Priceless Sensation

Nexus Free Raw

I'm just finishing up in the bathroom with getting ready for the night. I was all dressed and everything, down to my shoes. The only thing left I was working on was my hair. That didn't take too long, and once I was done with that, I leave the bathroom and go over to my gear bag, making sure I had everything for the tag match I was in with Ted tonight.

"Ready beautiful?"

"Always the flatterer."

"Just for you."

"Of course. And yes I'm ready."

Ted kisses my cheek and the two of us head to the car.

"Can't believe Christmas is this week. Where did the year go?"

"It flew by."

"And all I'll say is that I got the most perfect gift for you." He adds.

"I can't wait to find out what it is."

"I really hope you like it."

"Of course I will. It's from you."


I smile and kiss Ted's cheek. The elevator reaches the lobby and we step out, heading through the lobby and then out the doors and to the car. We get into the car and then head to the arena. Once there, we go to our designated room. Just as we get to the room, a backstage attendant informs me that the #1 contenders match is going to be the first match of the night. I thank them for letting me know and then head inside the room with Ted.

"You have to go?"

"Well they wouldn't have informed me if I didn't have to be out there."

"Right. Duh."

"I shouldn't be out there too long. Not needed right this very minute so we do have some time to ourselves before I leave."

"Alright." He nods.

"I can come back and get changed right into my ring attire because I know you like the fact that you can be more touchy with that, and not with what I have on now."

He grins.

"That grin. I know you're happy now."

"Yes I am."

"I love making you happy."

"You always make me happy."

"As you make me happy."

"Of course." He kisses me.

"I wonder what Riss and Justin are doing right now."

"Who knows.

"Much rather be there and having a week off than be here."

"I know. Me too."

"Just one more day."


The show starts soon, and Mike's introduced as he's starting off the show.

"I don't think you heard him correctly. He said, STILL WWE Champion, The Miz! You all better get used to hearing, and still WWE Champion the Miz! Doesn't it have such a nice ring to it? Still WWE Champion, The Miz! I know it's tough for you all to digest this. You were all expecting an announcement-" He gets cut off by 'you suck' chants.

"I get it, I get it. You were all expecting the announcement of, the new WWE Champion, Randy Orton! But that didn't happen now did it?"


"I beat Randy Orton, I put him through a table-" Mike gets cut off by creepy music and the lights go out and then Alex walks out wearing chains, a cloak, a scarf and bandage around his head.

"Oh my god." I crack up laughing.

Ted laughs.


"Miiiz Miiiz. It is I, the ghost of Christmas past. I am here to show you the error of your ways, before it is too late. Behold, your first ever WWE title defeeeense."

And then they show when Mike beat Jerry 3 weeks ago, retaining the title. And Alex is in the ring at this point.

"Error of my ways? I'm actually proud of what I did. I beat a WWE hall of famer, and made sure he will never be WWE Champion. I don't regret that moment, and I certainly don't regret any actions I've done in the past. I actually believe that the fact is the reason-" He's cut off again by the same music and out comes Cole dressed up too, but with a hat and cloth.

"Oh lord." I shake my head.

"Oh myyy. I am the ghost of Christmas Present. And I quote! Miz Miz you need to change. Your actions from last night in the tables match against Randy Orton were...although vintage...were extremely unacceptable. Miz you retained your championship through nefarious means. Miz, you should be ashamed. You should be ashamed."

"No no no no no no, that's where you're wrong. The actions of a true champion are defined by one sentence and one sentence only. Are they still WWE Champion after the match? And yes I was. That is all that matters. Randy Orton underestimated me and I beat him. So I have something for Orton. Here's an image to put on your Christmas cards." Mike states, holding the title in the air.

"Happy holidays from The Miz."

Then the music goes off again.

"Oh god, what now?"

And on the tron, a picture of the "Miz girl" is shown and her mouth is edited so it moves.

"Ooooooh ooooooh! Miiiiz Miiiiiiz! I am the ghost Christmas futuure! And I am very angry. You need to see the light and change your ways or the new number one contender John Morrison will beat you. Beeeat you I say. Ooooooh!"

"Yeah highly doubt that."

"Ghost of Christmas future, let me tell you something. I am the future. I am the face of this company, I am the most must see champion in WWE history, Charles Dickens himself couldn't write a better story, because I'm the Miz....and I'm...aweeeesooooome!" And just as he ends, Morrison comes out.

"Psh, buzzkill."


"Miz I'm surprised. That was really...stupid. Even for you. But to tell you the truth, I'm actually happy for your success. You know why? Because last night I beat Sheamus. I climbed a ladder, I grabbed the contract, and now I'm the new number one contender. That means that sometime soon, you and I are gonna fight for that title. And I've got news for you. I've beat you in the past, I've beat you in the present, and I know I can beat you in the future. When I do, I'll become the new WWE Champion."

"Really? Really? Really? Really? Really? I beg to differ John. I've always been better than you. You couldn't-" Mike's cut off by Alex who steps in between him and John.

He then shoves him and a fight breaks out between John and Alex. Sheamus comes out and goes after Morrison and Mike pulls Alex out of the ring and to safety. Alex gets in Jerry's face and he punches him in the face.

"Hey. Not cool."

And just then, the GM has to chime in.

