Priceless Sensation

Wheelbarrow Race, Trivia, Day Before South Africa Wedding

It's the next day, the day before the wedding. It's going to be an almost busy day. Riss has one more dress fitting and Justin has a tux fitting to do. And the moms are going to be going over everything, making sure it's all taken care of for tomorrow. The aroma of food filled the air as they were making breakfast, and it's what woke Riss up.

"Mmm." She murmurs, stretching.

She looks over to see Justin still passed out, sleeping peacefully. She giggles softly and leans over, kissing his cheek gently. Then she gets out of bed and makes her way downstairs.

"Smells good in here." She smiles.

"Oh, good morning. We knew it would wake one of you up."

"Of course." She giggles.

"He's still passed out." She adds.

"That's a little unusual. Normally he's one of the first to be up." Lauren remarks.

"I know. He's nearly always awake before me. I'm the night owl." She says.

"He'll be up...once he realizes I'm not there." She adds.

"He's used to your presence huh?" Melanie smiles.

"Yeah." She nods.

"Sometimes he'll just be hugging my pillow in his sleep when I check on him."

"Awwwww." The moms both say.

"I know. It's cute."

"It is."

"I give it about five or ten minutes before he realizes I'm not there."

They look at the clock to be able to time him. Five minutes go by and nothing has happened yet. It gets close to 10 minutes when they all hear footsteps on the stairs. Justin appears and we start laughing.

"I told you." She giggles.

"Morning sleepyhead." She grins.

"...morning." He says, looking a little confused.

"You look confused."

"What's so funny?"

"Well first of all...your hair."

He flattens his hair.

"And the second thing was that you came down less than 10 minutes after I did."

"I said it would take you about 10 minutes to realize I wasn't there."


"And I was right."

"Good to know."

"I figured you were down here anyway." He adds.

"The smell of food woke me up." She shrugs as he walks over and gets a kiss.

"I don't blame you for waking up to it. I used to always wake up to it."

"Of course."

"Tomorrow is the big day." He grins.

"Yep." She smiles.

"And you have a final dress fitting too." Melanie points out.

"Right." She nods.

"You probably have a tux fitting right?" She asks Justin.


"That should be fun."

"I do want to do some things with you today though. Particularly dinner tonight."

"Sounds good." She kisses his cheek.

"You know it's gonna feel different, not having the traditional honeymoon after this wedding tomorrow."

"Yeah, that's true."

"But that's ok."

"It'll be nice to have a real Christmas again." She says softly, looking down at her hands.

"And we get to have it together."


"I wouldn't want it any other way."

"Of course not."

"I love you."

"Love you too." She smiles as he wraps his arms around her.

She snuggles into him. He chuckles and kisses her head. Soon breakfast is done and they each take a plate that is made for them and they go and sit at the table to eat. They steal bites from each other as usual. once they've finished, they get up and put their plates away.

"Now let's go get dressed for the day...sleepy." She giggles.

"Haha funny." He sticks his tongue out.

"Yes I am."

They head to the bedroom. She walks to her bags and rummages around for something to wear. She picks her outs and starts to get dressed. He was going to get dressed himself, but when he saw her starting to, he stopped what he was doing and stared.

"I can feel you staring."

"That's because I am."

She laughs lightly.

"Can't help myself."

"I know. Insatiable." She teases.


He makes a noise of disappointment when she finishes putting her clothes on.

"Poor you."

"Darn." He pouts.

She laughs and goes into the bathroom, leaving him by himself in the bedroom.

"Leaving me out here all alone?"

"I have to do my hair and makeup. Goof."

"I like to watch."

"Well hurry up and get dressed then."

"On it." He declares.

She laughs as she brushes out her hair. Not too long after that, the door opens and he leans against the door frame. She looks amused as she puts her hair in a high ponytail.

"Hair up...I like."

"Oh? Normally you want it down all the time."

"Well you know when it's up, it gives me free range to do you know what." He grins.

She laughs.

"I see. That isn't happening until tomorrow night, you know that right?"

"I know, I know."

"No lovebites in our wedding photos." She shakes her finger at him.

"Not even if makeup can cover them up?"


"Oh darn."

"You'll survive." She remarks as she ties orange and black ribbons around her ponytail.

"I can try."

She laughs a little as she starts her makeup.

"That's a good color on you."

"Think so? I thought it was something different."

"Yes I do think so."

"Good to know."

"Then again you look good in any color."

"You'd think so." She says amusedly.

"Yes I would."



"Yes I know."

"All done." She says when she finishes her makeup.


"Like always."

"Yes." He kisses her cheek.

"So what else do you have planned for us today?" She asks.

"Something fun."


"You'll see."

"Always surprises."

"I like to see your face when I surprise you. Its fun."

"It is fun for me too."


"And that's planned for this morning, before the whole fitting thing this afternoon." He adds.


"I think you'll love what I picked out for this morning."

"I'm sure I will."

"We can leave when you feel up to it."

"In a few minutes." She says, walking into his arms and just cuddling there.

"Cuddle time first." She adds.

"Of course." He chuckles.

"You kind of were facing away from me this morning so I couldn't cuddle with you.

"I was? Oops. I'm sorry."

"It's ok."

"I'll make it up to you." He kisses her head.

"Of course you will."

She smiles and scratches his scruffy jaw lightly.

"This has become a new favorite thing of yours to do."

"Mmhmm. Its fun." She giggles.

"Of course it is."

"Don't let this scruffiness get too wild though."

