Priceless Sensation

Mini Vacations

I'm sleeping peacefully for once next to Ted, since he arranged to sneak out of the hotel and to the airport, down to his place in Mississippi. My peaceful sleep however is short lived when something jumps on the bed and I feel something licking my face. I suddenly realize not what but who it is.

"Riggs....let me sleep." I say, trying to hide my face.

Riggs keeps licking me.

"Someone wants love this morning." I laugh, finally giving up, turning and giving him attention.

He barks.

"Shhhh, you'll wake him up." I point to Ted.

Thankfully Riggs stays quiet, licking me and getting me to rub on him. Then he decides to lay down on the bed in between Ted and I. When Ted starts to stir, he goes to hopefully an arm around me and it ends up draped over Riggs. I giggle quietly. I laugh when Ted frowns. I watch as he opens his eyes and I try to stifle my laughter as he looks at Riggs through tired eyes. He looks confused and I can't help but laugh.

"Riggs...." He trails off, pointing out of the bedroom.

Riggs gets up and jumps off the bed, leaving the room.

"Sorry 'bout that." Ted chuckles.

"It's okay. It was pretty funny when you woke up." I giggle.

"I bet."

"He woke me up first anyway. What can I say...animals love me."

"I can see why. You're amazing." He smiles, pulling me in close.

I immediately start to blush and try to hide my face.

"Ah ah ah. No hiding. Blushing is cute."

This of course causes me to blush even more and I try harder to hide. Ted doesn't let me hide though, chuckling.

"You're never gonna hide that from me."

I whine and he just laughs.

"I wouldn't have to try and hide if you wouldn't make me blush in the first place."

"But it's fun."

"For you."

"Of course, because not only is it cute when you're even more beautiful."

Of course the blush gets worse.



"At least let me go back to my normal color."

"Oh alright."

He does so, but he starts to get all touchy feely with me at the same time. I squirm a bit in his hold.

"That tickles...."

He chuckles and then his touch changes a bit. He starts to trail his hands down my arms before lacing his fingers with mine. He leans his forehead against mine, not looking away from my eyes. Before I know it, his lips are pressed to mine and he starts to kiss me. I kiss back, pressing my body closer to his. My hands squeeze his slightly and I make a quiet noise into the kiss, because the prevention of being able to touch him is killing me already. He chuckles a bit. Since we were both laying on our sides facing each other, he had shifted and ended up hovering above me just a bit, my hands now pinned against the mattress, but he had not broken the kiss. I make another noise, telling him that I want to be let go now. He tortures me a little bit longer before letting my hands go. He rests his weight mostly on his forearms, which are placed on either side of me. I finally wrap my arms around his neck, and play with his hair a bit, before tugging at it lightly. When he pulls away from my lips and starts to move towards my neck, my hands move to resting on his back and I draw patterns lightly. Ted trails kisses across my jaw and down my neck. When he moves, I'm able to feel the muscles of his back shifting under skin. I turn my head so that my face is in his neck and I start to do a little distraction of my own, kissing his neck here and there. He steps up his distraction, nipping gently between kisses. A slight shiver goes down my spine each time and my nails dig into his back while with each shiver makes me arch a little bit. He smirks against my neck and continues moving down. He takes his time when he reaches my shoulder, even nipping at the skin there gently. Then he moves back along my shoulder and up to my jawline before ending on my lips, holding the kiss for a while longer before finally pulling away. I leave my eyes shut while I catch my breath and he just watches, smiling.

"It can be like this every day this week, no interruptions." He says.

I sigh in content.

"I like the sound of that. Wish it could be every day from here on out..."

"I know. I promise you, the first opportunity I get, I will throw her to the curb."

"Good. I think that fits her...on the curb...on a street corner. Oops....did I say that out loud?"

Ted laughs.

"Still give you props for the drug store comment Monday night. Oh what an insult."


"Coming home to your place was a good idea. No stress of worrying about being caught. Can finally relax."


