Priceless Sensation

TLC 2010

It's finally Sunday, and the whole day was a busy one. All the last minute preparing for the show which would be starting in just a couple hours. Justin and Riss are sitting in their locker room. She lays on her stomach on the couch, her head on Justin's thigh. He's massaging her back with one hand, her neck with his other hand. The hand on her back slips beneath her shirt, brushing her bare skin.


"Yup. But this feels better on your bare skin, doesn't it?"

"Mmm, it does."

"I had a feeling." He chuckles.

"I'm ruined for other masseuses now." She laughs lightly.

"Because no one does it like me."


"No one ever will."

"Doubt it."

"I think you'll be spending less time at the spa now."

"Mmm yeah."

"Not that you can complain..."

"No, because I can get a massage whenever I want and its free."


She sighs in content.

"Don't stop." I mumble.

"I won't."

"Good." I murmur.

"We have plenty of time."

"Thank goodness." She says before groaning lightly when he presses a spot on her back.

"About a few hours."

She just makes a noise in response.

"If I could go all night, I would."

"I know. You can stop if your hands get tired."

"Right. I know."

She closes her eyes and makes soft noises as he continues massaging.

"I'll try and not make you sleepy."


After a bit, his hands get tired, so he stops. The hand under her shirt stays there though and she finds the warmth and weight of his palm is soothing.

"Even more comfy." She mumbles.

He chuckles.

"Of course you are."

"Don't move that hand."

"I won't, don't worry."

"Love you."

"Love you too."

The rest of the time seemed to pass by quickly, despite being stuck backstage for the rest of the time. As the show started, Justin had to get ready for the night, changing into his ring gear.

"Should I change too?" She asks.

"Well your match is after mine, that's up to you."

"Probably a good idea." She mutters, reluctantly getting up.

He laces his fingers with hers and they both grab their bags and head into the changing area.

"Control yourself touchy." She warns.

"I'll try."


"Still love you."

"I love you too silly."

Once they enter, they drop their bags and then start to get ready. As always, he's done first. She laughs to herself as he tries to squash his urge to come over and be touchy.

"You look so cute trying to squash that urge."

He gives her an exasperated look and she laughs.

"I'm almost done." She adds.

"Do I get a reward if I don't touch?" He asks.

"Maybe." She teases.

"Then I'll behave."


Once she was finished, Justin followed her back out into the locker room.

"What's my reward?" He asks almost immediately.

"No rushing. Give me a minute."

He pouts.

"You can survive a minute."


"It's not that long."

"Yes it is."

"To you maybe."


"Silly goose."

"But, the minute is up, so you should be happy."

"Yayyyy. What do I get?"

"Take a wild guess."

He smirks and tugs her flush up against him.

"Hmm...let me see..."

"....could it be...this?" He finishes, pressing his lips to hers.

She giggles and kisses him hard. He grins, knowing that's what it was, and he kisses back just as hard. They stumble to the couch and fall onto it.

"Oops." He mumbles.

She doesn't acknowledge it, too busy sliding her hands under his shirt.

"Should've left this off."

"Sorry." He says before pressing his lips back to hers.

"It's okay. It'll be coming off and staying off later."


"I'll make sure of that."

Justin smirks.

"Sounds like fun."

The show soon starts and it starts off with a video package that's highlighting all that's happened so far in the year, and then focusing more to the stipulations for tonight's matches. The show officially starts from there. The opening match of the night was a Triple Threat Ladder Match for the IC title. Out first was Kofi, followed by Swagger, and the current IC champ, Ziggler who comes out with Vickie in tow.


"Just as long as she isn't talking, I'm good."

"I agree."

During the match when all three men were down, Vickie would attempt to climb the ladder to grab Dolph's IC title.

"Oh lord."

Kofi gets up and sees her climbing and starts to climb himself and he tells her to get down. She doesn't listen and climbs up more. Kofi gets down and starts to lift the ladder and tilt it, Vickie screams and hangs on for dear life. Dolph comes in begging and pleading. Swagger comes in and hits Kofi with a ladder and Kofi drops the ladder that Vickie was on. Swagger hits Dolph and turns to face Vickie. She screams and exits the ring in fear.

"Idiotic woman."

At the end of one of the most controversial ends to a Ladder Match in WWE history, both Kofi and Swagger would battle on top of the ladder in the middle of the ring, and both men would unhook the IC Title, but the title belt would fall to the mat and Ziggler would scramble to retrieve the title belt, retaining the IC title.


"That was stupid."

"It really was. Jeez if only matches were that easy."

"I know right?"

"At least she didn't cheat for him this time."

"True. She tried though."

While it was a big break, with talking and replays, there was a knock on the door.

"Damn, we have to move."

"Maybe not."

"If its a promo, we can't lay like this. Can't scar the kiddies that watch."

"True. Come in!" Justin calls as you and him move.

She makes herself comfortable, laying how she was earlier when Justin gave her the massage. And in walks Heath, Husky, McGillicutty and Wade. She doesn't say a word as usual. Justin traces her tattoo soothingly.

"Figured you two love birds didn't want to move so we have a backstage segment that I've arranged to have in here instead of the Nexus locker room." Wade states.

Riss makes an amused noise and Justin snickers.

"What's so funny?"


"Right then. Well we should all get ready because the segment is coming up soon."

"What is this promo about?"

"Basically talking about Justin and Heath hopefully regaining the tag titles and bringing them back where they belong. And then of course me beating John Cena in our match tonight."

"Mm. I'm not moving." Riss murmurs, not even acknowledging he left out her match.

"I think you're forgetting about one match Wade." Justin speaks up.

"Its just the bimbo." Riss scoffs.

"Yes, but it's a title match."


Soon it was time for the segment and everyone talks amongst each other until Wade interrupts.

"Hey guys listen. Listen up. Tonight okay, Nexus is standing united. And it starts off when you and you-" Wade points to Justin and Heath.

"-go out there and win back the WWE Tag Titles. And you-" He points to Riss.

"-go out there and win back the Women's Championship, bring it back where it rightfully belongs."

"But make no mistake. The priority this evening is John Cena. Now even if David Otunga can't be here tonight thanks to what Cena did on Raw, we're gonna stand together united. Okay Cena has been a cancer for the Nexus for the last six months. I'm gonna end it tonight. And we're gonna send a message to the world that you're either Nexus or you're against us."

With that, they're in the clear and the cameraman leaves.

"Thank god that's over." She mutters.

"We'll see you all later." Justin adds.

"In other words, time for you to leave." She says with a mock sweetness.