"I'll try not to."


"Not gonna grow a full beard or anything. that'd be weird."

"Yes it would be. This amount of scruff is sexy."

"Good to know." He grins.

She laughs and kisses him lightly.

"Love you."

"Love you too."

"Ready now?"


They seperate and get what they need. They say bye to the moms and head out to the car. Once in the car, Justin pulls out and starts to drive to what he has planned.

"No hints?"

"Wouldn't be a surprise if I gave you hints."

I pout.

"Sorry. I want to keep it a surprise."

"I know I know. I can't help my curiosity. You know how I am."

"Yes, I know."

"Are we almost there at least?"

"I believe so."


"I think I can give you a hint that doesn't give away what we're exactly doing though now that I think about it."


"It's something I would do."

"Oh good."

"You'll see when we get there."


It's not too long after that when he pulls into the parking lot of the building.

"Indoor skydiving?" She asks after reading the sign.

"Safest form you could do."


"I thought it could be fun."


"You can do it alone or we can do it together."

"Maybe together first?" She asks hesitantly.

"Sure. Of course."

She sighs in relief.

"Don't worry. I would never let you do anything daredevil-like by yourself until you do it with me first."

"Thank you." She kisses his cheek.

"You're welcome."

They go in and Justin pays for their passes. They take them into a room where they give them some rules and some training. Justin can senses her nerves, so he wraps an arm around her and rubs her arm in re-assurement. She leans into him, resting one hand on his leg.

"You'll be fine."

"I know. Can't help being a bit nervous though."

"I know."

They give them jumpsuits to put on and then take them into the actual area where the thing is.

"I'm sure it's safe."

"I know that. Its just a little scary looking."

"I'll be in there with you."

She nods. He kisses her and puts his hand over where her tattoo is, rubbing it gently.

"Are you ready?"

"I think so."

"Alright, let's go."

They take them in and they get ready for the thing to turn on. A few seconds or so later, it does indeed turn on. She squeaks in surprise, squeezing Justin's hand. He looks down at their hands, then back up at her, giving her a reassuring smile. She nods and calms down, relaxing her grip. After getting used to it, she actually starts to have fun with it. Justin and her start trying out little tricks and such. Of course Justin is the one who goes all out with the tricks and everything. She laughs as I watch him. After some time inside, they shut it off and they're able to walk out.

"Oh my god. I can't believe we just did that." She hugs Justin.

"It was fun, wasn't it?"


"I told you."

"You did." She giggles.

"I'm glad you liked it."

She kisses his cheek before letting go so they can go take the suits off.

"Now since we have plenty of time left before we have to be back for our fittings, I was thinking the aquarium." He suggests.

"That sounds like fun." She agrees, smiling.

"After the fittings, how about the diamond museum?"


"I thought that'd be something you'd like."

"Yes. You know I love sparkly things."

"Yes, I know." He chuckles.

"Especially love my sparklies." She holds out her left hand and wiggles her fingers, making her wedding rings sparkle in the sun.

"I knew you would."

"You have good taste." She kisses him quickly.

"Why thank you."

"You're welcome." She giggles as he swoops in for another kiss.

"Now off to the aquarium."


They head back out to the car and get in and he heads off to the aquarium. She sings along with the radio while watching the scenery go by. In the meantime, Ted and I were at the arena, and since the show was starting soon, we headed out to the stage to wait for it to start officially, sitting in the chairs.

"The start of a long night." He remarks.

"17 hour flight after this."



"But it'll be worth it in the end."

"It will." I nod.

"Wonder what they've been up to."

"Probably all kinds of stuff and last minute wedding stuff. Your mom's probably got that covered of course."

"Of course."

"And then the next day we're flying 16 hours back home. Oh the time zones."

"I know." Ted makes a face.

The show soon starts like it normally does, without the pyro because we're on the stage.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome your NXT rookies."

"Johnny Curtis."

"Jacob Novak."

"Brodus Clay."

"Conor O'Brian."

"Byron Saxton."

"And Derrick Bateman."

"Rookies welcome. Would like to remind you that one of you will win NXT. One of you will become the WWE's next breakout star, and earn a championship match. As we go on week to week, we'll be having physical challenges that will give you points towards immunity. To update the standings right now, Jacob Novak has one immunity point."

"Nice!" Dolph comments.

"But he's not the one in the lead!" I comment back just for the heck of it, with an amused look on my face.

Ted snickers.

"Byron Saxton has one immunity point. And after last week's performance, Johnny Curtis has two immunity points. Now the physical challenges are worth two immunity points, and tonight's challenge is the wheelbarrow race. The concept is simple gentlemen. You take the wheelbarrow around the ring and cross the finish line. Whomever does this in the fastest time will earn two immunity points. Sounds pretty simple doesn't it? But you know what? This wheelbarrow's kind of light. I think we need to put something in the wheelbarrow. Maybe one of these little kids right here? Is there anything in the back that we can put in this wheelbarrow to make it a little more difficult for the rookies?"

And after just a few seconds. Swagger's eagle mascot comes out.

"Oh good lord, really?" I shake my head.

"It seems so."

"This oughta be interesting."

"Alright, how're you doing. Okay. Eagle, will you please get into the wheelbarrow? No the officials will help you. Rookies be careful, he is endangered. Careful of his frail, avian bones. Okay. Johnny Curtis, you are in the lead with two immunity points. Why don't you come down here and try to increase your lead. Alright, hang on. On your mark, get set, go!"