Then he kisses me briefly once more.

"Now get up, I'll make breakfast."

"Ooh." I smile.

"Knew that would get you up." He chuckles, sliding out of bed after moving back into his spot.

I get up as well, giggling a bit.

"Well you're making it, so of course it would get me up."


"We're in for a fun filled day today too." He adds.

"Oh yeah?"

"Mmhmm. Everyone's coming over for a cookout later, then we're all gonna hang out on the pier out back on the lake."

"Oh fun." I smile.

"Uh huh...that means swim suit for you." He grins.

"Oh shush." I giggle.

He just laughs.

"Everyone's excited to see you." He adds.

"Aww I feel loved."

"You should."

"Any reason why?"

"You deserve it."

"Now you just get dressed while I get breakfast ready for us." He adds.

"Alright." I nod.

He heads out of the bedroom and into the kitchen to make breakfast, while I slide out of bed myself and go through my bags, finding clothes and such for the day. I get changed and go to do my usual bathroom routine. By the time I finish, I come out of the bedroom and out into the kitchen, the food already done and set out for us.

"Planning on it." Ted grins.

"Looks good." I say.

"I would hope so." He chuckles, coming over with drinks.

"Thank you." I tell him as I sit down.

"You're welcome." He smiles, kissing my cheek before sitting down himself.

The two of us start eating, talking a bit. In the meantime, Justin and Riss were in their room in Hawaii since they decided to take a mini vacation. He's awake, but she's still asleep. She's wrapped around him, snuggled in close. He smiles, before leaning down and kissing the top of her head. She shifts and moves, rolling over. He chuckles before leaning over and kissing along any skin that he can reach. She squirms, grumbling a bit.

"Shhhh, relax." He whispers in her ear.

She settles back down with a soft sigh. Then he goes back to kissing along her skin. This time she doesn't move. He wraps an arm around her and pulls her back into him, and he presses his lips to her neck. She shifts, barely stirring. He starts to be all affectionate and touchy, while trying to get any kind of response from her. Finally she stirs enough to roll back over and she opens her eyes halfway, looking at him sleepily though not saying a word.

"Morning sleepyhead."


"You're being awfully affectionate this morning..."

She raises an eyebrow at him.

"I think you know why..." He grins.

"You are just insatiable." She laughs.


"Maybe? There is no maybe."

"You're insatiable, no doubt about it."

She pokes his chest.

"Okay so I am."


"Can you blame me?"


"I have an absolutely beautiful, gorgeous woman that I'm in love with. Of course I want to show her how much I love her all the time." He says, making her blush heavily.

She then hides her face like always. She squeals when his fingers press her ticklish spots and this brings her out of hiding.

"No faiiir."

"Too bad." He laughs.

She pouts, sticking out her bottom lip.

"Hey, you know what I can do with that bottom lip of yours." He smirks.

She giggles a bit.

"Is there anything stopping you?"

"Good point."

"But I'll save that for later..." He adds.

"Oh really."

"I have a plan for that."


But I think that's enough talking for now." He says, before leaning down and picking back up with the affection, kissing along her collarbone first.

She lays back against the pillows, biting her lip. He moved from spot to spot along her collarbone, not wasting any time in nipping at the skin there, but he nips gently so he doesn't leave marks. She makes soft noises when he does that. Then he pauses before moving up to one of her shoulders, continuing with nipping at her skin as he goes along. She shifts slightly under him. his hands go straight to her hips, holding her in place for the meantime. While his hands are there however, he also starts to play with the bottom of her shirt as his lips move towards her neck. Biting her lip muffles the noises she's making. He obviously hears the muffled noises so each time she makes one, he smirks in triumph. That's when she feels him getting closer and closer to that sensitive spot on her neck. She thinks he's going to go straight for it, but instead he only avoids it for now and goes to kissing behind her ear. Occasionally he'll move and nip at your earlobe at times He gets a noise every time so he keeps going back to it. He gets a noise every time so he keeps going back to it. Since her hands are free to do what they want, to make sure to keep the noises muffled, she tugs on his hair a bit while she bites her lip. She tries to move a little but he has her hips pinned. She whines a little in protest, but he just chuckles and smirks, continuing. She tugs more on his hair. And then he goes for it, attaching his lips to the spot on her neck, which makes her tug on his hair even more. She arches against him, moaning. In response she moves her hands from his hair and drags her nails across his skin as she moves from his neck, to his shoulders, to his chest and then down to his abs and indents. She pays extra attention to his indents and the waistband of his boxers. This makes him grip her hips tighter and she feels and hears him growl against her neck. A giggle escapes her though she doesn't let up.

