Priceless Sensation

Karaoke and Obstacle Course Challenge

It's an early morning for me at least, a long morning of media, promoting NXT tonight and also the pay-per-view on Sunday. I carefully move from Ted's grip and head over to my things for clothes to change into. Once I have clothes, I head into the bathroom and start the shower since I felt that I needed one. I take my time in the shower, savoring the feeling of the water and warmth. When I do finish in the shower, I shut everything off and step out, wrapping the towel around me and do the normal routine of drying off and getting dressed and drying my hair. After my hair is dry and I'm dressed, I start styling my hair. As I do, I can hear Ted starting to move around in the bedroom. Once my hair is styled, I hang the wet towel up to dry before exiting the bathroom.

"Looking good." Ted smiles.

"Have to look good for the media."

"Of course but I'm telling you that you look beautiful to me." He says honestly.


"I love you."

"I love you too."

"Coming with me I assume?"

"I'd like to if you don't mind."

"Well of course you can come."

"Great." He smiles.

"You know, I think we have a signing today too...after everything this morning."

"Oh, I think you're right."

"Well, whatever keeps us busy I suppose."


"I do want to fit in some gym time though. I've got a match tonight." He adds.

"After lunch sound good?" I ask.

"Sure, sounds great."

"That'll give us some time to ourselves before we need to be at the arena for the show tonight."


"I know how much you like that after busy days like today."

"I do. Very much." He nods.

"Those hours can be valuable cuddle time." I grin.

"Oh yes."

"Just for you." I add, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"I appreciate it." He chuckles, holding my hips.

"You're welcome."

I lean up and kiss him.

"Now maybe I should let you get dressed and then we can go."


I do so, going over to my things and grabbing shoes and sitting on the bed to put them on. Ted gets up and grabs clothes, disappearing into the bathroom. Since I'm all set, I sit there and wait, yawning a few times.

"We can get in a nap later if you want." Ted suggests when he comes out.

"That sounds like a great idea."

"I thought you'd say that."

"Of course."

"Ready." He declares after getting his shoes and jacket on.

I grab my jacket and put it on, making sure I had everything I needed before we both head out the door. We head down to the car. I let Ted drive as usual since he's more familiar with the area. It's not too long of a drive and I tell him where I'm supposed to be first and we soon pull into the parking lot. We get out and holds hands as we head inside. We walk up to the desk and say who we are and what were there for and we soon head down the hall, since it's a radio station first. We get seated and I'm handed a headset. It's a bit before my part on the radio came on, so Ted kept me occupied until then. As they get to my part, Ted settles for holding my hand. I'm introduced and I thank them for having me and then they get right into the questions. The first one was of course about the relationship between me and Ted and how the whole thing went down with Maryse on last season of NXT during the sham of a wedding of Cody's brother and Aksana.

"We'd been sneaking around behind her back for months. Ted finally got fed up with her failure and kicked her to the curb." I explain, shrugging.

"Before you ask, it wasn't always easy."

"Oh of course not." They say.

"But now we don't have to sneak around anymore and we're happy."

"That's good."

"The fact that it makes Maryse mad is just a plus." I smirk.

"Oh and it also makes her mad that I have this." I put a hand on the title which I had placed on the table.

"Ahhh the title. Yes."

"She's obviously pleased that she gets to face me this Sunday for it."

"I dunno, she looked pretty pale to me." One host laughs.

"Well it is a ladder match afterall. She should be afraid."

"Ohhh yeah."

"Even though she seemed to climb a ladder at Money in the Bank no problem."

"She didn't have to worry about you." The other host says.

"No. And she's even too scared to climb closer to the top to get what's hanging above. In this case it'll be the title. All I'm saying is she won't last long."

"Such confidence."

"Because she stands no chance. She's like Kelly....she's a twig."

"Ohhh dissing on the beautiful Kelly Kelly. I have no shame in it. I don't like her, she doesn't like me...its a mutual dislike But you know, I really don't have to worry about her, because she's dealing with Nexus member Karissa, who outside our characters, is my best friend."

"Right, you two used to tag team together."

"We did, until she went to the bad side. But I shortly joined that side not too long after. I don't see us teaming together anytime soon what with the whole Nexus thing going on."

"Right, right."

"But that's this Sunday. Tonight is different. We have NXT here in town."

"Yeah yeah. NXT, looking for the next big star for the WWE."


"What do you think of your rookie Brodus Clay?"

"Physically, I think he's a force to be reckoned with. He's not like any of the other rookies on the show. And I think that's what it takes to win this thing."

"Who knows, he could be it."

"Of course that's half up to us, half up to the WWE Universe."

"That's true."

"But it's only the 2nd week so.."

"Anything can happen." They both remark.


They ask me some more questions before thanking me. We say our goodbyes and leave for the next thing. The next thing was a news station where I would be appearing alone on tv. Before we know it, that appearance is over as well. The rest of the appearances seem to pass by like that and next we head to the signing. In the meantime, Riss and Justin were just waking up. She doesn't open her eyes yet, just content to lay there.



"Not ready to get up yet, that's ok."

She just moves back to his side and snuggles in closer.

"Comfy." She mumbles.

"I know. I'm your pillow."



She kisses his neck.


"Forever." He repeats.

She feels him start to kiss the skin he can reach.



"Yes. We never did finish what we started last night."

"No, we didn't."

"Intent on finishing it, hmm?" She remarks as she rolls onto her back.

He follows and his lips press against her neck.


"Go easy." She says breathlessly as his mouth finds the spot below his ear.