"Oh I understand, you two love birds want to be alone. Don't worry, we're going."

She rolls her eyes and sits up, knowing her tattoo is visible but not caring. Wade motions for the rest of the group to follow and they do so.

"Finally." She sighs when the door shuts.

"Well at least they weren't here for long."


"I know."

"Lay back the way we were?" She asks.


She pushes him down on his back and lays on top of him.

"So forceful." He chuckles.

"You enjoy it."

"I do."

She giggles and leans down, kissing him. When they do pull away, he wraps his arms around her and holds her close. She gets comfortable, finding a spot to lay her head. The cameras then went back to the ring for the next match which was the match between Beth and Natalya and LayCool. And LayCool comes out, scared of all the tables.

"Hah, they're terrified."

"They should be." Justin chuckles.

"For sure." Riss agrees.

Then Beth comes out next, making her way down to the ring. Once she gets down there and gets into the ring, Natalya comes out.

"They're cowering in fear. More so Layla than Michelle."

"Mmhmm. She'll do her screaming thing, watch."

"Wish she wouldn't."

"I know. It's annoying."

The match starts and they all go at it. Layla after Beth and Michelle after Natalya. Beth slams Layla onto Michelle, and then both she and Natalya go out and get the special made table they have to mock LayCool, making them look like ugly witches. Natalya sets it up in the corner while Beth gets both Michelle and Layla on her shoulders. They get down and both Beth and Natalya take them both out with clotheslines.



Layla gets thrown out of the ring, and Michelle gets knocked over the table and outside the ring. Natalya deals with Layla and throws her back into the ring, Michelle gets thrown back into the ring by Beth, and the control changes from Beth and Natalya to LayCool. Beth gets knocked out of the ring, and falls in a way that was dangerous. She lands on the back of her neck.

"Oh my god."

LayCool now sets up a regular table in the middle of the ring and they focus on Natalya since Beth is out of the equation for now. Michelle climbs to the top turnbuckle and Layla brings Natalya over. Michelle sets her up for the Faithbreaker, to put her through the table. Beth gets up though from the outside and takes Layla out of the ring and helps Natalya down and then they take the control back.

"I thought she wasn't gonna get up the way she fell."

"I know. That was scary."

Beth then lifts Michelle off of the top turnbuckle and lifts her into the air. Michelle gets down and takes Beth down, and then she and Natalya have the same idea with a double clothesline, taking each other out. Layla's back in the ring now and goes after Natalya and gets her out of the equation now. She pulls the table over more and goes after Beth. Layla then looks to suplex Beth into the table, but isn't able to do it.

"She really is that dumb if she thinks she's able to lift her."

"Yup. She's that dumb."

Beth instead lifts her up and Natalya helps her. Michelle comes is and tips the table and makes Beth and Natalya let Layla go. Natalya comes back with a sharpshooter on Michelle. But Layla gets involved and she gets her as well, and hits them with a double sharpshooter.

"Niiice, go Nattie."

Beth sets up the personalized table near the corner, and Natalya lets them go. Michelle fights back and out goes Beth again. The control has switched over to LayCool once again. Natalya is back into the corner and lifted to the top, where the fight continues. Layla positions the table before she and Michelle climb to the top. Beth comes back and tries to get Layla down, but Layla throws her into the ring post. Layla fixes the table before going back up to the top with Michelle. They continue to fight at the top until Natalya throws them onto the table, but the table doesn't break. It simply just bends.

"Oh come on. Really?"

When Natalya realizes it hasn't broken, she jumps and lands on them, sending LayCool through the table, she and Beth win.



"That went the way it was supposed to go."

"Yes. Well besides the table not breaking the first time. It should've."


After a video package hyping the week events this coming week, Kane is backstage, looking creepy as always.

"Christmas is just around the corner. But the holiday festivities only serve to remind me of how I never celebrated as a child. While the other children were playing with their new toys and making snowmen, I was sitting alone in the dark and that's how I feel right now. Alone in the darkness. But for the first time in my entire life, I'm getting some Christmas presents. I'm getting tables, ladders, and chairs. And tonight, just like the children who I despised. I'm going to play with my new toys. Edge, Alberto Del Rio, Rey Mysterio, merry Christmas." Kane says, crushing the gift in his hand and then destroying all the Christmas decorations.


"Someone doesn't like Christmas. Scrooge."

"No kidding."

After that, Santino was getting ready to go out to the ring. Santino and Kozlov to be exact, because the tag team title match is next.

"Looks like I'm needed now." Justin states.

"Damn." She groans.

"But we get my match and your match done and over with at least."

"I know I know. I'm just comfy." She sulks.

"I know."

She grumbles and reluctantly starts to move. She gets up and then he gets up. She laces her fingers with his and then they leave the room, heading to the curtain. They make it there just in time when the group's music goes off, and she finds out Husky and McGillicutty would be joining her ringside.

"Ugh." She rolls her eyes.

"Just ignore him the best you can."

"I'll try." She mutters as Justin traces her tattoo and kisses the top of her head.

"As long as you do that."

She nods, leaning into him. They then head out to the ring. Once they all reach the ring, Justin kisses Riss for luck before letting her go and getting into the ring. She keeps her eyes on him, not paying too much attention to McGillicutty or Husky. She can feel McGillicutty staring though which is slightly aggravating.

The bell rings and it starts off with Justin and Santino. Justin raises his hand and locks fingers with Santino and tries to sweep his feet out from under him. He does it, but it was kind of awkward. Justin then keeps him down and applies pressure on the arm. Santino tries to get up and he does and tries to get out of Justin's hold and he does, reversing it and then takes somewhat control of the match. Justin throws him into the ropes and drops, Santino hops over him and when he comes back, Justin goes for a hip toss, but Santino blocks it. Justin tries sweeping Santino's feet out from under him again, and Santino jumps over his foot and he tries to do it himself to Justin but fails. But that just results in a punch to the face which sends Justin stumbling backwards into the corner, staring at Santino in shock and awe and aggravation. Everyone comes over and makes sure he's alright.

"Come on babe, shake it off. You can do this." Riss says loud enough for him to hear.

Justin just shakes his head and tags Heath in, rolling to the outside.

"You okay?" She asks him concerned.

"My nose isn't bleeding is it?" He asks. "Because he hit me right in the nose."

She checks him carefully.

"No not bleeding."

He sighs in relief. They look over to see how Heath is doing and it's not too good.


"I don't like the looks of this."