"Can I have your attention please? Can I have your attention please?!"

"I've just received an email from the anonymous Raw general manager." I mock. "God that's annoying. We're not stupid you know."

"I know."

"Oh Cole...such a dumbass. I wanna just knock him out one of these days."

"That would be hilarious."

"Get beat up by a girl. Embarrassing."


"And I quote! Miz tonight, you will collide with your ghosts from your past, present, and future. In a six-man tag team match. You, Alex Riley and King Sheamus versus John Morrison, Jerry Lawler, and Randy Orton."

And just as Mike goes to head backstage, Randy comes running out of nowhere and attacks him.

"Holy crap where did he come from?"

"No clue."

Then they show highlights of what John did to Wade last night.

"There is no way Wade could've come out of that match with no scratches. Those chairs from the set....ow."

"That was crazy."

"Even though he kind of deserved it. I mean he's the reason why Nexus has been getting attacked by John, especially Riss."

"Right." Ted nods.

"I have a feeling she's not going to be listening to Wade anymore."

"I get that feeling too."

"Which is good actually. She doesn't need to deal with anything else."


During the break, there was a knock on the door, letting me know that I was needed to go out to the ring to sit at commentary to observe the match to see who I'll be facing next.

"Looks like I'm needed now."


"Will you be able to survive without me?"


"Okay good."

"Have fun. I love you."

"I love you too."

Ted gets a kiss before I leave the room. When I get to the curtain, I find Melina, Eve and Alicia there, waiting for the break to be over to head out.

"Hey Mel." I greet her.

"Heyy!" She greets me with a hug.

I hug her back.

"How are you?"

"I'm good. You?"

"I'm good too."

"So we finally get to see if you face me for the title."

"Yeah we do. I hope so."

"I really hope you do win the match." I nod.

"It'd be better than those two." I add quietly.

"True true." She laughs.

"I'd at least have a decent opponent."

"Unlike last night."


"Well I should be heading out there now. I'll see you in a bit."

"See you."

I hug her once more before heading out to my music, making my way down the ramp and over to commentary, putting on a headset. Coming back from the break, Cole, Punk and Jerry talk a bit before introducing me. Punk tries to ask me where Riss is and I just ignore him because he doesn't need to know. He looks mildly disappointed that I won't answer.

And then Melina comes out first, followed by Alicia and lastly Eve. Once all three girls were in the ring, the bell rings and Alicia goes after Eve, and Melina goes after Alicia. Alicia knocks Melina away and goes back after Eve, then switches her attention to Melina. Once she gets he down, she goes after Eve and throws her out of the ring, now focusing on Melina. Melina comes back and goes after Alicia, but Eve comes back in and hits Melina from behind and goes after Alicia. Melina then rolls Eve up, and Alicia kicks her in the face, switching the power so that Eve ends up trying to pin her. Melina however pushes her away right into a waiting roll up from Alicia, Eve however kicks out. Melina recovers in the corner, until Alicia comes over and hits her with a powerbomb off of the top turnbuckle. And now it's Alicia and Eve going at it. She hits her standing moonsault and goes for the cover on Alicia, Alicia kicks out. Eve pulls her over to the corner and goes to climb, but Melina rushes over and stops her. Eve hops up and Melina follows and they fight at the top. Alicia comes over and gets Melina on her shoulders and Eve climbs to the top. Melina however rolls through and Eve misses her, and Melina ends up pinning Alicia to win. I feel relieved to have a good opponent for once.

I excuse myself from commentary and grin at Melina as I start to leave the ring area. She grins back. And of course we exhange words that is semi-audible from the cameras, before I disappear backstage. I head back to Ted. In the meantime, Riss and Justin were just finishing up lunch with his mother, before deciding to go out and do fun things.

"Ah...I love that its so warm here."

"I know, the best thing about this place."

"One of many, yes."

"So what did you have planned for today anyway?" She asks.

"A few different things."

"Like what?"

"Let me surprise you."

"Mmm, I suppose."

"You'll like the surprises."

"I'm sure I will." She smiles a little, rubbing ne of her wrists absentmindedly.

"Throbbing again?" He asks.

"A bit."

"I wish I could make it stop."

"I know." She kisses his cheek.

Once they were finished with lunch, and said goodbye to his mother, they both headed out to start the things Justin has planned.

"What are we doing first?"

"Remember that's a surprise."

"Aw." She pouts.

"I want everything to be a surprise."

"Aw okay."

"After you." He leads the way.

"Sneaky man."

"You know it."

She giggles and pulls him down to steal a kiss.

"Love you."

"Love you too."

She decides to tease him a bit and says something in Italian.

"You know what that does to me."

She smirks.

"Just like when I speak to you in my language." He grins.


"Which I don't do too often. Maybe I should do it more."

She giggles.


"Maybe I will."

"You do that."

Just for fun, he does it.

"Mmm..." She bites her lip.

All he does is smirk. She yanks him down into a kiss. He smirks against her lips and wraps his arms around her. She kisses him thoroughly before pulling back.

"Now let's go."

He agrees. They get into the car and head to the first activity.

"Aww. Yayyyy." She beams when she realizes they're going to the mountains.

"I knew you would love this."

"Of course." She kisses his cheek.

