waist lock and hammer lock. Novak makes it to the ropes. The pros give some advice to their rookies. Novak with shoulders in the corner but Curtis with an Irish whip. Curtis with a forearm and Irish whip but Curtis is sent to the apron. Curtis with a shoulder and he flips over Novak and returns to the ring and gets a near fall with a backslide. Novak with a belly-to-back suplex for a near fall. Novak punches Curtis and the referee warns Novak. Novak with punches to Curtis. Curtis with a kick but Novak with another knee. Novak with a boot to Curtis for a near fall. Novak with a reverse chin lock. Ted and I along with Chris are evaluating the rookies in the match, writing the stuff on the clipboards that were left on the chairs for us. Curtis with punches to Novak followed by a discus clothesline. Novak with a kick but Curtis with a power slam for a near fall. Curtis misses a knee into the corner but Novak misses a splash into the corner. Curtis with a spinning heel kick followed by a leg drop from the top turnbuckle for the three count.

After a bit of celebrating, they show a introduction video for our rookie, Brodus. After that it was a bit of a break and more chairs were put out for the rest of the pros. The ring was also set up with other things and then all the rookies were out on the stage. Clearly it was time for the first challenge of the season.

"Okay rookies, welcome to your first rookie challenge. Now these rookie challenges are very important. Not only are you gonna impress your WWE pros, you're gonna impress your WWE Universe as well. But as you win rookie challenges, you win immunity points. Whoever gets the most amount of points, will be immune from elimination when that time comes. Do you understand? Okay, your first challenge is something called Capture the Flag. It is very simple. You're gonna start on the yellow line, you're gonna run all the way down to this ladder. Put the ladder in the ring, open up the ladder, make sure you lock the braces, otherwise the ladder's gonna collapse on you. Climb up the ladder, pull the flag down, climb all the way down, Don't jump down, you might twist an ankle. Come all the way down, run back up, whoever crosses the finish line first, whoever has the best time, will earn an immunity point. Do you understand. Very well then. Johnny Curtis please come to the middle of the yellow line, the rest of the rookies move kindly to your right. Your other right Jacob, all the way down guys. Johnny on your mark, get set, go."

He does what was explained and he finished with a time of 28.6 seconds.

"Okay Johnny Curtis, 28.6 seconds is the time to beat. Thank you Johnny, step on down. Conor O'Brian you are next. Conor you ready?"


"Okay if we are all set, foot behind the yellow line. On your mark, get set, go."

He finishes with a time of 28.2 seconds.

"He got lucky."


"28.2 seconds for Conor O'Brian. Slide on down. Big Brodus Clay, you all set big man?"

"Yeah, I'm set."

"'Kay. On your mark, get set, go."

"How well do you think he's gonna do on this?"

"I'm not optimistic but who knows."

By the time he gets out of the ring, the time's at 26 seconds and when he crosses the line, the time was 33.5 seconds.

"Yeah, I didn't think it'd beat the best."

"Just not the best challenge for him."


"Alright, Conor O'Brian is still in the lead. Byron Saxton, is there anything you picked up so far you think you might be able to use?"

"I'm just gonna be me Matthew."

"That's a great answer. My mom calls me Matthew, so thanks for that. Okay, on your mark, get set, go."

After going through, when he gets to the top of the ladder and grabs the flag, he almost falls. But coming down he does.

"Oh my god." I facepalm.

Ted snickers.

"Oh, you've got to take the steps back down again Byron."

"He's at 40 seconds, it shouldn't even matter." I laugh.

"I know right."

By the time he finishes, it's 56.8.

"Alright rules are rules. Conor O'Brian's still in the lead. Rookies slide on down. Jacob-" Striker stops when Dolph starts giving advice.

"...go really fast."

"Alright, getting some advice from your pro. You all set? You a little nervous?"

"No, I'm never nervous."

"That's a good answer. Alright, on your mark, get set, go!"

He finishes with a time of 26.9 seconds.

"Well look at that, big nose is in the lead."

"For now."

"Jacob Novak is the new leader! Derrick Bateman, do you think you could beat that time?"

"I certainly do think I can beat that time. And I think if I replicate Byron Saxton's actions, I'll do just fine."

"Alright here's your chance. On your mark, get set, go!"

"We'll be here all day with this loser!" Del Rio comments.

"Oh come on Bateman, you can do it!" Daniel encourages.

"Come on Bateman. Bateman! Bateman! Bateman! Bateman! Bateman!"

"Come on."

"Come on. Go! Go! Go! Go! Go, you can do it! Come on, run! Run! Run! Run! Run!"

"27.3 seconds."

"Wah wahhhh."

"Jacob Novak earns immunity in the first challenge."

"You are a loser!" Del Rio says to Derrick.

"You did great, you did great." Daniel adds.

"2nd place, 2nd place." Dolph continues.

It takes a while but the stage clears and people head backstage. That's when Ted gets up.

"We're going backstage?"

"Mmhmm. We've got a backstage segment."

"Ohhh. Okay."