Since she has him distracted now, he can't focus on distracting her, so he hides his face in her neck while she doesn't let up.

"Payback." She nips his ear playfully.

Then she manages to roll them over so that she can be in control of the torturing more. She straddles his waist and leans down, kissing his neck while tracing his abs. And to prevent him from getting her back with the torture because she knows he will, she grabs both of his hands and laces her fingers with his, pinning them to the bed. She moves her lips down his neck and chest, nipping gently. She feels him tense and his hands squeeze hers. She laughs lightly, sliding herself downwards. He goes to say something, but words don't come out, only a faint growls comes out. She giggles and starts to kiss along his abs.

"I....don't think I can take...anymore torture.." He manages to get out.

"I think so." She laughs, hovering over an indent.

"Oh, I think so...." He trails off, freeing his hands and moving her so she's under him again.

"Eeep." She squeals.

"I win."


Then he presses his lips to hers, keeping his hands at the bottom of her shirt, already starting to play with it again. She lets him slide it up and they break the kiss just long enough to pull it over her head. Before he goes back to her lips, he first kisses everywhere he can reach, before resting his hands at her waistline. She sighs in content. The kiss gets heated and it's not too long after that where the rest of their clothes end up coming off.

It's a few hours or so later since we woke up and had breakfast. Ted and I are outside since it's a nice day out, and while sitting there on the back porch, I keep throwing a ball when Riggs brings it back, playing catch while Ted and I talk.

"I'm really glad that we could get away like this." I say.

"So am I. I don't know why I never thought of doing this before."

"I know."

"You've had a lot on your mind lately though, so it's ok." I add.

Ted smiles and kisses my head.

"I want to be able to take you out this actually take you out somewhere." He says.

"That sounds great." I smile.

"Where exactly?" I ask.

"Well first things first, it has to be dinner."


"And I've been planning this out and thinking about it....and it's gonna be special."


"How special?"

"Hey now, I'm not giving anything away."

"Darn." I pout.

"It's gonna stay a surprise. And I'll tell you what, I'll take you out and you can get any dress that you want."

"Aww Ted. You don't have to do that."

"I don't have to, but I want to."

"Well thank you."

"You deserve it."

I kiss him and smile. Then we hear the door inside shut and the sound of people.

"Family's here..." Ted states, standing up.

He offers his hand and I take it. He pulls me up and steals a kiss before we head inside. He goes and greets his brothers first, before his mother and father. I stand there and lean against the counter watching. I smile to myself as I see any tension in Ted's body fade. His eyes are bright and I can tell how much he missed being home.

"Ted, this must be Ariel right?" Ted's half brother Mike asks, when he turns and notices me.

"Yeah, that's her." Ted smiles, holding his hand out to me.

I take his hand, smiling myself and he laces his fingers with mine as I walk up and stand next to him. Ted introduces me to everyone. Of course his mom is all happy and hugs me after greeting me.

"Its about time we got to meet you." She smiles.

"Theodore where have you been hiding her?" Ted's mom says to him, jokingly of course.

Ted chuckles.

"Away from Maryse when I can."

I make a face as her name comes up.

"Unfortunately that doesn't happen too often, 'cause we have to work with her." I add.

They all nod.

