Priceless Sensation

Slammy Awards 2010

"Wait until you see the dress I picked out for the awards tonight." Riss says from the bathroom.

"I can't wait to see it." Justin says eagerly.

"You'll love it."

"I always do. You have excellent taste."

"I know I do, but thank you."

"You're welcome."

"But how much longer?" He asks.

"Almost done." She giggles.

"Okay good."

She finishes up the little touches and opens the bathroom door.

"Okay...what do you think?"

Justin looks her up and down.

" You look amazing."

She smiles as she walks out into the room.

"I will have to change out of this at one point tonight. Battle Royal tonight and I'm in it."


"But I can get changed back into this if you'd like after the match."

He nods.

"I thought so."

"You look good too." She adds, looking him up and down.

"Why thank you."

She reaches him and leans up, brushing her lips over his very lightly. As soon as she pulls away, he grabs her and dips her with a smirk on his face.

"Eep." She squeaks before giggling.

"Caught you by surprise. That was the goal."

"Of course." She says amusedly.

"Now..." He trails off, leaning down and pressing his lips to hers in a lingering kiss.

"Mmm..." She hums contentedly, cupping his face with her hands.

When he does pull away, that's when he brings her back up. He licks his lips and goes back for another kiss.

"Now my lipgloss is gone." She giggles afterwards.


"Let me go so I can put it back on."

"Alright." He chuckles, letting her go.

She walks over and gets her lipgloss, putting some on. Then she drops it inside the clutch she's taking.

"Best to take it with."

"Good idea."

She puts her clutch inside her gear bag, picking that up after putting on a jacket.

"I'm ready." She declares.

"Ready." Justin agrees and they head down to the car.

They put both of their things into the back and he opens her door for her. She nuzzles his cheek affectionately and gets in, mindful of her dress. He shuts the door and goes around to the driver's side, getting in himself. He drives to the arena. They get out and walk in. When they walk in, Riss hears a whistle from nearby. She looks to see Punk looking her over. She rolls her eyes and flips him off as she continues walking. She gets warm and strips off her jacket, laying it over her bag. Her hair covers her tattoo until she pulls it over one shoulder.

"Loving that tattoo more and more everyday."

"I know you are." She laughs lightly.

"It looks great with that dress on."

"I thought it would."

"Particularly love the dress because it's purple."

"I know. You love purple just like I do."


She smiles and grabs his hand, lacing her fingers with his.

"Knew you'd love it just because of the color."

"I do. Also it looks fantastic on you."

"I thought so. Kind of snuck this dress into the numerous ones you bought me today."

He chuckles.

"What can I say? You look great in every one of them."

"Of course."

"Insatiable." She smirks.


"Mmhmm." She giggles.

"Looking forward to being touchy tonight too."

"Oh I know you are."

"More fun for me."

She just laughs at the wistful and eager look on his face.


"Love you too."

"You know I love you, silly man." She squeezes his hand.

"And I love you."

"I know."

"Very much."

"Same for me to you."

He leans over and kisses her briefly.

"On a mission to keep my lipgloss off hmm?" She teases.


"You would."

"Yes, I would."

"I thought so."

"But I will try to resist."

"Have fun." She laughs.

"I will."

"So what are you up to tonight?" She asks him.

"Hmm not sure with these awards going on. I know for one thing we'll find out if John's hired back or not."

"Oh, yeah."

"Should be interesting."

"For sure." She agrees as they get to the room. "Thank god we avoided other people I didn't want to see." She sighs, dropping her bag and going to the couch.

"I know right?"

"Could've done without seeing Punk though."

"I know."

"Creeper. He didn't see this though." She touches her tattoo.


"Wait until he does." She smirks.

"I can't wait for that to happen."

She laughs and nods. Justin sits beside her. She turns and lays her legs across his lap. He grins and starts to play with the fabric of the dress, the ruffles on the bottom.

"Fun?" She teases.


He slips one hand beneath the material so he can touch the bare skin of her legs.

"Now it's more fun."



She smirks at him.

"Yes I know."

"Out of everyone dressed up here tonight, you'll be the more beautiful one."

She blushes.

"Oh stop."

"It's true."

"Romeo, stop making me blush."

"But it's cute."

She swats his arm.

"What? It is."

"Romantic goof."

"Love you too."

She gets control of her blushing and finds a comfortable spot to lean back against.

"And I'm the only one who gets to see you in this." He grins.


"I feel special."

"You are."

"So are you."


"So so special."

She starts blushing again.



"Quit it."


She quickly shifts and presses her lips to his intensely. Before he has a chance to respond, she pulls away. Justin whines.

"Have to quit making me blush if you want more."


He eyes her lips eagerly and she snickers, rubbing her lips together just to torture him.


She smirks and chews on her lip a bit.

"Killing me.."

She laughs.



"My bad."

"Sure, act all innocent."

"You do it." She points out.

"We both do."


"Maybe another kiss wouldn't hurt."

"Come and get it." She teases.

He waits a bit before going right for her lips, not wasting any time pressing his against hers. She pulls him close, responding eagerly. This time he tries not to take all the lip gloss off no matter how much he wants to. He pull away, nipping at her bottom lip. She moans softly. He lets her lip go and leans his forehead against hers with a smirk on his face.


"Left some lip gloss on this time."

"Some. Not much." She laughs.

"At least you have it with you."

"Tis true." She agrees.

"I don't mind putting on more. You want the rest of this one?" She asks amusedly.

"Hmm tempting, but it's more fun if I get to take it all off and not just leaving some left over."

"Suit yourself." She shrugs, letting him go.

Then she reaches down and grabs her bag, digging through it for her puts and then gets the lip gloss out of that. She reapplies it and drops it back into the clutch.

"I will resist as much as I can."

"Good luck."

"I think I'll make it."

"If you say so."

Ted and I have just gotten to the arena ourselves and we walking to our locker room.

"Oh it's gonna be fun going out in this for your match tonight." I refer to the dress.

"It'll be harder to focus with you looking so beautiful." Ted remarks.

"But you'll try to focus, I know."


"Not really liking the fact that I have to be standing out there next to Vickie since Dolph is teaming with you."

"I know, I'm sorry you have to deal with her."

"It's okay. I can tune her out if she starts her god awful screeching."