Then just suddenly Heath gains control and then he avoids the cobra, gets distracted by Kozlov and gets backed into a corner and Kozlov is tagged in. And things go downhill once more. Riss swears softly in Italian. Heath gets thrown out of the ring and then driven back first into the side of the ring, before he's thrown back in. Justin gets into the ring, causing a distraction to the ref and Husky goes and hits Kozlov's leg hard with his arm, making him fall back into the ring as he was going through the ropes. Heath tags Justin in and Justin goes for the cover, getting a two count. He work on Kozlov, getting him in a headlock type move and Kozlov gets to his feet. He avoided the cobra and he tagged Heath back in. Heath goes for the cover, getting a two count. Heath tries to keep him down, but Kozlov tries to power his way to the corner to tag Santino in. Heath doesn't let him and hits him with a cheap shot. Kozlov kicks Heath away and Kozlov crawls into the corner. Heath tries charging at him, but Kozlov pushes him right in midair and away, and that allows him to tag Santino in. At that time, Justin comes in since he was tagged and Santino goes right at him with the punches. Santino does his split and the hip toss and is on a roll. He sets up for the cobra and waits for Justin to get up. Husky climbs up onto the ring, causing a distraction and then McGillicutty slides in and hits Santino in the leg, however he doesn't get out of the ring quick enough and the ref sees. So Santino and Kozlov retain.

Instantly anger surges up but she squashes it down, knowing she can't do anything right now other than check on Justin. But there really isn't time since McGillicutty and Husky join Justin and Heath in attacking Santino and Kozlov.

"This is great." Riss mutters.

The attack kind of slows as Wade makes his way to the ring with a steel chair, and he says for them all to stop and hold Kozlov up. Wade hits him in the gut, followed by across the back, and he does the same thing to Santino. He hits Kozlov again across the back for good measure. Riss stays standing where she was, out of the way. She almost got involved before Wade came out but thought better of it since her match is soon. After the attack, Wade left the ring, but remained ringside since he was going to be there to observe the match, him and the rest of the group. Once Santino and Kozlov were removed, Riss got into the ring and readied herself for the match. Before the match could even start, they played a video package of all that's happened with Kelly and Riss. And after that, Kelly came out, but not peppy and cheery like always, she actually looked scared for her life and that made Riss feel a whole lot better. All the tables were set up, the ladders. There was no way this was going to go well for Kelly. Kelly did not do any posing as she's too woried about the pain she could endure at the hands of Riss.

She hands over the title and the ref shows it to each of them before raising it for all to see. He hands it off to an attendant ringside and then signals for the bell. A few seconds after that, Kelly tries to flee, taking the easy way out so she can retain. But little did she know there are no count outs so she can't get out of this. Riss just laughs and exits the ring and runs after her, grabbing her by the hair and throwing her back into the ring. She cowers in fear into one of the corners and Riss takes full advantage of that. Riss basically picks her up by the throat and eyes a table on the outside. Kelly however manages to get out of her grip and scampers away, looking for a weapon of choice. She quickly goes under the ring and finds a chair and brings it back into the ring.

"Oh Kelly. Don't you know you're not supposed to play with the things under the ring?"

Kelly raises the chair, hoping to intimidate Riss, but Riss just laughs it off and kicks Kelly in the gut, making her drop the chair. She then positions Kelly over the chair before delivering a neckbreaker onto it. She helps her up a bit, only to drive her knee into Kelly's spine, making her scream out in pain. When she does let go, Kelly's face bounces off the canvas. Now there's no way Kelly can last any longer. But seeing as Riss wants to make the match hurt, she's going to save the table for last. So she finds a ladder outside the ring, and goes and grabs it, taking it down and sliding it into the ring. She uses all her strength to set the ladder in between the top and middle rope, making sure it's secure and ready for use. Kelly does start to get to her feet and when Riss notices she goes right over and after her, not letting Kelly get a shot in because Riss wants the title back. Next thing she does and throw her into the corner where the ladder is set up and Kelly collides with it, gut first. She writhes in pain, holding her gut at the impact made with the ladder. Riss then quickly thinks. she wants to do an innovative way of making Kelly go through the table, and doing her finisher. And that was it. She moved quickly and broke down a table, slid it into the ring and set it back up. While Kelly is still writhing in pain from the impact of hitting the ladder, Riss sets the table up near one of the corners.

Once it's set, she goes over to Kelly and brings her over to the table, making her lay flat on it, but still clutching her stomach. Riss then hits her a few more times for good measure, before climbing to the top. She looks at the crowd and then Justin and smirks before deciding to jump. She does her finisher, lands on Kelly and Kelly goes through the table. All her fans in the crowd are heard going 'oooh' and cringing. Riss pulls her away from the now broken table and covers her properly. Kelly wasn't moving so Riss knew she had this one in the bag. Once the ref hit three, it was a sigh of relief for Riss.

"Thank god." She says softly, looking up at the ceiling.

Justin does the honors of rewarding her with her title, after taking it from one of the ringside attendants. She gets up and takes it from him, feeling full of relief and happiness. Next thing she knows, she's engulfed in a hug by him. She squeezes back hard. Then the group is in the ring and she's being lifted onto shoulders and into the air in victory. She squeals, clinging onto Justin for stability.

"It's okay."

After a few moments, she grips his shoulder.

"Okay I want down now."

"Let her down." Justin tells Heath who was helping Justin lift her up.

Heath nods and the two of them set her down. She celebrates a little more before leaving the ring, the trainers attend to Kelly and have to help her out of the ring as Riss and them head to the back first.

"Are you alright?" Justin asks once they get backstage.

"Oh I'm fine."

"A massage wouldn't be turned down though." She says flirtatiously.

"Oh of course. I would be happy to. That is if we're not needed in the group locker room. We may be needed."

"Ah damn. I forgot about that." She frowns.

"Follow Wade and see what he says I suppose."

She rolls her eyes a bit.

"You know in all honesty, I know I'm not on good terms with John right now, but I want him to destroy Wade. I'm tired of his demands and having to do what he says, waiting on every beck and call of his." You add.

"I know."

"I do need to get the name plate changed on this." She changes the subject as she looks at the title in her hand.

"Right. Rain check on that massage then?"

"I guess." She mutters.

They tell Wade where they're going, to change the name plate and he says to be back in the locker room right after. Only because he wants the whole group together, in case John tries something when members of the group are alone. She leans into Justin as they walk. They get to the area where they change the name plates and she gets her name put back on.

"Much better."

"Never losing this for a long time."

"Of course."

"No one will cost me this ever again, not as long as I can help it."