He holds his hand out for me to take, and I gladly do, lacing my fingers with his. We then head backstage and where we're suppose to be. I lay my head against his shoulder as we walk along.

"I think we may have some alone time, I see no one around." He says once we get there.

"Touchy." I tease as he pulls me into his arms and starts kissing along my neck.

"Just taking advantage of the current situation."

"I can see that."

"Because every Tuesday night it's gonna be like this...having to control ourselves until we get a moment of alone time."

"Mmm, you have a point there."

"And if you're gonna continue to wear dresses like this, I'm gonna need these short moments of alone time. As many as I can get."

I laugh.


"Even though you get a lot of alone time with me as it is." I add.

"Not enough."

"What if you got 24 straight hours. Would that be enough?"


"24 straight hours, I'd be in trouble." I laugh.

Ted smirks.


In the meantime, Riss and Justin are getting ready for dinner. She sits in front of her bags with just her jeans on. She rummages through her things for a shirt that won't aggravate her tattoo. Justin of course is staring, his eyes wandering.

"Enjoying the view?"


She giggles softly and then she finds a halter that shoul work. She gets a strapless bra to go underneath and puts those two things on.

"Oh how I enjoy watching you change." He grins.

"I know you do." She laughs.

"But now you're gonna have to wait until we get back to see me change again." She adds.

"Aww." He pouts.

"You'll survive."

She stands up and puts her shoes on.

"I know you can make it." She adds.

"I can try."

She shakes her head amusedly and goes into the bathroom to do her hair and makeup. She lets her hair down out of the braid she wrapped around her head and shakes out the waves that have formed. Justin of course has followed and watches from the doorway. She fixes the waves, knowing that he's itching to put his hands in her hair.

"Oh...the waves." He grins.

"Mmhmm." She gives him a half smirk.

"I so wanna touch them."

"I know." She laughs.

She moves onto her makeup.

"You can touch in a few minutes."


He leans against the door frame, and watches her as she does her makeup. She finishes quickly and puts it all away.

"Can I touch now?"

"Yes babe, you can touch." She laughs.

"Yayy." He grins, walking in and standing behind her.

She giggles as he starts running his fingers through her hair.



"Love it."

"I know you do." She says amusedly.

"You should keep it wavy forever."

"I know you'd love that. I like to change it up though."


"Are you done playing with my hear?"

"I guess so."

He retracts his hands and she turns around.

"I like this look on you." she remarks, running her hands over his chest.

Justin chose to wear a button up shirt under a vest and jeans.

"I should wear it more then." He grins.

"Yes you should." she agrees, using it to tug him close and kiss him.

"Just for you."

"Mmhmm." She murmurs, getting another kiss.

They keep going back for more kisses.

"We'll never get out of here if we don't stop." She says inbetween kisses.


He pulls away and she can't help giving a small whine.

"More later."

"I know." She says, letting him guide her out the door.


"Just for now. Once we get up, you can be touchy, but only until we we both have to go out there."


"I usually do." She remarks, picking up her purse and jacket.

"Because I know what you love."

"Yes you do."

"Shall we go now?"

She nods.


They both grab their jackets and everything else they need before heading out the door. They get into the car and Justin drives to the restaurant. The traffic wasn't that bad and they soon pull into the parking lot. They go in and get seated. They order drinks and look over their menus.

"This place is nice."

"Yeah, I like the atmosphere."


"Great choice." She adds.

"Why thank you."

"You're very welcome." She leans over and kisses his cheek.

The drinks get to the table and they order their food. The menus are taken and the two of them drink while talking.

"Not long left before our next wedding." She points out.

"I now. Can't wait to go back home."

"Excited to see everyone?"

"Very excited."

"I'm excited to go back again. I want to take Marvin and Air up on that mountain you took me to."

"We can do that. The view is amazing."

"Definitely." She agrees.

"Especially at sunrise and sunset."

"Oh yeah. That was beautiful."

"We so have to do that again both at sunrise and sunset."

"For sure!"

"Although, nothing is as beautiful as you are."

She blushes.



He steals a kiss.

"Love you."

"I love you too."

Shortly after that, the food arrived. They eat and as usual, steal from each other's plate.

"That's good." Justin remarks.

"I know. Its got a really good flavor."

"It does."

They finish their meal and decide to get dessert.

"Hmm...what to get..." She muses, looking at the dessert menu.

"Anything chocolate."

She looks at him and giggles. She picks out a brownie with ice cream and they get it ordered.

"Brownie with ice cream. Good choice."

"I thought so."

"It looked good on the dessert menu."

"Yes it did."

"Probably looks better than the picture."

"Bet it tastes amazing."

"I'm sure."

The dessert is brought and both of them lick their lips.

"Oh man."

"It looks so good."


"You take a bite first."

She picks up the spoon and scoops up a bite. She puts it in her mouth.

"Oh my god." She mumbles.

"That good?"

"Yes. Try it."

He takes his spoon and scoops up a bite himself, eating that.

"Damn, you're right."

"Told you."

"Yes you did." He chuckles.

"Definitely have to get this again the next time we're here."


"Or make our own."