"Should definitely come back for sunrise or sunset one day this week."

"For sure."

"Don't really know about're not really a morning person."

"Tis true." She admits.

"Sunset it is then."

"Sounds like a plan."

He parks and they get out of the car. They link hands and head to the tramway cars that take you up the mountain. Like always, they admire the view and scenery as they go up. Justin's hands settle on her hips as he stands behind her. She brings out her camera and snaps some pictures. He rests his head on her shoulder after a bit, a smile on his face. She turns her head and nuzzles his cheek.

"Almost to the top."

"Mmhmm." She says, giggling as he starts being more affectionate.

"I love coming up here with you."

"I know you do."

"I love it too." She adds.

"I just love sharing pieces of home with you." He says.

"I consider it my home too, afterall we are married and will be again Thursday."

"I'm glad you do."

"My second home...outside of home."

"Of course."

Soon enough, they get to the top and step off of the tramway car.

"It's still breathtaking every time." She says as they get to the lookout area.

"It really is." He nods.

She starts taking pictures. Justin follows her around as she takes the pictures.

"Am I fascinating?"

"Yes, very." He grins.

"But you should already know that."

"Is that so."


"Well now I want to take pictures of you."

"Feel free." He chuckles.

She makes him pose in many ways for pictures. And of course he comes up with his own. Finally she stops and goes through some of them on the screen. He comes up and steals the camera.

"Your turn."

"Seriously?" She laughs.

"Yes. Seriously."

"Alright but only because its you."


She poses for Justin.

"I think you do better poses than I do, and I did modeling before becoming a wrestler." He laughs.



They ask someone to take a few pictures of them together. Then they just look out over the sights.

"You know what's fun? Standing on top of some of these rocks. I've done it."

"I'm sure you have." She says amusedly.

"Daredevil you." She adds.

"Yep, that's me." He agrees.

"I don't know how I even deal with your daredevil craziness." She laughs.

"Because you have some of your own." He chuckles.

"That's true."

She giggles and kisses his cheek.

"It's what makes us who we are. Although I wish I was around when you did your modeling. I mean I've only seen pictures, but not in person."

He nods.

"And the body builder stuff too." She adds.

"Oh I'm sure you would've loved to see that."


"So out of the three what would be your favorite?"

"Wrestling and modeling tied."

"I had a feeling they would." He smirks.

She giggles, blushing slightly.

"You just love the shirtlessness in both."

"Mmm, that is a big part."

"Thought so."

"You know me well."

"Yes I do."

She snuggles into his arms.

"Always perfect coming up here with you."

"Mmhmm. So relaxing."

"Very much so."

"This is our first time here as a married couple." She realizes.

"Oh yeah, it is."

"Its a good feeling."

"It is." He nods.

"I feel like I have more of a connection to here now that we're married. I think it'll get stronger when we have kids too because then it will be part of them, you know?"


Justin kisses her head.

"Love you."

"Love you too."

"What's next?"

"You'll have to wait and see. But the only thing I suppose I can let you know about what we're doing, is that I've saved the beach to end the day with."

"Ooh that sounds great."

"I always have great ideas."

"Yes you do." She leans up and kisses him.

"We can leave for the next activity in a bit. Not ready to leave here yet."

"Me either."

After a bit, they walk around some more to look at the sighs and views.

"Ready now?"

"Mmhmm, all set to go."

They head back to the tramway cars to get down the mountain. Just like when they went up the mountain in the tramway car, Justin stands behind her and this time wraps his arms around her, snuggling with her.

"Mmm. Snuggly." She murmurs.

"One of many things I love to do."

"Yes, I know."

"I love to be snuggly too." She adds.

"I know you do." He chuckles as she burrows into his arms more.

"You're snuggly every chance you get."


When they reach the bottom, they step out of the tramway car and make their way back to where Justin parked the car. He drives off and she just watches out the window while holding his hand. After a while of driving, he pulls up to where the next activity was.

"What are we doing here?" She asks.

"You'll see."

"No fair." She pouts.

"It's supposed to be a surprise."

"But I wanna know."

"I know, but it has to stay a surprise."


"Don't worry. It won't be too long before you see what it is."

"Okay." She pouts.

She does brighten up a bit and giggle when he gives her a kiss and then proceeds to nip gently at his favorite spot beneath her ear.

"Gets you everytime." He grins.

"Yes it does."

"Now are you ready for surprise number two?"


"Then let's go."

They get out of the car and Justin leads her. When they get closer, she notices a bunch of bikes, but they weren't the normal bikes, they were motorbikes.

"Why are there bikes here?"

"We'll be riding them. Plus, I wanna scope out a possible new vehicle to own and drive."

She eyes the bikes uneasily.

"Me, drive one of those?"

"Only if you want to. If not you can ride with me."

"Ride with you." She says immediately.

"I thought so." He nods.

A man walks up to them. He and Justin start talking about the bikes. When they get done talking, Justin turns to her.


"I guess so."

"You'll be fine. I won't drive like a crazy person."

She nods as he leads her to a bike. There were helmets already there, so he picks them up and hands her one. She puts it on and buckles the strap. Justin gets his on before getting onto the bike. She climbs on behind him and presses herself against his back, looping her arms around his waist. The next thing she knows, he turns the key in the ignition, starting the bike. She jumps slightly.