"I know." Justin kisses her head.

"Now let's head back."

She nods reluctantly. They head back to the group's locker room, even though she didn't want to. Once they get there, they walk in and find a bench to sit on, though it's not quite that comfortable. She shifts, starting to feel some soreness. She doesn't let on that she's feeling it though.

"I like our room better...we have the couch..." She mutters.

She grumbles, scowling.

"We can hope we're not in here long."

"Mmm." She agrees.

The next match was a WWE Championship #1 Contendership contract match against Sheamus and Morrison. About halfway through the match, the group is ambushed by John who comes running in with a few steel chairs. Riss swears under her breath. The first ones he goes after is McGillicutty and Heath, since they were closer. Justin tries to intervene and gets hit with a chair himself. John makes sure none of them can get up right now before making his way over to Riss.

"I'm sorry about this. But it's the only way to make me and Wade's match fair tonight." John states as he reveals rope.

"Oh hell no." She shakes her head.

"I have no choice. I'm sorry."

"You're sorry? Hah, like I believe that." She snaps, smacking his hand away as he reaches out for her.

"Look I know you're mad at me....I know the reasons. I can't just do things to the rest of the group and not you."


"I kissed you, it was wrong, and I regret it. But the only way to get to a member of the Nexus, was to cost you the title."

"You could have distracted me in other ways and you know it." She growls, fighting him off.

"Things will go a lot smoother if you don't fight me off. I won't even make the rope tight. Just enough to show that it was me, even though the chairs on the others is enough."

"Get off me."

She struggles as he finally has enough and overpowers her. Now he doesn't have much choice other than to make the rope tight. He knows if she gets loose too fast, she'll come after him. He tires her hands as well as her feet, sitting her down in a chair in the corner. She uses both feet to kick at him. He looks around and there happens to be duct tape. So he grabs that and starts to tape her to the chair so she can't kick him. She glares at him darkly.

"I had to do this, had to make the match fair. Can't have interference. Again, I'm sorry." He says before leaving the room.

"Sorry my ass." She mutters.

Since no one's around, there's no use in yelling for help. So she just struggles to get free. She growls in frustration as it becomes clear he made it so she couldn't get out of the ropes herself.

Meanwhile, I've got ready for my match which would be coming up soon, and I've settled back down on the couch next to Ted. He kisses my cheek and drapes an arm around my shoulders.

"Never get tired of that ring gear." He grins.

"Of course not."

"Ladies and gentlemen, my guest at this time. He is the WWE Champion, The Miz. Miz, we now know that John Morrison is the number one contender to the WWE Championship. So begs the question, who will be the champion when Morrison challenges for the title? Will it be you, or will it be Randy Orton?"

"Really? We're gonna go there Josh? Me or Randy Orton? Who do you think it's gonna be?"

"Well actually-"

"-actually...I really don't care. Let me show you something." Mike snaps his fingers and Alex appears with a silver briefcase and he opens it to reveal the title inside, and Mike takes it.

"You see this? This says The Miz is WWE Champion. Yeah, everybody seems to be writing me off, saying that I took advantage of an injured Randy Orton. How many times do I have to prove everyone wrong in order to gain respect around here? Last week, I beat a healthy Rey Mysterio twice. I carried both the Big Show and John Morrison to tag team championships and I am going to kill the legend of Randy Orton. Are you getting this? Get in close. Closer. Closer. 'Cause I want everyone to see the new face of the entire WWE. Because I'm the Miz and I'm....awesome."

And then Wade and Husky are on their way back to the locker room.

"Wade sorry to bother you-"

"Whoa Whoa Whoa Whoa Whoa Whoa Whoa Whoa. No interviews. We got ourselves a little pow wow. Make sure we're all on the same page for Wade's match. Now move." Husky pushes Todd out of the way, and then he and Wade continue to enter the locker room.

When they do, they find Justin, Heath and McGillicutty on the floor, surrounded by steel chairs and Riss tied up.

"What the-" Wade says in shock and awe, while the guys are coughing and Riss is struggling against the ropes.

"Husky, lock the door. Lock the door!"

And with that, Husky closes the doors to the locker room.

"A little help here?" Riss says sarcastically.

"I can't believe he would stoop so low." Wade grumbles as he helps her.

"Really? He doesn't want us getting involved in your match. And you don't believe he would stoop so low as to deal with all of us backstage?"

"Revene is the only thing on his mind." She snaps.

"And honestly...I hope he gets it....on you....tonight. I've had enough Wade." She continues, getting in his face.

"I lost my title over this. My husband got hurt several times over this. Enough is enough." She finishes, her voice laced with anger.

"Need I remind you that I'm the leader, and you have to listen-"\

"-no. You listen now. I'm done taking orders from you. If I could leave the group I would. But I can't right now obviously. I'm just done taking orders from you. I can see why David started rebelling against you."

She pushes him out of her way and goes straight to Justin.

"Jussi? Are you okay?" She asks, concerned.

He groans. She frowns and runs her fingers through his hair.

"Come on, let's get out of here, get you ice and head back to OUR locker room." She suggests and carefully helps him up.


She ignores the throbbing and burning of her wrists and supports him as they leave the room. The first stop was the trainers for ice, and then to their locker room for the rest of the night. She hid her wrists when they stopped at the trainers, not wanting Justin to flip out.

"We're staying here the rest of the night."


"Are you feeling better with the ice?"

"For the most part."

"Here's a water too, I know you were coughing a lot back there."

"Thanks love."

"You're welcome." She says, thankful that his eyes were closed when she handed him the bottle of water.

"What about you?" He asks. "Are you alright?"

"Fine." She lies.

"Here I thought he was done with all of us besides Wade." He sighs.

"I know."

"I really wish you didn't have to be involved in all this. I didn't sign up for this myself."

"It's not your fault. Wade started this whole mess."


"I think I'm going to get changed." She says after a moment.

"Alright." He nods.

She goes into the changing area and puts her regular clothes on. She stands there for a minute afterwards, looking at her wrists. They're still really red and chaffed. She hisses as she runs a finger over one wrist. Then she sighs, because she doesn't want to let Justin know and get him upset. But then she thinks that if she doesn't tell him and he finds out later, he'll be upset then. She goes over to the sink and runs some cold water. She puts her wrists under it. She hisses in pain at first but sighs once she gets used to it. When she was done, she shuts the water off and to dry her wrists, she finds a towel and dabs the area of her wrists to prevent any irritation from rubbing. She puts the towel away and walks back out to the main area. Justin's shifted on the couch so that he's laying on it, holding the ice to one of the many spots he was hit with the chair. She moves his legs and sits down, letting his legs lay across her lap.