Johnny however goes before the whistle was blown.

"Restart Johnny. There are rules."



"Alright. On your mark, get set, go."

This time he goes on cue and when he makes it around and crosses the line, he gets a straight out 13 seconds.

"Okay, 13 seconds. Will that be lucky for Johnny Curtis? We will find out. Johnny get back in line. Okay Jacob Novak come on down. Jacob has one immunity point, let's see what he can do. Come on. Alright, on your mark, get set go."

He goes around, clips the side of the wheelbarrow against the steel ring post, and finishes with a time of 12.8 seconds.

"12.8 seconds. Novak is in the lead."

"Alright come on big Brodus Clay, let's go. Let's put a little more hop in our step big guy, what do you say? Hook up. On your mark, get set, go!"

By the time he gets across the finish line, he finishes with 13.8 seconds and the eagle falls out of the wheelbarrow when it tips over.


"He lost again."

"But he did better."

"And an added bonus, Swagger's eagle fell out out the wheelbarrow." I snicker.

"That too."

"Yes the eagle is okay. Guys back in line. Conor O'Brian come on down. You know how eagles feel about rats, but hurry on up, let's go."

"Come on rat, do something good." Del Rio comments, and then gives me a little flirty look since he was seated next to me.

I roll my eyes. I lean into Ted and he tightens his arm around my shoulders.

"I don't like sitting next to him." I mutter to Ted.

"We can switch places during the commercial."

"Okay good."

He kisses my head reassuringly.

Conor passes the line with a time of 12.7 seconds, being the new leader.

"Alright Byron Saxton, come on down."

"You're money baby! Show em'!" Chris comments.

"I dig the t-shirt."

"He's got this!"

"Here we go. No we don't have time to hold on let's go buddy."

"Stretch it out a little bit."

"We don't have time for this nonesense. A black glove. That's great. That worked great for Ted DiBiase and Michael Jackson. Okay on your mark, get set-"

"Is that a coal miner's glove?" Dolph laughs.


Byron passes the line with a time of 12.5 seconds.

"Did you check if that glove was loaded?" Dolph asks.

"Yes, Blackjack Mulligan wants his glove back."

"Loaded glove. Cheater." Dolph comments.

In the meantime, Derrick crosses the line with 12.5 seconds and Striker announces that he won.

"Did they just tie? They tied." Dolph simply states.

"There is a tie. The tie between Derrick Bateman..."

"Replay!" Daniel exclaims.

"...and Byron Saxton. So I guess we're gonna have a wheelbarrow-off or a playoff here in the great state of Texas. Byron let's go."

"That glove is illegal." Dolph yet again comments.

"Don't talk about his glove." Chris retorts.

Byron takes his 2nd chance, screaming as he goes around the ring.

"Hey Bateman, did you just throw the American flag on the ground?" Dolph asks, slightly amused.

Byron finishes with a time of 13.1, and there is some controversy over whether he crossed the line or not. The time counts.

"Are you just making this up as you go along?"

"Yeah pretty much. Derrick let's go."

"Come on, let's go Bateman!" Daniel cheers.



Derrick passes with a time of 12.0 seconds winning the challenge.

"You're a communist!" Dolph exclaims.

"No respect for the flag or the eagle." Ted adds.

"You're a flip flopper Bateman! You're a flip flopper! You'll never make it!" Dolph continues.

Once everything settled, and the other rookies went backstage, besides Curtis and Novak, because they were facing each other in a match up next, Ted gets up and we switch seats so that I don't have to sit next to Del Rio anymore.

"Better." I say, snuggling back up aganist Ted.

"Good." He nods, kissing me quick, but also making sure to let Del Rio see it so he knows he'll never have me.

Del Rio scowls. He then mutters things under his breath in Spanish and I just laugh to myself at the look on his face. Ted smirks and looks satisfied.

“Someone looks jealous.” I mumble to him.

"I know." Ted snickers.

The match soon starts and in place of Truth is JTG for Johnny Curtis tonight. But the coaching from JTG wasn't enough as in the end of the match, Novak won the match. I just make my comments on the match on the clipboard that we all had to make our notes and such.

“Well that was an average match. I was too distracted to even pay attention....” I give him a look, because he was the cause of the distraction.

Ted grins sheepishly.


"Can't help it."

“Of course not.”

"It's kind of boring right now, I have to occupy myself somehow."

"Best way to do that is to have fun with you."

“Like always.”


After two rookie introduction videos, there was backstage video of Daniel and Derrick. Where Daniel was teaching him some moves. Derrick of course was not paying attention and reading the book on the history of the WWE Championship.

"Okay when you're bridging, be sure to touch your nose to the mat."

"Yep, nose to the mat."

"Neck strength is really important in submission wrestling."

"And that's what the DBs are all about. Submission wrestling and trivia. Hey, did you know the 8th wonder of the world, Andre the giant was WWE champion for 100 seconds, yet he weighed 500 pounds? That's like 100 pounds a second."

"That's great. Really push your nose to the mat."

"Nose to the mat. Hey, WWE Champion with the shortest name. Three letters. Sid."

"Uh, what about JBL?"

"Hmm. Hey man, I'm just a rookie."

"Okay really push your nose to the mat."

"Did you know what Steve Blackman's favorite weapon is? Sticks."

"Is that in the book? Steve Blackman was never WWE Champion. Hey, is your nose to the mat?"

"Yeah nose to the mat."

Daniel then takes his foot and makes Derrick fall onto his back.