"It's alright. You're okay." He reassures her.

"I know, it just startled me. Not used to feeling that under me."

"Well make sure you hold on tight, I'm going to pull out now."

"Okay." She nods, tightening her hold on him.

He moves his feet up to the gas and then he pulls out. He chuckles as she clings to him. He makes sure to stay at a decent speed, not going too fast for her. After a few blocks, she relaxes. She lightly taps his thigh to let him know he can speed up some. He nods and does so. She snuggles against his back, watching the scenery fly by. They didn't know it, but they've been driving around for a couple hours. Eventually, Justin makes it back to the building.

"That was pretty fun." She says once they get off the bike and remove their helmets.

"Wasn't it?" He grins.

"My adrenaline junkie." She laughs, kissing his cheek.


Justin kisses her on the lips.

"Thank you for trusting me."

"You've never let me down before."

"Never will."


"And now the beach to relax for the rest of the day."

"Sounds good."

"After you."

They go to the car and drive off to the beach. At this point now it was time for me and Ted's tag match and we were facing Santino and Tamina.

"I'm going to do everything in my power to make sure we win this."

"I know. Me too."

"Ready to go?"


We head out of the locker room and to the curtain like always where we didn't have to wait long since Santino's music went off and he walked out with Tamina, but he was hunched over after the backstage attempt of trying to fix his back by stepping on it.

"Oops." I laugh a little.

As soon as his music ends, Ted's goes off and we head out next. I get into the ring first, followed by Ted. Ted poses in the corner and his music ends and the bell rings. It starts off with Santino and Ted, but Tamina gets back into the ring and gives him a bear hug and straightens out his back before getting out of the ring.

Ted and Santino circle before locking up and Santino fakes the Cobra before taking Ted down. Ted comes back and wails on him and then sends him off of the ropes, hitting him with a shoulder. He covers him, Santino kicks out at two. Ted hits a standing dropkick, and goes for another cover, Santino kicks out at two. He then wraps his arm around Santino's neck until Santino starts to get out of the hold. Ted misses the clothesline due to a split from Santino and then Ted gets hit with a hiptoss. Santino goes against the ropes and hits him with a headbutt. Santino gets set up for the cobra and doesn't see Ted rolling over to our corner and tag me in. I stand there behind Santino with my arms crossed over my chest and a smug look on my face. When he turns around he sees me instead of Ted. Santino tries to control the Cobra, keeping it from touching me. I just roll my eyes and grab his hand and make him hit himself with it.

That cues Tamina to come in and she goes for a superkick, and I duck it, and spin and kick her in the gut. I then grab her by the neck and slam her face first into the canvas. I go for the cover, but Tamina kicks out. I then sit her up and drill my knee into her spin, applying the pressure from time to time. With the crowd and Santino behind her, she gets to her feet and reverses, countering and making me land face first on the apron. She then pulls me over to the corner and climbs the corner. Ted slowly goes towards her, telling her not to do it and that cues Santino, going for the Cobra again, but Ted pulls down the top rope, making Santino go tumbling out of the ring. Tamina goes for the Superfly Splash, but I get my knees up just in time and she lands hard on her gut on my knees. I quickly crawl over and go for the cover, picking up the three count and the win.

"Yes!" Ted cheers.

He climbs back into the ring, and like always hugs me. Then he gives me a kiss.

"I knew you could do it."

"Takes a lot more than a faceplant to keep me down."

"Of course."

"Now let's head back. After you." He lets me walk ahead of him.

We get out of the ring and go backstage.

"You like walking behind far too much." I laugh.

"I like to admire, what can I say?"

"Well so do I."

"That's true."

"And now we have the rest of the night to ourselves. No leaving the locker room until the end of the show."

"Ooh demanding." I tease.

"You like it."

"Mmm I do."

"Now let's go. Or do I have to carry you there?"

"Ooh tempting."

"Too slow." He grins, picking me up and hoisting me over his shoulder, and then starts walking to the locker room.

I laugh and swat him on the butt.

"Thanks for the view."

"You're welcome." He chuckles.

"And I thought it was good when you wore jeans." I grin. "This takes it to another level."

"Good to know." Ted laughs.

"Hi, how're you doing?" I say to Swagger mockingly as he gives Ted and I look.

He scowls as I run my hands down Ted's back.

"Oooh someone's jealous." I snicker.

"He should be." Ted scoffs.

We make it to the locker room and head inside. He sets me down, only to sit on the couch and pull me down onto his lap. I kiss him lightly. I shift a bit on his lap to get more comfortable and he stops me.


"Oops." I snicker.

"Haha. Funny."

"I needed to get comfortable..."

"Just don't blame me if there's a reaction."

"I know, I know, it'll be my fault. Not like you can help it."

"Not really."

"I think I'll sit still now....I'm comfortable....for now."


"You could've gotten changed you know. Wouldnt be as easy to get to you, like I almost did."

"Nope. I know you like when I stay in this. So I'm not changing until much much later."

I smile and kiss his cheek.

"You're sweet."


I snuggle into him and turn our attention back to the TV. John's music goes off and he runs out to an excited crowd.