"I can't believe John would do that to her." I say, still in shock of what we've just seen from the Nexus locker room.

"He's gone too far." Ted shakes his head.

"You're mad. I can tell."

"Of course I am. That's my sister."

"I just hope she's alright."

"I hope so." He frowns.

"You wanna check on her don't you?"

"You don't mind, do you?"

"I don't mind at all. I wanna make sure she's okay as much as you do."

Ted kisses my head and the two of us get up, heading for Justin and Riss' locker room. When we get there, he knocks differently than how everyone else would, just so she knows it's him. A moment later, the lock clicks on the door and it opens. She's standing mostly behind the door.

"Hey, we wanted to come and make sure you're alright."

"I'm fine." She says softly.

"You sure? You know you can tell me anything."

"I'm fine." She repeats.

"Alright, just wanted to come and make sure." Ted nods.

"How's Justin?" I ask.

"Sore. He's over on the couch, icing the worst spots."

"You think he'll be alright for Thursday?"

"Yeah I think so."

"Well alright, we just wanted to make sure you both were okay."

"Thanks." She smiles a bit.

"You're welcome."

"Good luck with your match." She says to me.

"Thanks. Even though it'll be just as easy as yours was."

"Oh of course."

"It's coming up next, right after Mike's match which is going on now."

"We'll be watching."

"Of course." I nod.

"See you later then?""Yeah."

She shuts the door and locks it back. Then she goes over to the couch and resumes sitting where she was, Justin's legs across her lap.

"Well might as well go wait by the curtain for my match." I state.

"Right." Ted agrees, squeezing my hand.

We leave the area near the locker room and head to the curtain to wait until Mike's match was over. Once we get to the area, we find a spot and sit together. But before I could even sit, he pulls me down onto his lap.

"Of course. I knew that was coming." I laugh.

"Always." He smirks.

"I have a feeling it'll make a certain someone jealous too. That's a plus for me." I grin.

"Of course." He laughs.

"I know. She doesn't stand a chance."

"She's scared, I know it. Otherwise she wouldn't have paled when the match was made."

"I know. She turned white as a ghost."

"I mean she may have climbed a try and help you...but she was too scared to get to the top to reach the briefcase. There's no way she'll be brave enough to do that for the title. Coward."

"Yup." Ted agrees, nuzzling my neck.

"Someone's affectionate." I giggle.

"Love you."

"I love you too."

We then pay attention to the match, and during the match, and with the referee down and out, Randy would attack Alex who would be frequently interfering, and puts him through a table. Almost instantly, my hand covers my mouth, as I express concern.

"Ouch." Ted winces.

But this gave Mike time to recover and he hits the Skull Crushing Finale on Randy. With the ref still down, Mike would move Alex out of the remains of the table before placing Randy in his place, bringing the referee into the ring and the ref would see Randy in the table remains, and calls for the bell, Mike retaining the title.


But however, after seeing the replay of the end of the match, the ref would order the match to restart.


Randy takes full advantage of the situation and wails on Mike outside the ring, throwing him into the barricades by the ramp, followed by a clothesline and throwing him into the steel ring post. Back into the ring Mike goes and he bumps into Alex, who bumps into Randy who's on the outside and Randy falls through a table for real this time and the ref sees it.

"Does that count?" I ask.

"Well he fell through the table. It counts as long as your opponent goes through a table. So I would believe so."


"And that was just an accident. Accidents do happen and it costs some it just did Randy."

"Very true."

"Ohh all the faces of the disappointed people."

"I know."

They replay Randy putting Alex through the table and what happened after that, leading up to Mike winning again. The camera fades on Mike's face before he comes through the curtain to head back to the locker room.

"Almost time." Ted remarks.

"I know." I grin evilly.

He chuckles at my eagerness.

"Shouldn't be too long of a match really."


"And you won't have to worry about me getting hurt because I live for these matches. I know what to avoid, and everything."

"I'm still going to worry. But it's because I love you, not because I don't trust your skills."

"I know."

Ted kisses my cheek.

"You missed." I give him an amused look.

"Oh really." He chuckles.

"Yes, you did."

Ted kisses my lips, lingering a bit.

"Oooooh." Mike comments as he walk by, from coming back from his match that he won, and also making kissy faces.

I laugh as I pull away.

"Shut up Mike."

"Nope." He grins, making even more kissy faces.


"I'll mess up your hair..." I add.

"You wouldn't dare."

"Oh I would."

"Bring it on."

"I would but I have a match up next....raincheck?"

"Sure." He laughs.

"Good luck by the way...even though you've got it won already." He adds.

"I know but thanks." I smile.

"She thinks she has it won." We hear and look over to see Maryse...of course.

"I know I do." I smirk.

"I'm not the one who paled Monday night when I said a ladder match for tonight. Aww..poor little blondie is scared." I add.

"You wish." She snaps.

"I don't wish, I know. I'm not the one who tried to get the Money in the Bank briefcase and was too scared to climb all the way to the top to get it."

She gets angry and starts ranting in french. I roll my eyes and, just stare at her with a blank expression. Her music goes off while she's still going off in French.

" missed your cue." I point out.

She glares at me and storms out through the curtains.

"Made her miss her cue." I snicker.

"Whoops." Ted snickers.

"Hey, go out there and kick butt." Alex says as I move from Ted's lap to get ready to head out.

"Oh I plan on it."

"Unlike her, I can climb a ladder."

Mike, Ted, and Alex laugh.

"We know."

Once her music fades, they hit mine and Ted and I head out. I see all the ladders and I smile evilly. Maryse is in the ring, obviously trying not to show her fear.

"Psh, she just screams scared. She can't hide it." I mumble.

Ted laughs.

"I know."