"I know why you did that. But tonight, I'm gonna win the hot seat trivia challenge. For you and that guy right over there."

The camera pans over to some random guy wearing a christmas elf hat, drinking coffee.

"Sweet bridge."

"Oookay then." I make a face.

"He's weird."

In the meantime, the rookies have made it down to the ring for the next challenge of the night, and the standings for points were updated. The challenge was a trivia challenge and it's worth one point.

"The first category, the Undertaker's opponents at WrestleMania. Johnny Curtis you have five seconds to name one, go."

"Superfly Snuka."

"Superfly Jimmy Snuka is correct. Jacob Novak?"

"WrestleMania 19, Big Show and A-Train."

"Is that correct? It's correct, even with the WrestleMania. Big Brodus Clay, what do you got?"

"Jake The Snake Roberts. You dig?"


"Shawn Michaels."

"San Antonio's own is correct. Byron Saxton."

"What is, The Big Bossman."

"What is? I think he means who is."

"Derrick Bateman."

"Who is Mark Henry."

"Correct. Alright sounds good to me. We're gonna move onto our second category. King of the Ring winners. Johnny Curtis, 5 seconds, who's one?"

"King Mable. Correct. Jacob Novak?"

"Stone Cold Steve Austin."

"Big Brodus Clay."

"The King of Harts, Owen Hart."

"Owen Hart is correct. Conor O'Brian I see the wheel spinning."

"Triple H."

"Of course The Game is correct. Byron Saxton."

"What is...Harley Race."

"Who is...dumbass." I mutter.

Ted shakes his head.

"Derrick Bateman?"

"Who is Mr. A-well Billy Gunn."

"I see what you did there. Billy Gunn is correct. You guys certainly know your WWE history. That's good. We're gonna stay with the King of the Ring. Another King of the Ring winner Johnny Curtis."

"William Regal."

"Correct. Jacob Novak."

"King Sheamus."

"Brodus Clay?"

"Big Daddy Cool, Diesel."

And instead of the ding, it's the buzzer, meaning he got it wrong.


"That is incorrect. Brodus Clay return to the back."

“The first eliminated.” I sigh, tilting my head back.


"Conor O'Brian we have a new category for you. Cities that have hosted WrestleMania!"

"Haha Pee Wee Herman."

"Pee Wee Herman is not a city...goodbye."


“And rats are supposed to be smart..psh.”

"I know."

"You gotta go to the back now. Byron Saxton, a city that has hosted Wrestlemania."

"Matthew Anaheim, California."

"That is correct. Derrick Bateman, what do you got?"

"Houston, the great state of Texas!"

"Houston Texas is correct. Alright, staying with the category. Cities that have hosted WrestleMania John."

"Boston, Massachusetts."

"Jacob Novak?"

"The Emerald City, Seattle."

"Byron Saxton?"

"Orlando, Florida."


"New York, New York."

"Okay, we're gonna stay with this category. Cities that have hosted WrestleMania, Johnny Curtis."

"The uh...hmmm let me think here."

"Five seconds."

But sadly the buzzer sounds.

"Another one down."

"A new category. Name a 2010 WWE Pay-Per-View. Jacob go."

"Tables, Ladders and Chairs."

"TLC of course is correct. Byron?"

"Summerslam Matthew."

"SummerSlam Matthew. Derrick?"

"Survivor Series."

"Survivor Series. Jacob?"

"Bragging Rights."


"Matthew, Hell In the Cell."


"How about a little bit of WrestleMania."


"The Royal Rumble."


"Matthew, Survivor Series."

"Survivor Series has been said already."

“Fail.” I sing.

"Wah wahhh."

"Byron. You've been eliminated. Of course I did. I said it at the top. You cannot repeat an answer. New category. I'm sorry Byron. Goodbye. Alright new category. Gentlemen, WWE Champions. Jacob."

"Hulk Hogan."

"Texas' own Stone Cold Steve Austin."

"San Antonio's own Shawn Michaels."

"Miami's own the Rock."

"Your current champion, The Miz."


"Okay, keep going. WWE champions."

The buzzer sounds, meaning Jacob was too slow, and he answers John Cena anyway.

"You did not make it in time. Pandering to the crowd cost you. I can't believe you couldn't pick it up in five seconds. That leaves only one. Derrick Bateman has earned another immunity point. A clean sweep."

Ted motions to me to follow him to the back because our tag team match with Brodus is coming up next. I nod and link hands with him after getting up. Since Ted was already set to go, all I had to do was get ready. It doesn't take me too long and once I'm ready, I walk back out to him.

"That sight never gets old." He grins.

"Of course it doesn't."

He chuckles and kisses me.

“Only thing about the match, we don’t know who the other diva’s gonna be.”

"Ugh, watch it be someone I can't stand." I make a face.

"Maybe, maybe not. We'll find out."


I lace my fingers with his and we head to the curtain to wait. While waiting, Ted puts his arms around me.

“Cuddly...always cuddly.”


“Just think though. After this we get on that plane.” He adds.

"Thank goodness."

As soon as they play Ted's music we all walk out. Ted lets me go as soon as we reach the ring and I get into the ring first, followed by him and Brodus. Once we were set in the ring, Chris and Byron come out first. They stop at the ring and the partner of them turns out to be Natalya.

"Yay a decent opponent." I say in relief.

"You so got this." Ted nods.

We discuss who's going first and since Nattie was in the ring and Byron and Chris and were out, that means she and I would start off.