"We do our best to make time for each other as much as we can. Karissa and her boyfriend help too."

"They've actually been a big help."

"Huge." I nod.

"It actually is a nice change to get away from everything for a week."

"I'm sure."

"But it's nice to meet all of you."

"I hope you'll be part of the family one day."

"Mom....." Ted trails off.

"What?" His mom laughs.

"Don't you see yourself marrying her one day?" She asks.


"I can see it." Brett adds.

"First things first. I have to get rid of Maryse." Ted says.

"And that'll be a while, considering what we've been put into." He adds.

"Unfortunately." I mutter.

"But enough about that, dad I think we have some grilling to do."

"That we do." He agrees.

They grab some of the food that they had brought over and then headed outside. Ted kisses my head and leaves me to bond with his mom.

"So..Ariel, tell me about yourself." His mom says as the two of you sit down.

"Well, grew up in a small town...happy family, been watching WWE for a while. Started training and got into the independent scene. That's where I met my friend Karissa. We got picked up by FCW and we were there a year until we got brought up to the main roster of WWE. We've been in WWE for a few months or so now."

"You like it?"

"I love it actually."

"That's good. You're very talented."

"Oh, thank you."

"You're welcome." She smiles.

"You know, until you came in Ted's life, I haven't seen him any happier." She adds.

"He makes me happy too." I smile.

"I can't wait for the day we don't have to sneak around."

"I'm sure its hard."

"It's much harder now, the storyline he's in with HER...she's always around. More than before."

"I bet."

"But I can handle it."

"You're strong."

I nod, glancing outside at Ted, a smile coming across my face.

"You love him, don't you." Jen says, smiling.

"It looks like that doesn't it? Well we've been together for a few months now. It's possible right?"

"Of course. You can never control when you fall in love with someone. I can tell you love my son."

"And I can tell that he loves you too. Just how much he talks about you and how he is around you. I know he probably hasn't told you yet, but give him time."

I nod slowly. Then we decide to go outside with everybody else, since it is a nice day afterall. We all talk and Ted's family tells me all kinds of stories about him, making me laugh.

"You guys and the stories." Ted laughs.

"It's fun." I giggle.

"I like hearing stories about you." I add.

He chuckles and kisses my head.

"Well in that case, I can't wait to hear stories about you whenever I meet your family."

"I bet."

"Although my stories aren't quite as interesting and funny as yours."

"I'm sure they're still good stories."

Pretty soon the food was finished cooking and we all helped ourselves to what we wanted. Ted and I sit together, eating peacefully.

"After this, I'm getting changed to go swimming...after waiting a while of course. And yes of course I want you to join me." I tell him.

"Sounds like a plan." He chuckles.

"And I have a plan for later too." He adds.


"Before everyone leaves and after."

"Sounds interesting."

"I think of it more as romantic."

"Aww." I smile.

"You'll see." He smiles back before kissing me.

After I finish eating, I wait a while before getting up and heading inside and to the bedroom, going through my things to find a swimsuit. I find a suitable one and change. I come back out and find Ted already on the dock, so I walk over.

"Bro, your girlfriend's hot."

"Get your own girlfriend." Ted says jokingly.

I laugh as Ted pulls me close and kisses me.

"Still hot..."

"Don't make me throw you in that water."

They start arguing which leads to wrestling and they tumble into the water.

"Big brother, little brother." Mike, Ted's half brother says to me, laughing.

I nod, laughing.

"Okay you two goofs, make room for me to jump in." I laugh.

They move and I jump in.

"Mine." Ted says, clinging to me.

"Yours." I agree, giggling.

Back with Karissa and Justin, they've finished with their "moment" and she's currently cuddling with him. She sighs in content, laying a kiss on each neck.

"Insatiable." She giggles.

She feels him chuckle.

"I know."

"So, what's the plan for today?"

"Swimming for sure. They have some nice pools here."