"Let's hope she doesn't cause you two to lose, or Dolph to cause you two to lose for that matter."

"I hope not but who knows with them."


"You can never count on them because they pull stupid stuff."

"All the time."

He nods.

"I'll be back, just have to go get ready." He says, kissing me quick, after we walk into the locker room.

"Alright." I nod, sitting on the couch.

It doesn't take him too long and he soon comes out, and takes the usual spot on the couch next to me.

"Distraction." I say to him.

"As are you."


The show had soon started, like it normally does. But then a video package that promotes the awards tonight, showing the categories and those in it just briefly. Then the show starts officially with the pyro like always, and the usual introduction by Cole. Then Justin Roberts introduces David Arquette, and he steps up to the podium.

"Who better to kick off a show commemorating the very best in the industry. Than one of the greatest WCW Heavyweight Champions of all time. No really. I was the World Heavyweight Champion. That's right. I beat a man named Eric Bischoff. I'm sure you all remember him. Anyway, I know this is the Slammys and not the Oscars. But I should've won an Oscar for my role in one of the greatest films of all time. Ready to Rumble. Wow, wow. The lack of respect I'm getting from the city of New Orleans, nothing less than shocking. Listen, our first category of the Slammys is the Shocker of the Year."

The nominees were in this order, Mike cashing in and winning the WWE title, the Nexus invasion and attack on John that first night they were here, Paul Bearer's betrayal of the Undertaker, and Randy punting Chris in the head.

"You know, as much as I want Mike to win that category, I think the whole Nexus invasion is gonna get it. That was more shocking then anything else in the category."

"Yeah, I think you're right."

"And the Slammy goes to. Yes! The debut of Nexus."

"Yup, I was right."

"Of course."

Wade is the only one who walks out to accept the award, standing there as people boo him, and chant 'Cena'.

"Thank you. I accept this award on behalf of the Nexus. Of course the Nexus wouldn't be here if it wasn't for me. If I hadn't had won NXT Season One, and brought the rest of them along here with me, then the Nexus would never have become the most powerful group in the history of the WWE. And speaking of power, I am the one man with the power to rehire John Cena. Of course the other members of Nexus have informed me that if I fail to rehire Mr. Cena, then I will be excommunicated from the group. That is of course, the group that I created. Now I've not yet made my mind up of what I'm gonna do. But I will be making my decision before this night is over. In the meantime you can all rest assured that Wade Barrett will be creating many many more shocking moments in the near future here in the WWE. Thank you very much."

But before Wade could head backstage, that's when the GM chimes in.

"Oh boy."

"Can I have your attention please? I have just received an email from the anonymous Raw general manager. And I quote. Mr. Barrett, I'm going to give you the opportunity to give us yet another shocking moment in a match right now. Against this man."

And then Show's music goes off and he walks out, approaching Wade, and taking his Slammy and continues down the ramp.

"Oops." I snicker.

Wade follows behind him, wanting the Slammy back, but doesn't get it back. Show gets into the ring while Wade stops at the bottom of the ramp, before getting into the ring. The ref takes the Slammy and both men get ready and the bell rings. But after a bit of the match going by, Wade finds that he's unable to fight Big Show, so he heads to the outside of the ring, grabs the Slammy that's rightfully his and walks out on the match, giving Show the win via count out.

"Well that was lame." I comment.

"Someone's a wimp."


They then show the Superstar of the Year nominees and everyone can vote on the website where later it's going to be revealed later.

"Hmm, I say a majority of the people are going to vote for John on that one."

"That's a no brainer."

"You should be in that category."

Ted smiles and kisses my cheek. After the break, they show a view of the city, and then advertise the big Battle Royal tonight where the winner gets named Diva of the Year and wins the Slammy for it.

"The only time I'll have to change tonight."

"Back into the dress after?"

"I can tell by the way you said that, you want me to get back into it after. So yes."


"You really love this don't you?"

"You look fantastic in it."

"You should wear gowns like this more often." He adds.

"I'll do my best."

"Formal occasions." I add.


Then to present the next award, Justin Roberts introduces Kelly...who's not even wearing a formal gown. She's wearing a short black dress with boots.

"Psh, the broad couldn't even dress up the least bit more."

"And people call her a role model."

"Role model? She's far from one."

Then he introduces Tyson Kidd who comes out with his new bodyguard.

"For every courageous and...for heroic act in the WWE, there is the opposite. Heinous atrocities committed with malice and treachery." Kelly begins.

"Wow big words."

"Doubt she knows what it means."

"Probably not."

"Kelly I'm gonna take a detour here for a moment and introduce to you, and the entire world my bodyguard Jackson Andrews. Now Kelly, we'd like to congratulate you on using more big words just now that you have in your entire life. Way to go Kelly." Tyson insults her.

"Hahaha burrrrrrn."

"And with all due respect to the Nexus, the shocker of the year, is that you actually pronounced the word treachery properly. Which is a feat all in itself. We wouldn't want to ruin this moment and actually have you spell the word now would we?" He continues.

"Ladies and gentlemen, Kelly Kelly. Strong, sexy and powerful!" He finishes.

"Wow. Congratulations Tyson. You've talked more tonight than you have in your whole WWE career. And two words, super cuts. Let's take a look at the nominees for the most treacherous deeds in the WWE this year. The Despicable Me award."

In this order were the nominees. Drew making Teddy Long get on his knees and such, Kane burying Undertaker alive, Mr. McMahon hitting Bret with a low blow, and CM Punk being all creepy and singing happy birthday to Rey's daughter.

"And the winner is, CM Punk!"

"Only he would be happy about winning the Despicable Me category."

"Wow. This just goes to prove that if you work hard, and you believe in yourself, you can make all your dreams come true. People ask me all the time and I'll explain now. I did what I did to Rey Mysterio because he wronged me. And when people wrong me, I get even. Right now backstage somewhere, there's another individual that has wronged me. I want to talk specifically to this person right now and I want you to know that there will come the day when I get even. So I want you to watch your back. Because I hold grudges and I do not forget. And after what you did to me, I will get my revenge and if you think what I did to Rey Mysterio and his family is despicable, well trust me, you haven't seen anything yet."

"He better keep his hands off Ducky." Ted glares at the TV.

"I don't think he'll do anything with Justin around."