"I'd like to go out and do things afterwards."

"I'll keep that in mind."

She arches slightly and bites back a moan as he starts to leave a mark. He smirks against the skin, knowing that she's biting it back, so he continues, and does so until she can't hold it back anymore. She moans loudly, clutching his sides. He grins, having accomplished his goal. She sinks back to the mattress, trying to catch her breath.

"Goal accomplished."


"You know it."

She catches her breath and nips at his shoulder. His head drops to her shoulder. She smirks and does it again. Then he hides his ace in her neck.

"I found a spot." She sings teasingly.


She nips at that spot again. His grip on her hips tighten just a little. She giggles and keeps doing it.

"Payback." She mumbles.


She just grins and continues. She wants to try and get him to make a noise so she nips and sucks on that spot lightly. It takes a bit, but she hears a quiet growl come from him. She giggles. But since it was a quiet one, she still wasn't feeling accomplished. so she continues, wanting a louder growl. she makes it a littler harder to see if that works. It almost works instantly, as the growl gets much louder. She giggles harder.

"Funny huh?"


"You would."

"Mmhmm." She agrees as she kisses her way up his neck.

"My turn to have fun."

Justin just groans a little but lets her for now.

"You'll survive."

He mumbles and she just laughs. Before long, she reaches his lips and brushes hers over his gently. He of course tries to make the kiss more rough, because she started to drive him crazy, so he wants to get her back for it. She pulls back.

"Easy..." She soothes.

"Aww." He pouts.

She looks amused. She leans up and nips his lower lip before meshing her lips with his, giving him a little of the roughness he wants. But of course she doesn't let it last for long, and she goes back to the gentle kiss. Justin whines.

"You only get a little."

He mumbles something against her lips in Afrikaans and that lets her know she's really into him. All she does is smirk and continue. Shortly after, he pulls away.

"Baby...if you want this to not be rough, we need to cool it down." He says, breathing a little hard.

"Can't help myself."

"I know." He chuckles.

"It's fun to tease you anyway."

"Back at you."

"I know that all too well."

He grins and she laughs.

"Now come here. I do want to go out before it gets dark." She says.

"We have all day."

She tugs him down into a kiss. He just chuckles against her lips and kisses back. What little clothes they have on soon ends up on the floor. A few horus later finds them in the bathroom. She's sitting on the counter while he runs the water.

"Well that was a great wakeup call, now wasn't it?" He smirks.

"Of course." She laughs.

"Should do that more every once in a while."

"No complaints here. She smirks.

"Of course not."

"Another week and then I should be good for normal baths and swimming. That info paper said I could now but I'd like to be on the safe side. I don't want anything to change my tattoo." She remarks as he checks the water temperature.

"Right." He nods.

"I love it." She smiles, glancing over her shoulder to look at it in the mirror.

"So do I."

"I know." She smirks at him.

"Alright, water is all set." He says as he shuts it off.

She hops off the counter as he gets in. She gets in herself, holding onto his hands to steady herself. Once she's steady, she sits, leaning back into him. His arms wrap around her and she smiles.

"You know, the wedding is coming up fast."

"I know."

"I'm excited."

"So am I."

"It'll be nice seeing your family again."

"I know they're really excited to see you again. Particularly mom."

"Aww. Well I know she and Momma are getting along amazing."

"I know they will too."

"They do, silly. She's been helping Momma with this wedding."

"Oh yeah, that's right. So much going on this month, completely forgot."

"It's alright. I know things can get lost in this craziness we call life."


"It should be fun to see them meet in person though."

"I know right?"

"Two moms...two times the pleas for grandchildren." She groans.

"Oh boy."


"Think we can get them to understand we're waiting a bit?"

"I don't know. You know how moms can be."

"Yeah, I know." He chuckles.

"They may pretend they understand but they'll bring it back up soon enough."


"I think maybe we can re-evaluate after Wrestlemania. If things are slow, maybe we can stop using protection and give it a try." She says hesitantly, looking at him to judge his reaction.

"Only if you're sure."

"I want to know what you think."

"I'm okay with trying that."

"You sure?"


"Part of me really wants to try now...but I know it isn't really good timing."


She sighs and swishes some water around with her fingers.

"It'll be worth the wait though."

"I know."

"I can wait." She adds.

"It's just hard. I see pregnant women and I feel...well, jealous really." She explains, sighing.

"But you want to go a bit more into your career before you do that...I know."

"I don't want to leave, knowing Kelly has the title and she got it from me in an unfair situation."


"I wouldn't have such an issue if it wasn't her and the title hadn't been mine."


"Wow, that makes me sound horrible. I'm putting off having children so I can get revenge on a whore." She frowns.

"No. You're just making your career come first. Tons of people let their career come first."

She sighs again, letting her head drop back against his shoulder.

"It's ok."

"Things will happen at their own pace." He assures her, kissing the lovebite below her ear.


He calms her down easily. They spend some time in the bath before they go get dressed so they can go out.

"So where do you want to go first today?"

"Somewhere to eat obviously."

"Right of course."

"I was looking online and I found a cool bead shop where you can make your own jewelry." She remarks as she picks out her clothes.

"Interesting. Sounds fun."

"Mmhmm. After that, I really don't have anything in mind."

"I'm sure we'll figure something out."

She nods and starts to get dressed. He goes over to his things and gets dressed himself. She rummages around for the right shoes. She finds a pair of black short boots, puts those on, and she goes into the bathroom to do her routine. Justin gets dressed in the room itself and waits for you after he's done everything. She comes out after finishing everything.