"Ooooh. That's an idea."

"It's cheaper too."

"And we can choose different flavors."


They polish off dessert and get the check. They pay and leave.

" what?" She asks as Justin is driving.

"It's a surprise."

"Aw come on." She pouts, sticking out her bottom lip far since she knows it drives him crazy.

"You know what that does to me."

She keeps doing it even though she wants to laugh.

"Ohh alright, I'll tell you."

"Yayyyy. So where are we going?"


"Ooooh. That sounds good."

"I thought so."

She leans over and kisses his cheek.

"Good thinking."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome. This an excuse to be touchy all night?" She teases.


She laughs at his blunt answer.

"Can you blame me?"

"No." She giggles.

"Thought so."

He pulls up to the dance place and they head in. They claim a table and then she immediately pulls him to the dance floor.

"Eager to dance are we?"

"I like this song."

"So do I."

He moves in close and they start to dance along.

"Another great idea."

"Mmhmm." She agrees, leaning into him.

"Got to enjoy the time we get to spend alone."

"Very true."

"Never get too many of these."

"Not at all." She turns her head and kisses his jaw.

"The night has been perfect."

"Mmm." She agrees lazily, tipping her head so it rests against his shoulder.

He rests his head against hers as they dance.

"How's your neck?" He asks after a bit.

"Kind of ache-y, but I've dealt with worse."

"If it gets too much for you, just let me know and we can head back."

"I will." She smiles at his concern.


He starts being affectionate, running his hands over her sides and kissing her shoulder. She smiles and leans into his touch.

"Lovey." She nuzzles his cheek.


After a while, the ache starts to bother her.

"Okay, it's time." She mumbles into his neck.

"Alright." He nods.

"I need to take the bandage off and take care of the area." She says as they head to the table.


They leave the building. Before long they're in their hotel room, changing for bed. She dresses in a tank top and short shorts before picking up the paper on caring for tattoos.

"Would you like any help?"

She nods and hands him the paper to read while she gets out the products listed.

"Okay, so it's been more than two hours so you can take the bandage off..."

They go into the bathroom with the products in her hands. She sets them on the counter and twists her hair up out of the way so he can take the bandage off. He stands behind her and carefully pulls off the bandage. He gets it off and throws it away. Then he gets his first glimpse of the tattoo in person.

"Rissa, this is really amazing."

"Isn't it?" She smiles.

"I really love it."

"Good. I'm glad you do."

"Next step, washing and treating the tattoo. Let's see, lukewarm water and mild liquid antibacterial or antimicrobial soap. It'll wash away any ointment, blood and/or plasma and completely clean the area. Don't use a washcloth or anything abrasive." He reads from the paper.

She sits on the counter and hands him the soap she bought.

"I get to be touchy, because it says your hand is the best tool to clean the area." He grins.

"Fun for you." She laughs.


Justin gets the water the right temperature and starts to wash the area. she grimaces beacuse it's kind of uncomfortable.


"Yeah a bit."

"I'll be a little more careful."

"You're fine, its just sore still."

"I'll still be more careful."


After he gets the area cleaned, he reads the directions and gets a clean towel and pats the area firmly to dry it. Then he picks up the ointment and applies some lightly.

"Feeling better?"



"Have to do this for 3-5 days."


"Then I can do just lotion."


She puts her hair up to let the ointment dry and then she hops off the counter.

"Thanks love."

"You're welcome."

"Time to go cuddle." She smiles, sliding her arms around his chest and raising up to kiss him quickly.

"Yes." He grins.

Justin reaches down and grabs her upper thighs, boosting her up to wrap her legs around his waist. Then he carries her out of the bathroom to bed. When he reaches the bed, he places her down gently, before climbing onto it next to her. He gets comfortable and then she lays against him, getting comfy herself. He wraps his arms around her, laying his head against hers.

"Mmm, love you."

"Love you too."

After a bit of cuddling, she feels her eyes start to get heavy. She decides not to fight it and eventually ends up falling asleep. Justin smiles and kisses her head. Soon he falls asleep himself.

Ted and I were back out on the stage for the last match of the night, the one that was set up at the beginning of the show with Del Rio and Daniel and their rookies. Dolph was making some comments on the match as it went along. In the end it was Del Rio and Conor O'Brian winning.

"Raw Man and Dorito." I mutter, making Ted laugh.

"Perfect pair, because Doritos have the cheese flavor and rats love cheese." I add.

Ted tries to keep his laughter under control.

"Ohhhh that is hilarious." He wheezes.

"I'm funny, I know."

"Yes you are."

"Well show's over. Let's go before Dorito comes up the ramp and bothers me."

Ted nods and gets up. He offers me his arm. I take it and we head to the back. Since we didn't bring much, we headed right out to the car, after getting our jackets. Then its back to the hotel. Soon we're in the safety of our room changing for bed.

"Alone again."


Then I try to stifle a yawn as we both climb into bed and under the blankets.

"Someone's tired."


Ted pulls me into his arms.

"Get some sleep. I love you."

"Love you too."

He kisses me and then the two of us let ourselves doze off.