“I got this.”

Ted gives me a kiss.

"Love you."

"Love you too."

Of course that causes a distraction and when I turn around, I get hit with a clothesline. She pulls me away from my corner and goes for an early pin, but I kick out. She helps me up and grabs me around the waist, tightening her grip. I try my best to pry her hands off, but seeing as he grip was so tight I couldn't. So I do the only thing I can do, get to the ropes. I hold on and send Natalya back onto the apron, but she kicks up and pulls me away from the ropes and drops me, going for the Sharpshooter.

"No no!" I scream repeatedly, struggling until I grab onto the bottom rope.

I decide I've had enough for now and get up, immediately tagging Brodus in. He comes in and Byron comes in. Brodus basically manhandles him. He gets knocked out of the ring and Brodus goes out and gets him, bringing him back in. He then proceeds to tag Ted in and he drops knees to Byron's face. He goes for the cover, but Byron kicks out. Ted then gets him in a side headlock on the apron. And with the fan's encouragement, Byron gets to his feet and out of the hold, ramming Ted into his corner where Chris tags himself in. Chris chops Ted in the chest a few times, before having him go off the ropes and gets knocked down. Ted is covered, but he kicks out. Chris hits him with more chops, but Ted comes back and fires back and tags Brodus in and Brodus manhandles Chris like he did Brodus. That is until he gets hit with chops and kicks and Byron is tagged in and he takes control...for a short time and gets manhandled yet again. Brodus covers him and Byron kicks out. Against the ropes he goes and Byron knees Brodus a few times, until he hits him and he tumbles and leans against the ropes for support. Ted tags himself in and hits a standing dropkick to Byron. He covers him, but Byron kicks out. Ted then gets him in a chinlock and Byron struggles and gets to his feet, getting out of the hold. Ted goes for a swing, but Byron ducks and leaps over, tagging Chris in. Chris hits Ted with chops again and against the ropes he's sent and hits him with a shoulderblock. Against the ropes again and Ted's hit with a powerslam. He goes for the cover and Ted kicks out. More chops and Ted stumbles into the corner. Ted reverses a move and goes for Dream Street, but Chris counters and hits Ted with a Spinebuster. He then signals for the Master Lock. Brodus tries to get involved, but gets taken out by Chris. Chris turns around to get hit with a standing dropkick from Ted. He gets him in the ropes and uses them to his advantage.

Ted backs up and the ref's distracted so Brodus gets involved. Ted grabs Chris by the legs and then falls back, Chris' throat hitting the bottom rope. Back into the corner and the ref is distracted yet again and both Brodus and myself get involved, taking cheap shots. Ted comes back over, only to get kicked and chopped. Chris hits Brodus with a cheap shot and then goes after Ted, but Ted ducks and hits Chris with a backbreaker across his knee. He goes for the cover, but Chris kicks out. Ted gets him in a headlock but with the help of the fans, Chris gets up and out of the hold. But then having the same idea, both Chris and Ted hit each other with a clothesline. Chris goes over and tags Byron in and Ted's closer to me so I tag in. It has to be me vs Natalya, but Byron doesn't get out of the ring. He tries one tactic and that's flirting. I give him a look and slap him across the face. The next thing I know, I'm being taken down by Natalya and we fight and roll out of the ring and we continue the cat fight outside the ring. Chris comes over and Ted comes over and they break both of us up, pulling us away from each other. In the ring, it's Brodus vs Byron and when it seems that it's going to be Brodus who wins, Byron moves and covers Brodus after he comes crashing down and he gets the win. Ted grumbles.

"Damn it." I mumble.

"I know." Ted mutters.

"Way to end the night on a positive note." I sigh.

"At least its over now."

"And now we can go get ready to leave. I can't wait to leave."

"Me either."

"Let's go." He adds.

I nod and follow him back up the ramp. In the meantime, Riss and Justin have finished with the aquarium and started to head back to the house so they both could get the last fittings done. She rests her head against Justin's shoulder as he drives.

"Wish I could see the dress."

"Oh you'll see it. Tomorrow." She giggles.

"I know, but that's still a long time away."

"You'll live."

"I can try."

She laughs and kisses his cheek.

"As long as you do that."

"Mmm I'd do more but you're driving."

"Right right."

"You can have more affection to help you once we get to the house."


She squeezes his hand and kisses his ear. Soon they pull up to the house. They get out and head inside. They stop in the hall and before he lets everyone know they're home, she grabs his shirt and pulls him into a kiss. Before he could have time to respond, she pulls away with a smirk on her face. She lets go of his shirt.

"We're home!" She says loudly.

Justin whines.

"That was so not fair baby." He sulks.

"It'll get you through the fitting."

"Make it harder actually."

"Still not fair."

She giggles as Melanie comes out.

"Ready for the fitting?"

"Mmhmm." She smiles.

"Going to have to steal her for a bit." She says to Justin.

"I know." He makes a face.

"Have fun." She tells him.

"Yeah yeah." He sticks his tongue out at her.

She laughs and follows Melanie.

"Love you!" She calls as she walks away from him.

"Love you too!"

Once she's out of sight, he too walks farther into the house to go where he's going to have his tux fitting. Melanie closes the door of the room they're using. Lauren is sitting in a chair, waiting to see the dress. Riss takes off her clothes as Melanie gets her dress ready.

"What is that on your neck?" Lauren asks.

"I got a tattoo of angel wings." She explains, turning to the moms can see.