"I'm ready if you're ready."

She gets her jacket and purse as he notices her shirt and other pieces of her outfit are feather-themed.

"Love the outfit theme."

She smiles.

"I was wondering if you'd notice."

"Well I have noticed now." He grins.

"I can see that." She says amusedly.

"Feathers look great on you."

"I know."

"You should wear them more often."

"I'll do my best."


She giggles and kisses his cheek.

"Let's go lover. I'm starving."

"Alright." He chuckles, grabbing his jacket and putting it on, before they both leave the room.

She grabs his hand and he squeezes hers in response. He laces their fingers together. They head down to the lobby and then out to the car, from there, they head off to find a place to eat. They find a nice, homey feeling restaurant and eat there. They take their seats, and do the usual routine when they go out to eat. They eat in peace, enjoying themselves and talking.

"Just think. Next week, married again."

"Mmhmm. I can't wait."

"We can fly out right after Raw on Monday."

"Sounds good."

"Think we can convince the moms to let us stay the night together?"

"Uh...not sure."

"Probably for the first night, but the night before the wedding you know that won't happen."

"Awww." He pouts.

"It's just one night."

"I don't like sleeping without you." He sulks.

"I know, I know."

"You can always ask them." She adds.


"Just be prepared to hear the word no." She warns.


"I'd love to be able to stay with you that night but you know how moms can be about traditions."

"Of course."

"You made it through the first time just fine." She points out.

"I did."

"So I think you can do it one more time." She kisses him quickly.

"I could try."

"That's all I ask."

"Of course."

"I'm glad its a nice day outside." She remarks after a moment.

"I know right? Not too cold today."

"Nope. Not rainy either, thank goodness."


"Perfect." She smiles as they finish their meal.

"Not as perfect as you."

She blushs.


"It's true."

He just chuckles and kisses my neck.*

"Always have to make me blush no matter what time it is."

"Yup. Its fun." He grins.

"For you."

"Yes it is."

Once they finish their food, Justin pays the bill. They then go to the car and she gives him directions to the bead shop. Once they get there, he parks and they head inside.

"Ooooh..." She says as she looks around excitedly.

"This place looks like fun."

"It really does. I love how many different types of beads there are."

"You're going to have tons of fun in here, I can tell already." He chuckles.

"Mmhmm." She giggles.

"Go crazy." He laughs.

She kisses his cheek and goes to make several things, humming happily. He chuckles and follows her. She gathers the materials she needs. She doesn't even notice Justin picking things out to make a few things himself. Once she has everything, then she heads over to a table to put everything together. She's making a bracelet when Justin measures her wrist. She's so focused on her work, that she doesn't even notice. He chuckles and goes to work on his stuff.

"This is so fun." She beams after she finishes her first piece.

"It is." He nods.

"I used to make bracelets with plastic beads and elastic when I was younger."

"Awww." He grins.

"Used to make friendship bracelets with string too. I was pretty crafty."


"So this is very fun for me." She smiles.

"Of course."

She giggles as he leans over and steals a kiss. Then they both get back to work on the bracelets. After a while, they finish up.

"Yayy." She claps.

"Close your eyes for a sec?"

"Oookay." She says before doing so.

The next thing she knows, she feels something being put on her wrist.

"Okay, open."

She opens her eyes and loos down to see a bracelet made up of beautiful blue and purple beads. There are charms spaced out evenly and as she looks at each one, she sees the meanings behind them.

"Aww, Jussi. This is beautiful."

"You're very welcome." He grins.

She leans over and kisses him.

"What else did you make?" She asks, after pulling away.

"I made one for my mom."


"That's sweet." She smiles.

"I know." He smiles too.

"Anything else?"

"Found a bunch of things with tribal designs on them, made something for myself."


He grabs that one and shoes her.

"Oh that's cool babe. It suits you."

"I thought so."

"So what did you make?" He asks.

"Well this is mine. That's Air's, Momma's and one for your mom." She points to each one.

"They're all amazing, great job."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

"So what's next?" She asks after they pay for everything.

"Hmm well what would you like to do?"

"How about a walk or renting bikes? I heard there's trails around here." She suggests as they leave, hand in hand.


She drives this time and they find some trails. That's when they park and get out.

"So bikes or walking?" She asks.

"Hmm, walking."

"Okay." She agrees.

She snuggles under his arm, up against his side.

"We can enjoy the scenery more this way."

"Very true."

Then they start walking along a trail.

"This is great. So peaceful."

"It is."

"Can you believe we've been married for almost a month already?"

"I know and next week we do it all over again."

"I know. I'm so excited to see it all put together."

"Me too."

"I love you."

"I love you too."

They continue through the path, admiring the scenery around them. She sees a nice, semi-secluded spot and guides him to it. Once there, she moves and wraps her arms around his neck. She pulls him into a kiss. She did catch him offguard a bit, but he soon responds. He tugs her closer and she giggles against his lips. He grins against her lips and his arms wrap around her, holding her in place. They get lost in the moment, just enjoying the kisses.

"Mmm..." She sighs in content as they catch their breath after one of the longer kisses.

Justin nuzzles her neck, kissing the lovebite beneath her ear. Once they both relax after the kiss being done, they continue on the trail. Eventually they end up back at the beginning.

"Food?" She questions.

"Yeah, it's bout lunch time now."

They walk to the car. She lets him drive this time.

"You can pick the restaurant." She says.

"Alright." He nods.