"Then maybe lunch after that, something else that's fun and then we sit on the beach and watch the sunset."

She nods in sgreement.

"This week is gonna be a very special one, I'll make sure of it."

"I know you will."

"It started off great."

She giggles.


"Let me guess, it's gonna end great too." She adds.

"Of course." He smirks.

"I'm in for it then aren't I?"

"Yes you are."

She giggles.

"Thought so."

"I'm really glad you planned this." She smiles.

"It's nice to get away for a while."

"I knew you'd love it."

"I do. Very much."

"It's beautiful here."

"Not as beautiful as you." Justin says, making her blush.

"Hawaii may be beautiful, but it'll never be as beautiful as you will always be."

Her face gets redder and she hides in his chest.

"And no I'm not gonna quit." He chuckles.

She hides until she calms herself enough and then she just lays her head on his chest.

"Wanna go now?"

"We can get ready but I want to have some of that fruit I saw in the kitchen."

"Alright." He nods.

She reaches up and brushes her lips against his before pulling free of his arms. For now she pulls on a robe and goes into the kitchen to have some of the fruit she saw. She does a few things on her laptop while eating. He gets up and grabs a pair of swim trunks, pulling them on, before sitting next to her and grabbing a few pieces of fruit himself. She leans into him slightly.

"Love you."

"Love you too."

Once she's finished what she was doing, she gets up and heads to the bedroom to find a swimsuit.

"Need help finding one again?"

"Tell you what. You pick." She says to him, sitting on the bed.

"You sure?"

"Go for it."

He quietly cheers as he goes over to her things, looking for one. She giggles and watches him. After searching for a bit, he finds one that catches his eye and he takes it out, showing her.

"I like that one. Good choice."

She takes it and then removes the robe, putting the swimsuit on. She bites back a laugh as she watches his eyes roam over her.

"Insatiable." She sings.

She swats his butt playfully as she goes to put her hair up.

"I may be insatiable, but you love it."

"Because I love -you-." She replies, emphasizing 'you'.

"And I love -you-." He replies back, emphasizing 'you', like she did.

She smiles and finishes her hair. Then they gather their pool stuff and anything else they might need before leaving.

"I was looking at the Ocean Pool the other day, maybe we should try that out."

"Sure." She nods.

They make their way there and when they do get there, they find that there's a rectangular section going from the shoreline out, made out of volcanic lava rock, making it look like a pool.


"All that making the rectangular shape of a pool is volcanic lava rock." Justin recalls reading about.

"Wow. That's cool."

"We'll be in the ocean, yet have the feel of a pool."


First they find a spot on the beach to put their stuff, before taking out the sunscreen and applying it to the places they can reach first, then getting help from each other to get the places they can't reach. Once that's done, they get up and head to the water. And it's actually not cold, it's kind of warm and comfortable.

"Oooh this is nice."

"You picked a good pool to go to." She nods.

"Thanks." He chuckles.

He sits down in the water, before grabbing her and pulling her down to sit with him.

"Goof." She giggles.

"Not done cuddling yet."

She smiles and snuggles into him.

"I wish we could do this every day."

"I know."

"But we can all week."

"Very true."

"For as long as you want."


"Everything's perfect." She adds.

"Nobody to interrupt us, a beautiful place, and each other." She says.

"Which is how it's supposed to be."


"Mini vacation as I would like to call it."

She nods.

"Maybe there'll be a longer one in the future."

"Sounds good to me."

"Maybe somewhere different, I don't know yet."

"Okay. I'm sure you'll pick somewhere great."

"Well I picked right here didn't I? So of course I will."

"Exactly what I was saying you goof."

"I know."

She kisses his cheek. Then he splashes only a little but of water on her.



She splashes back. This starts a splashing fight between them. They keep splashing each other, laughing.

"Okay okay, you win!"


Then he splashes her again.

"I lied."

"No fair!"

"My bad."

She splashes him repeatedly. He starts to swim away now, away from the splashes. She swims after him, giggling.