"It's really beautiful."

"Thank you. It was inspired by Jussi's Angel gimmick from FCW."


"The angel wings are him and then blue and purple are our favorite colors." She adds as she steps into the dress.

"How sweet."

She blushes and smiles.

"The dress however is amazing."

Melanie taps her shoulder to let her know she's zipped and she does a small spin.

"Fits okay still?"

"It fits great."

"That's good."

"Can't believe its tomorrow."

"Oh I know."

"I can't wait to see everything though."

"It's going to be absolutely amazing."

"I know." She smiles.

"And this dress is perfect."

"Yes it is."

"Justin's going to love it."

"I could wear anything and he'd be happy." She remarks as she takes the dress off.

"Of course."

"That's called having a good man sweetheart. One who loves you no matter what you look like or wear." Melanie says.

All Riss does is nod and smile. She gets her clothes back on.

"I wonder if he's done yet."

"Would you like me to go check?" Lauren asks.

"That would be great, thank you."

"You're very welcome."

She goes to check on Justin.

"I wonder if Air and Marvin are on a plane yet."

"Maybe." Melanie laughs a little at her nickname for Ted.

"Most likely won't be here until tomorrow."

"Oh I know. Long flight."


Lauren pokes her head into the room.

"He's done dear."

"Oh good. Thank you."

"You're welcome."

Melanie and her walk out. She goes to find Justin.

"Jussi..." She sings when she finds him.

He turns around and grins at her.

"So how'd it go?" He asks.

"Perfect fit?" She smiles.

"You?" She asks.

"A button or two had to be fixed but other than that, great."


"Now what are we doing?" She asks him as he pulls her into his arms.

"Remember the diamond museum?"

"Ohh, right." She says, giggling softly as he rubs his nose against hers in an eskimo kiss.

"I already booked us for a tour. Not only will we see diamonds, but we'll learn the history of course."

"Sounds like fun."

"Sparkly stuff." He chuckles.

"Yes." She laughs.

"So, shall we?"

"Sure." She agrees, brushing her lips against his.

She then pulls away and goes to get her purse. Once she gets it, she comes back to Justin who has the car keys.

"Tease." He pouts, taking about not only the kiss from before but the light one she just gave him.

"You love it."

"Its unfairrrrrr."

"Anything more and you'll go crazy. That's for tomorrow night."

Justin sulks.

"Oh stop." She scolds.


She heads outside with him in tow. They get in the car and drive off. She watches out the window, rubbing her wrists absentmindedly.

"Hurting again?"


"Don't have anything for it?"

She shakes her head.

"Want to stop somewhere to get something for the itch?"

She thinks about it and nods.

"Always looking out for you."

"I know."

Before heading to the museum, he makes sure to stop by a store so she can get the itch relief stuff. She applies the cream as he's driving and by the time they reach the museum, the itching has stopped.

"Much better."


Soon they arrive at the museum. He finds a place to park and then they head inside. First they learn about the history, which is along a portion of the wall. It's fairly interesting so they pay attention. After all of the history, they get to where the diamonds are displayed. She straightens up.


Justin chuckles. She smacks his chest lightly.

"It's cute."

"You think its funny."

"It's funny and cute."

She sticks her tongue out at him.

"If I could, I would get you one of these diamonds."

"I bet you would."

"You deserve it."

"You're sweet." She kisses his cheek.

"I know."

"The diamonds you get me are more than enough."

"Of course." He nods.

"Especially these." She wiggles her left hand.

He grins.

"Yes, especially those."

She giggles and kisses him gently. Then they continue to walk along to see the different diamonds.

"So many kinds."

"I know."

"Its crazy. But they're all pretty."

"They are. Just like you."

She blushes.

"And it's true."

"You love making me blush."

"Yes, yes I do."



He kisses her red cheek. She laughs softly.

"Still cute."

He keeps teasing her and by the end of the tour, her cheeks are really red.

"Still so cute." He grins.

"Stop it." She swats him.

"I'm just being a charmer."

"Too much."

"There's no such thing of being too much of a charmer."

"Jussiiiiiiii." She whines.

"Okay okay, I'll stop."

"Thank you."

"Anything for you."

She kisses his cheek.

"So I'm thinking we head back home for the day until dinner."

"Okay." She agrees.

"Maybe a nap or something."

"Cuddle time at least." She remarks, snuggling into him.


They thank the guide and leave the museum, headed for the house. When they get back to the house, they walk inside, greet the moms, and then head upstairs. Inside their room, they kick off their shoes. She sets her purse down and stretches. After she stretches, Justin comes up and wraps his arms around her frmo behind and rests his chin on her shoulder. She leans back into him and nuzzles his cheek.

"Love you."

"Love you too."

She kisses his jaw and giggles as she gets tickled by his scruff. Next thing she knows, she's being picked up. She squeals and latches onto him. Then he places her on the bed, and he climbs onto it next to her. She pulls him down onto her. He catches himself on his forearms, their faces just inches apart.

"Well so much for cuddling." He chuckles.

"I can't take not kissing you like I really want to. I know we can't go as far as we want to since its your mom's house and we're waiting until tomorrow night..." She says, looking away bashfully.

"...but it's addicting." He finishes for her with a grin.

She blushes.

"Trust me. It's killing me as much as it's killing you."

"I know." She says softly.

Since it doesn't seem like he's going to kiss her like she wants him to, she gently pushes on his chest to make him move. He does so, going back to laying next to her. She rolls onto her stomach and lays her head on her arms.