We reach the ring and he kisses me for luck just like always before moving around the ladders and heading over to commentary where he will be joining and making comments as the match goes on. I stood across from her in the ring with a smirk on my face and we kept looking up at the title hanging above the ring. That's when the bell rings and we stare at each other, before making a dash for it outside the ring, grabbing the biggest ladder. After taking them down, we both slide them into the ring and set them up. I'm faster and then I start to climb. That encourages her to go faster herself and she sets her up and starts to climb. She gets as high as I am and stops me before I get any higher. She was only able to since the ladders were basically touching. She grabs me by the hair and bounces my face off of one of the steps. I clutch my nose, and I check if it's bleeding, thankfully it's not. Out of retaliation, I do the same thing to her, before reaching out and kicking her. She falls off the ladder and I start to climb once again. It takes her a bit, but she grabs my foot after climbing my ladder as I'm reaching for the title. She takes me and pulls me off and I come falling, but land on my feet. This ensues a fight between us. I shove her away and start to climb my ladder. She gets up and starts to climb hers. We both get a pretty good distance up, but I see her stop when she feels she's too high. So what I do is, kick her away the best I can. I finally kick her enough for her to fall to the apron below. Since the impact was enough to keep her down, I don't even break a sweat as I climb to the top, my hands on my title. I keep my eye on Maryse and she's not moving much, not even bothering to try and stop me. So I take the chance to unhook the title and get it in my hands once again, successfully retaining. Ted immediately takes off his headset and goes straight to the ring. He waits until I climb down from the ladder to engulf me in a hug.

"So proud of you." He says in my ear.

"It was a piece of cake."

"Of course." He chuckles.

"Psh, one hard fall off of the ladder and she's down for good."

"And you're still champion."

"Yes I am."

Ted kisses me.

"My champion."

"Your champion." I grin.

"Let's get backstage. You need ice or anything?"

"Maybe for my nose. It is throbbing a bit after her bouncing my face off of one of the steps on the ladder."


He holds the ropes like always for me to get out, and he follows behind as I start to head up the ramp to head to the back. I swing my hips a bit and laugh when I hear Ted muttering behind me. I turn around to continue walking backwards and give him a smirk.


"Oh, but you love it."

"I do."

We get to the back and he catches up to me, wrapping an arm around my waist, and we head to the trainers to get ice for my nose. After that, we go to our locker room to relax.

"And you're not moving until the end of the show." He states as he sits me on his lap like always.

"Didn't plan on it."

"Well I assumed you wanted to go get changed first, but now I've got you so you can't." He grins.

"It can wait." I say amusedly.

"Yes it can."

Ted nuzzles my neck. At times I feel him press a kiss there.


"Only for you."

"Better be."

"Don't worry, I always will be for you. No one compares to you at all."

"Aww." I smile.

"And that will always be true."

"Love you too." I kiss him.

I go to pull away after a bit, but I find that he won't let me. He makes sure the kiss is deep and thorough before he lets me go.

"Didn't want to let me go there I see."


"Can't complain."

"Of course not."

"So started the Christmas shopping yet. I'm just curious."

"Yes but my lips are sealed."

"Well I know that."


"You're easy to shop for so, I know what I'll be getting you."

"Nice." He chuckles.

"I have a pretty good idea but...." He adds.

"...but you'll just have to wait and see. No hints for you." I finish.


It was now time for the next title match. The World heavyweight title to be exact. Kane would be defending against Edge, Rey and Del Rio in a Fatal 4-Way and the only way to win is to retrieve the title hanging above the ring. During the match, and with all four competitors down, Ricardo would enter the ring and try to retrieve the title for Del Rio.


"Everyone has the same idea, have others cheat for you."

"Seems that way."

Kane however re-enters the match and delivers a chokeslam to Ricardo, as well as a chokeslam to Del Rio and another to Edge through a table on the outside. A little later in the match, Del Rio would scale the ladder set up in the ring, but with him just moments away from retrieving the title, Rey would push the ladder over with Del Rio flying from the top of the ladder all the way to the outside through a table. Shortly after this, Kane would be the one scaling the ladder, but Edge comes back into the ring and attacks him with a steel chair and Edge sends Kane to the ring apron before hitting him with a spear that sends Kane off the apron and through a table on the outside before Edge would climb the ladder and retrieve the title, becoming a ten-time world champion.

"At least it wasn't Dorito."


Before Edge heads to the back, the screen fades on his face and there's more advertising of the big week this upcoming week for WWE.

"We're gonna get right on a plane after everything Tuesday night right?" I ask.

"Mmhmm." Ted nods.

"Alright, just making sure. Oh that's gonna be a long night."

"It is, but my sister is worth it."

"She is." I nod.

"She's been amazing to us."

"Well she cares about us."

"Yeah I know."

"Even before she became your sister."


"She helped us sneak around because she wanted us to be happy."

"She did. We owe her."

"We do."

"Without her help, we wouldn't be this happy."


Ted kisses my neck.

"But we get to see all sights Justin can show us."

"That'll be fun."

"It will be." I nod.

"A few days away from all this."

"Before the holidays."

"That too."

"Can't wait."

"Me either." He smiles.

I shift so I'm comfortable and then we turn our attention to the screen once the next match starts to take place. Meanwhile with Riss and Justin, they've been been watching the screen, but she's been extremely quiet. The pain in her wrists is now more of a dull throb and she makes sure they're out of sight in case Justin looks over.

"You're quiet."

"Not really anything to say." She says softly.


He looks at her and studies her face.

"I still feel like something's wrong."

"I'm fine."

"You may be saying that, but I can't shake the feeling."

He presses the issue some more. She finally just gets up and disappears into the changing area. She turns on the water and lets it run over her wrists. Her elbows rest on the sink and she lets her head drop forward, closing her eyes. Justin keeps debating whether to leave her alone, because he knows how she gets, or to follow to see what's wrong. Eventually his worry wins out and he gets up.

"Rissa, you're starting to worry-" He starts to say as he walks in, and that's when he sees her wrists under the water.

She opens her eyes but doesn't look at him. She reaches up and shuts off the water, reaching for a towel.

"-what's going on?" He asks.

She dabs at her wrists, clenching her jaw.

"I don't want you flipping out." She says quietly as she puts the towel away.

"I'm not going to flip out. Just please...tell me. You're not hurting yourself are you?"

"God no."

"Then tell me...why were you running your wrists under the water? Please tell me. You're making me very concerned."

"The cold water feels good on the rope burns."

"Rope burns? Let me see." He says, slowly moving closer.

She sighs and holds her wrists out.

"Rissa...these need more than a cold water treatment..."

"I was more worried about you."

"I know you were. You should've gotten these checked out while we were at the trainers for me."

"I didn't want you to see these and get so mad that you got yourself hurt more."

"I wouldn't be mad. I'd be upset, but not to the point where I'd risk hurting myself more. I don't appreciate him doing this to you."

"He was going to make them loose enough that I could get free but I was so mad that I kept fighting him. He had no other choice but to make it tight. He ended up using rope and duct tape on my ankles but I don't have burns there because I had my boots on still."