"I'm gonna get you."



"You can't go far."

She pus on a burst of speed and latches onto his back.

"Aha. Gotcha."

"So you did."

She snuggles into his back.

"Never letting go."

"I wouldn't want you to." Justin says, rubbing her arms which are wrapped around his chest.

"Didn't plan on it."

He chuckles quietly. They swim around for a while before going to lay on the towels. For once she doesn't end up dozing off, but he does a little bit. She smiles and watches him sleep. She tries so hard to control the urge of reaching out and poking one of the exposed indents of his. She grabs her phone to try and distract herself. But then she sees him shift in his sleep, which doesn't help her situation at all. She chews her lip, whining inwardly. She tries to run her fingers through his hair since she doesn't want to disturb him too much because of how peaceful he looks. After a bit he starts to shift and he accidentally grabs her, snuggling into her in his sleep. She giggles softly. He mumbles incoherently in his sleep before going quiet. She laughs.


She has no choice but to lay there in his arms, with him snuggled into her. She plays with his hair and does things on her phone while he sleeps. A while later he starts to stir.

"Nice nap?" She asks.

"Mmm yeah." He says stretching.

"You grabbed me in your sleep, was I too far away from you?" She giggles.

"Must have been." Justin chuckles.

"I don't mind though."

He smiles and moves up, kissing her.

"Lunch? Or sit here for while?" He asks after pulling away.

"What do you think? Are you hungry?"

"I'm in no rush."

"Me neither." She smiles softly, cuddling close to him.

He smiles and kisses her again, holding her close. They sit there for a while, stealing kisses and talking a bit until they get hungry enough. Once they are, they gather their things. She pulls on a coverup and then they find an area to eat at. They eat and then she looks at him.

"What now?"

"Why don't we go back to our room and we can look up things to do?"


After paying the bill, they head back to their room and look for things that they could do. She lays her head in his lap as they're on the bed looking for things to do on the laptop.

"Oooh a zipline."


"We've got to do that." She nods.

"Alright." Justin chuckles.

"And I see something we can do later....keeping it as a surprise though." He adds.

"Of course. I'm surprised you don't have the whole vacation planned out." She giggles.

"It's only day 2 of the'd be surprised."


"We'll just have to get changed before heading out."


She gets up after shutting her laptop off and goes into her things, picking out clothes to change into. She starts changing, knowing she's probably being watched. And of course she is being watched, as Justin gets changed himself. She then heads into the bathroom to do her routine stuff. He finishes and like always he stands in the doorway of the bathroom watching her.

"Am I really that interesting?"


"Good to know."

"Why wouldn't you be interesting?"

"Just asking."

Then once she finishes in the bathroom, she walks out all set to go. She steps up to him and kisses him slowly. His arms immediately wrap around her and pulls her close. She puts her arms around his neck. When she pulls away, she leans her forehead against his, not letting him go quite yet.

"I love you." She says softly.

"I love you much." He replies.

She rubs her nose against his before pulling herself from his arms.

"Well better get to the zipline before it gets too late."


They grab what they need before leaving the room to head to the zipline. Once at the place, they pay and are instructed on rules and whatnot. Then they get all set up with the equipment and whatnot. She hangs onto Justin's hand tightly as they take them to be hooked up.

"It's okay, you'll be fine." He says soothingly.

"I know. I've never done this before so I'm a little nervous."

"And it's okay to be a little nervous."

"I know."

"I'll be coming down right behind you, after you make it to the end."

She nods. He kisses her before she has to get harnessed up and stuff to go down first.

"Love you."

"Love you too."

She steps up and takes her turn, flying down the zip line. It's kind of scary at first, but then she starts to realize that it's actually pretty cool and exciting.

"Woo!" She laughs.

Then she finally gets to the end where there's someone to help her get down.

"That was crazy!"

A while later, she looks up and sees Justin coming down the zip line. He's whooping and she laughs. He gets to the end and he's helped down like she was. He goes over to her and kisses her, she giggles.