"I would hope not."

"But we should get going. Match is coming up very very soon." He adds.

"Oh, okay." I nod.

We both get up from the couch, and head out of the room, heading to the curtain as we hear Kofi's music just ending and Daniel's going off. We get to the curtain and wait because Dolph goes out next with Vickie. Just as his music fades, Ted and I head out. I hold the bottom of the dress up a bit, just so that I don't trip as we're going down the ramp. As usual Ted gets a kiss from me before he gets into the ring. The match does start during the commercial break however, and it of course has to start off with Dolph. He continues after the break with Daniel, still keeping him in the hold. Daniel gets to his feet and starts to fight out of it, but Dolph fights back. He goes for the cover, but Daniel kicks out. Dolph holds Daniel down and tags Ted in. He gets Daniel in the ropes and Dolph takes a cheap shot when the ref's back was turned. Ted pulls Daniel away from the ropes and goes for the cover, but Daniel kicks out.

He goes for another cover, but gets a one count. Ted tags Dolph back in and he picks up where Ted left off, going for a pin, but Daniel kicks out. Dolph tags Ted back in and he works on wearing down Daniel. He goes for a cover, but there's a kick out. He gets Daniel in a reverse chinlock on the mat, but Daniel gets to his feet and out of the hold. Daniel bounces off the ropes, gaining speed. Him and Ted have the same idea and collide with each other. I cringe.


Ted rolls out of the ring and I go around to check on him. Since Ted isn't in the ring, Dolph comes in as Kofi gets tagged in. And it's not good for Dolph as Kofi is on a roll. After Trouble In Paradise, Kofi goes for the pin, and Ted gets up and tries to break up the pin, but it's too late as Kofi wins the match for him and Daniel.

"W-what was that...he wasn't even legal!"

"That's BS!" I say angrily.

I grumble as I walk around the ring to where Ted rolled out of to the floor.

"Are you okay?" I ask him.

"I'm fine."

"Good." I say, relieved as I help him up.

"You know I think we have the ref to blame for your loss this time. He let Dolph in when you didn't tag him in."

"I hate it when stuff like that happens."

We then head up the ramp and back to the locker room to relax until I need to get ready for later. Ted of course has me in his lap before long.


"Because I love you."

"I love you too."

Ted nuzzles my neck and leaves a kiss there.

"So much skin I can reach." He mumbles.

"No marks." You warn.

"I know, I know."


"Unless they're small enough to be covered by makeup."


"Just little, tiny ones."

Ted gives into temptation and nips lightly up and down my neck. I instinctively close my eyes and tilt my head just a bit so he has better access. He smirks and continues.

"And if you plan on leaving any more once the night is over, they're gonna have to be tiny ones because of tomorrow night."

"I know."

"You can get carried away another day this week."

"Sounds like a plan."

In the meantime, Justin had gotten changed into his gear, just in case he was needed at all tonight. Riss eyes him up as he sits back down and she bites her lip unconsciously.

"I see that."

"Huh?" She snaps out of her daze.

"You were staring."

"Oops." She blushes.

"Uh huh."

"I can't help it. You didn't put a shirt on yet."

"Oops." He chuckles.

She mutters a bit in Italian.

"You know how I am with you not wearing a shirt." She says after that.

"I know." He grins.


"So are you."

"Touche." She mutters.

Just then there's a knock on the door.

"Were you expecting anyone?" She looks at Justin.

"No. Want me to get it?"

"I got it." She says, swinging her legs off his lap.

Then she gets up and heads to the door, opening it to reveal David, Heath, Husky and McGillicutty.

"Oh." She says simply.

She leaves the door open and walks right back to Justin.

"Nice to see you too." David comments as they all walk in.

She rolls her eyes a bit but chooses not to say anything.

"What is it Dave?" Justin asks.

"We all have a backstage segment coming up soon. Nexus locker room."

"Do I need to change?" Riss asks.

"No, you should be fine in that."


"Thought we would come in here and let you know."


"That all?" I ask.


"Okay good. You can leave now then."

"Pushy much?"

"You really want to start something with me?"

"We'll get there when we get there."

She scows a bit, but then she gets distracted by Justin pressing his lips against her tattoo.


She inhales and exhales.

"Guys? We'll see you there." Justin tries to get them to leave.

They nod and start to leave.

"He irritates me."

"I know." Justin says, kissing her tattoo again.

And just then, Santino and Kozlov were introduced to present the next category of the Slammys.

"Well once again Raw was host to many of the top performers in both sports and entertainment. For example, who can remember...who can forget the time Vladimir Kozlov was humiliated by the entire cast of MacGruber."

"And who can forget the time Santino mentioned MacGruber in this year's Slammys, and I proceeded to crush him."

"And who can forget the time I immediately apologized to Vladimir Kozlov right here on live TV. Vladimir, I'm sorry. I respect you. I love you." Santino adds, doing air kisses to him.


"We're from Europe!"

"We're not in Europe."

"Okay I'll be over here."

"And nominees are..."

The category was Guest Star Shining Moment of the Year. The nominees were in the following order; Mike Tyson knocking Chris out, Pee Wee Herman insulting Mike, Wayne Brady appearing on Edge's show and getting an RKO, and William Shatner singing Superstar theme songs.

"And the salami goes to...hahahaha Pee Wee Herman."

"He's creepy."

"I'm more amused by the fact that Santino called the Slammy, salami."


"So let's head to the locker room while he does his acceptance speech."

"Okay." She mumbles, getting up.

He gets up as well and laces his fingers with hers, as they leave the room.

She lays her head against his shoulder and lets him lead. When they get there, Justin knocks before they enter. Justin greets them but she stays quiet. The segment is coming up very shortly and they walk over to the group and stand there, so that when the camera zooms out, it'll look like they all just walked in. She quickly adjusts the top of her dress before putting her hand back into Justin's.

Wade puts the award that the group technically won for shocker of the year and places it in his area where his things are.

"Wade." Otunga states and he looks over and the camera zooms out to reveal the group.

"What do you want?"

"Well...what's your decision?"

Wade says nothing.

"Let me put it to you like this. If you don't hire Cena back, Nexus is gonna be just fine. Although I don't know if I can say the same for you. I mean taking a hike against Big Show earlier sure didn't look too promising for your singles career."