"Still doesn't mean it was right to do. Listen, you can tell me anything and I won't get mad about it. I'm not the kind of person to get mad at you. I love you and nothing is going to change that."

"I know that. I wasn't worried about you being mad at me. I was worried you'd get so mad at John that you'd go after him."

"Honestly, he's not even worth it. What matters most is making sure you're okay. How about we go get this checked out?"

"Okay." She agrees softly.

He carefully laces his fingers with hers, being sure not to touch her wrists, and then they leave the changing area and then the room, heading down to the trainers to get her wrists checked out.

"What happened? You two were in here earlier." One trainer says as we enter the room.

"We'd like to get her wrists looked at."

She lets go of Justin's hand and shows her red, chaffed wrists.

"When did you notice this?"

"I knew shortly after it happened. Its from being tied up with rope. I just didn't want Justin going after them and hurting himself more." She explains semi-quietly.

"Understandable. You're lucky you didn't ignore it. Otherwise it may have gotten worse than it is."

She nods and sits on the exam table. They carefully look for bleeding, because that can happen with rope burns. There's no bleeding and no injury beyond the burn.

"Did you clean both wrists?"

"Yes. I ran them under cold water twice."

"Alright, well we're still going to have to disinfect them, just to be safe."

She nods.

"It's going to burn and sting." They warn.

"You can squeeze my hand with your free hand." Justin states.

She grabs his hand. They take one wrist and disinfect that, and she immediately squeezes Justin's hand when she feels the burning and stinging. She bites her lip and buries her face in his chest. Once they were done with that wrist, she let go of Justin's hand and grabs it with the other so they can disinfect again. The process is repeated and she whimpers quietly.

"It's ok." Justin whispers in her ear.

"It burns...bad." She responds.

"I know, but they have to make sure they're really cleaned."

"I know."

After they disinfect, they apply anti-bacterial cream to both burns.

"This will ensure that the burns don't become infected while open and more susceptible to infection from dirt and other outside objects."

"You aren't going to bandage them?" Justin asks.

"Oh we are. This just helps."

"Oh okay."

After they were done with the cream, they bandage her wrists.

"All done."

"Feeling better?" Justin asks.

"A bit." She mutters as she pulls back from hiding in his chest.

"Well as long as you're starting to feel better."


"Might want to go out and get some of the cream that we used, for when you're not wearing the bandages."


"I'll make sure we get that." Justin nods.


They both thank the trainer before she hops down from the exam table and they both leave the room to head back to their locker room. Once there, Justin brings her to the couch. He finds a comfortable position and opens his arms. She lays herself in his arms.

"This isn't hurting you right?" She asks.

"Not at all. I'm feeling much better than earlier."


By now, Cody was in the ring, rambling on about stuff.

"You see this? You see where my neck and where my jaw meet? Sir what don't you see? I'll tell you what you don't see. You don't see a bunch of low, loose, jiggly, jangly neck fat. Listen, I know trends don't get to Texas too fast. But a little rule I go by, if it looks stupid on a rooster, it's probably going to look stupid on you too. Case in point sir, case in point. Listen, I don't care that it's the holidays. It's not the season to be jolly, if you're all jowly. So here's my dashing tip for all the locals here tonight. This Christmas, be sure not to stuff your face with Christmas hams, cookies and eggnog, when you are literally number one on the list of fattest cities in America. That's fat with an 'F', not a 'ph'. But to brighten things up a little bit, has anyone noticed how unbelievably ph balanced, my skin is. It truly is a phenomenon."

"Pretty boy." Riss snickers.

Justin chuckles.

Just then some rocked out Christmas music goes off and the Bella Twins walk out with sacks of toys and out walks Big Show dressed as Santa.

"Ho ho ho! Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas! Ho ho ho!" Show exclaims as he too gives out presents.

They make their way around the ring, before Big Show gets into it.

"Big Show, I don't appreciate you interrupting me while I am giving dashing tips. Especially...especially you Big Show."

"Hey I'm not Big Show, I'm Santa Claus."

"Okay Santa Claus. You literally are the poster child for how NOT to be dashing."

"What do you mean?"

"I think we can all agree, the single, most repulsive image of the sight of you....pathetic in your underwear for the poster of Knucklehead."

" a man with no dignity."

"No dignity? You mean, like on the cover of Knucklehead? Available in stores now! Woo! See the problem is Cody, you-you're not funny okay? You're too uptight, you're too serious. Have some ice cream, eat a doughnut. Maybe you're so angry because you diet too much for this whole dashing thing. You know what? Try running around in your underwear. Seriously, run around in your underwear. It free. It's liberating! Woo!"

"I'll tell you what's ridiculous. You giving me fashion advice. That's ridiculous. You know what? I can't think of anything more ridiculous-oh wait. The fact that you are starring in movies and I am not...please. Who looks more like a movie star? Me. I mean, come on come on, he looks...he looks like a cave person. You're like a...a vanilla Shrek."

"Vanilla Shrek...that's a new one."

"I like Shrek."

"So basically that was a compliment." Justin chuckles.


"Vanilla Shrek."

"And in all fairness, Shrek probably smells a lot better than you do."

"Ahaha. You see Cody, you're jealous. You wanna be in pictures, you wanna be in the movies, I can help you out with that. You know, I can get you a part in Knucklehead 2! I can. All you gotta do is know....let me work on" Cody slaps his hand away.

"Don't you ever put your over grown, sausage link, un-manicured, unkempt, Subway sandwich, greasy, hairy, little fingers on my custom three button ever again!"

"Someone's a diva."

Just then Show grabs Cody by the suit again, and shoves him into the ropes, before giving him a Spinebuster. He then starts ripping the suit off of him, starting with the jacket, and then the shirt. They hit his music as he starts on Cody's suit pants and rips them off, revealing his underwear and Big Show just starts cracking up, laughing hysterically.


"But...funny as hell."

Riss shrugs. After a wweshop advertisement, Wade and Husky are shown walking through the backstage area. Once they get to a doorway, out comes a chair from behind it, hitting Husky straight in the face.

"Wish that would've been Wade." Riss scowls.

"Well we can hope something even worse happens in the match."


John comes out from behind the doorway, grinning.

"Hey. That makes everybody. See you out there."

As soon as she saw John, she buries her face in Justin's neck.

"It's alright. He's gone....for now." Justin says as the cameras go back to the ring and the ramp is lined with steel chairs. Punk's music hits and he walks out to be on commentary.