"Now that wasn't so bad was it?" He asks.

"Not at all. That was fun!"

"I thought so."

They get pictures and then get out of the harnesses.

"What now?"

"Well it'll take a while to get back, we can just enjoy the scenery while we head back in the direction of the resort."


She wraps an arm around his waist, while an arm of his goes around her shoulders and tehy walk off enjoying the scenery as they walk back. They occasionally stop and take pictures. By the time they get back to the resort, the sky had started to change colors, signaling the end of the day.

"Sun's setting." She says.

"Time for my surprise then." He grins.


"Come on." He says, bringing her to where there's a van.

They climb in and drive off. They drive to this mountain and then head to the summit.

"What are we doing up here?"

"Just wait, close your eyes."

She blinks and does as he says. He helps her out and then walks her to the perfect spot.


She gasps quietly.


"Perfect sunset view." He says, wrapping his arms around her from behind.


"And it's even better, we don't have to leave after it sets completely."

"Good." She sighs in content.

As the time passes by the sun gets lower and lower, the sky getting darker and darker. They take a few pictures before it gets too dark.

"This is amazing."

"I knew you'd love it."

"Of course."

"And here come the stars." He points out.

"Wow. It's so pretty."

"But not as pretty as you."

She blushes.

"Nothing is as pretty as you are. Nothing compares to your beauty."

She blushes even harder, turning enough to hide against his chest.

"You blush so easily."

"I know." She mutters.

"But that's one thing that I love about you."

He kisses her head and she smiles. They continue to look at the stars as the sky turns black. Currently the sun is setting at Ted's place, his family hasn't left quite yet and he has me sitting on the lawn with him, his arms wrapped around me, watching the sunset.

"Pretty." I say, admiring the colors.

"Not as pretty as you. Beautiful."

I look away when I feel myself starting to blush, but watching the sunset out of the corner of my eyes.

"Doesn't compare."

"Ted....." I say, hiding my face in his shoulder.

"Just being honest." He chuckles.

"Must you make me blush?"


"And you know why, so don't ask."

He kisses my head. The sun soon sets and as it's getting darker, Ted's family decides it's about that time to leave for the night. So we both get up from sitting on the lawn and walk inside with everyone. We say bye to all of them.

"Alright, I'm gonna get changed for the night and then I've got surprise number 2." Ted says, turning to me.


I follow him into the bedroom, so I can at least get changed for bed for the night. Since it was warm out, I changed into something cool. I come out of the bathroom and walk back into the bedroom, just waiting for Ted to come back. He comes back and I bite my lip because he's shirtless.

"Alright, it's all set...come with me."

He holds his hand out and I take it. When we get closer he covers my eyes with his hand, leading me outside, stopping on the porch.

"Alright, you can look."

I open my eyes to see blanket laid out on the lawn and a couple of glasses set on the blanket.

"You did all this?"


"It's....amazing...simple but amazing."

"Thought you'd like it."

"What's the occasion? Just felt like it?"

Ted nods. He then brings me over to the blanket and we sit, the only light being from the moon in the sky and porch light. I look around with a smile as he pours our drinks. After pouring one for me, he hands me a glass and I take it before he pours his. He sets the bottle aside after pouring his own. Since everything looks beautiful, it keeps me quiet as I keep looking around. Ted watches me, a smile on his face.

"You know, there actually is a reason for all of this." He says after taking a sip of his drink.


"Yeah, there's just something that I've been meaning to tell you. I wanted the moment to be right, the setting to be perfect, I wanted everything to be perfect for when I told you."

I look at him curiously.

"There's no other way really to say this, other than straight forward. I know we've only been together for a few months or so but...." He trails off, hesitating a bit.

"Ariel, I love you." He finishes.

"You do?"

"I do. Why do you think I gave you that necklace to remember me by?"

"I wanted to tell you but I couldn't find the right time." He explains.