"You're not happy." He sighs.

She shrugs.

"I know you're not."

"Yeah and?"

"I'm sorry."

"A little early to apologize if you don't know why." She says calmly.

"You're upset because of me, that's why I'm apologizing."


Then everything becomes quiet, neither her or him saying anything. She gets up and walks to the bathroom. She closes the door most of the way before going to turn the bath water on. Justin contemplates getting up and going into the bathroom, and after a bit, he decides to just stay in the bedroom, giving her alone time. She takes her clothes off, puts her hair up, and gets into the tub. She shuts the water off with her foot and sighs. He realizes that just laying there isn't the best thing to do, he should go in and talk to her. She sees the door move out of the corner of her eye but doesn't acknowledge it.

"Is it alright for me to come in?"

"I didn't shut the door did I?"

"No, but I felt I should ask anyway."


She picks up a wash cloth and gets it wet.

"Want help?"

"Not now."

She picks up some body wash and puts it on the wash cloth. She gets a lather going and starts running the cloth over her legs. She knows that will get to him, hence why she starts there. It does start to get to him, but he tries to hide it. She rinses off her legs one by one, going slowly. And that starts to kill him even more. Then she uses the cloth on her arms and chest, subtly watching his reaction with inner amusement.

"You...are killing me..."

She dips down to rinse off.

"Oh, that's too bad."

"Are you sure you don't need any help?"


"I love you too."

"And no, the pout isn't working this time."


"It always works though."

"Not this time."


"Too bad." She shrugs, continuing to wash up.

He falls quiet and just looks on. She finishes that and rinses the soap out of the cloth. Once she was done, she just relaxes in the water. She stretches a bit to tease him.

"I don't know how much more I can take..."

"And?" She raises an eyebrow.

"And...I wanna do something about it."

"And?" She repeats as he moves closer to the tub.

"The wait is torture."

"I see."

"I can't wait anymore."

"What are you gonna do hmm?"

"I think you know."

She looks up at him innocently.

"Do I?"

"You do."

"I don't think I do."

He reaches the tub and moves down to her level, sitting next to the tub.




All he does is grin and then he presses his lips to hers. She slowly responds, moving closer to the edge of the tub. He smirks against her lips and cups her face in his hands. She reaches out and grabs his shirt with both hands. She pulls him close, water seeping through his shirt from her wet hands.

"Mmm..." He pulls away for a moment. "...maybe the shirt should come off?"

She lets go so he can take it off.

"What about everything else so I can join you?"

She nods, leaning on the edge of the tub. He stands back up and shuts the bathroom door, locking it before walking back over and removing the rest of his clothes and climbing into the tub with her. She turns around and straddles his lap, resting her hands on his chest.

"I'm sorry for earlier."

"It's okay. I shouldn't have been so emotional about it."

"That's okay, it's understandable."

"Its just been an emotional few days. With all the work drama and then the wedding..." She adds.

"I know."

"I'm sorry for overreacting." She says softly, looking down.

"It's alright. I still love you no matter what."

He tilts her head back up and pulls her in, kissing her again. She then proceeds to wrap her arms around his neck and holds him closer as she kisses back. the heat and intensity of the kiss goes up fairly fast, hands starting to wander a bit. Of course that's as far as it really gets until tomorrow anyway. After a bit the water cools and she shivers in his arms.

"I think it's time we got out."

She catches her breath after he pulls away to speak. She nods and moves off his lap.

"Let me get a towel for you before you get out." He says, getting out of the tub.

She pulls the drain on the tub and steps out, letting Justin wrap a large fluffy towel around her.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome." He smiles, kissing her cheek, before wrapping a towel around himself.

She unlocks the door and opens it, going into the bedroom. She stops by their bags and picks out some underthings first. Justin follows soon after, looking on as she chooses. She dries herself and puts them on before hanging the towel in the bathroom.

"Not getting dressed?" She asks.

"I'm watching you right now."

She laughs softly. "Your second favorite thing to do."


She walks back to the bags and looks for something to wear. Once she finds something, she starts to get dressed. She puts on a long sleeved, black dress that ends just above the knee and has a cut out shape on the upper chest. She rummages and picks out a pair of tights to wear. She sits down on the bed to put them on.

"Want help?"

"I can get it. You just want to be touchy."

"Can you blame me?"


"Thought so." He chuckles. "I shall get dressed then."

"You should."

"I know you'll be watching." He smirks.

"Gee, whatever gave you that idea." She says dryly, looking amused.

All he does is smirk and goes over to his things to find something to wear. She finishes getting her tights on and she leans back on her hands, content to watch him dress.

"Would you like to help a little bit?" He gives her a look.

She giggles and slides off the bed. She walks over to him and helps him.

"Why thank you." He says once she's done helping him.

"You're very welcome." She kisses his cheek.

Then she puts on her shoes before going into the bathroom to do her hair and makeup. He too goes into the bathroom so that he can fix his hair. She curls her hair and puts on a headband. She does her makeup and puts on some different jewelry.


She gives him a soft kiss, leaving a hint of strawberry cupcake lip gloss.



"Love it."

"I figured as much."

"Always do."

"I know."

"Might have to take that with us to dinner."

She laughs.

"I knew I would have to."

"Of course."

"Ready lover?" She asks.


They leave the bathroom. Justin gathers what they need from the bedroom before they head downstairs. Before they leave, they tell the moms where they're going.

"We're going out to dinner."