"Thank you David. Thank you for opening my heart. Now I know exactly what I've got to do." Wade just smirks as he leaves.

"I think we should stay here and see what he's going to do. He may need us."

"Like attack wise?" You ask.


"I'll need to go change then."

"I'll br right back." She kisses Justin's cheek.

"Don't want me to come with?"

"Up to you."

"Well it's not too far from here...." He trails off.

"...just be careful."

"I will." She assures him.

"Love you."

"Love you too."

She kisses his cheek again and heads to their room so she can change. Just as she's heading to the room, Del Rio happens to be walking in the opposite direction towards her down the hall. She groans inwardly.

"Don't talk to me, don't talk to me, don't talk to me..." She keeps saying to herself.

She unconsciously switches to Italian, mumbling under her breath. Of course it doesn't work and he notices her and the dress. A smirk forms on his face. Her eyes twitches and she swears quietly. Then he proceeds to flirt with her in Spanish. She rolls her eyes and walks past him. He gives her a confused look as she walks away. He gives Ricardo the same look and asks him something in Spanish and he shrugs his shoulders before they both walk away.

"Idiots." She mutters as she disappears into her and Justin's room.

She grabs her bag and heads into the changing area to get out of the dress and into the ring attire. She struggles a little with her dress but manages to get out of it. Her gear is easy to get on so it doesn't take long before she's back at the door of the Nexus room.

"Have any trouble?" Justin asks.

"Dorito started flirting but I walked away. Struggled a bit with my dress trying to change but I managed."

"Del Rio? Really?" Justin grumbles.

When McGillicutty hears about Del Rio flirting with you, that perks his interest and he listens in as he talks with the others.

"Yeah but he was talking in Spanish the whole time so I had no idea what he was saying."

"Probably something lame and idiotic."

"Probably. Not like it matters though. I love you and married you." She tells Justin, raising up to kiss right beside his lips.


"Got a tattoo about you." She continues.


"Which I know you love."

"A lot." He nods.

She laughs, leaning into him. Jerry has left the commentary table to go up to the podium to present the next award of the night. Then Vickie was introduced and walked out to be joining him in presenting the next award.

"You know Vickie, I'm glad to see you hear tonight. Honestly, I'm lucky to be here. I mean I..I was up all night long at the veterinarian with my pet lizard."

"What was wrong with him?"

"Reptile dysfunction."


"Just get on with this Jerry."

"You know there are some moves that are performed by our superstars that are truly beyond words. When you see these moves, your only reaction can know what."

"Hahaha. Jerry, that's the same reaction I had when Michael Cole cost you your WWE Championship."

"You know Vickie that's...that's probably the reaction that uh...Dolph Ziggler has every time you model some new lingerie for him."

"Excuse me?!"

"What? Or you know what? That's probably the reaction the waiter has when you go in a restaurant and he shows you the menu and you say, I'll take it."

"I said excuse me! Look Jerry, for your information I have lost a considerable amount of weight. So just get on with this okay?"

"You've lost weight? Look around, I think you'll find it."

"Okay let's just get on with this. Ladies and gentlemen, the nominees for the know what award are.."

The nominees were as followed; John Morrison climbing the stage cage at Hell In A Cell and jumping to land on Mike and Daniel, Kofi on top of a ladder and jumping to then go through a table with Drew, John giving Batista an AA off of the top of a car and through the stage, and Randy giving Evan and RKO in midair.

"And the winner is...John Cena!"

"Shocker." Riss says blandly.

"Hang on. Hang on Vickie. We know that John Cena is fired, so he could not be here tonight. So we are going to accept this on behalf-"

"-there's nothing unfortunate about John Cena not being here tonight." Wade interrupts as he comes walking out.

"I will take that. If Cena wants it, he can come and get it." Wade adds, heading down to the ring.

"Now the whole world is hanging on my every word. Because I'm about to decide whether or not to rehire John Cena. And my decision is........"

"Oh come on and spit it out." Riss remarks.

" decision is...."

"Oh my god...just say it."

" know what, I'm not even gonna make my decision unless John Cena comes to this ring right now and faces me."

"Of course. Because you're not man enough to be in the ring by yourself and make a decision." Riss scoffs.

"Come on Cena, I know you're watching just like the rest of the world. So come out of wherever you are hiding and face me man to man."

Just then the crowd goes nuts and John's coming through the crowd again, and gets into the ring.

"Hold on, hold on. I suggest you keep your distance. You attack me now, and I'm sure you know what my decision's gonna be. Now John, I've had to think long and hard about this decision. Because it's a big decision. It affects a lot of people. It affects you, it affects me, and it affects the Nexus."

"That's our cue. Let's go." David states as he starts to lead the group out of the room.

Riss laces her fingers with Justin's as they follow. They then walk out and head down to the ring and surround it. John gets ready to fight though.

"Cena, you're officially rehired. On two conditions. Number one, you agree to face me this Sunday at TLC in a chair match. Number two, you give the whole world what they've been waiting to see. Tonight you agree to go one on one....with David Otunga."

"Hey Cena, let me show you exactly why I decided to rehire you." Wade exits the ring and then nods.

Everyone hops up onto the ring and stands there for a bit and they storm into the ring and attack John. Wade grabs a steel chair and slides into the ring. The attacking stops and the group stands over him. Wade then hits him across the back with the chair. He does it again while John is down and that does it for him and then he leaves.

Shortly after the group joins him, leaving the ring and heading to the back.

"To our room?" She asks Justin.

"Until your match, yes."

"Good." She murmurs.

They seperate from the group and head back to their room until it's time for the battle royal. They get into the room and she just curls up in his lap.

"You know it kind of felt good not getting attacked this week."


"Feel better a bit after being able to get him back at least a little for what he did to us? I know I am."

"Mmm, a little."

"Well that's good."

"It doesn't change that he went out of his way to hurt you and to put his lips on a married woman."

"No, it doesn't."

"Enough about him."


"I want kisses."

"You don't have to ask you know."

"I wasn't asking. I'm telling. What are you gonna do about it?" She challenges.

"Well, you should feel free to kiss me whenever you want to. Just do it."

"That's not the response I wanted." She frowns slightly.

"I'm sorry. Let me make it up to you." He says, pressing his lips to hers.