"Your mom and I were talking about this today, believe it or not." I reply.

"Oh yeah?"

"She saw how I looked at you and could tell that I loved you. And you know what? She was right."

A big smile crosses his face and he sighs in relief.

"I know you want to actually hear me say it. Theodore Marvin DiBiase Jr, I love you too."

Ted pulls me in close and kisses me.

"I am so relieved to hear you say that." He mumbles.

"I bet."

"It was so hard to keep from blurting out that I love you."

"I wouldn't have minded." He chuckles.

"Oh I know that now, but I didn't know if it would make things awkward or not. Because I didn't know you loved me."

"I do love you. So much."

"I know that now." I nod.

"And I'm going to make sure you know that a lot." Ted states.

"Well of course you are." I smile.

He kisses me again. I have to put my drink down, because I can sense that he's gonna pull me onto his lap at any moment. And of course, that's exactly what he does next. I squeak in response, but I don't break the kiss. My hands rest on his shoulders as he continues. These kisses seem different than the others and I realize it's because of confessing our feelings for each other. When he does pull away eventually, he leans his forehead against mine.

"That's one way I'm going to make sure you know that I love you."

"Sounds good." I smile softly.

"We can finish our drinks before heading in for the night."

I nod and the two of us admire the starts while drinking and stealing kisses. When we were done, I hesitantly moved but, helped grab everything and head inside. After putting everything where it needed to go, we head to the bedroom. Ted has my hand the whole time. After climbing into bed and under the covers he turns the light off, the light from the moon lighting up the room enough to be able to see. The two of us cuddle closely.

"Before we sleep, I'd just like to say that the way the moonlight hits you, it makes you look even more beautiful."

I blush.

"And I can still see that...." He chuckles.

He kisses my head. I snuggle closer and hide my face in his chest. When I feel that I've went back to normal, I move so that my head is laying on his chest. It isn't too long after that when I fall asleep. Ted watches you for a bit before dozing off himself. Justin and Riss are now on their way down the mountain so that they could head back to the resort again. She holds Justin's hand and lays her head against his shoulder. She tries to stifle a yawn, but fails.

"Somebody's tired." He chuckles.

"...long day."


"Bedtime when we get to the room."

He nods, kissing the top of her head.

"Today was great."

"It was." He nods.

"Every part." She smiles.

"I'm glad."

"I'm sure that the rest of this vacation will be just as amazing."

"It will be, trust me."

"I do."

"Plenty of things planned and unplanned."

"Sounds good."

She manages to stay awake as they get back to the resort. They get out of the van and walk back to their room. She leans into Justin sleepily.

"Okay, I'll carry you the rest of the way." He says, stopping and picking her up.

She doesn't even protest, she just snuggles into him. When they reach their room, he has to put her down for a moment so he can open the door. But he picks her right back up as soon as he gets it open and walks inside. He lets the door shut and she sluggishly reaches up and locks it. Then he carries her into the bedroom. He gently places her down on the bed. She starts fumbling with her clothes, wanting them off.

"Wait wait, I'll get them."

She manages to get her shirt off as he says that, so she stops with that. He takes her shoes off before working on getting her shorts off. She gets out of those and then shifts on the bed, rolling to her stomach. She reaches back to unhook her bra.

"Sleeping like that tonight?" He asks.

"Mmmph." She mumbles into the blanket as she struggles with the clasp.

"Let me..." He says, reaching over to help.

Justin easily pops them free and she pulls it off, throwing it off the bed.

"That it? Or do you want me to get the rest?"

"Unless leaving these on bothers you, I'm good." She mumbles.

"No, doesn't bother me."

"I'm good." She murmurs.

"Alright." He nods, getting up to change for bed himself.

She turns her head, watching him through half open eyes. Once he's changed, he climbs into bed next to her and under the blankets. Justin pulls her over to him and she snuggles in.

"Night, love you." She mumbles.

"Night, love you too." He replies.