He finds a place and they have a nice, peaceful lunch.

"How about after we're done, we go back and relax?"


"I found something we can do later but I'd like to have some relaxing before we go."


"Sounds like a plan to me."

They head back to the car and get in, and then head back to the hotel to relax for a while. After a busy morning and lunch, we went back to the hotel so Ted could get changed for the gym. He changes and packs a small gym bag.

"I'll see you in a little while okay?"

"Alright." I nod.

"I love you." He steals a kiss.

"I love you too."

Ted then heads out. I look around, trying to think of something to do. Since it's kind of cool out, not too chilly, but still, I decide to stay in the room and relax, watching movies. But I'm going to need snacks if I'm doing that. So I make sure I have my key card and money and head out of the room, and down to the nearby snack machines. I look over the snack choices, putting the money in once I've found what I want. I reach down to take out what I've chosen and when I stand back up and turn around with all the snacks in my hand, I get startled by Del Rio.

"Jeez, stalker much?"

He starts to hit on me again.

"Mis disculpas. Entonces, ¿qué vas a poner esta noche para impresionarme?"

"Sorry, I don't speak Spanish." I roll my eyes and start to walk away.

He calls after me but I just flip him off. I disappear around the corner and then back into the room. I drop the snacks on the bed and dig through my bags for movies to watch. I pick one and put that in, get it started and plop down on the bed, getting ready to relax. I get everything arranged and focus on the movie, munching when I get the urge. After getting about halfway through the 2nd movie, I get too comfortable, and end up falling asleep. A while later, I wake up a bit to the feeling of a warm body pulling me close. I mumble still being half asleep at being moved.

"Shh. Go back to sleep. Its just me." Ted soothes.

I mumble again and snuggle into him. He kisses my head and relaxes. I easily doze back off and soon he falls asleep himself. The next thing I know, the hours pass by quick and the alarm that Ted set starts to go off. Both of us slowly get up.

"I so wanted to stay sleeping. I was comfortable."

"I know, me too."

"How was the gym by the way?"

"It was good. Just normal really."


"Did you enjoy your movies before you fell asleep?"

"I did."

"Well good."

"Could've done without running into Del Rio by the snack machines."

"He hit on you again didn't he?" Ted growls.

"In Spanish. Walked away...again."

"Of course."

"Can't get away from seeing him tonight...unfortunately."

Ted makes a face.

"But anyways, let's get ready to go."

He nods and goes to his bags. I go over to my bags and grab everything I need before heading into the bathroom like always. Ted gets ready in the bedroom and watches TV while waiting for me. I make sure everything is as perfect as it can be. I fix what needed to be fixed before stepping out of the bathroom.

"Beautiful as always."

"Of course."

"How I got so lucky is beyond me."


"Love you." He smiles.

"Love you too."

"Ready to go?"

"Mmhmm." I nod as I grab my jacket and put that on.

He does the same and after that, we head to the car and off to the arena.

"I hope tonight's interesting."

"I hope so too."

"I was told there's a challenge first, and my match teaming with Brodus is after that." He adds.


"And then there's the obstacle course challenge."

"That should be interesting at least."


"Somebody will trip or something, watch."

"Ahaha I'll die laughing."

"I know."

"Getting caught up in the tires...whoops." I laugh.

Ted snickers.

"Wish it was the keg carry, have another accident like Titus on Season 2."

"Now that would be funny."

We pull up to the arena, and head inside. We go to the locker room so Ted could change into his ring gear. I sit on the couch and keep myself busy with my phone while he's changing. He comes out shortly after that. And since the show would be starting in just minutes, we didn't have time to sit around in the locker room. In fact, we had to be out on the stage before the show even came on the air. I get up and follow him out of the room. He reaches over and grabs my hand, lacing his with mine. We follow everyone as others start to head out to the stage, while the rookies stayed behind to be introduced. As usual, Ted moves my chair closer to his.

"Too far again?"

"Yup." He nods.


"Your goof." He kisses my cheek.

"Ladies and gentlemen please welcome your NXT rookies. Conor O'Brian. Derrick Bateman. Jacob Novak. Brodus Clay. Johnny Curtis. And Byron Saxton. Alright. Gentlemen welcome to week two. One of you is one step closer to your dream of becoming the WWE's next breakout star. But you're all gonna have to step up your game because eliminations are coming and the only way to avoid elimination is to earn immunity. So very quickly, congratulations to Jacob Novak who earned an immunity point last week by winning the capture the flag challenge. But that was a test of your physical ability. To be a WWE superstar, you have to be entertaining. So for the first time ever tonight, we're gonna test your ability to entertain by having a karaoke challenge."

"Oh god." I mutter.

"You are going to be judged on accuracy and creativity and originality. And your judges are gonna be...the live crowd here tonight. So with that said, Conor O'Brian please step forward. There are six rookies, I have six envelopes. Each of them contain a superstar's entrance theme. Conor please choose an envelope. Just one. Okay, let's open it up and let's tell everyone which entrance theme you're gonna karaoke-ize. Okay it will be the entrance theme of King Sheamus. With that said, step forward, the lyrics will appear on the tron. Take the microphone and go."

"It's a shameful thing, you've lost your head. A careless man who winds up dead. You wear your sin like it's some kind of prize. Too many lies, too many lies. Ohhhhhhh. These words are true and I'll make you believe. Ohhhhhhhh. You fight for air, and struggle just like you breath. Ohhhhhh. And you wear your go....see."