She instantly kisses back, moving closer as she straddles his lap. She adds more heat to the kiss as she grabs fistfulls of his shirt. He responds by kissing back just as eagerly and his hands grab her hips. She makes a move towards a french kiss. He gladly allows it. The kiss escalates and he turns, laying her on her back on the couch. He hovers over her without breaking the kiss and she hooks her legs around him. His hands start to wander from there, and that only makes her kiss back more. She lets go of his shirt and slides her hands beneath it, running her nails down his chest. A growl comes from him and he grins. Not able to help herself, she lets her fingers wander over his chest, abs, and indents. That makes him tense and he growls even louder than before. She makes a triumphant sound as they break just briefly for air.

"You're evil sometimes..."

"You enjoy it." She nips at his ear.

"I do.

"You're lucky I can't leave marks." He says, eyeing her neck longingly.

"Very lucky." She giggles.

"Mine tonight." Justin mutters as he kisses her neck.

"I'm yours every night."

"I meant your neck love. I know you're mine." He chuckles.

"My neck is yours every night too."

"Not for marks." He points out.

"Mm you have a point."

"Should probably try and calm down before we do something we're not supposed to in here." He gives her a look.

She blushes.

"We probably would've ended up close to that point eventually."

She giggles, looking sheepish.

"We can do that when we get back to the hotel. But I know, not as rough as before because of the tattoo."

"Like I told you, its fine if it happens. I can't submerge my tattoo yet but that doesn't mean I can't soak in the tub if that water level is lower." She points out.

"And if you're leaning back against me, it's not really going to get wet at all."


"Alright, well looks like this will continue later."

"Looking forward to it." She gives him a lopsided smirk.


"I don't wanna move but we should."


He helps her up and she sits on his lap again.

"You're welcome."

She snuggles into him and listens to his heartbeat as they calm themselves. By this time, the next Slammy was presented and Mike had a match with Mysterio. Mike had won thanks to a distraction by Del Rio. Justin growls at seeing Del Rio but calms once Riss kisses his jaw and says something in Italian in his ear. Mike goes to celebrate in the ring, but the GM has to be rude and interrupt it with the annoying chime.

"Ugh. Poor Mike."

"Again I'm sorry for the timing to ruin your celebration but, I've got an email from the general manager, and I quote. As I said earlier, both The Miz and Randy Orton will face former champions tonight. Miz just faced Rey Mysterio and later tonight Randy Orton will compete in a handicap match against Alex Riley...and his partner, former WCW World Heavyweight Champion, David Arquette."

"Oh my god really? Poor Alex." Riss shakes her head.

"That's gonna be a joke match basically."

"Uh yeah."

There was a quick break before it was time for the next Slammy award, the Oh Snap, Meltdown of the Year. First Edge was introduced to be one of the presenters.

"It's's an's an honor to be out here tonight to present the uh...this Slammy. And I'm pretty sure Kane was supposed to be my co-presenter tonight, but he's busy having a meltdown of his own right now. But I'll tell you what Kane, I know you're probably watching big fella and after this Sunday you'll forget all about Paul Bearer after I beat you for the World Heavyweight Championship at TLC. But that's in six days. Right now, right now I need a co-presenter. I need a co-presenter that I'm comfortable with. One that I know well and I've had chemistry with over the years."

Right after that, Christian's music goes off and he walks out.

"Christian. Captain Charisma. How's your pec buddy?"

"Pec's feeling better Edge, thanks I appreciate that and uh...with all due respect, I really hope Alberto Del Rio wins this award tonight. Because you see, I don't think my peeps have forgotten, especially my peeps right here in New Orleans, Louisiana. And I haven't forgotten that Alberto is the reason that I've been on the shelf with an injury. With that being said, let's take a look at the nominees."

And the nominees were; Big Show breaking all of Swagger's trophies, Del Rio brutally attacking Rey, Edge freaking out on the GM computer and just going crazy, and Batista in a wheelchair and quitting the company.

"And the Slammy goes to....Edge for destroying the Raw GM computer."


"Wow, I appreciate the Slammy, but I mean...for meltdown of the year? I don't get it. I mean I've always been calm. I've always been rational. Sure I may have lost my cool a few times because of the Raw general manager who happens to be a gutless, vindictive coward who hides behind a computer and proved how gutless and vindictive coward he is tonight, by trying to get back at me by putting me in a match against Jack Swagger." Edge goes off.

Christian then takes out his phone and it makes the GM chiming sound.

"What..what was that?"

"Can I have your attention please. I've received an email from the Raw general manager."

"You've got to be kidding me. You've got to be kidding me."

"Actually I am kidding you, I was just trying to cut the tension out here. You're having another meltdown man, calm down."

"You know what? You're right. Thank you Christian, thank you very much. You know, things change here in the WWE all the time. I mean after this Sunday I'll be the new World Heavyweight Champion. But...there's one thing that after all these years, still remains the same."

Christian does the chiming sound again.

"And I quote. Michael Cole is still a massive tool."


Then once Cole is done ranting about what Edge said about him, Sheamus comes out with his cape and his crown that makes him look evil.


Morrison comes out next, but the match isn't really that long since Sheamus kept going at him once he was set in the ring to go. The ref rang the bell to stop the match.

"Well then."


"Mmm yeah."

During the commercial break, there was a knock on the door, and Riss was being asked for, the big battle royal coming up after the next Slammy award. She makes a face, but gets up.

"I know, I know."


"Of course I am."

He gets up and they link hands, heading toward the curtain. When they get there, they find Ted and myself waiting with the rest of the Divas that are going to be in the match. They walk over to me.



"Ready for some chaos?"

"Oh yeah."

"Oh by the way, Dorito hit on me." She says to me.

"You too?"

"Yup. I did what you did, walked away."


"Punk was staring at me when we first got here tonight."


"Uh yeah. I don't think he saw my tattoo though."


"How is the tat doing?" Ted asks. "Its good. It doesn't hurt anymore. Just have to keep taking care of it for a bit longer."

"Well that's good."

She nods, leaning back against Justin. Then JTG and Regal were introduced for the presentation of the knucklehead moment of the year.

"Yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo! Yo! Yo! Yooooo."

"Okay we get it. You ain't cool."

"New Orleans, what's really hood. Chyeah!"