"Ya'll are extra fired up tonight. And I know why. I know why, because tonight is epic! Tonight is monumental. I feel so good about tonight, I'm gonna do something I should've done a long time ago." John states, getting out of the ring and man-hugging the 'We Hate Cena' guy ringside.

"I just hugged it out with the 'We Hate Cena' guy. We're good."

"Because tonight, for the first time in six months, WWE Monday Night Raw is Nexus free! Man it makes me wanna dance. Oooh oooh, ooh ooh." John states, dancing.

"Cole, I just Dougied, we just hit rock bottom. Hell it makes me wanna sing. The stars at night are big and bright-" John starts and the crowd finishes.

"You know what, I am so happy to be here, I've got a treat for you guys. Normally we don't do this, but I have commandeered some exclusive footage from last night's pay-per-view of Tables, Ladders, and Chairs. It is the footage describing the demise of Wade Barrett and I convienantly have the footage cued on the giant screen right now."

The footage plays, like before, showing everything.

"But wait folks, there's more! If you continue to watch Raw, you will see the same footage from...another camera angle." He says in a voice and another angle of the footage is shown.

"That's not all folks. If you continue to act now as a member of the WWE Universe, you will see the same footage angle." He says in the voice again, and a far shot is shown.

"He's getting a lot of enjoyment from that clip."

"He is." I laugh.

"And just when you thought I was done, we will give you the same footage. But this time it will be in slow motion." He slows his voice down and the footage is shown in slow motion.

"You guys got to see the demise of Wade Barrett 4 different times tonight. I feel so good when I get a great bargain. Especially this close to the holidays. On those have to have items like the Sham-Wow, the Snuggie, and Wade Barrett being crushed by 23 chairs. Six months ago I promised you guys that I would get to each and every member of the Nexus, and it took me some time, but last night at TLC, I got to each and every member of The Nexus. That means the winds have changed for Wade Barrett and his group of turd-burglars, and now I can focus on the more important things, like winning the Royal Rumble and going onto WrestleMania!"

"Excuse me! Excuse me!"

"Oh god." I mutter.

"Moses Malone!"

"Pardon the interruption John-I said excuse me!"

"Pardon the interruption John, but you were not the only one that won a match last night."

"I'm sorry, there's so much hatred in the air, that I can't even hear what you're saying." John says about the crowd basically booing Vickie out of the building.

"You are not the only one that won a match last night."

And once again the crowd is louder than her with the boos and John cracks up.


"I can't hear you."

"You are not the only one-"

"Alright alright alright alright. What?"

"You are not the only one-" She starts, only to get booed again and John again laughs his ass off.

"Ah it's a running gag."

"John you are not the only one-" Again she gets booed so loud she can't continue.

"We've just been-" John starts only for 'you suck' chants to start and he's still laughing.

"Okay the state of Texas has told you how they feel, explain yourself, what's going on? Give her the floor, give her the floor. It's live television."

"John, you are not the only one-"

"Well we just made the all-time Raw highlights. This is gonna go on for what? 30, 40 minutes? Go ahead, go ahead, go ahead. Guys guys please, don't do that again. No please. Silence."

"You are not the only one, that won a match at the TLC pay-per-view!" She says over the boos.

Another 'you suck' chant breaks out.

"They're a lively bunch here in Austin, I tell ya."

"Despite competing in a triple threat match, Dolph Ziggler is still the Intercontinental Champion. And since you had the opportunity to show footage, I have my own footage to show."

"Okay okay, alright alright. We've made some ground. Apparently after TLC last night, Dolph Ziggler is still the Intercontinental Champion. And the wonderful and beloved Vickie Guerrero has brought out a clip to show us. Roll the clip."

The clip shown was the fat joke Jerry made about Vickie during the Slammy awards.

"The King ladies and gentlemen, well played sir."

"Jerry, I came for an apology. And if you don't give me an apology, my boyfriend Dolph Ziggler is gonna beat you up."

"She's right, I'm gonna beat you up!"

"And you are going to be very very sorry."

"King, I got this, I got this. She says that you owe her an apology, and if we don't have one here and now, then Dolph Ziggler's gonna try to beat you up."

"He will beat him."

"Vickie, Vickie. Is it because of the remark about your weight? I mean, I can't help it if you're the only diva here in the WWE, whose bathtub has stretch marks."

"Oh oh hey! King King King! Wait! King King King! I got one, I got one! Vickie is so fat, that she wakes up in sections."

"Hey John John John. John, did you know that when God said let there be light, he had to ask Vickie to step out of the way first?"

Ted snickers at the one.

"Ahhh! Wait wait wait wait wait. I got one, I got one, I got one. Vickie is so fat, that her baby pictures were taken via satellite."

"Stop it! Stop it stop it! Stop it! Stop it!"

"Vickie Guerrero is a saint! She is beautiful inside and out! She is the most respected Diva in the entire WWE, and you all know it!"

"Dolph Dolph Dolph Dolph Dolph, enough. How can you be out here talking like that? I was talking to you quite a while ago and you called Vickie a double bagger. That means you gotta put a bag over your head in case the one over hers breaks. And how dare you. How dare you? First time I met you a long time ago, you were afraid of the dark. Then you saw Vickie naked and you were afraid of the light."

And then Vickie straight out slaps him across the face.