She doesn't move though. Once he sits down, the bell rings to signal the match to start. Wade comes out first, making his way to the ring. Wade just shakes his head at the footage of John taking out Husky with the chair. Shortly after that, John comes out to the ring, confident as ever. After both men were set, the match officially started. Wade tries to get out of the ring, but John rushes over and grabs his leg, and pulls him back into the ring. After one shoulderblock, Wade tries to flee, but John stops him and they fight on the outside and chairs are flinging everywhere, John keeping Wade from getting them. That doesn't last too long, because Wade knocks him away and grabs one, stalking John with it. John backs up into the announce table and moves out of the way, making Wade hit the table with the chair. John backs up some more into the steel ring post, and moves out of the way, making Wade hit the post with the chair. Again he backs up, into the steel steps and moves out of the way, Wade hitting those with the chair. Wade gets into the ring and John gets out, grabbing a chair himself and getting back into the ring.

They both raise the chairs, ready to strike. They hit both chairs against each other and drop them before John goes right after Wade with a beatdown. John takes one chair and sets it up and faceplants Wade onto it. He goes for the cover, but Wade kicks out. John unfolds the chair and goes to hit Wade, but Wade hides behind the ref, so John stops himself. The ref gets pushed out of the way and then Wade and John start fighting over the chair, tugging at it. They finally drop it outside of the ring and now Wade has control of the match. Wade goes for the cover, but John kicks out. John rolls out of the ring, and Wade follows, moving the chairs out of the way before going over and grabbing John. He then throws him shoulder first into the steel steps. John starts to crawl away, going up the ramp and Wade keeps hitting him with the chair in his hands. Wade drops the chair and goes over, grabbing the steel steps, dragging them over to John who was all the way up the ramp. Wade drops them and grabs a chair, hitting John with it yet again across the back. He then goes back down to where he dropped the steps and he stands them up at the end of the ramp, before going back over to John, where he starts to fight back, but it's short lived. Wade goes for a powerbomb, but John reverses with a backdrop onto the steel of the stage. That's when John disappears backstage.

He comes back with a rolling chair and helps Wade up, sitting him in it, and splashing water on him before proceeding to push him down the ramp, going towards the steps that Wade set up at the bottom of the ramp. At the end of the match, John set up six steel chairs, face to face, and delivered an AA to Wade through all six chairs, en route to picking up the win.


After the match, Wade proceeded to crawl away, and John chased him all the way to the floor next to the staging area. John would then grab a hold of a large palette and slam it on top of Wade, trapping him underneath. John then proceeds to tug and pull down about a dozen or more steel chairs hanging up as part of the TLC set and they come raining down on Wade, who is still trapped underneath the palette.

"Deserved that."

"Couldn't agree more. Ready to go back to the hotel?"

"You need to change first."

"Right. I think we can head to South Africa earlier than expected. There's no way we're all gonna be needed for the shows this week. After what happened tonight."

"I would love that. I don't really want to be here right now." She says honestly.

"Leave tonight or tomorrow morning?"

"Whatever you think is best." She shrugs, moving off of him.

"Well it depends on where you want to sleep. Plane or bed."

"Babe, at this point I could care less."

"I'll see what the earliest flight is we can get when we get back."


"I won't be too long getting changed."

"I know."

He gets up and heads in to change. Before long, he comes out with their bags.

"Let's go."

She nods and waits for him, lacing her fingers with his and then she heads out to the car. They get back to the hotel with little difficulty and go up to their room. Once inside, he drops their bags and goes to get on his laptop. She kicks off her shoes and picks out some lazy clothes for their flight. She sets those aside and starts packing everything else.

"Alright so the earliest they have for tonight is 11:30."

"That's fine."

He nods and books the flight.

"Your lazy clothes are on the bed." She remarks, as she keeps packing.

"Thank you."


"By the time we land it's gonna be early morning on Tuesday."


"17 hours, plenty of time to sleep."

"As always."

"But the 17 hours is worth it, to marry you again."

She gives him a soft smile.

"Why don't you get changed into your lazy clothes and I'll finish packing for you."

"Okay." She agrees.

She takes the clothes she picked out and heads into the bathroom to change while he packs the rest of her things. Shortly after, she walks out and puts away her original outfit. She also puts away the bathroom stuff. Justin had gotten changed himself into the clothes she chose for him, after he finished with her bags. Then he moved onto his bags.

"Need help?" She offers.

"If you want to help, then sure."

She starts helping him and before they know it, they're done."

"Ready to go now?"


"After you."

They gather their stuff and head downstairs to check out. Once they checkout, they go to the rental car and head to the airport. After dropping the car off, they go check their bags in and head through security. After they get through everything, they sit down and wait for their flight to be called. Sitting there, she tries to hide a yawn.

"You're tired."


"My shoulder's open for use of a pillow."

She smiles softly and snuggles into him. Before they know it, they hear their flight being called. They board and get settled in their seats. After a bit the plane takes off. Once the seatbelt sign goes off, she unbuckles and lifts the armrest. She gets comfortable against Justin. He kisses her head and holds her close.

"You should sleep now."

"Hang on." She murmurs.

She gets her bag and pulls out a little container. She also gets her water. Inside the container is advil, which she takes 2 of.


"I'll be better when those kick in."


"My wrists are throbbing again." She mutters as she settles back down in his arms.

"Oh. Hmm, well what can we do to solve that problem?"

"I don't think there is anything." She sighs.

"I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault love. Until the advil kicks in, I just want you to hold me."

"I can do that."

Justin kisses her head and rests his cheek against her forehead. In the meantime, Ted and I have just headed back to the hotel, after I had gotten changed and ready to go. We get to our room and start getting ready for bed.

"Ducky and Justin left early for Africa." Ted says once I come out of the bathroom.

"Oh alright."

"I can't say I blame them for leaving after what happened."

"I know right? I don't blame them either."

"That was just....crazy." He shakes his head.

"It was."

"Wish we could join them early."

"I know. But at least we're only needed for NXT and not SmackDown. We can leave earlier than we expected."


"I did look up to see how long the flight would be from here to there. 17 hours. By the time we get there, it'll be the wedding day. Early morning, and I mean early."

"Ehhhhh." He makes a face. "That's one loooong day."

"But it's an hour less trip going home for Christmas 16 hours."


"Time change...most complicated thing ever."

"Yeah, I know."

"We'll deal with it when it happens."

"Of course." He agrees as we get in bed.

I can't help but yawn afterwards.

"Sleep time for you missy." Ted chuckles.

"Can't argue with you there."

"Love you."

"Love you too."

The light gets shut off and I snuggle into him. It doesn't take too long for the both of us to fall asleep.