"Here are the nominees for Knucklehead Moment Of the Year."

The nominees were; CM Punk getting unmasked by Big Show and he looked like a mini version of him, LayCool getting beat up by Mae Young and the rest of the Divas, Beth Phoenix entering the Royal Rumbler and kissing Khali to get him eliminated, and Santino Marella and Kozlov's dancing contest.

"And the Knucklehead moment of the year is...LayCool beating Mae Young."

"Uh...wasn't it the other way around?"

"Uh yeah."

"But ew, something for them to brag about now."


"I can't believe this. I did it. I won, I won! Oh it's so beautiful." Layla gushes.

"It looks like you."

"I'd thank Mae Young, but I don't think they get the basic cable at the nursing home she's in. No? I will treasure this forever. And like us, this award will always be..."


"Wait wait wait. And now, now it's time for LayCool to win their 2nd Slammy of the night. The Diva of the Year award."

"Uh no."

They head down to the ring first, before the next commercial break where we have to wait even longer to be able to go out to that ring.

"Ughhhh. This is taking forever." She groans, her head dropping back against Justin's shoulder.

"I knoww."

"I just want to get this over with."

"So do I."

She grumbles and Justin kisses her neck. The break is over after a few moments and LayCool was in the ring. The match was announced and generic Diva music went off and we all started to file out to the ring. We all get into the ring, Ted and Justin of course on the outside, but we all circle LayCool. That's when the fight ensues. Michelle is being taken care of while the rest of us work on Layla. Kaitlyn and Rosa both get eliminated early on by Tamina. Riss and I work together with Melina and Nattie as we all gang up on Maryse. In the meantime, The Bellas eliminate Tamina. We're still working on Maryse as she starts to fight back, and Eve eliminates one of the Bellas while Alicia eliminates Eve. Layla and Michelle work together and eliminate the other Bella Twin. Michelle then decides to come after us and I duck and eliminate her. Layla then eliminates Kelly. Beth has Melina and she eliminates her. Riss and I then work together to try and eliminate beth and we successfully do it. Gail and Alicia work together to try and eliminate Nattie. We then head over to Layla, wanting to get her out of the match. We just kick her out because she cowers in fear. Layla out of rage, grabs my leg and pulls me out of the ring after some struggle, and I end up getting eliminated. That causes a fight between us to break out and I take her out on the outside of the ring. Riss had went to work on getting Natalya eliminated, so she helped Alicia and Gail. They did it successfully and then Riss took out both Gail and Alicia. It came down to Riss and Maryse. When Riss turned around, Maryse hits her with a boot to the face. She then picks her up and goes to throw her outside of the ropes. Riss goes outside of the ropes, but holds on. Maryse thinks she's won, but when she turns around, she's met with the surprise of Riss. She starts to walk towards her, making her back up until her back is touching the ropes. So what I do is, I hop up onto the side and pull down the top rope, making Maryse fall out of the ring as Riss lunges at her, scaring her and, Riss becomes the winner. The bell rings and it dawns on her that she won.

"Oh my god."

Justin grabs the Slammy award that was sitting ringside for the winner, and he slides into the ring to give it to her. She squeals and jumps on him.

"You did a great thing." Ted says to me in my ear.

"I know. I just couldn't stand to see Maryse win."

"I know." He kisses my cheek.

"Speak of the devil and the devil shall come. Here she comes now."

Ted steps around me to block off Maryse.

"Ted, I can fight my own battles you know. She's not a threat anyway."

"I know but let me handle this one alright?"

"Can I at least have some input when I feel it's necessary?"

"I assumed you would anyway." He remarks.

"Go ahead and stop her the best you can."

He nods.

"Maryse, no. I know what you're gonna do, and I won't let you."

"She cost me the trophy!" Maryse shrieks angrily.

"Aww poor baby. Sucks to be you." I smirk.

"You need to just walk away." Ted tells her as she glowers at me.

"I know another thing you're ticked about. The fact that you don't have this..." I raise the title up in the air.

"...I plan to out-reign you."

"You'll never last." She sneers.

"We'll see....Frenchie..." I smirk.

She mumbles in French before lunging at me, and Ted holds her off as she struggles to reach me. I just laugh and taunt her more. Mid-celebration and mid-fight, the GM chimes in.

"Stupid sound." Riss complains, pulling away from Justin.

"And I quote. Celebrate all you want tonight Karissa. And feel free to celebrate this. I'm making three Diva matches for this Sunday's TLC Pay-Per-View. First Karissa, you will take on Kelly Kelly in your rightful rematch for the Women's Championship."

Riss smirks.

"Secondly, since there seems to be some tension between Maryse and Divas Champion Ariel, there will be another title match for this Sunday. Maryse will face Ariel for the Divas Championship."

"Bring it on." I challenge when she smirks at me.

"And lastly, LayCool will meet Natalya and her partner Beth Phoenix in the first ever, Divas Tag Team Tables Match!"

Riss steps away from Justin and motions for a mic.

"Hold on just a minute. I have something to say to the GM. Why let Beth and Natalya have all the fun? The other Diva matches should be made interesting too."

"They're not the only two capable of much more than most of the girls on the roster."

"So what do you say?" Riss challenges.

It's a while before the chime goes off again.

"And I quote. You make a very good point. Natalya and Beth Phoenix aren't the only two who are capable of much more than expected. I would like to hear your ideas on what kind of matches you would prefer."

"TLC." Riss says simply with a half smirk.

I go over and grab a mic so I could say my preferred match.

"Ladder." I look right at Maryse with a smirk of my own and she pales a bit.

"Done." Cole states, after the chime comes through again with the GM email.

We both grin and nod before giving up the mics. Riss and Justin exit the ring and head to the back, Ted and I lace fingers and start to head to the back while I keep giving Maryse the evil smirk, and Nattie and Beth head to the back doing the same to LayCool.

"Back into the dress." Riss remarks as they set foot backstage.

"Yess." Justin cheers.

"Silly." She teases.

"Love you too."

She steals a quick kiss. When they they get back to the locker room, she heads in to change back into the dress. She gets into the dress, managing to get it done up herself. She fixes everything up before heading back out into the room.

"All better." She declares.


She sits on his lap.

"Much better." He adds.