He just gives her the evil glare and Dolph steps between them and the GM chimes in.

"And I quote. Since Vickie Guerrero is threatening that her boyfriend Dolph Ziggler will beat people up, well, let's try it in a match tonight. Dolph Ziggler vs John Cena. And that match will take place right now."

"Now why did I see that coming?"

"Because it was totally obvious."

"One more match to go after that and then we can head back to the hotel. I'd leave now but I wanna see Alex's match."


"Then we have complete privacy." I grin.

Ted grins.

"And I'm not really tired so....."

"Sounds like fun."

"You're anxious....I can tell."




"If I don't?"

He raises an eyebrow.

"What?" I laugh.

"Be quiet."

"Oooh demanding. Maybe I don't want to be quiet." I grin.

Ted signs amusedly and nips at my ear.

"That's a little distracting.....but won't keep me quiet."

He moves down to my neck.

"Hmm...not yet."

Of course, Ted takes this as a challenge. He takes his time, making sure to give me as much torture as he possibly can.

" may be working now."

He smirks.

"But I did say may."

He catches me offguard with a kiss on the lips. It surprises me at first, but then I start to kiss back, and hold him there so he can't pull away right away. He chuckles. I hum quietly to myself, my fingers running through his hair. Ted holds onto my hips as the kiss deepens. I start to pull away because I don't want us getting too carried away, but this time, he's the one to keep me from doing that. I eventually get free.

"Aw." Ted pouts.

"Don't wanna get too carried away."

"Mmm, true."

"Plus, I needed to breathe anyway."

"Also true."

"You can leave marks when we're back in our hotel room. It's been a while." I smirk.

"Yes it has."

"Try to resist until then."

"I'll try."

"I'll be quiet now." I snuggle back into him.

"Good." He chuckles.

It was getting towards the end of John's match against Dolph and Vickie interfered on two occasions. John would duck an attempted shot with the IC title to hit the AA on Dolph to pick up the win. After the win, Punk would get out of his seat from commentary and enter the ring, delivering a pair of chair shots to him.


"I may not like Punk but John deserves that for what he did to Ducky."

"Right of course."

"Deserves that and more."

"I think that would be the only thing she would approve of Punk doing."


After the chair shots, he drops it and leaves the ring, heading backstage and John's just enraged.

"Tough luck." Ted scoffs.

After the quick break, they showed what happened during it, Josh Matthews catching up with Punk backstage as he's getting ready to get into a car to leave the arena.

"Punk, can you explain what that was all about with you and John Cena?"

"Well the only thing that Cena understands, is aggression. Last night he brutalizes Wade Barrett with a steel chair. Tonight, I just gave him a taste of his own medicine." Punk states, before getting into the car and leaving.

"Seems fair."


Then Jerry was backstage getting ready for the tag match when Sheamus comes in and just puts him down every chance he gets. Then Vicki was backstage yelling at Dolph Ziggler, asking him what kind of boyfriend he is. Dolph then challenges John to a rematch on SmackDown tomorrow night and Vickie makes it happen, making it a handicap match. John vs Dolph and Vickie.

"Her too? She serious?"


"Good thing we don't need to be there for SmackDown. I don't wanna see that trainwreck."

"I know, me either."

"You know what's funny? You can tell how much they spray tan you guys when you stand next to Sheamus." I snicker.

"Ahaha yeah." Ted laughs.

"They must spray him even whiter."

Ted cracks up.

"It makes sense really." I laugh.

"It does."

"And then with the lighting it's too bright so it hurts your eyes."


Soon after that it was time for the tag match and out first was Mike and Alex, and then Sheamus. Their opponents out first was Morrison, then Jerry and lastly Randy. And Randy wanted to go right after Mike because he was pissed. But the ref wouldn't allow it unless it was during the match. Once everyone was in their respective corners, it looked like it was gonna happen since Mike was in the ring and so was Randy. But Mike tagged out and Alex tagged in so Mike wouldn't have to face Randy right now.

"Smart...I think."

"Randy would maul anyone at this point." Ted shrugs.

"True. Oh this isn't gonna be good."

"Probably not."

At the end of a chaotic match, it was Mike setting up for the Skull Crushing Finale on Jerry when the the ref was distracted by Alex and Randy would come in and plant Mike with an RKO, allowing Jerry to pin Mike for the win.


"I told you."

"Not cool, not cool at all."

"It happens sometimes."

And after the celebration of Jerry and Randy, the GM chimed in.


"Annoying sound."

"And I quote. The television show SmackDown will be live tomorrow night at 9/8c from San Antonio, Texas. In addition to all the SmackDown superstars, Raw's contribution will be a handicap match. As we heard earlier on tonight, we will have Dolph Ziggler and Vickie Guerrero vs John Cena. Also, just added to tomorrow night's event. The WWE Champion the Miz will take on Randy Orton live on SmackDown."

And just then, Mike hits Jerry from behind. Randy grabs Mike and goes for a powerbomb, but Alex comes in and diverts that, getting hit, but allowing Mike to hit Randy before fleeing the ring and Randy was more pissed than ever before. And the show ends on their staredown.

"Alright. Let's get changed and get out of here."

"You first." He adds.

"Okay." I agree.

"Eager." I laugh.