"Okay, alright. Far be it for me to put over a rat, but that wasn't half bad. Okay Derrick Bateman, step forward. Pick a card, any card. Alright open it up. You will be singing the entrance theme of the WWE Champion The Miz."

"Born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio. Aweeessooooome! I came to play, there's a price to pay. Time for you to get down on your knees and pray. can say goodbye to the good ole days, They're never coming back, watch your future fade. I came to play to get my dues paid. I guess you had a dream, but it can't be saved. I'm here to stay, best get out of my way. I came to play, there's a price to pay, blah blah blah bleh bleh bleh."

"Thank you Derrick Bateman. Jacob Novak, you already have one immunity point. Let's see what else you can do. Pick a card. Open it up. You will be singing the entrance theme of the Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler. Anything special about Dolph Ziggler?"

"He is perfection."

"Dolph is of course your pro. So have at it."

"I am perfection, perfection. I am perfection. Bring it on! Some things are exactly what they seem. I will define things you dream. Go check the scores again. Call mine a perfect 10. They broke the mold when they made me. I'm a professional athlete. Don't boo me. I'm better than all of you!"

"Jacob back in line. Nobody said it was easy. Big Brodus Clay please step forward, kindly choose a card. Open it up. Alright, you'll be crooning the theme of Dashing Cody Rhodes. Go for it."

Ted kind of facepalms and drags his hand across his face with a look of 'oh god'. I can't help but snicker.

"Whoaaa, you're only smoke and mirrors. Whoaaaa, you're only smoke and mirrors tonight. There you go, face deep in a camera. Microphone in your hand. What you're made about, no one knows. And no one cares. You think everyone's a fan. Hah! But everyone sees the future is in me. And you do know that."

"I never thought Cody's theme could be so scary. Johnny Curtis. Two cards left, pick one John. Open it up. No you can open it. I do enough for you already. Ohhh, WWE Championship number one contender Randy Orton's theme. Alright Johnny, let's see what you got."

"I hear voices in my head, they council me, they understand, now talk to me! They talk to me!!! You've got the rules and the religion. All the designed to keep you safe. But when rules start getting broken, you start questioning your faith. I have the voice, what is my savior. Hates to love, I loves to hate. I have a voice that knows the knowledge and the power to rule the fate!"

"Thanks Johnny. Last but not least Byron Saxton. Uh my voice cracks and I'm not even singing how about that? What do you got? The one and only Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels. You've got big shoes to fill kid, go for it."

"Ahh, ahh, ahh. I think I'm cute, I think I'm sexy. I've got the looks that drive the girls wild. I've got the moves, that really move em'. I send chills up and down their spine. I'm just a sexy boooooy. I'm just a sexy boy. Ohh! I'm not your boy toy. I'm just a boy toy. Ahh, ahh. I'm just a sexy boy. I'm not your, I'm not your boy toyyyyyyyy."

"I thought you were going to break out into the running man Carlton."

Ted snickers.

"Alright get back in line. Alright WWE Universe, what did you think....of Conor O'Brian?"

Mostly boos.

"Was Derrick Bateman music to your ears?"

Mostly cheers.

"How about the vocal stylings of Jacob Novak?"

Mostly boos.

"The intimidating rendition of Brodus Clay?"

Surprisingly there were cheers.

"Johnny Curtis?"

Some cheers.

"Or Byron Saxton. Okay I think it's very obvious. The rookie that has earned the immunity point, Byron Saxton!"

"Well he was entertaining."


At this point since there will be entrances to the ring for the match, Ted motions for me to move so we can head to the back to at least wait until we need to go out. I get off my chair and so does he. He takes my hand and the two of us go backstage to find a place to stand until then.

"Your face was hilarious was Brodus had to sing Cody's theme." I snicker.

"Of all themes for him to get, it had to be Cody's."

"Just like Derrick got Mike's...they're both from Cleveland and Daniel was the rookie of Mike on Season 1. And like Jacob got Dolph's."


"Too much of a coincidence if you ask me."

"Just a bit."

"Eh, Brodus got cheers though, which is a good thing."

"Yes it is."

After an advertisement for the airing of Tribute to the Troops we did couple weeks ago, they showed an introduction video for Novak. That's when it was time for the match and out first was Chris and Byron.

"Well this shouldn't be too hard of a match."

"Not at all."

Once they were in the ring, Chris' music stops and they play Ted's, and we all head down to the ring ourselves. Once at the ring, he lets me go and I walk around to the first side of the ring, by the balance beam that's being used for the obstacle course challenge later. Brodus and Ted both get into the ring next. It starts off with Brodus and Byron, and they circle. They lock up and Brodus just shoves him down, Ted laughing at it.

Brodus backs Bryon up into the ropes and the ref backs Brodus up. They lock up again and yet again Byron and thrown around like a ragdoll. Byron then starts yelling at him, and immediately tags in Chris. They lock up and Chris gets pushed into the corner, and Brodus immediately takes control of the match. After coming off the ropes, Chris hops over him and attempts to roll him up, but it doesn't work. Brodus instead grabs him by the neck and goes to clothesline him. Chris ducks however and then goes after the legs, trying to take him down. He slaps him across the chest a few times and goes to send him into the ropes, but Brodus blocks it. Back into the corner and Chris moves so Brodus hits the corner when he charges at him. He then gets Brodus in the Master Lock, but Ted tries to get in to break it up. The ref stops him however and Ted slides out of the ring. That distracts Chris, to Brodus takes advantage with a Belly to Back suplex. Ted starts yelling to Brodus to tag him in as he brings Chris over to the corner. He does and tags Ted in. After a bit, Ted had him in a side lock and he was struggling to get to his feet. He does get to his feet and out of the hold, only for Ted to hit him with an elbow to the jaw. He goes for the cover, but Chris kicks out. He brings him over to the corner and holds him as he tags Brodus in and Brodus goes right across the chest of Chris. From there, he has complete control of the match. He spears him in the corner once, before Ted gets tagged back in. With a slight distraction by the ref, Chris comes back with slaps to the chest and a cheap shot to Brodus. Ted comes back with a dropkick. He covers him, but Chris kicks out. That's when Ted has him in the ropes and lets go at 4. The ref is distracted so Brodus takes a cheap shot at him and Ted covers Chris yet again, but Chris kicks out.