"Mmhmm." She agrees, snuggling into him.

"Shouldn't be needed for the rest of the night....I hope."


By this time, the match between Edge and Swagger had started. In the end, it was Edge hitting the Spear en route to pinning Jack Swagger and picking up the win. But the cameras faded right to backstage, where Alex and Mike were.

"You really think I should be out there with Officer Dewey? I mean you saw Scream, the guy can't protect anybody. Everybody in that movie died. And besides, he hasn't even been in the ring in 10 years, and when he was, he wasn't that good anyway-"

"Relax. I'll be out there with you."

"Hey hey hey. Let's do this fellas. Let's do this. Yeah, I'm so psyched. You know what Miz, I was thinking. We both have a lot in common. We both have extensive Hollywood resumes, we both had our doubters during our championship run. But most of all, we're both awesome! Yeah! Come on. I'll see you out there."

"Randy Orton is dangerous and that guy is delusional!"

"Listen. You winning your match would be great. But I have one goal in mind. And that's to put Randy Orton through a table."

"He can only hope that happens."

"I don't think it will."

"Poor Mike."


After the break, it was time for the next Slammy Award, the WWE Moment Of The Year. Those presenting it was Big Show. The nominees for Moment of the Year were; Free or Fired, Sheamus attacking Triple H from behind with a lead pipe, Edge spearing Chris through the barrier, and Shawn vs Undertaker in the Streak vs Career match at WrestleMania.

"That's got it for sure." I state.

"And your 2010 WWE Moment of the Year.....Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels in Shawn Michaels' final match!"

He does appear on the screen via satellite, accepting the award. He thanks the WWE and the fans before saying that it's been sheer joy to be part of so many memorable moments in the WWE. He then states that he doesn't miss the WWE, but he does miss the fans, before thanking the WWE and the fans for the Slammy Award.

"I miss him. He was fun to watch."

"And I was glad I got to face him in a few matches before he retired." Ted adds.


"But I'm happy you changed back into the dress."

"I know you are."

"As if you playing with the fabric of it wasn't giving it away enough." I add.

Ted grins sheepishly.

"I like the feeling of it."

"I can tell." I laugh.


"Yes I am." He agrees.

After the break it was time for Alex's handicap match where he would team with David Arquette. Randy comes out first, followed by Alex, Mike and David. In the end, it was Randy Orton hitting the RKO on Alex en route to picking up the win. After the match, Mike would blast Randy with the briefcase before heading to the outside and grabbing one of the tables. With the help of David, he sets the table up in the ring. He and David then try to deliver a double team suplex to Randy through the table, but Randy would counter and was set to powerbomb Mike through the table, but David would attack Randy, allowing Mike to escape. Randy would then set his sights on David as he delivers a vicious powerbomb to the actor through the table.

"Shocker. Not.

"He's always gotta win and so on."


"But I'm so glad the night is almost over."

"I know, it feels like its been dragging."

"That's because we're all done for the night."


"I would say we could leave early but I wanna see the other awards and who wins."

"That's fine. I want to see it too."

Just as he says that, the next award was getting ready to be presented. Cole comes to the podium to present the award for the And I Quote Line of the Year. The nominees started off with the Santino and Sheamus tea party.

"Do you take your tea dark or milky? I apologize. I am not referring to the fact that you have no pigmentation."


"'Cause in my very first WrestleMania match, I won. 17 wins from tying the Undertaker. Don't laugh."

"You don't drink, you don't do drugs, you don't smoke. Neither do I. But then again I don't look like I've been on a week long crack binge with Amy Winehouse."


"Is that Heath Slater? Or the chick from Wendys?"

"Why do you keep interfering in my business?! Why-why am I arguing with a computer?"

"I want my son back." A line from John's movie starts off the next bit.

"Give me back my father!" Kane screams.

"But I still don't know how." Another line from John's movie continues.

"Kane, Kane!"

"Ductape are you serious?"

"Don't breathe on me."

"Wait help a brother out."

"Man I raised some weird kids."

"Yes he did." I say.

"You deserved to be screwed! You deserved to be screwed!"

"Ahh! My dad's still in a coma right?"

"Yeah he's in a coma. I'm pretty sure he's brain dead."

"Ohhh, thank god."

"Can I have your attention please-"

"Of course you have an email you idiot just read it!"

"My thoughts are, if you gonna fight, make it a fight. And if you wanna win, make it a win."

"What is a mustache? Haha. It's a little bit of hair, growing over the upper lip. I don't have one. I have the best mustache of them all. A mustache is for a real man."

"You are nothing but a 15 minute, flash in the pan-"

"I'm gonna tear your intestines out and jump rope with it."

"-brainless, laughable, thick headed-"

"I'm gonna dig up your nostrils and I'm gonna rip your brain out."

"-half-witted, uninspired-"

"And I'm gonna smash it against a window like silly putty."

"-frog faced loser!"

"I would RKO my own grandmother if it meant keeping this title. And then I'd RKO your grandmother just to see the look on her face."

"Spear spear spear spear spear spear."

"Do you know how hard it is for an eagle to get medical insurance?"

"Hey this is not the Spanish announce table! Very mature! He spilled my diet soda!"

"I want you to give me a match with these....." The last part is bleeped out.

"May I have your attention please, I've received another manager from the....another email from the general manager."

"This is not the kind of stuff you can write."


"And the winner is...Michael Cole. I don't know what to say, I'm sort of shocked about this but...I really wasn't expecting this tonight. But I do wanna say that I'm so humbled by this award, despite the fact that I do deserve it. I wanna thank all my Cole Miners out there. Um..I want to thank The Miz, thank you Miz. And I want to thank those who paved the way for me, but since I'm the only announcer to ever win 2 awards ever, I'll take it away myself. Thank you New Orleans!"

"He would win. The most annoying line he could say."

"Yeah. Now we have to listen to his ego even more."

"Great." I say sarcastically.

"Not something I want to listen to."

"Not really. But now there's one more award and one more match. Then we can leave. Finally."


"Starting to get tired anyway."

"Yeah me too."

"Could always leave now. I'm sure we'll be filled in on what happens."

"Sure. Its up to you."

"Hmm, yeah I think it's a good idea."


The two of us get up and gather our stuff. Once we have our things, we head out of the room and start to head to the car. Ted drives back to the hotel. Then he holds my hand the whole way to our room.