"Have fun you two. You look good."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

"You have fun."

"We will."

Then they leave and go over to the car, getting inside. Justin drives them to where they're having dinner.

"I know you're gonna love this place I'm taking you to."

"You always have good taste."

"Always will."

"Of course."

"Where we're going, you can reserve private areas. Because they have three smaller rooms which proved a much quieter space than the upstairs dining area. I've done exactly that."

"Aww. That sounds perfect."

"I thought it would be." He smiles.

She squeezes his hand and smiles at him.

"Only the best for you."

"So you always tell me."

"Because you deserve the best."

"So do you."

He leans over and kisses her cheek. She nuzzles his in return. Soon they pull up to the restaurant. He gets out first and comes over to her side, opening her door for her. She gives him a brief kiss as a thank you. She gets out and he shuts the door before taking her hand. Her and Justin walk inside and he gives the name he set the reservation under and they're led to one of the three private roomes on the bottom floor.

"Oh wow. This is amazing." She says once they go into the elegantly decorated room.

"Isn't it?"

She nods, looking around. she lets Justin pull her along as he follows the waitress. They reach the table and they sit, being handed the menus. They order their drinks.

"You've got an admirer." She says softly as she looks at the menu.

"I do?"

"The waitress."

"Well isn't that cute."

She rolls her eyes lightly.

"She can keep dreaming though."

He gives Riss a smile and she can't help smiling in return. Then they look over the menus for what they want to eat. They make their choices and soon the waitress comes back. She takes their food orders and the menus before leaving to get the food orders filled.

"Must not have noticed the rings." Riss remarks since the waitress did try to subtly flirt with Justin.


He grabs her left hand and promptly starts playing with her rings. She laughs and watches with amusement.

"Remember when we first started flirting with each other?" He grins.

She laughs.

"You started first."

"I wanted to make the first move."

"I'm glad you did."

"So am I."

"Those were the days. You following me around and flirting like crazy." She giggles.

"Like a lost puppy." She giggles.

"Wasn't lost. I was right where I wanted to be." He chuckles.

"Sure you were."

"Honest." Justin grins.

"And you still are."

"Definitely." He agrees.

"Couldn't be happier."

"Me either." She smiles.

After a bit, the waitress comes back with their food, setting the plates down in front of them both, before walking out.

"Think she say that time." She laughs.

"I thought she did." He chuckles.

"Oh well. She shouldn't be flirting with every good-looking guy that comes in here." She shrugs.

"Very true."

She gently pulls her hand from his so they can start eating. While they eat, they talk occasionally and steal bits of each other's food. From time to time, she runs her foot up his leg. After a while, they finish their food. They wait for the waitress to come back so she can give them the bill. Riss gets up and walks over to Justin, sitting on his lap.


"Mmhmm." She giggles as he kisses along her jawline, his facial hair tickling her.

"Love you." He says once, before repeating it.

"Love you too."

"Tickles." She says about his scruff.

"I know." He chuckles.

"I'm not stopping either." He adds, as he continues to press kisses everywhere.

She keeps giggling, trying to lean away.

"No, don't lean away."

"But it tickles."

"That's what makes it fun."

"For you."


"Here comes the waitress." I tell him after I see her enter the room.

"And you're staying put."

"I wasn't planning on going anywhere."


She walks up and her mood sours even more upon seeing Riss sitting in Justin's lap. She's barely polite as Justin pays for their dinner. She takes the bill with the money and leaves the room. Once she's gone, Riss moves from his lap and stands, taking his hand and lacing her fingers with his, before they too leave the room.

"Next time let's hope for a different waiter. She was kind of rude."

"Once she saw us all loving and such to each other."


"But yeah, we can only hope we get someone new next time."

She nods, letting him lead as they leave.

"Today was great. Tomorrow's gonna greater." He states as they go back out to the car and get in.

"For sure." She smiles.

"Can't wait."

"Me either."

After getting into the car, they keep their fingers laced as he drives off, heading back home.

"Any other surprises tonight?" She asks as they pull into the driveway.

"No, that's about it."


"What about you? I know you like surprising me with the outfits you wear to bed." He smirks.

She laughs.

"You'll have to wait and see now won't you."

"I guess I will."

He gives her a look and she just laughs again. Then they exit the car and head into the house.

"How was dinner?" Lauren asks as they pass the living room.

"It was good." Riss says, Justin and her stopping by the doorway.

"He reserved a seperate room for us so it was much more quiet for us."

"Oh that's nice." She smiles at Justin.

"She does deserve the best afterall." He grins.


"Always being sweet." She remarks.

She raises up and kisses his cheek, earning another round of 'awww's from the moms.

"So cute."

"Well I think we're going to head upstairs." She says.

"Alright. Well make sure you get plenty of sleep."

"We will. Goodnight."

"Goodnight." They say, and both her and Justin head up to the bedroom.

They kick off their shoes and go about their normal bedtime routine.

"So surprising me or is that being saved for tomorrow night?" Justin asks.

"I think tomorrow because neither of us have the strength to control ourselves if I wear something special."


"It'ss hard enough as it is right now."

"Right right."

She picks something more sensible to wear for bed and gets changed. Justin does the same and climbs into bed after. She goes and takes off her makeup and jewelry and such before sliding into bed. Almost immediately, he wraps his arms around her and pulls her close. She snuggles in and gets comfy.

"Mmm, love you Jussi."

"Love you too Rissa."

It doesn't take too long before they both fall asleep.