Ted goes to punch him in the head, but Chris ducks and counters. That allows Chris to go and tag Byron in. Ted catches him with a drop toehold and tags Brodus in. And basically it's not good for Byron. After slamming him down, Ted demands that Brodus tag him in. He does so and Ted comes in and he goes to hit him with a knee, but Byron moves. He quickly goes over and tags Chris back in. He hits Ted with chops to the chest and he's on a roll right now. He hits Ted with a spinebuster and goes for the cover. Brodus comes in and tries to save it, but Chris moves so Brodus ends up landing on Ted. Chris signals for the Master Lock, but Byron tags himself in, which is a big mistake because after getting a few good shots in, Ted puts him in position for Dream Street and delivers it, covering Byron for the win. I clap and cheer happily.

I wait for him to leave the ring and I head in the direction of the ramp because that was the side he was getting out from. I stop him before we head up. And since the rest of the pros weren't on the stage because some other things were stored there for now, I still knew Del Rio was watching, only because of me. So I decided to give him something to watch. I grab Ted and press my lips against his in a celebratory kiss. Ted responds instantly, pulling me even closer to him. I only pull away when I feel it's necessary. Ted grins at me and chuckles.

"Maybe I should win more often."

"Maybe." I giggle.

"And you know, Del Rio was definitely watching, I know he was. So I also gave him something to

watch." I add.


"Learned from the best."

"Right." He laughs.

I lace my fingers with his and we head to the back just for the time we need to before having to go back out to the stage for the rest of the show. When we get to the back, they cut to a backstage segment with Daniel and Derrick.

"Hey Derrick, how's it going?"

"Hey there coach. Did you hear me singing in karaoke?"

"Yeah I did, you did a great job. But you've got a big match with Alberto Del Rio, so I think I need to teach you a submission. I think we should start off with a heel hook. I mean it's devastating and simple and you can finish them off like that."

Derrick drops down onto his back on the mat that's in the room and Daniel demonstrates on him how to do the heel hook submission. They switch and Derrick goes for doing the submission on Daniel.

"Submission. Submission! Submission wrestling! Submission wrestl-" He stops when Daniel kicks him in the face.

"Why'd you do that?"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Maybe too much too soon. Okay you've got a big match, you've got the Obstacle Course, do the dance okay?"

"Yeah I'll do the dance. Freedom and Justice. Alright good." He walks out.

"What a whackadoo." I shake my head.

"Whackadoo?" Ted chuckles.

"Yes, whackadoo."

We head out shortly and wait on the stage, sitting in our chairs, because the Obstacle Course is coming up next. The rookies come out and stand on the other side of the stage and soon it's time for it.

"Thanks Josh, appreciate it. Okay. Before we get started, let's remind everyone that Byron Saxton won our karaoke challenge and earned an immunity point. We're gonna update the immunity scores. Jacob Novak you have one immunity point, and Byron Saxton you have an immunity point. But or the rest of you, this Obstacle Course is worth two immunity points due to the degree of difficulty. So basically it's simple. You'll start at the yellow line, you'll run down, you'll run through the tires, you'll hop over the yellow barricades. You'll go in front of the announce table, you'll do 10 push ups. You'll then navigate the balance beam, come and push the box up over the yellow line. Whichever rookie does it in the fastest time will earn two immunity points. Our officials will be watching to make sure you do it correctly. Do you understand? With that said, Jacob Novak please step forward."

"You gonna be faster than anybody else?" Dolph approaches his rookie.

"Faster baby."

"He shops at Express." Dolph states before sitting back down.

"Want me to hold your jacket for you? Okay foot on the yellow line, on your mark, get set, go!"

He runs down and runs the tires, and easily goes over the barricades. He does the push ups, but messes up so he does more than 10 really. He does the balance beam easily and pushes the crate easily up the ramp and over the line.

"37.9 seconds, the time to beat."

"Take your jacket back. Byron Saxton, please step forward. You had a tough match, you feeling alright?"

"Do I look alright Matthew?"

I snicker because the pain was caused by Ted in the end of the match just minutes before now.

"That's nice. I'm trying to be nice to you, but if you're gonna take the route, go right ahead. Foot on the line. On your mark, get set, go!"

He doesn't really run down the ramp much. He kind of takes his time. And on the third barrier he falls, climbing over it. He slowly goes over to the box and does the 10 push ups, not fast enough.

"He has no chance." I scoff.

"None." Ted agrees.

"Thanks to you. He's hurting so bad because of you in the end of that match."

"Whoops." Ted smirks.

"Less competition. Love you."

"Love you too."

He goes over to the balance beam and takes his time. He pushes the crate, slowly and he hits triple digits.