"I think I'll let you pick out what I wear to bed tonight."

Ted looks excited.


"Yes, really. I know how much you love when I let you do that."

"I do." He agrees, going to my bags.

I in the meantime sit on the bed to take my shoes off, and wait. He finds something he likes and brings it to me.

"I knew you would pick that."

"Of course."

"Shouldn't be long."


I take the clothes from him, kiss him quick before heading into the bathroom to change. Ted changes and waits for me in bed. I come out of the bathroom after changing, my dress in one hand and the fingers of my other hand running through my hair, as I put the dress with my things. I find Ted holding up the blanket for me to slide in. I grin before walking over to the bed. I turn the light off before climbing in under the blanket next to him. I snuggle in close and he puts his arms around me.

"Night Ariel. I love you."

"Night Ted. I love you too."

I close my eyes to go to sleep, but he stays awake, watching me sleep. Once I'm there, he dozes off himself. Meanwhile at the arena, Riss shifts on Justin's lap.

"Is it over yet?" She grumbles.

"Just two more things. One more award and then Dave's match. Which I'm sure we'll be ringside for."

She sighs.


"But who knows what's going to happen. With the way he's been doing things, Wade just may want us to head to the back and not even be there."

"Wouldn't shock me."

"Frankly I would like that more. Then we wouldn't have to stick around."

She nods in agreement, playing with his shirt. After the break, Teddy comes out to present the last award of the night. The Superstar of the Year Award.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the nominees for WWE Superstar of the Year are...Edge, The WWE Champion The Miz, the World Heavyweight Champion Kane, John Cena, Rey Mysterio, Randy Orton. And the winner as voted on by you the WWE Universe....John Cena!"

Riss growls a bit.

"Thank you guys. Thank you for not giving up on me, I appreciate that. This award was your award to give away and...I find it amazing you gave it to me because up until an hour ago, I didn't have a job. It's been a-it's been a bit of a crazy year for me. I was forced to join the Nexus. The only good thing that came of that was me peeing in Wade Barrett's coffee."

"Eh." Riss wrinkles her nose.

"I was forced to leave the company. The only good thing that-actually you know what, that wasn't too bad. 'Cause I spent the last month tailgating with the WWE Universe. And boy did we pick the right city to end with a party. This is a PG show so technically this is all I can say. Believe me folks, there is magic on Bourbon Street, I have lived it. But the things that have happened to me this year have pretty much been my own fault. I said I would join Nexus and I did. I said I would leave the company and I did. I am now back, full time on Raw. And by accepting this award tonight, I will continue to be a man of my word. I have gotten to each and every single member of The Nexus except two. David Otunga and Wade Barrett. Tonight when David Otunga steps in that ring, I don't care if he brings Hasky, MacLicutty, the dude from Fashionable Male, chick from Wendys. Tonight David Otunga will get hurt."

"That will leave just one. Wade Barrett. So tonight I will give you my word. Sunday at Tables, Ladders, and Chairs. Every ounce of frustration, every ounce of misery, every ounce of anger will be unleashed! This Sunday at Tables, Ladders, and Chairs, you have my word. Wade Barrett will be destroyed." John finishes, before heading down to the ring for his match.

As he's doing his in-ring stuff, there's a knock on the door.

"Must be Wade and the rest of the group."

"As usual." She rolls her eyes, getting up.

Once again, she laces her fingers with his and they exit the room, joining the group walking to the curtain.

"We'll be out of here soon." Justin murmurs, kissing her head.

"I hope so."

"Me too."

As soon as John's music fades, the group's music goes off, Wade carrying a chair as they all go out.

"Hey Cena. Before this match starts, let me just remind you what happened earlier tonight. What's gonna happen again tonight, and what's gonna happen on Sunday during our match at TLC."

And then of course they replay the footage from earlier tonight with John and the group. Once that was over, David wrist bumped everyone except for Wade before continuing down the ramp to the group's music. As he gets into the ring, Wade motions for the group to head to the back and it starts with McGillicutty, followed by Husky, Heath, and then Riss and Justin.


"We're done."

"Thank god. Let's get out of here."

"After I change of course."

"Of course."

They seperate from the group and head to their locker room. When they walk in, , Justin heads right into the changing area to get out of his ring attire. She stands by the couch after gathering her bag. It's not too long after that where he comes out, ready to go. She puts on her jacket. He holds his hand out and she takes it. They walk out and go to the car.

"You look tired."

"Who, me?" I blink.

"Just a little."

"Mmm. Some."

"It's been a long night, I know."

"Yeah." I sigh.

"Hey, we got nothing planned for tomorrow though."

"Very true."

"All you have to prepare for is Sunday."


"And if you're worried about the match....I'll be fine." She adds.

"I know. I can't help it though."

"I know babe."

"Just think. I could actually win the title back. There's no way Kelly can survive that match."

"True." He concedes.

"I lost it unfairly anyway."

"Yes you did."

"I'm gonna get it back, it rightfully belongs to me."

"Yes it does." He agrees, kissing her head.

"I believe you will get it back." He nods.

She smiles and kisses his cheek.

"That's why you chose that kind of match, because you knew she had no chances of winning. Smart."


"That's why I love you. You're so smart." He grins.

"I love you too." She laughs.

Then they reach the car, get in and head off to the hotel. They get to their room and set their bags down.

"Time to change." She remarks.

"Help?" He grins, wanting to help.

She laughs.

"Why not?"

He keeps the grin and walks over, helping with the dress first. She steps out of it and hangs it up while he looks for something she can wear to bed. After some searching, he finds something and shows her.

"Sure." She giggles.

He walks over and hands it to her. She puts it on.

"Your turn to change."

"I'm assuming you want to help too?" He chuckles.


"Proceed." He grins.

She moves towards him and starts taking the clothes off him.

"I think you should sleep like this." She says as he's undressed now.

"Okay." He chuckles.

"To bed now." He says, pulling her in that direction.

"Alright alright."

They both climb into bed and get under the blankets. Justin pulls her to him and cuddles.

"Mmm. Love you babe." She says contentedly.

"Love you too."

She leans up and get a kiss before settling down to sleep. It's not long after that where she dozes off. Justin follows shortly.