Ted rolls his eyes in amusement. Of course when I walk away towards the changing area since I know that gives him a chance to stare once I again, I sway my hips a bit. He mutters under his breath and I giggle. I soon disappear into the changing area to get out of my ring gear and into my other clothes, to be ready to go. I walk out and Ted goes in. I sit on the arm of the couch as I wait. It doesn't take him long and soon, the two of us are headed to the car. And since the arena wasn't that far from the hotel, it didn't take us long to get back to the hotel either. In our room, we put everything down.

"That was a long night."

"It was."

"It was weird not having Justin and Ducky around though."

"One more day."


"Wedding and then Christmas. And then New Years.

"Can't wait."

"Me neither."

"It's going to be fun." He smiles.

"Of course it is."

"This Christmas is going to be probably the best one ever."

"Oh? A feeling you have or something?"


"But I do think its because I get to have you with me this year and I get my sister too." He adds.

"Well it is all about being with people you love anyway."

"Right, I know."

"So what's the plan for Christmas anyway? Staying at our place, since I consider it my home too, or your parents'? Or both?"


"Ah, ok."

"I want to have some time for us and then time with everyone."

"Right, right."

He kisses my head.

"But for now, I think we should get some sleep."

"So you're not going to have some fun then." I nudge him with a giggle.

"I want to but I know we have a long day tomorrow and I want to be well rested."


"Maybe we can find some time before NXT."

"I'm sure we'll be able to."

"Sounds like a plan." He smiles.

"I shouldn't be long getting changed."


"I'll wear your favorite."

He grins.

"Be as quick as you can then."

"I'll try." I giggle.

I turn around and kiss him briefly before head over to my bags, picking out what Ted likes before heading into the bathroom to change. Ted changes in the room and as usual, gets into bed to wait for me. After I'm all set, I walk out of the bathroom, in Ted's favorite thing I could wear to bed. He grins at the sight. I slide into bed and snuggle up to him.

"Much better."


"Love you."

"Love you too."

"Good night."


He kisses me one last time before we settle down and get comfortable. The two of us doze off easily, resting up for the long day ahead. By this time, it's only 3 in the afternoon for Riss and Justin so they have plenty of time left to spend on the beach. They've changed into appropriate beach apparel and brought a bag with snacks and such. They find a spot on the beach and set up their stuff. After they both put on the sunscreen, they sit on the towels on the beach for a while.

"Mmm, laying in the sunshine is nice."

"I know."

She lays on her stomach. Justin lays on his side and runs his hand up and down her back.

"Mmmmmm. That's nice too."

"I know that too." He grins.

"You know a lot apparently."

"I do."

She giggles softly.

"I know everything about you."

"Pretty much."

"Well I would hope so, you are my husband afterall." She adds.

"I still love being called that by the way." He grins at being called husband.

"I can tell. Silly goose."

"It just has that nice ring to it."

"It has a ring literally too." She laughs.

"Yes, yes it does."

"Its amusing to see all the disappointed faces when girls see your wedding ring." She remarks.

"And I have to apologize to them. You just got to me first." He chuckles.

"Mmhmm." She grins.

"They'll keep dreaming though. Nothing wrong with that."


"Just the dream will never happen."


"I'm glad you did get to me first though."

"Me too." She smiles as he leans over and steals a kiss.

"Love you so much."

"Love you too."

She kisses him and then gets up. She swats his butt playfully before going to the water.

"Heyyy." He grins.

She laughs and blows a kiss at him.

"You are so in trouble now."

"Ooooh." She mocks.

"I don't see you moving!" She laughs.

"I'm going to!"


"Right now!" He jumps up and runs after her.

"You'll never catch me!"

"Oh yes I will!"


"Do not underestimate me."

"I'm teasing!"

"Still gonna catch you."

"Bring it on."

"Oh it's on alright."

"Like Donkey Kong?"

"Yes." He laughs.

"I'd like to see you try."

"Oh I will."

"I see no trying yet."

He speeds up and she takes off.


"Gonna get youuuu."




"I'm getting closer."

She speeds up, squealing. Before she knows it, he catches up, wrapping his arms around her.

"Awwww." She pouts, even though she's leaning back into him.

"I got you."


"Never letting go."

"I don't want you to." She turns her head and presses her lips to his.

"Didn't think so." He mumbles.

They exchange short kisses. Then she leans against him as they float around in the water.

"Hard to believe the year is almost over."

"I know right?"

"A lot has happened."

"A lot indeed."

"Can't wait for the new year. New experiences."


He kisses her head.

"Hopefully next years start off way better for us. The whole Nexus thing has been a pain."

"No kidding." She sighs.

"It was the only way they brought us all in from NXT. The only way they thought would make an impact. "

"I know. I'm glad they did but I think its run its course."

"Who knows how long they'll keep it going."

"Not too much longer I hope."

"Let's hope not."

"All we can do really."


"How about some snacks now?" She suggests.

"Sure, of course."

They leave the water and sit on the towels. They rummage in the bag and pick out what they want.

"So you think we're gonna be able to get away with sleeping in the same bed tonight? Or no?" Justin asks, chuckling.

"I don't know." She laughs.

"I'm pretty sure we're old enough to be trusted."

"Mmm, but the moms are superstitious."