"Alright a minute and two seconds. It was a valiant effort Byron. Okay, Conor O'Brian. Ah this is cool Ratitude t-shirt. I like it, I see what you're doing there. Okay. Oh sorry Alberto, excuse me. On your mark, get set, go!"

He does the tires no problem, and the barriers. But on the third one he falls too. He does the push ups fine and the beam. He pushes the crate up the ramp and pushes it over the line, buzzer sounding.

"Alright 42. 7 seconds."

"Wah wah wahh."


"Alright Derrick Bateman, please step forward. On your mark, get set go!"

He too does the tires just fine, and the barricades too. He messed up the push ups a bit and moved onto the beam, which he tripped and fell before he even got on it. He pushes the crate and pushes it over.

"Derrick Bateman the new leader. Alright Derrick fall back in line. Johnny Curtis, how're you feeling?"

"Very gazelle-like."

"Very gazelle-like. Thats....that's great. Okay, on your mark, get set, go!"

He does the tires no problem and the barricades, and the push ups, but they're kind of weird. He does the beam and pushes the crate.

"34.8 seconds. Officials we're okay-the officials are going to confer here. He fell off of the beam-"

"-replay! Replay!"

"Well then, hang on. Johnny let the officials-Johnny Curtis has been disqualified for falling off of the beam."

"Ohhh. Ouch."

"Little bit of controversy here. There's still one guy left. Big Brodus Clay."

Ted gets up and goes over to Brodus giving him some instructions on what to do in this Obstacle Course, before coming back over to me.

"Okay. On your mark, get set, go!"

He runs down the ramp and does the tires. Once he gets to the barricades, he tips them over. He does the push ups. Just as he finishes, the whistle was blown and he was disqualified.


"Brodus Clay has been disqualified. Brodus you can't touch an official Brodus. Come on back. There'll be plenty more competitions."

He then picks up a tire and whips it.

"Brodus, come on. Folks can I have your attention. Our senior official has informed me that Johnny Curtis will get another shot at the Obstacle Course right now!"

"That's not fair."

Ted grumbles.

"I sense some favoritism."

"Me too."

He goes once again, and this time beats the time and he wins. I shake my head.


"Night's almost over...thank god."

"Thankfully. I'm ready to get out of here."

"Me too. We at least have the rest of the week to ourselves until Sunday."

"Yeah, that's true."

In the meantime, Riss and Justin were getting ready to go out again. She stretches languidly, a few pops sounding as she releases some stiffness. She stifles a yawn as she goes to check her hair and makeup in the bathroom mirror.

"I hope you like what I have planned."

"I always do." She says as she picks up her hairbrush.

"Just wanna make sure."

"You have no reason to be nervous babe. As long as you're there, I'm happy." She looks into the mirror as he stands behind her, watching as she starts to brush her hair.

"I know."

She stops and holds her hairbrush over her shoulder. He grins and takes it, brushing the rest of her hair. She watches with a small amused smile. She leans into his touch, enjoying the sensation. He grins as he continues.

"You want me to leave this down? Its been up almost all day." She says about her hair.

"That would be nice."

"I know how much you love playing with it."

"I do."

"Done." He declares after a minute. "Thank you."

"You're welcome."

She touches up a few things with her makeup.

"All ready."

"So am I."

She turns around and leans up for a kiss.

"Jackets and shoes and off we go."

"Right." He nods.

They go out and get those on before leaving.

"So what is the plan for tonight?"

"Any hints about this thing you have planned?" She adds.

"Hmm, well it does involve being outdoors."

"Outdoors...hmm..." She lets her thoughts wander as he leads her to the car.

"You'll never guess." He chuckles.

"I can try."

"Yes you can."

He blindfolds her and then drives to the place. Once they're there, he gets her out and covers her ears while guiding her.

"You better not let me fall."

He chuckles and she feels the vibrations. After a few moments, he stops. Her ears are uncovered but she doesn't hear much.

"Can I look now?"

"Just a minute." He says amusedly.

A moment later, he takes the blindfold off.

"Now." He says in her ear.

She opens her eyes and finds a horse drawn carriage in front of her.


"I knew you'd love it."

"You didn't sound so sure a little bit ago." She teases, turning to get a kiss.

"Well you love it, that's all that matters."

"I do. Very much." She kisses him again.


He helps her up into the carriage and then gets in himself.

"This is nice."


Justin and her get cuddled up.

"Any other surprises?" She asks warily.

"You'll find out as we go along."

"Sneak." She mumbles as he kisses her.

"Love you too."

He tells the driver to go ahead.

"I know it's a bit cold, but I thought this would be a great idea to end the day."

"Its perfect. We get to cuddle." She smiles.

"If it gets too cold, there's a blanket for you." The driver says.

"Always prepared."

"Of course." He chuckles.

"You and the great ideas." She grins.

Justin grins and kisses her head. They listen as the driver tells them about the different buildings and scenery that they're passing.

"Ready for the next surprise?" Justin asks.

She looks at him curiously and nods.

"Close your eyes."

She gives him a look but he gives her one right back. She pouts and reluctantly closes her eyes. He reaches down to grab something and then places it in her hands.

"Okay, open." He says.

She opens her eyes and smiles.

"Awww. They're pretty." She admires the peachy-pink roses.

"They came with this whole thing. They asked me if I wanted flowers and I of course I said that I did."

"Of course." She says amusedly.

"And of course I had to pick the roses since you love them."

"Mmhmm." I agree, smelling the flowers.

"I love them." She adds.

"I can tell."

She puts them down to continue cuddling with him. Justin grabs the blanket and drapes it over them, as if sensing that she was starting to get cold.