"It couldn't hurt to ask I suppose."


"We can when we get back."

"Alright." He nods.

"I know you'll be thrilled if they let us."

"Oh yes."

He grins and she just laughs. They both talk about various things while munching on the snacks. They spend a few more hours going back and forth between the towels and the water. Before they know it, the sun was setting. They decided to stay on the beach until it set before deciding to head home.

"Best part of the day."

"Yeah it is." Justin nuzzles her neck.

"It may be beautiful, but not as beautiful as you." He adds.

She blushes.

"Oh stop it Romeo."

"It's true."

"You're supposed to think so." She says.

"I don't think, I know."

"Lover." She kisses his cheek.


"And always."

"Yes, and always."

She smiles and nuzzles his cheek. They sit there in silence as they listen to the ocean and watch the sun set.

"I love getting to do this kind of thing." She remarks after the sun has set and they're gathering their stuff.

"So do I."

They go back to the car and load up. Then they head to the house.

"I hope you had fun today."

"Oh babe, I had lots of fun today." She smiles.

"It's always fun coming back here." She adds.

"I'm glad to hear that." He smiles.


They get to the house and unload. When they walk in, they announce that they're home.

"In here!" Voices say from the living room.

"You go. I'm gonna go bring our stuff upstairs." Justin kisses her cheek.

"Okay." She kisses his cheek and goes into the living room.

When she walks into the living room, she finds a place to sit and does so.

"So how was your day dear?" Justin's mom asks.

"Wonderful." She smiles.

"Well that's good to hear."

"We went to the mountains, went for a ride on a motorbike, and spent the rest of the day at the beach."

"He's good for those type of things."

"Yes he is." She giggles.

"He's actually thinking about getting one of those bikes." She adds.

"Oh dear." Lauren, his mom, shakes her head.

"I know." You laugh.

"He's a really safe driver though." She assures her.

"I would hope so."

"He is. Trust me."

"That's a relief."

Riss nods.

"What's a relief?" Justin asks, coming into the living toom and sitting next to Riss.

"That you're a safe driver on a motorbike." She replies as they snuggle together.

"I'll always be safe." He nods.

"You better be."

"I promise."

"Good. I'll hold you to that."

"I know."

"You two are so cute." Melanie says.

She and Ted Sr flew in before Justin and I so that like the previous wedding, Melanie could make sure the wedding prep was going smoothly.

"So we've been told."

"I can sense the grandkids talk coming." Riss says just loud enough for only Justin to hear.

"It's building...I can sense it too."

"I give it 5 minutes."

" too."

Sure enough, not even 5 minutes later, Lauren speaks up.

"So when are we going to get grandbabies?"

"See?" Riss mutters to him.

Justin chuckles.

"Not for a while Mom." He tells her.

"See we both really just got our careers started and I'd rather wait a while before even considering that." Riss explains.

"We've got obligations and storylines going on right now. I'd like to wait until things calm down." She adds.

"Especially how things are right now." Justin continues.

"I see." Lauren says.

"But we have been talking about it, keeping it in the back of our minds."

"So don't think we don't want it right now, its just not good timing."

"Right. Of course."

"Probably not until Wrestlemania or so."

"We'll see how things are after then."


"Well we're all very excited for Thursday."

"Us too. Its going to be amazing."

"Yes, it will be."

Justin kisses her head and she smiles up at him, kissing his jaw.

"We do have something to ask though."

"Well mostly Jussi wants to know." She giggles.

"Go ahead and ask." She nudges him.

"Are we allowed to share a room tonight?" He asks hopefully.

"But before you answer, I just want to say that we're both responsible and mature." He adds.

Riss can't help giggling.

"Well of course you are."

"We're already married so there isn't much point to the superstition." Justin points out.

"Well it's not the day before the wedding yet. That's tomorrow."

"Oh, right. Duh. The traveling and stuff has thrown me off." Justin says.

"That's ok, understandable."

"But still, are we allowed to share that night?" He asks.

"I suppose it wouldn't hurt..."

"Yes!" Justin cheers.

"I mean....thank you."

"Nice save." Riss laughs.

He smiles sheepishly.


"Your dork."

"Mmhmm." She giggles and kisses him.

After a while of talking about things, she feels a yawn coming on. She tries to hide it, but Justin sees.

"Someone's getting tired." He remarks.




"You just yawned."


"I saw it."

She pouts.


"I see everything. Remember."

"Yeah yeah."

"Maybe we should get up to bed."

"Okay." She reluctantly agrees.

"Carry you?"

"Please." She smiles, sliding into his lap.

"Of course."

He holds her to him as he gets up. Then he adjusts his hold.

"Goodnight all." He says.

"Night." She adds.

"Night you two."

Justin carries her to their room as she snuggles into him.

Want me to pick out your clothes?" He asks as he walks into the bedroom and sets her down on the bed.

"If you don't mind." She says, starting to undress.

"I would be happy to."

He goes and grabs her something to wear.

"Thank you." She smiles.

"You're welcome."

She puts it on and then crawls up the bed to her spot. He gets undressed and pulls on a pair of shorts before climbing into bed next to her.

"Love you." She murmurs as they snuggle.

"Love you too."

It doesn't take them long to fall asleep after the long day they had.