"Psychic." She murmurs.

"I just know things."

"Of course."

They enjoy the scenery as they go along.

"It's pretty here." She says softly.

"It is."

"The Christmas decorations are beautiful."

"They are."

"I can't wait to decorate our new house. Its going to be amazing."

"I can't wait either."

"What color tree do you want to use? We have green, white and silver..."

"Hmmm...tough decision."

"Well we used the white last year so I say green or silver."


"Sounds good."

A little more into the ride, Justin decides to bring out the next surprise.

"Another one?" She asks as he moves.


"You are such a spoiler."

"Only for you."

"I know." She smiles.

When he sits back up, he reveals a large thermos.

"What's in there?"

He takes the cover off and lets her smell it.

"Peppermint hot chocolate. Mmm." She smiles widely.


She kisses him, lingering a bit. After they pull away, he reaches down to get two mugs, and then pours both of them a cup of the hot chocolate.

"Thanks love."

"You're welcome."

They go back to cuddling while sipping the hot chocolate. A while later they get back to where they started.

"Thank you for the wonderful tour." She tells the driver as they gather their stuff.

"You're very welcome."

"Have a good night." He says.

"You too." They reply as they get down.

Then they make their way back to the car.

"Thank you for such a romantic trip babe." She leans up for a long kiss after he opens her door for her.

"You're oh so welcome."

"So now what?" She asks, biting her bottom lip absentmindedly.

"Well that's all I had planned for tonight really."

"Go for dinner? Or just go back to the hotel and get room service."

"Well what would you like to do?"

" about the restaurant that's right down the street from the hotel? We can park at the hotel and walk to the restaurant."

"Sounds good."

He gives her a kiss and then they get in the car. They do as she suggested and park in their spot at the hotel before walking to the restaurant.

"Perfect ending to the night."

"Yup. Today was a good day."

"It was."

"I like days like this."

"I do too."

She kisses his cheek and cuddles close as they wait to be seated.

"And then we have the rest of the week to prepare for Sunday."


"Even though you've got the match won already basically."


"That little twig better enjoy her title short it is."

Justin chuckles.


"I agree, she is a twig." He agrees.

"No wonder she's named Barbie." She scoffs.

"Blonde hair, check. Hourglass body, check. You know maybe she should go with Ziggler. He is a real life version of a Ken Doll."

Justin laughs.

"Perfect pair."


"But its obvious she won't win that match."

"Maybe you'll end up putting her out of action for a while."

"That would be fantastic."

"I can see something breaking in that match. The twig she is. She can't get away with no scratches."

"No, not in that kind of match."

"You put her out of action, she won't be able to anger you anymore...well for a while anyway. And she'll be leaving me alone."

"That would be like heaven."

"Well let's hope she breaks something then. Especially since the wedding is next week. Don't need the stress from her."


"But anyways, enough about her."

"Of course. What to talk about next...hmm..."

"The wedding?"

"Sure. You know it'll be amazing if its anything like our first."

"Of course."

"Momma's amazing at planning."

"She is."

"I'm so glad they came into our lives."

"So am I."

"Very lucky."

"Yes we are."

He lifts her left hand and kisses below her rings. She smiles as he does so.

"Love you."

"Love you too."

They get seated and look at the menus like always. Dinner goes peacefully and afterwards, they walk back to the hotel. They head inside, step into the elevator and head up to their floor. They walk to their room and Justin lets them in.

"Room sweet room."


"I think I'm ready for bed. You?"

"Yeah, that sounds good."

"Help you get changed?" He asks.

"Sure." She agrees, peeling off her coat.

He grins and takes the coat from her once she has it off, placing it on a nearby chair. She gets her shoes and socks off next. He waits eagerly to help with her clothes. She takes most of her jewelry off and sets it on the nightstand. Then she turns to him and holds her arms out.

"Go for it."

He grins and starts to help. Soon just her underthings are left.

"I want one of your shirts." She says, yawning.

He nods and goes over to his bags, digging out a shirt. He comes back over and hands it to her. She takes her brat off and puts the shirt on.

"Much better."


She crawls up the bed and gets under the covers in her spot. Justin strips his clothes off, not even bothering putting other clothes on to wear to bed.

"No clothes huh?" She says amusedly.



"I can be at times, I know."

"Mmhmm. You're tempting but I'm too tired right now."

"That's ok. You can sleep."

"Night love." She kisses and then yawns.


She snuggles into him and easily drifts off to the sound of his heartbeat. He smiles and kisses the top of her head before dozing off himself. The show is now over and Ted and I were currently on our way back to the hotel.

"Thank god that's over." I yawn.

"Someone's tired."


"It's right to bed with you when we get back."


"If you don't fall asleep on the way there."

"I can make it."

"Alright." He nods.

I do manage to stay awake long enough to get up to our room.

"You just sit and relax, I'll find something for you to change into." Ted offers.

"Okay." I agree, sitting on the bed.

I take my shoes off as I wait, and another yawn escapes me.

Ted brings me some pajamas.

"Thank you." I say, taking them.

"You're welcome."

"I shall be right out."

He nods. I go change in the bathroom and he changes in the room itself. I finish doing everything I needed in the bathroom, and I come back out, putting my dress with my things. I carefully make my way over to the bed, not wanting to bump into much, seeing as I keep getting more and more tired by the minute. Ted holds the blankets up and I get under. He wraps me in his arms.

"Love you."

"Love you too."

It isn't too long after that when I doze off. Ted follows soon after